In the forty-nine years since TBN first went on the air back in 1973, one short, heartfelt phrase has been front and center in our communication to the many individuals like you who stand with this outreach. That simple phrase is: Thank You!
And while our gratitude has been expressed in many different ways over the years, this month we want to say thanks for your prayer and support in a special way. A few years back, Laurie and I were deeply impacted by a book titled The Blessed Life, written by our friend and pastor Robert Morris. In that book Pastor Robert relates how early in their life together, he and his wife Debbie were led by God to begin sowing generously into the lives of others, and how that opened up some incredible opportunities to impact individuals and families with the love of Jesus.
Recently Laurie and I sat down with Pastor Robert to talk more about that kind of giving. While there has been an emphasis in some Christian sectors on “giving to get,” he explained that what Scripture actually teaches about God’s heart of generosity is some thing different. “We don’t give to get,” he explained. “We get to give.” The bottom line is this, he said: “God wants to prosper us, but for the right reason — so that we can be a blessing to others.”
With this impacting truth deeply embedded in our hearts, Laurie and I want to let you know that this month 100 percent of the gift you give in support of TBN’s glob- al outreach will be used for that exact purpose: to send the love of Jesus to people around the world. And in response we give our heart- felt “Thank You” for your contin- ued commitment to stand with us in prayer and financial partnership as together we broadcast the message of God’s hope and grace to the nations.
But it’s more than just our thank you. The gift you receive this month as you stand with TBN is the blessing of knowing that across the earth there are individuals who are re- ceiving the gift of salvation through Jesus — all because of your committed support to TBN. And one day in eter- nity, we’re convinced, there will be individuals approaching you in heaven to say, “I’m here because you cared, and you gave . . . .”
As always, thank you, dear friend. We love and appreciate you.
Matt and Laurie

Mike Rowe joins Matt Crouch for unique backstories on people and topics we thought we knew all about. Each show includes feature film-quality recreations of Mike’s famously unforgettable narratives, along with conversations that will entertain, inspire — and make you take a closer look at your world. Don’t miss the special preview of The Story Behind the Story on TBN’s Praise April 26th @ 8p ET.

Better Together is taking an entire week to celebrate moms ahead of Mother’s Day on May 8th! Join host Laurie Crouch, along with Jeannie Munsey, Toni Collier, CeCe Winans, and Amie Dockery for some powerful conversations on how moms can thrive in their hectic, busy world.
Better Together Honors Moms
Tune in for a Better Together special just for moms, as Laurie and friends talk about parenting, identity, how to choose joy, and a whole lot more!
Airs May 2-6 @ 1:30/12:30p CT

TBN is covering every inhabited continent with over thirty powerful networks dedicated to shar- ing the good news of Jesus. From North and South America, to Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and the Pacific nations, every day TBN reaches a potential audience of billions of spiritually hungry and searching people. Check out some of TBN’s most popular networks on the air around the world at tbn.org/about/networks.

As an expression of our thanks for the partnership and support of individuals like you, 100 percent of the gift you give this month will go to TBN’s mission of taking the gospel to the world.
The message of God’s love to the nations is being sent out to an extent never dreamed of when TBN first went on the air nearly fifty years ago. From over-the-air, cable, and satellite broadcast, to online, digital, and social media platforms, more individuals than ever are coming to faith in Christ and being strengthened in their daily walk—all because of your support of TBN.
This month, in place of sending a book or other token of appre- ciation as we have done through the years, we want to say “thank you” from our hearts for your financial support, your prayer, and for standing with TBN as “media missionaries” taking God’s incom- parable message of love, hope, and grace to multiplied millions across the earth. Thank you for standing with us!