Sheila Walsh hosts Natalie Grant.
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Praise | Natalie Grant: Finding Hope in Every Season | Praise | November 25, 2024
- - coming up tonight on praise.
- 00:00:00.023 --> 00:00:04.127
- - you know, so often we come to the lord with our prayers, as we
- 00:00:04.127 --> 00:00:07.263
- Should, and i'm discovering the power of thanksgiving.
- 00:00:07.263 --> 00:00:10.867
- - gratitude, and anxiety, worry cannot exist in the brain
- 00:00:10.867 --> 00:00:15.672
- At the same time.
- 00:00:15.672 --> 00:00:17.173
- And so, if you're stressed out today or worried today,
- 00:00:17.173 --> 00:00:21.077
- Just begin to thank god.
- 00:00:21.077 --> 00:00:22.779
- Recall a moment that he was good.
- 00:00:22.779 --> 00:00:24.814
- Thank him. thank him. thank him.
- 00:00:24.814 --> 00:00:26.116
- That gratitude will actually--
- 00:00:26.116 --> 00:00:28.818
- That worry can't exist in your brain at the same time when
- 00:00:28.818 --> 00:00:32.288
- You're giving thanks to god.
- 00:00:32.288 --> 00:00:33.790
- [music]
- 00:00:33.790 --> 00:00:40.430
- - tonight on praise, from nashville,
- 00:00:41.231 --> 00:00:44.067
- Award-winning contemporary singer and songwriter,
- 00:00:44.067 --> 00:00:47.604
- Natalie grant.
- 00:00:47.604 --> 00:00:53.243
- And now, sheila walsh.
- 00:00:53.743 --> 00:00:55.979
- - hi, everybody.
- 00:00:55.979 --> 00:00:57.280
- Welcome to nashville.
- 00:00:57.280 --> 00:00:58.848
- And you know that if we're in nashville,
- 00:00:58.848 --> 00:01:00.383
- We're going to get to hear some good singing.
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- One of the things i love about being here at the huckabee
- 00:01:03.553 --> 00:01:07.090
- Studio is just so many of my friends live fairly close to
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- Here and to be able to invite them to come in.
- 00:01:12.028 --> 00:01:14.731
- And when my guest tonight said yes,
- 00:01:14.731 --> 00:01:17.567
- I was just over the moon because i have loved and respected her
- 00:01:17.567 --> 00:01:21.104
- For so many years.
- 00:01:21.104 --> 00:01:24.374
- So, natalie, it's just a joy to have you here.
- 00:01:24.374 --> 00:01:26.442
- - it is a joy to be here and to see you.
- 00:01:26.442 --> 00:01:29.245
- That's so funny.
- 00:01:29.245 --> 00:01:30.513
- I was thinking about the very first time i ever met you.
- 00:01:30.513 --> 00:01:33.082
- And i don't know if you remember this,
- 00:01:33.082 --> 00:01:34.417
- But it was because i was the one freaking out.
- 00:01:34.417 --> 00:01:37.353
- I was like, "gosh, that's sheila walsh.
- 00:01:37.353 --> 00:01:38.922
- I'm totally freaking out right now.”
- 00:01:38.922 --> 00:01:40.423
- It was women of faith in sacramento, california.
- 00:01:40.423 --> 00:01:44.894
- And it was my very first time.
- 00:01:44.894 --> 00:01:48.164
- And i was at the mall.
- 00:01:48.164 --> 00:01:50.366
- It was in--
- 00:01:50.366 --> 00:01:51.634
- I forget the name of that mall in sacramento, california,
- 00:01:51.634 --> 00:01:54.237
- But i just remember you were in this cute little puffer coat
- 00:01:54.237 --> 00:01:56.573
- With your sunglasses walking through the mall.
- 00:01:56.573 --> 00:01:58.741
- And i was like, "that's sheila walsh.”
- 00:01:58.741 --> 00:02:00.810
- And i was like, "hi, i really want to meet you.”
- 00:02:00.810 --> 00:02:04.847
- But i am at women at faith for the first time.
- 00:02:04.847 --> 00:02:06.883
- And that was the first time we ever met.
- 00:02:06.883 --> 00:02:08.351
- And i don't even want to think about how many years ago that
- 00:02:08.351 --> 00:02:11.087
- Was because i think it was like 22 years ago.
- 00:02:11.087 --> 00:02:14.891
- - oh, at least, yeah.
- 00:02:14.891 --> 00:02:16.226
- I remember the very first time that you were with us at women
- 00:02:16.226 --> 00:02:19.162
- Of faith because i was sitting beside thelma wells,
- 00:02:19.162 --> 00:02:22.498
- And you started to sing.
- 00:02:22.498 --> 00:02:24.567
- Your voice, natalie, was just--
- 00:02:24.567 --> 00:02:28.371
- It's the combination of the power of your voice,
- 00:02:28.371 --> 00:02:32.809
- The anointing of the lord, and just who you are
- 00:02:32.809 --> 00:02:37.113
- That just comes through.
- 00:02:37.113 --> 00:02:38.481
- Did you always know you could sing from when you were little?
- 00:02:38.481 --> 00:02:40.683
- - well, i mean, i always knew i could sing.
- 00:02:40.683 --> 00:02:42.986
- I grew up in a musical family.
- 00:02:42.986 --> 00:02:44.254
- I'm the youngest of five kids.
- 00:02:44.254 --> 00:02:45.955
- We grew up singing together.
- 00:02:45.955 --> 00:02:48.024
- My mom was always the special singer.
- 00:02:48.024 --> 00:02:50.593
- Like, you know, when church used to have the specials for
- 00:02:50.593 --> 00:02:53.196
- The offertory, my mom would always do the high-low track of
- 00:02:53.196 --> 00:02:56.332
- The sandy patty song.
- 00:02:56.332 --> 00:02:57.700
- And so, you know, i always knew i could sing, musical family.
- 00:02:57.700 --> 00:03:01.537
- But i didn't ever go, "i'm going to do this with my life”"
- 00:03:01.537 --> 00:03:06.109
- I just loved singing.
- 00:03:06.109 --> 00:03:08.011
- I loved singing in church.
- 00:03:08.011 --> 00:03:09.712
- I'm a church girl.
- 00:03:09.712 --> 00:03:11.381
- So, i just thought i'm always going to serve
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- In the local church.
- 00:03:13.883 --> 00:03:15.184
- But no, i actually thought i was going to be an elementary
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- School teacher.
- 00:03:19.022 --> 00:03:19.956
- - really?
- 00:03:19.956 --> 00:03:20.723
- Oh, wow.
- 00:03:20.723 --> 00:03:21.691
- Thank you for not doing that.
- 00:03:21.691 --> 00:03:23.092
- - well, all the students out there should thank it, too,
- 00:03:23.092 --> 00:03:26.095
- Because i tried to homeschool my kids,
- 00:03:26.095 --> 00:03:27.363
- And it turns out i'm terrible at it.
- 00:03:27.363 --> 00:03:29.065
- - i wouldn't even have tried that.
- 00:03:29.065 --> 00:03:31.134
- There's so many things i want to talk to you about.
- 00:03:31.134 --> 00:03:33.636
- But before we get into any of it, i have to say that recently,
- 00:03:33.636 --> 00:03:37.340
- I watched two or three things that you posted from the
- 00:03:37.340 --> 00:03:41.911
- Belonging church conference.
- 00:03:41.911 --> 00:03:44.380
- I have to tell you, natalie, i wasn't there,
- 00:03:44.380 --> 00:03:47.483
- But just from what i saw--
- 00:03:47.483 --> 00:03:49.218
- - i get goosebumps thinking about it.
- 00:03:49.218 --> 00:03:51.788
- - this was like something--
- 00:03:51.788 --> 00:03:55.024
- I don't even know the word.
- 00:03:55.024 --> 00:03:56.326
- It felt holy, and it felt filled with the presence of god.
- 00:03:56.326 --> 00:04:00.663
- - you know, it's funny.
- 00:04:00.663 --> 00:04:02.365
- As a church, i've been involved at the belonging cove
- 00:04:02.365 --> 00:04:04.934
- Since 2016.
- 00:04:04.934 --> 00:04:06.836
- It's when bernie and i started going to church there.
- 00:04:06.836 --> 00:04:08.304
- And what drew us to it, the pastors, henry and alex seeley,
- 00:04:08.304 --> 00:04:13.309
- They really understand how to steward the presence of god.
- 00:04:13.309 --> 00:04:17.113
- And, you know, obviously being involved in church ministry,
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- Being involved in ministry, you know,
- 00:04:20.717 --> 00:04:23.119
- We know what a run sheet is, we know what a minute by minute is.
- 00:04:23.119 --> 00:04:25.888
- And it was interesting going to a place that felt
- 00:04:25.888 --> 00:04:30.960
- Free enough, not--
- 00:04:30.960 --> 00:04:32.962
- God's a god of order, so i don't mean like crazy,
- 00:04:32.962 --> 00:04:35.765
- But i mean free enough to not have to live by a minute by
- 00:04:35.765 --> 00:04:40.069
- Minute and go, "if god is moving,
- 00:04:40.069 --> 00:04:42.438
- And we have a second service that has to get in,
- 00:04:42.438 --> 00:04:44.307
- And people are going to be in line out the door,
- 00:04:44.307 --> 00:04:46.442
- And it's going to be hard to get in the parking lot,
- 00:04:46.442 --> 00:04:47.877
- It's going to be okay.
- 00:04:47.877 --> 00:04:50.046
- It's okay because god is moving.”
- 00:04:50.046 --> 00:04:52.415
- And that conference, we'd fasted and prayed as a church
- 00:04:52.415 --> 00:04:55.718
- And just really knew we're in interesting times in the world.
- 00:04:55.718 --> 00:05:01.023
- And honestly, we need the presence of god to just
- 00:05:01.023 --> 00:05:05.762
- Transform our churches.
- 00:05:05.762 --> 00:05:07.530
- Never mind the world.
- 00:05:07.530 --> 00:05:08.498
- We need him to transform the world,
- 00:05:08.498 --> 00:05:09.632
- But we also need him to transform our churches.
- 00:05:09.632 --> 00:05:11.234
- And there was just a tangible sense of the presence of god.
- 00:05:11.234 --> 00:05:17.874
- I've never heard him speak audibly, but that sense of,
- 00:05:17.874 --> 00:05:22.445
- Wait, surely the lord is in this place.
- 00:05:22.445 --> 00:05:24.747
- Like, surely the lord is in this place.
- 00:05:24.747 --> 00:05:27.984
- And there was moments we felt like we couldn't move,
- 00:05:27.984 --> 00:05:29.852
- The presence of god was so thick.
- 00:05:29.852 --> 00:05:31.454
- And i feel like there's these clips that have been posted,
- 00:05:31.454 --> 00:05:33.990
- And people are commenting, "i wasn't there,
- 00:05:33.990 --> 00:05:36.492
- But i'm watching this clip, and i now feel--
- 00:05:36.492 --> 00:05:39.061
- I sense the presence of god in my car, in my house, in my--”
- 00:05:39.061 --> 00:05:42.131
- It's just been really incredible.
- 00:05:42.131 --> 00:05:44.434
- - so, i went on to your instagram and i watched a couple
- 00:05:44.434 --> 00:05:47.837
- Of those clips, and it was really--
- 00:05:47.837 --> 00:05:49.906
- It shifted something in me because it felt like the weight
- 00:05:49.906 --> 00:05:54.977
- Of god's presence.
- 00:05:54.977 --> 00:05:56.746
- You know, it just felt like--
- 00:05:56.746 --> 00:05:57.914
- Because i used to--
- 00:05:57.914 --> 00:05:59.615
- I said to barry not long ago, "i used to think in my christian
- 00:05:59.615 --> 00:06:02.452
- Life that i wanted answers.
- 00:06:02.452 --> 00:06:04.353
- Now i realize, no, i want the presence of god because the
- 00:06:04.353 --> 00:06:07.723
- Presence of god changes everything."
- 00:06:07.723 --> 00:06:09.559
- - yeah, it does.
- 00:06:09.559 --> 00:06:10.860
- And honestly, it's interesting because sometimes you think of
- 00:06:10.860 --> 00:06:14.230
- The presence of god.
- 00:06:14.230 --> 00:06:15.498
- Yes, he's omnipresent and he's everywhere, at all places,
- 00:06:15.498 --> 00:06:18.901
- At all times, right?
- 00:06:18.901 --> 00:06:20.203
- But there's also the manifest presence of god,
- 00:06:20.203 --> 00:06:23.172
- Where it's his presence made known,
- 00:06:23.172 --> 00:06:25.408
- Where it's like he makes his presence known to us.
- 00:06:25.408 --> 00:06:29.178
- And i often think, "you didn't have to do that, lord.”
- 00:06:29.178 --> 00:06:31.747
- Like you're the king of all glory.
- 00:06:31.747 --> 00:06:33.916
- Like you don't have to make yourself known to us,
- 00:06:33.916 --> 00:06:36.519
- But you want to.
- 00:06:36.519 --> 00:06:38.554
- You want us to be in your presence.
- 00:06:38.554 --> 00:06:40.923
- You want us to experience that tangible manifest
- 00:06:40.923 --> 00:06:44.527
- Presence of god.
- 00:06:44.527 --> 00:06:45.895
- And sometimes i can't even explain it,
- 00:06:45.895 --> 00:06:49.131
- But you try to put words to it.
- 00:06:49.131 --> 00:06:51.567
- You're like, "i can't explain it, but i know it.
- 00:06:51.567 --> 00:06:54.170
- I recognize it when it's there, i know it when it's happening,
- 00:06:54.170 --> 00:06:58.007
- And i know that it shifts everything.”
- 00:06:58.007 --> 00:07:00.009
- It shifts your attitude.
- 00:07:00.009 --> 00:07:02.011
- It shifts your perspective.
- 00:07:02.011 --> 00:07:03.579
- It shifts your mood.
- 00:07:03.579 --> 00:07:05.882
- Which i oftentimes need a mood shift.
- 00:07:05.882 --> 00:07:09.452
- Especially now.
- 00:07:09.452 --> 00:07:11.487
- These ages i'm getting to that i don't want to admit,
- 00:07:11.487 --> 00:07:13.856
- But i get a little moodier than i used to be.
- 00:07:13.856 --> 00:07:15.758
- And you just are like, "lord, i actually need your presence.
- 00:07:15.758 --> 00:07:20.029
- I need your presence to raise three teenage girls right now.
- 00:07:20.029 --> 00:07:23.332
- I need your presence to keep doing what--
- 00:07:23.332 --> 00:07:25.635
- I need your presence.
- 00:07:25.635 --> 00:07:27.236
- Otherwise, it's like it feels empty.
- 00:07:27.236 --> 00:07:30.006
- - what would you say to people who are watching at home and
- 00:07:30.006 --> 00:07:33.643
- Think, "gosh, i wish i could experience that,
- 00:07:33.643 --> 00:07:36.212
- But my church is not really like that"?
- 00:07:36.212 --> 00:07:37.780
- - how do you--
- 00:07:37.780 --> 00:07:39.482
- What would you say?
- 00:07:39.482 --> 00:07:40.683
- - well, you know, it's interesting because the presence
- 00:07:40.683 --> 00:07:43.519
- Of god is not confined to a church building.
- 00:07:43.519 --> 00:07:46.188
- So, if your church isn't like that,
- 00:07:46.188 --> 00:07:48.791
- Begin to call out and cry out to god for his presence
- 00:07:48.791 --> 00:07:52.862
- In your everyday life.
- 00:07:52.862 --> 00:07:54.030
- You know, i remember back in 2020,
- 00:07:54.030 --> 00:07:57.934
- I was so desperate for a move of god in my own life,
- 00:07:57.934 --> 00:08:02.371
- And i began to read exodus, which, you know,
- 00:08:02.371 --> 00:08:05.274
- Is not really a book that you kind of go,
- 00:08:05.274 --> 00:08:06.642
- "i'm going to just run to exodus.”
- 00:08:06.642 --> 00:08:08.544
- I've always been kind of a new testament girl because jesus is
- 00:08:08.544 --> 00:08:13.249
- On the scene, and the old testament sometimes is scary.
- 00:08:13.249 --> 00:08:16.285
- And so, i would just sometimes be like,
- 00:08:16.285 --> 00:08:18.321
- "i'm going to stick with the gospels.”
- 00:08:18.321 --> 00:08:20.356
- But i went through exodus, and i just remember that moment of
- 00:08:20.356 --> 00:08:24.827
- Reading the words of moses who said, "god,
- 00:08:24.827 --> 00:08:26.996
- Show me your glorious presence,” and understanding
- 00:08:26.996 --> 00:08:29.398
- That story of wait.
- 00:08:29.398 --> 00:08:32.001
- You know, god said, "i'm going to deliver you to the promised
- 00:08:32.001 --> 00:08:34.103
- Land because i told you i would, but because of your sin and some
- 00:08:34.103 --> 00:08:38.541
- Things, i'm going to hold my presence back.”
- 00:08:38.541 --> 00:08:40.576
- And then you start to read, and you kind of,
- 00:08:40.576 --> 00:08:42.545
- My paraphrased version is basically,
- 00:08:42.545 --> 00:08:44.847
- But what is the promised land without your presence?
- 00:08:44.847 --> 00:08:47.350
- Your presence is the promised land.
- 00:08:47.350 --> 00:08:49.652
- Like how could we do this without your presence?
- 00:08:49.652 --> 00:08:52.054
- And then, he says those words, "god,
- 00:08:52.054 --> 00:08:54.156
- Show me your glorious presence.”
- 00:08:54.156 --> 00:08:55.791
- And i started praying that every day.
- 00:08:55.791 --> 00:08:57.893
- God, show me your glorious presence, like in the mundane,
- 00:08:57.893 --> 00:09:01.998
- In the tired, in the whatever, show me.
- 00:09:01.998 --> 00:09:05.968
- And so, if somebody is going, "but my church isn't like that.”
- 00:09:05.968 --> 00:09:09.305
- Okay, but god still wants to meet you wherever you are.
- 00:09:09.305 --> 00:09:12.708
- So, when you wake up, start going, "okay, today, god,
- 00:09:12.708 --> 00:09:15.378
- Show me your glorious presence.”
- 00:09:15.378 --> 00:09:17.480
- And honestly, that is his will.
- 00:09:17.480 --> 00:09:19.982
- He wants to show it to you.
- 00:09:19.982 --> 00:09:21.484
- So, when you are praying that, you are already praying
- 00:09:21.484 --> 00:09:25.154
- The will of god.
- 00:09:25.154 --> 00:09:26.389
- It's a prayer he wants you to pray,
- 00:09:26.389 --> 00:09:28.457
- And you will be shocked at what god begins to show you when you
- 00:09:28.457 --> 00:09:33.629
- Just say those simple words, "god, today,
- 00:09:33.629 --> 00:09:36.499
- Show me your glorious presence."
- 00:09:36.499 --> 00:09:38.501
- - i love that.
- 00:09:38.501 --> 00:09:39.468
- I'm going to start praying that.
- 00:09:39.468 --> 00:09:40.970
- Seriously.
- 00:09:40.970 --> 00:09:42.371
- - yes.
- 00:09:42.371 --> 00:09:43.239
- Show me your glorious presence.
- 00:09:43.239 --> 00:09:44.607
- - it's interesting because i remember that part where god is,
- 00:09:44.607 --> 00:09:47.009
- You know, displeased with his people and tells them they can
- 00:09:47.009 --> 00:09:51.414
- Go on, but he's not going with them.
- 00:09:51.414 --> 00:09:52.915
- And moses is like, "if you're not going, i'm not going."
- 00:09:52.915 --> 00:09:56.652
- - no.
- 00:09:56.652 --> 00:09:58.154
- - it's like even with jesus, when the disciples, you know,
- 00:09:58.154 --> 00:10:00.523
- When he says to them, "are you going to go?”
- 00:10:00.523 --> 00:10:02.491
- And it's like, "where would we go?
- 00:10:02.491 --> 00:10:04.760
- Who else would there be in this world that we would
- 00:10:04.760 --> 00:10:07.563
- Want to follow?"
- 00:10:07.563 --> 00:10:08.731
- - yes.
- 00:10:08.731 --> 00:10:10.066
- - so, one of the things that i loved discovering last night was
- 00:10:10.066 --> 00:10:13.969
- So, you're now like a covered girl, you and gracie.
- 00:10:13.969 --> 00:10:16.939
- I love that.
- 00:10:16.939 --> 00:10:19.442
- I think it's a current edition of people health.
- 00:10:19.442 --> 00:10:24.013
- - yes.
- 00:10:24.013 --> 00:10:24.814
- People magazine health.
- 00:10:24.814 --> 00:10:25.848
- - yeah.
- 00:10:25.848 --> 00:10:26.816
- Tell me why you and gracie were in that.
- 00:10:26.816 --> 00:10:28.217
- - so, i don't know if some of the viewers will remember this
- 00:10:28.217 --> 00:10:31.554
- Or if you'll remember this, but so back in, oh goodness,
- 00:10:31.554 --> 00:10:35.191
- I can't even remember the year right now,
- 00:10:35.191 --> 00:10:37.193
- But several years ago, i believe gracie was nine or 10 years old.
- 00:10:37.193 --> 00:10:41.063
- She had an asthma attack that almost took her life.
- 00:10:41.063 --> 00:10:44.767
- And, you know, we had just discovered that she'd had
- 00:10:44.767 --> 00:10:50.740
- Asthma, and if i'm being honest, i just didn't know
- 00:10:50.740 --> 00:10:54.944
- Anything about asthma.
- 00:10:54.944 --> 00:10:56.145
- I didn't know anybody really with asthma.
- 00:10:56.145 --> 00:10:57.713
- And i didn't know how serious it was.
- 00:10:57.713 --> 00:11:00.349
- And i mean, now sitting here having this conversation,
- 00:11:00.349 --> 00:11:04.453
- Of course you should, it's breathing.
- 00:11:04.453 --> 00:11:05.921
- It's important.
- 00:11:05.921 --> 00:11:07.289
- Like we should all know.
- 00:11:07.289 --> 00:11:08.991
- When you can't breathe, it's not okay.
- 00:11:08.991 --> 00:11:12.161
- But i didn't really know, oh, when you're having an asthma
- 00:11:12.161 --> 00:11:15.998
- Attack, it's actually like you can't breathe.
- 00:11:15.998 --> 00:11:18.868
- And she's just always been such a strong girl that's like, "oh,
- 00:11:18.868 --> 00:11:23.439
- I don't want to cause anybody any problems,
- 00:11:23.439 --> 00:11:25.541
- So i'm just going to put on a brave face.”
- 00:11:25.541 --> 00:11:27.042
- And it was a christmas, and it was a christmas eve,
- 00:11:27.042 --> 00:11:30.479
- And i remember looking at her.
- 00:11:30.479 --> 00:11:31.680
- We were taking pictures of her with my parents.
- 00:11:31.680 --> 00:11:33.916
- And i just like, "gracie, are you okay?”
- 00:11:33.916 --> 00:11:36.485
- And she was like, "no.”
- 00:11:36.485 --> 00:11:38.187
- And she was catching her breath funny.
- 00:11:38.187 --> 00:11:39.955
- And i was like, "okay, well, but it's christmas eve.”
- 00:11:39.955 --> 00:11:43.225
- And if i'm being honest, i was like, "oh,
- 00:11:43.225 --> 00:11:46.262
- It's going to be okay.
- 00:11:46.262 --> 00:11:47.062
- You're going to be okay.
- 00:11:47.062 --> 00:11:49.431
- It's christmas eve.”
- 00:11:47.797 --> 00:11:50.299
- She wasn't okay.
- 00:11:50.299 --> 00:11:51.600
- And it was two days later.
- 00:11:51.600 --> 00:11:53.569
- My brother's a doctor.
- 00:11:53.569 --> 00:11:54.603
- My niece is a nurse practitioner.
- 00:11:54.603 --> 00:11:56.305
- They were looking at her and going,
- 00:11:56.305 --> 00:11:58.574
- "she needs to go to the emergency room.”
- 00:11:58.574 --> 00:12:02.244
- And i was like, "what?
- 00:12:02.244 --> 00:12:03.379
- Like, what are you talking about?”
- 00:12:03.379 --> 00:12:04.513
- And i didn't know that they had been watching her
- 00:12:04.513 --> 00:12:06.148
- And counting her breaths.
- 00:12:06.148 --> 00:12:07.383
- And by the time we got her into children's hospital,
- 00:12:07.383 --> 00:12:10.653
- We were in seattle visiting my family,
- 00:12:10.653 --> 00:12:12.121
- And there's about eight doctors that swarmed in.
- 00:12:12.121 --> 00:12:16.425
- They rushed her immediately.
- 00:12:16.425 --> 00:12:17.793
- And they said, "we do an asthmatic on a scale of one to
- 00:12:17.793 --> 00:12:20.262
- 10, and your daughter's an 11”"
- 00:12:20.262 --> 00:12:21.831
- - oh, my god.
- 00:12:21.831 --> 00:12:22.731
- - and she was in the icu for six days.
- 00:12:22.731 --> 00:12:24.800
- And i remember that time, the outpouring of prayer and support
- 00:12:24.800 --> 00:12:31.440
- From just around the world was just overwhelming.
- 00:12:31.440 --> 00:12:35.277
- And she had a miraculous turnaround.
- 00:12:35.277 --> 00:12:37.446
- And it was about six months later,
- 00:12:37.446 --> 00:12:40.316
- We got to go speak on capitol hill.
- 00:12:40.316 --> 00:12:42.218
- And i remember she was 10 years old.
- 00:12:42.218 --> 00:12:43.853
- And she stood in front of those senators and said,
- 00:12:43.853 --> 00:12:47.056
- "if you are a mom or a dad and your child says that they're
- 00:12:47.056 --> 00:12:50.059
- Struggling, take them seriously.”
- 00:12:50.059 --> 00:12:52.261
- And i'm standing there going, "i didn't take her seriously.
- 00:12:52.261 --> 00:12:56.131
- Like, i'm going to say that right now in front of all of you
- 00:12:56.131 --> 00:12:58.734
- Very important people.
- 00:12:58.734 --> 00:12:59.969
- I didn't.”
- 00:12:59.969 --> 00:13:02.805
- It's like genuine ignorance.
- 00:13:02.805 --> 00:13:04.840
- I just didn't know.
- 00:13:04.840 --> 00:13:06.141
- So, all these years later, we get a phone call from people
- 00:13:06.141 --> 00:13:10.980
- Magazine that says it's asthma awareness month,
- 00:13:10.980 --> 00:13:13.616
- And somebody here remembered the story about your daughter.
- 00:13:13.616 --> 00:13:16.785
- How is she doing?
- 00:13:16.785 --> 00:13:17.920
- We'd love to put you guys on the cover and have her
- 00:13:17.920 --> 00:13:19.388
- Tell your story.
- 00:13:19.388 --> 00:13:20.556
- And i'm like, "well, what's incredible is, you know,
- 00:13:20.556 --> 00:13:22.858
- She doesn't even hardly ever need an inhaler anymore.”
- 00:13:22.858 --> 00:13:25.060
- She did exactly what--
- 00:13:25.060 --> 00:13:27.263
- We got serious about it.
- 00:13:27.263 --> 00:13:28.764
- And we started to understand that.
- 00:13:28.764 --> 00:13:30.032
- And so, it was so cool.
- 00:13:30.032 --> 00:13:32.635
- Talk about a redemption story.
- 00:13:32.635 --> 00:13:34.470
- - the photos are gorgeous.
- 00:13:34.470 --> 00:13:38.207
- Wow.
- 00:13:38.207 --> 00:13:39.575
- - it was so fun.
- 00:13:39.575 --> 00:13:41.110
- I just said, "if nothing else, i got to have this moment
- 00:13:41.110 --> 00:13:43.712
- With my daughter.”
- 00:13:43.712 --> 00:13:45.080
- I'm like, thank you for letting us have these pictures together.
- 00:13:45.080 --> 00:13:47.082
- We got to have our dog in some of the pictures.
- 00:13:47.082 --> 00:13:49.418
- It was just like a little very fun mother daughter.
- 00:13:49.418 --> 00:13:53.455
- And the other sisters might have been a little bit envious
- 00:13:53.455 --> 00:13:56.859
- That she got to be on people magazine,
- 00:13:56.859 --> 00:13:58.594
- But they'll get over it.
- 00:13:58.594 --> 00:14:00.062
- - obviously, i want to talk about your album, "seasons",
- 00:14:00.062 --> 00:14:04.166
- Which is amazing.
- 00:14:04.166 --> 00:14:06.368
- But i know you're sitting at home thinking,
- 00:14:06.368 --> 00:14:07.903
- Will you just let the girl sing?
- 00:14:07.903 --> 00:14:10.406
- So, let's take a listen to one of my favorite songs
- 00:14:10.406 --> 00:14:14.243
- From the album.
- 00:14:14.243 --> 00:14:15.210
- It's called--
- 00:14:15.210 --> 00:14:16.245
- Tell us about it.
- 00:14:16.245 --> 00:14:17.613
- Why did you pick "you will be found"?
- 00:14:17.613 --> 00:14:19.581
- - so, i don't know if you know this,
- 00:14:19.581 --> 00:14:23.018
- But this song is originally from a broadway musical
- 00:14:23.018 --> 00:14:25.955
- Called "dear evan hansen".
- 00:14:25.955 --> 00:14:27.423
- And the writers of the songs, we happen to know one of them,
- 00:14:27.423 --> 00:14:33.696
- Justin paul, personally, very well.
- 00:14:33.696 --> 00:14:35.831
- An incredible jesus follower who is right now one of
- 00:14:35.831 --> 00:14:41.503
- The most sought after.
- 00:14:41.503 --> 00:14:44.139
- They've written "the greatest showman".
- 00:14:44.139 --> 00:14:46.141
- They wrote "dear evan hansen".
- 00:14:46.141 --> 00:14:47.376
- They wrote like all the songs for all these musicals.
- 00:14:47.376 --> 00:14:49.345
- And they're just--
- 00:14:49.345 --> 00:14:50.446
- And he constantly tells us, "i'm a missionary.
- 00:14:50.446 --> 00:14:53.048
- I'm on broadway and i'm a missionary.”
- 00:14:53.048 --> 00:14:55.317
- And it's funny because every time i heard that song,
- 00:14:55.317 --> 00:14:58.520
- I knew what it was.
- 00:14:58.520 --> 00:14:59.888
- I knew it was from this musical.
- 00:14:59.888 --> 00:15:00.990
- I heard jesus in that song.
- 00:15:00.990 --> 00:15:04.360
- And i'm like, "that's because i know who wrote this song and i
- 00:15:02.624 --> 00:15:06.929
- Know what he was thinking.”
- 00:15:06.929 --> 00:15:08.197
- And i heard it during 2020.
- 00:15:08.197 --> 00:15:10.966
- I've had the same manager for--
- 00:15:10.966 --> 00:15:12.534
- Well, he's been my only manager.
- 00:15:12.534 --> 00:15:14.737
- And he brought this song up to me.
- 00:15:14.737 --> 00:15:17.873
- And there was a story that we were both aware of somebody that
- 00:15:17.873 --> 00:15:21.443
- We love very much that was literally kind of like
- 00:15:21.443 --> 00:15:25.381
- Face down on the ground.
- 00:15:25.381 --> 00:15:26.915
- Like, you know what i mean?
- 00:15:26.915 --> 00:15:28.050
- Like that moment if somebody needs to find them,
- 00:15:28.050 --> 00:15:29.651
- And pick them up, and tell them that everything's
- 00:15:29.651 --> 00:15:31.720
- Going to be ok.
- 00:15:31.720 --> 00:15:32.888
- And there was that story that had just happened.
- 00:15:32.888 --> 00:15:35.357
- He had been the dj or something for the ellen show.
- 00:15:35.357 --> 00:15:40.262
- Remember, he took his own life.
- 00:15:40.262 --> 00:15:42.164
- - yes.
- 00:15:42.164 --> 00:15:43.399
- - and nobody saw it coming because he was always happy.
- 00:15:43.399 --> 00:15:47.369
- He was always smile, dancing.
- 00:15:47.369 --> 00:15:50.839
- The guy playing the music for everybody to dance to,
- 00:15:50.839 --> 00:15:53.142
- But he was breaking behind that and nobody knew it.
- 00:15:53.142 --> 00:15:55.911
- And there was something about it was 2020.
- 00:15:55.911 --> 00:15:58.914
- And there was something about that song that was like, ok,
- 00:15:58.914 --> 00:16:01.917
- We have to be better.
- 00:16:01.917 --> 00:16:04.153
- Obviously, jesus is the answer to people being found,
- 00:16:04.153 --> 00:16:10.459
- And picked up, and being set free.
- 00:16:10.459 --> 00:16:12.361
- But we are jesus with skin on.
- 00:16:12.361 --> 00:16:14.430
- And we have to do a better job of asking, "how are you?”
- 00:16:14.430 --> 00:16:18.901
- And not just, "how you doing?”
- 00:16:18.901 --> 00:16:20.536
- And then, somebody gives you an answer and you move on,
- 00:16:20.536 --> 00:16:23.005
- But actually being willing to listen.
- 00:16:23.005 --> 00:16:26.108
- And then, when they give you the pat answer going, "actually,
- 00:16:26.108 --> 00:16:28.844
- I'm going to ask that again.
- 00:16:28.844 --> 00:16:29.878
- How are you really?”
- 00:16:29.878 --> 00:16:31.814
- And there was something about that song that i felt like was
- 00:16:31.814 --> 00:16:34.116
- Going to help people have those conversations.
- 00:16:34.116 --> 00:16:36.452
- That's really why i picked it.
- 00:16:36.452 --> 00:16:37.653
- - going to love it.
- 00:16:37.653 --> 00:16:39.054
- So, just listen to this beautiful "you will be found".
- 00:16:39.054 --> 00:16:43.192
- ♪ have you ever felt like nobody was there? ♪
- 00:16:44.259 --> 00:16:49.698
- ♪ have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere? ♪
- 00:16:49.698 --> 00:16:56.205
- ♪ have you ever felt like you could disappear? ♪
- 00:16:56.205 --> 00:17:01.543
- ♪ like you could fall, and no one would hear? ♪
- 00:17:01.543 --> 00:17:09.251
- ♪ so, let that lonely feeling wash away ♪
- 00:17:09.251 --> 00:17:15.324
- ♪ maybe there's a reason to believe you'll be okay ♪
- 00:17:15.324 --> 00:17:21.630
- ♪ 'cause when you don't feel strong enough to stand ♪
- 00:17:21.630 --> 00:17:27.102
- ♪ well, you can reach, reach out your hand ♪
- 00:17:27.102 --> 00:17:33.742
- ♪ and oh, someone will come running ♪
- 00:17:33.742 --> 00:17:40.182
- ♪ and i know, they'll take you home ♪
- 00:17:40.182 --> 00:17:47.556
- ♪ 'cause even when the dark comes crashing through ♪
- 00:17:47.556 --> 00:17:50.492
- ♪ when you need a friend to carry you ♪
- 00:17:50.492 --> 00:17:53.862
- ♪ and when you're broken on the ground ♪
- 00:17:53.862 --> 00:17:57.432
- ♪ you will be found
- 00:17:57.432 --> 00:18:00.068
- ♪ so, let the sun come streaming in ♪
- 00:18:00.068 --> 00:18:03.105
- ♪ 'cause you'll reach up and you'll rise again ♪
- 00:18:03.105 --> 00:18:06.708
- ♪ lift your head and look around ♪
- 00:18:06.708 --> 00:18:10.479
- ♪ and you will be found
- 00:18:10.479 --> 00:18:14.650
- ♪ yeah, you will be found
- 00:18:14.650 --> 00:18:20.556
- ♪ oh yeah
- 00:18:20.556 --> 00:18:23.592
- ♪ there's a place where we don't have to feel unknown ♪
- 00:18:23.592 --> 00:18:29.898
- ♪ and every time you call out, you're a little less alone ♪
- 00:18:29.898 --> 00:18:35.904
- ♪ oh, and if you only say the word, oh ♪
- 00:18:35.904 --> 00:18:42.811
- ♪ from across the silence, your voice is heard, oh ♪
- 00:18:42.811 --> 00:18:51.286
- ♪ 'cause even when the dark comes crashing through ♪
- 00:18:51.286 --> 00:18:54.590
- ♪ when you need a friend to carry you ♪
- 00:18:54.590 --> 00:18:57.993
- ♪ and when you're broken on the ground ♪
- 00:18:57.993 --> 00:19:02.030
- ♪ you will be found
- 00:19:02.030 --> 00:19:04.333
- ♪ so, let the sun come streaming in ♪
- 00:19:04.333 --> 00:19:07.302
- ♪ 'cause you'll reach up and you'll rise again ♪
- 00:19:07.302 --> 00:19:11.139
- ♪ lift your head and look around ♪
- 00:19:11.139 --> 00:19:14.443
- ♪ and you will be found, yeah
- 00:19:14.443 --> 00:19:20.882
- ♪ you will be found, yeah
- 00:19:20.882 --> 00:19:28.357
- ♪ out of the shadows
- 00:19:28.357 --> 00:19:31.426
- ♪ the morning is breaking
- 00:19:31.426 --> 00:19:34.563
- ♪ all is new
- 00:19:34.563 --> 00:19:37.332
- ♪ yes, all is new
- 00:19:37.332 --> 00:19:41.436
- ♪ it's filling up the empty
- 00:19:41.436 --> 00:19:44.039
- ♪ and suddenly, i see that
- 00:19:44.039 --> 00:19:47.709
- ♪ everything is new, oh
- 00:19:47.709 --> 00:19:54.716
- ♪ 'cause even when the dark comes crashing through ♪
- 00:19:54.716 --> 00:19:57.819
- ♪ and when you need a friend to carry you ♪
- 00:19:57.819 --> 00:20:00.956
- ♪ and when you're broken on the ground ♪
- 00:20:00.956 --> 00:20:04.726
- ♪ you will be found
- 00:20:04.726 --> 00:20:07.329
- ♪ so, when the sun comes streaming in ♪
- 00:20:07.329 --> 00:20:10.332
- ♪ you'll reach up and you'll rise again ♪
- 00:20:10.332 --> 00:20:14.703
- ♪ lift your head, look around
- 00:20:14.703 --> 00:20:18.874
- ♪ and you will be found
- 00:20:18.874 --> 00:20:27.683
- - wow, absolutely beautiful.
- 00:20:28.283 --> 00:20:31.253
- So, talk to me about the whole "seasons” album.
- 00:20:31.253 --> 00:20:34.156
- I mean, i remember when i downloaded it,
- 00:20:34.156 --> 00:20:36.124
- I was like, "oh gosh."
- 00:20:36.124 --> 00:20:39.027
- - because these are our songs.
- 00:20:39.027 --> 00:20:40.095
- - oh yeah.
- 00:20:40.095 --> 00:20:41.296
- - but also the people that you're singing with on it.
- 00:20:41.296 --> 00:20:43.799
- - yes.
- 00:20:43.799 --> 00:20:44.900
- - how did you put that whole project together?
- 00:20:44.900 --> 00:20:47.969
- - well, honestly, when i say, "our songs,” i mean,
- 00:20:47.969 --> 00:20:50.706
- Because we love christian and gospel music.
- 00:20:50.706 --> 00:20:54.476
- And i grew up on that music.
- 00:20:54.476 --> 00:20:57.112
- I grew up on--
- 00:20:57.112 --> 00:20:58.580
- Obviously, it started because my parents didn't let me listen
- 00:20:58.580 --> 00:21:02.084
- To anything else.
- 00:21:02.084 --> 00:21:03.251
- And so, you know, that was--
- 00:21:03.251 --> 00:21:05.420
- But also it was the music i loved.
- 00:21:05.420 --> 00:21:07.189
- But i equally loved ccm, but i loved gospel music.
- 00:21:07.189 --> 00:21:12.194
- And it's funny because i'm a kid from seattle, washington,
- 00:21:12.194 --> 00:21:14.296
- Which is the birthplace of, you know, grunge music.
- 00:21:14.296 --> 00:21:17.232
- Pearl jam and nirvana.
- 00:21:17.232 --> 00:21:19.101
- But for whatever reason, i loved richard smallwood,
- 00:21:19.101 --> 00:21:22.304
- And fred hammond, and the winans, and bebe & cece.
- 00:21:22.304 --> 00:21:26.308
- That was my first concert i ever went to.
- 00:21:26.308 --> 00:21:27.743
- And so, i just kind of felt like we had done--
- 00:21:27.743 --> 00:21:32.013
- Bernie and i, during, you know, the great lockdown of 2020,
- 00:21:32.013 --> 00:21:36.518
- Did songs from our living room.
- 00:21:36.518 --> 00:21:38.186
- And we called it "a song a day keeps the crazies away".
- 00:21:38.186 --> 00:21:41.156
- - i watched some of them.
- 00:21:41.156 --> 00:21:42.357
- It was so sweet.
- 00:21:42.357 --> 00:21:43.725
- - we just had so much fun sitting in our living room
- 00:21:43.725 --> 00:21:46.161
- Going, "we have nothing else to do.
- 00:21:46.161 --> 00:21:47.596
- We've played one too many rounds of uno.
- 00:21:47.596 --> 00:21:49.398
- We can just sit here and record a song.”
- 00:21:49.398 --> 00:21:51.900
- And what that turned into was less of me doing my songs and me
- 00:21:51.900 --> 00:21:59.441
- Going to songs that have carried me through my life.
- 00:21:59.441 --> 00:22:02.377
- And i realized, "wait, i have a sound--
- 00:22:02.377 --> 00:22:05.680
- We all have a soundtrack.”
- 00:22:05.680 --> 00:22:06.748
- I think it was dick clark who actually said,
- 00:22:06.748 --> 00:22:08.550
- "music is the soundtrack of our lives.”
- 00:22:08.550 --> 00:22:10.218
- But christian and gospel music is the soundtrack of my life.
- 00:22:10.218 --> 00:22:12.788
- And so, i found myself going back to these songs that have
- 00:22:12.788 --> 00:22:16.057
- Carried me through these seasons of my life, and doing them,
- 00:22:16.057 --> 00:22:19.928
- And singing them how i like to sing them.
- 00:22:19.928 --> 00:22:22.330
- Or, you know, it kind of is where the idea first came from.
- 00:22:22.330 --> 00:22:25.767
- And then we said, "well, if we were going to make a record like
- 00:22:25.767 --> 00:22:28.570
- This, like, what would this be like?”
- 00:22:28.570 --> 00:22:30.806
- And bernie and i would just sit and dream
- 00:22:30.806 --> 00:22:32.207
- And write down our songs.
- 00:22:32.207 --> 00:22:33.475
- And then, all of a sudden, you know, i'm like, "well,
- 00:22:33.475 --> 00:22:37.145
- What if i was to do it with some of these people,
- 00:22:37.145 --> 00:22:38.780
- And these people?”
- 00:22:38.780 --> 00:22:39.981
- And i made a list of like, "ok, who would my dream be
- 00:22:39.981 --> 00:22:43.385
- To perform with?”
- 00:22:43.385 --> 00:22:44.619
- And everybody said yes.
- 00:22:44.619 --> 00:22:46.388
- I was like, "ok, this is like--
- 00:22:46.388 --> 00:22:48.590
- I can actually retire.”
- 00:22:48.590 --> 00:22:49.858
- I'm not going to, but i could because i made the
- 00:22:49.858 --> 00:22:51.460
- Record of my dreams.
- 00:22:51.460 --> 00:22:52.928
- Every one of my like favorite songs from growing up,
- 00:22:52.928 --> 00:22:56.765
- Singing with my favorite people, past and present,
- 00:22:56.765 --> 00:22:59.734
- And it was literally like a dream come true
- 00:22:59.734 --> 00:23:03.805
- To make that record.
- 00:23:03.805 --> 00:23:05.006
- - and i listened to the track of you and dolly parton.
- 00:23:05.006 --> 00:23:09.244
- Yes, that one.
- 00:23:09.244 --> 00:23:10.445
- And then saw you on stage.
- 00:23:10.445 --> 00:23:13.081
- I'm like, "oh my gosh, natalie."
- 00:23:13.081 --> 00:23:15.283
- - what is happening to my life?
- 00:23:15.283 --> 00:23:16.685
- I don't know, but thank you, lord.
- 00:23:16.685 --> 00:23:18.186
- These are like some bucket list items that are happening.
- 00:23:18.186 --> 00:23:21.189
- - what was that like?
- 00:23:21.189 --> 00:23:22.557
- - so, it was so amazing because if you would have told me when i
- 00:23:22.557 --> 00:23:26.728
- First moved to this town that, you know--
- 00:23:26.728 --> 00:23:30.198
- And i remember moving here, getting a temp job at medicare,
- 00:23:30.198 --> 00:23:35.770
- Having to do accounts payable, driving in my beat up volkswagen
- 00:23:35.770 --> 00:23:38.940
- Golf to my temp job every day.
- 00:23:38.940 --> 00:23:41.276
- If you would have told that girl,
- 00:23:41.276 --> 00:23:42.811
- "one day you're going to sing with dolly parton,"
- 00:23:42.811 --> 00:23:44.746
- I would have said, "there is no possible way.”
- 00:23:44.746 --> 00:23:47.916
- And even the way that that came about,
- 00:23:47.916 --> 00:23:50.418
- I was asked to do the season opening concert for dollywood.
- 00:23:50.418 --> 00:23:55.624
- And so, i was like, "well, of course.
- 00:23:55.624 --> 00:23:57.292
- That'd be amazing.”
- 00:23:57.292 --> 00:23:58.226
- And so, did this season opening.
- 00:23:58.226 --> 00:24:00.295
- Well, i didn't know she was going to be there.
- 00:24:00.295 --> 00:24:02.097
- And that week of the concert, her manager reached out and
- 00:24:02.097 --> 00:24:06.434
- Said, "dolly is actually going to be there and would love to
- 00:24:06.434 --> 00:24:09.538
- Sing a song with natalie if she's available.”
- 00:24:09.538 --> 00:24:12.240
- And i said, "the park has her name on it.
- 00:24:12.240 --> 00:24:16.278
- I think i'm available.”
- 00:24:16.278 --> 00:24:18.713
- And then i said, "well, what song do you want to sing?”
- 00:24:18.713 --> 00:24:20.615
- And i just thought anything that anybody has ever thought
- 00:24:20.615 --> 00:24:23.018
- About dolly, that you imagine in your mind,
- 00:24:23.018 --> 00:24:26.888
- Is she as down to earth as you think?
- 00:24:26.888 --> 00:24:29.057
- Is she as sweet and genuine?
- 00:24:29.057 --> 00:24:31.593
- That and a million times more.
- 00:24:31.593 --> 00:24:34.029
- We said, "what song do you want to sing?”
- 00:24:34.029 --> 00:24:36.298
- She said, "well, i want to sing 'just a little talk with jesus.”
- 00:24:36.298 --> 00:24:38.567
- And i said, "ok, do you have a version?”
- 00:24:38.567 --> 00:24:40.302
- "no,” she said, "i'll just tell her it's the one
- 00:24:40.302 --> 00:24:42.504
- In the red hymnal.”
- 00:24:42.504 --> 00:24:43.738
- [crosstalk]
- 00:24:43.738 --> 00:24:47.208
- I was like, "just a little talk with jesus", red hymnal.
- 00:24:47.208 --> 00:24:51.646
- But what i noticed--
- 00:24:51.646 --> 00:24:53.615
- So, we did a little sound check before the concert.
- 00:24:53.615 --> 00:24:56.918
- And when she came into the venue,
- 00:24:56.918 --> 00:24:59.487
- She knew every person's name.
- 00:24:59.487 --> 00:25:03.558
- She knew the guy behind the stage.
- 00:25:03.558 --> 00:25:05.860
- She knew the guy that was running the lights.
- 00:25:05.860 --> 00:25:07.529
- She asked about how this person's child was doing.
- 00:25:07.529 --> 00:25:10.632
- She knew everybody and knew everything about their family,
- 00:25:10.632 --> 00:25:14.302
- And it was so genuine.
- 00:25:14.302 --> 00:25:16.338
- And i even just learned from that of, like, here she is,
- 00:25:16.338 --> 00:25:21.476
- Dolly parton, this many decades later,
- 00:25:21.476 --> 00:25:24.713
- And yet she still understands that people are more important
- 00:25:24.713 --> 00:25:30.151
- Than the process, or the presentation,
- 00:25:30.151 --> 00:25:32.087
- Or any of the things.
- 00:25:32.087 --> 00:25:33.388
- It's people over presentation.
- 00:25:33.388 --> 00:25:35.190
- And that, for me, even just spoke to me in that moment of,
- 00:25:35.190 --> 00:25:37.926
- "ok, dolly gets how to put people first.”
- 00:25:37.926 --> 00:25:41.029
- So, then i thought that was it.
- 00:25:41.029 --> 00:25:42.864
- That was my bucket list moment.
- 00:25:42.864 --> 00:25:44.065
- I sang with dolly.
- 00:25:44.065 --> 00:25:45.266
- We sang "just a little talk with jesus".
- 00:25:45.266 --> 00:25:47.068
- That was incredible.
- 00:25:47.068 --> 00:25:48.269
- We both wore a little peach dress.
- 00:25:48.269 --> 00:25:49.571
- It was just, like, amazing.
- 00:25:49.571 --> 00:25:51.006
- And i knew i wanted to remake a song from the "preacher's wif”"
- 00:25:51.006 --> 00:25:56.678
- Soundtrack called "step by step”
- 00:25:56.678 --> 00:25:58.647
- That whitney houston had recorded.
- 00:25:58.647 --> 00:26:00.181
- - great song.
- 00:26:00.181 --> 00:26:01.316
- - and i kind of had this idea of, like,
- 00:26:01.316 --> 00:26:04.119
- Let's have a bunch of girls on the song.
- 00:26:04.119 --> 00:26:06.021
- And, you know, i didn't know who exactly.
- 00:26:06.021 --> 00:26:07.789
- I hadn't really thought that went through very much.
- 00:26:07.789 --> 00:26:09.591
- I did not know that my manager had, after we did that song,
- 00:26:09.591 --> 00:26:16.564
- Reached out to dolly's manager and said, "hey,
- 00:26:16.564 --> 00:26:18.600
- Natalie's doing this whitney song.
- 00:26:18.600 --> 00:26:20.935
- Would dolly want to do it?"
- 00:26:20.935 --> 00:26:22.103
- - well--
- 00:26:22.103 --> 00:26:23.104
- - way to go, mitch.
- 00:26:23.104 --> 00:26:24.105
- - mitch.
- 00:26:24.105 --> 00:26:24.773
- Way to go, mitch.
- 00:26:24.773 --> 00:26:25.640
- Well, mitch calls me and goes, "hey,
- 00:26:25.640 --> 00:26:26.775
- I just want you to know that dolly declined.”
- 00:26:26.775 --> 00:26:29.044
- And i said, "declined what?”
- 00:26:29.044 --> 00:26:30.679
- And he said, "oh, i didn't even tell you.”
- 00:26:30.679 --> 00:26:33.081
- I'd asked her to sing on this song with you,
- 00:26:33.081 --> 00:26:34.816
- But she's in the middle of making her own record right now
- 00:26:34.816 --> 00:26:37.318
- And she just doesn't have the time,
- 00:26:37.318 --> 00:26:38.486
- But she loves you and she's so sorry.
- 00:26:38.486 --> 00:26:40.088
- And i was like, "oh, well, i don't even know how to be
- 00:26:40.088 --> 00:26:41.823
- Disappointed because i didn't even know that you asked."
- 00:26:41.823 --> 00:26:43.191
- Sheila, i--
- 00:26:43.191 --> 00:26:46.728
- A week later, out of nowhere, mitchell calls me.
- 00:26:46.728 --> 00:26:51.433
- I'm on stage.
- 00:26:51.433 --> 00:26:52.367
- I get off stage.
- 00:26:52.367 --> 00:26:53.168
- It says 14 missed calls.
- 00:26:53.168 --> 00:26:55.003
- And i'm like--
- 00:26:55.003 --> 00:26:55.770
- - whoa.
- 00:26:55.770 --> 00:26:56.604
- - something is going--
- 00:26:56.604 --> 00:26:57.405
- I was scared.
- 00:26:57.405 --> 00:26:58.506
- I was like, "something serious has happened.”
- 00:26:58.506 --> 00:26:59.941
- And he said, "open your emails.”
- 00:26:59.941 --> 00:27:02.644
- And i'm like, "open my emails”"
- 00:27:02.644 --> 00:27:03.978
- So, i look at my email.
- 00:27:03.978 --> 00:27:05.280
- She had written me a letter, and it's on dolly letterhead.
- 00:27:05.280 --> 00:27:09.084
- It says, "hot pink dolly," at the top.
- 00:27:09.084 --> 00:27:10.919
- And it says, "dear natalie, i don't know if it's too late,
- 00:27:10.919 --> 00:27:14.222
- But i keep listening to your demo of that song.
- 00:27:14.222 --> 00:27:17.859
- It just keeps ringing and calling me back.
- 00:27:17.859 --> 00:27:20.161
- And i can't get away from it.
- 00:27:20.161 --> 00:27:21.996
- And if it's not too late for me,
- 00:27:21.996 --> 00:27:23.898
- Would it be possible for me to sing this song?”
- 00:27:23.898 --> 00:27:26.601
- And i'm like, "whose life is this?
- 00:27:26.601 --> 00:27:30.138
- What is happening?
- 00:27:30.138 --> 00:27:31.406
- So, now when you come in my house, that's framed.
- 00:27:31.406 --> 00:27:33.508
- [laughter]
- 00:27:33.508 --> 00:27:36.010
- Oh, don't mind me.
- 00:27:36.010 --> 00:27:37.045
- That's just a little letter to me from dolly.
- 00:27:37.045 --> 00:27:38.747
- - that's fabulous.
- 00:27:38.747 --> 00:27:41.382
- - that's literally how it happened.
- 00:27:41.382 --> 00:27:42.884
- It sounds like i'm making that up, and i'm like, "no,
- 00:27:42.884 --> 00:27:45.487
- That actually happened in real life."
- 00:27:45.487 --> 00:27:47.655
- - if you're just joining me, i am here in our nashville studios
- 00:27:47.655 --> 00:27:51.292
- Tbn at the huckabee studio and talking with the one and only,
- 00:27:51.292 --> 00:27:55.096
- Natalie grant.
- 00:27:55.096 --> 00:27:56.297
- And you know what that says to me, though, natalie?
- 00:27:56.297 --> 00:27:59.067
- The fact that everybody said yes to you speaks a lot
- 00:27:59.067 --> 00:28:02.971
- About who you are.
- 00:28:02.971 --> 00:28:04.405
- No, it does.
- 00:28:04.405 --> 00:28:05.707
- I mean, i remember you that first time you stood up on the
- 00:28:05.707 --> 00:28:07.842
- Platform and we just thought you were just adorable,
- 00:28:07.842 --> 00:28:10.512
- Just this darling little girl with this humongous voice.
- 00:28:10.512 --> 00:28:14.516
- But it's been your faithfulness through the years,
- 00:28:14.516 --> 00:28:17.352
- And it's been your constantly saying yes to jesus.
- 00:28:17.352 --> 00:28:20.388
- It's been showing up for other people.
- 00:28:20.388 --> 00:28:22.090
- And that is why so many of these people
- 00:28:22.090 --> 00:28:24.692
- Said absolutely yes.
- 00:28:24.692 --> 00:28:26.494
- In fact, one of the ones that i think--
- 00:28:26.494 --> 00:28:28.930
- I remember being in london, hammersmith audien,
- 00:28:28.930 --> 00:28:33.134
- And hearing andre crouch sing, and it's actually where they
- 00:28:33.134 --> 00:28:36.938
- Made a live album of that, singing "to god be the glory".
- 00:28:36.938 --> 00:28:41.042
- And even though it's an older song, it's so powerful.
- 00:28:41.042 --> 00:28:47.715
- - it's everything.
- 00:28:47.715 --> 00:28:48.917
- That song, i often say, like, at my funeral, on my--
- 00:28:48.917 --> 00:28:53.488
- Like, that song, those words, that is the cry of our heart,
- 00:28:53.488 --> 00:28:58.726
- Is god, everything that we're doing,
- 00:28:58.726 --> 00:29:00.862
- May it be to your glory because i can be honest and say that
- 00:29:00.862 --> 00:29:05.066
- Obviously through the years, i'm human.
- 00:29:05.066 --> 00:29:07.769
- My flesh has gotten in the way.
- 00:29:07.769 --> 00:29:09.304
- There's been many different times where i've been like, "oh,
- 00:29:09.304 --> 00:29:12.907
- Actually, i kind of would like a little bit of that glory.”
- 00:29:12.907 --> 00:29:15.443
- I'd actually like for that to go like that,
- 00:29:15.443 --> 00:29:17.946
- And i'd like a little bit of the spotlight.
- 00:29:17.946 --> 00:29:19.848
- We're not built for the spotlight.
- 00:29:19.848 --> 00:29:21.482
- And i've learned that through the years that as humans,
- 00:29:21.482 --> 00:29:26.154
- If we're in the spotlight, we will crave it.
- 00:29:26.154 --> 00:29:29.257
- We will like it.
- 00:29:29.257 --> 00:29:31.359
- We will want a little bit more of it.
- 00:29:31.359 --> 00:29:33.094
- So, it is a constant dying to yourself every day.
- 00:29:33.094 --> 00:29:37.232
- And some days i do it well, and other days i do not.
- 00:29:37.232 --> 00:29:40.702
- But by the grace of god, he gives us the opportunity
- 00:29:40.702 --> 00:29:43.872
- To try, try again.
- 00:29:43.872 --> 00:29:45.740
- And i've just learned we're not built for the spotlight,
- 00:29:45.740 --> 00:29:49.210
- Only the lord.
- 00:29:49.210 --> 00:29:50.845
- The spotlight has to be him.
- 00:29:50.845 --> 00:29:52.780
- And that song, to me, is that redirecting,
- 00:29:52.780 --> 00:29:56.217
- That redirecting of, okay, yeah, we kind of like it.
- 00:29:56.217 --> 00:29:59.520
- But if i gain any praise, let it go to calvary.
- 00:29:59.520 --> 00:30:04.859
- And i knew that was one of the very first songs on my list for
- 00:30:04.859 --> 00:30:08.830
- The "seasons” project because my mom sang that song
- 00:30:08.830 --> 00:30:12.333
- Growing up.
- 00:30:12.333 --> 00:30:13.368
- I remember andre crouch and the disciples.
- 00:30:13.368 --> 00:30:15.069
- We had that on a record, like not even a cassette.
- 00:30:15.069 --> 00:30:17.805
- It was like on record.
- 00:30:17.805 --> 00:30:19.340
- And there was really only one person in my mind that i could
- 00:30:19.340 --> 00:30:25.813
- Ever sing that song with.
- 00:30:25.813 --> 00:30:28.349
- And to me, she is like the queen.
- 00:30:28.349 --> 00:30:34.923
- - cece winans.
- 00:30:34.923 --> 00:30:36.357
- - cece winans is the queen.
- 00:30:36.357 --> 00:30:39.160
- - absolutely.
- 00:30:39.160 --> 00:30:40.628
- - and that is because when i look at not just her artistry,
- 00:30:40.628 --> 00:30:44.799
- Or her voice, or her gift, but when i look at her life,
- 00:30:44.799 --> 00:30:48.303
- Her life reflects that song.
- 00:30:48.303 --> 00:30:51.372
- Her life is a picture of that song.
- 00:30:51.372 --> 00:30:53.741
- Getting to do "my tribute to god be the glory”
- 00:30:53.741 --> 00:30:56.844
- With cece winans is like all of life's goals.
- 00:30:56.844 --> 00:30:59.614
- And i don't know where i go from here.
- 00:30:59.614 --> 00:31:02.116
- [laughter]
- 00:31:02.116 --> 00:31:03.952
- - so, you are going to love this.
- 00:31:03.952 --> 00:31:06.020
- Listen to this beautiful, beautiful song
- 00:31:06.020 --> 00:31:08.589
- And worship with us.
- 00:31:08.589 --> 00:31:12.060
- ♪ how can i say thanks
- 00:31:12.627 --> 00:31:20.635
- ♪ for the things you have done for me ♪
- 00:31:20.635 --> 00:31:28.276
- ♪ things so undeserved
- 00:31:28.276 --> 00:31:34.315
- ♪ yet you gave to prove your love for me ♪
- 00:31:34.315 --> 00:31:44.158
- ♪ the voices of a million angels ♪
- 00:31:44.158 --> 00:31:51.299
- ♪ could not express my gratitude ♪
- 00:31:51.299 --> 00:31:58.973
- ♪ all that i am and ever hope to be ♪
- 00:31:58.973 --> 00:32:09.650
- ♪ i owe it all, i owe it all to thee ♪
- 00:32:09.650 --> 00:32:17.725
- ♪ to god be the glory
- 00:32:17.725 --> 00:32:45.520
- ♪ for the things he has done
- 00:32:28.970 --> 00:32:53.461
- ♪ with his blood, he has saved me ♪
- 00:32:53.461 --> 00:33:02.537
- ♪ with his power, he has raised me ♪
- 00:33:02.537 --> 00:33:09.977
- ♪ to god be the glory
- 00:33:09.977 --> 00:33:18.820
- ♪ for the things he has done
- 00:33:18.820 --> 00:33:26.761
- ♪ just let me live, let me live my life ♪
- 00:33:26.761 --> 00:33:35.670
- ♪ and let it be pleasing, lord to thee ♪
- 00:33:35.670 --> 00:33:43.377
- ♪ and if i gain, if i gain any praise ♪
- 00:33:43.377 --> 00:33:49.750
- ♪ let it go to calvary,
- 00:33:49.750 --> 00:33:57.825
- ♪ i give it to calvary, yes
- 00:33:57.825 --> 00:34:02.430
- ♪ with his blood, he has saved me ♪
- 00:34:02.430 --> 00:34:10.204
- ♪ and with his power, my god has raised me ♪
- 00:34:10.204 --> 00:34:19.080
- ♪ to god be the glory
- 00:34:19.080 --> 00:34:28.489
- ♪ for the things he has done
- 00:34:28.489 --> 00:34:35.329
- ♪ for the things, everything that he's done ♪
- 00:34:35.329 --> 00:34:43.571
- ♪ for the things, for all the things he has done ♪
- 00:34:43.571 --> 00:35:02.056
- ♪ for all you've done
- 00:35:02.056 --> 00:35:06.794
- ♪ you've been so good to me, yes you have ♪
- 00:35:06.794 --> 00:35:11.599
- ♪ for the way that you've healed ♪
- 00:35:11.599 --> 00:35:17.471
- ♪ you've restored
- 00:35:17.471 --> 00:35:21.275
- ♪ you've always been there for me ♪
- 00:35:21.275 --> 00:35:24.946
- ♪ you've never left me on my own ♪
- 00:35:24.946 --> 00:35:28.082
- ♪ and when i look back over my life ♪
- 00:35:28.082 --> 00:35:32.253
- ♪ you've been my constant faithful companion ♪
- 00:35:32.253 --> 00:35:36.557
- ♪ you've never failed me, jesus, oh ♪
- 00:35:36.557 --> 00:35:42.029
- ♪ i want to say thank you, thank you, thank you ♪
- 00:35:42.029 --> 00:35:47.101
- ♪ we thank you, thank you, thank you ♪
- 00:35:47.101 --> 00:35:51.706
- ♪ you have been good
- 00:35:51.706 --> 00:35:58.579
- ♪ we want to say thank you
- 00:35:58.579 --> 00:36:07.355
- ♪ for all the things you have done ♪
- 00:36:07.355 --> 00:36:25.673
- ♪ thank you
- 00:36:25.673 --> 00:36:40.421
- - you just kind of want to pause for a moment, don't you?
- 00:36:41.555 --> 00:36:43.157
- Just kind of want to pause in the lord's presence.
- 00:36:43.157 --> 00:36:47.128
- There's just something about that, you know,
- 00:36:47.128 --> 00:36:49.163
- That it's such a--
- 00:36:49.163 --> 00:36:51.732
- It's like a telling of all of our stories.
- 00:36:51.732 --> 00:36:54.935
- How can i give thanks for all the things you've done for me?
- 00:36:54.935 --> 00:36:57.605
- Things so undeserved.
- 00:36:57.605 --> 00:36:59.540
- So, maybe just take a few moments yourself and just allow
- 00:36:59.540 --> 00:37:03.477
- That sink deep into your heart because i've discovered the
- 00:37:03.477 --> 00:37:07.915
- Power of thanksgiving.
- 00:37:07.915 --> 00:37:10.151
- You know, so often, where we come to the lord with our
- 00:37:10.151 --> 00:37:12.453
- Prayers, as we should, but i'm discovering
- 00:37:12.453 --> 00:37:14.855
- The power of thanksgiving.
- 00:37:14.855 --> 00:37:16.891
- You remember when paul said, you know,
- 00:37:16.891 --> 00:37:18.793
- "be anxious for nothing, but everything with prayer and
- 00:37:18.793 --> 00:37:20.961
- Supplication with thanksgiving.”
- 00:37:20.961 --> 00:37:23.397
- Let your requests be made known to god.
- 00:37:23.397 --> 00:37:25.333
- So, i've started--
- 00:37:25.333 --> 00:37:26.701
- I actually started with my husband.
- 00:37:26.701 --> 00:37:27.902
- He started keeping a gratitude thanksgiving journal.
- 00:37:27.902 --> 00:37:30.137
- And it really shifts everything.
- 00:37:30.137 --> 00:37:32.206
- - i don't even mean to interrupt you,
- 00:37:32.206 --> 00:37:34.141
- But because you said that, and don't quote me on the study,
- 00:37:34.141 --> 00:37:38.979
- But i know it exists because i read it myself.
- 00:37:38.979 --> 00:37:41.315
- But they actually did a scientific study that proved
- 00:37:41.315 --> 00:37:45.353
- That gratitude and anxiety worry cannot exist in the brain
- 00:37:45.353 --> 00:37:50.624
- At the same time.
- 00:37:50.624 --> 00:37:52.193
- So, you think, "oh, if i'm feeling anxious,
- 00:37:52.193 --> 00:37:55.363
- If i'm feeling worried about something,”
- 00:37:55.363 --> 00:37:57.832
- If you begin to go, "okay, i'm going to thank god,
- 00:37:57.832 --> 00:38:00.968
- I'm going to thank god.”
- 00:38:00.968 --> 00:38:02.136
- And sometimes i'm like, "okay, but in this moment,
- 00:38:02.136 --> 00:38:03.371
- Actually i don't even--
- 00:38:03.371 --> 00:38:04.939
- I know there's things i could be thankful for,
- 00:38:04.939 --> 00:38:06.707
- But i'm overwhelmed by this so much that i can't even think
- 00:38:06.707 --> 00:38:10.010
- About the things i'm thankful for.”
- 00:38:10.010 --> 00:38:11.545
- But all of us can recall something,
- 00:38:11.545 --> 00:38:14.949
- Some moment that god showed up, god did something.
- 00:38:14.949 --> 00:38:18.419
- I think of psalm 77 that says,
- 00:38:18.419 --> 00:38:20.354
- "oh, did you forget about me, god?
- 00:38:20.354 --> 00:38:22.490
- Like, did you slam the door on your kindness, your goodness?”
- 00:38:22.490 --> 00:38:25.259
- And some of us actually feel that way sometimes.
- 00:38:25.259 --> 00:38:27.695
- Like, god's actually forgotten about me in this moment.
- 00:38:27.695 --> 00:38:30.331
- And then, there's this little word that says, “selah,"
- 00:38:30.331 --> 00:38:33.667
- Which means a rest, pause, take a second.
- 00:38:33.667 --> 00:38:37.872
- And then, all of a sudden, you see this shift and you see all.
- 00:38:37.872 --> 00:38:41.976
- But i remember.
- 00:38:41.976 --> 00:38:43.677
- I remember how you showed up for me.
- 00:38:43.677 --> 00:38:45.746
- I recall and i recount your goodness.
- 00:38:45.746 --> 00:38:48.215
- And so, if you're stressed out today or worried today,
- 00:38:48.215 --> 00:38:52.219
- Just begin to thank god.
- 00:38:52.219 --> 00:38:53.954
- Recall a moment that he was good, that he did remember you,
- 00:38:53.954 --> 00:38:57.358
- That you know that he's been good to you.
- 00:38:57.358 --> 00:38:59.360
- If you have air in your lungs, he's been good to you.
- 00:38:59.360 --> 00:39:02.129
- And begin to thank him.
- 00:39:02.129 --> 00:39:03.931
- Over, and over, and over again thank him, thank him, thank him.
- 00:39:03.931 --> 00:39:06.300
- And that gratitude will actually--
- 00:39:06.300 --> 00:39:09.036
- That worry can't exist in your brain at the same time when
- 00:39:09.036 --> 00:39:12.840
- You're giving thanks to god.
- 00:39:12.840 --> 00:39:14.008
- - that's a great word, natalie.
- 00:39:14.008 --> 00:39:15.376
- And they actually know now that it actually can change the
- 00:39:15.376 --> 00:39:17.978
- Neuroplasticity of your brain, makes new pathways because if
- 00:39:17.978 --> 00:39:22.016
- You keep going down one pathway of being anxious and fearful,
- 00:39:22.016 --> 00:39:24.652
- You think that that's kind of established.
- 00:39:24.652 --> 00:39:26.554
- But gratitude and thanksgiving shifts that and changes that.
- 00:39:26.554 --> 00:39:30.958
- - but also you said neuroplastic.
- 00:39:30.958 --> 00:39:32.660
- I don't even know what that is, but way to go.
- 00:39:32.660 --> 00:39:34.261
- [laughter]
- 00:39:34.261 --> 00:39:35.663
- Sheila's always so smart.
- 00:39:35.663 --> 00:39:37.498
- I don't know if y'all actually know that.
- 00:39:37.498 --> 00:39:40.100
- Sheila walsh is beautiful and incredibly smart.
- 00:39:40.100 --> 00:39:45.039
- Smart.
- 00:39:45.039 --> 00:39:46.106
- Knows the word.
- 00:39:46.106 --> 00:39:46.941
- Anyway.
- 00:39:46.941 --> 00:39:50.144
- - so, one of the things that kind of blew me away,
- 00:39:51.178 --> 00:39:53.214
- Because i remember--
- 00:39:53.214 --> 00:39:54.482
- I mean, i remember bella and gracie as tiny little ones.
- 00:39:54.482 --> 00:39:57.918
- - with the hot pink--
- 00:39:57.918 --> 00:39:59.253
- - yes, with the hot pink--
- 00:39:59.253 --> 00:40:00.488
- - so that the noise from the stage would--
- 00:40:00.488 --> 00:40:04.258
- Yes.
- 00:40:04.258 --> 00:40:05.392
- - but now to see the state that they're at, i mean,
- 00:40:05.392 --> 00:40:08.429
- Give us an update on your family, on gracie, and bella,
- 00:40:08.429 --> 00:40:12.166
- And darling sadie.
- 00:40:12.166 --> 00:40:13.167
- - yes.
- 00:40:13.167 --> 00:40:14.535
- So gracie and bella, the twins, they are 17, not far from 18,
- 00:40:14.535 --> 00:40:19.206
- Which is crazy.
- 00:40:19.206 --> 00:40:20.374
- Seniors in high school.
- 00:40:20.374 --> 00:40:21.742
- On the first day of school, which was their last first day
- 00:40:21.742 --> 00:40:25.646
- Of school, i know they'll have a first day of college,
- 00:40:25.646 --> 00:40:27.581
- But i may have chased their car down the street.
- 00:40:27.581 --> 00:40:30.351
- I was like, "come back, come back, come back.”
- 00:40:30.351 --> 00:40:34.154
- It's just crazy to me that we are already at this stage
- 00:40:34.154 --> 00:40:38.726
- And everything.
- 00:40:38.726 --> 00:40:39.960
- If you're in the throw of diapers, and cleaning bottles,
- 00:40:39.960 --> 00:40:43.531
- And lack of sleep, and i'm telling you,
- 00:40:43.531 --> 00:40:46.634
- I feel like i was just there.
- 00:40:46.634 --> 00:40:48.669
- Everything everybody says to you is true.
- 00:40:48.669 --> 00:40:50.137
- You don't feel it right now.
- 00:40:50.137 --> 00:40:51.772
- You don't feel it because you're like,
- 00:40:51.772 --> 00:40:53.507
- "i just want a full night's sleep.”
- 00:40:53.507 --> 00:40:55.309
- But i'm telling you, it's going to--
- 00:40:55.309 --> 00:40:56.877
- Don't blink because it's going to go in the blink of an eye.
- 00:40:56.877 --> 00:41:00.014
- And so, they're thinking about colleges and have their list of
- 00:41:00.014 --> 00:41:04.618
- Where they want to go.
- 00:41:04.618 --> 00:41:05.719
- And sadie is 13, and in the eighth grade,
- 00:41:05.719 --> 00:41:08.589
- And the tallest girl in the family.
- 00:41:08.589 --> 00:41:10.424
- - wow.
- 00:41:10.424 --> 00:41:11.525
- - and you know what?
- 00:41:11.525 --> 00:41:12.993
- They--
- 00:41:12.993 --> 00:41:14.128
- Listen.
- 00:41:14.128 --> 00:41:15.296
- Bernie and i have not done this perfectly,
- 00:41:15.296 --> 00:41:17.498
- But what i can tell you is we could never raise our family
- 00:41:17.498 --> 00:41:22.469
- Without the church.
- 00:41:22.469 --> 00:41:23.871
- We could not do it without the church.
- 00:41:23.871 --> 00:41:26.607
- And i know that the church has taken a little bit of a beating
- 00:41:26.607 --> 00:41:31.946
- Over the last few years and there are a lot of people who've
- 00:41:31.946 --> 00:41:35.115
- Been hurt by the church.
- 00:41:35.115 --> 00:41:36.350
- I actually know that.
- 00:41:36.350 --> 00:41:37.685
- And there's no discrediting or discounting the hurt that people
- 00:41:37.685 --> 00:41:42.756
- In the church have caused so many people.
- 00:41:42.756 --> 00:41:45.826
- But the church was god's idea.
- 00:41:45.826 --> 00:41:47.628
- And the local church is such an important part of a family,
- 00:41:47.628 --> 00:41:53.200
- A family life.
- 00:41:53.200 --> 00:41:54.568
- And honestly, like when i think about people saying it takes a
- 00:41:54.568 --> 00:41:57.905
- Village, we could not have done it without our church community.
- 00:41:57.905 --> 00:42:01.909
- Our girls, again, not perfect, not perfect kids,
- 00:42:01.909 --> 00:42:05.946
- But they love jesus with all of their hearts.
- 00:42:05.946 --> 00:42:08.282
- They love the church.
- 00:42:08.282 --> 00:42:09.984
- They love his presence.
- 00:42:09.984 --> 00:42:11.285
- They never want to miss.
- 00:42:11.285 --> 00:42:12.353
- Like we just had church conference,
- 00:42:12.353 --> 00:42:13.687
- And they like literally are counting down the sleeps until
- 00:42:13.687 --> 00:42:17.191
- Church conference is there.
- 00:42:17.191 --> 00:42:18.525
- Like they just love to be in the presence of god.
- 00:42:18.525 --> 00:42:20.794
- They are worshipers.
- 00:42:20.794 --> 00:42:21.962
- And so, it's been really incredible to watch them grow
- 00:42:21.962 --> 00:42:27.468
- And watch them grow in their relationship with the lord.
- 00:42:27.468 --> 00:42:29.837
- But i do have to say that the one thing that,
- 00:42:29.837 --> 00:42:33.907
- If we did one thing right, it was that we put an
- 00:42:33.907 --> 00:42:36.910
- Emphasis on church.
- 00:42:36.910 --> 00:42:38.946
- And even if they were dancers, or athletes, or whatever,
- 00:42:38.946 --> 00:42:42.349
- We never allowed outside activities to choke out
- 00:42:42.349 --> 00:42:46.420
- Going to church.
- 00:42:46.420 --> 00:42:49.023
- And that has made all the difference in our family.
- 00:42:49.023 --> 00:42:52.192
- - i think that's a huge--
- 00:42:52.192 --> 00:42:53.661
- I mean, that's a huge thing because i think particularly
- 00:42:53.661 --> 00:42:56.664
- When the pandemic hit in 2020, a lot of people got very used to
- 00:42:56.664 --> 00:43:00.467
- Just sitting and watching from home.
- 00:43:00.467 --> 00:43:02.269
- But it's even in the book of revelation, you know, john says,
- 00:43:02.269 --> 00:43:07.541
- "do not neglect--
- 00:43:07.541 --> 00:43:08.642
- As the time is getting close, do not neglect
- 00:43:08.642 --> 00:43:10.210
- In meeting together.”
- 00:43:10.210 --> 00:43:11.345
- I think that's something that we perhaps--
- 00:43:11.345 --> 00:43:13.781
- I don't know if that affects you or not.
- 00:43:13.781 --> 00:43:15.215
- Maybe you say, "well, you know what?
- 00:43:15.215 --> 00:43:16.850
- I'm a little disappointed in the church.”
- 00:43:16.850 --> 00:43:18.318
- You know what, yeah, we do blow it, but jesus is faithful.
- 00:43:18.318 --> 00:43:21.889
- And there's something about experiencing the presence of god
- 00:43:21.889 --> 00:43:25.292
- Together and opening the word of god together.
- 00:43:25.292 --> 00:43:28.262
- - and for your kids.
- 00:43:28.262 --> 00:43:29.463
- You know, bernie and i hear a lot from families.
- 00:43:29.463 --> 00:43:32.566
- We hear a lot like how--
- 00:43:32.566 --> 00:43:33.701
- You know, they'll see our girls.
- 00:43:33.701 --> 00:43:35.269
- And don't get it twisted.
- 00:43:35.269 --> 00:43:36.537
- It's not perfect.
- 00:43:36.537 --> 00:43:37.838
- I mean, instagram is always a really curated, beautiful--
- 00:43:37.838 --> 00:43:41.975
- You know, it's all the pretty stuff.
- 00:43:41.975 --> 00:43:44.645
- So, you know, it's not the hard stuff.
- 00:43:44.645 --> 00:43:47.881
- There's definitely still hard stuff.
- 00:43:47.881 --> 00:43:50.050
- And there's been hard seasons, and hard moments, and anxiety,
- 00:43:50.050 --> 00:43:54.555
- And insecurity, and bullying.
- 00:43:54.555 --> 00:43:57.691
- I mean, we've walked through some really hard things
- 00:43:57.691 --> 00:44:01.729
- With our girls.
- 00:44:01.729 --> 00:44:03.063
- But what i know to be true is that surrounding them with the
- 00:44:03.063 --> 00:44:09.069
- Right community, one, limiting technology.
- 00:44:09.069 --> 00:44:12.072
- I don't mean to sound like an old fashioned or like a,
- 00:44:12.072 --> 00:44:16.877
- You know, legalistic.
- 00:44:16.877 --> 00:44:18.712
- This isn't about legalism or rules, but it is just, yes.
- 00:44:18.712 --> 00:44:22.182
- So, limiting technology, teaching them how to be
- 00:44:22.182 --> 00:44:25.819
- Responsible with it, so like not ever letting them have it isn't
- 00:44:25.819 --> 00:44:28.922
- Going to be smart because like i said, they're about to turn 18.
- 00:44:28.922 --> 00:44:31.391
- So, if you're not equipping them how to actually go into the
- 00:44:31.391 --> 00:44:33.794
- World, that also has to happen, but surrounding them with a
- 00:44:33.794 --> 00:44:39.099
- Community of friends and people that are walking in the same
- 00:44:39.099 --> 00:44:43.237
- Direction as them.
- 00:44:43.237 --> 00:44:44.404
- And they don't all get it right,
- 00:44:44.404 --> 00:44:46.306
- But they're walking together and seeking god together.
- 00:44:46.306 --> 00:44:50.377
- And that's made just such a big difference for our family.
- 00:44:50.377 --> 00:44:52.513
- - you know, it's interesting.
- 00:44:52.513 --> 00:44:53.814
- Our son is almost 28 now, but i remember his first year in
- 00:44:53.814 --> 00:44:56.784
- College at texas a&m.
- 00:44:56.784 --> 00:44:58.185
- And he went with a bunch of the kids that--
- 00:44:58.185 --> 00:45:00.287
- He went to christian school, and a bunch of them were in his
- 00:45:00.287 --> 00:45:03.023
- Class at a&m.
- 00:45:03.023 --> 00:45:04.992
- And i remember him coming home for christmas and saying,
- 00:45:04.992 --> 00:45:07.628
- "you know, it's really interesting, mom.
- 00:45:07.628 --> 00:45:08.962
- Some of my friends, now that they're not living at home with
- 00:45:08.962 --> 00:45:11.165
- Their parents, they don't really want anything to do
- 00:45:11.165 --> 00:45:13.634
- With church anymore.”
- 00:45:13.634 --> 00:45:15.035
- And it made me realize the importance of living out your
- 00:45:15.035 --> 00:45:18.505
- Faith 24-7, seven days a week.
- 00:45:18.505 --> 00:45:21.542
- And the kids own their own faith, as opposed to just,
- 00:45:21.542 --> 00:45:25.579
- Come on, we're going to church.
- 00:45:25.579 --> 00:45:27.047
- But them understanding the love of jesus so that when they do
- 00:45:27.047 --> 00:45:30.417
- Leave the nest, they're not going to get it all right.
- 00:45:30.417 --> 00:45:32.953
- But they have their own faith, a faith
- 00:45:32.953 --> 00:45:35.689
- That's worth fighting for.
- 00:45:35.689 --> 00:45:37.057
- - let me tell you something that's actually--
- 00:45:37.057 --> 00:45:38.525
- You know, this isn't to--
- 00:45:38.525 --> 00:45:39.660
- I'm not a fear monger.
- 00:45:39.660 --> 00:45:41.862
- I don't get into the trappings of--
- 00:45:41.862 --> 00:45:43.997
- I think a lot of, in our society today,
- 00:45:43.997 --> 00:45:47.568
- Especially in the church, people use fear.
- 00:45:47.568 --> 00:45:50.971
- A lot of fear to be like, "oh, it's this
- 00:45:50.971 --> 00:45:53.941
- And that and the other.”
- 00:45:53.941 --> 00:45:55.108
- But, so my girls go to a christian school
- 00:45:55.108 --> 00:45:57.778
- By the grace of god.
- 00:45:57.778 --> 00:45:59.079
- I'm grateful that they're able to go to a christian school.
- 00:45:59.079 --> 00:46:00.914
- Right now, in their senior year of high school,
- 00:46:00.914 --> 00:46:02.950
- They're in a christian dynamics class.
- 00:46:02.950 --> 00:46:04.818
- And we just had parent night.
- 00:46:04.818 --> 00:46:06.553
- And we sat with the teacher of that class.
- 00:46:06.553 --> 00:46:09.423
- And he said, "the newest study that just came out said that
- 00:46:09.423 --> 00:46:13.327
- 70%,” he said, "that's on the low end.”
- 00:46:13.327 --> 00:46:17.030
- He said, "they're actually saying it's more like 85,
- 00:46:17.030 --> 00:46:19.800
- But we're going to go on the low end because we want
- 00:46:19.800 --> 00:46:22.169
- To be positive.
- 00:46:22.169 --> 00:46:23.470
- 70% of church kids, so these are kids that are like raised in
- 00:46:23.470 --> 00:46:28.475
- A christian family, when they get to university,
- 00:46:28.475 --> 00:46:31.778
- Are ditching their faith.”
- 00:46:31.778 --> 00:46:33.347
- And they said, "now they say that about half of them when
- 00:46:33.347 --> 00:46:37.417
- They start having kids will come back.”
- 00:46:37.417 --> 00:46:39.753
- But still, that's a very high percentage of a generation
- 00:46:39.753 --> 00:46:45.959
- That's like, "eh, this isn't for me.”
- 00:46:45.959 --> 00:46:49.129
- That's for me even more of a wake-up call to parents and
- 00:46:49.129 --> 00:46:53.634
- Grandparents to say whatever we have to.
- 00:46:53.634 --> 00:46:56.937
- We have to equip our kids with the word of god,
- 00:46:56.937 --> 00:46:59.139
- A foundation that isn't just based on a feeling or based on
- 00:46:59.139 --> 00:47:03.076
- An emotion, but is actually a foundation of the word of god so
- 00:47:03.076 --> 00:47:07.714
- That when they go out, and they might ask some hard questions.
- 00:47:07.714 --> 00:47:11.618
- I'm sure my girls are going to go, "oh,
- 00:47:11.618 --> 00:47:13.720
- I've got some questions.”
- 00:47:13.720 --> 00:47:15.155
- I hope they ask those questions actually because it has to be
- 00:47:15.155 --> 00:47:17.491
- Their faith.
- 00:47:17.491 --> 00:47:18.392
- It can't be just bernie and i's faith.
- 00:47:18.392 --> 00:47:19.693
- It has to become theirs.
- 00:47:19.693 --> 00:47:21.028
- But we have to do a better job as a church of equipping a
- 00:47:21.028 --> 00:47:25.766
- Generation with the truth because they are
- 00:47:25.766 --> 00:47:27.968
- Leaving the faith.
- 00:47:27.968 --> 00:47:29.569
- They are leaving the faith.
- 00:47:29.569 --> 00:47:30.737
- - one of the songs that i love most on your "season"--
- 00:47:30.737 --> 00:47:35.342
- And by the way, i'm here in nashville with natalie grant.
- 00:47:35.342 --> 00:47:37.911
- If you haven't downloaded "seasons", where have you been?
- 00:47:37.911 --> 00:47:40.180
- But it's not too late.
- 00:47:40.180 --> 00:47:42.215
- You can do it today.
- 00:47:42.215 --> 00:47:43.216
- It's fantastic.
- 00:47:43.216 --> 00:47:44.918
- I mean, it's kind of like your magnum opus.
- 00:47:44.918 --> 00:47:47.854
- I mean, it's just phenomenal.
- 00:47:47.854 --> 00:47:50.223
- But one of the songs you chose i love,
- 00:47:50.223 --> 00:47:52.492
- And it reminded me of a time in your life.
- 00:47:52.492 --> 00:47:54.995
- The song is "praise you in the storm".
- 00:47:54.995 --> 00:47:58.131
- But it reminded me of a time you walked through a very scary
- 00:47:58.131 --> 00:48:01.902
- Health challenge that you faced.
- 00:48:01.902 --> 00:48:04.304
- - two weeks ago, i had an ultrasound,
- 00:48:05.105 --> 00:48:07.474
- And two of the tumors on the right side of my thyroid have
- 00:48:07.474 --> 00:48:12.045
- Decided to not stay unconcerning.
- 00:48:12.045 --> 00:48:15.649
- So, i am going in for surgery on october the 10th to remove
- 00:48:15.649 --> 00:48:21.188
- The right side of my thyroid.
- 00:48:21.188 --> 00:48:23.490
- I'm afraid.
- 00:48:23.490 --> 00:48:25.025
- I'm human, and that fear, every time it begins to well up,
- 00:48:25.025 --> 00:48:29.696
- I have a greater understanding right now in my life about the
- 00:48:29.696 --> 00:48:33.133
- Scripture that says to take every thought captive.
- 00:48:33.133 --> 00:48:36.336
- And that is actually a daily discipline for me right now.
- 00:48:36.336 --> 00:48:41.475
- Am i living a life of faith and trust,
- 00:48:41.475 --> 00:48:44.878
- Not just singing about the king of the world,
- 00:48:44.878 --> 00:48:48.115
- But actually trusting the king of the world?
- 00:48:48.115 --> 00:48:52.919
- What was that like for you?
- 00:48:53.520 --> 00:48:54.888
- Because it affected the area that so defines who you are.
- 00:48:54.888 --> 00:48:58.658
- - yes.
- 00:48:58.658 --> 00:48:59.793
- So, in 2017, i was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.
- 00:48:59.793 --> 00:49:04.364
- And obviously, cancer is a very scary word.
- 00:49:04.364 --> 00:49:09.102
- Nobody wants to hear that word.
- 00:49:09.102 --> 00:49:10.637
- But i've learned that if you have to have a cancer,
- 00:49:10.637 --> 00:49:15.042
- Papillary thyroid cancer is one that they're going to get out.
- 00:49:15.042 --> 00:49:18.245
- It's like you're not going to die from
- 00:49:18.245 --> 00:49:20.781
- Papillary thyroid cancer.
- 00:49:20.781 --> 00:49:22.049
- It's a 99.99% survival rate.
- 00:49:22.049 --> 00:49:26.153
- And so, it wasn't the cancer, necessarily,
- 00:49:26.153 --> 00:49:30.557
- That was so terrifying.
- 00:49:30.557 --> 00:49:33.060
- It was where the cancerous tumor was.
- 00:49:33.060 --> 00:49:35.295
- And i had a cancerous tumor on my thyroid,
- 00:49:35.295 --> 00:49:38.832
- But it was laying on my vocal nerve.
- 00:49:38.832 --> 00:49:41.101
- And so, i remember when the surgeon said, "hey,
- 00:49:41.101 --> 00:49:44.905
- We're going to go in there, we're going to get the cancer
- 00:49:44.905 --> 00:49:46.540
- Out, but your voice may be paralyzed.”
- 00:49:46.540 --> 00:49:51.278
- My father had thyroid cancer, and his vocal cords kind of
- 00:49:51.278 --> 00:49:56.183
- Never fully recovered from that surgery.
- 00:49:56.183 --> 00:49:58.652
- So, i had that in my mind, but also just the thought that they
- 00:49:58.652 --> 00:50:02.756
- Were like, "and if it's not paralyzed--”
- 00:50:02.756 --> 00:50:04.624
- You know, it's like where you feel like you're watching a
- 00:50:04.624 --> 00:50:06.893
- Commercial of a medication, and they're like saying it really
- 00:50:06.893 --> 00:50:09.062
- Happy, but they're telling you all the terrible things
- 00:50:09.062 --> 00:50:10.697
- That can happen to you.
- 00:50:10.697 --> 00:50:11.898
- Exactly.
- 00:50:11.898 --> 00:50:12.966
- He's like, "you know, if it's not paralyzed,
- 00:50:12.966 --> 00:50:14.935
- You won't have the same range.
- 00:50:14.935 --> 00:50:16.369
- You won't have the same vocal strength.
- 00:50:16.369 --> 00:50:17.904
- Your voice will be lower.
- 00:50:17.904 --> 00:50:20.006
- It'll probably be seven months to a year before
- 00:50:20.006 --> 00:50:22.843
- You can sing again.”
- 00:50:22.843 --> 00:50:24.311
- And just at some point, you're hearing news,
- 00:50:24.311 --> 00:50:26.513
- And it just kind of becomes a white noise because you can only
- 00:50:26.513 --> 00:50:28.849
- Take so much at one time.
- 00:50:28.849 --> 00:50:31.384
- And you know what's incredible about this?
- 00:50:31.384 --> 00:50:37.023
- Obviously, my voice came back.
- 00:50:37.023 --> 00:50:39.359
- And what's interesting, though, part of the story is that when
- 00:50:39.359 --> 00:50:46.199
- We found out about this--
- 00:50:46.199 --> 00:50:47.467
- My husband produces an artist that many of you will know
- 00:50:47.467 --> 00:50:50.937
- Named josh groban.
- 00:50:50.937 --> 00:50:52.272
- And when we found out about this,
- 00:50:52.272 --> 00:50:54.741
- Josh groban's manager sits on like the
- 00:50:54.741 --> 00:50:58.011
- Nationwide cancer board.
- 00:50:58.011 --> 00:51:00.080
- And so, he called and said, "give me the greatest surgeon.
- 00:51:00.080 --> 00:51:03.517
- We need the best surgeon in the world for this.
- 00:51:03.517 --> 00:51:06.386
- Like who do we go to?
- 00:51:06.386 --> 00:51:08.155
- Help us.
- 00:51:08.155 --> 00:51:09.055
- Help us know where to send her?”
- 00:51:09.055 --> 00:51:10.824
- And he said, "well, you wouldn't believe this,
- 00:51:10.824 --> 00:51:13.193
- That the best surgeon for this is in nashville, at vanderbilt.”
- 00:51:13.193 --> 00:51:16.930
- And it was already my doctor.
- 00:51:16.930 --> 00:51:19.166
- - oh, my gosh.
- 00:51:19.166 --> 00:51:20.433
- - well, then come to find out that this is a man of god.
- 00:51:20.433 --> 00:51:24.004
- And while he did that surgery, he listened to my song,
- 00:51:24.004 --> 00:51:29.943
- "king of the world".
- 00:51:29.943 --> 00:51:31.111
- He blared it in the operating room.
- 00:51:31.111 --> 00:51:33.380
- And he said, "while i was doing this surgery,
- 00:51:33.380 --> 00:51:36.416
- I wanted to constantly be reminded of what god was asking
- 00:51:36.416 --> 00:51:39.553
- Me to protect.”
- 00:51:39.553 --> 00:51:40.820
- And i thought, "only the lord could even put
- 00:51:40.820 --> 00:51:44.724
- All of that together.”
- 00:51:44.724 --> 00:51:46.226
- But though i'm sitting here and i can say my voice came back
- 00:51:46.226 --> 00:51:50.263
- Stronger, it actually came back with a different authority.
- 00:51:50.263 --> 00:51:54.467
- And i think that's, you know, to me,
- 00:51:54.467 --> 00:51:56.670
- A picture of what god does through trials.
- 00:51:56.670 --> 00:51:59.439
- It's like all of it might not be your singing voice,
- 00:51:59.439 --> 00:52:02.242
- But when you put your faith in him and you kind of have been
- 00:52:02.242 --> 00:52:06.513
- Kind of tested, and you've come through on the other side,
- 00:52:06.513 --> 00:52:10.150
- You come through stronger and with a different authority,
- 00:52:10.150 --> 00:52:14.688
- A different understanding of who god is,
- 00:52:14.688 --> 00:52:16.790
- A different understanding of who he is in the fire,
- 00:52:16.790 --> 00:52:19.326
- That he is with you.
- 00:52:19.326 --> 00:52:20.560
- But for me, that was honestly not the biggest miracle.
- 00:52:20.560 --> 00:52:25.165
- When i was told that i may never sing again,
- 00:52:25.165 --> 00:52:28.201
- I remember going--
- 00:52:28.201 --> 00:52:29.302
- I spent so many times on a stage saying,
- 00:52:29.302 --> 00:52:31.338
- "singing is not who i am.
- 00:52:31.338 --> 00:52:33.707
- It's just what i do.”
- 00:52:33.707 --> 00:52:35.141
- They said, "you're not going to sing again.”
- 00:52:35.141 --> 00:52:36.977
- I was like, "i was lying.
- 00:52:36.977 --> 00:52:38.612
- It's totally who i am.
- 00:52:38.612 --> 00:52:41.081
- It's my identity.
- 00:52:41.081 --> 00:52:42.449
- I don't even know who i am without it.”
- 00:52:42.449 --> 00:52:44.050
- And god gave me the opportunity to learn, you know, like, wait,
- 00:52:44.050 --> 00:52:48.955
- It actually is going to be okay because my outcome does not
- 00:52:48.955 --> 00:52:51.958
- Determine his goodness.
- 00:52:51.958 --> 00:52:53.960
- And that to me was the miracle.
- 00:52:53.960 --> 00:52:56.396
- My voice coming back stronger was a miracle,
- 00:52:56.396 --> 00:52:59.499
- But that was just his kindness.
- 00:52:59.499 --> 00:53:01.001
- He didn't have to do that.
- 00:53:01.001 --> 00:53:02.369
- He did.
- 00:53:02.369 --> 00:53:03.637
- And that's why for me, i feel like a different--
- 00:53:03.637 --> 00:53:05.872
- There was a shift in me that happened that was like, "wait,
- 00:53:05.872 --> 00:53:09.509
- I'm not just going to sing songs.
- 00:53:09.509 --> 00:53:10.977
- This is serious business we're doing right now.
- 00:53:10.977 --> 00:53:15.415
- And god, like, he protected my voice and
- 00:53:15.415 --> 00:53:18.585
- Brought it back stronger.
- 00:53:18.585 --> 00:53:19.619
- I'm going to use it to glorify him.”
- 00:53:19.619 --> 00:53:20.954
- But being able to say, "even before i know what my outcome is
- 00:53:20.954 --> 00:53:24.457
- Going to be, god, you're still good.
- 00:53:24.457 --> 00:53:25.692
- Even if my outcome isn't what i want it to be,
- 00:53:25.692 --> 00:53:27.961
- I know you're good.
- 00:53:27.961 --> 00:53:30.163
- And my outcome doesn't determine that.”
- 00:53:29.062 --> 00:53:31.531
- For me, that happening in my heart was the miracle.
- 00:53:31.531 --> 00:53:34.634
- - i just want to say to any of you who are at home right now
- 00:53:34.634 --> 00:53:37.237
- And facing something that seems uncertain,
- 00:53:37.237 --> 00:53:40.607
- Something that might seem to attack your very identity.
- 00:53:40.607 --> 00:53:44.344
- And we would just both want to remind you that god is in
- 00:53:44.344 --> 00:53:47.580
- Control, that he's sovereign, that he loves you.
- 00:53:47.580 --> 00:53:50.850
- And there's something about where your scars are,
- 00:53:50.850 --> 00:53:53.286
- There lies your authority.
- 00:53:53.286 --> 00:53:54.888
- It's like you come and you speak from a different place.
- 00:53:54.888 --> 00:53:57.424
- And i just quickly pray for you watching us.
- 00:53:57.424 --> 00:54:00.493
- Father, natalie and i just bring to you right now all of
- 00:54:00.493 --> 00:54:04.597
- Those who are watching who feel as if they're in a hard place.
- 00:54:04.597 --> 00:54:07.534
- Maybe they feel like in the middle of a storm and they're
- 00:54:07.534 --> 00:54:10.236
- Finding it hard to praise you.
- 00:54:10.236 --> 00:54:12.038
- Lord, i want to thank you for what you've done and continue to
- 00:54:12.038 --> 00:54:15.275
- Do through natalie's life.
- 00:54:15.275 --> 00:54:16.910
- And we pray for our viewers, lord,
- 00:54:16.910 --> 00:54:18.311
- That we would begin to thank you,
- 00:54:18.311 --> 00:54:20.747
- That we would begin to praise you even before we see the sun
- 00:54:20.747 --> 00:54:24.351
- Begin to come, even in the midst of a storm because of who you
- 00:54:24.351 --> 00:54:28.488
- Are, because you are in the storm,
- 00:54:28.488 --> 00:54:30.623
- Because we are never alone, and because you are good.
- 00:54:30.623 --> 00:54:33.893
- And we want to thank you for your loving kindness that goes
- 00:54:33.893 --> 00:54:38.298
- Beyond our human words.
- 00:54:38.298 --> 00:54:40.233
- We thank you in jesus' name.
- 00:54:40.233 --> 00:54:42.235
- Amen.
- 00:54:42.235 --> 00:54:43.636
- Natalie's album is called "seasons".
- 00:54:43.636 --> 00:54:45.638
- It's phenomenal.
- 00:54:45.638 --> 00:54:46.740
- I listen to it a lot.
- 00:54:46.740 --> 00:54:48.475
- - thank you.
- 00:54:48.475 --> 00:54:51.444
- - but just on behalf of all of our team here,
- 00:54:51.444 --> 00:54:54.848
- On behalf of matt and laurie, i just want to, more than that,
- 00:54:54.848 --> 00:54:57.450
- I want to thank you for your life, natalie grant,
- 00:54:57.450 --> 00:54:59.319
- Because your life impacts all of us.
- 00:54:59.319 --> 00:55:01.521
- - oh, sheila, thank you.
- 00:55:01.521 --> 00:55:02.722
- It's been such a joy to be with you.
- 00:55:02.722 --> 00:55:04.524
- Love you.
- 00:55:04.524 --> 00:55:05.425
- - love you too.
- 00:55:05.425 --> 00:55:06.226
- And we will see you next time.
- 00:55:06.226 --> 00:55:08.561
- [music]
- 00:55:08.561 --> 00:55:08.561