Father Cedric Pisegna is a Catholic priest. His program will inspire and encourage you to Live with Passion.
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Live with Passion with Father Cedric | Cedric Pisegna - Get Connected | January 12, 2025
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- 00:00:00.633 --> 00:00:02.374
- Father cedric pisegna: you are never, ever alone.
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- ♪♪♪
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- ♪♪♪
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- Father cedric pisegna: welcome to "live with passion!"
- 00:00:19.725 --> 00:00:21.060
- I'm father cedric pisegna.
- 00:00:21.060 --> 00:00:22.394
- So glad that you found the program, tuned into the
- 00:00:22.394 --> 00:00:24.463
- Program purposely.
- 00:00:24.463 --> 00:00:25.831
- Some of you record the program.
- 00:00:25.831 --> 00:00:27.666
- Others of you actually set your alarm to listen to the program.
- 00:00:27.666 --> 00:00:31.136
- So glad that you tuned in.
- 00:00:31.136 --> 00:00:33.038
- I wanna talk to you about god's love.
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- Get connected.
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- I'll share with you isaiah chapter 41, verse 13.
- 00:00:37.009 --> 00:00:42.247
- Get this, "for i the lord your god hold your right hand.
- 00:00:42.247 --> 00:00:48.854
- It is i who say to you, 'fear not.
- 00:00:48.854 --> 00:00:52.724
- I will help you.'"
- 00:00:52.724 --> 00:00:54.526
- I have to admit it, i'm a beatles fan.
- 00:00:54.526 --> 00:00:57.296
- Love to listen to the beatles.
- 00:00:57.296 --> 00:00:59.164
- I wasn't such a fan early on in my life, but now as i grow
- 00:00:59.164 --> 00:01:02.034
- Older, they produced so many beautiful songs.
- 00:01:02.034 --> 00:01:05.704
- Back in 1964, i think it was the first time they had a number one
- 00:01:05.704 --> 00:01:09.575
- Hit song in the united states and it was called, "i want to
- 00:01:09.575 --> 00:01:14.012
- Hold your hand."
- 00:01:14.012 --> 00:01:16.482
- And that's exactly what god was saying here.
- 00:01:16.482 --> 00:01:18.584
- It was a hit song because everybody went gaga over that
- 00:01:18.584 --> 00:01:21.920
- Song because really that's what lovers do.
- 00:01:21.920 --> 00:01:24.923
- You know, when you date somebody, married people, it's a
- 00:01:24.923 --> 00:01:28.293
- Gesture of love, a gesture of getting connected, and that's
- 00:01:28.293 --> 00:01:32.131
- Exactly what god is telling us.
- 00:01:32.131 --> 00:01:34.867
- God is telling us in isaiah, "i hold your right hand.
- 00:01:34.867 --> 00:01:38.704
- I will help you."
- 00:01:38.704 --> 00:01:40.506
- And how does god help us?
- 00:01:40.506 --> 00:01:42.107
- In one of my other episodes, i talked about god's
- 00:01:42.107 --> 00:01:44.843
- Almighty power.
- 00:01:44.843 --> 00:01:46.578
- He invests us with this great strength, this inner strength,
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- But i think one of the greatest ways that god helps us is simply
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- By us knowing that he's with us.
- 00:01:55.621 --> 00:02:00.092
- That's the great promise in the bible, "i am with you."
- 00:02:00.092 --> 00:02:02.594
- Remember what jesus said?
- 00:02:02.594 --> 00:02:03.962
- "i am with you always until the end of time."
- 00:02:03.962 --> 00:02:06.932
- He said that at the beginning of the gospel of matthew, we hear
- 00:02:06.932 --> 00:02:10.435
- The name of jesus, "he will call him emmanuel, a name that means
- 00:02:10.435 --> 00:02:14.039
- 'god with us.'"
- 00:02:14.039 --> 00:02:15.374
- The middle of the gospel of matthew, "where two or three are
- 00:02:15.374 --> 00:02:17.876
- Gathered, there i am in your midst.
- 00:02:17.876 --> 00:02:20.479
- I am with you."
- 00:02:20.479 --> 00:02:21.813
- The end of the gospel of matthew, "i am with you always
- 00:02:21.813 --> 00:02:23.482
- Until the end of the world."
- 00:02:23.482 --> 00:02:24.816
- The way that god helps us is when we go through
- 00:02:24.816 --> 00:02:27.686
- Tribulations-- and that's just it.
- 00:02:27.686 --> 00:02:30.689
- We go through tribulations.
- 00:02:30.689 --> 00:02:32.624
- He doesn't leave us in the middle of it.
- 00:02:32.624 --> 00:02:34.159
- He doesn't leave us stuck in it.
- 00:02:34.159 --> 00:02:35.894
- We go through.
- 00:02:35.894 --> 00:02:37.229
- "even though i go through the valley of the shadow of
- 00:02:37.229 --> 00:02:38.797
- Darkness, i fear no evil because you are with me, with your rod
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- And your staff that give me comfort."
- 00:02:42.568 --> 00:02:44.970
- And that fact that we are connected to god-- i remember
- 00:02:44.970 --> 00:02:49.341
- When i was getting lasik surgery.
- 00:02:49.341 --> 00:02:51.944
- This was probably 20 years ago.
- 00:02:51.944 --> 00:02:54.780
- I got lasik surgery and i was terrified.
- 00:02:54.780 --> 00:02:58.183
- And as i'm laying there on the table, there was a nurse in
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- The room.
- 00:03:00.319 --> 00:03:01.687
- I don't even know who the nurse was.
- 00:03:01.687 --> 00:03:03.021
- She didn't know me, i didn't know her.
- 00:03:03.021 --> 00:03:04.389
- I said, "would you hold my hand?"
- 00:03:04.389 --> 00:03:06.358
- I just wanted to be connected to somebody.
- 00:03:06.358 --> 00:03:08.860
- And she did and that helped me.
- 00:03:08.860 --> 00:03:11.263
- And i'll tell you, when you know that god is with you, when you
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- Have a sense of god's love in your life, you are helped and
- 00:03:15.300 --> 00:03:18.637
- You can be courageous to face your trials and tribulations.
- 00:03:18.637 --> 00:03:23.008
- You can be strong when you face your problems.
- 00:03:23.008 --> 00:03:25.744
- You can deal with whatever you need to deal with, 'cause if god
- 00:03:25.744 --> 00:03:28.513
- Is with you, it's all over but the shouting.
- 00:03:28.513 --> 00:03:31.016
- That's exactly how christianity was spread all throughout the
- 00:03:31.016 --> 00:03:35.020
- World, because the apostles, the evangelists, the missionaries,
- 00:03:35.020 --> 00:03:40.259
- They knew just as i do that god was with them, that god is
- 00:03:40.259 --> 00:03:45.063
- With us.
- 00:03:45.063 --> 00:03:46.431
- And i want you to know that holding your hand-- and this is
- 00:03:46.431 --> 00:03:51.069
- What god just said, "i hold your hand.
- 00:03:51.069 --> 00:03:53.405
- I grasp you by the hand."
- 00:03:53.405 --> 00:03:54.873
- It's a gesture of love.
- 00:03:54.873 --> 00:03:57.242
- If you've ever heard of gary chapman, he wrote a book called,
- 00:03:57.242 --> 00:03:59.745
- "the five love languages," and one of them is touch.
- 00:03:59.745 --> 00:04:03.548
- That's why during the pandemic, people were isolated.
- 00:04:03.548 --> 00:04:06.351
- They were lacking touch.
- 00:04:06.351 --> 00:04:08.053
- It was such a hard time for so many people because they felt
- 00:04:08.053 --> 00:04:11.990
- Like they weren't connected.
- 00:04:11.990 --> 00:04:13.825
- They were isolated.
- 00:04:13.825 --> 00:04:15.560
- And touch is so very important.
- 00:04:15.560 --> 00:04:18.363
- Touch, being connected.
- 00:04:18.363 --> 00:04:21.433
- I want you to know that god's love, god's presence will
- 00:04:21.433 --> 00:04:27.906
- Help you.
- 00:04:27.906 --> 00:04:29.241
- ♪♪♪
- 00:04:29.241 --> 00:04:39.518
- Father cedric pisegna: you have power.
- 00:04:39.584 --> 00:04:41.353
- God hasn't abandoned you.
- 00:04:41.353 --> 00:04:43.322
- He's right there with you and he grasps us by the hand.
- 00:04:43.322 --> 00:04:47.926
- I remember the story in mark chapter 8. jesus went to heal a
- 00:04:47.926 --> 00:04:52.264
- Blind man and he does something interesting.
- 00:04:52.264 --> 00:04:55.100
- He took the blind man out of the city and it says that they
- 00:04:55.100 --> 00:04:58.603
- Walked together and jesus held his hand.
- 00:04:58.603 --> 00:05:02.307
- That's mark chapter 8. and then he took him out of the city and
- 00:05:02.307 --> 00:05:05.444
- Then he healed his blindness.
- 00:05:05.444 --> 00:05:07.879
- But i love that scene.
- 00:05:07.879 --> 00:05:09.214
- Imagine walking with the son of god holding your hand.
- 00:05:09.214 --> 00:05:13.151
- And the blind man didn't know where he was going, but jesus
- 00:05:13.151 --> 00:05:15.887
- Was leading him and guiding him, holding his hand, being
- 00:05:15.887 --> 00:05:19.324
- Connected to him.
- 00:05:19.324 --> 00:05:20.692
- That was the miracle itself, nevermind being able to see.
- 00:05:20.692 --> 00:05:24.696
- I want you to understand that right now, i believe as you're
- 00:05:24.696 --> 00:05:27.199
- Watching this program, you may not feel it, but god is holding
- 00:05:27.199 --> 00:05:30.635
- Your hand.
- 00:05:30.635 --> 00:05:32.137
- He's gonna take you through.
- 00:05:32.137 --> 00:05:34.072
- He's going to bring you to the other side.
- 00:05:34.072 --> 00:05:36.441
- You are connected.
- 00:05:36.441 --> 00:05:38.110
- He loves you as his very own.
- 00:05:38.110 --> 00:05:41.113
- And that's the thing about god's love.
- 00:05:41.113 --> 00:05:44.316
- You must understand that god is love.
- 00:05:44.316 --> 00:05:48.854
- That's right from the bible.
- 00:05:48.854 --> 00:05:50.722
- Love isn't just something god does like we do.
- 00:05:50.722 --> 00:05:53.859
- God is love.
- 00:05:53.859 --> 00:05:57.629
- Put an equal sign, god equal love.
- 00:05:57.629 --> 00:06:00.732
- They go together.
- 00:06:00.732 --> 00:06:02.067
- This is who god is.
- 00:06:02.067 --> 00:06:03.435
- It's his character.
- 00:06:03.435 --> 00:06:04.770
- And you must believe in god's love.
- 00:06:04.770 --> 00:06:07.005
- I talked about faith in one of the other episodes, and if you
- 00:06:07.005 --> 00:06:09.341
- Want to become the best that you can be, and this series is all
- 00:06:09.341 --> 00:06:13.612
- About being your best, you must have faith, faith in god.
- 00:06:13.612 --> 00:06:18.984
- And faith begins by believing that god exists, but it
- 00:06:18.984 --> 00:06:22.087
- Continues by believing that god is love, that god cares.
- 00:06:22.087 --> 00:06:26.057
- Then it continues with god is at work in your life.
- 00:06:26.057 --> 00:06:29.528
- God is love and he demonstrates it in so many different ways.
- 00:06:29.528 --> 00:06:33.398
- One of the ways, of course, the cross of jesus.
- 00:06:33.398 --> 00:06:36.501
- "for god so loved us that he gave his only begotten son."
- 00:06:36.501 --> 00:06:39.538
- So many people are talking about, how do you know that god
- 00:06:39.538 --> 00:06:43.475
- Loves you?
- 00:06:43.475 --> 00:06:44.843
- Well, what i tell people is, first of all, believe.
- 00:06:44.843 --> 00:06:48.447
- You've got to believe and that opens the door for you
- 00:06:48.447 --> 00:06:50.248
- To receive.
- 00:06:50.248 --> 00:06:51.683
- But also you have to become aware, more aware of god's love.
- 00:06:51.683 --> 00:06:58.557
- Because god's love is all around us, you just have to notice it.
- 00:06:58.557 --> 00:07:02.394
- It's kind of like if you've ever seen these athletic contests,
- 00:07:02.394 --> 00:07:07.265
- Like a football game.
- 00:07:07.265 --> 00:07:08.633
- I saw a football player get knocked out one time and he's
- 00:07:08.633 --> 00:07:11.503
- Lying there in the ground.
- 00:07:11.503 --> 00:07:12.871
- They went over and they broke open some smelling salts, and
- 00:07:12.871 --> 00:07:16.141
- They gave it to him and he just all of a sudden starts to
- 00:07:16.141 --> 00:07:18.944
- Wake up.
- 00:07:18.944 --> 00:07:20.679
- Too many people in life have sominex, not smelling salts, and
- 00:07:20.679 --> 00:07:26.685
- They're jaded to the presence and to the love of god.
- 00:07:26.685 --> 00:07:29.187
- They don't see how god is providing, how god has taken
- 00:07:29.187 --> 00:07:33.024
- Care of you.
- 00:07:33.024 --> 00:07:34.392
- Every heartbeat, every breath, every moment of your life is a
- 00:07:34.392 --> 00:07:40.899
- Gift of love from god to you and me.
- 00:07:40.899 --> 00:07:45.103
- And what we need is some smelling salts to make us awaken
- 00:07:45.103 --> 00:07:48.073
- To god's love.
- 00:07:48.073 --> 00:07:49.441
- In the scriptures, it's interesting.
- 00:07:49.441 --> 00:07:51.009
- In the psalms, it talks about god's mercy, and then it says--
- 00:07:51.009 --> 00:07:56.214
- It uses a word called "selah," s-e-l-a-h, and it means pause
- 00:07:56.214 --> 00:08:03.755
- And think about that.
- 00:08:03.755 --> 00:08:06.024
- And in our life, we need to selah, pause and think
- 00:08:06.024 --> 00:08:12.297
- About that.
- 00:08:12.297 --> 00:08:13.665
- ♪♪♪
- 00:08:13.665 --> 00:08:23.408
- Father cedric pisegna: we all know jesus loves us.
- 00:08:23.408 --> 00:08:25.176
- This we know, for the bible tells me so.
- 00:08:25.176 --> 00:08:27.579
- We all know all that, but i mean, pause and think
- 00:08:27.579 --> 00:08:31.750
- About that.
- 00:08:31.750 --> 00:08:33.218
- The way that you can experience god's love is by becoming aware,
- 00:08:33.218 --> 00:08:38.423
- And noticing, and reflecting, and contemplating.
- 00:08:38.423 --> 00:08:43.895
- Just like the people in the confessional, i tell you, "go
- 00:08:43.895 --> 00:08:46.965
- Outside and take a walk.
- 00:08:46.965 --> 00:08:48.300
- Feel the warmth of the sun.
- 00:08:48.300 --> 00:08:50.235
- Spend a little time reflecting on god's love.
- 00:08:50.235 --> 00:08:52.571
- Leave the rest.
- 00:08:52.571 --> 00:08:53.905
- Lay your burdens down.
- 00:08:53.905 --> 00:08:55.273
- Move forward."
- 00:08:55.273 --> 00:08:57.442
- It was paul that wrote in ephesians, he said, "i want you
- 00:08:57.442 --> 00:09:01.313
- To know the height, and the depth, and the breadth, and the
- 00:09:01.313 --> 00:09:07.385
- Length, and to experience god's love."
- 00:09:07.385 --> 00:09:11.723
- And that's just it.
- 00:09:11.723 --> 00:09:13.858
- Many people know, yeah, god has love, but they don't
- 00:09:13.858 --> 00:09:17.562
- Experience it.
- 00:09:17.562 --> 00:09:19.531
- Actually, you must understand you are experiencing it, you
- 00:09:19.531 --> 00:09:24.102
- Probably just aren't aware of it.
- 00:09:24.102 --> 00:09:26.237
- It's like these two fish.
- 00:09:26.237 --> 00:09:27.606
- They're swimming in the ocean.
- 00:09:27.606 --> 00:09:29.240
- One fish looks at the other fish and he goes, "hey, by the way,
- 00:09:29.240 --> 00:09:33.578
- Where's the ocean?"
- 00:09:33.578 --> 00:09:34.913
- The other fish looks at him, "the ocean?
- 00:09:34.913 --> 00:09:36.681
- It's what you're swimming in."
- 00:09:36.681 --> 00:09:40.785
- People are thinking, "where's god's love?"
- 00:09:40.785 --> 00:09:43.088
- It's what you're swimming in.
- 00:09:43.088 --> 00:09:44.990
- Paul the apostle said, "in god, we live, and move, and have
- 00:09:44.990 --> 00:09:50.261
- Our being."
- 00:09:50.261 --> 00:09:51.630
- That's right from the acts of the apostles.
- 00:09:51.630 --> 00:09:53.999
- You're swimming in god's love.
- 00:09:53.999 --> 00:09:55.834
- It's just a matter of becoming aware and having an awakening to
- 00:09:55.834 --> 00:10:00.572
- God's love.
- 00:10:00.572 --> 00:10:01.973
- Jesus constantly in the gospels is always saying, "be awake.
- 00:10:01.973 --> 00:10:06.044
- Be aware.
- 00:10:06.044 --> 00:10:07.379
- Wake up."
- 00:10:07.379 --> 00:10:08.747
- Get that smelling--
- 00:10:08.747 --> 00:10:10.081
- I'm kinda like smelling salts here today,
- 00:10:10.081 --> 00:10:11.750
- Trying to get you to wake up to god's love.
- 00:10:11.750 --> 00:10:13.885
- Because god's love is everywhere, it's just a matter
- 00:10:13.885 --> 00:10:17.622
- Of getting in touch with it.
- 00:10:17.622 --> 00:10:19.457
- God loves priests, and popes, and prisoners, and prostitutes
- 00:10:19.457 --> 00:10:25.430
- Equally, but in most cases, it's the religious people who receive
- 00:10:25.430 --> 00:10:31.403
- His love.
- 00:10:31.403 --> 00:10:32.737
- The love is there.
- 00:10:32.737 --> 00:10:34.105
- It's unconditional.
- 00:10:34.105 --> 00:10:35.540
- It's ardent.
- 00:10:35.540 --> 00:10:36.908
- It's fervent.
- 00:10:36.908 --> 00:10:38.343
- It's passionate.
- 00:10:38.343 --> 00:10:40.645
- But religious people believe and they receive, and that's what i
- 00:10:40.645 --> 00:10:45.417
- Want you to do.
- 00:10:45.417 --> 00:10:46.785
- I want you to believe.
- 00:10:46.785 --> 00:10:48.119
- That's right from the scriptures, "believe in the love
- 00:10:48.119 --> 00:10:49.487
- God has for you and be aware."
- 00:10:49.487 --> 00:10:53.658
- Wake up.
- 00:10:53.658 --> 00:10:54.993
- Let me talk a little bit about that, being aware of god's love,
- 00:10:54.993 --> 00:10:57.962
- Because sometimes we just are jaded and we don't sense it.
- 00:10:57.962 --> 00:11:03.034
- I heard about a novice who came up to his spiritual master and
- 00:11:03.034 --> 00:11:06.304
- Had a question, very profound question.
- 00:11:06.304 --> 00:11:08.873
- He said, "what can i do to attain god?"
- 00:11:08.873 --> 00:11:13.745
- And the master said, "what can you do to make the sunrise?"
- 00:11:13.745 --> 00:11:18.950
- He was exasperated.
- 00:11:18.950 --> 00:11:20.285
- The novice said, "then why do you teach us anything at all?"
- 00:11:20.285 --> 00:11:22.554
- And the master said, "so you'll be awake when the sun rises."
- 00:11:22.554 --> 00:11:28.093
- I wrote a book called, "you are loved," and the book has a
- 00:11:28.093 --> 00:11:33.598
- Dual purpose.
- 00:11:33.598 --> 00:11:35.333
- Number one, i want you to know that you are loved individually
- 00:11:35.333 --> 00:11:43.141
- Just as you are, and then the book is all about you
- 00:11:43.141 --> 00:11:47.912
- Experiencing this love.
- 00:11:47.912 --> 00:11:51.516
- I read this book after i wrote it, a couple of years after i
- 00:11:51.516 --> 00:11:54.185
- Wrote it.
- 00:11:54.185 --> 00:11:55.553
- It's only been in existence about four years, three or
- 00:11:55.553 --> 00:11:57.288
- Four years.
- 00:11:57.288 --> 00:11:59.157
- But i read it a couple of years after i wrote it, and what it
- 00:11:59.157 --> 00:12:03.094
- Did is it awakened me again to god's love.
- 00:12:03.094 --> 00:12:08.133
- And i started preaching about it even more because people need to
- 00:12:08.133 --> 00:12:11.402
- Hear this.
- 00:12:11.402 --> 00:12:12.937
- Oftentimes, we fall asleep, and we want to experience god's love
- 00:12:12.937 --> 00:12:18.610
- But we don't know how.
- 00:12:18.610 --> 00:12:20.445
- Well, let me help you with that.
- 00:12:20.445 --> 00:12:22.447
- As i said, god grasps us by the right hand, and that means that
- 00:12:22.447 --> 00:12:28.386
- He's with us.
- 00:12:28.386 --> 00:12:30.054
- He's connected.
- 00:12:30.054 --> 00:12:31.556
- He's not far from us.
- 00:12:31.556 --> 00:12:33.458
- That's all over the place in the scripture.
- 00:12:33.458 --> 00:12:35.627
- For example, one of my favorite scriptures is psalm 139, and it
- 00:12:35.627 --> 00:12:41.366
- Talks about how, "when we sit or when we stand, god knows
- 00:12:41.366 --> 00:12:46.237
- It altogether.
- 00:12:46.237 --> 00:12:47.772
- Even before a word is on our lips,
- 00:12:47.772 --> 00:12:50.775
- God knows what it's going to be."
- 00:12:50.775 --> 00:12:52.610
- You don't even know the next word that you're gonna speak,
- 00:12:52.610 --> 00:12:54.445
- But god does.
- 00:12:54.445 --> 00:12:55.847
- That's how close god is to us.
- 00:12:55.847 --> 00:12:59.117
- He said, "i'm the vine, you're the branches.
- 00:12:59.117 --> 00:13:01.186
- Abide in me.
- 00:13:01.186 --> 00:13:03.254
- Get connected to me.
- 00:13:03.254 --> 00:13:05.023
- Remain in me and you will bear much fruit."
- 00:13:05.023 --> 00:13:08.593
- Centuries ago, catholic brother called brother lawrence, he
- 00:13:08.593 --> 00:13:14.332
- Wrote a book called, "practicing the presence of god."
- 00:13:14.332 --> 00:13:18.069
- And the whole core of that book all had to do with god is
- 00:13:18.069 --> 00:13:23.441
- Present as we journey through our day, but oftentimes we don't
- 00:13:23.441 --> 00:13:28.279
- Know it.
- 00:13:28.279 --> 00:13:29.647
- Brother lawrence conversed with god and he stayed connected.
- 00:13:29.647 --> 00:13:32.750
- He consented to god's presence to be aware.
- 00:13:32.750 --> 00:13:36.421
- And i think that book is a spiritual classic.
- 00:13:36.421 --> 00:13:38.656
- It can teach us exactly what we need to be doing, and that's to
- 00:13:38.656 --> 00:13:42.393
- Practice god's presence.
- 00:13:42.393 --> 00:13:45.296
- God is everywhere we go, but we're not always with god
- 00:13:45.296 --> 00:13:49.667
- Because we're so distracted by iphones, by the internet, by the
- 00:13:49.667 --> 00:13:55.039
- Television set, by the problems we're having, by the things
- 00:13:55.039 --> 00:13:58.710
- We're going through.
- 00:13:58.710 --> 00:14:00.211
- And i understand that it's part and parcel of being human, but
- 00:14:00.211 --> 00:14:04.048
- My point is that oftentimes we're not connected.
- 00:14:04.048 --> 00:14:07.518
- God is always there ready to be connected, and i sense him right
- 00:14:07.518 --> 00:14:10.822
- Now as i'm proclaiming this to you, but it's a matter of us
- 00:14:10.822 --> 00:14:15.093
- Being connected to god.
- 00:14:15.093 --> 00:14:17.161
- Whatever you're doing, i'm hoping in whatever season you're
- 00:14:17.161 --> 00:14:20.265
- In the midst of right now, i am hoping this program will help
- 00:14:20.265 --> 00:14:23.234
- You to connect, to literally reach out your hand to god, and
- 00:14:23.234 --> 00:14:28.339
- God will grasp it.
- 00:14:28.339 --> 00:14:29.941
- And that's the thing, we don't always feel it.
- 00:14:29.941 --> 00:14:32.143
- People always say, "i want to feel god."
- 00:14:32.143 --> 00:14:35.046
- Well, that's what faith's all about.
- 00:14:35.046 --> 00:14:36.481
- We walk by faith and not by sight.
- 00:14:36.481 --> 00:14:38.983
- I talked about that in another episode.
- 00:14:38.983 --> 00:14:41.519
- And what i mean by "sight" is we walk by faith and not by
- 00:14:41.519 --> 00:14:44.689
- Feelings all the time.
- 00:14:44.689 --> 00:14:46.991
- You've all heard that parable about the footprints.
- 00:14:46.991 --> 00:14:49.661
- The man has a dream, and he dreams that there were two sets
- 00:14:49.661 --> 00:14:53.564
- Of footprints.
- 00:14:53.564 --> 00:14:54.899
- And he runs into trouble and there's only one set
- 00:14:54.899 --> 00:14:57.135
- Of footprints.
- 00:14:57.135 --> 00:14:58.503
- And then the lord appears to him and he said, "i
- 00:14:58.503 --> 00:14:59.971
- Don't understand.
- 00:14:59.971 --> 00:15:01.306
- When i was goin' through good times, you were there beside me,
- 00:15:01.306 --> 00:15:03.508
- But when i was going through hard times," he goes, "you
- 00:15:03.508 --> 00:15:05.777
- Left me."
- 00:15:05.777 --> 00:15:07.145
- And the lord said, "no, you misunderstood the whole thing.
- 00:15:07.145 --> 00:15:09.314
- When you're goin' through the hard time, i was carrying you."
- 00:15:09.314 --> 00:15:13.151
- And that's the thing, you can't just go by feelings.
- 00:15:13.151 --> 00:15:15.653
- As a preacher, i can't just go by feelings.
- 00:15:15.653 --> 00:15:17.655
- Sometimes i don't feel like anything's happening.
- 00:15:17.655 --> 00:15:20.024
- I feel like i'm bombing, and that's when people are
- 00:15:20.024 --> 00:15:21.693
- Being touched.
- 00:15:21.693 --> 00:15:23.127
- You can't just go by feelings in your life.
- 00:15:23.127 --> 00:15:24.896
- We walk by faith and not by sight.
- 00:15:24.896 --> 00:15:28.967
- But i understand, i'm italian, i like to feel too.
- 00:15:28.967 --> 00:15:33.638
- I love to feel god's love because it's so comforting.
- 00:15:33.638 --> 00:15:36.908
- "in god, we live, and move, and have our being," but it's a
- 00:15:36.908 --> 00:15:40.111
- Matter of heightening our awareness.
- 00:15:40.111 --> 00:15:43.181
- And we have a practice, much like brother lawrence, in the
- 00:15:43.181 --> 00:15:46.351
- Monastery where wherever we eat, whenever we eat as a community,
- 00:15:46.351 --> 00:15:50.855
- Right at the end of the meal, we tap on a glass, or knock, or
- 00:15:50.855 --> 00:15:54.492
- Something, and we stop and we say, "presence of god."
- 00:15:54.492 --> 00:15:59.364
- And all of a sudden, we selah.
- 00:15:59.364 --> 00:16:01.799
- We pause and think about that.
- 00:16:01.799 --> 00:16:03.301
- ♪♪♪
- 00:16:03.301 --> 00:16:12.477
- Father cedric pisegna: and then we pray, "may the passion of
- 00:16:12.477 --> 00:16:13.978
- Jesus christ be always in our hearts."
- 00:16:13.978 --> 00:16:16.414
- And then we get up and clean the dishes.
- 00:16:16.414 --> 00:16:19.017
- But that can be done not just in a monastery.
- 00:16:19.017 --> 00:16:21.019
- That can be done throughout your life.
- 00:16:21.019 --> 00:16:23.087
- You just simply pause wherever you are, maybe at your computer,
- 00:16:23.087 --> 00:16:27.525
- Or before you're about to go for a drive, or when you're working
- 00:16:27.525 --> 00:16:32.130
- On a project, or when you're about to go on a trip.
- 00:16:32.130 --> 00:16:37.035
- You pause, and think, and invite god into it.
- 00:16:37.035 --> 00:16:39.971
- Maybe extend your hand and let god grab your hand.
- 00:16:39.971 --> 00:16:43.741
- It's so beautiful not to walk through your life alone, but to
- 00:16:43.741 --> 00:16:47.845
- Realize that god is with you.
- 00:16:47.845 --> 00:16:50.448
- And at times, you will feel it.
- 00:16:50.448 --> 00:16:53.484
- There's nothing so beautiful as feeling the presence of god.
- 00:16:53.484 --> 00:16:57.555
- I remember the story of saint augustine.
- 00:16:57.555 --> 00:17:00.658
- Saint augustine of hippo lived years ago.
- 00:17:00.658 --> 00:17:03.928
- I believe it was in the 400s, 300s, way back a long time ago.
- 00:17:03.928 --> 00:17:08.499
- Saint augustine wasn't always a saint.
- 00:17:08.499 --> 00:17:10.234
- He was a rabble rouser, dabbled in eastern religions, had a
- 00:17:10.234 --> 00:17:14.605
- Child out of wedlock.
- 00:17:14.605 --> 00:17:16.874
- He was lost, but he had this hunger and desire to know truth.
- 00:17:16.874 --> 00:17:24.215
- One time, he heard a preacher, it was saint ambrose, preaching
- 00:17:24.215 --> 00:17:29.087
- The gospel and it struck his heart.
- 00:17:29.087 --> 00:17:32.890
- He gave his life to christ and things began to change.
- 00:17:32.890 --> 00:17:37.695
- He began to notice god's presence in his life in a very
- 00:17:37.695 --> 00:17:40.465
- Powerful way and he changed.
- 00:17:40.465 --> 00:17:43.434
- He became a priest, became a bishop, and he became a doctor
- 00:17:43.434 --> 00:17:49.173
- Of the church.
- 00:17:49.173 --> 00:17:50.641
- Very few people in the catholic church are canonized, if you
- 00:17:50.641 --> 00:17:55.513
- Want to use that word, as doctors of the church, and saint
- 00:17:55.513 --> 00:17:58.816
- Augustine was.
- 00:17:58.816 --> 00:18:00.618
- Well, he wrote some prose that i wanted to share with you because
- 00:18:00.618 --> 00:18:04.789
- It talks about god's love.
- 00:18:04.789 --> 00:18:06.124
- He said to god, "late have i loved you.
- 00:18:06.124 --> 00:18:11.028
- Late have i loved you, o beauty ever ancient, ever new, late
- 00:18:11.028 --> 00:18:16.334
- Have i love you!
- 00:18:16.334 --> 00:18:18.069
- You were within, but i was plunged in the world.
- 00:18:18.069 --> 00:18:22.573
- You are with me, but i wasn't with you.
- 00:18:22.573 --> 00:18:26.077
- Then you called, you shouted, you broke through my deafness.
- 00:18:26.077 --> 00:18:33.117
- You shone, you blazed, you banished my blindness.
- 00:18:33.117 --> 00:18:40.658
- You lavished your fragrance upon me.
- 00:18:40.658 --> 00:18:44.095
- I gasped, and now i pant for you."
- 00:18:44.095 --> 00:18:47.398
- And then later on he wrote,
- 00:18:47.398 --> 00:18:49.700
- "i fear jesus will pass by me unnoticed."
- 00:18:49.700 --> 00:18:54.138
- And that's the cry of everybody's heart,
- 00:18:54.138 --> 00:18:56.574
- That we would come to see jesus,
- 00:18:56.641 --> 00:18:59.744
- And hear jesus, and know his love in a
- 00:18:59.744 --> 00:19:02.647
- Deep, personal way, and not let him pass by unnoticed.
- 00:19:02.647 --> 00:19:06.684
- Remember the blind beggar, bartimaeus, sitting by the side
- 00:19:06.684 --> 00:19:09.820
- Of the road?
- 00:19:09.820 --> 00:19:11.155
- He's blind, but in some ways he could see more than the people
- 00:19:11.155 --> 00:19:14.458
- Because he heard.
- 00:19:14.458 --> 00:19:16.127
- And when you're blind, you can hear very well because your
- 00:19:16.127 --> 00:19:20.097
- Senses are sharpened.
- 00:19:20.097 --> 00:19:21.465
- He hears that jesus of nazareth is passing by and he knew it was
- 00:19:21.465 --> 00:19:24.835
- His moment.
- 00:19:24.835 --> 00:19:26.470
- And he cries out, "jesus, son of david, have pity on me!"
- 00:19:26.470 --> 00:19:30.474
- And they tried to make him be quiet and he shouted all the
- 00:19:30.474 --> 00:19:34.378
- Louder, "jesus, son of david, have pity on me!"
- 00:19:34.378 --> 00:19:37.148
- And jesus stopped and they called the blind man over.
- 00:19:37.148 --> 00:19:41.652
- And jesus brought him healing and he was able to see.
- 00:19:41.652 --> 00:19:45.456
- But the whole point of the story is then he followed jesus on
- 00:19:45.456 --> 00:19:49.026
- The road.
- 00:19:49.026 --> 00:19:50.361
- That's the point of the story, that he became a disciple.
- 00:19:50.361 --> 00:19:53.397
- He walked with jesus.
- 00:19:53.397 --> 00:19:56.467
- And in many ways, we're blind, and we're deaf, and we're not in
- 00:19:56.467 --> 00:19:59.604
- Touch, and we don't feel god, and we need to become more and
- 00:19:59.604 --> 00:20:03.608
- More aware.
- 00:20:03.608 --> 00:20:04.976
- To me, that's the crux of the spiritual life, becoming more
- 00:20:04.976 --> 00:20:10.014
- And more aware of god.
- 00:20:10.014 --> 00:20:11.649
- And then as you do, it can be so beautiful because you can have a
- 00:20:11.649 --> 00:20:16.921
- Love relationship.
- 00:20:16.921 --> 00:20:19.991
- Christianity is a religion and it's a ritual, but more than
- 00:20:19.991 --> 00:20:27.765
- Anything, those are symbols of something that should bring
- 00:20:27.765 --> 00:20:31.469
- Us deeper.
- 00:20:31.469 --> 00:20:33.271
- It should bring us into relationship, something real,
- 00:20:33.271 --> 00:20:38.276
- Something profound.
- 00:20:38.276 --> 00:20:40.011
- Since god loves us so deeply, if we reciprocate to some degree,
- 00:20:40.011 --> 00:20:46.083
- To some degree there ought to be something real and personal.
- 00:20:46.083 --> 00:20:51.255
- I call it a personal relationship with god.
- 00:20:51.255 --> 00:20:52.990
- And everybody has a different one depending on who you are.
- 00:20:52.990 --> 00:20:57.495
- The song of songs is a beautiful book in the bible and it talks
- 00:20:57.495 --> 00:21:00.965
- About love is stronger than death.
- 00:21:00.965 --> 00:21:05.069
- And then it says, "i am my beloved's
- 00:21:05.069 --> 00:21:09.006
- And my beloved is mine."
- 00:21:09.006 --> 00:21:10.374
- I really believe that christianity ought to be a
- 00:21:10.374 --> 00:21:13.477
- Sacred romance.
- 00:21:13.477 --> 00:21:17.114
- I'm a religious.
- 00:21:17.114 --> 00:21:18.449
- I didn't become a religious because i wanted to
- 00:21:18.449 --> 00:21:19.817
- Be militaristic.
- 00:21:19.817 --> 00:21:21.152
- It's because i wanted to selah, pause and think about that, not
- 00:21:21.152 --> 00:21:25.256
- Just for a moment, with my whole life, to contemplate the love of
- 00:21:25.256 --> 00:21:30.161
- God that has changed my life.
- 00:21:30.161 --> 00:21:32.496
- And i want to love god.
- 00:21:32.496 --> 00:21:35.499
- That was jesus's prime commandment, that you love god
- 00:21:35.499 --> 00:21:41.839
- With all your heart and mind, soul and strength.
- 00:21:41.839 --> 00:21:46.310
- Some people don't even believe god exists, and you can be
- 00:21:46.310 --> 00:21:48.479
- Having a love relationship with god, but god is gonna raise you
- 00:21:48.479 --> 00:21:51.816
- From the dead and bring you to heaven forever.
- 00:21:51.816 --> 00:21:54.085
- That is so beautiful, a love relationship with god.
- 00:21:54.085 --> 00:21:58.122
- I remember-- i recall years ago when i was dating, there was
- 00:21:58.122 --> 00:22:03.094
- This one girl.
- 00:22:03.094 --> 00:22:04.462
- I sat in the car in the front seat with her and all we did is
- 00:22:04.462 --> 00:22:09.867
- We looked into each other's eyes for like two minutes straight
- 00:22:09.867 --> 00:22:16.874
- Without even blinking.
- 00:22:16.874 --> 00:22:19.310
- I looked into her soul and she looked into my soul, and at that
- 00:22:19.310 --> 00:22:24.582
- Moment we were falling in love with each other.
- 00:22:24.582 --> 00:22:28.219
- In the catholic catechism, it talks about what prayer is and
- 00:22:28.219 --> 00:22:33.624
- It says that, "i look at god and god looks at me."
- 00:22:33.624 --> 00:22:39.797
- That's the essence of prayer, and you fall in love.
- 00:22:39.797 --> 00:22:44.435
- There was a jesuit priest whose name was pedro arrupe, and he
- 00:22:44.435 --> 00:22:51.475
- Wrote about god's love.
- 00:22:51.475 --> 00:22:52.910
- He lived in the early 1900s.
- 00:22:52.910 --> 00:22:55.212
- He passed away in 1991.
- 00:22:55.212 --> 00:22:58.282
- It's a very famous prose about god's love.
- 00:22:58.282 --> 00:23:01.051
- This is what he said.
- 00:23:01.051 --> 00:23:02.386
- He said, "nothing is more practical than finding god,
- 00:23:02.386 --> 00:23:06.157
- Falling in love in an absolute, final way.
- 00:23:06.157 --> 00:23:10.795
- What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will
- 00:23:10.795 --> 00:23:14.031
- Affect everything.
- 00:23:14.031 --> 00:23:16.033
- It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what
- 00:23:16.033 --> 00:23:20.037
- You will read, and how you will live."
- 00:23:20.037 --> 00:23:22.540
- Then he says, "fall in love.
- 00:23:22.540 --> 00:23:26.277
- Stay in love.
- 00:23:26.277 --> 00:23:28.245
- It will decide everything."
- 00:23:28.245 --> 00:23:31.081
- Wow, fall in love with god.
- 00:23:31.081 --> 00:23:36.086
- Stay in love with god.
- 00:23:36.086 --> 00:23:39.223
- It will decide everything.
- 00:23:39.223 --> 00:23:41.325
- The beatles sang that song and they sang lots of love songs,
- 00:23:41.325 --> 00:23:44.829
- But they sang that song about, "i want to hold your hand," and
- 00:23:44.829 --> 00:23:48.432
- That's exactly what god is saying to you and me today.
- 00:23:48.432 --> 00:23:51.735
- "i want to hold your hand," right from the bible.
- 00:23:51.735 --> 00:23:55.272
- He wants to display his love for us and tell us that he's
- 00:23:55.272 --> 00:23:59.210
- With us.
- 00:23:59.210 --> 00:24:00.544
- He hasn't abandoned us.
- 00:24:00.544 --> 00:24:02.146
- Now, we've gotta do our part and reciprocate and get connected.
- 00:24:02.146 --> 00:24:06.250
- Be aware.
- 00:24:06.250 --> 00:24:08.385
- Believe in the love that god has for you and you will see that
- 00:24:08.385 --> 00:24:12.256
- Christianity isn't just a religion.
- 00:24:12.256 --> 00:24:15.826
- It's a sacred romance, a love relationship, and i want that
- 00:24:15.826 --> 00:24:20.297
- For you.
- 00:24:20.297 --> 00:24:21.632
- Don't just live, live with passion.
- 00:24:21.632 --> 00:24:22.967
- ♪♪♪
- 00:24:22.967 --> 00:24:27.905
- Father cedric pisegna: a priest friend of mine, father michael
- 00:24:27.905 --> 00:24:29.473
- Manning, used to be on tv and he would always conclude his tv
- 00:24:29.473 --> 00:24:32.743
- Program with, "may god's love for you make you smile."
- 00:24:32.743 --> 00:24:36.847
- And that's what i want you to know, that god's love is present
- 00:24:36.847 --> 00:24:39.583
- To you, and may god's love make you smile.
- 00:24:39.583 --> 00:24:42.319
- Got a letter from a woman, she said, "i have ms and i can't get
- 00:24:42.319 --> 00:24:45.990
- To mass, but watching your tv program reminds me that god is
- 00:24:45.990 --> 00:24:50.060
- With me always, even when i'm sitting in my own living room."
- 00:24:50.060 --> 00:24:53.230
- And that is so true.
- 00:24:53.230 --> 00:24:54.698
- Wherever you are as you're watching this program or
- 00:24:54.698 --> 00:24:57.201
- Listening to this program by radio, god is with you because
- 00:24:57.201 --> 00:25:01.705
- God loves you and he holds our hand.
- 00:25:01.705 --> 00:25:04.341
- Wrote a book called, "you are loved," and in this book i try
- 00:25:04.341 --> 00:25:07.845
- To help you to see that even though god loves the whole
- 00:25:07.845 --> 00:25:10.414
- World, he loves you personally.
- 00:25:10.414 --> 00:25:12.917
- And this book will help you to experience, and that's what i
- 00:25:12.917 --> 00:25:15.886
- Want you to get.
- 00:25:15.886 --> 00:25:17.254
- I want you to experience the height, and the depth, and the
- 00:25:17.254 --> 00:25:19.223
- Length, and the breadth of god's love and to know god's love.
- 00:25:19.223 --> 00:25:22.226
- That was paul's prayer.
- 00:25:22.226 --> 00:25:23.761
- All you gotta do is call 844-father-c, you can get my
- 00:25:23.761 --> 00:25:27.865
- Website store, fathercedric.org, or simply write me in houston.
- 00:25:27.865 --> 00:25:32.736
- And all of your donations and your purchases all go so that i
- 00:25:32.736 --> 00:25:36.807
- Can produce these programs and proclaim god's love all
- 00:25:36.807 --> 00:25:40.077
- Throughout the world.
- 00:25:40.077 --> 00:25:41.812
- I see every donation that comes in, and i pray for you and i
- 00:25:41.812 --> 00:25:45.115
- Thank you.
- 00:25:45.115 --> 00:25:46.450
- Thank you, thank you, thank you for your purchases.
- 00:25:46.450 --> 00:25:48.485
- Don't forget to get the series, "be your best," cd and dvd.
- 00:25:48.485 --> 00:25:53.357
- This is an important series.
- 00:25:53.357 --> 00:25:54.792
- You can share it with other people.
- 00:25:54.792 --> 00:25:56.527
- It will really help you.
- 00:25:56.527 --> 00:25:57.895
- Again, father c, 844-father-c.
- 00:25:57.895 --> 00:26:01.699
- My website, write me in houston.
- 00:26:01.699 --> 00:26:04.034
- Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- 00:26:04.034 --> 00:26:05.536
- Don't just live, live with passion.
- 00:26:05.536 --> 00:26:07.605
- Female announcer: unlimited power.
- 00:26:09.073 --> 00:26:11.041
- Realized potential.
- 00:26:11.041 --> 00:26:13.344
- It is god's will for you to be your best.
- 00:26:13.344 --> 00:26:16.146
- In this powerful series, father cedric proclaims god calls you
- 00:26:16.146 --> 00:26:19.950
- To realize your potential and become all that you can be.
- 00:26:19.950 --> 00:26:23.554
- Right now, simply call or go online and order series 800 dvd
- 00:26:23.554 --> 00:26:27.725
- Or cd, as well as the book father talked about.
- 00:26:27.725 --> 00:26:30.628
- Because of these programs, people everywhere are being
- 00:26:30.628 --> 00:26:33.163
- Motivated to be significant.
- 00:26:33.163 --> 00:26:35.265
- Every purchase supports father cedric in his god-given mission
- 00:26:35.265 --> 00:26:38.402
- To touch lives and save souls.
- 00:26:38.402 --> 00:26:41.105
- Father cedric is a catholic priest with a professed vow
- 00:26:41.105 --> 00:26:43.641
- Of poverty.
- 00:26:43.641 --> 00:26:44.975
- Be assured that the money from your purchases will be used to
- 00:26:44.975 --> 00:26:47.478
- Produce and air "live with passion!"
- 00:26:47.478 --> 00:26:49.847
- To purchase these life-changing resources, simply
- 00:26:49.847 --> 00:26:52.349
- Call 844-father-c.
- 00:26:52.349 --> 00:26:54.518
- That's 844-328-4372.
- 00:26:54.518 --> 00:26:58.656
- The kind operator will help you.
- 00:26:58.656 --> 00:27:00.557
- Or write father cedric at 430 bunker hill road,
- 00:27:00.557 --> 00:27:04.294
- Houston, texas 77024.
- 00:27:04.294 --> 00:27:07.031
- Or log on to fathercedric.org and order online.
- 00:27:07.031 --> 00:27:10.768
- Simple, easy, and secure.
- 00:27:10.768 --> 00:27:12.936
- An operator is waiting for your call right now.
- 00:27:12.936 --> 00:27:15.806
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:15.806 --> 00:27:22.279
- Announcer: made possible by the friends and partners
- 00:27:22.346 --> 00:27:24.248
- Of tbn and live with passion.
- 00:27:24.248 --> 00:27:29.990