Touching Lives is the international broadcast ministry of Dr. James Merritt.
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Touching Lives with James Merritt | James Merritt - Over And Above | December 29, 2024
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- ♪♪♪
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- Male announcer: welcome to the international broadcast ministry
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- Of "touching lives with dr. james merritt."
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- Here at touching lives, our mission is to touch the lives of
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- The lost and enrich the faith of the found.
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- And now, here is pastor, author, and speaker, dr. james merritt.
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- ♪♪♪
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- James merritt: all over this country, and you probably work
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- With some of these people and you may not know it, but all
- 00:00:29.179 --> 00:00:31.881
- Over this country there are people who they moved here from
- 00:00:31.881 --> 00:00:35.151
- Other parts of the world to work here.
- 00:00:35.151 --> 00:00:37.954
- They're not citizens, they keep their citizenship with their
- 00:00:37.954 --> 00:00:41.758
- Home country, but the reason they get to stay here and the
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- Reason they get to work here is because they carry this card
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- That's called a green card.
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- It's known as a permanent resident card.
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- Now, that card gives them the right to live here.
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- It gives them the right to die here.
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- It gives them the right to work here, but they are not
- 00:01:04.214 --> 00:01:08.618
- Citizens here.
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- What's that got to do with you?
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- What's that got to do with me?
- 00:01:13.022 --> 00:01:15.725
- If you are a follower of jesus, now, if you're not i'm not
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- Talking to you, but if you are a follower of jesus, you carry
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- A spiritual green card.
- 00:01:25.502 --> 00:01:28.505
- You work here, you live here, you're probably gonna die here,
- 00:01:28.505 --> 00:01:37.413
- But you're really not a citizen here.
- 00:01:37.413 --> 00:01:40.183
- We're citizens of the kingdom of heaven.
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- We're not american citizens, primarily, we're citizens of
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- The king.
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- As a matter of fact, the apostle paul put it this way, he said
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- Here's the difference between an earthly citizen and
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- A heavenly citizen.
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- He said, "their mind is on earthly things.
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- But our citizenship is in heaven."
- 00:02:00.670 --> 00:02:04.841
- Now, if you're a guest of ours today, we've been in a series on
- 00:02:04.841 --> 00:02:07.443
- The sermon on the mount that we've been calling "get used
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- To different."
- 00:02:09.646 --> 00:02:11.014
- It is the greatest sermon ever preached by the greatest
- 00:02:11.014 --> 00:02:13.149
- Preacher who ever lived, and if you don't know about the sermon
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- Is about, let me tell you what it's about.
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- Everything we've been talking about and everything jesus says
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- In this sermon is not for unbelievers.
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- He's not talking to unbelievers, he's talking to believers.
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- He's talking to people who are a part of god's kingdom, people
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- Who are part of god's family, people who want to follow god
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- And know god and love god and serve god.
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- And if you've been with me for a while, you already know what i'm
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- About to tell you.
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- He doesn't mince words, he doesn't pull punches, he doesn't
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- Bait and switch.
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- It's not smoke and mirrors.
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- He tells you unequivocally if you're going to live the way you
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- Ought to live and do what you ought to do and be what you
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- Ought to be and treat people the way they ought to be treated no
- 00:03:00.430 --> 00:03:03.566
- Matter how they treat you, then you better get used to
- 00:03:03.566 --> 00:03:07.604
- Different, because you've got to go over and above the way the
- 00:03:07.604 --> 00:03:11.341
- World does it and what the world considers normal.
- 00:03:11.341 --> 00:03:14.844
- Now, i want to just kind of prepare you for what is about to
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- Come today.
- 00:03:19.115 --> 00:03:22.852
- I think of all the things that jesus says in the sermon on the
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- Mount, this is gonna be the toughest to listen to.
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- This is gonna be the hardest to swallow.
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- As a matter of fact, i would go so far as to say if you're not
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- A follower of jesus, it wouldn't surprise me when this sermon is
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- Over that you would say, "yeah, i don't want to sign up
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- For that.
- 00:03:45.508 --> 00:03:46.843
- I don't think that's what i wanna do.
- 00:03:46.843 --> 00:03:48.211
- I don't think that's the way i want to live."
- 00:03:48.211 --> 00:03:50.146
- As a matter of fact, i'm pretty sure i can't prove this, it's
- 00:03:50.146 --> 00:03:53.516
- Not in the text, but i'm pretty sure that if you had been there
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- That day, the people that heard jesus say what i'm about to show
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- You that he said, i guarantee you there were a lot of people
- 00:04:00.356 --> 00:04:03.593
- There that probably got up and left.
- 00:04:03.593 --> 00:04:08.331
- They probably tuned him out.
- 00:04:08.331 --> 00:04:10.933
- They probably said, "yeah, that's a hard pass for me.
- 00:04:10.933 --> 00:04:14.037
- Yeah, i don't think that's what i wanna do with my life."
- 00:04:14.037 --> 00:04:17.874
- Because i'm telling you, it is very, very tough.
- 00:04:17.874 --> 00:04:22.378
- You say, "well, gosh, what did he say?"
- 00:04:22.378 --> 00:04:25.682
- Well, basically you can sum it all up in four words, go the
- 00:04:25.682 --> 00:04:32.355
- Second mile.
- 00:04:32.355 --> 00:04:35.458
- So, buckle up, take a deep breath, here we go.
- 00:04:35.458 --> 00:04:40.797
- It's gonna be a bumpy ride.
- 00:04:40.797 --> 00:04:44.400
- "you've heard that it was said, 'eye for eye and tooth
- 00:04:44.400 --> 00:04:47.970
- For tooth.'"
- 00:04:47.970 --> 00:04:49.605
- We got some police officers here, one of my buddies back
- 00:04:49.605 --> 00:04:52.108
- There, anderson is back there, he's a police officer.
- 00:04:52.108 --> 00:04:53.743
- Sounds logical, you hit me, i hit you.
- 00:04:53.743 --> 00:04:56.979
- You take an eye, i take your eye.
- 00:04:56.979 --> 00:04:58.881
- You, you know, take a tooth, i take it, sounds right.
- 00:04:58.881 --> 00:05:01.417
- Sounds about right.
- 00:05:01.417 --> 00:05:03.386
- When jesus says, "but i tell you," you better cover
- 00:05:03.386 --> 00:05:06.923
- Your eyes.
- 00:05:06.923 --> 00:05:08.658
- "but i tell you, do not resist an evil person.
- 00:05:08.658 --> 00:05:12.962
- If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other
- 00:05:12.962 --> 00:05:16.566
- Cheek also.
- 00:05:16.566 --> 00:05:18.000
- And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over
- 00:05:18.000 --> 00:05:21.504
- Your coat as well.
- 00:05:21.504 --> 00:05:23.239
- If anyone forces you to go one mile, you go with them
- 00:05:23.239 --> 00:05:27.410
- Two miles.
- 00:05:27.410 --> 00:05:28.778
- Give to the one who asks you, do not turn away from the one who
- 00:05:28.778 --> 00:05:31.481
- Wants to borrow from you."
- 00:05:31.481 --> 00:05:34.684
- Now again, i love jesus, i love him, i love the way he does
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- Business, gets right to the point.
- 00:05:39.288 --> 00:05:45.094
- So, you wanna follow me?
- 00:05:45.094 --> 00:05:46.496
- Yeah, i wanna follow you.
- 00:05:46.496 --> 00:05:48.131
- So, you wanna be like me?
- 00:05:48.131 --> 00:05:49.499
- I wanna be like you.
- 00:05:49.499 --> 00:05:51.334
- You want to be one of mine?
- 00:05:51.334 --> 00:05:52.668
- I want to be one of yours.
- 00:05:52.668 --> 00:05:54.036
- Then you're gonna have to live a second-mile life.
- 00:05:54.036 --> 00:05:56.506
- You're gonna have to go the second mile.
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- Now, before you say, "oh, yeah, i'll do that," hold on.
- 00:06:00.243 --> 00:06:04.013
- If you decide to go the second mile, you will be in
- 00:06:04.013 --> 00:06:06.716
- The minority.
- 00:06:06.716 --> 00:06:08.851
- The second mile will tax you, it will test you, it will try you
- 00:06:08.851 --> 00:06:14.757
- Like no other mile you will ever walk, but here's what i will
- 00:06:14.757 --> 00:06:18.361
- Promise you.
- 00:06:18.361 --> 00:06:19.729
- If you do walk this mile, which is over and above what everybody
- 00:06:19.729 --> 00:06:23.599
- Else walks, it will lead you to the greatest joy, it will give
- 00:06:23.599 --> 00:06:27.603
- You the most fulfilling achievements, you'll earn the
- 00:06:27.603 --> 00:06:30.239
- Finest rewards, you'll have the approval of your
- 00:06:30.239 --> 00:06:32.875
- Heavenly father.
- 00:06:32.875 --> 00:06:34.243
- However, let me just warn you, it is a higher road, it is
- 00:06:34.243 --> 00:06:39.682
- A steeper road, it is a tougher road, it is a bumpier road, but
- 00:06:39.682 --> 00:06:47.156
- It is the better road, but you got to be above the norm.
- 00:06:47.156 --> 00:06:53.095
- You gotta go beyond average.
- 00:06:53.095 --> 00:06:55.398
- You can't be like your next door neighbor.
- 00:06:55.398 --> 00:06:58.100
- You can't be like the run of the mill persons walking down the
- 00:06:58.100 --> 00:07:01.404
- Street, but here's what jesus said, you ready?
- 00:07:01.404 --> 00:07:06.342
- "when i give more than what is demanded, i will get more than
- 00:07:06.342 --> 00:07:11.214
- I deserve."
- 00:07:11.214 --> 00:07:12.548
- "when i give more than what is demanded, i will get more than
- 00:07:12.548 --> 00:07:16.252
- I deserve."
- 00:07:16.252 --> 00:07:18.421
- So, if you would say with me, and i hope you will before this
- 00:07:18.421 --> 00:07:21.290
- Message is over, i wanna be an over-and-above person, i wanna
- 00:07:21.290 --> 00:07:26.596
- Be an over-and-above follower of jesus, i wanna be a second-mile
- 00:07:26.596 --> 00:07:32.201
- Christian, first of all you have to go farther than you're
- 00:07:32.201 --> 00:07:38.975
- Required to go.
- 00:07:38.975 --> 00:07:40.443
- If you're gonna do this, you've gotta go farther than you're
- 00:07:40.443 --> 00:07:43.579
- Required to go.
- 00:07:43.579 --> 00:07:44.914
- By the way, if you brought your booklet, matthew 5, we're on
- 00:07:44.914 --> 00:07:46.849
- Page 34.
- 00:07:46.849 --> 00:07:48.751
- So, let's begin with this central statement in
- 00:07:48.751 --> 00:07:50.520
- This passage.
- 00:07:50.520 --> 00:07:51.888
- Here's what jesus says.
- 00:07:51.888 --> 00:07:53.222
- "if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles."
- 00:07:53.222 --> 00:07:57.660
- And you've all heard that saying about, oh, he went the
- 00:07:57.660 --> 00:08:00.296
- Second mile.
- 00:08:00.296 --> 00:08:01.664
- Well, that's where we get this phrase.
- 00:08:01.664 --> 00:08:02.999
- Now, what's he talking about?
- 00:08:02.999 --> 00:08:05.368
- Two-thousand years ago, you're jewish, you live in israel, but
- 00:08:05.368 --> 00:08:11.641
- It's really not your land, it's occupied territory and you're
- 00:08:11.641 --> 00:08:16.212
- The one that's occupying.
- 00:08:16.212 --> 00:08:17.813
- That land belongs to the roman empire and they are in
- 00:08:17.813 --> 00:08:20.950
- Complete control.
- 00:08:20.950 --> 00:08:23.319
- Well, there was a roman law, if a roman soldier was walking down
- 00:08:23.319 --> 00:08:27.023
- The road and he saw you or your wife or your son or your
- 00:08:27.023 --> 00:08:31.727
- Daughter, it doesn't matter what you were doing, if he saw you,
- 00:08:31.727 --> 00:08:35.631
- By the law he could compel you to drop whatever you were doing,
- 00:08:35.631 --> 00:08:40.503
- Pick up his weapons, pick up his shield, pick up his knapsack,
- 00:08:40.503 --> 00:08:46.208
- Pick up any other burden that he had, and you had to take it
- 00:08:46.208 --> 00:08:49.679
- One mile.
- 00:08:49.679 --> 00:08:51.614
- Didn't matter what you were doing, didn't matter how busy
- 00:08:51.614 --> 00:08:54.517
- You might be, he had the right to draft you on the spot and you
- 00:08:54.517 --> 00:08:58.621
- Had to become his personal slave for one mile.
- 00:08:58.621 --> 00:09:03.626
- Now, just imagine how degrading that would have been, how
- 00:09:03.626 --> 00:09:08.230
- Humiliating that would have been.
- 00:09:08.230 --> 00:09:10.866
- The roman soldier that you despise anyways, public enemy
- 00:09:10.866 --> 00:09:13.803
- Number one, you can't stand him, he can't stand you, but he had
- 00:09:13.803 --> 00:09:17.473
- The right to say, "hey, pick it up, here we go.
- 00:09:17.473 --> 00:09:21.510
- You belong to me for one solid mile."
- 00:09:21.510 --> 00:09:25.281
- Let me tell you how much the jews hated this.
- 00:09:25.281 --> 00:09:27.750
- Every jewish father would teach his kids how to measure off in
- 00:09:27.750 --> 00:09:33.389
- Their heart, in their head, one mile to the foot, and here's
- 00:09:33.389 --> 00:09:38.227
- What they were taught.
- 00:09:38.227 --> 00:09:39.562
- If a roman soldier ever asked you to pick up that sword, if he
- 00:09:39.562 --> 00:09:42.565
- Ever asked you to pick up that shield, if he ever asked you to
- 00:09:42.565 --> 00:09:45.234
- Pick up that knapsack, if he ever picks--asks you to pick up
- 00:09:45.234 --> 00:09:48.204
- That knapsack, that whatever burden he's carrying, don't say
- 00:09:48.204 --> 00:09:52.041
- A word, pick it up, but in your mind you start counting, one,
- 00:09:52.041 --> 00:09:56.312
- Two, three, four, and when you get to 5,280, drop it and walk
- 00:09:56.312 --> 00:10:04.353
- Away because they despised it.
- 00:10:04.353 --> 00:10:07.189
- It was so humiliating.
- 00:10:07.189 --> 00:10:09.692
- Just do--here's what they taught, you just do what you are
- 00:10:09.692 --> 00:10:13.429
- Required to do.
- 00:10:13.429 --> 00:10:16.666
- You say, "what's wrong with that?"
- 00:10:16.666 --> 00:10:18.401
- Well, here's the problem.
- 00:10:18.401 --> 00:10:21.203
- That's what the average person does in this life.
- 00:10:21.203 --> 00:10:25.107
- The average person just does what they're required to do,
- 00:10:25.107 --> 00:10:30.713
- No more, no less, just what the normal person does,
- 00:10:30.713 --> 00:10:36.786
- The average person.
- 00:10:36.786 --> 00:10:38.154
- And listen, i've seen tens of thousands of them.
- 00:10:38.154 --> 00:10:42.925
- I just want to get by.
- 00:10:42.925 --> 00:10:44.860
- I just wanna do the minimum.
- 00:10:44.860 --> 00:10:47.129
- Let me give you an example.
- 00:10:47.129 --> 00:10:48.464
- We'll prove this from school.
- 00:10:48.464 --> 00:10:50.399
- You know, in school you get the five letter grades, right?
- 00:10:50.399 --> 00:10:53.002
- A, b, c, d, f, right?
- 00:10:53.002 --> 00:10:56.639
- Okay, so a and b was considered good grades, d and f are
- 00:10:56.639 --> 00:11:02.078
- Considered failing grades.
- 00:11:02.078 --> 00:11:04.780
- What is c considered?
- 00:11:04.780 --> 00:11:06.148
- Can somebody tell me?
- 00:11:06.148 --> 00:11:07.717
- It's average.
- 00:11:07.717 --> 00:11:10.219
- My first day of class as a first grader, my first day at school,
- 00:11:10.219 --> 00:11:15.858
- My dad was such an encourager.
- 00:11:15.858 --> 00:11:17.460
- My dad had the gift of encouragement.
- 00:11:17.460 --> 00:11:19.995
- He sat me down, he said, son, he says, i just want to tell you
- 00:11:19.995 --> 00:11:22.965
- Two things.
- 00:11:22.965 --> 00:11:24.300
- I said, yes, sir.
- 00:11:24.300 --> 00:11:25.668
- He said if you get a whopping at school,
- 00:11:25.668 --> 00:11:27.103
- You'll get one at home.
- 00:11:27.103 --> 00:11:28.471
- Yes, sir, he said number two, if you get a c, you're gonna get
- 00:11:28.471 --> 00:11:31.006
- A whooping.
- 00:11:31.006 --> 00:11:32.374
- I said, what?
- 00:11:32.374 --> 00:11:33.709
- You get a c, you gonna get a whopping.
- 00:11:33.709 --> 00:11:35.077
- I said why am i gonna get a whooping if i get a c?
- 00:11:35.077 --> 00:11:36.946
- He said that's average, we're not average, you're better than
- 00:11:36.946 --> 00:11:39.248
- Average, okay?
- 00:11:39.248 --> 00:11:40.783
- That's why it's called average.
- 00:11:40.783 --> 00:11:42.151
- Now, let me tell you the problem with that.
- 00:11:42.151 --> 00:11:43.486
- The average person lives an average life.
- 00:11:43.486 --> 00:11:46.388
- The average person lives on what i call the c level.
- 00:11:46.388 --> 00:11:50.159
- Not the a level, not the b level, just the c level.
- 00:11:50.159 --> 00:11:54.263
- Okay, i gotta dot the i, i'm just gonna dot the i.
- 00:11:54.263 --> 00:11:57.733
- Okay, i gotta cross the t, i'm just gonna cross the t.
- 00:11:57.733 --> 00:12:00.970
- All right, i'm gonna punch in at eight, i'm gonna punch
- 00:12:00.970 --> 00:12:03.105
- Out at five.
- 00:12:03.105 --> 00:12:04.440
- That's what most people do.
- 00:12:04.440 --> 00:12:05.775
- There are gonna be millions of people in atlanta, georgia
- 00:12:05.775 --> 00:12:07.843
- Tomorrow, they're gonna get up, go to work, punch in, eat their
- 00:12:07.843 --> 00:12:12.214
- Lunch, just do what they're required, 5 o'clock punch
- 00:12:12.214 --> 00:12:15.384
- Out, come back home and do the same thing all over again.
- 00:12:15.384 --> 00:12:19.955
- They don't want to be pushed too hard and they don't want to push
- 00:12:19.955 --> 00:12:23.025
- Too hard.
- 00:12:23.025 --> 00:12:24.927
- There was a mother who sat down trying to--she was trying to
- 00:12:24.927 --> 00:12:28.531
- Help her little boys learn how to eat vegetables, and so she's
- 00:12:28.531 --> 00:12:31.934
- Trying to teach them to, you know, to eat the right way.
- 00:12:31.934 --> 00:12:33.869
- And so, this was kind of her first shot at it and she's says
- 00:12:33.869 --> 00:12:36.906
- Okay, now, johnny, i want you to eat a little bit of spinach, and
- 00:12:36.906 --> 00:12:41.143
- That little boy said, well, how little can i get by with?
- 00:12:41.143 --> 00:12:44.446
- Now, that's the way jewish people viewed this law.
- 00:12:44.446 --> 00:12:48.617
- Just get by with as little as possible.
- 00:12:48.617 --> 00:12:51.620
- So, when it came to carrying a burden, something that roman
- 00:12:51.620 --> 00:12:55.124
- Soldier had, here was the attitude, just give it
- 00:12:55.124 --> 00:12:59.428
- A c-level effort.
- 00:12:59.428 --> 00:13:00.763
- Just do the minimum.
- 00:13:00.763 --> 00:13:02.264
- Go 5,280 feet, not 1 foot more.
- 00:13:02.264 --> 00:13:08.971
- Don't you do any more than what you're required to do.
- 00:13:08.971 --> 00:13:12.675
- Now, again, that made sense.
- 00:13:12.675 --> 00:13:16.478
- You're doing what you're supposed to do.
- 00:13:16.478 --> 00:13:21.517
- And then jesus drops the bombshell, "if anyone forces you
- 00:13:21.517 --> 00:13:26.555
- To go one mile, go with him two miles."
- 00:13:26.555 --> 00:13:33.395
- I wanna tell you, heads must have jerked so fast there was
- 00:13:33.395 --> 00:13:36.098
- An epidemic of whiplash throughout that whole crowd,
- 00:13:36.098 --> 00:13:40.502
- Because here's what jesus said.
- 00:13:40.502 --> 00:13:42.605
- I want you to go over and above that first mile.
- 00:13:42.605 --> 00:13:47.042
- I don't want you to do your duty, i want you to do
- 00:13:47.042 --> 00:13:50.145
- Double duty.
- 00:13:50.145 --> 00:13:51.480
- I want you to do more and i want you to give more than you're
- 00:13:51.480 --> 00:13:54.650
- Required to do and you're required to give.
- 00:13:54.650 --> 00:13:57.453
- Now, let me just stop and ask a question, why did jesus
- 00:13:57.453 --> 00:14:00.022
- Emphasize the second mile?
- 00:14:00.022 --> 00:14:02.391
- What's such a big deal about the second mile?
- 00:14:02.391 --> 00:14:05.761
- What is so important about the second mile?
- 00:14:05.761 --> 00:14:08.297
- Now, pay attention, here's the difference, you ready?
- 00:14:08.297 --> 00:14:12.368
- The first mile, that is the duty-fulfilling mile.
- 00:14:12.368 --> 00:14:18.707
- The second mile, that's the difference-making mile.
- 00:14:18.707 --> 00:14:23.045
- By the way, athletes know that.
- 00:14:23.045 --> 00:14:26.348
- You know what separates the average athlete from the
- 00:14:26.348 --> 00:14:28.884
- World-class athlete?
- 00:14:28.884 --> 00:14:30.252
- You know what the difference is?
- 00:14:30.252 --> 00:14:31.587
- One of them goes the second mile.
- 00:14:31.587 --> 00:14:33.923
- I'll give you a great illustration.
- 00:14:33.923 --> 00:14:35.291
- I'm a golfer, i love to play golf, and one of the things that
- 00:14:35.291 --> 00:14:38.694
- I wish i could do and maybe i'll get to do in the next life if
- 00:14:38.694 --> 00:14:41.330
- There's golf, i'm hoping there's going to be golf in heaven, but
- 00:14:41.330 --> 00:14:44.233
- One of the things i would love to do just one time, i'd love to
- 00:14:44.233 --> 00:14:46.535
- Play golf like tiger woods plays golf.
- 00:14:46.535 --> 00:14:48.437
- Just once, just once i like to be able to hit a ball like tiger
- 00:14:48.437 --> 00:14:52.107
- Woods hits the ball.
- 00:14:52.107 --> 00:14:55.210
- But what you don't know is why tiger woods was able to hit the
- 00:14:55.210 --> 00:14:58.414
- Ball the way tiger woods hits the ball.
- 00:14:58.414 --> 00:15:01.250
- So, obviously one of the two greatest golfers that ever
- 00:15:01.250 --> 00:15:04.320
- Lived, let me tell you what tiger woods's routine has
- 00:15:04.320 --> 00:15:08.057
- Always been.
- 00:15:08.057 --> 00:15:09.425
- At his peak, this was his daily routine.
- 00:15:09.425 --> 00:15:12.494
- He started his day at 6 o'clock in the morning with the
- 00:15:12.494 --> 00:15:15.931
- First of two daily workouts.
- 00:15:15.931 --> 00:15:18.367
- At 9 o'clock, he and his coach would hit the range for
- 00:15:18.367 --> 00:15:21.036
- A two-hour session.
- 00:15:21.036 --> 00:15:22.371
- They'd do everything from drive the ball to putting.
- 00:15:22.371 --> 00:15:25.040
- At 11 o'clock they'd play nine holes of golf.
- 00:15:25.040 --> 00:15:28.010
- They'd ride a golf cart almost 30 miles an hour so they could
- 00:15:28.010 --> 00:15:31.447
- Get done in time to have lunch.
- 00:15:31.447 --> 00:15:33.349
- After lunch, they'd go spend two more hours on the range, they'd
- 00:15:33.349 --> 00:15:36.552
- Play another nine holes of golf, then they'd finish the day.
- 00:15:36.552 --> 00:15:39.755
- He would spend one hour doing nothing but putting the ball.
- 00:15:39.755 --> 00:15:44.493
- If he got through with that, he'd go back home at 6
- 00:15:44.493 --> 00:15:47.529
- O'clock, he'd do another workout, he would eat dinner at
- 00:15:47.529 --> 00:15:51.433
- 7:30 and go to bed and get up and do the same thing all
- 00:15:51.433 --> 00:15:56.472
- Over again.
- 00:15:56.472 --> 00:15:58.707
- See, what you saw at augusta, what you saw at the
- 00:15:58.707 --> 00:16:02.611
- Championships, he won.
- 00:16:02.611 --> 00:16:03.979
- What you saw was the first mile.
- 00:16:03.979 --> 00:16:08.017
- What you didn't see was the second mile.
- 00:16:08.017 --> 00:16:13.022
- He went over and above what every other golfer was willing
- 00:16:13.022 --> 00:16:15.791
- To do.
- 00:16:15.791 --> 00:16:17.159
- He went beyond the norm.
- 00:16:17.159 --> 00:16:18.794
- You see, the first mile, that's where the burden is, the second
- 00:16:18.794 --> 00:16:21.663
- Mile, that's where the blessing is.
- 00:16:21.663 --> 00:16:23.465
- The first mile, that's where the requirement is met, the second
- 00:16:23.465 --> 00:16:26.435
- Mile, that's where the reward is received.
- 00:16:26.435 --> 00:16:27.970
- By the way, let me tell you something.
- 00:16:27.970 --> 00:16:29.571
- People don't notice when you walk the first mile because
- 00:16:29.571 --> 00:16:32.241
- Everybody walks the first mile.
- 00:16:32.241 --> 00:16:34.643
- It's when you walk the second mile that you get
- 00:16:34.643 --> 00:16:37.646
- Everybody's attention.
- 00:16:37.646 --> 00:16:39.615
- So, let's get practical, because so far it's been kind
- 00:16:39.615 --> 00:16:42.818
- Of theoretical.
- 00:16:42.818 --> 00:16:44.453
- So, you say, "well, pastor, what would it look like, what
- 00:16:44.453 --> 00:16:46.889
- Does it mean?
- 00:16:46.889 --> 00:16:48.223
- Can you give me some practical examples of going the
- 00:16:48.223 --> 00:16:51.693
- Second mile?"
- 00:16:51.693 --> 00:16:53.829
- Yeah, i can.
- 00:16:53.829 --> 00:16:57.132
- You're not going to like them, but why not?
- 00:16:57.132 --> 00:17:03.672
- So, for some of you, everybody ready for this?
- 00:17:03.672 --> 00:17:11.713
- Maybe for some of you, going the second mile would be coming to
- 00:17:11.713 --> 00:17:19.188
- The worship service five minutes early, not 15 minutes late.
- 00:17:19.188 --> 00:17:25.994
- If that makes you mad, you apologize, i'll forgive you.
- 00:17:25.994 --> 00:17:32.468
- Maybe for some of you, going the second mile would be instead of
- 00:17:32.468 --> 00:17:40.242
- Telling a guest where the preschool area is, you walk them
- 00:17:40.242 --> 00:17:43.412
- Down there.
- 00:17:43.412 --> 00:17:45.914
- Maybe going the second mile for some of us would be when you see
- 00:17:45.914 --> 00:17:48.717
- Someone walk into the building that you don't know, you walk up
- 00:17:48.717 --> 00:17:52.588
- To them, introduce yourself, ask them if they're a guest, ask
- 00:17:52.588 --> 00:17:55.858
- Them if there's anything you can do for them, tell them to come
- 00:17:55.858 --> 00:17:58.160
- Sit with you, tell them how glad you are that they came.
- 00:17:58.160 --> 00:18:03.832
- Maybe for some of you, going the second mile would be not just
- 00:18:03.832 --> 00:18:08.704
- Giving a tithe but giving an offering.
- 00:18:08.704 --> 00:18:14.243
- Maybe for some of you, going the second mile wouldn't be just
- 00:18:14.243 --> 00:18:20.048
- Attending the church or giving to the church, but serving
- 00:18:20.048 --> 00:18:26.388
- The church.
- 00:18:26.388 --> 00:18:28.390
- So, jesus said if you wanna be a second-male christian, you've
- 00:18:28.390 --> 00:18:32.261
- Got to go farther then you're required to go.
- 00:18:32.261 --> 00:18:38.734
- Now, if you're still with me and you hadn't walked out on me, at
- 00:18:38.734 --> 00:18:41.103
- Least mentally, you hadn't turned me off yet, jesus says,
- 00:18:41.103 --> 00:18:44.873
- Okay, let's tighten it up a little bit.
- 00:18:44.873 --> 00:18:47.976
- You really wanna follow me, you really wanna live a life that i
- 00:18:47.976 --> 00:18:52.314
- Want you to live, do you really wanna live the most rewarding
- 00:18:52.314 --> 00:18:54.950
- Life you possibly could?
- 00:18:54.950 --> 00:18:56.318
- Then not only must you go farther than it's required to
- 00:18:56.318 --> 00:19:00.589
- Go, you gotta give more than it's reasonable to give.
- 00:19:00.589 --> 00:19:07.663
- Now, jesus applies this over and above second-mile mentality in a
- 00:19:07.663 --> 00:19:11.300
- Practical way that i promise you would be even more challenging
- 00:19:11.300 --> 00:19:15.504
- And far more different than anybody could have imagined.
- 00:19:15.504 --> 00:19:18.507
- Let's go back to see what he said.
- 00:19:18.507 --> 00:19:19.975
- "you've heard that it was said, 'eye for eye, tooth for tooth.'
- 00:19:19.975 --> 00:19:22.344
- I tell you, do not resist an evil person.
- 00:19:22.344 --> 00:19:25.447
- If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other
- 00:19:25.447 --> 00:19:29.184
- Cheek also."
- 00:19:29.184 --> 00:19:30.552
- We serve a second-mile savior.
- 00:19:30.552 --> 00:19:33.522
- We serve a savior who went beyond what he was required to
- 00:19:33.522 --> 00:19:36.959
- Go, who gave more that it was reasonable to give, and that's
- 00:19:36.959 --> 00:19:40.896
- All jesus wants us to do.
- 00:19:40.896 --> 00:19:44.766
- So, we'll close with this story.
- 00:19:44.766 --> 00:19:47.836
- It's 1962, it's at the southern christian leadership conference
- 00:19:47.836 --> 00:19:53.575
- In birmingham, alabama.
- 00:19:53.575 --> 00:19:57.112
- Martin luther king junior is standing before an integrated
- 00:19:57.112 --> 00:20:01.216
- Large crowd and he's giving the closing address.
- 00:20:01.216 --> 00:20:04.720
- Right in the middle of his sermon, a white man by the name
- 00:20:04.720 --> 00:20:09.358
- Of roy jones jumps up on the platform and began to savagely
- 00:20:09.358 --> 00:20:15.397
- Beat him.
- 00:20:15.397 --> 00:20:17.432
- The first time he hit martin luther king, he hit him so hard
- 00:20:17.432 --> 00:20:21.570
- It spun him around in a 360-degree circle.
- 00:20:21.570 --> 00:20:27.476
- The next time he jacked him on the jaw and he knocked him
- 00:20:27.476 --> 00:20:30.279
- Completely to the ground, and then he jumped on him again and
- 00:20:30.279 --> 00:20:34.449
- Just wailed away, and they said later you could hear the sound
- 00:20:34.449 --> 00:20:37.319
- Of his fist hitting his face.
- 00:20:37.319 --> 00:20:40.489
- Everybody was stunned, and then they watched dr. king go to his
- 00:20:40.489 --> 00:20:47.562
- Knees, and instead of doing this, he did this and he let
- 00:20:47.562 --> 00:20:57.506
- The man hit him.
- 00:20:57.506 --> 00:21:00.108
- He literally turned the other cheek.
- 00:21:00.108 --> 00:21:02.878
- When dr. king did that, it so stunned his attacker that he
- 00:21:02.878 --> 00:21:06.915
- Kind of stopped and it gave somebody long enough to jump
- 00:21:06.915 --> 00:21:09.818
- Between them.
- 00:21:09.818 --> 00:21:11.153
- Everybody was angry, everybody wanted to take vengeance,
- 00:21:11.153 --> 00:21:15.490
- Everybody wanted to beat the daylights out of this guy, but
- 00:21:15.490 --> 00:21:17.893
- Dr. king shouted, "don't touch him, we're going to pray
- 00:21:17.893 --> 00:21:24.099
- For him."
- 00:21:24.099 --> 00:21:25.934
- As that crowd began to pray and they began to sing, king knelt
- 00:21:25.934 --> 00:21:30.105
- Down and begin to speak kindly to this man and gave him
- 00:21:30.105 --> 00:21:35.310
- A promise, "even at my own life, nobody's going to hurt you and
- 00:21:35.310 --> 00:21:38.814
- Nobody's going to touch you."
- 00:21:38.814 --> 00:21:40.782
- This is the picture of it right here.
- 00:21:40.782 --> 00:21:43.752
- He's talking to this man.
- 00:21:43.752 --> 00:21:47.022
- He leads him out to a private office where they talked, he
- 00:21:47.022 --> 00:21:52.361
- Forgave this man for what he did, he told the police to
- 00:21:52.361 --> 00:21:56.365
- Let him alone.
- 00:21:56.365 --> 00:21:57.733
- He did not press charges.
- 00:21:57.733 --> 00:22:01.036
- The man apologized.
- 00:22:01.036 --> 00:22:04.139
- Dr. king took two aspirin that was given to him by a lady named
- 00:22:04.139 --> 00:22:08.477
- Rosa parks, he walked out on to that platform with an ice pack
- 00:22:08.477 --> 00:22:13.682
- Held to his face, and he finished his sermon.
- 00:22:13.682 --> 00:22:19.154
- Now, whatever else you may think about dr. martin luther king,
- 00:22:19.154 --> 00:22:21.656
- Just understand this, in that moment, and in that minute, and
- 00:22:21.656 --> 00:22:28.497
- In his ministry, he went over and above what anybody else
- 00:22:28.497 --> 00:22:33.535
- Would have done, and that's what a follower of jesus does.
- 00:22:33.535 --> 00:22:39.808
- You say, "well, boy, that's different?"
- 00:22:39.808 --> 00:22:45.614
- Get used to different.
- 00:22:45.614 --> 00:22:48.383
- If you're gonna follow jesus, you're going to walk the second
- 00:22:48.383 --> 00:22:52.220
- Mile, but here's what i'll promise you.
- 00:22:52.220 --> 00:22:56.158
- If you will, and if you do, you will be glad that you did and
- 00:22:56.158 --> 00:23:02.497
- Your heavenly father will be glorified when you do.
- 00:23:02.497 --> 00:23:07.702
- But here's the problem, see, some of you can't walk the
- 00:23:07.702 --> 00:23:11.540
- Second mile because you've never even taken the first mile.
- 00:23:11.540 --> 00:23:13.675
- You say, "what do you mean?"
- 00:23:13.675 --> 00:23:15.410
- Well, the first mile is giving your life to christ.
- 00:23:15.410 --> 00:23:18.513
- The first mile is surrendering your life to jesus.
- 00:23:18.513 --> 00:23:22.083
- I don't expect lost people to act like saved people.
- 00:23:22.083 --> 00:23:24.653
- That's where we church people get all fouled up.
- 00:23:24.653 --> 00:23:27.222
- We get so angry at lost people for acting like lost people.
- 00:23:27.222 --> 00:23:30.459
- Why would you be angry at a blind man because he can't see?
- 00:23:30.459 --> 00:23:34.129
- Why do you get angry at a deaf man because he can't hear?
- 00:23:34.129 --> 00:23:38.467
- We shouldn't be upset that lost people act like lost people.
- 00:23:38.467 --> 00:23:43.438
- We ought to be upset that saved people act like lost people.
- 00:23:43.438 --> 00:23:49.511
- So, i wonder how many of you today, you've never given your
- 00:23:49.511 --> 00:23:53.081
- Life to this jesus, this jesus, this second-mile jesus.
- 00:23:53.081 --> 00:23:57.452
- I wonder how many of you watching right now, you don't
- 00:23:57.452 --> 00:23:59.354
- Know this jesus.
- 00:23:59.354 --> 00:24:01.356
- You've never really come to experience this jesus.
- 00:24:01.356 --> 00:24:04.559
- And if you have never ever made the decision to follow this
- 00:24:04.559 --> 00:24:07.429
- Jesus, why don't you make that decision right now?
- 00:24:07.429 --> 00:24:11.399
- Why don't you just say something like this in your heart?
- 00:24:11.399 --> 00:24:14.035
- Lord jesus, i know it's gonna be tough and i know it's going to
- 00:24:14.035 --> 00:24:19.241
- Be hard and i know the devil wants me to walk the road that
- 00:24:19.241 --> 00:24:23.445
- Everybody else is going to walk.
- 00:24:23.445 --> 00:24:25.146
- I'm not going to do that.
- 00:24:25.146 --> 00:24:27.549
- I want to be a second-mile believer.
- 00:24:27.549 --> 00:24:30.719
- So, i wanna begin today by giving you my life, by giving
- 00:24:30.719 --> 00:24:33.622
- You my heart.
- 00:24:33.622 --> 00:24:35.724
- I'm telling you i'm a sinner and i need a savior.
- 00:24:35.724 --> 00:24:38.126
- You're that savior.
- 00:24:38.126 --> 00:24:40.462
- Would you, right now, lord jesus, take control of my life?
- 00:24:40.462 --> 00:24:43.465
- I give everything i am to everything that you are.
- 00:24:43.465 --> 00:24:46.701
- Please, lord jesus, save me.
- 00:24:46.701 --> 00:24:48.970
- Please, take over my life.
- 00:24:48.970 --> 00:24:50.672
- And lord, i don't care how many miles i have to walk, i don't
- 00:24:50.672 --> 00:24:54.609
- Care how much i have to give, i know i'll get more than that
- 00:24:54.609 --> 00:24:59.881
- Back than i could ever imagine just by following you.
- 00:24:59.881 --> 00:25:05.587
- Announcer: to watch an extended version of today's message from
- 00:25:05.587 --> 00:25:08.323
- Dr. james merritt, go to
- 00:25:08.323 --> 00:25:11.860
- ♪♪♪
- 00:25:11.860 --> 00:25:16.264
- James: if you've been paying attention to the news this year,
- 00:25:16.264 --> 00:25:18.500
- You know that preaching the word of god and proclaiming the
- 00:25:18.500 --> 00:25:21.136
- Gospel of god has never been more urgent.
- 00:25:21.136 --> 00:25:24.239
- Everywhere you look, there are natural disasters, economic
- 00:25:24.239 --> 00:25:27.876
- Uncertainty, political turmoil, wars, rumors of wars.
- 00:25:27.876 --> 00:25:33.014
- Bible-believing christians like us know that god has a message
- 00:25:33.014 --> 00:25:36.217
- For us in dark times like these, but broadcasting this message to
- 00:25:36.217 --> 00:25:40.388
- The ends of the earth requires the generous support of people
- 00:25:40.388 --> 00:25:43.892
- Like you.
- 00:25:43.892 --> 00:25:45.260
- For decades i have been honored to teach god's word and proclaim
- 00:25:45.260 --> 00:25:49.197
- The gospel through "touching lives," but our work has
- 00:25:49.197 --> 00:25:52.200
- Just started.
- 00:25:52.200 --> 00:25:53.535
- God has given me a bold vision for expanding our reach
- 00:25:53.535 --> 00:25:56.605
- Dramatically over the next ten years, and i need you to realize
- 00:25:56.605 --> 00:26:01.276
- This vision.
- 00:26:01.276 --> 00:26:02.978
- If you're thinking about giving a tax-deductible gift to
- 00:26:02.978 --> 00:26:05.413
- "touching lives" before the end of the year, we would be so
- 00:26:05.413 --> 00:26:08.450
- Grateful and we'll use your donation to help in spreading
- 00:26:08.450 --> 00:26:11.353
- The message of the gospel across the globe.
- 00:26:11.353 --> 00:26:14.456
- And as a sign of our gratitude, we're giving a free copy of our
- 00:26:14.456 --> 00:26:18.193
- New through the bible in a year journal to anyone who gives
- 00:26:18.193 --> 00:26:21.796
- A gift of any size this month.
- 00:26:21.796 --> 00:26:24.766
- As my wife teresa and i prepare for the christmas season, my
- 00:26:24.766 --> 00:26:28.203
- Heart is drawn to the impact of a little baby born in a quiet,
- 00:26:28.203 --> 00:26:33.308
- Tucked-away place, jesus.
- 00:26:33.308 --> 00:26:35.910
- His story reminds us of god's ultimate love for us and how
- 00:26:35.910 --> 00:26:39.080
- Even in the most unpredictable times, he is our guide
- 00:26:39.080 --> 00:26:44.119
- And our protector.
- 00:26:44.119 --> 00:26:45.453
- I invite you to prayerfully consider making your best gift
- 00:26:45.453 --> 00:26:48.890
- This christmas season to help us achieve our bold vision of
- 00:26:48.890 --> 00:26:52.360
- Taking the gospel of jesus to the ends of the earth.
- 00:26:52.360 --> 00:26:56.031
- Thank you for partnering with us in this ministry, which is more
- 00:26:56.031 --> 00:26:59.434
- Important than ever before.
- 00:26:59.434 --> 00:27:01.770
- Teresa and i love you, and we're praying favor on your life in
- 00:27:01.770 --> 00:27:05.707
- The coming year.
- 00:27:05.707 --> 00:27:07.208
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:07.208 --> 00:27:16.651
- Announcer: touching the lives of the lost and enriching the faith
- 00:27:18.620 --> 00:27:21.956
- Of the found, this is "touching lives with dr. james merritt."
- 00:27:21.956 --> 00:27:28.029