
The Faith Bundle

Standing Strong and Jesus, Our Perfect Hope Devotional by Charles Stanley, Overcomer by David Jeremiah, Power of Thank You by Joyce Meyer on TBN

Standing Firm in Your Faith

It’s no secret that faith is a central element in our Christian walk. The apostle Paul exhorts us as followers of Jesus to “walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7) and to “stand firm” in our faith (1 Corinthians 16:13). As a help to you in your daily walk of faith we are excited to offer you the following faith-building resources from some of TBN’s most popular and respected Bible teachers:

Standing Strong. What you believe is central to how you walk out your faith each day. In this powerful study, Pastor Charles Stanley takes you to God’s Word to address some fundamental issues that will help you stand strong in God’s promises.

Jesus, Our Perfect Hope. More than ever people need hope, and Jesus is the one true source of hope that never fails. In his classic, one-year devotional Dr. Charles Stanley offers daily truth and wisdom from Scripture that will help you seek Jesus first and embrace the joy and peace of resting in Him.

Overcomer. Dr. David Jeremiah shares deep insights from Ephesians 6 on the armor of God, exploring the relevance of spiritual armor as a resource you need each day as you confront the specific challenges in your daily life.

The Power of Thank You. Because God is good all the time, it is important for you to embrace an attitude of thankfulness. Joyce Meyer shares inspiring stories and guidance from Scripture to help you recognize God’s presence in every aspect of your life and His desire to give you His best each day.

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