
The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn

The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn on TBN

Discover the ancient mysteries of God and the hidden keys to open the doors of joy and fulfillment...

The Book of Mysteries takes readers on a journey of divine revelation through ancient scriptures, the laws of creation, the deep of God's Word, the hidden streams of history, the most important keys of spiritual truth, end-time mysteries, and the secrets of life. You'll go on an exploration of deep spiritual themes as you're engrossed in the story of the traveler and his eye-opening journey with a mysterious man known only as 'the teacher.' The traveler keeps a journal of the mysteries given to him by the teacher—365 different mysteries—one for each day of the year, also making this the most unique daily devotional ever.

For your gift of support:   TBN wants to bless you with The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn to usher you into some of the most relevant spiritual truths for our times. The suggested donation amount for this offer is twenty-five dollars ($25.00), but we will be happy to send the book to you for a contribution of any amount in appreciation of your support of TBN.  

Please use the form to submit your donation and we'll send you this powerful resource with our sincere thanks for helping us save lives with the Gospel of Jesus through Christian broadcasting.

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