Foundation Partners

Together We Can Reach Future Generations With God’s Love

“‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of hosts.” — Zechariah 4:6 (NKJV)


As a TBN Foundation Partner, you are a vital part of a mission that transcends mere human effort. For over fifty years, TBN has been pioneering the spread of God's love through innovative projects – from stations and towers to cutting-edge studios and facilities. But our foundation isn't built solely on bricks and mortar; it's built on faith.

By being a TBN Foundation Partner, you are not just investing in infrastructure; you're investing in eternal impact. Your support fuels our ability to reach future generations with the transformative message of Jesus Christ. Together, let's build a legacy that's built to last – not by our might, but by His Spirit.

Dallas-Fort Worth, TX

DFW - Foundation Partners 1
DFW - Foundation Partners

For nearly 35 years, the TBN production facility in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas has created some of Christian television’s most memorable and life-changing content. Now we’re expanding our facilities with cutting-edge production studios in the heart of the Dallas-Fort Worth telecommunications hub — all to reach individuals, families and nations with the message of hope and grace for generations.

Our new Dallas-Fort Worth facility will soon capture some of TBN’s most popular programs, like Better Together, Praise, and more! It will have multiple studios and enough space and technology to produce TBN series, specials, big-screen documentaries, and other programming.

Now we’re in the home stretch, and with your prayers and financial support, we can complete phase one of this epic project. Will you join us as we spread the message of hope and grace through Jesus to a hurting world?


Israel - Foundation Partners
Israel - Foundation Partners

On the Sea of Galilee in Capernaum, where Jesus performed many of His miracles, we’re constructing a truly special studio and production facility—and a beautiful new hotel.

This picturesque site will enable your TBN to continue blessing Israel, while meeting the needs of the many individuals who travel from around the world for tours of the Holy Land.




As a valued TBN Foundation Partner, your impact reaches across the globe. In Poland, South Africa, Italy, Israel, and Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, TBN's expansion is made possible through strategically positioned production facilities, facilitating the creation of groundbreaking content tailored to captivate new generations of viewers.

Your support is vital in this endeavor. While TBN has already led countless souls to Christ over the years, there remain billions worldwide awaiting the message of hope and healing. Television, once the primary medium for broadcasting, has yielded ground to the Internet in many regions, reaching audiences in ways previously unimaginable.

That’s right! The Internet allows anyone on earth who has a computer, smartphone, iPad, tablet, or other digital device to view TBN’s life-changing programming virtually anywhere. Millions are already being impacted by TBN content through TBN+, as well as through platforms like Roku, Fire, Apple TV, and social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Your partnership fuels this global outreach, ensuring that the message of faith reaches hearts far and wide.



South Africa - Foundation Partners

TBN - South Africa

With a population of over 1.4 billion people, Africa has been a major gospel focus of TBN for almost 40 years. Today we reach hundreds of millions of viewers across the continent through two networks, TBN Africa and TBN Yetu. And with our new production and office headquarters under construction near Johannesburg, South Africa, we’ll reach untold millions more with the love of Jesus in the decades to come.


Poland - Foundation Partners

TBN - Poland

Across the nation of Poland the light of God’s love is shining brightly through TBN Polska, which reaches nearly 40 million individuals throughout the country with culturally relevant Christian programming. Now we’re expanding into new offices and studios that will enable TBN Polska to produce and air a wide variety of programming and digital content for the many new viewers who are discovering this life-changing network.


Italy - Foundation Partners

TBN - Rome, Italy

One of the crown jewels of our international outreach—TBN’s Italian network— has been broadcasting the love of Jesus in Italy since 1985. It now reaches over 90 percent of the nation with life-giving Christian television. But there’s more! We’re presently constructing new sets and studios to produce a wide variety of TBN programs and specials that will touch viewers across the earth for many more decades.


As a TBN Foundation Partner, you are at the forefront of our mission’s success. Through your prayer and financial support TBN is poised to use each of these new state-of-the-art production facilities to create content that will literally fill every broadcast platform across the earth with the message of God’s love.

Friend, we invite you to prayerfully consider becoming a TBN Foundation Partner as we continue to work on these pivotal studio projects. Your partnership is the cornerstone of TBN's ongoing mission to help people around the world find and know the love of Christ.

Thank you for standing with us as we unite in our shared endeavor to blanket the earth with the hope and grace of God. Together, we are catalysts for change, spreading God's light and love across every corner of the globe.