Messages of hope and redemption from Passion City Church in Atlanta, Georgia, with Louie Giglio.
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Passion with Louie Giglio | Louie Giglio - Orbit | February 23, 2025
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- >> so, today i want us
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- >> so, today i want us to look at one of
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- To look at one of my favorite chapters
- 00:00:13.439 --> 00:00:14.406
- My favorite chapters in the bible.
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- In the bible. we're gonna read
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- We're gonna read the whole chapter.
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- The whole chapter. 2 corinthians 5,
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- 2 corinthians 5, paul's words.
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- Paul's words. and in these verses,
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- And in these verses, we'll see his, kind of
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- We'll see his, kind of motivation for
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- Motivation for his missional lifestyle.
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- His missional lifestyle. and i believe there are five
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- And i believe there are five takeaways for all of us
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- Takeaways for all of us today, as we seek
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- Today, as we seek to live similar lives.
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- To live similar lives. 2 corinthians 5,
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- 2 corinthians 5, we're gonna read
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- We're gonna read 21 verses together.
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- 21 verses together. you ready for that?
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- You ready for that? trilith, you ready
- 00:00:36.895 --> 00:00:37.496
- Trilith, you ready for 21 verses?
- 00:00:37.563 --> 00:00:39.231
- For 21 verses? okay, great.
- 00:00:39.298 --> 00:00:39.865
- Okay, great. here we go.
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- "for we know that if
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- "for we know that if the earthly tent
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- The earthly tent we live in is destroyed,
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- We live in is destroyed, we have a building from god,
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- We have a building from god, an eternal house in heaven,
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- An eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.
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- Not built by human hands. meanwhile we groan,
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- Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed
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- Longing to be clothed instead with our
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- Instead with our heavenly dwelling,"
- 00:00:57.483 --> 00:00:59.017
- Heavenly dwelling," this is all consuming fire.
- 00:00:59.084 --> 00:01:00.419
- This is all consuming fire. we're looking forward
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- We're looking forward to the day that's coming.
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- To the day that's coming. "because when we are clothed,
- 00:01:02.387 --> 00:01:03.555
- "because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked.
- 00:01:03.622 --> 00:01:05.157
- We will not be found naked. for while we are in this tent,"
- 00:01:05.224 --> 00:01:07.159
- For while we are in this tent," meaning our earthly bodies
- 00:01:07.226 --> 00:01:08.293
- Meaning our earthly bodies that will fade away,
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- That will fade away, "we groan and we are burdened,
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- "we groan and we are burdened, because we do not wish to be
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- Because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be
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- Unclothed but to be clothed instead with
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- Clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling,
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- Our heavenly dwelling, a secure place
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- A secure place in christ forever,
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- In christ forever, so that what is mortal may
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- So that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life."
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- Be swallowed up by life." verse 5, "now the one who
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- Verse 5, "now the one who has fashioned us for
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- Has fashioned us for this very purpose is god,
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- This very purpose is god, who has given us the spirit
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- Who has given us the spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing,"
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- As a deposit, guaranteeing," somebody underline
- 00:01:34.987 --> 00:01:35.721
- Somebody underline that word in your bible,
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- That word in your bible, "guaranteeing what is to come.
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- "guaranteeing what is to come. therefore, we are
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- Therefore, we are always confident
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- Always confident and know that as long as
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- And know that as long as we are at home in the body
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- We are at home in the body we are away from the lord.
- 00:01:45.964 --> 00:01:48.267
- We are away from the lord. for we live by faith
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- For we live by faith not by sight.
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- Not by sight. we are confident, i say,
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- We are confident, i say, and would prefer to be
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- And would prefer to be away from the body
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- Away from the body and at home with the lord.
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- And at home with the lord. so," verse 9, "we make it
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- So," verse 9, "we make it our goal to please him,"
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- Our goal to please him," christ, "whether we are
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- Christ, "whether we are at home in the body
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- At home in the body or away from it.
- 00:02:04.950 --> 00:02:06.552
- Or away from it. for we must all appear
- 00:02:06.618 --> 00:02:08.353
- For we must all appear before the judgment
- 00:02:08.420 --> 00:02:09.521
- Before the judgment seat of christ,"
- 00:02:09.588 --> 00:02:11.623
- Seat of christ," all consuming fire,
- 00:02:11.690 --> 00:02:13.058
- All consuming fire, "so that each of us
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- "so that each of us may receive what is due us
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- May receive what is due us for the things done
- 00:02:15.928 --> 00:02:16.929
- For the things done while in the body,
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- While in the body, whether good or bad."
- 00:02:18.030 --> 00:02:20.265
- Whether good or bad." okay, now here's how
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- Okay, now here's how we live in light of that.
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- We live in light of that. "since, then, we know
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- "since, then, we know what it is to fear the lord,
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- What it is to fear the lord, we try to persuade others.
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- We try to persuade others. what we are is plain to god,
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- What we are is plain to god, and i hope it is also
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- And i hope it is also plain to your conscience.
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- Plain to your conscience. we are not trying to commend
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- We are not trying to commend ourselves to you again,
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- Ourselves to you again, but we are giving
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- But we are giving you an opportunity
- 00:02:39.818 --> 00:02:40.819
- You an opportunity to take pride in us,
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- To take pride in us, so that you can answer
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- So that you can answer those who take pride
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- Those who take pride in what is seen rather
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- In what is seen rather than what is in the heart.
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- Than what is in the heart. if we are 'out of our mind,'
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- If we are 'out of our mind,' as some say, it is for god;
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- As some say, it is for god; and if we are in our right mind,
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- And if we are in our right mind, it is for you.
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- It is for you. for christ's love compels us,"
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- For christ's love compels us," underline that,
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- Underline that, "because we are convinced
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- "because we are convinced that one died for all,
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- That one died for all, and therefore all died.
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- And therefore all died. and he died for all,
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- And he died for all, that those who lived
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- That those who lived should no longer
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- Should no longer live for themselves
- 00:03:10.182 --> 00:03:11.416
- Live for themselves but should live for him
- 00:03:11.483 --> 00:03:12.584
- But should live for him who died for them
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- Who died for them and was raised again."
- 00:03:14.386 --> 00:03:16.688
- And was raised again." verse 16, "so from now on
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- Verse 16, "so from now on we regard nobody from
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- We regard nobody from a worldly point of view.
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- A worldly point of view. though we once regarded christ
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- Though we once regarded christ in this way we do so no longer.
- 00:03:25.831 --> 00:03:28.567
- In this way we do so no longer. therefore, if anyone
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- Therefore, if anyone is in christ,
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- Is in christ, the new creation has come.
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- The new creation has come. the old is gone
- 00:03:33.238 --> 00:03:34.172
- The old is gone and the new is here!"
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- And the new is here!" someone should say amen.
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- Someone should say amen. >> congregation: amen.
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- >> congregation: amen. "and all of this is from god,
- 00:03:37.309 --> 00:03:39.177
- "and all of this is from god, who reconciled us
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- Who reconciled us to himself through christ
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- To himself through christ and gave us the ministry
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- And gave us the ministry of reconciliation:
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- Of reconciliation: that god was reconciling
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- That god was reconciling the world to himself
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- The world to himself in christ,
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- In christ, not counting people's
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- Not counting people's sins against them."
- 00:03:52.424 --> 00:03:54.626
- Sins against them." incredible.
- 00:03:54.693 --> 00:03:55.727
- Incredible. "and he has committed to us
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- "and he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.
- 00:03:57.763 --> 00:04:00.866
- The message of reconciliation. we," you and me,
- 00:04:00.932 --> 00:04:02.367
- We," you and me, "are therefore
- 00:04:02.434 --> 00:04:03.302
- "are therefore christ's ambassadors,
- 00:04:03.368 --> 00:04:05.871
- Christ's ambassadors, as though god were making
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- As though god were making his appeal through us.
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- His appeal through us. we implore you
- 00:04:09.808 --> 00:04:10.776
- We implore you on christ's behalf:
- 00:04:10.842 --> 00:04:12.411
- On christ's behalf: be reconciled to god.
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- Be reconciled to god. god made him who had no sin
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- God made him who had no sin to be sin for us,
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- To be sin for us, so that in him
- 00:04:19.184 --> 00:04:20.485
- So that in him we might become
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- We might become the righteousness of god."
- 00:04:21.920 --> 00:04:24.790
- The righteousness of god." thank god for the power
- 00:04:24.856 --> 00:04:25.757
- Thank god for the power of his word, amen?
- 00:04:25.824 --> 00:04:27.125
- Of his word, amen? >> congregation: amen.
- 00:04:27.192 --> 00:04:27.793
- >> congregation: amen. so, five c's i want you to get
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- From this text that i believe
- 00:04:30.962 --> 00:04:32.698
- From this text that i believe will help us to live on mission.
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- Will help us to live on mission. the first is this,
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- The first is this, we are confident
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- In our future hope.
- 00:04:37.836 --> 00:04:40.238
- In our future hope. we are confident
- 00:04:40.305 --> 00:04:41.306
- We are confident in our future hope.
- 00:04:41.373 --> 00:04:42.541
- In our future hope. look at verse 5.
- 00:04:42.607 --> 00:04:43.842
- Look at verse 5. he says, "now the one
- 00:04:43.909 --> 00:04:44.509
- He says, "now the one who's fashioned us
- 00:04:44.576 --> 00:04:45.577
- Who's fashioned us for this very purpose is god,
- 00:04:45.644 --> 00:04:46.745
- For this very purpose is god, who has given us this spirit
- 00:04:46.812 --> 00:04:49.581
- Who has given us this spirit as a deposit guaranteeing
- 00:04:49.648 --> 00:04:51.516
- As a deposit guaranteeing what is to come."
- 00:04:51.583 --> 00:04:52.517
- Therefore, we are
- 00:04:52.617 --> 00:04:53.552
- Therefore, we are always confident.
- 00:04:53.618 --> 00:04:57.089
- Always confident. the holy spirit
- 00:04:57.155 --> 00:04:58.323
- The holy spirit is guaranteeing
- 00:04:58.390 --> 00:04:59.491
- Is guaranteeing our inheritance.
- 00:04:59.558 --> 00:05:00.258
- Our inheritance. this is what we've been
- 00:05:00.325 --> 00:05:00.926
- This is what we've been studying in revelation.
- 00:05:00.992 --> 00:05:02.160
- Studying in revelation. man, we can look forward,
- 00:05:02.227 --> 00:05:03.862
- Man, we can look forward, yes, into some unknown
- 00:05:03.929 --> 00:05:05.430
- Yes, into some unknown in the temporary,
- 00:05:05.497 --> 00:05:06.598
- In the temporary, but eternally,
- 00:05:06.665 --> 00:05:07.499
- But eternally, it is secure
- 00:05:07.566 --> 00:05:09.234
- It is secure and has been guaranteed
- 00:05:09.301 --> 00:05:11.069
- And has been guaranteed by the holy spirit.
- 00:05:11.136 --> 00:05:13.538
- By the holy spirit. he's talking about the tent
- 00:05:13.605 --> 00:05:14.673
- He's talking about the tent of his earthly body
- 00:05:14.740 --> 00:05:15.974
- Of his earthly body how it's gonna be changed
- 00:05:16.041 --> 00:05:17.275
- How it's gonna be changed out for a building from god.
- 00:05:17.342 --> 00:05:19.711
- Out for a building from god. i don't know about you,
- 00:05:19.778 --> 00:05:20.412
- I don't know about you, that sounds like a good trade.
- 00:05:20.479 --> 00:05:21.713
- That sounds like a good trade. a tent for a building?
- 00:05:21.780 --> 00:05:24.783
- A tent for a building? we got any campers
- 00:05:24.850 --> 00:05:25.550
- We got any campers that like tents?
- 00:05:25.617 --> 00:05:27.486
- That like tents? few of you.
- 00:05:27.552 --> 00:05:27.886
- Few of you. i used to always hear
- 00:05:27.953 --> 00:05:28.587
- I used to always hear people say, "you should go --
- 00:05:28.653 --> 00:05:30.555
- People say, "you should go -- you know, you should be
- 00:05:30.622 --> 00:05:31.156
- You know, you should be in a tent when it rains."
- 00:05:31.223 --> 00:05:32.391
- In a tent when it rains." it's not that great, honestly.
- 00:05:32.457 --> 00:05:34.726
- It's not that great, honestly. i'd rather be in
- 00:05:34.793 --> 00:05:35.494
- I'd rather be in a building when it rains.
- 00:05:35.560 --> 00:05:37.729
- A building when it rains. we're gonna trade out
- 00:05:37.796 --> 00:05:38.530
- We're gonna trade out a tent for a building.
- 00:05:38.597 --> 00:05:41.066
- A tent for a building. and this confidence
- 00:05:41.133 --> 00:05:42.000
- And this confidence that we have gained
- 00:05:42.067 --> 00:05:43.168
- That we have gained through journeying
- 00:05:43.235 --> 00:05:43.902
- Through journeying through revelation
- 00:05:43.969 --> 00:05:44.436
- Through revelation that a tent is gonna be
- 00:05:44.503 --> 00:05:45.637
- That a tent is gonna be traded for a building
- 00:05:45.704 --> 00:05:46.805
- Traded for a building that the holy spirit
- 00:05:46.872 --> 00:05:48.039
- That the holy spirit is guaranteeing
- 00:05:48.106 --> 00:05:49.074
- Is guaranteeing our inheritance in christ.
- 00:05:49.141 --> 00:05:51.843
- Our inheritance in christ. and as we see in paul
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- And as we see in paul that his confident hope
- 00:05:53.111 --> 00:05:55.013
- That his confident hope in heaven is what fueled
- 00:05:55.080 --> 00:05:57.015
- In heaven is what fueled his mission on earth,
- 00:05:57.082 --> 00:05:59.418
- His mission on earth, and so it should be
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- And so it should be for all of us,
- 00:06:00.318 --> 00:06:02.287
- For all of us, so we are confident
- 00:06:02.354 --> 00:06:04.322
- So we are confident in our future hope.
- 00:06:04.389 --> 00:06:05.690
- In our future hope. number two, we are committed
- 00:06:05.757 --> 00:06:07.292
- Number two, we are committed to living for christ.
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- We are committed
- 00:06:10.128 --> 00:06:10.862
- We are committed to living for christ.
- 00:06:10.929 --> 00:06:12.164
- To living for christ. do you see it in the text?
- 00:06:12.230 --> 00:06:13.632
- Do you see it in the text? we know who we are,
- 00:06:13.698 --> 00:06:14.699
- We know who we are, and we know why we are here.
- 00:06:14.766 --> 00:06:16.435
- And we know why we are here. we were made by god,
- 00:06:16.501 --> 00:06:17.769
- We were made by god, and we were made for god.
- 00:06:17.836 --> 00:06:19.304
- And we were made for god. i was made in his image;
- 00:06:19.371 --> 00:06:20.472
- I was made in his image; i have intrinsic worth.
- 00:06:20.539 --> 00:06:22.073
- I have intrinsic worth. i am made by him
- 00:06:22.140 --> 00:06:24.776
- I am made by him and my life has divine purpose
- 00:06:24.843 --> 00:06:26.978
- And my life has divine purpose in that i was made to make
- 00:06:27.045 --> 00:06:28.313
- In that i was made to make his name known.
- 00:06:28.380 --> 00:06:29.247
- His name known. i was made by him,
- 00:06:29.314 --> 00:06:30.282
- And i was made for him.
- 00:06:30.382 --> 00:06:32.117
- And i was made for him. and paul says in verse 9.
- 00:06:32.184 --> 00:06:33.552
- And paul says in verse 9. "so, we make it our goal
- 00:06:33.618 --> 00:06:35.053
- "so, we make it our goal to please him," christ,
- 00:06:35.120 --> 00:06:38.156
- To please him," christ, "whether we're at home,
- 00:06:38.223 --> 00:06:39.524
- "whether we're at home, in the body or away from it.
- 00:06:39.591 --> 00:06:40.792
- In the body or away from it. for we must all appear before
- 00:06:40.859 --> 00:06:42.594
- For we must all appear before the judgement seat of christ
- 00:06:42.661 --> 00:06:43.862
- The judgement seat of christ so that each of us may
- 00:06:43.929 --> 00:06:46.598
- So that each of us may receive what is due us
- 00:06:46.665 --> 00:06:47.899
- Receive what is due us for the things done
- 00:06:47.966 --> 00:06:48.667
- For the things done while in the body
- 00:06:48.733 --> 00:06:49.434
- While in the body whether good or bad."
- 00:06:49.501 --> 00:06:50.936
- Whether good or bad." i want you to think
- 00:06:51.002 --> 00:06:51.603
- I want you to think about this reality, okay?
- 00:06:51.670 --> 00:06:54.139
- About this reality, okay? think about this while
- 00:06:54.206 --> 00:06:55.106
- Think about this while you're sitting at 515 today
- 00:06:55.173 --> 00:06:56.808
- You're sitting at 515 today or while you're at
- 00:06:56.875 --> 00:06:57.442
- Or while you're at trilith today.
- 00:06:57.509 --> 00:06:58.310
- Trilith today. this is a crazy reality
- 00:06:58.376 --> 00:06:59.544
- This is a crazy reality that you can make god happy.
- 00:06:59.611 --> 00:07:04.182
- That you can make god happy. you, frail, fragile you,
- 00:07:04.249 --> 00:07:06.218
- You, frail, fragile you, you can please god.
- 00:07:06.284 --> 00:07:07.919
- You can please god. i don't know what could be
- 00:07:07.986 --> 00:07:08.920
- I don't know what could be more desirable for us in life
- 00:07:08.987 --> 00:07:11.389
- More desirable for us in life than to live a life that
- 00:07:11.456 --> 00:07:12.390
- Than to live a life that is pleasing to god.
- 00:07:12.457 --> 00:07:14.826
- Is pleasing to god. i don't want anything
- 00:07:14.893 --> 00:07:15.694
- I don't want anything more than that.
- 00:07:15.760 --> 00:07:16.561
- More than that. i want my vapor of a life
- 00:07:16.628 --> 00:07:18.563
- I want my vapor of a life to put a smile on heaven's face,
- 00:07:18.630 --> 00:07:21.733
- To put a smile on heaven's face, and i would guess
- 00:07:21.800 --> 00:07:22.234
- And i would guess that you do too.
- 00:07:22.300 --> 00:07:23.869
- That you do too. we are committed to living
- 00:07:23.935 --> 00:07:25.670
- We are committed to living for christ in a way
- 00:07:25.737 --> 00:07:26.605
- For christ in a way that pleases him,
- 00:07:26.671 --> 00:07:27.706
- That pleases him, submits to him,
- 00:07:27.772 --> 00:07:28.540
- Submits to him, obeys him,
- 00:07:28.607 --> 00:07:29.441
- Obeys him, follows him,
- 00:07:29.508 --> 00:07:30.442
- Follows him, and makes much of him.
- 00:07:30.509 --> 00:07:34.045
- And makes much of him. and then, he talks about
- 00:07:34.112 --> 00:07:34.880
- And then, he talks about that everybody's gonna go
- 00:07:34.946 --> 00:07:36.014
- That everybody's gonna go before this judgment seat,
- 00:07:36.081 --> 00:07:37.249
- Before this judgment seat, right, this is
- 00:07:37.315 --> 00:07:38.116
- Right, this is all consuming fire.
- 00:07:38.183 --> 00:07:39.317
- All consuming fire. we're gonna sit before
- 00:07:39.384 --> 00:07:40.085
- We're gonna sit before the judgement seat of christ.
- 00:07:40.151 --> 00:07:41.953
- The judgement seat of christ. the greek word there is bema.
- 00:07:42.020 --> 00:07:43.922
- The greek word there is bema. in the ancient worlds,
- 00:07:43.989 --> 00:07:44.990
- In the ancient worlds, rulers would sit on a bema,
- 00:07:45.056 --> 00:07:47.526
- Rulers would sit on a bema, and they would make
- 00:07:47.592 --> 00:07:48.093
- And they would make their judicial
- 00:07:48.159 --> 00:07:48.827
- Their judicial decisions for people.
- 00:07:48.894 --> 00:07:50.829
- Decisions for people. or in the ancient world
- 00:07:50.896 --> 00:07:51.830
- Or in the ancient world like in an athletic competition,
- 00:07:51.897 --> 00:07:54.633
- Like in an athletic competition, like the olympics,
- 00:07:54.699 --> 00:07:55.600
- Like the olympics, the athletes would come
- 00:07:55.667 --> 00:07:57.002
- The athletes would come into the middle of the field
- 00:07:57.068 --> 00:07:58.370
- Into the middle of the field on a raised platform
- 00:07:58.436 --> 00:07:59.337
- On a raised platform called a bema
- 00:07:59.404 --> 00:08:00.572
- Called a bema and they would receive
- 00:08:00.639 --> 00:08:01.540
- And they would receive their reward, and i love it.
- 00:08:01.606 --> 00:08:04.676
- Their reward, and i love it. there is a bema of christ
- 00:08:04.743 --> 00:08:06.578
- There is a bema of christ and it there will be judgement
- 00:08:06.645 --> 00:08:08.346
- And it there will be judgement and there will be reward,
- 00:08:08.413 --> 00:08:10.682
- And there will be reward, and we wanna live in a way
- 00:08:10.749 --> 00:08:11.816
- And we wanna live in a way that please christ
- 00:08:11.883 --> 00:08:13.118
- That please christ in light of that day.
- 00:08:13.184 --> 00:08:15.887
- In light of that day. number three, we are considerate
- 00:08:15.954 --> 00:08:17.956
- Number three, we are considerate of the lost around us.
- 00:08:18.023 --> 00:08:21.226
- We are considerate
- 00:08:21.326 --> 00:08:22.327
- We are considerate of the lost around us.
- 00:08:22.394 --> 00:08:24.095
- Of the lost around us. verses 13-16, paul says,
- 00:08:24.162 --> 00:08:26.965
- Verses 13-16, paul says, "vertically,
- 00:08:27.032 --> 00:08:28.333
- "vertically, i'm losing my mind, man."
- 00:08:28.400 --> 00:08:30.869
- I'm losing my mind, man." if i'm out of my mind,
- 00:08:30.936 --> 00:08:31.670
- If i'm out of my mind, it's for god.
- 00:08:31.736 --> 00:08:32.370
- It's for god. there should be a moment
- 00:08:32.437 --> 00:08:33.438
- There should be a moment where we're out of our mind.
- 00:08:33.505 --> 00:08:34.439
- Where we're out of our mind. there should be a moment
- 00:08:34.506 --> 00:08:35.273
- There should be a moment where are losing our minds
- 00:08:35.340 --> 00:08:37.475
- Where are losing our minds because of the love of god
- 00:08:37.542 --> 00:08:38.577
- Because of the love of god on display in our lives.
- 00:08:38.643 --> 00:08:41.713
- On display in our lives. but then he says,
- 00:08:41.780 --> 00:08:44.616
- "horizontally,
- 00:08:44.716 --> 00:08:45.016
- "horizontally, i'm self-controlled
- 00:08:45.083 --> 00:08:45.483
- I'm self-controlled for your sake."
- 00:08:45.550 --> 00:08:47.085
- For your sake." like, to god i'm ecstatic
- 00:08:47.152 --> 00:08:49.621
- Like, to god i'm ecstatic but to you, i'm rational.
- 00:08:49.688 --> 00:08:51.756
- But to you, i'm rational. why?
- 00:08:51.823 --> 00:08:52.757
- Why? 'cause i'm trying
- 00:08:52.824 --> 00:08:53.658
- 'cause i'm trying to persuade you, right?
- 00:08:53.725 --> 00:08:56.061
- To persuade you, right? i'm filled with
- 00:08:56.127 --> 00:08:57.028
- I'm filled with compassion for the lost.
- 00:08:57.095 --> 00:08:59.564
- Compassion for the lost. back to louie's important
- 00:08:59.631 --> 00:09:00.932
- Back to louie's important point from the talk last week,
- 00:09:00.999 --> 00:09:02.434
- Point from the talk last week, we don't need any more
- 00:09:02.500 --> 00:09:03.134
- We don't need any more weird christians.
- 00:09:03.201 --> 00:09:06.671
- Weird christians. we're at our max.
- 00:09:06.738 --> 00:09:10.375
- We're at our max. we need people that can be
- 00:09:10.442 --> 00:09:11.776
- We need people that can be out of their mind vertically,
- 00:09:11.843 --> 00:09:15.146
- Out of their mind vertically, but can be rational
- 00:09:15.213 --> 00:09:16.481
- But can be rational self-controlled horizontally,
- 00:09:16.548 --> 00:09:18.516
- Self-controlled horizontally, for the sake of winning
- 00:09:18.583 --> 00:09:20.385
- For the sake of winning people over to christ.
- 00:09:20.452 --> 00:09:22.420
- People over to christ. and then, look what
- 00:09:22.487 --> 00:09:22.921
- And then, look what he says in verse 16,
- 00:09:22.988 --> 00:09:24.322
- He says in verse 16, "so, from now on we regard
- 00:09:24.389 --> 00:09:25.724
- "so, from now on we regard nobody from a worldly
- 00:09:25.790 --> 00:09:27.392
- Nobody from a worldly point of view though we once
- 00:09:27.459 --> 00:09:28.893
- Point of view though we once regarded christ in this way.
- 00:09:28.960 --> 00:09:30.161
- Regarded christ in this way. we do so no longer."
- 00:09:30.228 --> 00:09:31.162
- We do so no longer." here's what he's saying.
- 00:09:31.229 --> 00:09:32.097
- Here's what he's saying. there is more
- 00:09:32.163 --> 00:09:33.164
- There is more than the natural eye
- 00:09:33.231 --> 00:09:34.399
- Than the natural eye can see at play going on.
- 00:09:34.466 --> 00:09:37.802
- Can see at play going on. the people in your workplace
- 00:09:37.869 --> 00:09:39.638
- The people in your workplace the people on your team,
- 00:09:39.704 --> 00:09:41.139
- The people on your team, the people at your gym
- 00:09:41.206 --> 00:09:42.641
- The people at your gym there is more at play
- 00:09:42.707 --> 00:09:44.009
- There is more at play in their life than
- 00:09:44.075 --> 00:09:44.843
- In their life than what you can see
- 00:09:44.909 --> 00:09:46.111
- What you can see with a natural eye.
- 00:09:46.177 --> 00:09:47.145
- With a natural eye. we regard nobody from
- 00:09:47.212 --> 00:09:48.880
- We regard nobody from a worldly point of view.
- 00:09:48.947 --> 00:09:50.181
- A worldly point of view. that means we don't look at
- 00:09:50.248 --> 00:09:51.116
- That means we don't look at people who are successful
- 00:09:51.182 --> 00:09:52.384
- People who are successful in life and go, "maybe they're
- 00:09:52.450 --> 00:09:53.818
- In life and go, "maybe they're good without christ."
- 00:09:53.885 --> 00:09:54.819
- Good without christ." why?
- 00:09:54.886 --> 00:09:55.153
- Why? because successes
- 00:09:55.220 --> 00:09:56.287
- Because successes and earthly riches cannot
- 00:09:56.354 --> 00:09:57.822
- And earthly riches cannot transcend the judgment
- 00:09:57.889 --> 00:09:59.257
- Transcend the judgment seat of christ.
- 00:09:59.324 --> 00:10:01.526
- Seat of christ. so, you go, "okay,
- 00:10:01.593 --> 00:10:02.627
- So, you go, "okay, that's great that
- 00:10:02.694 --> 00:10:03.261
- That's great that you have earthly riches.
- 00:10:03.328 --> 00:10:04.295
- You have earthly riches. that's great that you
- 00:10:04.362 --> 00:10:04.996
- That's great that you got all these cars
- 00:10:05.063 --> 00:10:05.964
- Got all these cars and these boats
- 00:10:06.031 --> 00:10:06.531
- And these boats and all this money.
- 00:10:06.598 --> 00:10:07.232
- And all this money. that's awesome.
- 00:10:07.298 --> 00:10:08.199
- That's awesome. i'm telling you; there's more
- 00:10:08.266 --> 00:10:09.768
- I'm telling you; there's more at stake than that."
- 00:10:09.834 --> 00:10:12.337
- At stake than that." and you don't look at
- 00:10:12.404 --> 00:10:13.672
- And you don't look at somebody who has nothing
- 00:10:13.738 --> 00:10:14.906
- Somebody who has nothing and go, "i don't really know.
- 00:10:14.973 --> 00:10:17.075
- And go, "i don't really know. it seems messy, dirty.
- 00:10:17.142 --> 00:10:18.309
- It seems messy, dirty. i don't really know."
- 00:10:18.376 --> 00:10:19.210
- I don't really know." no, you go, "man,
- 00:10:19.277 --> 00:10:19.811
- No, you go, "man, you have intrinsic words?
- 00:10:19.878 --> 00:10:20.845
- You have intrinsic words? you were made in
- 00:10:20.912 --> 00:10:21.346
- You were made in the image of christ.
- 00:10:21.413 --> 00:10:22.347
- The image of christ. there's more at stake
- 00:10:22.414 --> 00:10:23.281
- There's more at stake than your earthly position."
- 00:10:23.348 --> 00:10:25.750
- Than your earthly position." we regard nobody from
- 00:10:25.817 --> 00:10:27.252
- We regard nobody from a worldly point of view.
- 00:10:27.318 --> 00:10:32.357
- A worldly point of view. even if someone is putting off,
- 00:10:32.424 --> 00:10:34.492
- Even if someone is putting off, that they are totally
- 00:10:34.559 --> 00:10:35.093
- That they are totally disinterested,
- 00:10:35.160 --> 00:10:37.062
- Disinterested, our spiritual eyes
- 00:10:37.128 --> 00:10:38.496
- Our spiritual eyes know that god has set
- 00:10:38.563 --> 00:10:40.565
- Know that god has set eternity in the hearts
- 00:10:40.632 --> 00:10:41.966
- Eternity in the hearts of humans, ecclesiastes 3.
- 00:10:42.033 --> 00:10:45.403
- Of humans, ecclesiastes 3. maybe on the outside
- 00:10:45.470 --> 00:10:46.771
- Maybe on the outside your hard shell is going,
- 00:10:46.838 --> 00:10:48.707
- Your hard shell is going, "i don't wanna any of that."
- 00:10:48.773 --> 00:10:49.774
- "i don't wanna any of that." but i know inside,
- 00:10:49.841 --> 00:10:51.009
- But i know inside, you are hopeless
- 00:10:51.076 --> 00:10:51.810
- You are hopeless and you are helpless,
- 00:10:51.876 --> 00:10:52.877
- And you are helpless, and i have the answer
- 00:10:52.944 --> 00:10:53.912
- And i have the answer in christ jesus.
- 00:10:53.978 --> 00:10:54.946
- In christ jesus. so i am going to,
- 00:10:55.013 --> 00:10:56.081
- So i am going to, in my right mind,
- 00:10:56.147 --> 00:10:58.416
- In my right mind, with self-control,
- 00:10:58.483 --> 00:11:00.218
- With self-control, rationally love you
- 00:11:00.285 --> 00:11:01.753
- Rationally love you in the name of christ
- 00:11:01.820 --> 00:11:03.421
- In the name of christ to try to persuade you
- 00:11:03.488 --> 00:11:04.923
- To try to persuade you to hope that never dies.
- 00:11:04.989 --> 00:11:09.561
- To hope that never dies. and not only do we
- 00:11:09.627 --> 00:11:11.062
- And not only do we not regard people
- 00:11:11.129 --> 00:11:12.030
- Not regard people from a worldly point of view,
- 00:11:12.097 --> 00:11:13.231
- From a worldly point of view, we must also no longer regard
- 00:11:13.298 --> 00:11:14.833
- We must also no longer regard our circumstances from
- 00:11:14.899 --> 00:11:16.367
- Our circumstances from a worldly point of view.
- 00:11:16.434 --> 00:11:18.303
- A worldly point of view. hear me, this means that
- 00:11:18.369 --> 00:11:19.170
- Hear me, this means that there are no coincidences
- 00:11:19.237 --> 00:11:20.572
- There are no coincidences in the economy of god.
- 00:11:20.638 --> 00:11:22.741
- In the economy of god. there are no accidents
- 00:11:22.807 --> 00:11:24.109
- There are no accidents in the economy of god.
- 00:11:24.175 --> 00:11:25.443
- In the economy of god. if he is sovereign,
- 00:11:25.510 --> 00:11:26.911
- If he is sovereign, there are no surprises.
- 00:11:26.978 --> 00:11:29.114
- There are no surprises. he's one or the other.
- 00:11:29.180 --> 00:11:31.182
- He's one or the other. if he is sovereign,
- 00:11:31.249 --> 00:11:32.851
- If he is sovereign, then he's in control.
- 00:11:32.917 --> 00:11:34.085
- Then he's in control. there are no accidents,
- 00:11:34.152 --> 00:11:35.153
- There are no accidents, there are no coincidence.
- 00:11:35.220 --> 00:11:36.755
- There are no coincidence. everything is
- 00:11:36.821 --> 00:11:37.989
- Everything is designed on purpose.
- 00:11:38.056 --> 00:11:41.593
- Designed on purpose. so, this means wherever you are
- 00:11:41.659 --> 00:11:42.694
- So, this means wherever you are whether you like it or not,
- 00:11:42.761 --> 00:11:43.895
- Whether you like it or not, you're there on purpose.
- 00:11:43.962 --> 00:11:45.930
- You're there on purpose. as a representative of christ.
- 00:11:45.997 --> 00:11:48.299
- As a representative of christ. there are no accidents,
- 00:11:48.366 --> 00:11:49.534
- There are no accidents, there are only assignments.
- 00:11:49.601 --> 00:11:52.337
- There are only assignments. so much would change about
- 00:11:52.403 --> 00:11:54.072
- So much would change about our heart for evangelism
- 00:11:54.139 --> 00:11:56.007
- Our heart for evangelism in our city if we had
- 00:11:56.074 --> 00:11:57.308
- In our city if we had spiritual eyes to see
- 00:11:57.375 --> 00:11:58.843
- Spiritual eyes to see that we are being sent
- 00:11:58.910 --> 00:12:00.211
- That we are being sent on gospel mission not
- 00:12:00.278 --> 00:12:01.646
- On gospel mission not by random happenstance.
- 00:12:01.713 --> 00:12:03.348
- By random happenstance. you didn't just get
- 00:12:03.414 --> 00:12:04.115
- You didn't just get transferred here
- 00:12:04.182 --> 00:12:05.250
- Transferred here because your company
- 00:12:05.316 --> 00:12:06.017
- Because your company needed to make some cuts
- 00:12:06.084 --> 00:12:07.051
- Needed to make some cuts in another city.
- 00:12:07.118 --> 00:12:08.052
- In another city. no, you're here by
- 00:12:08.119 --> 00:12:09.120
- No, you're here by designed appointment
- 00:12:09.187 --> 00:12:10.588
- Designed appointment and assignment
- 00:12:10.655 --> 00:12:11.556
- And assignment by almighty god,
- 00:12:11.623 --> 00:12:12.857
- By almighty god, to be a light and life
- 00:12:12.924 --> 00:12:14.392
- To be a light and life of jesus in that workplace.
- 00:12:14.459 --> 00:12:17.328
- Of jesus in that workplace. you're not just
- 00:12:17.395 --> 00:12:18.463
- You're not just an innocent bystander
- 00:12:18.530 --> 00:12:20.165
- An innocent bystander that happen to go to
- 00:12:20.231 --> 00:12:20.999
- That happen to go to a new school this year
- 00:12:21.065 --> 00:12:21.733
- A new school this year 'cause they changed
- 00:12:21.800 --> 00:12:22.567
- 'cause they changed the county line.
- 00:12:22.634 --> 00:12:23.601
- The county line. no, you are being sent
- 00:12:23.668 --> 00:12:25.270
- No, you are being sent to a new school
- 00:12:25.336 --> 00:12:26.371
- To a new school with the light and life
- 00:12:26.437 --> 00:12:27.272
- With the light and life of the gospel alive in you
- 00:12:27.338 --> 00:12:28.840
- Of the gospel alive in you on heaven's assignment
- 00:12:28.907 --> 00:12:29.941
- On heaven's assignment for your new school.
- 00:12:30.008 --> 00:12:32.443
- For your new school. and if we could see
- 00:12:32.510 --> 00:12:33.711
- And if we could see things that way,
- 00:12:33.778 --> 00:12:34.746
- Things that way, we would be attuned
- 00:12:34.813 --> 00:12:36.147
- We would be attuned to what's going on
- 00:12:36.214 --> 00:12:36.915
- To what's going on in the spiritual.
- 00:12:36.981 --> 00:12:38.249
- In the spiritual. we would understand,
- 00:12:38.316 --> 00:12:39.083
- We would understand, "i'm not just a victim
- 00:12:39.150 --> 00:12:40.051
- "i'm not just a victim of my circumstance.
- 00:12:40.118 --> 00:12:41.386
- Of my circumstance. i am an anointed and assigned
- 00:12:41.452 --> 00:12:43.888
- I am an anointed and assigned representative of heaven
- 00:12:43.955 --> 00:12:45.323
- Representative of heaven wherever he sends me today."
- 00:12:45.390 --> 00:12:48.026
- Wherever he sends me today." and so much of our life
- 00:12:48.092 --> 00:12:50.628
- And so much of our life would change,
- 00:12:50.695 --> 00:12:51.763
- Would change, if we saw it that way.
- 00:12:51.830 --> 00:12:54.465
- If we saw it that way. because here's the reality,
- 00:12:54.532 --> 00:12:55.600
- Because here's the reality, we talked about a few
- 00:12:55.667 --> 00:12:56.334
- We talked about a few of the reasons earlier
- 00:12:56.401 --> 00:12:57.902
- Of the reasons earlier that we don't participate
- 00:12:57.969 --> 00:12:59.137
- That we don't participate in evangelism,
- 00:12:59.204 --> 00:13:00.038
- In evangelism, that we are nervous
- 00:13:00.104 --> 00:13:01.105
- That we are nervous to share our faith.
- 00:13:01.172 --> 00:13:02.373
- To share our faith. but for some, if i can
- 00:13:02.440 --> 00:13:03.508
- But for some, if i can just be really honest in 2024,
- 00:13:03.575 --> 00:13:06.544
- Just be really honest in 2024, the reason why we actively
- 00:13:06.611 --> 00:13:07.979
- The reason why we actively aren't participating
- 00:13:08.046 --> 00:13:08.847
- Aren't participating in evangelism is because
- 00:13:08.913 --> 00:13:11.516
- In evangelism is because there is no space that
- 00:13:11.583 --> 00:13:13.184
- There is no space that we are purposefully
- 00:13:13.251 --> 00:13:14.285
- We are purposefully and consistently building
- 00:13:14.352 --> 00:13:15.386
- And consistently building relationships with people
- 00:13:15.453 --> 00:13:16.588
- Relationships with people who don't yet know jesus.
- 00:13:16.654 --> 00:13:18.957
- Who don't yet know jesus. your calendar is so filled
- 00:13:19.023 --> 00:13:20.258
- Your calendar is so filled going from church thing
- 00:13:20.325 --> 00:13:21.226
- Going from church thing to church thing to church thing
- 00:13:21.292 --> 00:13:23.628
- To church thing to church thing that everywhere you go
- 00:13:23.695 --> 00:13:24.729
- That everywhere you go is already illuminated
- 00:13:24.796 --> 00:13:25.930
- Is already illuminated with the light and life
- 00:13:25.997 --> 00:13:26.531
- With the light and life of jesus christ.
- 00:13:26.598 --> 00:13:28.633
- Of jesus christ. and hear me, that's
- 00:13:28.700 --> 00:13:29.634
- And hear me, that's extraordinarily important.
- 00:13:29.701 --> 00:13:32.270
- Extraordinarily important. i'm a pastor, please keep
- 00:13:32.337 --> 00:13:34.138
- I'm a pastor, please keep going to your connect group.
- 00:13:34.205 --> 00:13:35.340
- Going to your connect group. you need to be filled up.
- 00:13:35.406 --> 00:13:36.908
- You need to be filled up. you need to come into
- 00:13:36.975 --> 00:13:37.876
- You need to come into the gas station and be filled.
- 00:13:37.942 --> 00:13:39.611
- The gas station and be filled. we need to gather on sunday
- 00:13:39.677 --> 00:13:41.279
- We need to gather on sunday and be filled,
- 00:13:41.346 --> 00:13:41.946
- And be filled, but we need to be filled
- 00:13:42.013 --> 00:13:42.780
- But we need to be filled when we gather so that
- 00:13:42.847 --> 00:13:44.215
- When we gather so that we can scatter into
- 00:13:44.282 --> 00:13:45.483
- We can scatter into a broken and hurting world
- 00:13:45.550 --> 00:13:46.584
- A broken and hurting world with the light and life
- 00:13:46.651 --> 00:13:47.252
- With the light and life of the gospel.
- 00:13:47.318 --> 00:13:49.821
- Of the gospel. so, i wonder for you,
- 00:13:49.888 --> 00:13:51.189
- So, i wonder for you, like, how far back
- 00:13:51.256 --> 00:13:52.523
- Like, how far back on your calendar would you
- 00:13:52.590 --> 00:13:53.625
- On your calendar would you have to scroll until
- 00:13:53.691 --> 00:13:55.059
- Have to scroll until you find an appointment,
- 00:13:55.126 --> 00:13:57.295
- You find an appointment, a meeting, a hangout,
- 00:13:57.362 --> 00:13:58.796
- A meeting, a hangout, a dinner with someone
- 00:13:58.863 --> 00:14:00.298
- A dinner with someone that doesn't know jesus,
- 00:14:00.365 --> 00:14:01.966
- That doesn't know jesus, that you're meeting with
- 00:14:02.033 --> 00:14:03.001
- That you're meeting with 'cause you're actively praying
- 00:14:03.067 --> 00:14:04.569
- 'cause you're actively praying that they would come
- 00:14:04.636 --> 00:14:05.103
- That they would come to know jesus?
- 00:14:05.169 --> 00:14:08.139
- To know jesus? you know, i'm convicted
- 00:14:08.206 --> 00:14:08.907
- You know, i'm convicted of that personally.
- 00:14:08.973 --> 00:14:10.842
- Of that personally. how far back in your text thread
- 00:14:10.909 --> 00:14:12.677
- How far back in your text thread would you have to go until
- 00:14:12.744 --> 00:14:14.345
- Would you have to go until we could see there is
- 00:14:14.412 --> 00:14:15.847
- We could see there is a spirit-led, strategic,
- 00:14:15.914 --> 00:14:18.850
- A spirit-led, strategic, prayerful, missional movement
- 00:14:18.917 --> 00:14:21.319
- Prayerful, missional movement towards the hurting,
- 00:14:21.386 --> 00:14:22.186
- Towards the hurting, and broken, and lost people?
- 00:14:22.253 --> 00:14:23.988
- And broken, and lost people? this is the gospel moving
- 00:14:24.055 --> 00:14:25.590
- This is the gospel moving towards the broken.
- 00:14:25.657 --> 00:14:28.493
- Towards the broken. how far back would
- 00:14:28.559 --> 00:14:28.993
- How far back would you have to go?
- 00:14:29.060 --> 00:14:32.130
- You have to go? my guess is that
- 00:14:32.196 --> 00:14:32.797
- My guess is that for a lot of us, me included,
- 00:14:32.864 --> 00:14:34.098
- For a lot of us, me included, it's too far back.
- 00:14:34.165 --> 00:14:36.734
- It's too far back. way further back
- 00:14:36.801 --> 00:14:37.335
- Way further back than i'd like to admit.
- 00:14:37.402 --> 00:14:39.537
- Than i'd like to admit. and our prayer in this
- 00:14:39.604 --> 00:14:40.438
- And our prayer in this collection is that jesus
- 00:14:40.505 --> 00:14:41.940
- Collection is that jesus would stoke the fire
- 00:14:42.006 --> 00:14:42.740
- Would stoke the fire of our heart
- 00:14:42.807 --> 00:14:43.241
- Of our heart and we would realize
- 00:14:43.308 --> 00:14:44.108
- And we would realize the overwhelming majority
- 00:14:44.175 --> 00:14:46.945
- The overwhelming majority of people that work
- 00:14:47.011 --> 00:14:49.480
- Of people that work in your building,
- 00:14:49.547 --> 00:14:50.982
- In your building, that live in your neighborhood,
- 00:14:51.049 --> 00:14:52.750
- That live in your neighborhood, that call the city
- 00:14:52.817 --> 00:14:53.384
- That call the city of atlanta home,
- 00:14:53.451 --> 00:14:55.453
- Of atlanta home, are trapped in their sins
- 00:14:55.520 --> 00:14:56.387
- Are trapped in their sins with no way out.
- 00:14:56.454 --> 00:14:58.690
- With no way out. and god has not put us here
- 00:14:58.756 --> 00:15:01.092
- And god has not put us here by accident or happenstance.
- 00:15:01.159 --> 00:15:04.128
- By accident or happenstance. god has led you here to be
- 00:15:04.195 --> 00:15:05.263
- God has led you here to be a light in this city
- 00:15:05.330 --> 00:15:07.832
- A light in this city for the gospel.
- 00:15:07.899 --> 00:15:09.968
- For the gospel. i hope that's true
- 00:15:10.034 --> 00:15:10.535
- I hope that's true for all of us.
- 00:15:10.601 --> 00:15:12.036
- For all of us. i pray that he will stoke
- 00:15:12.103 --> 00:15:12.904
- I pray that he will stoke that fire in our hearts.
- 00:15:12.971 --> 00:15:14.605
- That fire in our hearts. next, we are compelled
- 00:15:14.672 --> 00:15:16.708
- Next, we are compelled by the love of christ.
- 00:15:16.774 --> 00:15:17.809
- We are compassionate,
- 00:15:17.909 --> 00:15:18.843
- We are compassionate, we are considerate
- 00:15:18.910 --> 00:15:19.811
- We are considerate of the lost,
- 00:15:19.877 --> 00:15:21.112
- Of the lost, we are compelled by
- 00:15:21.179 --> 00:15:22.313
- We are compelled by the love of christ.
- 00:15:22.380 --> 00:15:22.814
- The love of christ. look at verse 14, it says,
- 00:15:22.880 --> 00:15:25.083
- Look at verse 14, it says, "for christ's love compels us
- 00:15:25.149 --> 00:15:28.820
- "for christ's love compels us because we are convinced
- 00:15:28.886 --> 00:15:29.821
- Because we are convinced that one died for all
- 00:15:29.887 --> 00:15:30.855
- That one died for all and therefore all died.
- 00:15:30.922 --> 00:15:31.956
- And therefore all died. and he died for all that those
- 00:15:32.023 --> 00:15:33.291
- And he died for all that those who live should no longer
- 00:15:33.358 --> 00:15:34.359
- Who live should no longer live for themselves
- 00:15:34.425 --> 00:15:35.626
- Live for themselves but for him who died for them
- 00:15:35.693 --> 00:15:37.695
- And was raised again."
- 00:15:37.795 --> 00:15:39.230
- And was raised again." if you truly wanna be
- 00:15:39.297 --> 00:15:40.431
- If you truly wanna be a part of taking the gospel
- 00:15:40.498 --> 00:15:41.899
- A part of taking the gospel to those without hope,
- 00:15:41.966 --> 00:15:43.167
- To those without hope, if that's what we want
- 00:15:43.234 --> 00:15:43.901
- If that's what we want deep in our hearts,
- 00:15:43.968 --> 00:15:45.770
- Deep in our hearts, to those stuck in darkness
- 00:15:45.837 --> 00:15:47.038
- To those stuck in darkness with no hope we wanna be
- 00:15:47.105 --> 00:15:48.272
- With no hope we wanna be effective in our evangelism,
- 00:15:48.339 --> 00:15:49.974
- Effective in our evangelism, then we must be compelled
- 00:15:50.041 --> 00:15:51.175
- Then we must be compelled by the love of christ.
- 00:15:51.242 --> 00:15:54.012
- By the love of christ. not by a series at church,
- 00:15:54.078 --> 00:15:56.848
- Not by a series at church, not by a message
- 00:15:56.914 --> 00:15:57.515
- Not by a message from a preacher,
- 00:15:57.582 --> 00:15:59.450
- From a preacher, by the love of christ,
- 00:15:59.517 --> 00:16:01.919
- By the love of christ, the same love
- 00:16:01.986 --> 00:16:02.787
- The same love that changed my life.
- 00:16:02.854 --> 00:16:03.921
- That changed my life. like, i've shared this before,
- 00:16:03.988 --> 00:16:05.289
- Like, i've shared this before, but almost every page
- 00:16:05.356 --> 00:16:06.691
- But almost every page where i preach the message from,
- 00:16:06.758 --> 00:16:07.892
- Where i preach the message from, i write the number,
- 00:16:07.959 --> 00:16:08.860
- I write the number, 2007, 2007, why?
- 00:16:08.926 --> 00:16:10.962
- 2007, 2007, why? because i haven't forgotten
- 00:16:11.029 --> 00:16:12.296
- Because i haven't forgotten what it's like
- 00:16:12.363 --> 00:16:12.797
- What it's like to not have christ.
- 00:16:12.864 --> 00:16:14.799
- To not have christ. i remember the grip
- 00:16:14.866 --> 00:16:16.167
- I remember the grip of shame and guilt.
- 00:16:16.234 --> 00:16:18.669
- Of shame and guilt. and even when i stood on --
- 00:16:18.736 --> 00:16:20.004
- And even when i stood on -- walking up to the stage
- 00:16:20.071 --> 00:16:21.305
- Walking up to the stage in dahlonega a few weeks ago,
- 00:16:21.372 --> 00:16:22.473
- In dahlonega a few weeks ago, as i was walking up,
- 00:16:22.540 --> 00:16:23.508
- As i was walking up, i just was overwhelmed by
- 00:16:23.574 --> 00:16:25.076
- I just was overwhelmed by the goodness of god in my life.
- 00:16:25.143 --> 00:16:26.544
- The goodness of god in my life. how could you pick me?
- 00:16:26.611 --> 00:16:31.082
- How could you pick me? we are so quick to forget how
- 00:16:31.149 --> 00:16:33.484
- We are so quick to forget how the gospel's changed our life.
- 00:16:33.551 --> 00:16:35.019
- The gospel's changed our life. we take so much for granted.
- 00:16:35.086 --> 00:16:37.422
- We take so much for granted. but i'm telling you,
- 00:16:37.488 --> 00:16:38.356
- But i'm telling you, if you just sit
- 00:16:38.423 --> 00:16:39.390
- If you just sit and you remember the ways
- 00:16:39.457 --> 00:16:40.992
- And you remember the ways god has moved in your life,
- 00:16:41.059 --> 00:16:42.660
- God has moved in your life, the grace on display
- 00:16:42.727 --> 00:16:43.828
- The grace on display in your life,
- 00:16:43.895 --> 00:16:44.862
- In your life, his love for you,
- 00:16:44.929 --> 00:16:46.064
- His love for you, the waterfall of god's grace
- 00:16:46.130 --> 00:16:47.732
- The waterfall of god's grace that has washed over you,
- 00:16:47.799 --> 00:16:49.267
- That has washed over you, how could you sit
- 00:16:49.333 --> 00:16:50.268
- How could you sit under that love and then not
- 00:16:50.334 --> 00:16:51.769
- Under that love and then not look at people
- 00:16:51.836 --> 00:16:52.303
- Look at people who don't have it
- 00:16:52.370 --> 00:16:52.970
- Who don't have it and want to give it to them?
- 00:16:53.037 --> 00:16:57.508
- And want to give it to them? and we wait to genuinely
- 00:16:57.575 --> 00:16:58.876
- And we wait to genuinely spur on our church
- 00:16:58.943 --> 00:17:04.415
- Spur on our church to evangelism,
- 00:17:04.482 --> 00:17:05.416
- To evangelism, to loving people in your circle
- 00:17:05.483 --> 00:17:07.318
- To loving people in your circle with the gospel of jesus christ
- 00:17:07.385 --> 00:17:08.619
- With the gospel of jesus christ is not to tell you
- 00:17:08.686 --> 00:17:09.654
- Is not to tell you we should do it,
- 00:17:09.720 --> 00:17:10.521
- We should do it, it is to sit under the waterfall
- 00:17:10.588 --> 00:17:12.090
- It is to sit under the waterfall of the love of god
- 00:17:12.156 --> 00:17:13.658
- Of the love of god until you can't
- 00:17:13.724 --> 00:17:14.358
- Until you can't stand it any longer
- 00:17:14.425 --> 00:17:15.359
- Stand it any longer and you gotta go
- 00:17:15.426 --> 00:17:16.027
- And you gotta go tell somebody else,
- 00:17:16.094 --> 00:17:17.228
- Tell somebody else, "you gotta come here
- 00:17:17.295 --> 00:17:17.929
- "you gotta come here and experience this."
- 00:17:17.995 --> 00:17:20.331
- And experience this." i pray that would be
- 00:17:20.398 --> 00:17:21.099
- I pray that would be true of our church.
- 00:17:21.165 --> 00:17:24.202
- True of our church. and lastly,
- 00:17:24.268 --> 00:17:24.802
- And lastly, we'll end with this one.
- 00:17:24.869 --> 00:17:26.204
- We'll end with this one. that's enough c's for one day.
- 00:17:26.270 --> 00:17:29.207
- We are commissioned by christ.
- 00:17:29.307 --> 00:17:34.011
- We are commissioned by christ. verses 18-20,
- 00:17:34.078 --> 00:17:35.446
- Verses 18-20, "all this is from god
- 00:17:35.513 --> 00:17:36.414
- "all this is from god who reconciled us to himself
- 00:17:36.481 --> 00:17:37.882
- Who reconciled us to himself through christ and gave us
- 00:17:37.949 --> 00:17:39.350
- Through christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.
- 00:17:39.417 --> 00:17:42.053
- The ministry of reconciliation. that god was reconciling
- 00:17:42.120 --> 00:17:44.055
- That god was reconciling the world to himself in christ,
- 00:17:44.122 --> 00:17:46.057
- The world to himself in christ, not counting people's
- 00:17:46.124 --> 00:17:47.158
- Not counting people's sins against them
- 00:17:47.225 --> 00:17:48.893
- Sins against them and he has committed to us
- 00:17:48.960 --> 00:17:50.394
- And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.
- 00:17:50.461 --> 00:17:52.697
- The message of reconciliation. we, you and me,
- 00:17:52.763 --> 00:17:53.764
- We, you and me, are therefore
- 00:17:53.831 --> 00:17:54.632
- Are therefore christ's ambassadors.
- 00:17:54.699 --> 00:17:57.568
- As though god were making
- 00:17:57.668 --> 00:17:59.237
- As though god were making his appeal through us,
- 00:17:59.303 --> 00:18:00.538
- His appeal through us, we implore you
- 00:18:00.605 --> 00:18:01.439
- We implore you on christ's behalf,
- 00:18:01.506 --> 00:18:02.740
- On christ's behalf, be reconciled to god."
- 00:18:02.807 --> 00:18:05.576
- Be reconciled to god." god reconciles us to
- 00:18:05.643 --> 00:18:08.279
- God reconciles us to himself through christ,
- 00:18:08.346 --> 00:18:10.047
- Himself through christ, this is the gospel.
- 00:18:10.114 --> 00:18:12.016
- This is the gospel. and then, he gives us
- 00:18:12.083 --> 00:18:13.518
- And then, he gives us the ministry in the message
- 00:18:13.584 --> 00:18:14.785
- The ministry in the message of reconciliation to
- 00:18:14.852 --> 00:18:16.053
- Of reconciliation to share with others.
- 00:18:16.120 --> 00:18:17.922
- Share with others. you are saved
- 00:18:17.989 --> 00:18:18.756
- You are saved and you are sin -
- 00:18:18.823 --> 00:18:19.657
- And you are sin - there is no such thing
- 00:18:19.724 --> 00:18:20.525
- There is no such thing as an unsaved christian.
- 00:18:20.591 --> 00:18:22.593
- As an unsaved christian. there is no such thing as
- 00:18:22.660 --> 00:18:23.761
- There is no such thing as someone who meets jesus
- 00:18:23.828 --> 00:18:24.996
- Someone who meets jesus and then hits cruise control
- 00:18:25.062 --> 00:18:25.963
- And then hits cruise control and just rides it out
- 00:18:26.030 --> 00:18:26.731
- And just rides it out until we get to heaven.
- 00:18:26.797 --> 00:18:27.832
- Until we get to heaven. no, if you have been
- 00:18:27.899 --> 00:18:28.799
- No, if you have been chosen, called, adopted
- 00:18:28.866 --> 00:18:30.234
- Chosen, called, adopted into the family of god,
- 00:18:30.301 --> 00:18:31.302
- Into the family of god, then you become
- 00:18:31.369 --> 00:18:31.936
- Then you become an ambassador of christ
- 00:18:32.003 --> 00:18:33.070
- An ambassador of christ while on planet earth,
- 00:18:33.137 --> 00:18:34.405
- While on planet earth, every single person.
- 00:18:34.472 --> 00:18:36.207
- Every single person. been saved - you've been
- 00:18:36.274 --> 00:18:37.208
- Been saved - you've been chosen by christ.
- 00:18:37.275 --> 00:18:39.177
- Chosen by christ. you're an ambassador of christ.
- 00:18:39.243 --> 00:18:40.711
- You're an ambassador of christ. this is crazy.
- 00:18:40.778 --> 00:18:41.946
- This is crazy. this is a crazy reality.
- 00:18:42.013 --> 00:18:44.282
- This is a crazy reality. you know what
- 00:18:44.348 --> 00:18:44.649
- You know what an ambassador is, right?
- 00:18:44.715 --> 00:18:47.151
- An ambassador is, right? it's an official representative
- 00:18:47.218 --> 00:18:49.053
- It's an official representative of one country
- 00:18:49.120 --> 00:18:49.687
- Of one country to another country.
- 00:18:49.754 --> 00:18:51.355
- To another country. someone who lives in
- 00:18:51.422 --> 00:18:52.156
- Someone who lives in a foreign country
- 00:18:52.223 --> 00:18:53.191
- A foreign country as a representative
- 00:18:53.257 --> 00:18:53.925
- As a representative of their home country.
- 00:18:53.991 --> 00:18:56.260
- Of their home country. you, me, we're ambassadors
- 00:18:56.327 --> 00:19:00.164
- You, me, we're ambassadors of another place,
- 00:19:00.231 --> 00:19:01.199
- Of another place, of another kingdom.
- 00:19:01.265 --> 00:19:02.466
- Of another kingdom. we're exiles on this earth.
- 00:19:02.533 --> 00:19:04.869
- We're exiles on this earth. we belong to the kingdom of god.
- 00:19:04.936 --> 00:19:06.804
- We belong to the kingdom of god. we're here as ambassadors.
- 00:19:06.871 --> 00:19:11.008
- We're here as ambassadors. ambassadors aren't elected
- 00:19:11.075 --> 00:19:16.147
- Ambassadors aren't elected based on popular vote.
- 00:19:16.214 --> 00:19:18.749
- Based on popular vote. you didn't see
- 00:19:18.816 --> 00:19:19.150
- You didn't see any campaign signs
- 00:19:19.217 --> 00:19:20.151
- Any campaign signs the last month
- 00:19:20.218 --> 00:19:20.751
- The last month for an ambassador.
- 00:19:20.818 --> 00:19:23.487
- For an ambassador. they're not
- 00:19:23.554 --> 00:19:24.555
- They're not self-appointed officials.
- 00:19:24.622 --> 00:19:27.625
- Self-appointed officials. they're chosen
- 00:19:27.692 --> 00:19:29.227
- They're chosen and trusted representatives.
- 00:19:29.293 --> 00:19:33.264
- And trusted representatives. ambassadors are extensions
- 00:19:33.331 --> 00:19:35.700
- Ambassadors are extensions of the government who sent them,
- 00:19:35.766 --> 00:19:38.569
- Of the government who sent them, and this is our identity,
- 00:19:38.636 --> 00:19:39.637
- And this is our identity, this is your identity,
- 00:19:39.704 --> 00:19:40.638
- This is your identity, this is my identity.
- 00:19:40.705 --> 00:19:41.939
- This is my identity. this is not just our assignment;
- 00:19:42.006 --> 00:19:43.341
- This is not just our assignment; this is our identity.
- 00:19:43.407 --> 00:19:44.575
- This is our identity. i am, you are, we are
- 00:19:44.642 --> 00:19:46.577
- I am, you are, we are ambassadors for christ.
- 00:19:46.644 --> 00:19:48.646
- Ambassadors for christ. representatives of
- 00:19:48.713 --> 00:19:49.780
- Representatives of another kingdom,
- 00:19:49.847 --> 00:19:50.881
- Another kingdom, a kingdom of hope and life,
- 00:19:50.948 --> 00:19:52.650
- A kingdom of hope and life, and grace, and mercy,
- 00:19:52.717 --> 00:19:54.285
- And grace, and mercy, and we have been placed here
- 00:19:54.352 --> 00:19:55.519
- And we have been placed here on assignment from the king
- 00:19:55.586 --> 00:19:57.755
- On assignment from the king to represent a better kingdom.
- 00:19:57.822 --> 00:20:00.658
- To represent a better kingdom. to point people
- 00:20:00.725 --> 00:20:01.492
- To point people towards our king.
- 00:20:01.559 --> 00:20:04.028
- Towards our king. we are ambassadors in christ,
- 00:20:04.095 --> 00:20:08.332
- We are ambassadors in christ, communicating the message
- 00:20:08.399 --> 00:20:10.067
- Communicating the message of our king
- 00:20:10.134 --> 00:20:11.235
- Of our king and this is the message,
- 00:20:11.302 --> 00:20:12.670
- And this is the message, god is reconciling
- 00:20:12.737 --> 00:20:14.605
- God is reconciling himself in christ
- 00:20:14.672 --> 00:20:16.641
- Himself in christ and he's not counting
- 00:20:16.707 --> 00:20:17.575
- And he's not counting people's sins against them.
- 00:20:17.642 --> 00:20:19.343
- People's sins against them. that's our banner.
- 00:20:19.410 --> 00:20:20.411
- That's our banner. that's what's outside of
- 00:20:20.478 --> 00:20:21.779
- That's what's outside of our window as an ambassador.
- 00:20:21.846 --> 00:20:23.981
- Our window as an ambassador. that's the message we're
- 00:20:24.048 --> 00:20:25.082
- That's the message we're declaring as an ambassador.
- 00:20:25.149 --> 00:20:26.751
- Declaring as an ambassador. "hey, we're here to give you
- 00:20:26.817 --> 00:20:27.785
- "hey, we're here to give you the message of our king.
- 00:20:27.852 --> 00:20:29.120
- The message of our king. here's the message,
- 00:20:29.186 --> 00:20:30.187
- Here's the message, 'in christ, he's not counting
- 00:20:30.254 --> 00:20:31.255
- 'in christ, he's not counting your sins against you.'"
- 00:20:31.322 --> 00:20:35.693
- Your sins against you.'" that's what we proclaim.
- 00:20:35.760 --> 00:20:38.262
- That's what we proclaim. we're an ambassador
- 00:20:38.329 --> 00:20:39.497
- We're an ambassador of a king who extends
- 00:20:39.563 --> 00:20:41.565
- Of a king who extends grace and mercy,
- 00:20:41.632 --> 00:20:43.668
- Grace and mercy, and forgiveness.
- 00:20:43.734 --> 00:20:44.969
- And forgiveness. praise god.
- 00:20:45.036 --> 00:20:46.804
- Praise god. we have gone from romans 5,
- 00:20:46.871 --> 00:20:49.140
- We have gone from romans 5, we have gone from
- 00:20:49.206 --> 00:20:49.807
- We have gone from being enemies of god,
- 00:20:49.874 --> 00:20:52.877
- Being enemies of god, to being ambassadors for christ.
- 00:20:52.943 --> 00:20:55.446
- To being ambassadors for christ. this is the gospel
- 00:20:55.513 --> 00:20:56.847
- This is the gospel and the same way
- 00:20:56.914 --> 00:20:57.515
- And the same way it's changed our lives
- 00:20:57.581 --> 00:20:58.716
- It's changed our lives it will change theirs,
- 00:20:58.783 --> 00:21:01.585
- It will change theirs, and it's for all of us.
- 00:21:01.652 --> 00:21:03.387
- And it's for all of us. in acts 1:8, jesus speaking
- 00:21:03.454 --> 00:21:07.958
- In acts 1:8, jesus speaking before he ascends to heaven,
- 00:21:08.025 --> 00:21:08.859
- Before he ascends to heaven, he says, "you," if it was -
- 00:21:08.926 --> 00:21:11.195
- He says, "you," if it was - it's plural,
- 00:21:11.262 --> 00:21:11.595
- It's plural, so if he's in the south, y'all.
- 00:21:11.662 --> 00:21:13.064
- So if he's in the south, y'all. but y'all would receive power
- 00:21:13.130 --> 00:21:14.465
- But y'all would receive power when the holy spirit
- 00:21:14.532 --> 00:21:15.199
- When the holy spirit comes on y'all.
- 00:21:15.266 --> 00:21:16.200
- Comes on y'all. and y'all will be
- 00:21:16.267 --> 00:21:16.701
- And y'all will be my witnesses in jerusalem
- 00:21:16.767 --> 00:21:18.302
- My witnesses in jerusalem and in all judea and samaria,
- 00:21:18.369 --> 00:21:19.804
- And in all judea and samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
- 00:21:19.870 --> 00:21:20.805
- And to the ends of the earth." he's speaking to his apostles
- 00:21:20.871 --> 00:21:21.772
- He's speaking to his apostles and others in this moment.
- 00:21:21.839 --> 00:21:23.974
- And others in this moment. he's saying, "hey, y'all are
- 00:21:24.041 --> 00:21:24.942
- He's saying, "hey, y'all are gonna take this message
- 00:21:25.009 --> 00:21:25.943
- Gonna take this message and you're gonna take it
- 00:21:26.010 --> 00:21:26.610
- And you're gonna take it to the whole known world.
- 00:21:26.677 --> 00:21:27.611
- To the whole known world. you're gonna take it to
- 00:21:27.678 --> 00:21:28.245
- You're gonna take it to where you are, jerusalem.
- 00:21:28.312 --> 00:21:29.280
- Where you are, jerusalem. you're gonna take it to judea,
- 00:21:29.347 --> 00:21:30.281
- You're gonna take it to judea, you're even gonna
- 00:21:30.348 --> 00:21:30.748
- You're even gonna take it to samaria."
- 00:21:30.815 --> 00:21:31.849
- Take it to samaria." of which there would have
- 00:21:31.916 --> 00:21:32.616
- Of which there would have been an audible gasp,
- 00:21:32.683 --> 00:21:35.219
- Been an audible gasp, "not to samaria."
- 00:21:35.286 --> 00:21:37.755
- "not to samaria." they hated samaritans.
- 00:21:37.822 --> 00:21:38.989
- They hated samaritans. jews viewed them
- 00:21:39.056 --> 00:21:39.590
- Jews viewed them as a half breed.
- 00:21:39.657 --> 00:21:41.759
- As a half breed. "you're gonna take my message,
- 00:21:41.826 --> 00:21:43.694
- "you're gonna take my message, this message, as ambassadors,
- 00:21:43.761 --> 00:21:45.396
- This message, as ambassadors, you're gonna take it
- 00:21:45.463 --> 00:21:45.963
- You're gonna take it to jerusalem, judea,
- 00:21:46.030 --> 00:21:47.665
- To jerusalem, judea, and to samaria."
- 00:21:47.732 --> 00:21:49.800
- And to samaria." and i don't have time
- 00:21:49.867 --> 00:21:50.634
- And i don't have time to get into it too much,
- 00:21:50.701 --> 00:21:51.535
- To get into it too much, but acts 8:1,
- 00:21:51.602 --> 00:21:53.738
- But acts 8:1, is the fulfillment of acts 1:8.
- 00:21:53.804 --> 00:21:57.708
- Is the fulfillment of acts 1:8. but it's not the way
- 00:21:57.775 --> 00:21:58.376
- But it's not the way the apostles thought
- 00:21:58.442 --> 00:21:59.443
- The apostles thought it was gonna go down,
- 00:21:59.510 --> 00:22:00.277
- It was gonna go down, it's not the way you or i,
- 00:22:00.344 --> 00:22:01.312
- It's not the way you or i, when we read acts 1 would assume
- 00:22:01.379 --> 00:22:02.813
- When we read acts 1 would assume that it would go down.
- 00:22:02.880 --> 00:22:04.448
- That it would go down. so, let me read you these
- 00:22:04.515 --> 00:22:05.249
- So, let me read you these verses from acts 8 now,
- 00:22:05.316 --> 00:22:07.852
- Verses from acts 8 now, verses 1-8.
- 00:22:07.918 --> 00:22:09.854
- Saul has just been killed -
- 00:22:09.954 --> 00:22:12.156
- Saul has just been killed - stephen has just been killed,
- 00:22:12.223 --> 00:22:13.190
- Stephen has just been killed, and it says, "saul approved
- 00:22:13.257 --> 00:22:14.392
- And it says, "saul approved of their killing him.
- 00:22:14.458 --> 00:22:16.594
- Of their killing him. on that day a great persecution
- 00:22:16.660 --> 00:22:18.195
- On that day a great persecution broke out against
- 00:22:18.262 --> 00:22:18.863
- Broke out against the church in jerusalem,
- 00:22:18.929 --> 00:22:20.164
- The church in jerusalem, and all except the apostles
- 00:22:20.231 --> 00:22:21.465
- And all except the apostles were scattered throughout
- 00:22:21.532 --> 00:22:22.400
- Were scattered throughout judea and samaria.
- 00:22:22.466 --> 00:22:24.034
- Judea and samaria. godly men buried stephen
- 00:22:24.101 --> 00:22:25.336
- Godly men buried stephen and mourned deeply for him.
- 00:22:25.403 --> 00:22:27.238
- And mourned deeply for him. but saul began
- 00:22:27.304 --> 00:22:27.972
- But saul began to destroy the church."
- 00:22:28.038 --> 00:22:29.340
- To destroy the church." this is saul, this is paul,
- 00:22:29.407 --> 00:22:31.609
- This is saul, this is paul, the one who just wrote
- 00:22:31.675 --> 00:22:32.343
- The one who just wrote the text that we're reading.
- 00:22:32.410 --> 00:22:33.944
- The text that we're reading. "he's going from house to house,
- 00:22:34.011 --> 00:22:35.913
- "he's going from house to house, dragged off both men and women
- 00:22:35.980 --> 00:22:37.448
- Dragged off both men and women and put them in prison."
- 00:22:37.515 --> 00:22:38.482
- And put them in prison." then look at verse 4,
- 00:22:38.549 --> 00:22:39.650
- Then look at verse 4, "those who had been scattered
- 00:22:39.717 --> 00:22:41.252
- "those who had been scattered preached the word
- 00:22:41.318 --> 00:22:42.119
- Preached the word wherever they went.
- 00:22:42.186 --> 00:22:43.888
- Wherever they went. philip went down
- 00:22:43.954 --> 00:22:44.922
- Philip went down to a city in samaria,
- 00:22:44.989 --> 00:22:46.490
- To a city in samaria, and he proclaimed
- 00:22:46.557 --> 00:22:47.258
- And he proclaimed the messiah there.
- 00:22:47.324 --> 00:22:48.225
- The messiah there. and when the crowds
- 00:22:48.292 --> 00:22:49.026
- And when the crowds heard philip and saw
- 00:22:49.093 --> 00:22:50.194
- Heard philip and saw the signs that he performed,
- 00:22:50.261 --> 00:22:51.629
- The signs that he performed, they all paid close attention
- 00:22:51.695 --> 00:22:52.663
- They all paid close attention to what he said.
- 00:22:52.730 --> 00:22:53.531
- To what he said. for with shrieks,
- 00:22:53.597 --> 00:22:54.365
- For with shrieks, impure spirits
- 00:22:54.432 --> 00:22:55.199
- Impure spirits came out of many,
- 00:22:55.266 --> 00:22:56.133
- Came out of many, and many who were paralyzed,
- 00:22:56.200 --> 00:22:57.201
- And many who were paralyzed, or lame were healed.
- 00:22:57.268 --> 00:22:58.235
- Or lame were healed. so there was great joy
- 00:22:58.302 --> 00:22:59.637
- So there was great joy in the city."
- 00:22:59.703 --> 00:23:01.839
- In the city." which is the result,
- 00:23:01.906 --> 00:23:03.674
- Which is the result, when the gospel moves
- 00:23:03.741 --> 00:23:04.642
- Into a broken city,
- 00:23:04.742 --> 00:23:05.376
- Into a broken city, the result is always great joy.
- 00:23:05.443 --> 00:23:07.645
- The result is always great joy. but here's what i want you
- 00:23:07.711 --> 00:23:08.512
- But here's what i want you to see quickly.
- 00:23:08.579 --> 00:23:09.747
- To see quickly. the gospel reaches samaria
- 00:23:09.814 --> 00:23:11.415
- The gospel reaches samaria just like jesus promised
- 00:23:11.482 --> 00:23:12.349
- Just like jesus promised in acts 1:8, it got there.
- 00:23:12.416 --> 00:23:16.320
- In acts 1:8, it got there. it made it there.
- 00:23:16.387 --> 00:23:17.555
- It made it there. but it didn't make it there
- 00:23:17.621 --> 00:23:18.389
- But it didn't make it there the way everybody thought
- 00:23:18.456 --> 00:23:19.223
- The way everybody thought it would make it there, why?
- 00:23:19.290 --> 00:23:21.425
- It would make it there, why? because look who took -
- 00:23:21.492 --> 00:23:23.694
- Because look who took - look in verse 1 of chapter 8,
- 00:23:23.761 --> 00:23:25.830
- Look in verse 1 of chapter 8, it says, "all except
- 00:23:25.896 --> 00:23:28.232
- It says, "all except the apostles were scattered."
- 00:23:28.299 --> 00:23:30.401
- The apostles were scattered." do you see that?
- 00:23:30.468 --> 00:23:31.235
- Do you see that? you may have your bible open;
- 00:23:31.302 --> 00:23:32.336
- You may have your bible open; can you see those three words?
- 00:23:32.403 --> 00:23:33.437
- Can you see those three words? "all except the apostles,"
- 00:23:33.504 --> 00:23:36.240
- "all except the apostles," that's four words, sorry,
- 00:23:36.307 --> 00:23:37.274
- That's four words, sorry, went to north georgia.
- 00:23:37.341 --> 00:23:38.209
- Went to north georgia. "all except the apostles
- 00:23:38.275 --> 00:23:40.311
- "all except the apostles were scattered," okay?
- 00:23:40.377 --> 00:23:43.314
- Were scattered," okay? then verse 4 says,
- 00:23:43.380 --> 00:23:45.349
- Then verse 4 says, "those who had been scattered,
- 00:23:45.416 --> 00:23:47.084
- "those who had been scattered, preached the word
- 00:23:47.151 --> 00:23:47.885
- Preached the word wherever they went."
- 00:23:47.952 --> 00:23:48.719
- Wherever they went." who were those
- 00:23:48.786 --> 00:23:49.320
- Who were those who had been scattered?
- 00:23:49.386 --> 00:23:52.490
- Who had been scattered? all except the apostles.
- 00:23:52.556 --> 00:23:56.894
- All except the apostles. so, the apostles in acts 1
- 00:23:56.961 --> 00:23:58.896
- So, the apostles in acts 1 they're hearing jesus going,
- 00:23:58.963 --> 00:23:59.930
- They're hearing jesus going, "you're gonna take my gospel
- 00:23:59.997 --> 00:24:01.398
- "you're gonna take my gospel here, there, everywhere.
- 00:24:01.465 --> 00:24:02.833
- Here, there, everywhere. it's gonna even reach samaria."
- 00:24:02.900 --> 00:24:04.268
- It's gonna even reach samaria." and the apostles are going like,
- 00:24:04.335 --> 00:24:05.002
- And the apostles are going like, "i don't know how
- 00:24:05.069 --> 00:24:05.569
- "i don't know how that's gonna happen.
- 00:24:05.636 --> 00:24:06.303
- That's gonna happen. i don't know how
- 00:24:06.370 --> 00:24:06.837
- I don't know how we're gonna get it
- 00:24:06.904 --> 00:24:07.404
- We're gonna get it all the way to samaria.
- 00:24:07.471 --> 00:24:08.005
- All the way to samaria. that's seems like
- 00:24:08.072 --> 00:24:08.439
- That's seems like a pretty big challenge."
- 00:24:08.506 --> 00:24:09.440
- A pretty big challenge." and then, it wasn't even
- 00:24:09.507 --> 00:24:10.574
- And then, it wasn't even the apostles that took it there,
- 00:24:10.641 --> 00:24:12.209
- The apostles that took it there, it was faithful men and women
- 00:24:12.276 --> 00:24:13.777
- It was faithful men and women of god who were scattered
- 00:24:13.844 --> 00:24:15.312
- Of god who were scattered because of persecution
- 00:24:15.379 --> 00:24:16.413
- Because of persecution of the church.
- 00:24:16.480 --> 00:24:17.214
- Of the church. ordinary, everyday, regular,
- 00:24:17.281 --> 00:24:19.216
- Ordinary, everyday, regular, uneducated christians,
- 00:24:19.283 --> 00:24:20.751
- Uneducated christians, who has experienced
- 00:24:20.818 --> 00:24:21.719
- Who has experienced the goodness of the gospel,
- 00:24:21.785 --> 00:24:23.287
- The goodness of the gospel, and they scattered,
- 00:24:23.354 --> 00:24:24.321
- And they scattered, they fled because of
- 00:24:24.388 --> 00:24:25.422
- They fled because of persecution in the church.
- 00:24:25.489 --> 00:24:26.857
- Persecution in the church. some went north,
- 00:24:26.924 --> 00:24:27.691
- Some went north, south, east, west.
- 00:24:27.758 --> 00:24:29.159
- South, east, west. some even went to samaria.
- 00:24:29.226 --> 00:24:33.464
- Some even went to samaria. and the gospel went forth,
- 00:24:33.531 --> 00:24:36.367
- And the gospel went forth, they preached the gospel
- 00:24:36.433 --> 00:24:39.069
- They preached the gospel wherever they were scattered.
- 00:24:39.136 --> 00:24:42.072
- Wherever they were scattered. this is the mission
- 00:24:42.139 --> 00:24:43.674
- This is the mission of the church,
- 00:24:43.741 --> 00:24:44.575
- Of the church, not the spiritual elite.
- 00:24:44.642 --> 00:24:46.210
- Not the spiritual elite. though the apostles
- 00:24:46.277 --> 00:24:46.977
- Though the apostles most certainly were preaching
- 00:24:47.044 --> 00:24:47.912
- Most certainly were preaching the word of god for sure,
- 00:24:47.978 --> 00:24:49.680
- The word of god for sure, but if it all hinged
- 00:24:49.747 --> 00:24:50.581
- But if it all hinged on a few men preaching
- 00:24:50.648 --> 00:24:52.049
- On a few men preaching the word of god,
- 00:24:52.116 --> 00:24:52.816
- The word of god, we would have never
- 00:24:52.883 --> 00:24:53.417
- We would have never reached the whole world.
- 00:24:53.484 --> 00:24:54.518
- Reached the whole world. it never hung on
- 00:24:54.585 --> 00:24:55.219
- It never hung on the backs of important,
- 00:24:55.286 --> 00:24:56.720
- The backs of important, educated, religious men.
- 00:24:56.787 --> 00:24:58.489
- Educated, religious men. it was for every single person
- 00:24:58.556 --> 00:25:00.057
- It was for every single person who's had an encounter
- 00:25:00.124 --> 00:25:00.891
- Who's had an encounter with jesus.
- 00:25:00.958 --> 00:25:02.059
- With jesus. take the gospel and share it
- 00:25:02.126 --> 00:25:03.761
- Take the gospel and share it everywhere you go.
- 00:25:03.827 --> 00:25:07.898
- Everywhere you go. pastors are only gonna go
- 00:25:07.965 --> 00:25:08.966
- Pastors are only gonna go a few places this week.
- 00:25:09.033 --> 00:25:11.168
- A few places this week. i'm not going to home depot.
- 00:25:11.235 --> 00:25:13.037
- I'm not going to home depot. well, maybe i am,
- 00:25:13.103 --> 00:25:13.537
- Well, maybe i am, i don't know.
- 00:25:13.604 --> 00:25:14.071
- I don't know. i'm not going to corporate.
- 00:25:14.138 --> 00:25:14.838
- I'm not going to corporate. i'm probably gonna
- 00:25:14.905 --> 00:25:15.272
- I'm probably gonna go buy something
- 00:25:15.339 --> 00:25:16.407
- Go buy something that i tried to fix on my own.
- 00:25:16.473 --> 00:25:17.541
- [laughter]
- 00:25:17.841 --> 00:25:20.177
- I'm not going to your company.
- 00:25:20.611 --> 00:25:23.781
- I'm not going to your company. probably not going
- 00:25:23.847 --> 00:25:24.415
- Probably not going to your school.
- 00:25:24.481 --> 00:25:27.818
- To your school. and most likely not going to be
- 00:25:27.885 --> 00:25:28.686
- And most likely not going to be in the carpool line with you.
- 00:25:28.752 --> 00:25:32.590
- In the carpool line with you. and that's beautiful.
- 00:25:32.656 --> 00:25:35.125
- And that's beautiful. there was a story that
- 00:25:35.192 --> 00:25:36.026
- There was a story that came out of our house recently
- 00:25:36.093 --> 00:25:37.061
- Came out of our house recently of this young man and his dad
- 00:25:37.127 --> 00:25:39.363
- Of this young man and his dad had come to core,
- 00:25:39.430 --> 00:25:40.230
- Had come to core, our apologetics class at core.
- 00:25:40.297 --> 00:25:41.632
- Our apologetics class at core. and at the end of
- 00:25:41.699 --> 00:25:42.232
- And at the end of the core class,
- 00:25:42.299 --> 00:25:42.766
- The core class, he said to the teacher
- 00:25:42.833 --> 00:25:44.635
- He said to the teacher of core, he said,
- 00:25:44.702 --> 00:25:45.169
- Of core, he said, "hey, would you be
- 00:25:45.235 --> 00:25:45.669
- "hey, would you be willing to talk to my son?
- 00:25:45.736 --> 00:25:47.905
- Willing to talk to my son? he's an atheist,
- 00:25:47.972 --> 00:25:48.772
- He's an atheist, he doesn't believe in god.
- 00:25:48.839 --> 00:25:49.740
- He doesn't believe in god. he's got some hard questions.
- 00:25:49.807 --> 00:25:50.641
- He's got some hard questions. we're talking about some
- 00:25:50.708 --> 00:25:51.175
- We're talking about some hard questions in this class,
- 00:25:51.241 --> 00:25:51.875
- Hard questions in this class, would you be willing
- 00:25:51.942 --> 00:25:52.376
- Would you be willing to talk to him?"
- 00:25:52.443 --> 00:25:53.744
- To talk to him?" and the guy who was teaching,
- 00:25:53.811 --> 00:25:54.545
- And the guy who was teaching, he said, "oh sure.
- 00:25:54.612 --> 00:25:55.045
- He said, "oh sure. of course, i would talk to him."
- 00:25:55.112 --> 00:25:56.080
- Of course, i would talk to him." and gave the dad
- 00:25:56.146 --> 00:25:57.181
- And gave the dad his number and the son,
- 00:25:57.247 --> 00:25:58.882
- His number and the son, of course, never reached out
- 00:25:58.949 --> 00:26:00.250
- Of course, never reached out to him, never followed up.
- 00:26:00.317 --> 00:26:02.086
- To him, never followed up. never said, "hey, i have some
- 00:26:02.152 --> 00:26:03.120
- Never said, "hey, i have some questions about god,
- 00:26:03.187 --> 00:26:03.954
- Questions about god, and my dad told me
- 00:26:04.021 --> 00:26:04.688
- And my dad told me that i should talk
- 00:26:04.755 --> 00:26:05.189
- That i should talk to you about it."
- 00:26:05.255 --> 00:26:05.689
- To you about it." no, that never happened,
- 00:26:05.756 --> 00:26:06.757
- No, that never happened, but the dad kept
- 00:26:06.824 --> 00:26:07.458
- But the dad kept coming back to core.
- 00:26:07.524 --> 00:26:07.992
- Coming back to core. and as the dad kept
- 00:26:08.058 --> 00:26:08.892
- And as the dad kept coming back to core,
- 00:26:08.959 --> 00:26:09.760
- Coming back to core, the dad kept getting
- 00:26:09.827 --> 00:26:10.694
- The dad kept getting equipped by the word of god.
- 00:26:10.761 --> 00:26:13.263
- Equipped by the word of god. and he would tell
- 00:26:13.330 --> 00:26:14.098
- And he would tell the teacher of core,
- 00:26:14.164 --> 00:26:14.732
- The teacher of core, "hey, i know he hasn't
- 00:26:14.798 --> 00:26:15.766
- "hey, i know he hasn't reached out to you yet,
- 00:26:15.833 --> 00:26:16.367
- Reached out to you yet, but would you still be
- 00:26:16.433 --> 00:26:16.967
- But would you still be willing to meet with him?
- 00:26:17.034 --> 00:26:17.635
- Willing to meet with him? i gotta get you guys together.
- 00:26:17.701 --> 00:26:18.602
- I gotta get you guys together. i gotta get you guys together."
- 00:26:18.669 --> 00:26:19.670
- I gotta get you guys together." the teacher of core that night
- 00:26:19.737 --> 00:26:21.138
- The teacher of core that night still has never
- 00:26:21.205 --> 00:26:21.872
- Still has never met the son, ever.
- 00:26:21.939 --> 00:26:24.742
- Met the son, ever. but what was happening is,
- 00:26:24.808 --> 00:26:26.010
- But what was happening is, the dad kept coming,
- 00:26:26.076 --> 00:26:27.745
- The dad kept coming, kept sitting under
- 00:26:27.811 --> 00:26:28.379
- Kept sitting under the teaching of god's word,
- 00:26:28.445 --> 00:26:29.847
- The teaching of god's word, kept getting strengthened
- 00:26:29.913 --> 00:26:31.048
- Kept getting strengthened and equipped in his faith
- 00:26:31.115 --> 00:26:32.816
- And equipped in his faith and he thought he needed
- 00:26:32.883 --> 00:26:34.218
- And he thought he needed to get his son to
- 00:26:34.284 --> 00:26:35.586
- To get his son to the staff member who runs core.
- 00:26:35.653 --> 00:26:37.655
- The staff member who runs core. little did he know,
- 00:26:37.721 --> 00:26:38.922
- Little did he know, god's assignment for him
- 00:26:38.989 --> 00:26:40.557
- God's assignment for him was to be his ambassador
- 00:26:40.624 --> 00:26:42.259
- Was to be his ambassador in his home to tell
- 00:26:42.326 --> 00:26:43.794
- In his home to tell his son about jesus christ.
- 00:26:43.861 --> 00:26:46.163
- His son about jesus christ. and that son,
- 00:26:46.230 --> 00:26:47.398
- And that son, underneath his dad's leading
- 00:26:47.464 --> 00:26:49.166
- Underneath his dad's leading put his faith in jesus,
- 00:26:49.233 --> 00:26:51.769
- Put his faith in jesus, and is now alive in christ.
- 00:26:51.835 --> 00:26:55.906
- And is now alive in christ. this message is for us all.
- 00:26:55.973 --> 00:26:58.976
- This message is for us all. we are all ambassadors
- 00:26:59.043 --> 00:27:01.512
- We are all ambassadors for christ everywhere we go,
- 00:27:01.578 --> 00:27:04.548
- For christ everywhere we go, compelled by the love of god
- 00:27:04.615 --> 00:27:07.117
- Compelled by the love of god for the lost and hurting
- 00:27:07.184 --> 00:27:08.919
- For the lost and hurting in our city that they too
- 00:27:08.986 --> 00:27:10.287
- In our city that they too may come to know this
- 00:27:10.354 --> 00:27:11.422
- May come to know this grace and mercy.
- 00:27:11.488 --> 00:27:13.257
- ♪ ♪
- 00:27:13.524 --> 00:27:27.671