October 7, 2023: The Horror

May 30, 2024 | S | 51:40

On October 7th , 2023 Israel was, without warning or provocation, invaded by 3000 Hamas, Isis-like terrorists who began systematically shooting, raping, torturing, mutilating beheading and burning alive over 1200 men women and children. In addition they wounded 5000 others and took more than 240 people hostage, men women, children, the elderly and the handicapped. The youngest was a 9 month old infant and the oldest was an almost 90 year old Holocaust survivor. INcredibly Hamas broadcasted their atrocities live on Facebook. Wheadjusted for population Israel lost more people that daytthan the United States did on 911....and Pearl Harbor....and D Day....and The Battle of The Bulge....combined.