
The Josiah Manifesto by Jonathan Cahn

The Josiah Manifesto by Jonathan Cahn by TBN

An End-Times Scenario!

In light of the sobering truths Scripture reveals about the end times, could a blueprint exist showing what you need to know to stand and prevail in the days ahead? In his latest blockbuster book, The Josiah Manifesto: The Ancient Mystery & Guide for the End Times, New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Cahn opens up the stunning mysteries behind world-changing events of recent times and a hidden message about what lies ahead.

Could a 3,000 year-old calendar of appointed days provide the secret to one of the most dramatic years we all lived through? What does the future hold for us? Is America — and the world — heading for calamity? Is it possible to change history and restore hope? The Josiah Manifesto will guide you on an unforgettable prophetic journey to uncover the ancient mysteries behind events that have altered our lives, and to show how these mysteries could give you important keys to prevail in the challenging days ahead.

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