From wars and rumors of war abroad, to the rise of anti-Christian, "woke" ideology here at home, it’s clear that Americans are living in perilous and unprecedented times. Some would even say that we’re witnessing biblical prophecy unfold in real time. Stakelbeck Tonight will make sense of these stunning developments through a bold and biblical lens.
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Stakelbeck Tonight | Erick Stakelbeck: December 5, 2024 | Stakelbeck Tonight | December 5, 2024
- Welcome to stakelbeck tonight.
- 00:00:03.493 --> 00:00:04.894
- I'm erick stakelbeck and we can have
- 00:00:04.894 --> 00:00:07.330
- Revival in america unless we protect our kids.
- 00:00:07.330 --> 00:00:11.801
- Bottom line.
- 00:00:11.801 --> 00:00:12.969
- And that means no more looking the other way
- 00:00:12.969 --> 00:00:15.772
- As thousands of pre-teens are being mutilated
- 00:00:15.772 --> 00:00:19.476
- And having their lives ruined
- 00:00:19.476 --> 00:00:20.910
- As part of so-called gender affirming care.
- 00:00:20.910 --> 00:00:24.447
- I really believe this may be the great evil of our time.
- 00:00:24.447 --> 00:00:28.751
- Folks, think about this.
- 00:00:28.751 --> 00:00:30.253
- Adults are marching children into surgeries
- 00:00:30.253 --> 00:00:33.923
- That are designed to change their god given genders forever.
- 00:00:33.923 --> 00:00:38.328
- Little boys
- 00:00:38.328 --> 00:00:39.562
- And girls are being mutilated and given puberty blockers.
- 00:00:39.562 --> 00:00:43.399
- Kids are being warped by transgender ideology
- 00:00:43.399 --> 00:00:47.670
- Into thinking there's something that they're not.
- 00:00:47.670 --> 00:00:50.807
- The sporty little girl who used to be called a tomboy,
- 00:00:50.807 --> 00:00:54.077
- She's now being told by school counselors that she's actually
- 00:00:54.077 --> 00:00:57.714
- A boy trapped in a girl's body.
- 00:00:57.714 --> 00:01:00.750
- President trump gets this.
- 00:01:00.750 --> 00:01:02.418
- He's already laid down the gantlet on child gender madness
- 00:01:02.418 --> 00:01:06.356
- And what he'll do to combat it
- 00:01:06.356 --> 00:01:08.091
- Once he takes office on january 20th.
- 00:01:08.091 --> 00:01:11.194
- Take a look.
- 00:01:11.194 --> 00:01:13.496
- The left wing gender insanity
- 00:01:13.496 --> 00:01:15.298
- Being pushed in our children is an act of child abuse.
- 00:01:15.298 --> 00:01:18.935
- Very simple.
- 00:01:18.935 --> 00:01:20.436
- Here's my plan to stop the chemical, physical
- 00:01:20.436 --> 00:01:23.540
- And emotional mutilation of our youth.
- 00:01:23.540 --> 00:01:26.809
- On day one, i will revoke joe biden's cruel
- 00:01:26.809 --> 00:01:30.213
- Policies on so-called gender affirming care.
- 00:01:30.213 --> 00:01:34.150
- Ridiculous.
- 00:01:34.150 --> 00:01:35.218
- A process that includes giving kids puberty blockers,
- 00:01:35.218 --> 00:01:39.155
- Mutating their physical appearance,
- 00:01:39.155 --> 00:01:41.424
- And ultimately performing surgery on minor children.
- 00:01:41.424 --> 00:01:45.395
- Can you believe this?
- 00:01:45.395 --> 00:01:46.996
- I will sign a new executive order instructing
- 00:01:46.996 --> 00:01:49.666
- Every federal agency to cease all programs that promote
- 00:01:49.666 --> 00:01:53.636
- The concept of sex and gender transition at any age.
- 00:01:53.636 --> 00:01:58.141
- I will
- 00:01:58.141 --> 00:01:59.409
- Then ask congress to permanently stop federal taxpayer dollars
- 00:01:59.409 --> 00:02:02.645
- From being used to promote or pay for these procedures
- 00:02:02.645 --> 00:02:06.616
- And pass a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation
- 00:02:06.616 --> 00:02:09.886
- In all 50 states. it will go very quickly.
- 00:02:09.886 --> 00:02:14.190
- Help is on the way.
- 00:02:14.190 --> 00:02:15.558
- And thank god.
- 00:02:15.558 --> 00:02:16.960
- And what a contrast from biden and harris who are all in
- 00:02:16.960 --> 00:02:20.964
- On this trans ideology for kids.
- 00:02:20.964 --> 00:02:23.833
- Remember transgender day of visibility
- 00:02:23.833 --> 00:02:28.071
- At the white house on easter sunday?
- 00:02:28.071 --> 00:02:31.374
- Folks, it really all boils down to this.
- 00:02:31.374 --> 00:02:34.410
- Transgender ideologues believe god made a mistake.
- 00:02:34.410 --> 00:02:38.514
- He made them the wrong gender.
- 00:02:38.514 --> 00:02:41.150
- But since god doesn't make mistakes, you know,
- 00:02:41.150 --> 00:02:45.388
- This entire trans enterprise wise is straight up demonic.
- 00:02:45.388 --> 00:02:50.426
- Now, you might say, wow, that sounds a bit harsh.
- 00:02:50.426 --> 00:02:52.996
- I'll tell you what's harsh.
- 00:02:52.996 --> 00:02:54.497
- Kids who aren't even old enough to drive
- 00:02:54.497 --> 00:02:57.033
- Being fed puberty blockers and pushed into sex change
- 00:02:57.033 --> 00:03:00.970
- Surgeries that will transform their god given bodies
- 00:03:00.970 --> 00:03:04.641
- Into something that was never meant to be.
- 00:03:04.641 --> 00:03:07.443
- And again,
- 00:03:07.443 --> 00:03:08.611
- They're being led into this by adults who know better.
- 00:03:08.611 --> 00:03:12.382
- It's horrific and it's child abuse.
- 00:03:12.382 --> 00:03:15.184
- And if you are not outraged by this as a follower of jesus,
- 00:03:15.184 --> 00:03:18.721
- You may want to reread the gospel of luke, where jesus says
- 00:03:18.721 --> 00:03:22.592
- It would be better to be thrown into the sea
- 00:03:22.592 --> 00:03:25.728
- With a millstone hung around your neck
- 00:03:25.728 --> 00:03:28.564
- Than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.
- 00:03:28.564 --> 00:03:31.934
- So as you can see, child abuse is kind of a big deal
- 00:03:31.934 --> 00:03:36.105
- For the savior of the world.
- 00:03:36.105 --> 00:03:38.274
- That's why a case
- 00:03:38.274 --> 00:03:39.475
- That's before the supreme court right now is so important.
- 00:03:39.475 --> 00:03:43.079
- On wednesday, the court heard arguments
- 00:03:43.079 --> 00:03:44.881
- Surrounding a tennessee law
- 00:03:44.881 --> 00:03:46.616
- That bans so-called gender affirming care for minors.
- 00:03:46.616 --> 00:03:51.220
- Tennessee is one of two dozen states
- 00:03:51.220 --> 00:03:53.723
- That have banned this form of child abuse.
- 00:03:53.723 --> 00:03:56.359
- And if the supreme court rules in tennessee's favor,
- 00:03:56.359 --> 00:03:59.462
- It will be a major blow against gender madness.
- 00:03:59.462 --> 00:04:03.166
- Now, the court's final ruling is expected by the end of june.
- 00:04:03.166 --> 00:04:06.936
- So which way will the supremes go?
- 00:04:06.936 --> 00:04:10.006
- And why is this case so crucial for our kids and our country?
- 00:04:10.006 --> 00:04:14.711
- A former legal adviser to president
- 00:04:14.711 --> 00:04:16.646
- Trump is here to break it down. next.
- 00:04:16.646 --> 00:04:36.499
- The united states versus score.
- 00:04:37.133 --> 00:04:39.335
- Many folks remember the name
- 00:04:39.335 --> 00:04:41.404
- Because it may
- 00:04:41.404 --> 00:04:42.538
- Eventually go down with other landmark cases like roe
- 00:04:42.538 --> 00:04:45.141
- V wade that have been decided at the supreme court.
- 00:04:45.141 --> 00:04:48.478
- And this one is big.
- 00:04:48.478 --> 00:04:50.246
- It could literally be the difference between saving
- 00:04:50.246 --> 00:04:53.116
- Or destroying countless young lives.
- 00:04:53.116 --> 00:04:55.952
- To put it in very simple terms, the state of tennessee wants to
- 00:04:55.952 --> 00:04:59.522
- Ban the gender mutilation of confused young kids.
- 00:04:59.522 --> 00:05:03.459
- The biden-harris administration
- 00:05:03.459 --> 00:05:05.461
- And the aclu, on the other hand, want it to continue.
- 00:05:05.461 --> 00:05:09.332
- Joining us now to break down why this case matters
- 00:05:09.332 --> 00:05:11.667
- To every american is jenna ellis,
- 00:05:11.667 --> 00:05:13.803
- Senior adviser of public policy
- 00:05:13.803 --> 00:05:15.671
- At the american family association, host
- 00:05:15.671 --> 00:05:18.141
- Of jenna ellis in the morning
- 00:05:18.141 --> 00:05:19.542
- And a former legal adviser to president trump.
- 00:05:19.542 --> 00:05:22.078
- Jenna, great to see you.
- 00:05:22.078 --> 00:05:23.613
- Hey, what's your early assessment?
- 00:05:23.613 --> 00:05:25.214
- Make their case? absolutely.
- 00:05:25.214 --> 00:05:27.316
- We had some really strange comments
- 00:05:27.316 --> 00:05:29.018
- Yesterday by justice clayton
- 00:05:29.018 --> 00:05:30.853
- Jackson brown, but the conservative majority
- 00:05:30.853 --> 00:05:33.856
- Seems to be holding steady, at least so far.
- 00:05:33.856 --> 00:05:36.692
- How do you see it playing out?
- 00:05:36.692 --> 00:05:39.362
- Yeah, i'm confident that this case
- 00:05:39.362 --> 00:05:41.497
- Will be resolved in the favor of protecting children.
- 00:05:41.497 --> 00:05:44.634
- And that's what this case is all about,
- 00:05:44.634 --> 00:05:46.569
- Is the state's compelling interest
- 00:05:46.569 --> 00:05:48.805
- To protect children from permanent physical harm.
- 00:05:48.805 --> 00:05:52.708
- This isn't about transgenderism.
- 00:05:52.708 --> 00:05:54.577
- It's not about the different
- 00:05:54.577 --> 00:05:56.145
- World view that,
- 00:05:56.145 --> 00:05:57.480
- Of course, the biden administration
- 00:05:57.480 --> 00:05:58.981
- And the aclu leftist want to purport.
- 00:05:58.981 --> 00:06:01.751
- But the thing that really struck me was how, as you mentioned,
- 00:06:01.751 --> 00:06:05.688
- You bring jackson,
- 00:06:05.688 --> 00:06:07.056
- If you remember, eric, in her confirmation hearing,
- 00:06:07.056 --> 00:06:09.692
- She was the justice that couldn't answer
- 00:06:09.692 --> 00:06:12.795
- What is a woman because she was not a biologist.
- 00:06:12.795 --> 00:06:16.566
- And here she is adjudicating a case
- 00:06:16.566 --> 00:06:18.968
- That comes down to biological sex.
- 00:06:18.968 --> 00:06:21.003
- So shouldn't she recuse herself?
- 00:06:21.003 --> 00:06:23.005
- This is how confused the west narrative is.
- 00:06:23.005 --> 00:06:25.875
- And justice alito and justice thomas,
- 00:06:25.875 --> 00:06:27.877
- I think, had some really good killshot questions by asking
- 00:06:27.877 --> 00:06:32.315
- Whether transgenderism is an immutable characteristic.
- 00:06:32.315 --> 00:06:36.419
- Is it something that is so innate
- 00:06:36.419 --> 00:06:38.421
- To who we are as human beings that it can't be changed at win?
- 00:06:38.421 --> 00:06:42.625
- And there's no good response from the left to that?
- 00:06:42.625 --> 00:06:45.361
- Because if they say yes, it's immutable,
- 00:06:45.361 --> 00:06:48.030
- Then their entire case of you can change your gender at whim
- 00:06:48.030 --> 00:06:51.868
- Or based on feeling goes away.
- 00:06:51.868 --> 00:06:53.769
- But if they say no, then their entire legal premise
- 00:06:53.769 --> 00:06:57.340
- That this is discrimination
- 00:06:57.340 --> 00:06:58.741
- Based on sex and equal protection goes away.
- 00:06:58.741 --> 00:07:02.111
- So i think that even though
- 00:07:02.111 --> 00:07:03.880
- There is clearly confusion in the leftist world view
- 00:07:03.880 --> 00:07:07.683
- That the majority of the supreme court
- 00:07:07.683 --> 00:07:10.353
- Justices will rule on the favor of protecting kids
- 00:07:10.353 --> 00:07:13.890
- And just basic common sense and recognition of reality.
- 00:07:13.890 --> 00:07:16.926
- Yeah, well said, jenna.
- 00:07:16.926 --> 00:07:18.294
- Look, not only that, they had the legal basis,
- 00:07:18.294 --> 00:07:20.096
- But it's really good and evil, quite literally.
- 00:07:20.096 --> 00:07:22.632
- Part of that is medical providers at times
- 00:07:22.632 --> 00:07:25.735
- Even hiding these transitions from parents or kids
- 00:07:25.735 --> 00:07:29.205
- Leaning in that direction.
- 00:07:29.205 --> 00:07:30.506
- How problematic is that?
- 00:07:30.506 --> 00:07:31.707
- Jenna for adults who should know better, school counselors,
- 00:07:31.707 --> 00:07:35.711
- Doctors, etc.
- 00:07:35.711 --> 00:07:36.879
- To even hide this from parents when their kid is having
- 00:07:36.879 --> 00:07:40.016
- This kind of confused state of mind?
- 00:07:40.016 --> 00:07:43.686
- Yeah, well, this is just another point of the left's
- 00:07:43.686 --> 00:07:46.022
- Hypocrisy, because on one hand
- 00:07:46.022 --> 00:07:47.590
- They're saying that parents absolutely should have the right
- 00:07:47.590 --> 00:07:50.226
- To choose a medical transition and this permanent damage
- 00:07:50.226 --> 00:07:55.031
- To their children.
- 00:07:55.031 --> 00:07:56.232
- But then on the other hand, if a parent doesn't want to
- 00:07:56.232 --> 00:07:59.035
- So-called affirm their child's gender transition,
- 00:07:59.035 --> 00:08:02.371
- Then the parents shouldn't even know about it.
- 00:08:02.371 --> 00:08:04.006
- So is the left for parental rights or not?
- 00:08:04.006 --> 00:08:06.742
- It seems that they are only on the side of transient children
- 00:08:06.742 --> 00:08:10.313
- And creating this entire new class of patients for big pharma
- 00:08:10.313 --> 00:08:14.951
- And to push their sexual worldview and foist
- 00:08:14.951 --> 00:08:18.854
- That on america.
- 00:08:18.854 --> 00:08:19.956
- This has ties and roots in the sexual revolution
- 00:08:19.956 --> 00:08:22.925
- That once eric, we depart from god himself,
- 00:08:22.925 --> 00:08:26.829
- Giving human beings life
- 00:08:26.829 --> 00:08:29.098
- And our immutable characteristics
- 00:08:29.098 --> 00:08:31.767
- And we start to recreate what it means to even be a human
- 00:08:31.767 --> 00:08:35.338
- Or have life or human sexuality in our own image
- 00:08:35.338 --> 00:08:38.507
- And our own ridiculous creations,
- 00:08:38.507 --> 00:08:40.643
- Then we get to this absurd conclusion
- 00:08:40.643 --> 00:08:42.878
- That we can change our gender
- 00:08:42.878 --> 00:08:44.480
- And that there is
- 00:08:44.480 --> 00:08:45.481
- Somehow a right that the state cannot interfere
- 00:08:45.481 --> 00:08:48.951
- With medically, chemically castrating our children.
- 00:08:48.951 --> 00:08:51.721
- It's utter nonsense.
- 00:08:51.721 --> 00:08:52.755
- And you're right to say that it's pure evil.
- 00:08:52.755 --> 00:08:54.757
- Yeah, it is. and some on the left.
- 00:08:54.757 --> 00:08:56.492
- Look, jenna would love to take children away from their parents
- 00:08:56.492 --> 00:08:59.829
- If the parents don't concede to this gender madness
- 00:08:59.829 --> 00:09:03.032
- And the gender change.
- 00:09:03.032 --> 00:09:04.133
- You mentioned the sexual revolution.
- 00:09:04.133 --> 00:09:05.568
- You recently wrote a great op ed in the washington times
- 00:09:05.568 --> 00:09:08.404
- About how the roots for all this
- 00:09:08.404 --> 00:09:09.905
- How did we get here right where little kids are having
- 00:09:09.905 --> 00:09:11.941
- Their genders change and adults are pushing it.
- 00:09:11.941 --> 00:09:14.744
- You wrote that it really had
- 00:09:14.744 --> 00:09:16.045
- Roots in the sexual revolution starting in the 1960s.
- 00:09:16.045 --> 00:09:20.149
- Can you unpack that for us a bit more,
- 00:09:20.149 --> 00:09:21.751
- Jenna, how we got to this insane place?
- 00:09:21.751 --> 00:09:25.955
- Yeah, well, once
- 00:09:25.955 --> 00:09:27.089
- We started to view sex as something outside of marriage
- 00:09:27.089 --> 00:09:32.461
- And for the express purpose of procreation,
- 00:09:32.461 --> 00:09:36.032
- Then we got to sex just for pleasure.
- 00:09:36.032 --> 00:09:39.068
- And the consequences of that, of course,
- 00:09:39.068 --> 00:09:41.337
- Between a man and a woman are that they're sometimes
- 00:09:41.337 --> 00:09:44.173
- As they may be, that is conceived.
- 00:09:44.173 --> 00:09:45.508
- And so we needed to remove the consequences of that.
- 00:09:45.508 --> 00:09:48.144
- So you got to the first case of a so-called right
- 00:09:48.144 --> 00:09:51.213
- To contraception.
- 00:09:51.213 --> 00:09:52.415
- That was a 1965 case called griswold versus connecticut,
- 00:09:52.415 --> 00:09:55.951
- Where the us supreme court
- 00:09:55.951 --> 00:09:57.687
- Looked at the constitution and they said,
- 00:09:57.687 --> 00:09:59.488
- We don't really have the power to adjudicate this.
- 00:09:59.488 --> 00:10:02.291
- So they created a legal fiction.
- 00:10:02.291 --> 00:10:04.293
- This was called the penumbra doctrine.
- 00:10:04.293 --> 00:10:05.828
- It's still taught in law schools.
- 00:10:05.828 --> 00:10:07.163
- When i went through law school this was taught as legal fact
- 00:10:07.163 --> 00:10:10.332
- When it's really a legal fiction.
- 00:10:10.332 --> 00:10:12.101
- They literally said, we are going to read
- 00:10:12.101 --> 00:10:14.336
- Between the lines of the constitution,
- 00:10:14.336 --> 00:10:16.706
- Find a right that emanates from this vast
- 00:10:16.706 --> 00:10:19.742
- Number of the lines between the text,
- 00:10:19.742 --> 00:10:21.610
- And we will adjudicate this case based on that so-called right
- 00:10:21.610 --> 00:10:25.681
- And establish a legal fiction that entire precedent has caused
- 00:10:25.681 --> 00:10:31.020
- And has been the rationale for the cases
- 00:10:31.020 --> 00:10:33.289
- Like roe versus wade
- 00:10:33.289 --> 00:10:34.223
- That you mentioned, which of course,
- 00:10:34.223 --> 00:10:35.558
- If contraceptions don't work, then you need abortions.
- 00:10:35.558 --> 00:10:38.094
- And then that led to its progeny,
- 00:10:38.094 --> 00:10:39.628
- Planned parenthood versus casey.
- 00:10:39.628 --> 00:10:41.197
- That has also led to the reinvention
- 00:10:41.197 --> 00:10:43.833
- Of human sexuality and the redefinition of marriage
- 00:10:43.833 --> 00:10:47.136
- That led to obergefell versus hodges in 2005.
- 00:10:47.136 --> 00:10:50.606
- And this this whole idea that marriage isn't sacred
- 00:10:50.606 --> 00:10:54.310
- Between one man and one woman.
- 00:10:54.310 --> 00:10:55.978
- And so marriage is just a social status instead of a confine
- 00:10:55.978 --> 00:11:00.649
- For the purpose of starting a family
- 00:11:00.649 --> 00:11:03.652
- Where the natural law principle is that only the union between
- 00:11:03.652 --> 00:11:07.323
- One man and one woman can ever naturally create a child
- 00:11:07.323 --> 00:11:11.494
- That has led then legally to this entire redefinition
- 00:11:11.494 --> 00:11:15.197
- Of what it even means to be a parent,
- 00:11:15.197 --> 00:11:17.133
- What it means to be a family, what it means to be human,
- 00:11:17.133 --> 00:11:20.703
- What it means to
- 00:11:20.703 --> 00:11:21.771
- Be of one gender versus
- 00:11:21.771 --> 00:11:23.506
- The other, what even means to have gender at all.
- 00:11:23.506 --> 00:11:25.574
- So you lead to this entire confusion
- 00:11:25.574 --> 00:11:28.577
- That we have commoditized children to the point now
- 00:11:28.577 --> 00:11:31.413
- Where we are questioning at the united states supreme court
- 00:11:31.413 --> 00:11:35.050
- What it actually means to be male versus female
- 00:11:35.050 --> 00:11:38.387
- And whether or not the state can protect children
- 00:11:38.387 --> 00:11:41.557
- From this type of life altering permanent abuse.
- 00:11:41.557 --> 00:11:45.861
- Yeah, and as you said, janet, we have supreme court justices
- 00:11:45.861 --> 00:11:48.631
- Who can't even say what a woman is.
- 00:11:48.631 --> 00:11:51.367
- More folks with jenna ellis.
- 00:11:51.367 --> 00:11:52.968
- After the break, she is a foremost legal mind
- 00:11:52.968 --> 00:11:55.504
- And she's going to break down the broader ramifications
- 00:11:55.504 --> 00:11:58.741
- Of joe biden's pardon of his son hunter earlier this week.
- 00:11:58.741 --> 00:12:03.212
- It's not good. you'll find out why after the break.
- 00:12:03.212 --> 00:12:06.182
- Stick around.
- 00:12:06.182 --> 00:12:08.006
- Stick around.
- 00:12:08.006 --> 00:12:10.451
- I am satisfied that i'm not going to do anything.
- 00:12:11.486 --> 00:12:15.490
- I said i'd buy the jury decision.
- 00:12:15.490 --> 00:12:17.826
- I will do that.
- 00:12:17.826 --> 00:12:18.927
- And i will not partner.
- 00:12:18.927 --> 00:12:21.262
- Welcome back to stack back to my folks.
- 00:12:21.262 --> 00:12:23.231
- That was president
- 00:12:23.231 --> 00:12:24.332
- Joe biden saying he would not pardon his son hunter.
- 00:12:24.332 --> 00:12:27.502
- Obviously, he did not keep his word on that.
- 00:12:27.502 --> 00:12:31.072
- We're talking to senior adviser for the american family
- 00:12:31.072 --> 00:12:33.341
- Association, former trump legal counsel jenna ellis.
- 00:12:33.341 --> 00:12:36.444
- Jenna, joe biden, of course, just pardoned hunter,
- 00:12:36.444 --> 00:12:39.180
- Contrary to what we just saw in that clip.
- 00:12:39.180 --> 00:12:41.349
- Hey, the american people are
- 00:12:41.349 --> 00:12:42.450
- Outraged about this, and rightly so on a lot of levels.
- 00:12:42.450 --> 00:12:45.320
- But in your expert legal opinion,
- 00:12:45.320 --> 00:12:48.156
- How does this move by biden set a very troubling precedent
- 00:12:48.156 --> 00:12:51.993
- For the future?
- 00:12:51.993 --> 00:12:54.729
- Well, it's abusing the power of the pardon
- 00:12:54.729 --> 00:12:57.198
- Because the whole reason that the president is given
- 00:12:57.198 --> 00:12:59.634
- Unilateral authority to pardon offenses
- 00:12:59.634 --> 00:13:02.770
- Against the united states in article
- 00:13:02.770 --> 00:13:04.239
- Two of the constitution is to be the last full stop
- 00:13:04.239 --> 00:13:07.609
- To carry out justice when justice has not
- 00:13:07.609 --> 00:13:11.846
- Been acquired through the judicial system.
- 00:13:11.846 --> 00:13:14.716
- Clearly, this isn't the case for hunter biden.
- 00:13:14.716 --> 00:13:17.051
- But what a lot of people aren't focusing on
- 00:13:17.051 --> 00:13:19.487
- Is that it's
- 00:13:19.487 --> 00:13:20.521
- Not just the pardoning of the two cases, the gun
- 00:13:20.521 --> 00:13:23.191
- Case in the tax case out of d.c. and delaware.
- 00:13:23.191 --> 00:13:25.760
- This pardon is so expansive that it goes all the way back
- 00:13:25.760 --> 00:13:29.030
- To january of 2014, spanning 11 years of conduct.
- 00:13:29.030 --> 00:13:33.635
- And why is 2014 so important?
- 00:13:33.635 --> 00:13:35.570
- Well, in april of 2014
- 00:13:35.570 --> 00:13:37.238
- Was when hunter biden first got onto the board of burisma.
- 00:13:37.238 --> 00:13:41.142
- That led to what a lot of people rightly calling the biden
- 00:13:41.142 --> 00:13:44.979
- Crime family syndicate.
- 00:13:44.979 --> 00:13:46.180
- That's what president trump often says.
- 00:13:46.180 --> 00:13:47.949
- And so this is conduct that not only is a biden pardoning
- 00:13:47.949 --> 00:13:52.353
- That has actually been in court,
- 00:13:52.353 --> 00:13:54.555
- But he is going all the way back
- 00:13:54.555 --> 00:13:55.790
- Really, i think, to cover himself.
- 00:13:55.790 --> 00:13:57.992
- And it's going to be very interesting
- 00:13:57.992 --> 00:13:59.527
- To see whether or not he extends other pardons to members
- 00:13:59.527 --> 00:14:03.798
- Of his current administration and even to himself
- 00:14:03.798 --> 00:14:06.968
- In the waning days of his presidency.
- 00:14:06.968 --> 00:14:08.836
- Yeah, his administration, china
- 00:14:08.836 --> 00:14:10.204
- Is reportedly very worried about president trump coming in
- 00:14:10.204 --> 00:14:13.274
- And conducting some much needed investigations
- 00:14:13.274 --> 00:14:15.977
- Of the corruption we've seen over the past four years.
- 00:14:15.977 --> 00:14:18.546
- Do you think biden may do this?
- 00:14:18.546 --> 00:14:19.948
- Look, he's got 46 days left in office.
- 00:14:19.948 --> 00:14:23.051
- Could we see blanket pardons?
- 00:14:23.051 --> 00:14:24.919
- People like anthony fauci, for instance, cleared by joe biden?
- 00:14:24.919 --> 00:14:29.057
- It would be a complete travesty of justice.
- 00:14:29.057 --> 00:14:31.759
- But i think that there
- 00:14:31.759 --> 00:14:32.927
- Is a substantial likelihood we will see more pardons,
- 00:14:32.927 --> 00:14:35.396
- Even up to the inauguration moment of donald trump
- 00:14:35.396 --> 00:14:39.734
- For the second time.
- 00:14:39.734 --> 00:14:40.802
- And with so
- 00:14:40.802 --> 00:14:42.303
- Disgusting about this, is that joe biden
- 00:14:42.303 --> 00:14:44.706
- Even admitted in his own statement about hunter's pardon,
- 00:14:44.706 --> 00:14:48.509
- That his own department of justice was weaponized
- 00:14:48.509 --> 00:14:51.679
- And now donald trump's lawyers have rightly invoked
- 00:14:51.679 --> 00:14:54.882
- That statement to say, listen, we've been saying that as all
- 00:14:54.882 --> 00:14:57.919
- Along for the last four years, that the doj is weaponized.
- 00:14:57.919 --> 00:15:00.855
- Now, when donald trump and his hopefully incoming
- 00:15:00.855 --> 00:15:04.058
- Attorney general, pam bondi, who i know
- 00:15:04.058 --> 00:15:05.927
- Personally, she's excellent, she's a fighter.
- 00:15:05.927 --> 00:15:08.663
- She will be a great attorney general
- 00:15:08.663 --> 00:15:10.732
- If she chooses to open up investigations
- 00:15:10.732 --> 00:15:13.768
- Against other members of the biden administration.
- 00:15:13.768 --> 00:15:16.070
- Look at alejandro mayorkas,
- 00:15:16.070 --> 00:15:17.605
- Who was rightfully impeached
- 00:15:17.605 --> 00:15:19.273
- In the senate, wouldn't even take it up
- 00:15:19.273 --> 00:15:21.309
- Or against other members of the biden crime family syndicate.
- 00:15:21.309 --> 00:15:25.146
- Now biden is poised to potentially issue pardons
- 00:15:25.146 --> 00:15:28.483
- Just so that they won't have to
- 00:15:28.483 --> 00:15:30.118
- Actually meet the justice system.
- 00:15:30.118 --> 00:15:31.753
- That is not what the power of pardon was designed for.
- 00:15:31.753 --> 00:15:34.455
- Yeah, it's really outrageous.
- 00:15:34.455 --> 00:15:35.590
- Janet, as you said, ultimately, if joe biden
- 00:15:35.590 --> 00:15:37.892
- Kind of getting ahead of this and ultimately
- 00:15:37.892 --> 00:15:39.761
- Covering his own hide, i guess preemptively.
- 00:15:39.761 --> 00:15:43.531
- Hey, we're talking about capitol hill and d.c.
- 00:15:43.531 --> 00:15:45.533
- And we're just talking
- 00:15:45.533 --> 00:15:46.567
- About the transgender issue in the last block,
- 00:15:46.567 --> 00:15:48.636
- Transgenders using bathrooms at the us capitol.
- 00:15:48.636 --> 00:15:52.573
- Now, speaker mike johnson says no more.
- 00:15:52.573 --> 00:15:54.609
- You have to
- 00:15:54.609 --> 00:15:55.710
- Use the bathroom corresponding to your biological sex.
- 00:15:55.710 --> 00:15:59.814
- You break down all these legal issues
- 00:15:59.814 --> 00:16:01.549
- In such an easy to understand way.
- 00:16:01.549 --> 00:16:03.217
- Jenna, do you think that holds up?
- 00:16:03.217 --> 00:16:05.153
- Do you think?
- 00:16:05.153 --> 00:16:06.054
- Mike johnson look, he'll get pushback,
- 00:16:06.054 --> 00:16:07.321
- I'm sure, from the left,
- 00:16:07.321 --> 00:16:08.556
- But he's got a rock solid case there in terms of a legal basis.
- 00:16:08.556 --> 00:16:13.127
- Oh, absolutely.
- 00:16:13.127 --> 00:16:14.028
- I mean, this there's nothing more
- 00:16:14.028 --> 00:16:15.463
- Clear than gender is immutable and it's not something
- 00:16:15.463 --> 00:16:19.567
- That is assigned at birth arbitrarily.
- 00:16:19.567 --> 00:16:22.070
- It's because you either are a boy or a girl.
- 00:16:22.070 --> 00:16:25.139
- And so for speaker johnson to say that if you are a man,
- 00:16:25.139 --> 00:16:29.677
- You have to use them under i'm a woman,
- 00:16:29.677 --> 00:16:31.279
- You have to use the women's room that's based
- 00:16:31.279 --> 00:16:33.114
- And grounded in observable facts.
- 00:16:33.114 --> 00:16:35.550
- It's based in reality and just pure common sense.
- 00:16:35.550 --> 00:16:38.286
- And this is what we have to get back to in this country,
- 00:16:38.286 --> 00:16:40.488
- Because we have for so long participated in the leftist lies
- 00:16:40.488 --> 00:16:45.059
- And fiction.
- 00:16:45.059 --> 00:16:45.860
- I mean, even chief justice roberts
- 00:16:45.860 --> 00:16:47.595
- And justice barrett yesterday called the trans aclu lawyer
- 00:16:47.595 --> 00:16:51.699
- Who is a woman, called her mister from the bench.
- 00:16:51.699 --> 00:16:55.436
- That, to me is an impeachable offense.
- 00:16:55.436 --> 00:16:57.271
- That is utter nonsense and ridiculous
- 00:16:57.271 --> 00:16:59.707
- That they're using this type of language.
- 00:16:59.707 --> 00:17:01.576
- We need to get back to rejecting the utter fiction of the left
- 00:17:01.576 --> 00:17:05.279
- And standing firm in protecting
- 00:17:05.279 --> 00:17:07.148
- Women, in bathrooms, in sports, in locker rooms.
- 00:17:07.148 --> 00:17:10.451
- And nasa action has done a lot for this to stand up.
- 00:17:10.451 --> 00:17:13.554
- Even way back when, ten years ago
- 00:17:13.554 --> 00:17:15.523
- We were fighting when target was within
- 00:17:15.523 --> 00:17:18.826
- The media, forcing that women could use the women's restroom.
- 00:17:18.826 --> 00:17:22.196
- This has been an ongoing issue for a long time.
- 00:17:22.196 --> 00:17:24.599
- We need to stand up firmly
- 00:17:24.599 --> 00:17:26.601
- And as a society and a country say, no.
- 00:17:26.601 --> 00:17:29.604
- You you know,
- 00:17:29.604 --> 00:17:30.771
- The american family association is doing such great work
- 00:17:30.771 --> 00:17:32.607
- On this, john.
- 00:17:32.607 --> 00:17:33.141
- And you are of course,
- 00:17:33.141 --> 00:17:34.308
- This is common sense
- 00:17:34.308 --> 00:17:35.710
- In times where common sense is not so common.
- 00:17:35.710 --> 00:17:38.479
- But there will be a new sheriff
- 00:17:38.479 --> 00:17:39.680
- In town, janet, come january 20th.
- 00:17:39.680 --> 00:17:41.816
- And we've got about a minute left.
- 00:17:41.816 --> 00:17:43.718
- Hey, the law fair, we can call it
- 00:17:43.718 --> 00:17:45.753
- The democrats have waged against president trump over the past
- 00:17:45.753 --> 00:17:48.890
- Few years.
- 00:17:48.890 --> 00:17:49.824
- Seems like we'll see a big reversal in that
- 00:17:49.824 --> 00:17:52.160
- Come january 20th and hopefully a new day.
- 00:17:52.160 --> 00:17:56.297
- Yeah, and i'm
- 00:17:56.297 --> 00:17:57.298
- Very excited for president trump to take office.
- 00:17:57.298 --> 00:18:00.034
- I love
- 00:18:00.034 --> 00:18:00.902
- Most of his cabinet nominees
- 00:18:00.902 --> 00:18:02.870
- And he has the prerogative to say, hey,
- 00:18:02.870 --> 00:18:04.539
- We have a mandate from this country to reject the extremism,
- 00:18:04.539 --> 00:18:09.377
- The cultural marxism of the left.
- 00:18:09.377 --> 00:18:11.479
- And so i'm hopeful
- 00:18:11.479 --> 00:18:12.880
- That on day one, he will sign some executive orders to reverse
- 00:18:12.880 --> 00:18:16.417
- Some of the biden era policies
- 00:18:16.417 --> 00:18:18.386
- That have been so damaging for america, close the border,
- 00:18:18.386 --> 00:18:21.155
- Stimulate the economy, and also put morality first.
- 00:18:21.155 --> 00:18:25.426
- Make sure that he reinstates
- 00:18:25.426 --> 00:18:26.661
- The mexico city policy so none of our tax dollars
- 00:18:26.661 --> 00:18:29.130
- Are going to pay for abortions.
- 00:18:29.130 --> 00:18:30.598
- There's so much that trump can do.
- 00:18:30.598 --> 00:18:32.433
- I wrote another piece in daily caller talking about that,
- 00:18:32.433 --> 00:18:35.269
- So people can definitely check it out.
- 00:18:35.269 --> 00:18:37.171
- And you can also go to afr dot net
- 00:18:37.171 --> 00:18:39.173
- And you can listen to all of our commentary there.
- 00:18:39.173 --> 00:18:41.609
- Amen. janna, thanks so much.
- 00:18:41.609 --> 00:18:43.177
- Keep up the great work.
- 00:18:43.177 --> 00:18:44.378
- God bless janna and we will see you again soon. and folks.
- 00:18:44.378 --> 00:18:46.581
- Coming up after the break, we're shifting gears a bit
- 00:18:46.581 --> 00:18:49.383
- To the world's most volatile and chaotic region,
- 00:18:49.383 --> 00:18:52.520
- The middle east.
- 00:18:52.520 --> 00:18:53.387
- What is the state of play right now?
- 00:18:53.387 --> 00:18:55.790
- Israel, iran, syria, russia?
- 00:18:55.790 --> 00:18:58.159
- Some major developments in the middle east.
- 00:18:58.159 --> 00:19:00.494
- We're going to break down what's happening
- 00:19:00.494 --> 00:19:02.296
- And why it affects you.
- 00:19:02.296 --> 00:19:03.998
- That's next. don't move.
- 00:19:03.998 --> 00:19:07.003
- That's next. don't move.
- 00:19:07.003 --> 00:19:09.937
- Welcome back to stakelbeck tonight, folks.
- 00:19:10.838 --> 00:19:12.740
- Some major developments this week in the world's
- 00:19:12.740 --> 00:19:15.076
- Most strategic, chaotic and prophetic region,
- 00:19:15.076 --> 00:19:18.946
- The middle east.
- 00:19:18.946 --> 00:19:19.714
- It all starts with the man
- 00:19:19.714 --> 00:19:21.215
- Who we're calling the sheriff, donald j. trump.
- 00:19:21.215 --> 00:19:23.384
- The new sheriff
- 00:19:23.384 --> 00:19:24.452
- Is coming to town january 20th, just 46 days away.
- 00:19:24.452 --> 00:19:28.055
- And it will have profound impact not only on america
- 00:19:28.055 --> 00:19:31.392
- But on the middle east.
- 00:19:31.392 --> 00:19:32.360
- And we saw that earlier this week when trump
- 00:19:32.360 --> 00:19:34.428
- Laid down the law to hamas, telling them, in essence,
- 00:19:34.428 --> 00:19:38.933
- Release the hostages, including at least three americans now
- 00:19:38.933 --> 00:19:42.937
- Or else.
- 00:19:42.937 --> 00:19:44.071
- That's a kind of strong, strong stance
- 00:19:44.071 --> 00:19:47.008
- That has a real impact in the middle east, folks.
- 00:19:47.008 --> 00:19:49.677
- And the tyrants in the world and in that region are
- 00:19:49.677 --> 00:19:53.581
- Listening now.
- 00:19:53.581 --> 00:19:54.515
- Foremost among them is the iranian regime.
- 00:19:54.515 --> 00:19:56.917
- And as we break down the state of play here,
- 00:19:56.917 --> 00:19:59.253
- You could say iran is the biggest loser.
- 00:19:59.253 --> 00:20:02.456
- Let's think about it.
- 00:20:02.456 --> 00:20:03.658
- Number one, israel over the past few months has absolutely
- 00:20:03.658 --> 00:20:08.062
- Smashed that iranian ring of fire that surrounds israel.
- 00:20:08.062 --> 00:20:12.500
- We're used to on all sides.
- 00:20:12.500 --> 00:20:14.568
- Chief among them, iran's main proxies.
- 00:20:14.568 --> 00:20:17.271
- Hamas, of course, decimated in gaza.
- 00:20:17.271 --> 00:20:20.341
- Then the crown
- 00:20:20.341 --> 00:20:21.609
- Jewel of the iranian regime and that ring of fire, hezbollah,
- 00:20:21.609 --> 00:20:25.179
- Which is that
- 00:20:25.179 --> 00:20:26.247
- Maybe 30% capacity in terms of what it used to be.
- 00:20:26.247 --> 00:20:30.484
- They picked a fight
- 00:20:30.484 --> 00:20:31.585
- With israel on october 7th and october 8th, 20, 23.
- 00:20:31.585 --> 00:20:35.556
- And in the process, they signed their own death warrants.
- 00:20:35.556 --> 00:20:38.626
- So iran's grand strategy in the region
- 00:20:38.626 --> 00:20:41.829
- Is unraveling before our very eyes right now.
- 00:20:41.829 --> 00:20:44.832
- Not only that, israel has taken out
- 00:20:44.832 --> 00:20:47.935
- Iran's air defenses in recent weeks,
- 00:20:47.935 --> 00:20:51.672
- And now iran is tied up more than ever in syria,
- 00:20:51.672 --> 00:20:55.343
- Where, as we told you earlier this week,
- 00:20:55.343 --> 00:20:57.178
- There is a major offensive right now, sunni
- 00:20:57.178 --> 00:21:00.081
- Jihadi rebels linked to al qaeda and the muslim brotherhood.
- 00:21:00.081 --> 00:21:03.617
- Not very nice guys
- 00:21:03.617 --> 00:21:04.952
- Are now battling against the other side of the jihadist coin,
- 00:21:04.952 --> 00:21:08.589
- Iran, hezbollah, etc..
- 00:21:08.589 --> 00:21:10.958
- So it's a battle between two evil forces in syria.
- 00:21:10.958 --> 00:21:14.562
- Add it all up
- 00:21:14.562 --> 00:21:15.763
- And iran is severely weakened and sidetracked right now.
- 00:21:15.763 --> 00:21:19.033
- And guess what?
- 00:21:19.033 --> 00:21:20.000
- Donald trump is about to return to office,
- 00:21:20.000 --> 00:21:22.703
- Which is pretty much the iranian regime's worst nightmare now.
- 00:21:22.703 --> 00:21:26.107
- Two things to keep in mind here.
- 00:21:26.107 --> 00:21:27.908
- Number one,
- 00:21:27.908 --> 00:21:28.976
- If you missed my breakdown on syria the other day,
- 00:21:28.976 --> 00:21:31.379
- Complicated situation.
- 00:21:31.379 --> 00:21:32.880
- I broke down for everyone to understand.
- 00:21:32.880 --> 00:21:34.982
- Remember, tbn plus is the place to go.
- 00:21:34.982 --> 00:21:37.718
- We've got every episode of stakelbeck tonight right there.
- 00:21:37.718 --> 00:21:40.554
- Also, our youtube channel watchmen tv.
- 00:21:40.554 --> 00:21:44.158
- That's emmy and watchmen
- 00:21:44.158 --> 00:21:47.128
- Every day
- 00:21:47.128 --> 00:21:48.229
- We're bringing you breaking updates
- 00:21:48.229 --> 00:21:50.398
- On the latest out of israel and the middle east.
- 00:21:50.398 --> 00:21:53.267
- Folks, we just passed 1 million subscribers
- 00:21:53.267 --> 00:21:57.138
- On our youtube channel.
- 00:21:57.138 --> 00:21:58.339
- Hard to believe
- 00:21:58.339 --> 00:21:59.507
- For such a time as this, so be sure to check it out.
- 00:21:59.507 --> 00:22:02.843
- Watchmen exclusive content there on the youtube
- 00:22:02.843 --> 00:22:06.647
- Channel that you will not see anywhere else.
- 00:22:06.647 --> 00:22:10.251
- So big things coming for the middle east.
- 00:22:10.251 --> 00:22:12.820
- The abrahamic court that's back on the table,
- 00:22:12.820 --> 00:22:14.922
- Potential peace between israel and saudi arabia.
- 00:22:14.922 --> 00:22:18.125
- And donald trump once again is at the center of this all
- 00:22:18.125 --> 00:22:22.329
- Prophetic times and more on these times
- 00:22:22.329 --> 00:22:26.200
- And the place of the body of christ in all this
- 00:22:26.200 --> 00:22:29.003
- After the break in my final thoughts.
- 00:22:29.003 --> 00:22:31.505
- That's next.
- 00:22:31.505 --> 00:22:33.999
- That's next.
- 00:22:33.999 --> 00:22:36.913
- Welcome back to stakelbeck tonight, folks.
- 00:22:37.814 --> 00:22:39.482
- As we wrap up here, we've been talking about
- 00:22:39.482 --> 00:22:41.150
- The gender madness targeting our kids.
- 00:22:41.150 --> 00:22:43.219
- It makes me think of the book of esther chapter four, verse 14,
- 00:22:43.219 --> 00:22:46.222
- Which says, if you remain silent at this time, relief
- 00:22:46.222 --> 00:22:49.959
- And deliverance for the jews will arise from another place
- 00:22:49.959 --> 00:22:53.296
- By you and your father's family will perish.
- 00:22:53.296 --> 00:22:56.132
- Well, guess what?
- 00:22:56.132 --> 00:22:57.366
- Far too many church pulpits have been silent on this issue.
- 00:22:57.366 --> 00:23:00.536
- But deliverance has been coming
- 00:23:00.536 --> 00:23:02.104
- From people like donald trump, elon musk, megyn kelly.
- 00:23:02.104 --> 00:23:05.942
- When it comes to this trans issue, it's
- 00:23:05.942 --> 00:23:07.710
- Time for the body of christ to step up and fulfill our god
- 00:23:07.710 --> 00:23:11.147
- Given mandate to speak light and truth in that darkness.
- 00:23:11.147 --> 00:23:15.051
- Speaking in which tomorrow, gordon chang,
- 00:23:15.051 --> 00:23:17.220
- Rebecca koffler will be with us to break down
- 00:23:17.220 --> 00:23:19.422
- The gathering storm against america.
- 00:23:19.422 --> 00:23:21.958
- You won't want to miss that until then.
- 00:23:21.958 --> 00:23:24.060
- God bless you and we'll see you soon.
- 00:23:24.060 --> 00:23:24.060