The author of “Everyday Courage” shows how love, courage, joy, wisdom, and every good thing begins when we develop a healthy fear of God.
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Life Today with James Robison | John Bevere - Good Fear, Bad Fear | December 31, 2024
- >> the officer sent two unarmed men back
- 00:00:07.130 --> 00:00:10.100
- To arrest you if you preached.
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- Best-selling author, john bevere
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- Explains how the fear of the lord
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- Gives you everyday courage
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- By swallowing up all other fear in your life.
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- >> his wife, he says, "he's calling for you."
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- So, i walk up and it's a massive crowd.
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- I said,"what do you want me to do?"
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- He goes, "you obey god."
- 00:00:30.286 --> 00:00:32.489
- I said, "okay!"
- 00:00:32.489 --> 00:00:34.491
- Next!
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- ♪
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- Randy: welcome to life today !
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- Randy: welcome to life today ! i'm randy robison.
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- I'm randy robison. i'm so excited to have
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- I'm so excited to have john bevere back with me.
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- Some really good things.
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- Some really good things. but john, welcome back.
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- Some really good things. but john, welcome back. john: it's an honor
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- But john, welcome back. john: it's an honor to be back, randy.
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- John: it's an honor to be back, randy. i love being with you.
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- To be back, randy. i love being with you. randy: so last time
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- I love being with you. randy: so last time it was just you and me.
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- Randy: so last time it was just you and me. we were talking about
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- It was just you and me. we were talking about the awe of god .
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- We were talking about the awe of god . out of that you have
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- The awe of god . out of that you have a new devotional called
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- Out of that you have a new devotional called everyday courage .
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- A new devotional called everyday courage . john: it is a spinoff
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- Everyday courage . john: it is a spinoff but about 70% of the material
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- John: it is a spinoff but about 70% of the material is fresh, new, and is not in
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- But about 70% of the material is fresh, new, and is not in the awe of god .
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- Is fresh, new, and is not in the awe of god . randy: so, the biggest thing,
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- The awe of god . randy: so, the biggest thing, i think, that you really set
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- Randy: so, the biggest thing, i think, that you really set sort of straight
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- I think, that you really set sort of straight is this idea of fear.
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- Sort of straight is this idea of fear. because it can be
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- Is this idea of fear. because it can be a little confusing.
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- Because it can be a little confusing. john: it can.
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- A little confusing. john: it can. randy: jesus shows up
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- John: it can. randy: jesus shows up and says, "fear not."
- 00:01:34.918 --> 00:01:35.919
- Randy: jesus shows up and says, "fear not." angels show up and say,
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- And says, "fear not." angels show up and say, "fear not."
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- Angels show up and say, "fear not." the bible says, "fear is
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- "fear not." the bible says, "fear is the beginning of wisdom."
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- The bible says, "fear is the beginning of wisdom." the fear of the lord this --
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- The beginning of wisdom." the fear of the lord this -- what is it on fear?
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- The fear of the lord this -- what is it on fear? john: here is where
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- What is it on fear? john: here is where we went wrong.
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- John: here is where we went wrong. in the 1990s and before that,
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- We went wrong. in the 1990s and before that, we tried to totally
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- Remember even f.d.r. said,
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- Remember even f.d.r. said, "the only thing
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- "the only thing we have to fear
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- We have to fear is fear itself."
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- Is fear itself." well,
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- There are unhealthy fears
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- There are unhealthy fears and there are healthy fears.
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- There are unhealthy fears and there are healthy fears. an unhealthy fear
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- And there are healthy fears. an unhealthy fear is absolutely what we want
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- An unhealthy fear is absolutely what we want out of our life.
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- Is absolutely what we want out of our life. the healthy fear is,
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- Out of our life. the healthy fear is, let me give you an example:
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- The healthy fear is, let me give you an example: fear produces wisdom.
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- Let me give you an example: fear produces wisdom. the fear of me
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- Fear produces wisdom. the fear of me not getting mauled
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- The fear of me not getting mauled by a mother grizzly bear
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- Not getting mauled by a mother grizzly bear will give me the wisdom
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- By a mother grizzly bear will give me the wisdom to not mess with her cubs
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- Will give me the wisdom to not mess with her cubs in front of her.
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- To not mess with her cubs in front of her. that is not an unhealthy fear.
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- In front of her. that is not an unhealthy fear. now it can turn unhealthy
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- That is not an unhealthy fear. now it can turn unhealthy because i'm going to go,
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- Now it can turn unhealthy because i'm going to go, i'm not even going
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- Because i'm going to go, i'm not even going to walk in the woods
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- I'm not even going to walk in the woods because i might get mauled
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- To walk in the woods because i might get mauled by a bear.
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- Because i might get mauled by a bear. so, what we want
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- By a bear. so, what we want to eliminate from our life
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- So, what we want to eliminate from our life is all unhealthy fear.
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- To eliminate from our life is all unhealthy fear. what the church fathers taught
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- Is all unhealthy fear. what the church fathers taught for 2,000 years,
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- What the church fathers taught for 2,000 years, and i don't know why,
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- For 2,000 years, and i don't know why, but in our generation,
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- And i don't know why, but in our generation, it stopped,
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- But in our generation, it stopped, is they taught the only way
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- It stopped, is they taught the only way to eradicate
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- Is they taught the only way to eradicate all unhealthy fear
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- To eradicate all unhealthy fear is to fear god.
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- All unhealthy fear is to fear god. now this is what
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- Is to fear god. now this is what jesus taught us.
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- Now this is what jesus taught us. he said, "don't fear those
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- Jesus taught us. he said, "don't fear those that can kill the body.
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- He said, "don't fear those that can kill the body. but fear him who
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- That can kill the body. but fear him who after he's killed the body
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- But fear him who after he's killed the body can cast the soul into hell."
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- After he's killed the body can cast the soul into hell." now listen
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- Can cast the soul into hell." now listen to what he goes on to say
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- Now listen to what he goes on to say two verses later.
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- To what he goes on to say two verses later. he said,
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- Two verses later. he said, "fear not little flock,
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- He said, "fear not little flock, you're more valuable
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- "fear not little flock, you're more valuable to your father
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- You're more valuable to your father than sparrows."
- 00:03:03.139 --> 00:03:04.207
- To your father than sparrows." wait a minute!
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- Than sparrows." wait a minute! jesus told me to fear god,
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- Wait a minute! jesus told me to fear god, then he says, "fear not."
- 00:03:06.576 --> 00:03:07.610
- Jesus told me to fear god, then he says, "fear not." he's differentiating
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- Then he says, "fear not." he's differentiating right there in luke 12
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- He's differentiating right there in luke 12 between being scared of god
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- Right there in luke 12 between being scared of god and the fear of god.
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- Between being scared of god and the fear of god. so, the first thing
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- And the fear of god. so, the first thing we need to say
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- So, the first thing we need to say is the fear of god
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- We need to say is the fear of god is not to be scared of god.
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- Is the fear of god is not to be scared of god. because how can we have
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- Is not to be scared of god. because how can we have a relationship with someone
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- Because how can we have a relationship with someone if we're afraid of them?
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- A relationship with someone if we're afraid of them? and this is what i love.
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- If we're afraid of them? and this is what i love. god's number one desire
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- And this is what i love. god's number one desire for every one of us,
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- God's number one desire for every one of us, every one of you listening,
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- For every one of us, every one of you listening, god's number one desire
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- Every one of you listening, god's number one desire is to be intimate with you.
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- God's number one desire is to be intimate with you. in fact, he wants to be
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- Is to be intimate with you. in fact, he wants to be intimate with you
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- In fact, he wants to be intimate with you more than you want to be
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- Intimate with you more than you want to be with him.
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- More than you want to be with him. so why would he want you
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- With him. so why would he want you to be scared of him?
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- So why would he want you to be scared of him? so, we've got to start there.
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- To be scared of him? so, we've got to start there. i think what happens is
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- So, we've got to start there. i think what happens is people see when they read
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- I think what happens is people see when they read the awe of god , oh wow!
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- People see when they read the awe of god , oh wow! i stayed away
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- The awe of god , oh wow! i stayed away from the fear of the lord
- 00:03:47.383 --> 00:03:48.318
- I stayed away from the fear of the lord because i thought
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- From the fear of the lord because i thought perfected love casts out fear.
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- Because i thought perfected love casts out fear. you were confusing
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- Perfected love casts out fear. you were confusing a spirit of fear
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- You were confusing a spirit of fear with the fear of the lord.
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- A spirit of fear with the fear of the lord. the fear of the lord
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- With the fear of the lord. the fear of the lord gives you wisdom.
- 00:03:54.857 --> 00:03:55.925
- The fear of the lord gives you wisdom. the fear of the lord
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- Gives you wisdom. the fear of the lord prolongs life.
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- The fear of the lord prolongs life. the fear of the lord
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- Prolongs life. the fear of the lord gives you a length of days.
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- The fear of the lord gives you a length of days. the fear of the lord
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- Gives you a length of days. the fear of the lord gives you security.
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- The fear of the lord gives you security. it frees you
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- Gives you security. it frees you from all other unhealthy fears
- 00:04:03.700 --> 00:04:04.801
- It frees you from all other unhealthy fears including the biggest one,
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- From all other unhealthy fears including the biggest one, the fear of man.
- 00:04:07.337 --> 00:04:09.906
- Including the biggest one, the fear of man. randy: even bigger
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- The fear of man. randy: even bigger than the fear of death.
- 00:04:11.074 --> 00:04:12.041
- Randy: even bigger than the fear of death. john: bigger than
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- Than the fear of death. john: bigger than the fear of death.
- 00:04:13.209 --> 00:04:14.210
- John: bigger than the fear of death. when you walk
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- The fear of death. when you walk in the fear of god
- 00:04:15.345 --> 00:04:16.312
- When you walk in the fear of god you no longer fear death.
- 00:04:16.379 --> 00:04:17.347
- In the fear of god you no longer fear death. you no longer fear
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- You no longer fear death. you no longer fear what do people think about me.
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- You no longer fear what do people think about me. it is very freeing
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- What do people think about me. it is very freeing and it is very wonderful.
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- It is very freeing and it is very wonderful. that's why psalm 112 says,
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- And it is very wonderful. that's why psalm 112 says, randy, "happy are those
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- That's why psalm 112 says, randy, "happy are those who fear the lord,
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- Randy, "happy are those who fear the lord, who delight
- 00:04:26.723 --> 00:04:28.458
- Who fear the lord, who delight in obeying his commands."
- 00:04:28.524 --> 00:04:30.093
- Who delight in obeying his commands." there is a lot revealed
- 00:04:30.159 --> 00:04:31.227
- In obeying his commands." there is a lot revealed in there more than what
- 00:04:31.294 --> 00:04:32.362
- There is a lot revealed in there more than what the eye sees on the surface.
- 00:04:32.428 --> 00:04:34.097
- In there more than what the eye sees on the surface. paul makes this statement.
- 00:04:34.163 --> 00:04:36.265
- The eye sees on the surface. paul makes this statement. he says,
- 00:04:36.332 --> 00:04:37.500
- Paul makes this statement. he says, "as you have always obeyed,
- 00:04:37.567 --> 00:04:38.668
- He says, "as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence
- 00:04:38.735 --> 00:04:39.802
- "as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence but in my absence also,
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- Not only in my presence but in my absence also, work out your salvation
- 00:04:41.170 --> 00:04:42.238
- But in my absence also, work out your salvation with fear and trembling."
- 00:04:42.305 --> 00:04:43.373
- Work out your salvation with fear and trembling." isn't it interesting?
- 00:04:43.439 --> 00:04:44.574
- With fear and trembling." isn't it interesting? he didn't say
- 00:04:44.640 --> 00:04:45.775
- Isn't it interesting? he didn't say work out your salvation
- 00:04:45.842 --> 00:04:46.909
- He didn't say work out your salvation with love and kindness.
- 00:04:46.976 --> 00:04:48.211
- Work out your salvation with love and kindness. the next statement
- 00:04:48.277 --> 00:04:49.479
- With love and kindness. the next statement is the clue:
- 00:04:49.545 --> 00:04:50.680
- The next statement is the clue: "for it's god who works in you
- 00:04:50.747 --> 00:04:52.815
- Is the clue: "for it's god who works in you both to will and to do
- 00:04:52.882 --> 00:04:54.150
- "for it's god who works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure."
- 00:04:54.217 --> 00:04:55.618
- Both to will and to do of his good pleasure." the fear of the lord
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- Of his good pleasure." the fear of the lord actually gives you a desire
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- The fear of the lord actually gives you a desire to obey god.
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- Actually gives you a desire to obey god. it is supernatural
- 00:05:00.590 --> 00:05:01.824
- To obey god. it is supernatural because it is one
- 00:05:01.891 --> 00:05:02.992
- It is supernatural because it is one of the manifestations
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- Because it is one of the manifestations of god's holy spirit.
- 00:05:04.227 --> 00:05:05.395
- Of the manifestations of god's holy spirit. and isaiah 11, verse three,
- 00:05:05.461 --> 00:05:07.263
- Of god's holy spirit. and isaiah 11, verse three, if you want to check up on it,
- 00:05:07.330 --> 00:05:08.598
- And isaiah 11, verse three, if you want to check up on it, it is what jesus delighted in.
- 00:05:08.664 --> 00:05:12.001
- If you want to check up on it, it is what jesus delighted in. so, it actually says,
- 00:05:12.068 --> 00:05:13.503
- It is what jesus delighted in. so, it actually says, "jesus delighted
- 00:05:13.569 --> 00:05:14.837
- So, it actually says, "jesus delighted in the fear of the lord."
- 00:05:14.904 --> 00:05:16.072
- "jesus delighted in the fear of the lord." so, it's god's treasure
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- In the fear of the lord." so, it's god's treasure according to
- 00:05:17.607 --> 00:05:18.741
- So, it's god's treasure according to isaiah 33, verse six,
- 00:05:18.808 --> 00:05:19.909
- According to isaiah 33, verse six, that actually gives us
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- Isaiah 33, verse six, that actually gives us the desire.
- 00:05:21.077 --> 00:05:22.111
- That actually gives us the desire. so, if you ever meet people
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- The desire. so, if you ever meet people that yeah, i go to church.
- 00:05:23.279 --> 00:05:25.081
- So, if you ever meet people that yeah, i go to church. yeah, i'm a christian.
- 00:05:25.148 --> 00:05:27.216
- That yeah, i go to church. yeah, i'm a christian. they have no joy
- 00:05:27.283 --> 00:05:28.317
- Yeah, i'm a christian. they have no joy in their life.
- 00:05:28.384 --> 00:05:29.352
- They have no joy in their life. why don't they have any joy?
- 00:05:29.419 --> 00:05:30.553
- In their life. why don't they have any joy? because they don't have
- 00:05:30.620 --> 00:05:31.621
- Why don't they have any joy? because they don't have the fear of god.
- 00:05:31.687 --> 00:05:32.755
- Because they don't have the fear of god. you can be a christian
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- The fear of god. you can be a christian and not have
- 00:05:33.890 --> 00:05:34.891
- You can be a christian and not have the fear of the lord.
- 00:05:34.957 --> 00:05:35.958
- And not have the fear of the lord. they have no joy
- 00:05:36.025 --> 00:05:37.026
- The fear of the lord. they have no joy in their life
- 00:05:37.093 --> 00:05:38.094
- They have no joy in their life because they don't walk
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- In their life because they don't walk in the fear of the lord.
- 00:05:39.228 --> 00:05:40.263
- Because they don't walk in the fear of the lord. the person who fears the lord
- 00:05:40.329 --> 00:05:41.364
- Not only the ability
- 00:05:42.565 --> 00:05:43.566
- Not only the ability to obey him
- 00:05:43.633 --> 00:05:44.667
- To obey him but the desire to obey him.
- 00:05:44.734 --> 00:05:45.768
- But the desire to obey him. so, now obeying god's commands
- 00:05:45.835 --> 00:05:46.869
- So, now obeying god's commands become my delight,
- 00:05:46.936 --> 00:05:47.970
- Become my delight, it is not drudgery,
- 00:05:48.037 --> 00:05:49.071
- It is not drudgery, it is not out of compulsion,
- 00:05:49.138 --> 00:05:50.173
- That i have to obey god.
- 00:05:51.374 --> 00:05:52.375
- That i have to obey god. i get to obey god
- 00:05:52.442 --> 00:05:54.076
- That i have to obey god. i get to obey god because there is
- 00:05:54.143 --> 00:05:55.311
- I get to obey god because there is a desire to do it.
- 00:05:55.378 --> 00:05:56.379
- Because there is a desire to do it. randy: okay. boy!
- 00:05:56.446 --> 00:05:58.114
- A desire to do it. randy: okay. boy! there is a lot there.
- 00:05:58.181 --> 00:05:59.215
- You know, part of the issue
- 00:06:01.117 --> 00:06:04.554
- You know, part of the issue that i think
- 00:06:04.620 --> 00:06:05.588
- That i think a lot of people have,
- 00:06:05.655 --> 00:06:06.756
- A lot of people have, and i know
- 00:06:06.823 --> 00:06:07.924
- And i know a lot of the churches
- 00:06:07.990 --> 00:06:09.091
- A "new testament legalism."
- 00:06:10.860 --> 00:06:13.596
- A "new testament legalism." don't do this.
- 00:06:13.663 --> 00:06:14.664
- A "new testament legalism." don't do this. don't touch this.
- 00:06:14.730 --> 00:06:15.698
- Don't do this. don't touch this. don't taste that,
- 00:06:15.765 --> 00:06:16.799
- Don't touch this. don't taste that, the scripture says.
- 00:06:16.866 --> 00:06:17.934
- Don't taste that, the scripture says. i hate it.
- 00:06:18.000 --> 00:06:19.702
- The scripture says. i hate it. i kind of rebelled
- 00:06:19.769 --> 00:06:21.103
- I hate it. i kind of rebelled against it --
- 00:06:21.170 --> 00:06:22.205
- I kind of rebelled against it -- john: god hates it too.
- 00:06:22.271 --> 00:06:23.306
- Against it -- john: god hates it too. so, you're in good company.
- 00:06:23.372 --> 00:06:25.274
- John: god hates it too. so, you're in good company. randy: when you just have
- 00:06:25.341 --> 00:06:27.310
- So, you're in good company. randy: when you just have that perspective, you can be
- 00:06:27.376 --> 00:06:28.611
- Randy: when you just have that perspective, you can be a little rebellious.
- 00:06:28.678 --> 00:06:30.179
- That perspective, you can be a little rebellious. here is the realization,
- 00:06:30.246 --> 00:06:31.314
- A little rebellious. here is the realization, and i think,
- 00:06:31.380 --> 00:06:32.482
- Here is the realization, and i think, tell me if i'm wrong,
- 00:06:32.548 --> 00:06:33.583
- And i think, tell me if i'm wrong, this is what
- 00:06:33.649 --> 00:06:34.717
- Tell me if i'm wrong, this is what you're leading to.
- 00:06:34.784 --> 00:06:35.918
- This is what you're leading to. because okay,
- 00:06:35.985 --> 00:06:37.019
- You're leading to. because okay, i grew up in texas.
- 00:06:37.086 --> 00:06:38.287
- Because okay, i grew up in texas. we have rattlesnakes,
- 00:06:38.354 --> 00:06:39.422
- I grew up in texas. we have rattlesnakes, especially down
- 00:06:39.489 --> 00:06:40.623
- We have rattlesnakes, especially down in south texas.
- 00:06:40.690 --> 00:06:41.757
- Especially down in south texas. they have festivals
- 00:06:41.824 --> 00:06:43.860
- Where they round them up
- 00:06:43.960 --> 00:06:44.961
- Where they round them up and put them in a pit
- 00:06:45.027 --> 00:06:46.162
- Do you want
- 00:06:49.131 --> 00:06:50.199
- Do you want to get in that pit?
- 00:06:50.266 --> 00:06:51.334
- To get in that pit? john: no way!
- 00:06:51.400 --> 00:06:52.435
- And is it because
- 00:06:53.669 --> 00:06:54.604
- And is it because there is a sign that says,
- 00:06:54.670 --> 00:06:55.671
- And is it because there is a sign that says, "don't get in this pit!"
- 00:06:55.738 --> 00:06:57.006
- There is a sign that says, "don't get in this pit!" no, it is because
- 00:06:57.073 --> 00:06:58.107
- "don't get in this pit!" no, it is because you have a healthy fear.
- 00:06:58.174 --> 00:06:59.308
- No, it is because you have a healthy fear. right?
- 00:06:59.375 --> 00:07:00.910
- You have a healthy fear. right? i don't want to sin
- 00:07:00.977 --> 00:07:04.680
- Right? i don't want to sin not because someone says
- 00:07:04.747 --> 00:07:05.948
- I don't want to sin not because someone says don't do that,
- 00:07:06.015 --> 00:07:07.383
- Not because someone says don't do that, but because i've developed,
- 00:07:07.450 --> 00:07:08.784
- Don't do that, but because i've developed, i think somewhat
- 00:07:08.851 --> 00:07:10.486
- But because i've developed, i think somewhat of a healthy fear of the lord.
- 00:07:10.553 --> 00:07:11.921
- I think somewhat of a healthy fear of the lord. in other words,
- 00:07:11.988 --> 00:07:13.022
- Of a healthy fear of the lord. in other words, why would i want to do that?
- 00:07:13.089 --> 00:07:14.156
- In other words, why would i want to do that? why would i get in the --
- 00:07:14.223 --> 00:07:15.358
- Why would i want to do that? why would i get in the -- john: why would you want
- 00:07:15.424 --> 00:07:16.459
- Why would i get in the -- john: why would you want to separate yourself
- 00:07:16.526 --> 00:07:17.593
- John: why would you want to separate yourself from life itself?
- 00:07:17.660 --> 00:07:18.861
- To separate yourself from life itself? why would you want to --
- 00:07:18.928 --> 00:07:19.996
- From life itself? why would you want to -- randy: it doesn't make sense.
- 00:07:20.062 --> 00:07:21.130
- Why would you want to -- randy: it doesn't make sense. john: it doesn't.
- 00:07:21.197 --> 00:07:22.231
- Randy: it doesn't make sense. john: it doesn't. it doesn't at all.
- 00:07:22.298 --> 00:07:23.332
- John: it doesn't. it doesn't at all. you know, randy,
- 00:07:23.399 --> 00:07:24.500
- It doesn't at all. you know, randy, it's a really sad thing
- 00:07:24.567 --> 00:07:25.835
- You know, randy, it's a really sad thing because the bible says
- 00:07:25.902 --> 00:07:27.103
- It's a really sad thing because the bible says the strength of sin
- 00:07:27.169 --> 00:07:28.271
- Because the bible says the strength of sin is the law.
- 00:07:28.337 --> 00:07:29.372
- The strength of sin is the law. in other words,
- 00:07:29.438 --> 00:07:30.439
- Is the law. in other words, sin gets its strength
- 00:07:30.506 --> 00:07:31.474
- In other words, sin gets its strength from the law.
- 00:07:31.541 --> 00:07:32.608
- Sin gets its strength from the law. what's the law?
- 00:07:32.675 --> 00:07:33.643
- From the law. what's the law? i have to,
- 00:07:33.709 --> 00:07:34.677
- What's the law? i have to, not i get to.
- 00:07:34.744 --> 00:07:35.945
- I have to, not i get to. if you look at balaam,
- 00:07:36.012 --> 00:07:37.013
- Not i get to. if you look at balaam, balaam said,
- 00:07:37.079 --> 00:07:39.549
- If you look at balaam, balaam said, "i cannot go beyond the word
- 00:07:39.615 --> 00:07:41.984
- Balaam said, "i cannot go beyond the word of the lord, my god
- 00:07:42.051 --> 00:07:43.085
- "i cannot go beyond the word of the lord, my god to do less or more
- 00:07:43.152 --> 00:07:44.220
- Of the lord, my god to do less or more to the people
- 00:07:44.287 --> 00:07:45.288
- To do less or more to the people that came from midian,"
- 00:07:45.354 --> 00:07:46.389
- To the people that came from midian," who offered him a lot of money
- 00:07:46.455 --> 00:07:47.523
- That came from midian," who offered him a lot of money to come and curse israel.
- 00:07:47.590 --> 00:07:48.658
- Who offered him a lot of money to come and curse israel. he said, "i can't."
- 00:07:48.724 --> 00:07:49.725
- To come and curse israel. he said, "i can't." he didn't say, "i will not."
- 00:07:49.792 --> 00:07:50.860
- He said, "i can't." he didn't say, "i will not." he said, "i cannot."
- 00:07:50.927 --> 00:07:52.128
- He didn't say, "i will not." he said, "i cannot." he's being restrained
- 00:07:52.194 --> 00:07:53.296
- He said, "i cannot." he's being restrained by the word of the lord.
- 00:07:53.362 --> 00:07:54.564
- He's being restrained by the word of the lord. so how many people
- 00:07:54.630 --> 00:07:55.865
- By the word of the lord. so how many people are out there
- 00:07:55.932 --> 00:07:57.099
- So how many people are out there that the word of the lord
- 00:07:57.166 --> 00:07:58.267
- Are out there that the word of the lord is their restraint,
- 00:07:58.334 --> 00:07:59.468
- That the word of the lord is their restraint, not their delight?
- 00:07:59.535 --> 00:08:00.603
- Is their restraint, not their delight? why do they feel like
- 00:08:00.670 --> 00:08:01.737
- Not their delight? why do they feel like the word of god restrains them
- 00:08:01.804 --> 00:08:02.872
- Why do they feel like the word of god restrains them from the good life,
- 00:08:02.939 --> 00:08:03.973
- The word of god restrains them from the good life, the fun life?
- 00:08:04.040 --> 00:08:05.074
- From the good life, the fun life? it is because
- 00:08:05.141 --> 00:08:06.375
- The fun life? it is because their desires are warped
- 00:08:06.442 --> 00:08:07.610
- It is because their desires are warped because they don't have
- 00:08:07.677 --> 00:08:08.778
- Their desires are warped because they don't have the holy fear of god in them
- 00:08:08.844 --> 00:08:09.845
- Because they don't have the holy fear of god in them that gives them the delight
- 00:08:09.912 --> 00:08:11.547
- The holy fear of god in them that gives them the delight of his word and his ways.
- 00:08:11.614 --> 00:08:13.749
- That gives them the delight of his word and his ways. randy: because
- 00:08:13.816 --> 00:08:14.817
- Of his word and his ways. randy: because the bible also says as law
- 00:08:14.884 --> 00:08:15.885
- Randy: because the bible also says as law evil may never be.
- 00:08:15.952 --> 00:08:16.953
- The bible also says as law evil may never be. law has a function.
- 00:08:17.019 --> 00:08:18.054
- Evil may never be. law has a function. but it is for evil people.
- 00:08:18.120 --> 00:08:19.121
- Law has a function. but it is for evil people. right?
- 00:08:19.188 --> 00:08:20.222
- But it is for evil people. right? and when you have
- 00:08:20.289 --> 00:08:21.324
- Right? and when you have the fear of the lord,
- 00:08:21.390 --> 00:08:22.491
- And when you have the fear of the lord, you're not bound in the sense
- 00:08:22.558 --> 00:08:23.559
- The fear of the lord, you're not bound in the sense by the law
- 00:08:23.626 --> 00:08:24.727
- You're not bound in the sense by the law because you're bound by --
- 00:08:24.794 --> 00:08:26.028
- By the law because you're bound by -- john: they're written
- 00:08:26.095 --> 00:08:27.263
- Because you're bound by -- john: they're written on the tablet of your heart.
- 00:08:27.330 --> 00:08:28.397
- John: they're written on the tablet of your heart. now you have this desire.
- 00:08:28.464 --> 00:08:29.832
- On the tablet of your heart. now you have this desire. it is a joy.
- 00:08:29.899 --> 00:08:31.434
- Now you have this desire. it is a joy. and so, i just believe
- 00:08:31.500 --> 00:08:35.237
- It is a joy. and so, i just believe the reason
- 00:08:35.304 --> 00:08:36.372
- And so, i just believe the reason jesus delighted in it
- 00:08:36.439 --> 00:08:37.406
- The reason jesus delighted in it is because what
- 00:08:37.473 --> 00:08:38.608
- Jesus delighted in it is because what the father asked him to do,
- 00:08:38.674 --> 00:08:39.742
- Is because what the father asked him to do, think about it, it was
- 00:08:39.809 --> 00:08:41.043
- The father asked him to do, think about it, it was the most brutal gruesome death
- 00:08:41.110 --> 00:08:42.178
- Think about it, it was the most brutal gruesome death a human being
- 00:08:42.244 --> 00:08:43.312
- The most brutal gruesome death a human being could live through.
- 00:08:43.379 --> 00:08:44.447
- A human being could live through. he was so brutally tortured.
- 00:08:44.513 --> 00:08:47.516
- Could live through. he was so brutally tortured. yet who for the joy
- 00:08:47.583 --> 00:08:48.784
- He was so brutally tortured. yet who for the joy set before him endured it.
- 00:08:48.851 --> 00:08:51.087
- Yet who for the joy set before him endured it. so, there is a joy in there
- 00:08:51.153 --> 00:08:52.355
- Set before him endured it. so, there is a joy in there that is produced
- 00:08:52.421 --> 00:08:53.556
- So, there is a joy in there that is produced by the fear of the lord.
- 00:08:53.623 --> 00:08:54.657
- That is produced by the fear of the lord. this is the missing thing.
- 00:08:54.724 --> 00:08:55.758
- By the fear of the lord. this is the missing thing. people are like, i wish
- 00:08:55.825 --> 00:08:57.026
- This is the missing thing. people are like, i wish i had more joy in my life.
- 00:08:57.093 --> 00:08:58.494
- People are like, i wish i had more joy in my life. check up on your level
- 00:08:58.561 --> 00:09:00.463
- I had more joy in my life. check up on your level of your holy fear of god.
- 00:09:00.529 --> 00:09:03.733
- Check up on your level of your holy fear of god. randy: how do i do that?
- 00:09:03.799 --> 00:09:05.067
- Of your holy fear of god. randy: how do i do that? john: how do you do that?
- 00:09:05.134 --> 00:09:06.135
- Randy: how do i do that? john: how do you do that? well, there is two ways
- 00:09:06.202 --> 00:09:07.269
- John: how do you do that? well, there is two ways the fear of god
- 00:09:07.336 --> 00:09:08.371
- Well, there is two ways the fear of god is assimilated
- 00:09:08.437 --> 00:09:09.538
- The fear of god is assimilated into a person's life.
- 00:09:09.605 --> 00:09:10.740
- Is assimilated into a person's life. the psalmist in psalm 34 says,
- 00:09:10.806 --> 00:09:12.174
- Into a person's life. the psalmist in psalm 34 says, "come near, children,
- 00:09:12.241 --> 00:09:13.442
- The psalmist in psalm 34 says, "come near, children, and i will teach you
- 00:09:13.509 --> 00:09:14.710
- "come near, children, and i will teach you the fear of the lord."
- 00:09:14.777 --> 00:09:15.978
- And i will teach you the fear of the lord." so, it has to be taught.
- 00:09:16.045 --> 00:09:17.179
- The fear of the lord." so, it has to be taught. 30 million americans
- 00:09:17.246 --> 00:09:18.614
- So, it has to be taught. 30 million americans have walked away
- 00:09:18.681 --> 00:09:19.949
- 30 million americans have walked away from the faith
- 00:09:20.016 --> 00:09:21.183
- Have walked away from the faith in the last 24 years.
- 00:09:21.250 --> 00:09:22.618
- From the faith in the last 24 years. i found this out
- 00:09:22.685 --> 00:09:23.953
- In the last 24 years. i found this out two years ago.
- 00:09:24.020 --> 00:09:25.121
- I found this out two years ago. this was
- 00:09:25.187 --> 00:09:26.322
- Two years ago. this was a really in-depth study
- 00:09:26.389 --> 00:09:27.490
- This was a really in-depth study that barna has done.
- 00:09:27.556 --> 00:09:28.824
- Of businessmen
- 00:09:30.326 --> 00:09:31.394
- Of businessmen that funded it and said,
- 00:09:31.460 --> 00:09:32.662
- That funded it and said, "we want the truth.
- 00:09:32.728 --> 00:09:33.863
- "we want the truth. what is the state
- 00:09:33.929 --> 00:09:35.197
- What is the state of the western church?"
- 00:09:35.264 --> 00:09:36.399
- Of the western church?" 30 million americans,
- 00:09:36.465 --> 00:09:37.633
- 30 million americans, which is one
- 00:09:37.700 --> 00:09:38.868
- Have walked away
- 00:09:40.236 --> 00:09:41.303
- Have walked away from the faith
- 00:09:41.370 --> 00:09:42.571
- Have walked away from the faith in the last 24 years.
- 00:09:42.638 --> 00:09:43.739
- From the faith in the last 24 years. it caused me to hit my face.
- 00:09:43.806 --> 00:09:45.107
- In the last 24 years. it caused me to hit my face. i said, god, what is going on?
- 00:09:45.174 --> 00:09:46.676
- It caused me to hit my face. i said, god, what is going on? we're losing
- 00:09:46.742 --> 00:09:47.777
- I said, god, what is going on? we're losing a million people a year!
- 00:09:47.843 --> 00:09:48.911
- We're losing a million people a year! that's when
- 00:09:48.978 --> 00:09:50.179
- A million people a year! that's when god opened my eyes.
- 00:09:50.246 --> 00:09:51.614
- That's when god opened my eyes. it is because in the western
- 00:09:51.681 --> 00:09:52.782
- God opened my eyes. it is because in the western church we haven't taught
- 00:09:52.848 --> 00:09:53.783
- It is because in the western church we haven't taught the fear of the lord.
- 00:09:53.849 --> 00:09:54.884
- Church we haven't taught the fear of the lord. see if you look
- 00:09:54.950 --> 00:09:56.085
- The fear of the lord. see if you look at psalm 19, verse nine,
- 00:09:56.152 --> 00:09:58.054
- See if you look at psalm 19, verse nine, it says, "the fear
- 00:09:58.120 --> 00:09:59.188
- At psalm 19, verse nine, it says, "the fear of the lord is clean."
- 00:09:59.255 --> 00:10:00.322
- It says, "the fear of the lord is clean." it cleans you
- 00:10:00.389 --> 00:10:01.457
- Of the lord is clean." it cleans you from the inside out.
- 00:10:01.524 --> 00:10:02.591
- It cleans you from the inside out. "the fear of the lord is clean
- 00:10:02.658 --> 00:10:03.726
- From the inside out. "the fear of the lord is clean enduring forever."
- 00:10:03.793 --> 00:10:05.294
- "the fear of the lord is clean enduring forever." so, in other words,
- 00:10:05.361 --> 00:10:06.362
- Enduring forever." so, in other words, this is what the holy spirit
- 00:10:06.429 --> 00:10:08.064
- So, in other words, this is what the holy spirit spoke to me.
- 00:10:08.130 --> 00:10:09.165
- This is what the holy spirit spoke to me. i'm in a hotel room
- 00:10:09.231 --> 00:10:10.299
- Spoke to me. i'm in a hotel room in kuala lumpur, malaysia
- 00:10:10.366 --> 00:10:13.002
- I'm in a hotel room in kuala lumpur, malaysia and the holy spirit said,
- 00:10:13.069 --> 00:10:14.170
- In kuala lumpur, malaysia and the holy spirit said, "son, i want you
- 00:10:14.236 --> 00:10:15.271
- And the holy spirit said, "son, i want you to read psalm 19."
- 00:10:15.337 --> 00:10:16.372
- "son, i want you to read psalm 19." i heard it.
- 00:10:16.439 --> 00:10:17.440
- To read psalm 19." i heard it. i went over
- 00:10:17.506 --> 00:10:18.474
- I heard it. i went over and i started reading.
- 00:10:18.541 --> 00:10:19.542
- I went over and i started reading. i got to that verse,
- 00:10:19.608 --> 00:10:20.643
- And i started reading. i got to that verse, verse nine and it says,
- 00:10:20.710 --> 00:10:21.711
- I got to that verse, verse nine and it says, "the fear of the lord
- 00:10:21.777 --> 00:10:22.845
- Verse nine and it says, "the fear of the lord is clean, enduring forever."
- 00:10:22.912 --> 00:10:23.946
- "the fear of the lord is clean, enduring forever." the holy spirit said to me,
- 00:10:24.013 --> 00:10:25.081
- Is clean, enduring forever." the holy spirit said to me, "lucifer led worship, son,
- 00:10:25.147 --> 00:10:26.248
- The holy spirit said to me, "lucifer led worship, son, right before my very throne.
- 00:10:26.315 --> 00:10:27.316
- "lucifer led worship, son, right before my very throne. he beheld my glory."
- 00:10:27.383 --> 00:10:28.517
- Right before my very throne. he beheld my glory." think about it.
- 00:10:28.584 --> 00:10:29.618
- He beheld my glory." think about it. what put isaiah on his face
- 00:10:29.685 --> 00:10:30.720
- Think about it. what put isaiah on his face and crying out, oh whoa!
- 00:10:30.786 --> 00:10:33.923
- What put isaiah on his face and crying out, oh whoa! i realize
- 00:10:33.989 --> 00:10:35.091
- And crying out, oh whoa! i realize who this wonderful god is
- 00:10:35.157 --> 00:10:36.292
- I realize who this wonderful god is i'm serving.
- 00:10:36.358 --> 00:10:37.993
- Who this wonderful god is i'm serving. lucifer beheld his glory,
- 00:10:38.060 --> 00:10:40.896
- I'm serving. lucifer beheld his glory, but he didn't fear god,
- 00:10:40.963 --> 00:10:42.331
- Lucifer beheld his glory, but he didn't fear god, he didn't endure in heaven
- 00:10:42.398 --> 00:10:43.365
- But he didn't fear god, he didn't endure in heaven forever.
- 00:10:43.432 --> 00:10:44.400
- He didn't endure in heaven forever. then the lord said,
- 00:10:44.467 --> 00:10:45.468
- Forever. then the lord said, "a third of the angels
- 00:10:45.534 --> 00:10:46.669
- Then the lord said, "a third of the angels surrounded my throne.
- 00:10:46.736 --> 00:10:47.870
- "a third of the angels surrounded my throne. they didn't fear me.
- 00:10:47.937 --> 00:10:49.071
- Surrounded my throne. they didn't fear me. they didn't endure
- 00:10:49.138 --> 00:10:50.206
- They didn't fear me. they didn't endure in heaven forever."
- 00:10:50.272 --> 00:10:51.273
- They didn't endure in heaven forever." so, remember
- 00:10:51.340 --> 00:10:52.341
- In heaven forever." so, remember a third of the angels
- 00:10:52.408 --> 00:10:53.342
- So, remember a third of the angels fell from heaven
- 00:10:53.409 --> 00:10:54.343
- A third of the angels fell from heaven in revelations 12? okay.
- 00:10:54.410 --> 00:10:55.411
- Fell from heaven in revelations 12? okay. he said, "adam and eve
- 00:10:55.478 --> 00:10:56.579
- In revelations 12? okay. he said, "adam and eve walked in the presence
- 00:10:56.645 --> 00:10:57.713
- He said, "adam and eve walked in the presence of my glory in the garden.
- 00:10:57.780 --> 00:10:58.748
- Walked in the presence of my glory in the garden. they didn't fear me.
- 00:10:58.814 --> 00:11:00.649
- Of my glory in the garden. they didn't fear me. they didn't endure forever."
- 00:11:00.716 --> 00:11:02.218
- They didn't fear me. they didn't endure forever." he said,
- 00:11:02.284 --> 00:11:03.385
- They didn't endure forever." he said, "the fear of the lord."
- 00:11:03.452 --> 00:11:04.487
- He said, "the fear of the lord." he showed me that day,
- 00:11:04.553 --> 00:11:05.688
- "the fear of the lord." he showed me that day, "the fear of the lord
- 00:11:05.755 --> 00:11:06.689
- He showed me that day, "the fear of the lord is what keeps us
- 00:11:06.756 --> 00:11:07.857
- "the fear of the lord is what keeps us from walking away from god."
- 00:11:07.923 --> 00:11:09.091
- Is what keeps us from walking away from god." and i'll never forget
- 00:11:09.158 --> 00:11:10.493
- From walking away from god." and i'll never forget when i'm sitting
- 00:11:10.559 --> 00:11:11.727
- And i'll never forget when i'm sitting in the federal penitentiary
- 00:11:11.794 --> 00:11:13.162
- When i'm sitting in the federal penitentiary with the man
- 00:11:13.229 --> 00:11:14.296
- In the federal penitentiary with the man who had the largest ministry
- 00:11:14.363 --> 00:11:15.598
- With the man who had the largest ministry in the world
- 00:11:15.664 --> 00:11:17.299
- Who had the largest ministry in the world in the 1980s,
- 00:11:17.366 --> 00:11:18.667
- In the world in the 1980s, but he was arrested.
- 00:11:18.734 --> 00:11:19.902
- In the 1980s, but he was arrested. cnn covered his trial
- 00:11:19.969 --> 00:11:22.004
- But he was arrested. cnn covered his trial every single night.
- 00:11:22.071 --> 00:11:24.473
- Cnn covered his trial every single night. then he's sentenced
- 00:11:24.540 --> 00:11:25.708
- Every single night. then he's sentenced to five years.
- 00:11:25.775 --> 00:11:27.376
- Then he's sentenced to five years. he read a book that i wrote
- 00:11:27.443 --> 00:11:28.577
- To five years. he read a book that i wrote in prison.
- 00:11:28.644 --> 00:11:29.845
- He read a book that i wrote in prison. he asked
- 00:11:29.912 --> 00:11:31.013
- In prison. he asked if i would come see him.
- 00:11:31.080 --> 00:11:32.148
- He asked if i would come see him. i remember
- 00:11:32.214 --> 00:11:33.282
- If i would come see him. i remember when i sat down with him,
- 00:11:33.349 --> 00:11:34.416
- I remember when i sat down with him, randy, he said,
- 00:11:34.483 --> 00:11:35.518
- When i sat down with him, randy, he said, "john, this prison wasn't
- 00:11:35.584 --> 00:11:36.619
- Randy, he said, "john, this prison wasn't god's judgment on my life,
- 00:11:36.685 --> 00:11:37.686
- "john, this prison wasn't god's judgment on my life, it was his mercy."
- 00:11:37.753 --> 00:11:38.821
- God's judgment on my life, it was his mercy." i went, "what?"
- 00:11:38.888 --> 00:11:39.955
- It was his mercy." i went, "what?" he said, "john,
- 00:11:40.022 --> 00:11:41.023
- I went, "what?" he said, "john, if i'd continued
- 00:11:41.090 --> 00:11:42.158
- He said, "john, if i'd continued living the way i was living
- 00:11:42.224 --> 00:11:43.259
- If i'd continued living the way i was living with the largest ministry
- 00:11:43.325 --> 00:11:44.293
- Living the way i was living with the largest ministry in the world
- 00:11:44.360 --> 00:11:45.361
- With the largest ministry in the world i would have ended up
- 00:11:45.427 --> 00:11:46.495
- In the world i would have ended up in hell."
- 00:11:46.562 --> 00:11:47.630
- I would have ended up in hell." everybody would have thought
- 00:11:47.696 --> 00:11:48.697
- In hell." everybody would have thought he's the most influential man.
- 00:11:48.764 --> 00:11:49.799
- Everybody would have thought he's the most influential man. he said, "i would have
- 00:11:49.865 --> 00:11:50.933
- He's the most influential man. he said, "i would have ended up in hell forever."
- 00:11:51.000 --> 00:11:52.001
- He said, "i would have ended up in hell forever." i'm like this.
- 00:11:52.067 --> 00:11:53.135
- Ended up in hell forever." i'm like this. i listened to his whole story.
- 00:11:53.202 --> 00:11:54.136
- I'm like this. i listened to his whole story. now, here i am, 35 years old,
- 00:11:54.203 --> 00:11:55.204
- I listened to his whole story. now, here i am, 35 years old, he's in his upper 50s
- 00:11:55.271 --> 00:11:56.372
- Now, here i am, 35 years old, he's in his upper 50s and i go, "when did you fall
- 00:11:56.438 --> 00:11:58.207
- He's in his upper 50s and i go, "when did you fall out of love with jesus?
- 00:11:58.274 --> 00:11:59.875
- And i go, "when did you fall out of love with jesus? at what point, when did you
- 00:11:59.942 --> 00:12:01.110
- Out of love with jesus? at what point, when did you fall out of love with jesus?"
- 00:12:01.177 --> 00:12:02.378
- At what point, when did you fall out of love with jesus?" he said, "john, i didn't."
- 00:12:02.444 --> 00:12:04.313
- Fall out of love with jesus?" he said, "john, i didn't." i went, "wait, wait, wait!
- 00:12:04.380 --> 00:12:06.115
- He said, "john, i didn't." i went, "wait, wait, wait! you committed adultery
- 00:12:06.182 --> 00:12:07.449
- I went, "wait, wait, wait! you committed adultery in 1983.
- 00:12:07.516 --> 00:12:09.351
- You committed adultery in 1983. you were arrested
- 00:12:09.418 --> 00:12:10.619
- In 1983. you were arrested for mail fraud in 1989.
- 00:12:10.686 --> 00:12:11.754
- You were arrested for mail fraud in 1989. you were sentenced.
- 00:12:11.821 --> 00:12:12.922
- For mail fraud in 1989. you were sentenced. you got seven years.
- 00:12:12.988 --> 00:12:13.989
- You were sentenced. you got seven years. you just told me
- 00:12:14.056 --> 00:12:15.057
- You got seven years. you just told me you were walking
- 00:12:15.124 --> 00:12:16.225
- You just told me you were walking in pure wickedness.
- 00:12:16.292 --> 00:12:17.393
- You were walking in pure wickedness. what do you mean
- 00:12:17.459 --> 00:12:18.561
- In pure wickedness. what do you mean you loved jesus?"
- 00:12:18.627 --> 00:12:19.628
- What do you mean you loved jesus?" he said, "john, i loved him."
- 00:12:19.695 --> 00:12:20.863
- You loved jesus?" he said, "john, i loved him." he looked at me
- 00:12:20.930 --> 00:12:21.931
- He said, "john, i loved him." he looked at me with the most tender face.
- 00:12:21.997 --> 00:12:23.098
- He looked at me with the most tender face. he said, "i loved him
- 00:12:23.165 --> 00:12:24.233
- With the most tender face. he said, "i loved him all the way through it."
- 00:12:24.300 --> 00:12:25.367
- He said, "i loved him all the way through it." and he sees i'm totally
- 00:12:25.434 --> 00:12:26.402
- All the way through it." and he sees i'm totally confused, and he said,
- 00:12:26.468 --> 00:12:27.603
- And he sees i'm totally confused, and he said, "i didn't fear god."
- 00:12:27.670 --> 00:12:28.737
- Confused, and he said, "i didn't fear god." i went, "what?"
- 00:12:28.804 --> 00:12:30.072
- "i didn't fear god." i went, "what?" he said, "john, there are
- 00:12:30.139 --> 00:12:31.240
- I went, "what?" he said, "john, there are millions of americans
- 00:12:31.307 --> 00:12:32.374
- He said, "john, there are millions of americans who attend church.
- 00:12:32.441 --> 00:12:33.609
- Millions of americans who attend church. they love jesus.
- 00:12:33.676 --> 00:12:34.910
- Who attend church. they love jesus. they don't fear god."
- 00:12:34.977 --> 00:12:36.212
- They love jesus. they don't fear god." and i realized
- 00:12:36.278 --> 00:12:37.446
- They don't fear god." and i realized when i walked out that day,
- 00:12:37.513 --> 00:12:39.048
- And i realized when i walked out that day, the love of god keeps us
- 00:12:39.114 --> 00:12:40.549
- When i walked out that day, the love of god keeps us from the ditch of legalism.
- 00:12:40.616 --> 00:12:43.819
- The love of god keeps us from the ditch of legalism. god hates legalism.
- 00:12:43.886 --> 00:12:45.020
- From the ditch of legalism. god hates legalism. it keeps people from him.
- 00:12:45.087 --> 00:12:47.089
- God hates legalism. it keeps people from him. but the fear of the lord
- 00:12:47.156 --> 00:12:48.390
- It keeps people from him. but the fear of the lord is on the other side
- 00:12:48.457 --> 00:12:49.558
- But the fear of the lord is on the other side of the road, it keeps us
- 00:12:49.625 --> 00:12:50.893
- Randy: do you know who else
- 00:12:52.728 --> 00:12:53.863
- Randy: do you know who else didn't have the fear of god?
- 00:12:53.929 --> 00:12:54.997
- Didn't have the fear of god? and i find this
- 00:12:55.064 --> 00:12:56.131
- And i find this very interesting.
- 00:12:56.198 --> 00:12:57.233
- Very interesting. the people who saw
- 00:12:57.299 --> 00:12:58.400
- The people who saw the plaques in egypt,
- 00:12:58.467 --> 00:13:01.036
- From slavery,
- 00:13:02.304 --> 00:13:03.505
- From slavery, saw the red sea part,
- 00:13:03.572 --> 00:13:05.307
- From slavery, saw the red sea part, saw the chariots drowned,
- 00:13:05.374 --> 00:13:07.910
- Saw the red sea part, saw the chariots drowned, were fed manna daily, saw
- 00:13:07.977 --> 00:13:09.612
- Saw the chariots drowned, were fed manna daily, saw a pillar of fire by night --
- 00:13:09.678 --> 00:13:12.715
- Were fed manna daily, saw a pillar of fire by night -- cloud by day, fire by night,
- 00:13:12.781 --> 00:13:14.416
- A pillar of fire by night -- cloud by day, fire by night, and still built
- 00:13:14.483 --> 00:13:15.751
- Cloud by day, fire by night, and still built an idol of worship.
- 00:13:15.818 --> 00:13:17.920
- And still built an idol of worship. was it baal?
- 00:13:17.987 --> 00:13:19.521
- An idol of worship. was it baal? and you go --
- 00:13:19.588 --> 00:13:21.023
- Was it baal? and you go -- john: randy,
- 00:13:21.090 --> 00:13:22.258
- And you go -- john: randy, i have not thought of it
- 00:13:22.324 --> 00:13:23.459
- John: randy, i have not thought of it the way you just said it.
- 00:13:23.525 --> 00:13:24.627
- I have not thought of it the way you just said it. randy: the way we look
- 00:13:24.693 --> 00:13:25.861
- The way you just said it. randy: the way we look for miracles or god move --
- 00:13:25.928 --> 00:13:27.062
- Randy: the way we look for miracles or god move -- god show up.
- 00:13:27.129 --> 00:13:28.330
- For miracles or god move -- god show up. that doesn't do it.
- 00:13:28.397 --> 00:13:31.500
- God show up. that doesn't do it. look at jesus.
- 00:13:31.567 --> 00:13:33.502
- That doesn't do it. look at jesus. people saw
- 00:13:33.569 --> 00:13:34.637
- Look at jesus. people saw the miracles jesus did
- 00:13:34.703 --> 00:13:35.771
- People saw the miracles jesus did and still didn't believe.
- 00:13:35.838 --> 00:13:37.273
- The miracles jesus did and still didn't believe. there is something missing
- 00:13:37.339 --> 00:13:38.507
- And still didn't believe. there is something missing in our theology
- 00:13:38.574 --> 00:13:39.742
- There is something missing in our theology and i think this is it.
- 00:13:39.808 --> 00:13:41.844
- I look at psalm 112
- 00:13:44.179 --> 00:13:45.948
- I look at psalm 112 and i look
- 00:13:46.015 --> 00:13:47.383
- And i look at how he starts out
- 00:13:47.449 --> 00:13:48.584
- At how he starts out and he says, "how happy..."
- 00:13:48.651 --> 00:13:49.919
- And he says, "how happy..." and i look at all
- 00:13:49.985 --> 00:13:51.353
- And i look at all the benefits that come,
- 00:13:51.420 --> 00:13:52.554
- Will be mighty on the earth,
- 00:13:54.023 --> 00:13:55.124
- Will be mighty on the earth, he will live in security,
- 00:13:55.190 --> 00:13:56.292
- Will be mighty on the earth, he will live in security, he will not fear bad news."
- 00:13:56.358 --> 00:13:57.459
- He will live in security, he will not fear bad news." jesus said men's hearts
- 00:13:57.526 --> 00:13:58.627
- He will not fear bad news." jesus said men's hearts are going to faint
- 00:13:58.694 --> 00:13:59.862
- Jesus said men's hearts are going to faint when they hear
- 00:13:59.929 --> 00:14:01.030
- Are going to faint when they hear what's coming on the earth.
- 00:14:01.096 --> 00:14:02.164
- When they hear what's coming on the earth. they're going to fail them.
- 00:14:02.231 --> 00:14:03.432
- What's coming on the earth. they're going to fail them. i don't believe they're going
- 00:14:03.499 --> 00:14:04.566
- They're going to fail them. i don't believe they're going to die of heart attacks.
- 00:14:04.633 --> 00:14:05.734
- I don't believe they're going to die of heart attacks. it is just right now
- 00:14:05.801 --> 00:14:06.936
- To die of heart attacks. it is just right now people are really struggling.
- 00:14:07.002 --> 00:14:08.003
- It is just right now people are really struggling. they're so fearful.
- 00:14:08.070 --> 00:14:09.171
- People are really struggling. they're so fearful. randy: anxiety
- 00:14:09.238 --> 00:14:10.339
- They're so fearful. randy: anxiety is through the charts.
- 00:14:10.406 --> 00:14:11.540
- Randy: anxiety is through the charts. john: when you walk
- 00:14:11.607 --> 00:14:12.675
- Is through the charts. john: when you walk in the fear of the lord,
- 00:14:12.741 --> 00:14:13.909
- John: when you walk in the fear of the lord, bad news
- 00:14:13.976 --> 00:14:15.010
- In the fear of the lord, bad news doesn't even phase you.
- 00:14:15.077 --> 00:14:16.045
- Bad news doesn't even phase you. randy: okay.
- 00:14:16.111 --> 00:14:17.079
- Doesn't even phase you. randy: okay. we've got a couple minutes
- 00:14:17.146 --> 00:14:18.113
- Randy: okay. we've got a couple minutes but there is a story
- 00:14:18.180 --> 00:14:19.181
- We've got a couple minutes but there is a story because you talk
- 00:14:19.248 --> 00:14:20.349
- But there is a story because you talk about the fear of man.
- 00:14:20.416 --> 00:14:21.450
- Because you talk about the fear of man. and the fear of situations,
- 00:14:21.517 --> 00:14:22.551
- About the fear of man. and the fear of situations, the fear of the unknown;
- 00:14:22.618 --> 00:14:23.652
- And the fear of situations, the fear of the unknown; we can deal with some
- 00:14:23.719 --> 00:14:24.753
- The fear of the unknown; we can deal with some of these in another program.
- 00:14:24.820 --> 00:14:25.921
- We can deal with some of these in another program. but there's a story
- 00:14:25.988 --> 00:14:27.056
- Of these in another program. but there's a story that happened
- 00:14:27.122 --> 00:14:28.190
- But there's a story that happened down in monterey, mexico
- 00:14:28.257 --> 00:14:29.258
- That happened down in monterey, mexico that i love that we didn't
- 00:14:29.325 --> 00:14:30.459
- Down in monterey, mexico that i love that we didn't get to touch on last time
- 00:14:30.526 --> 00:14:31.593
- That i love that we didn't get to touch on last time where they basically said,
- 00:14:31.660 --> 00:14:32.695
- Get to touch on last time where they basically said, "you can't preach here."
- 00:14:32.761 --> 00:14:34.430
- Where they basically said, "you can't preach here." john: oh, you remember that!
- 00:14:34.496 --> 00:14:35.631
- "you can't preach here." john: oh, you remember that! that's in the
- 00:14:35.698 --> 00:14:36.732
- John: oh, you remember that! that's in the everyday courage book.
- 00:14:36.832 --> 00:14:37.833
- That's in the everyday courage book. randy: is that
- 00:14:37.900 --> 00:14:38.934
- Everyday courage book. randy: is that in the everyday courage ?
- 00:14:39.001 --> 00:14:39.969
- Randy: is that in the everyday courage ? okay, so that's why
- 00:14:40.035 --> 00:14:40.970
- In the everyday courage ? okay, so that's why i didn't hear it
- 00:14:41.036 --> 00:14:42.004
- Okay, so that's why i didn't hear it when we talked about
- 00:14:42.071 --> 00:14:43.038
- I didn't hear it when we talked about the awe of god last time.
- 00:14:43.138 --> 00:14:44.139
- When we talked about the awe of god last time. john: i'm in monterey, mexico
- 00:14:44.206 --> 00:14:45.240
- The awe of god last time. john: i'm in monterey, mexico and it's going to be
- 00:14:45.307 --> 00:14:46.308
- John: i'm in monterey, mexico and it's going to be an evangelistic outreach
- 00:14:46.375 --> 00:14:47.476
- And it's going to be an evangelistic outreach in the largest auditorium
- 00:14:47.543 --> 00:14:49.178
- An evangelistic outreach in the largest auditorium in downtown monterey,
- 00:14:49.244 --> 00:14:50.579
- In the largest auditorium in downtown monterey, which is a very big city.
- 00:14:50.646 --> 00:14:51.780
- In downtown monterey, which is a very big city. the pastor
- 00:14:51.847 --> 00:14:53.115
- Which is a very big city. the pastor who was putting it on
- 00:14:53.182 --> 00:14:54.216
- The pastor who was putting it on advertised it
- 00:14:54.283 --> 00:14:55.317
- Who was putting it on advertised it in the newspaper.
- 00:14:55.384 --> 00:14:56.385
- Advertised it in the newspaper. this is back in the 1980s.
- 00:14:56.452 --> 00:14:57.553
- In the newspaper. this is back in the 1980s. we were going
- 00:14:57.619 --> 00:14:59.121
- This is back in the 1980s. we were going to this auditorium,
- 00:14:59.188 --> 00:15:00.322
- We were going to this auditorium, i'm so excited.
- 00:15:00.389 --> 00:15:01.490
- To this auditorium, i'm so excited. i'm praying all day,
- 00:15:01.557 --> 00:15:02.591
- I'm so excited. i'm praying all day, preparing for it.
- 00:15:02.658 --> 00:15:03.692
- I'm praying all day, preparing for it. there is a guy that comes in
- 00:15:03.759 --> 00:15:05.961
- Preparing for it. there is a guy that comes in right before
- 00:15:06.028 --> 00:15:07.096
- There is a guy that comes in right before the meeting starts
- 00:15:07.162 --> 00:15:08.197
- Right before the meeting starts with two armed soldiers
- 00:15:08.263 --> 00:15:09.298
- The meeting starts with two armed soldiers beside him.
- 00:15:09.365 --> 00:15:10.466
- With two armed soldiers beside him. he calls the pastor over
- 00:15:10.532 --> 00:15:11.667
- Beside him. he calls the pastor over and i see, boy,
- 00:15:11.734 --> 00:15:12.868
- He calls the pastor over and i see, boy, he's not talking very nice
- 00:15:12.935 --> 00:15:13.969
- And i see, boy, he's not talking very nice to that pastor.
- 00:15:14.036 --> 00:15:15.170
- He's not talking very nice to that pastor. well, the pastor comes over
- 00:15:15.237 --> 00:15:16.305
- You're not going
- 00:15:17.606 --> 00:15:18.574
- You're not going to be able to preach.
- 00:15:18.640 --> 00:15:19.775
- To be able to preach. you just can't preach."
- 00:15:19.842 --> 00:15:20.843
- You just can't preach." i said "what?"
- 00:15:20.909 --> 00:15:21.844
- I said "what?" he said,
- 00:15:21.910 --> 00:15:22.945
- He said, "he's a high-ranking officer
- 00:15:23.012 --> 00:15:24.079
- "he's a high-ranking officer in the government
- 00:15:24.146 --> 00:15:25.114
- In the government and there is a fine law
- 00:15:25.180 --> 00:15:26.281
- You can't preach the gospel
- 00:15:27.416 --> 00:15:28.350
- You can't preach the gospel in mexico unless
- 00:15:28.417 --> 00:15:29.385
- You can't preach the gospel in mexico unless you're a mexican citizen."
- 00:15:29.451 --> 00:15:30.419
- In mexico unless you're a mexican citizen." he said,
- 00:15:30.486 --> 00:15:31.453
- You're a mexican citizen." he said, "they never enforce it
- 00:15:31.520 --> 00:15:32.521
- He said, "they never enforce it but he's choosing to."
- 00:15:32.588 --> 00:15:34.289
- "they never enforce it but he's choosing to." and i said, "well, pastor,
- 00:15:34.356 --> 00:15:35.491
- But he's choosing to." and i said, "well, pastor, i don't want to get you
- 00:15:35.557 --> 00:15:36.525
- And i said, "well, pastor, i don't want to get you and your church
- 00:15:36.592 --> 00:15:37.626
- I don't want to get you and your church in a lot of trouble.
- 00:15:37.693 --> 00:15:38.627
- And your church in a lot of trouble. so i'll do
- 00:15:38.694 --> 00:15:39.628
- In a lot of trouble. so i'll do what you tell me to.
- 00:15:39.695 --> 00:15:40.629
- So i'll do what you tell me to. but i want you to know
- 00:15:40.696 --> 00:15:41.630
- What you tell me to. but i want you to know i'm willing to go up
- 00:15:41.697 --> 00:15:42.631
- But i want you to know i'm willing to go up on that platform
- 00:15:42.698 --> 00:15:43.632
- I'm willing to go up on that platform and still preach.
- 00:15:43.699 --> 00:15:44.633
- On that platform and still preach. i didn't fly down here
- 00:15:44.700 --> 00:15:45.634
- And still preach. i didn't fly down here not to preach."
- 00:15:45.701 --> 00:15:46.635
- I didn't fly down here not to preach." he said, "john, i think
- 00:15:46.702 --> 00:15:47.636
- Not to preach." he said, "john, i think it could really have
- 00:15:47.703 --> 00:15:48.637
- He said, "john, i think it could really have some serious repercussions
- 00:15:48.704 --> 00:15:49.638
- It could really have some serious repercussions on our church."
- 00:15:49.705 --> 00:15:50.639
- Some serious repercussions on our church." so, i remember the man
- 00:15:50.706 --> 00:15:51.740
- On our church." so, i remember the man came over and talked with me
- 00:15:51.807 --> 00:15:52.808
- So, i remember the man came over and talked with me with his two armed soldiers.
- 00:15:52.875 --> 00:15:53.876
- Came over and talked with me with his two armed soldiers. he said,
- 00:15:53.942 --> 00:15:54.943
- With his two armed soldiers. he said, "i will tell you one sentence.
- 00:15:55.010 --> 00:15:55.978
- He said, "i will tell you one sentence. you will speak to these people
- 00:15:56.045 --> 00:15:56.979
- "i will tell you one sentence. you will speak to these people about nothing except
- 00:15:57.046 --> 00:15:58.480
- You will speak to these people about nothing except tourist-related activities."
- 00:15:58.547 --> 00:16:00.582
- About nothing except tourist-related activities." i walked outside
- 00:16:00.649 --> 00:16:01.850
- Tourist-related activities." i walked outside of that place
- 00:16:01.917 --> 00:16:03.218
- I walked outside of that place and there was a flagpole.
- 00:16:03.285 --> 00:16:04.353
- Of that place and there was a flagpole. i started walking
- 00:16:04.420 --> 00:16:05.487
- And there was a flagpole. i started walking around the flagpole
- 00:16:05.554 --> 00:16:06.555
- I started walking around the flagpole just praying like crazy.
- 00:16:06.622 --> 00:16:07.823
- Around the flagpole just praying like crazy. i thought, i don't care
- 00:16:07.890 --> 00:16:08.857
- Just praying like crazy. i thought, i don't care what people think about me.
- 00:16:08.924 --> 00:16:09.892
- I thought, i don't care what people think about me. they're just going to think
- 00:16:09.958 --> 00:16:10.959
- What people think about me. they're just going to think i'm a crazy foreign guy.
- 00:16:11.026 --> 00:16:12.061
- They're just going to think i'm a crazy foreign guy. all of the sudden
- 00:16:12.127 --> 00:16:13.228
- I'm a crazy foreign guy. all of the sudden i hear inside,
- 00:16:13.295 --> 00:16:14.363
- All of the sudden i hear inside, "go back in and tell them
- 00:16:14.430 --> 00:16:16.331
- I hear inside, "go back in and tell them about the greatest tourist
- 00:16:16.398 --> 00:16:17.533
- "go back in and tell them about the greatest tourist that's ever visited mexico,
- 00:16:17.599 --> 00:16:18.834
- About the greatest tourist that's ever visited mexico, jesus.
- 00:16:18.901 --> 00:16:20.069
- That's ever visited mexico, jesus. put your bible away
- 00:16:20.135 --> 00:16:21.203
- Jesus. put your bible away and tell them about jesus."
- 00:16:21.270 --> 00:16:22.571
- Put your bible away and tell them about jesus." so, i go back in, so excited.
- 00:16:22.638 --> 00:16:24.039
- And tell them about jesus." so, i go back in, so excited. and he's already up there.
- 00:16:24.106 --> 00:16:26.008
- So, i go back in, so excited. and he's already up there. i'm like, gosh, how i do this?
- 00:16:26.075 --> 00:16:27.543
- And he's already up there. i'm like, gosh, how i do this? now, i know god told me
- 00:16:27.609 --> 00:16:28.644
- I'm like, gosh, how i do this? now, i know god told me to come back in.
- 00:16:28.710 --> 00:16:29.645
- Now, i know god told me to come back in. then all of the sudden
- 00:16:29.711 --> 00:16:30.746
- To come back in. then all of the sudden his wife, i'm in the back
- 00:16:30.813 --> 00:16:31.814
- Then all of the sudden his wife, i'm in the back of this big auditorium,
- 00:16:31.880 --> 00:16:34.216
- His wife, i'm in the back of this big auditorium, and his wife says,
- 00:16:34.283 --> 00:16:35.751
- Of this big auditorium, and his wife says, "he's calling for you."
- 00:16:35.818 --> 00:16:37.086
- And his wife says, "he's calling for you." so, i'm walking up
- 00:16:37.152 --> 00:16:38.554
- "he's calling for you." so, i'm walking up and it's just a massive crowd.
- 00:16:38.620 --> 00:16:40.556
- So, i'm walking up and it's just a massive crowd. i said,
- 00:16:40.622 --> 00:16:41.824
- And it's just a massive crowd. i said, "what do you want me to do?"
- 00:16:41.890 --> 00:16:42.925
- I said, "what do you want me to do?" he goes, "you obey god."
- 00:16:42.991 --> 00:16:44.960
- "what do you want me to do?" he goes, "you obey god." i said, "okay!"
- 00:16:45.027 --> 00:16:46.462
- He goes, "you obey god." i said, "okay!" so, i said, "hey,
- 00:16:46.528 --> 00:16:47.729
- I said, "okay!" so, i said, "hey, i was just told
- 00:16:47.796 --> 00:16:48.797
- So, i said, "hey, i was just told by this officer
- 00:16:48.864 --> 00:16:49.832
- I was just told by this officer i can't talk to you
- 00:16:49.898 --> 00:16:50.866
- By this officer i can't talk to you about anything but
- 00:16:50.933 --> 00:16:52.034
- I can't talk to you about anything but tourist-related activities.
- 00:16:52.101 --> 00:16:53.068
- About anything but tourist-related activities. i want to tell you
- 00:16:53.135 --> 00:16:54.136
- Tourist-related activities. i want to tell you about the greatest tourist
- 00:16:54.203 --> 00:16:55.270
- I want to tell you about the greatest tourist that's ever come to mexico,
- 00:16:55.337 --> 00:16:56.472
- About the greatest tourist that's ever come to mexico, jesus!"
- 00:16:56.538 --> 00:16:57.573
- That's ever come to mexico, jesus!" i started preaching
- 00:16:57.639 --> 00:16:58.640
- Jesus!" i started preaching the cross, the resurrection.
- 00:16:58.707 --> 00:16:59.641
- I started preaching the cross, the resurrection. right?
- 00:16:59.708 --> 00:17:00.742
- The cross, the resurrection. right? randy: what happened?
- 00:17:00.809 --> 00:17:01.877
- Right? randy: what happened? john: so, i gave the call
- 00:17:01.944 --> 00:17:03.112
- Randy: what happened? john: so, i gave the call for people to be saved. right?
- 00:17:03.178 --> 00:17:04.346
- John: so, i gave the call for people to be saved. right? i mean a mob came down.
- 00:17:04.413 --> 00:17:07.015
- For people to be saved. right? i mean a mob came down. and there is a crippled man,
- 00:17:07.082 --> 00:17:08.851
- I mean a mob came down. and there is a crippled man, and the lord said,
- 00:17:08.917 --> 00:17:10.085
- And there is a crippled man, and the lord said, "that's the first man
- 00:17:10.152 --> 00:17:11.220
- And the lord said, "that's the first man i want to heal."
- 00:17:11.286 --> 00:17:12.621
- "that's the first man i want to heal." so, i go pray for this guy.
- 00:17:12.688 --> 00:17:13.922
- I want to heal." so, i go pray for this guy. i said, "drop your crutch."
- 00:17:13.989 --> 00:17:15.190
- So, i go pray for this guy. i said, "drop your crutch." he starts walking.
- 00:17:15.257 --> 00:17:16.325
- I said, "drop your crutch." he starts walking. and then he and i started
- 00:17:16.391 --> 00:17:17.426
- He starts walking. and then he and i started running back and forth.
- 00:17:17.493 --> 00:17:18.527
- And then he and i started running back and forth. well, the place goes insane.
- 00:17:18.594 --> 00:17:19.962
- Running back and forth. well, the place goes insane. now, people are being asked,
- 00:17:20.028 --> 00:17:21.296
- Well, the place goes insane. now, people are being asked, they come running down.
- 00:17:21.363 --> 00:17:23.298
- Now, people are being asked, they come running down. a deaf woman
- 00:17:23.365 --> 00:17:24.466
- They come running down. a deaf woman gets her ear opened up.
- 00:17:24.533 --> 00:17:25.534
- A deaf woman gets her ear opened up. she literally, i watched tears
- 00:17:25.601 --> 00:17:26.735
- Gets her ear opened up. she literally, i watched tears make her light blue blouse
- 00:17:26.802 --> 00:17:28.170
- This little five-year-old boy
- 00:17:29.771 --> 00:17:31.373
- This little five-year-old boy gets healed miraculously.
- 00:17:31.440 --> 00:17:34.042
- Gets healed miraculously. it's wonderful!
- 00:17:34.109 --> 00:17:35.277
- It's wonderful! i get on the plane.
- 00:17:35.344 --> 00:17:36.311
- I get on the plane. i fly home.
- 00:17:36.378 --> 00:17:37.346
- I fly home. the pastor flies back up
- 00:17:37.412 --> 00:17:38.480
- "here is the front page
- 00:17:40.115 --> 00:17:41.116
- "here is the front page of the monterey newspaper."
- 00:17:41.183 --> 00:17:42.885
- "here is the front page of the monterey newspaper." it said the government said
- 00:17:42.951 --> 00:17:44.186
- Of the monterey newspaper." it said the government said you were a swindler
- 00:17:44.253 --> 00:17:45.354
- It said the government said you were a swindler taking money
- 00:17:45.420 --> 00:17:46.488
- You were a swindler taking money out of the country.
- 00:17:46.555 --> 00:17:47.656
- Taking money out of the country. the reporters were there.
- 00:17:47.723 --> 00:17:48.690
- Out of the country. the reporters were there. i saw them,
- 00:17:48.757 --> 00:17:49.725
- The reporters were there. i saw them, because i saw cameras.
- 00:17:49.791 --> 00:17:50.826
- I saw them, because i saw cameras. they said, "we saw people
- 00:17:50.893 --> 00:17:51.927
- Because i saw cameras. they said, "we saw people getting genuinely healed."
- 00:17:51.994 --> 00:17:52.995
- They said, "we saw people getting genuinely healed." the pastor puts the paper down
- 00:17:53.061 --> 00:17:54.129
- Getting genuinely healed." the pastor puts the paper down and he said,
- 00:17:54.196 --> 00:17:55.264
- The pastor puts the paper down and he said, "john, can i tell you
- 00:17:55.330 --> 00:17:56.431
- And he said, "john, can i tell you what really happened?"
- 00:17:56.498 --> 00:17:57.499
- "john, can i tell you what really happened?" i said, "what happened?"
- 00:17:57.566 --> 00:17:58.567
- What really happened?" i said, "what happened?" he said, "the officer
- 00:17:58.634 --> 00:17:59.768
- I said, "what happened?" he said, "the officer sent two unarmed men
- 00:17:59.835 --> 00:18:00.802
- He said, "the officer sent two unarmed men back to arrest you
- 00:18:00.869 --> 00:18:01.970
- Sent two unarmed men back to arrest you if you preached.
- 00:18:02.037 --> 00:18:03.338
- Back to arrest you if you preached. they came to arrest you.
- 00:18:03.405 --> 00:18:04.540
- If you preached. they came to arrest you. one of our ushers heard them.
- 00:18:04.606 --> 00:18:05.807
- They came to arrest you. one of our ushers heard them. when you started praying
- 00:18:05.874 --> 00:18:07.109
- One of our ushers heard them. when you started praying for the crippled man,
- 00:18:07.176 --> 00:18:08.277
- When you started praying for the crippled man, they said,
- 00:18:08.343 --> 00:18:09.378
- For the crippled man, they said, 'do you think this is real?'
- 00:18:09.444 --> 00:18:10.412
- They said, 'do you think this is real?' the other guy goes,
- 00:18:10.479 --> 00:18:11.547
- 'do you think this is real?' the other guy goes, 'i don't know.
- 00:18:11.613 --> 00:18:12.614
- The other guy goes, 'i don't know. let's move up closer
- 00:18:12.681 --> 00:18:13.682
- 'i don't know. let's move up closer and see.'"
- 00:18:13.749 --> 00:18:14.850
- Let's move up closer and see.'" he said, "when they saw
- 00:18:14.917 --> 00:18:15.884
- And see.'" he said, "when they saw the five-year-old boy
- 00:18:15.951 --> 00:18:16.952
- He said, "when they saw the five-year-old boy get healed,
- 00:18:17.019 --> 00:18:17.986
- The five-year-old boy get healed, the one looked at the other
- 00:18:18.053 --> 00:18:19.021
- Get healed, the one looked at the other and said, 'this is real.'
- 00:18:19.087 --> 00:18:20.155
- The one looked at the other and said, 'this is real.' and the two men
- 00:18:20.222 --> 00:18:21.223
- And said, 'this is real.' and the two men that came to arrest you
- 00:18:21.290 --> 00:18:22.291
- And the two men that came to arrest you ended up coming to you
- 00:18:22.357 --> 00:18:23.392
- That came to arrest you ended up coming to you and asking you to lead them
- 00:18:23.458 --> 00:18:24.459
- Ended up coming to you and asking you to lead them in a prayer to receive jesus."
- 00:18:24.526 --> 00:18:25.694
- That's it!
- 00:18:27.462 --> 00:18:28.530
- That's it! that right there
- 00:18:28.597 --> 00:18:29.698
- That right there is fearing god
- 00:18:29.765 --> 00:18:30.866
- Is fearing god more than you fear man.
- 00:18:30.933 --> 00:18:32.034
- More than you fear man. the fear of the lord
- 00:18:32.100 --> 00:18:33.202
- And god shows up.
- 00:18:36.104 --> 00:18:37.139
- And god shows up. john: he's so faithful.
- 00:18:37.206 --> 00:18:38.307
- And god shows up. john: he's so faithful. randy: in discernment.
- 00:18:38.373 --> 00:18:39.374
- John: he's so faithful. randy: in discernment. john: you have
- 00:18:39.441 --> 00:18:40.442
- Randy: in discernment. john: you have to have discernment.
- 00:18:40.509 --> 00:18:41.443
- John: you have to have discernment. the fear of the lord
- 00:18:41.510 --> 00:18:42.444
- To have discernment. the fear of the lord gives you wisdom.
- 00:18:42.511 --> 00:18:43.478
- The fear of the lord gives you wisdom. randy: that's exactly right!
- 00:18:43.545 --> 00:18:44.479
- Gives you wisdom. randy: that's exactly right! you have to have it. okay.
- 00:18:44.546 --> 00:18:45.514
- Randy: that's exactly right! you have to have it. okay. john is going to come back
- 00:18:45.581 --> 00:18:46.915
- You have to have it. okay. john is going to come back on another program
- 00:18:46.982 --> 00:18:48.016
- John is going to come back on another program and we're going to talk --
- 00:18:48.083 --> 00:18:49.084
- On another program and we're going to talk -- john: i'm like family
- 00:18:49.151 --> 00:18:50.152
- And we're going to talk -- john: i'm like family around here.
- 00:18:50.219 --> 00:18:51.220
- John: i'm like family around here. you can't get rid of me.
- 00:18:51.286 --> 00:18:52.287
- Around here. you can't get rid of me. randy: i don't want to
- 00:18:52.354 --> 00:18:53.355
- You can't get rid of me. randy: i don't want to because there are so many
- 00:18:53.422 --> 00:18:54.423
- Randy: i don't want to because there are so many things in everyday courage
- 00:18:54.489 --> 00:18:55.490
- Because there are so many things in everyday courage that i really want
- 00:18:55.557 --> 00:18:56.525
- Things in everyday courage that i really want to talk to you.
- 00:18:56.592 --> 00:18:57.559
- That i really want to talk to you. i want to tell people
- 00:18:57.626 --> 00:18:58.627
- To talk to you. i want to tell people if you want to request
- 00:18:58.694 --> 00:18:59.695
- I want to tell people if you want to request everyday courage
- 00:18:59.795 --> 00:19:00.729
- If you want to request everyday courage by john bevere,
- 00:19:00.796 --> 00:19:01.763
- Everyday courage by john bevere, we'd love to send that
- 00:19:01.830 --> 00:19:02.831
- By john bevere, we'd love to send that to you if you will help us
- 00:19:02.898 --> 00:19:03.999
- We'd love to send that to you if you will help us as we build the faith
- 00:19:04.066 --> 00:19:05.167
- To you if you will help us as we build the faith of others by showing
- 00:19:05.234 --> 00:19:07.002
- As we build the faith of others by showing the love of christ to people.
- 00:19:07.069 --> 00:19:08.403
- Of others by showing the love of christ to people. there are some people
- 00:19:08.470 --> 00:19:09.404
- The love of christ to people. there are some people right now that i've been
- 00:19:09.471 --> 00:19:11.740
- There are some people right now that i've been told by some of them
- 00:19:11.807 --> 00:19:12.941
- Right now that i've been told by some of them in the field, we prayed
- 00:19:13.008 --> 00:19:14.243
- Told by some of them in the field, we prayed to god and then --
- 00:19:14.309 --> 00:19:17.613
- In the field, we prayed to god and then -- we want to be that answer
- 00:19:17.679 --> 00:19:18.714
- To god and then -- we want to be that answer to people's prayers.
- 00:19:18.780 --> 00:19:19.915
- Of an exciting thing.
- 00:19:21.550 --> 00:19:23.952
- Of an exciting thing. those of you
- 00:19:24.019 --> 00:19:25.153
- Those of you that have supported
- 00:19:25.220 --> 00:19:26.355
- That have supported the malnutrition clinics,
- 00:19:26.421 --> 00:19:27.556
- The malnutrition clinics, i want to say thank you.
- 00:19:27.623 --> 00:19:28.790
- I want to say thank you. they are critical.
- 00:19:28.857 --> 00:19:30.192
- They are critical. it is a very difficult
- 00:19:30.259 --> 00:19:31.493
- It is a very difficult situation there,
- 00:19:31.560 --> 00:19:32.694
- Situation there, but we are able
- 00:19:32.761 --> 00:19:33.929
- But we are able to save many lives.
- 00:19:33.996 --> 00:19:35.831
- To save many lives. here's the better solution.
- 00:19:35.897 --> 00:19:37.866
- Here's the better solution. let's go into the villages
- 00:19:37.933 --> 00:19:39.968
- Let's go into the villages where they are facing
- 00:19:40.035 --> 00:19:41.370
- Where they are facing malnutrition,
- 00:19:41.436 --> 00:19:42.638
- Malnutrition, starvation, and hunger
- 00:19:42.704 --> 00:19:44.006
- Starvation, and hunger and let's feed them,
- 00:19:44.072 --> 00:19:45.340
- And let's feed them, so they don't have
- 00:19:45.407 --> 00:19:46.575
- So they don't have to end up in a clinic.
- 00:19:46.642 --> 00:19:47.776
- To end up in a clinic. because you understand,
- 00:19:47.843 --> 00:19:49.011
- Because you understand, the clinic is sort of
- 00:19:49.077 --> 00:19:50.345
- The clinic is sort of a last ditch effort
- 00:19:50.412 --> 00:19:52.247
- A last ditch effort to save the life of a child.
- 00:19:52.314 --> 00:19:53.949
- To save the life of a child. but when we go in with
- 00:19:54.016 --> 00:19:55.417
- But when we go in with the mission feeding outreach
- 00:19:55.484 --> 00:19:57.185
- The mission feeding outreach into the villages,
- 00:19:57.252 --> 00:19:58.820
- Into the villages, we feed them
- 00:19:58.887 --> 00:20:00.188
- We feed them oftentimes at schools,
- 00:20:00.255 --> 00:20:01.523
- Oftentimes at schools, but we give them
- 00:20:01.590 --> 00:20:02.758
- But we give them what they need
- 00:20:02.824 --> 00:20:04.059
- What they need to get to a point where
- 00:20:04.126 --> 00:20:05.394
- To get to a point where they can be self-sufficient.
- 00:20:05.460 --> 00:20:08.230
- They can be self-sufficient. this works.
- 00:20:08.297 --> 00:20:09.665
- This works. we've been doing it
- 00:20:09.731 --> 00:20:11.099
- We've been doing it in so many different areas
- 00:20:11.166 --> 00:20:12.301
- In so many different areas for many years
- 00:20:12.367 --> 00:20:13.769
- For many years but only with your support.
- 00:20:13.835 --> 00:20:16.104
- But only with your support. let me break it down for you.
- 00:20:16.171 --> 00:20:17.773
- Let me break it down for you. how much do you think
- 00:20:17.839 --> 00:20:19.041
- How much do you think it would cost for us
- 00:20:19.107 --> 00:20:20.175
- It would cost for us to feed three children
- 00:20:20.242 --> 00:20:21.476
- To feed three children for the next three months?
- 00:20:21.543 --> 00:20:23.278
- For the next three months? well, because we have
- 00:20:23.345 --> 00:20:24.379
- Well, because we have the systems in place,
- 00:20:24.446 --> 00:20:25.647
- The systems in place, because we have
- 00:20:25.714 --> 00:20:26.848
- Because we have other agreements
- 00:20:26.915 --> 00:20:28.050
- Other agreements to get supplies
- 00:20:28.116 --> 00:20:29.251
- To get supplies and some of
- 00:20:29.318 --> 00:20:30.452
- And some of the basic materials
- 00:20:30.519 --> 00:20:31.653
- The basic materials to these places,
- 00:20:31.720 --> 00:20:32.854
- To these places, it really, it only costs $30.
- 00:20:32.921 --> 00:20:35.924
- It really, it only costs $30. i know you think,
- 00:20:35.991 --> 00:20:37.159
- I know you think, how does that work?
- 00:20:37.225 --> 00:20:38.460
- How does that work? it's taken years to get here
- 00:20:38.527 --> 00:20:41.096
- It's taken years to get here but it works.
- 00:20:41.163 --> 00:20:42.464
- But it works. $50 will feed five children
- 00:20:42.531 --> 00:20:44.299
- $50 will feed five children for the next three months.
- 00:20:44.366 --> 00:20:46.068
- For the next three months. $100 will feed ten children.
- 00:20:46.134 --> 00:20:48.003
- $100 will feed ten children. $1,000, and many of you
- 00:20:48.070 --> 00:20:49.404
- $1,000, and many of you can give $1,000,
- 00:20:49.471 --> 00:20:50.605
- Can give $1,000, and feed 100 children
- 00:20:50.672 --> 00:20:51.707
- And feed 100 children for the next three months.
- 00:20:51.773 --> 00:20:53.542
- For the next three months. if you can do more, again,
- 00:20:53.608 --> 00:20:55.277
- If you can do more, again, i pray you will see this is
- 00:20:55.344 --> 00:20:56.945
- I pray you will see this is a tremendous opportunity
- 00:20:57.012 --> 00:20:58.880
- A tremendous opportunity to reach people not only
- 00:20:58.947 --> 00:21:00.582
- To reach people not only with a desperate need
- 00:21:00.649 --> 00:21:02.818
- With a desperate need but people that need
- 00:21:02.884 --> 00:21:04.186
- But people that need a touch from god.
- 00:21:04.252 --> 00:21:05.687
- A touch from god. because we don't go anywhere
- 00:21:05.754 --> 00:21:07.556
- Because we don't go anywhere that we don't tell people,
- 00:21:07.622 --> 00:21:09.825
- That we don't tell people, this is a gift from people
- 00:21:09.891 --> 00:21:13.028
- This is a gift from people who love jesus christ.
- 00:21:13.095 --> 00:21:15.464
- Who love jesus christ. reach out with me today
- 00:21:15.530 --> 00:21:16.765
- Reach out with me today by picking up the phone
- 00:21:16.832 --> 00:21:18.066
- By picking up the phone or going online and making
- 00:21:18.133 --> 00:21:19.401
- Or going online and making the best gift you can.
- 00:21:19.468 --> 00:21:21.370
- Right now across the continent of africa,
- 00:21:22.371 --> 00:21:24.840
- Children are suffering,
- 00:21:24.840 --> 00:21:26.942
- Facing severe malnutrition and even death.
- 00:21:26.942 --> 00:21:29.778
- Extreme drought and famine
- 00:21:29.778 --> 00:21:31.847
- Putting at risk thousands of lives
- 00:21:31.847 --> 00:21:34.349
- Means we must replenish food supplies immediately
- 00:21:34.349 --> 00:21:36.918
- To keep feeding the 350,000 children
- 00:21:36.918 --> 00:21:40.155
- And help reach more people in desperate need.
- 00:21:40.155 --> 00:21:43.525
- Through life's mission feeding outreach,
- 00:21:43.525 --> 00:21:45.694
- Your gift of love can be an answer to prayer
- 00:21:45.694 --> 00:21:47.829
- For a hurting and hungry child in their time of need.
- 00:21:47.829 --> 00:21:51.400
- Call now with your life-saving gift
- 00:21:51.400 --> 00:21:53.735
- Of $30, $50, or $100
- 00:21:53.735 --> 00:21:56.738
- To help feed and care for
- 00:21:56.738 --> 00:21:58.807
- Three, five, or ten children
- 00:21:58.807 --> 00:22:00.809
- For three full months.
- 00:22:00.809 --> 00:22:02.878
- With your gift of any amount,
- 00:22:02.878 --> 00:22:04.946
- We'll send the daily life devotional calendar.
- 00:22:04.946 --> 00:22:07.249
- This perpetual calendar has 365 days' worth of scriptures
- 00:22:07.249 --> 00:22:11.186
- And inspirational thoughts to remind you
- 00:22:11.186 --> 00:22:13.155
- Of the rest you can find in god's loving arms.
- 00:22:13.155 --> 00:22:16.491
- With your gift of $100 or more,
- 00:22:16.491 --> 00:22:18.593
- You may request the "the light of life" desk lamp.
- 00:22:18.593 --> 00:22:20.862
- Find comfort and encouragement
- 00:22:20.862 --> 00:22:22.964
- From jesus' words in john 8:12
- 00:22:22.964 --> 00:22:25.734
- Displayed on this stand-alone acrylic gas lamp,
- 00:22:25.734 --> 00:22:28.537
- Perfect for home or office décor
- 00:22:28.537 --> 00:22:30.605
- As a reminder that jesus is the light of the world.
- 00:22:30.605 --> 00:22:34.042
- Finally, with your gift of $1,000 or more
- 00:22:34.042 --> 00:22:37.045
- To help feed and care for 100 children,
- 00:22:37.045 --> 00:22:39.448
- Be sure to request our inspiring
- 00:22:39.448 --> 00:22:41.616
- Bronze sculpture, "a cup of water."
- 00:22:41.616 --> 00:22:44.419
- This is the last day!
- 00:22:44.419 --> 00:22:46.421
- Please call, write, or make your gift online.
- 00:22:46.421 --> 00:22:52.494
- Randy: please do go online
- 00:22:52.594 --> 00:22:53.829
- Randy: please do go online or go to the phone.
- 00:22:53.895 --> 00:22:55.063
- Randy: please do go online or go to the phone. your love makes a difference.
- 00:22:55.130 --> 00:22:58.266
- Or go to the phone. your love makes a difference. we can really
- 00:22:58.333 --> 00:22:59.634
- Your love makes a difference. we can really make such a difference
- 00:22:59.701 --> 00:23:00.902
- We can really make such a difference in these people's lives.
- 00:23:00.969 --> 00:23:02.304
- Make such a difference in these people's lives. john, we've got to talk
- 00:23:02.370 --> 00:23:03.972
- In these people's lives. john, we've got to talk about everday courage.
- 00:23:04.039 --> 00:23:05.507
- John, we've got to talk about everday courage. do another program? okay?
- 00:23:05.574 --> 00:23:06.808
- About everday courage. do another program? okay? john: sure!
- 00:23:06.875 --> 00:23:08.043
- Any of the programs,
- 00:23:09.277 --> 00:23:10.412
- Any of the programs, go to
- 00:23:10.479 --> 00:23:12.147
- Go to look for the ones
- 00:23:12.214 --> 00:23:13.315
- Look for the ones with john bevere
- 00:23:13.381 --> 00:23:14.483
- With john bevere and you will be blessed.
- 00:23:14.549 --> 00:23:15.617
- And you will be blessed. we'll see you again
- 00:23:15.684 --> 00:23:16.818
- We'll see you again next time on life today.
- 00:23:16.885 --> 00:23:18.887
- Anne: my name is
- 00:23:25.260 --> 00:23:26.461
- Anne: my name is anne graham lotz
- 00:23:26.528 --> 00:23:27.629
- Anne: my name is anne graham lotz and i'd just like to share
- 00:23:27.696 --> 00:23:28.697
- Anne graham lotz and i'd just like to share with you something that
- 00:23:28.763 --> 00:23:29.731
- And i'd just like to share with you something that the lord has seemed
- 00:23:29.798 --> 00:23:31.233
- With you something that the lord has seemed to say to me recently.
- 00:23:31.299 --> 00:23:32.400
- The lord has seemed to say to me recently. he speaks to me
- 00:23:32.467 --> 00:23:33.568
- To say to me recently. he speaks to me through his word.
- 00:23:33.635 --> 00:23:36.071
- I don't hear audible voices.
- 00:23:36.171 --> 00:23:37.706
- I don't hear audible voices. once in a while, i'll have
- 00:23:37.772 --> 00:23:38.807
- I don't hear audible voices. once in a while, i'll have an impression in my heart
- 00:23:38.874 --> 00:23:40.008
- Once in a while, i'll have an impression in my heart when i'm having my quiet time
- 00:23:40.075 --> 00:23:41.376
- An impression in my heart when i'm having my quiet time with him but when i read
- 00:23:41.443 --> 00:23:42.911
- When i'm having my quiet time with him but when i read the bible, it's like a verse
- 00:23:42.978 --> 00:23:44.145
- With him but when i read the bible, it's like a verse just pops up off the page
- 00:23:44.212 --> 00:23:45.447
- The bible, it's like a verse just pops up off the page and it's like
- 00:23:45.514 --> 00:23:46.715
- Just pops up off the page and it's like it has my name on it.
- 00:23:46.781 --> 00:23:47.849
- And it's like it has my name on it. it's what the old-timey
- 00:23:47.916 --> 00:23:48.884
- It has my name on it. it's what the old-timey people called "illumination"
- 00:23:48.950 --> 00:23:50.218
- It's what the old-timey people called "illumination" and a scripture passage
- 00:23:50.285 --> 00:23:51.520
- People called "illumination" and a scripture passage would be illuminated.
- 00:23:51.586 --> 00:23:53.154
- And a scripture passage would be illuminated. i wanted to share something
- 00:23:53.221 --> 00:23:54.322
- Would be illuminated. i wanted to share something with you because years ago
- 00:23:54.389 --> 00:23:55.624
- I wanted to share something with you because years ago the lord gave me a promise.
- 00:23:55.690 --> 00:23:58.760
- With you because years ago the lord gave me a promise. i won't tell you which one
- 00:23:58.827 --> 00:23:59.961
- The lord gave me a promise. i won't tell you which one it is because i want you
- 00:24:00.028 --> 00:24:01.429
- I won't tell you which one it is because i want you to relate to whatever promise
- 00:24:01.496 --> 00:24:02.797
- It is because i want you to relate to whatever promise you feel like he's given you,
- 00:24:02.864 --> 00:24:04.266
- To relate to whatever promise you feel like he's given you, and he's not fulfilled it.
- 00:24:04.332 --> 00:24:06.301
- You feel like he's given you, and he's not fulfilled it. i've waited week after week,
- 00:24:06.368 --> 00:24:09.237
- And he's not fulfilled it. i've waited week after week, month after month,
- 00:24:09.304 --> 00:24:10.305
- I've waited week after week, month after month, year after year,
- 00:24:10.372 --> 00:24:11.740
- Month after month, year after year, and there has not been
- 00:24:11.806 --> 00:24:12.908
- Year after year, and there has not been a fulfillment of that promise.
- 00:24:12.974 --> 00:24:14.976
- And there has not been a fulfillment of that promise. so i keep reminding him.
- 00:24:15.043 --> 00:24:16.878
- A fulfillment of that promise. so i keep reminding him. and it's okay, you don't have
- 00:24:16.945 --> 00:24:18.013
- So i keep reminding him. and it's okay, you don't have to keep praying for it
- 00:24:18.079 --> 00:24:19.080
- And it's okay, you don't have to keep praying for it when he's given it to you
- 00:24:19.147 --> 00:24:20.181
- To keep praying for it when he's given it to you because he's promised and
- 00:24:20.248 --> 00:24:21.416
- When he's given it to you because he's promised and promises are like prophecies,
- 00:24:21.483 --> 00:24:22.651
- Because he's promised and promises are like prophecies, he will keep his word.
- 00:24:22.717 --> 00:24:24.786
- Promises are like prophecies, he will keep his word. but i keep reminding him
- 00:24:24.853 --> 00:24:26.288
- He will keep his word. but i keep reminding him of the promise that
- 00:24:26.354 --> 00:24:27.656
- But i keep reminding him of the promise that he's given me that
- 00:24:27.722 --> 00:24:28.823
- Of the promise that he's given me that has yet to be fulfilled.
- 00:24:28.890 --> 00:24:30.058
- He's given me that has yet to be fulfilled. recently, he gave me
- 00:24:30.125 --> 00:24:32.594
- Has yet to be fulfilled. recently, he gave me another promise
- 00:24:32.661 --> 00:24:33.695
- Recently, he gave me another promise or confirmation from
- 00:24:33.762 --> 00:24:35.096
- Another promise or confirmation from luke chapter one, verse 27.
- 00:24:35.163 --> 00:24:36.665
- Or confirmation from luke chapter one, verse 27. this is the verse i want
- 00:24:36.731 --> 00:24:37.866
- Luke chapter one, verse 27. this is the verse i want to give you because i think
- 00:24:37.933 --> 00:24:39.100
- This is the verse i want to give you because i think it may be his word
- 00:24:39.167 --> 00:24:40.602
- To give you because i think it may be his word to somebody out there
- 00:24:40.669 --> 00:24:41.836
- It may be his word to somebody out there who is listening.
- 00:24:41.903 --> 00:24:43.271
- To somebody out there who is listening. it says, "blessed is she
- 00:24:43.338 --> 00:24:44.506
- Will be a fulfillment
- 00:24:45.774 --> 00:24:46.808
- Will be a fulfillment of those things which
- 00:24:46.875 --> 00:24:47.976
- Of those things which are told her from the lord."
- 00:24:48.043 --> 00:24:49.578
- Are told her from the lord." i feel like he was just
- 00:24:49.644 --> 00:24:51.413
- I feel like he was just promising me that once again,
- 00:24:51.479 --> 00:24:52.914
- Promising me that once again, he's going to keep
- 00:24:52.981 --> 00:24:54.015
- He's going to keep his promise.
- 00:24:54.082 --> 00:24:55.083
- Of his word.
- 00:24:56.251 --> 00:24:57.252
- Of his word. we know he is a gentleman,
- 00:24:57.319 --> 00:24:58.420
- Of his word. we know he is a gentleman, we know he doesn't lie,
- 00:24:58.486 --> 00:24:59.454
- We know he is a gentleman, we know he doesn't lie, we know he doesn't play games
- 00:24:59.521 --> 00:25:00.689
- We know he doesn't lie, we know he doesn't play games with his children,
- 00:25:00.755 --> 00:25:01.890
- We know he doesn't play games with his children, we know he's not whimsical,
- 00:25:01.957 --> 00:25:03.091
- With his children, we know he's not whimsical, we know he says what he means
- 00:25:03.158 --> 00:25:04.326
- We know he's not whimsical, we know he says what he means and he means what he says.
- 00:25:04.392 --> 00:25:05.927
- We know he says what he means and he means what he says. but sometimes when
- 00:25:05.994 --> 00:25:07.162
- And he means what he says. but sometimes when he's given us a promise
- 00:25:07.228 --> 00:25:08.430
- But sometimes when he's given us a promise and we have yet to see it
- 00:25:08.496 --> 00:25:09.531
- He's given us a promise and we have yet to see it come to pass, we can become
- 00:25:09.598 --> 00:25:11.600
- And we have yet to see it come to pass, we can become a little discouraged.
- 00:25:11.666 --> 00:25:13.268
- Come to pass, we can become a little discouraged. so i felt like that
- 00:25:13.335 --> 00:25:14.836
- A little discouraged. so i felt like that second promise that he gave me
- 00:25:14.903 --> 00:25:16.104
- So i felt like that second promise that he gave me from luke chapter 1:27
- 00:25:16.171 --> 00:25:17.872
- Second promise that he gave me from luke chapter 1:27 was just an encouragement
- 00:25:17.939 --> 00:25:19.808
- From luke chapter 1:27 was just an encouragement to lift my spirits to know
- 00:25:19.874 --> 00:25:21.476
- Was just an encouragement to lift my spirits to know that he will keep his promise.
- 00:25:21.543 --> 00:25:22.844
- To lift my spirits to know that he will keep his promise. so maybe he's given you
- 00:25:22.911 --> 00:25:24.045
- That he will keep his promise. so maybe he's given you a promise, maybe a grandchild
- 00:25:24.112 --> 00:25:26.047
- So maybe he's given you a promise, maybe a grandchild who has strayed
- 00:25:26.114 --> 00:25:27.148
- A promise, maybe a grandchild who has strayed and he's promised he'll bring
- 00:25:27.215 --> 00:25:28.483
- Who has strayed and he's promised he'll bring that grandchild back.
- 00:25:28.550 --> 00:25:29.884
- And he's promised he'll bring that grandchild back. or a difficulty in your church
- 00:25:29.951 --> 00:25:32.087
- That grandchild back. or a difficulty in your church and he's promised that
- 00:25:32.153 --> 00:25:33.488
- Or a difficulty in your church and he's promised that he's going to reconcile
- 00:25:33.555 --> 00:25:35.090
- And he's promised that he's going to reconcile people who are divided.
- 00:25:35.156 --> 00:25:36.591
- He's going to reconcile people who are divided. or maybe it's something in
- 00:25:36.658 --> 00:25:37.792
- People who are divided. or maybe it's something in your health or your business
- 00:25:37.859 --> 00:25:40.328
- Or maybe it's something in your health or your business and he's given you
- 00:25:40.395 --> 00:25:41.596
- Your health or your business and he's given you a promise but he hasn't
- 00:25:41.663 --> 00:25:42.831
- And he's given you a promise but he hasn't fulfilled it yet.
- 00:25:42.897 --> 00:25:44.766
- A promise but he hasn't fulfilled it yet. ask him.
- 00:25:44.833 --> 00:25:45.867
- Fulfilled it yet. ask him. just keep reminding him
- 00:25:45.934 --> 00:25:47.369
- Ask him. just keep reminding him but wait patiently because
- 00:25:47.435 --> 00:25:48.637
- Just keep reminding him but wait patiently because the lord keeps his word
- 00:25:48.703 --> 00:25:50.338
- But wait patiently because the lord keeps his word and he will keep
- 00:25:50.405 --> 00:25:51.640
- The lord keeps his word and he will keep his promise to you.
- 00:25:51.706 --> 00:25:52.874
- And he will keep his promise to you. there will be a fulfillment
- 00:25:52.941 --> 00:25:54.075
- His promise to you. there will be a fulfillment of the things he said to you.
- 00:25:54.142 --> 00:25:55.577
- There will be a fulfillment of the things he said to you. so be encouraged as you wait.
- 00:25:55.644 --> 00:25:57.612
- Of the things he said to you. so be encouraged as you wait. god bless you.
- 00:25:57.679 --> 00:26:00.081
- For over 60 years, life outreach international
- 00:26:02.951 --> 00:26:05.987
- Has shared the transforming truth of god's love
- 00:26:05.987 --> 00:26:08.590
- In both word and deed.
- 00:26:08.590 --> 00:26:10.592
- We are forever grateful to everyone who has joined us
- 00:26:10.592 --> 00:26:13.061
- In our mission of providing water to the thirsty,
- 00:26:13.061 --> 00:26:15.397
- Food to the hungry, shelter to the orphan,
- 00:26:15.397 --> 00:26:18.633
- And meeting the various needs of those who are struggling.
- 00:26:18.633 --> 00:26:21.269
- Our ministry to the lost and hurting
- 00:26:21.269 --> 00:26:23.271
- Is only made possible because of the prayers
- 00:26:23.271 --> 00:26:25.373
- And generous gifts of our friends and partners
- 00:26:25.373 --> 00:26:27.876
- Who provide consistent, faithful support.
- 00:26:27.876 --> 00:26:30.412
- Become a friend for life partner
- 00:26:30.412 --> 00:26:32.414
- With your recurring financial gifts.
- 00:26:32.414 --> 00:26:34.416
- We'll send you our monthly newsletter,
- 00:26:34.416 --> 00:26:36.418
- Along with encouraging spiritual resources
- 00:26:36.418 --> 00:26:38.420
- To uplift and inspire you in your daily christian walk.
- 00:26:38.420 --> 00:26:41.589
- Best of all, you will be blessed to know
- 00:26:41.589 --> 00:26:43.591
- That your ongoing gift is helping make possible
- 00:26:43.591 --> 00:26:45.994
- The outreaches of life.
- 00:26:45.994 --> 00:26:47.996
- Your monthly support will help us continue
- 00:26:47.996 --> 00:26:49.998
- To bring god's love, hope, and healing
- 00:26:49.998 --> 00:26:52.333
- To a world in need one life at a time.
- 00:26:52.333 --> 00:27:00.809
- Stay connected with life today
- 00:27:01.643 --> 00:27:03.712
- Through your favorite social media.
- 00:27:03.712 --> 00:27:05.780
- Get access to exclusive content and news
- 00:27:05.780 --> 00:27:07.849
- With the life today social media experience!
- 00:27:07.849 --> 00:27:10.952
- Life today is made possible by the supporters of life outreach international.
- 00:27:12.654 --> 00:27:16.157
- Your gift will be used exclusively for the exempt purposes of life.
- 00:27:16.157 --> 00:27:19.260
- The ministry features specific outreaches
- 00:27:19.260 --> 00:27:21.329
- As examples of the programs it supports and conducts.
- 00:27:21.329 --> 00:27:23.398
- Gifts are considered to be without restriction
- 00:27:23.398 --> 00:27:25.467
- As to use unless explicitly stipulated by the donor.
- 00:27:25.467 --> 00:27:27.602
- The ministry is a member of the ecfa.
- 00:27:27.602 --> 00:27:27.602