From His Heart Ministries is the multimedia broadcast ministry of Dr. Jeff Schreve.
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From His Heart: Jeff Schreve | Jeff Schreve - Decision Time | December 29, 2024
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- ♪♪♪
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- Pastor jeff schreve: happy new year.
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- I'm pastor jeff schreve, and today, as we look to the new
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- Year, we're going to consider the most important decision that
- 00:00:09.179 --> 00:00:10.246
- Anyone can ever make.
- 00:00:13.683 --> 00:00:15.452
- It's the decision concerning jesus, a decision that
- 00:00:15.452 --> 00:00:19.022
- Determines your eternal destiny.
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- So grab your bible, follow along, and prepare your heart
- 00:00:21.825 --> 00:00:25.862
- For a blessing.
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- ♪♪♪
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- Jeff: the decision that you make today is critical, and god wants
- 00:00:37.207 --> 00:01:04.100
- You to make the right decision.
- 00:01:04.100 --> 00:01:05.869
- Now acts chapter 2 is one of the most important chapters of the
- 00:01:05.869 --> 00:01:09.772
- New testament because it's the birth of the church.
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- It's the day of pentecost.
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- Jesus has been gone for ten days.
- 00:01:14.677 --> 00:01:17.013
- He's ascended to heaven.
- 00:01:17.013 --> 00:01:18.715
- He was crucified at passover and--pentecost comes 50 days
- 00:01:18.715 --> 00:01:24.254
- After passover and it's the day of pentecost, and that's the day
- 00:01:24.254 --> 00:01:27.757
- The holy spirit is coming.
- 00:01:27.757 --> 00:01:29.125
- And jesus told the guys in acts chapter 1, "you're to remain in
- 00:01:29.125 --> 00:01:32.362
- Jerusalem until you receive the promise of my father, which i
- 00:01:32.362 --> 00:01:36.199
- Told you about."
- 00:01:36.199 --> 00:01:37.534
- And so they were there and they were waiting.
- 00:01:37.534 --> 00:01:39.602
- And on the day of pentecost, that's when the holy
- 00:01:39.602 --> 00:01:43.039
- Spirit descended.
- 00:01:43.039 --> 00:01:44.374
- Now, the holy spirit was coming.
- 00:01:44.374 --> 00:01:45.742
- This was new because he was coming not just to be with them
- 00:01:45.742 --> 00:01:49.579
- But to live inside them, the indwelling holy spirit.
- 00:01:49.579 --> 00:01:52.749
- Remember, jesus said, "it's to your advantage that i go away,
- 00:01:52.749 --> 00:01:55.552
- Because if i don't go away, then the holy spirit won't come."
- 00:01:55.552 --> 00:01:58.688
- And that happened on the day of pentecost, and we know
- 00:01:58.688 --> 00:02:00.623
- What happened.
- 00:02:00.623 --> 00:02:01.991
- So you have 120 believers, and the holy spirit falls, and they
- 00:02:01.991 --> 00:02:05.195
- Begin to speak with tongues.
- 00:02:05.195 --> 00:02:08.798
- Not gibberish but known languages, but they were
- 00:02:08.798 --> 00:02:12.535
- Languages that these people, these galileans, had never heard
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- And they had never learned.
- 00:02:16.105 --> 00:02:17.473
- And it was all the native tongues of the people that had
- 00:02:17.473 --> 00:02:20.143
- Gathered for the great feast.
- 00:02:20.143 --> 00:02:21.477
- Pentecost was a great feast.
- 00:02:21.477 --> 00:02:22.845
- And they asked this question, they said, "what does
- 00:02:22.845 --> 00:02:26.616
- This mean?"
- 00:02:26.616 --> 00:02:28.985
- Great question.
- 00:02:28.985 --> 00:02:31.087
- They were filled with amazement.
- 00:02:31.087 --> 00:02:32.622
- What does this mean?
- 00:02:32.622 --> 00:02:33.957
- They knew something was taking place that was extraordinary,
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- And that opened the door for peter to preach.
- 00:02:38.094 --> 00:02:40.663
- And peter preached about jesus and he said, "you guys all know
- 00:02:40.663 --> 00:02:45.034
- About jesus because he did all these miracles, and everybody
- 00:02:45.034 --> 00:02:48.605
- Was talking about jesus, and jesus was huge news," and he
- 00:02:48.605 --> 00:02:52.575
- Said, "and you killed him.
- 00:02:52.575 --> 00:02:55.178
- He is the messiah and god raised him from the dead."
- 00:02:55.178 --> 00:02:58.081
- And he gives this powerful sermon and he ends
- 00:02:58.081 --> 00:03:00.750
- Up the sermon this way.
- 00:03:00.750 --> 00:03:02.085
- He says in acts 2:36, '"therefore let all the house of
- 00:03:02.085 --> 00:03:05.421
- Israel know for certain that god has made him both lord and
- 00:03:05.421 --> 00:03:09.425
- Christ--this jesus whom you crucified.'
- 00:03:09.425 --> 00:03:14.731
- Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart and
- 00:03:14.731 --> 00:03:19.602
- Said to peter and the rest of the apostles, 'brethren, what
- 00:03:19.602 --> 00:03:23.873
- Shall we do?'"
- 00:03:23.873 --> 00:03:26.709
- Oh, it was like somebody ran them through in the heart with
- 00:03:26.709 --> 00:03:30.079
- A spear.
- 00:03:30.079 --> 00:03:31.414
- They were pierced and so convicted.
- 00:03:31.414 --> 00:03:33.383
- "this is what we did.
- 00:03:33.383 --> 00:03:34.851
- We crucified our messiah, our long awaited messiah.
- 00:03:34.851 --> 00:03:38.621
- We've been waiting for him for thousands of years.
- 00:03:38.621 --> 00:03:40.857
- And when he got here, we rejected him.
- 00:03:40.857 --> 00:03:43.159
- And we said, 'not this man, but barabbas.'
- 00:03:43.159 --> 00:03:46.329
- And we crucified the prince of life.
- 00:03:46.329 --> 00:03:49.065
- And that is such a tremendous, horrible, awful sin.
- 00:03:49.065 --> 00:03:53.636
- How can you get worse than that?"
- 00:03:53.636 --> 00:03:56.239
- And they said to peter and the apostles, "what shall we do?"
- 00:03:56.239 --> 00:04:01.678
- Well, it's decision time, and he is going to give us, in the rest
- 00:04:01.678 --> 00:04:06.849
- Of acts chapter 2, four decisions that every person must
- 00:04:06.849 --> 00:04:11.721
- Make, four decisions that every person must make, and they're
- 00:04:11.721 --> 00:04:16.926
- In order.
- 00:04:16.926 --> 00:04:18.828
- You make this decision and the second decision and the third
- 00:04:18.828 --> 00:04:22.065
- Decision and the fourth decision, and this is the
- 00:04:22.065 --> 00:04:25.034
- Christian life.
- 00:04:25.034 --> 00:04:27.303
- The first decision
- 00:04:27.303 --> 00:04:29.005
- Deals with salvation.
- 00:04:29.005 --> 00:04:31.774
- So they asked the question, verse 37, "'brethren, what shall
- 00:04:31.774 --> 00:04:36.646
- We do?'"
- 00:04:36.646 --> 00:04:38.014
- "brethren" not talking about christian brothers, talking
- 00:04:38.014 --> 00:04:39.349
- About jewish brothers, "'brethren, what shall we do?'
- 00:04:39.349 --> 00:04:42.018
- And peter said to them, 'repent...'"
- 00:04:42.018 --> 00:04:46.022
- Repent.
- 00:04:46.022 --> 00:04:47.390
- What do you do?
- 00:04:47.390 --> 00:04:48.725
- You have committed this sin that's beyond comprehension,
- 00:04:48.725 --> 00:04:53.029
- That you would murder not with your own hands but by calling
- 00:04:53.029 --> 00:04:57.667
- For the death of messiah, thinking that you believe the
- 00:04:57.667 --> 00:05:02.138
- Lies of the chief priest that jesus was a blasphemer and that
- 00:05:02.138 --> 00:05:06.976
- He was a fraud and he was not your messiah.
- 00:05:06.976 --> 00:05:10.046
- And you said, "not this man, but barabbas."
- 00:05:10.046 --> 00:05:12.148
- You've done that terrible sin and god has made him both lord
- 00:05:12.148 --> 00:05:15.752
- And christ, this jesus whom you crucified.
- 00:05:15.752 --> 00:05:18.221
- What shall we do?
- 00:05:18.221 --> 00:05:20.089
- And so they said to them, peter said to them, "you guys need
- 00:05:20.089 --> 00:05:24.060
- To repent.
- 00:05:24.060 --> 00:05:25.395
- There is hope for you because you can repent."
- 00:05:25.395 --> 00:05:28.264
- Now, the lord calls us to repent and believe.
- 00:05:28.264 --> 00:05:32.068
- That's very, very clear.
- 00:05:32.068 --> 00:05:34.437
- And you say, "well, it doesn't say anything about
- 00:05:34.437 --> 00:05:36.839
- Them believing.
- 00:05:36.839 --> 00:05:38.174
- It just says that they should repent."
- 00:05:38.174 --> 00:05:40.676
- Well, you know, the bible uses those terms interchangeably.
- 00:05:40.676 --> 00:05:44.781
- So true repentance always means that you're repenting and
- 00:05:44.781 --> 00:05:47.984
- Believing, and true belief always means that
- 00:05:47.984 --> 00:05:50.420
- You're repenting.
- 00:05:50.420 --> 00:05:51.788
- So in acts chapter 16, you have the philippian jailer and he
- 00:05:51.788 --> 00:05:55.191
- Comes before paul and silas when the lord worked a miracle and
- 00:05:55.191 --> 00:05:58.694
- Opened up the jail and this guy thought he was--all the
- 00:05:58.694 --> 00:06:01.397
- Prisoners had escaped.
- 00:06:01.397 --> 00:06:02.765
- He's getting ready to kill himself.
- 00:06:02.765 --> 00:06:04.100
- And paul said, "do yourself no harm.
- 00:06:04.100 --> 00:06:05.435
- We're all still here."
- 00:06:05.435 --> 00:06:06.803
- And he fell down before paul and silas and he says, "sirs, what
- 00:06:06.803 --> 00:06:09.071
- Must i do to be saved?"
- 00:06:09.071 --> 00:06:11.007
- And they said, "believe on the lord jesus christ and you'll be
- 00:06:11.007 --> 00:06:14.777
- Saved, you and your household."
- 00:06:14.777 --> 00:06:16.679
- They didn't say anything about repent, but it's embedded in
- 00:06:16.679 --> 00:06:20.516
- There, repent and believe.
- 00:06:20.516 --> 00:06:23.186
- And you'll find it used both ways.
- 00:06:23.186 --> 00:06:25.555
- So, god is now declaring that all men everywhere
- 00:06:25.555 --> 00:06:28.090
- Should repent.
- 00:06:28.090 --> 00:06:29.425
- He's not willing that any should perish, but that all
- 00:06:29.425 --> 00:06:30.793
- Should repent.
- 00:06:30.793 --> 00:06:32.228
- And when you say "repent," you're saying, well, that's
- 00:06:32.228 --> 00:06:35.498
- Connected to belief, and when you're saying true belief,
- 00:06:35.498 --> 00:06:38.100
- That's connected to repentance.
- 00:06:38.100 --> 00:06:39.502
- Paul broke it out in acts 20:21 and he said this, he was, his
- 00:06:39.502 --> 00:06:43.339
- Ministry, "...solemnly testifying to both jews and
- 00:06:43.339 --> 00:06:46.509
- Greeks of repentance toward god and faith in our lord
- 00:06:46.509 --> 00:06:50.346
- Jesus christ."
- 00:06:50.346 --> 00:06:51.681
- Both of those things are critical, vital, essential in
- 00:06:51.681 --> 00:06:57.854
- Order for someone to be right with god, in order for someone
- 00:06:57.854 --> 00:07:01.157
- To be saved.
- 00:07:01.157 --> 00:07:02.525
- You can't be saved apart from repentance and faith.
- 00:07:02.525 --> 00:07:06.062
- Now, the holy spirit is involved, obviously,
- 00:07:06.062 --> 00:07:09.799
- In salvation.
- 00:07:09.799 --> 00:07:11.133
- There can be no salvation without the holy spirit opening
- 00:07:11.133 --> 00:07:13.202
- Blind eyes and convicting.
- 00:07:13.202 --> 00:07:15.338
- But then there's the response of man.
- 00:07:15.338 --> 00:07:17.173
- And, see, in salvation we know that the lord is sovereign and
- 00:07:17.173 --> 00:07:22.912
- We know that he has given man a free will.
- 00:07:22.912 --> 00:07:25.581
- Now, we have debates, theological debates, and you'll
- 00:07:25.581 --> 00:07:29.185
- Find these in seminaries with calvinism.
- 00:07:29.185 --> 00:07:32.054
- John calvin was the one that wrote about these things, and
- 00:07:32.054 --> 00:07:35.658
- Then his followers came up with the five points of calvinism,
- 00:07:35.658 --> 00:07:39.862
- And they really focus--calvinism really focuses on the
- 00:07:39.862 --> 00:07:43.032
- Sovereignty of god and they focus on scriptures john chapter
- 00:07:43.032 --> 00:07:47.203
- 15: "you didn't choose me, but i chose you."
- 00:07:47.203 --> 00:07:52.174
- And we say, "well, you know, you don't have a choice in the
- 00:07:52.174 --> 00:07:54.677
- Matter of salvation.
- 00:07:54.677 --> 00:07:56.012
- God chooses you, he predestines you, and it's not your choice.
- 00:07:56.012 --> 00:07:58.881
- It's god's choice."
- 00:07:58.881 --> 00:08:00.950
- Well, it is god's choice.
- 00:08:00.950 --> 00:08:02.618
- "you didn't choose me, i chose you," jesus said, but then it
- 00:08:02.618 --> 00:08:06.155
- Also says that you're judged because you did not receive the
- 00:08:06.155 --> 00:08:11.027
- Love of the truth, so as to be saved, but took pleasure
- 00:08:11.027 --> 00:08:13.396
- In wickedness.
- 00:08:13.396 --> 00:08:14.730
- There is the response of man.
- 00:08:14.730 --> 00:08:16.198
- And when peter preached, and the people said, "what do we do?"
- 00:08:16.198 --> 00:08:20.703
- Well, what do you do?
- 00:08:20.703 --> 00:08:22.071
- "well, there's nothing you can do because it's just god's
- 00:08:22.071 --> 00:08:23.706
- Sovereign choice, and so you're just ripped potato chip.
- 00:08:23.706 --> 00:08:27.243
- I hope you're in the elect."
- 00:08:27.243 --> 00:08:28.945
- He didn't say that.
- 00:08:28.945 --> 00:08:30.279
- He said, "what do you do?
- 00:08:30.279 --> 00:08:31.647
- You need to repent and believe in jesus, and you'll be saved
- 00:08:31.647 --> 00:08:35.785
- And your sins will be washed away."
- 00:08:35.785 --> 00:08:37.453
- And so that is critical.
- 00:08:37.453 --> 00:08:39.655
- That's the first decision.
- 00:08:39.655 --> 00:08:40.990
- And, hey, listen, you ask yourself this question: have i
- 00:08:40.990 --> 00:08:43.159
- Really done that?
- 00:08:43.159 --> 00:08:44.493
- Have i really left the pigsty of sin and come to the lord and put
- 00:08:44.493 --> 00:08:48.064
- My faith and trust in him?
- 00:08:48.064 --> 00:08:50.399
- That is the first decision.
- 00:08:50.399 --> 00:08:53.202
- It deals with salvation.
- 00:08:53.202 --> 00:08:54.837
- The second decision deals with obedience and identification.
- 00:08:54.837 --> 00:08:59.842
- So, first i hear i'm convicted, what do i do?
- 00:08:59.842 --> 00:09:03.646
- Repent.
- 00:09:03.646 --> 00:09:04.981
- Put your faith and trust in jesus.
- 00:09:04.981 --> 00:09:06.349
- Okay, i do that.
- 00:09:06.349 --> 00:09:07.683
- Now, what do i do?
- 00:09:07.683 --> 00:09:09.051
- Well, look what he says in verse 38, we'll read the full verse.
- 00:09:09.051 --> 00:09:12.254
- "and peter said to them, 'repent, and let each of you be
- 00:09:12.254 --> 00:09:15.958
- Baptized in the name of jesus christ for the forgiveness of
- 00:09:15.958 --> 00:09:19.161
- Your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the holy spirit.'"
- 00:09:19.161 --> 00:09:23.499
- Baptism is something you do.
- 00:09:23.566 --> 00:09:25.668
- Baptism is a work.
- 00:09:25.668 --> 00:09:27.737
- "it's not by works," titus 3:5, "it's not by works of
- 00:09:27.737 --> 00:09:30.139
- Righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy
- 00:09:30.139 --> 00:09:32.775
- He saved us."
- 00:09:32.775 --> 00:09:34.377
- So when you put those together in the bible, you say, "well,
- 00:09:34.377 --> 00:09:37.279
- Wait a minute.
- 00:09:37.279 --> 00:09:38.648
- Is there a contradiction?"
- 00:09:38.648 --> 00:09:39.982
- There is no contradiction.
- 00:09:39.982 --> 00:09:42.985
- You have to put things into context.
- 00:09:41.651 --> 00:09:46.455
- And so baptism is identification and obedience.
- 00:09:46.455 --> 00:09:53.062
- And immersion baptism, that's what the word means.
- 00:09:53.062 --> 00:09:55.831
- "baptizó" in the greek means to fully immerse.
- 00:09:55.831 --> 00:09:59.168
- Immersion baptism, this is what it is, it is the outward sign of
- 00:09:59.168 --> 00:10:04.106
- Inward conversion, the outward sign of inward conversion.
- 00:10:04.106 --> 00:10:09.779
- It shows everybody what's happened on the inside.
- 00:10:09.779 --> 00:10:13.916
- If you repent and believe in jesus, what do you do?
- 00:10:13.916 --> 00:10:17.653
- You get baptized to show everyone what's happened on
- 00:10:17.653 --> 00:10:21.991
- The inside.
- 00:10:21.991 --> 00:10:23.492
- Baptism is the visible picture of an invisible reality.
- 00:10:23.492 --> 00:10:29.932
- And immersion baptism is critically important, but
- 00:10:29.932 --> 00:10:36.005
- Not salvific.
- 00:10:36.005 --> 00:10:39.041
- You say, "salvific?
- 00:10:39.041 --> 00:10:40.409
- Did you just make up that word?"
- 00:10:40.409 --> 00:10:41.977
- No, i didn't.
- 00:10:41.977 --> 00:10:43.345
- I learned it in seminary.
- 00:10:43.345 --> 00:10:44.680
- It's a really big word, isn't it?
- 00:10:44.680 --> 00:10:46.082
- I remember the first time i heard it, i thought my professor
- 00:10:46.082 --> 00:10:48.250
- Made it up, but it's a real word.
- 00:10:48.250 --> 00:10:49.952
- It means "producing salvation."
- 00:10:49.952 --> 00:10:52.021
- So, immersion baptism, critically important, but
- 00:10:52.021 --> 00:10:56.292
- Not salvific.
- 00:10:56.292 --> 00:10:57.660
- Why is it critically important?
- 00:10:57.660 --> 00:10:58.994
- Because it's the wedding ring of the christian life, because it
- 00:10:58.994 --> 00:11:02.298
- Lets everybody know that you belong to jesus.
- 00:11:02.298 --> 00:11:04.467
- It's--lets everybody know i have decided to follow jesus.
- 00:11:04.467 --> 00:11:07.169
- No turning back, no turning back.
- 00:11:07.169 --> 00:11:09.305
- It's the very first thing he asked us to do once we get
- 00:11:09.305 --> 00:11:12.408
- Saved, once we repent and believe.
- 00:11:12.408 --> 00:11:14.243
- He said, "now give a testimony through baptism."
- 00:11:14.243 --> 00:11:17.113
- He's asking you to go down in the water and come back up to
- 00:11:17.113 --> 00:11:20.316
- Let people know that you belong to him.
- 00:11:20.316 --> 00:11:23.953
- We can do that.
- 00:11:23.953 --> 00:11:26.055
- It's critically important, but it doesn't produce salvation
- 00:11:26.055 --> 00:11:31.460
- Because it's a work, and salvation is all of grace.
- 00:11:31.460 --> 00:11:35.865
- "it's not of works, lest any man should boast."
- 00:11:35.865 --> 00:11:39.635
- Now, there are two examples in scripture that show us beyond
- 00:11:39.635 --> 00:11:44.607
- Any shadow of any doubt that baptism doesn't save you and you
- 00:11:44.607 --> 00:11:48.978
- Don't have to be baptized to go to heaven.
- 00:11:48.978 --> 00:11:51.714
- But if you're really saved, you'll wanna be baptized and you
- 00:11:51.714 --> 00:11:54.683
- Wanna be baptized soon.
- 00:11:54.683 --> 00:11:56.719
- The ethiopian eunuch in acts chapter 8 when philip shared the
- 00:11:56.719 --> 00:12:00.556
- Gospel with him, and he put his faith and trust in jesus and he
- 00:12:00.556 --> 00:12:03.492
- Says to philip, "look, water.
- 00:12:03.492 --> 00:12:04.860
- What prevents me from being baptized?"
- 00:12:04.860 --> 00:12:06.495
- He said, "if you really believe with all your heart, you may."
- 00:12:06.495 --> 00:12:09.165
- He said, "i believe that jesus is the christ, the son of god."
- 00:12:09.165 --> 00:12:12.968
- And so philip took him down into the water and baptized him.
- 00:12:12.968 --> 00:12:15.771
- It doesn't mean anything until you really believe.
- 00:12:15.771 --> 00:12:19.775
- But we know that the thief on the cross couldn't be baptized.
- 00:12:19.775 --> 00:12:22.478
- He appealed to jesus, he owned his sin, "i'm getting what
- 00:12:22.478 --> 00:12:26.682
- I deserve.
- 00:12:26.682 --> 00:12:28.017
- This man has done nothing wrong.
- 00:12:28.017 --> 00:12:29.385
- Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom."
- 00:12:29.385 --> 00:12:30.719
- And jesus said to him, "truly, i say to you, today you shall be
- 00:12:30.719 --> 00:12:33.989
- With me in paradise."
- 00:12:33.989 --> 00:12:35.324
- He was saved, he wasn't baptized.
- 00:12:35.324 --> 00:12:36.892
- He went to heaven.
- 00:12:36.892 --> 00:12:38.227
- You'll see him, meet him.
- 00:12:38.227 --> 00:12:39.595
- If you go to heaven, you'll meet him in glory.
- 00:12:39.595 --> 00:12:42.097
- Well, so he didn't have to be baptized to be saved.
- 00:12:42.097 --> 00:12:45.301
- And you know who else, definitive case, that shows that
- 00:12:45.301 --> 00:12:49.705
- Baptism does not produce salvation?
- 00:12:49.705 --> 00:12:52.508
- Acts chapter 10, cornelius.
- 00:12:52.508 --> 00:12:54.777
- And cornelius calls for peter to come preach the gospel to him,
- 00:12:54.777 --> 00:12:58.881
- And peter does, and he's preaching to him about jesus and
- 00:12:58.881 --> 00:13:02.284
- About forgiveness and salvation.
- 00:13:02.284 --> 00:13:04.954
- And this is what the scripture says.
- 00:13:04.954 --> 00:13:06.655
- "while peter was still speaking these words, the holy spirit
- 00:13:06.655 --> 00:13:10.492
- Fell upon those who were listening to the message.
- 00:13:10.492 --> 00:13:13.095
- And all the circumcised believers who had come with
- 00:13:13.095 --> 00:13:15.531
- Peter were amazed," the circumcised believers, they're
- 00:13:15.531 --> 00:13:18.133
- Talking about jews, "who had come with peter were amazed,
- 00:13:18.133 --> 00:13:20.469
- Because the gift of the holy spirit had been poured out upon
- 00:13:20.469 --> 00:13:23.072
- The gentiles also."
- 00:13:23.072 --> 00:13:24.640
- I mean, gentiles are--gentiles, no way would god say gentiles.
- 00:13:24.640 --> 00:13:29.545
- Yeah, he does say gentiles and he gives the holy spirit to
- 00:13:29.545 --> 00:13:32.181
- Gentiles, and that's a good thing because you are a gentile
- 00:13:32.181 --> 00:13:34.717
- And so am i. it says, "and--for they were all hearing them
- 00:13:34.717 --> 00:13:38.721
- Speaking with tongues and exalting god."
- 00:13:38.721 --> 00:13:41.123
- Just like they did in acts chapter 2, they were doing in
- 00:13:41.123 --> 00:13:43.525
- Acts chapter 10.
- 00:13:43.525 --> 00:13:44.860
- "then peter answered, 'surely no one can refuse the water for
- 00:13:44.860 --> 00:13:47.897
- These to be baptized who have received the holy spirit just as
- 00:13:47.897 --> 00:13:51.133
- We did, can he?'
- 00:13:51.133 --> 00:13:52.468
- And he ordered them to be baptized in the name of
- 00:13:52.468 --> 00:13:54.169
- Jesus christ.
- 00:13:54.169 --> 00:13:55.504
- Then they asked him to stay on for a few days."
- 00:13:55.504 --> 00:13:57.640
- So if you receive the holy spirit and he comes to live
- 00:13:57.640 --> 00:14:04.847
- Inside of you, and the evidence is you're speaking of the mighty
- 00:14:04.847 --> 00:14:08.684
- Deeds of god in a language you've never learned but in a
- 00:14:08.684 --> 00:14:11.687
- Language that people can understand because they know it,
- 00:14:11.687 --> 00:14:14.390
- It's not gibberish, it's a language that they knew, you are
- 00:14:14.390 --> 00:14:18.827
- Saved and you haven't yet been baptized.
- 00:14:18.827 --> 00:14:22.731
- That's what peter said.
- 00:14:22.731 --> 00:14:24.066
- He ordered them to be baptized.
- 00:14:24.066 --> 00:14:25.434
- "it's obvious these people have been saved.
- 00:14:25.434 --> 00:14:26.902
- Now, let's baptize them."
- 00:14:26.902 --> 00:14:30.639
- You receive the holy spirit, you're a christian.
- 00:14:30.639 --> 00:14:32.508
- What does it mean to be a christian?
- 00:14:32.508 --> 00:14:34.576
- It means that you have god living inside of you.
- 00:14:34.576 --> 00:14:37.012
- That's what a christian is.
- 00:14:37.012 --> 00:14:38.414
- To be saved is to be plus god.
- 00:14:38.414 --> 00:14:40.182
- To be lost is to be minus god.
- 00:14:40.182 --> 00:14:42.451
- And when the holy spirit comes in and he indwells you, you
- 00:14:42.451 --> 00:14:46.522
- Are saved.
- 00:14:46.522 --> 00:14:47.856
- You've been sealed with the holy spirit of promise.
- 00:14:47.856 --> 00:14:50.059
- You give a testimony through baptism.
- 00:14:50.059 --> 00:14:53.362
- So the first decision: i repent and believe.
- 00:14:53.362 --> 00:14:56.031
- Question.
- 00:14:56.031 --> 00:14:57.366
- Have you done that?
- 00:14:57.366 --> 00:14:59.635
- Second decision deals with obedience and identification.
- 00:14:59.635 --> 00:15:04.673
- Have you followed the lord in believer's baptism?
- 00:15:04.673 --> 00:15:09.078
- Have you put on the wedding ring of the christian life?
- 00:15:09.078 --> 00:15:11.513
- Have you said to the world, "i have decided to follow jesus.
- 00:15:11.513 --> 00:15:14.350
- No turning back, no turning back.
- 00:15:14.350 --> 00:15:15.884
- And i'm not ashamed of him and i'm willing to do whatever"--my
- 00:15:15.884 --> 00:15:19.755
- Pastor used to say, "if jesus told us to stand on our head as
- 00:15:19.755 --> 00:15:23.792
- A testimony to the fact that we put our faith and trust in him,
- 00:15:23.792 --> 00:15:26.829
- We--ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do or die."
- 00:15:26.829 --> 00:15:29.932
- Yes, lord, because you are both lord and christ.
- 00:15:29.932 --> 00:15:33.736
- Decision number three.
- 00:15:33.736 --> 00:15:35.270
- The third decision deals with church membership and church
- 00:15:35.270 --> 00:15:40.009
- Participation and activity.
- 00:15:40.009 --> 00:15:42.811
- It says in verse 41, "so then, those who had received his word
- 00:15:42.811 --> 00:15:46.949
- Were baptized; and there were added that day about three
- 00:15:46.949 --> 00:15:50.352
- Thousand souls."
- 00:15:50.352 --> 00:15:52.654
- How did they know?
- 00:15:52.654 --> 00:15:54.023
- They counted them.
- 00:15:54.023 --> 00:15:55.357
- That's how they knew.
- 00:15:55.357 --> 00:15:56.692
- They counted them.
- 00:15:56.692 --> 00:15:58.060
- Some people say, "well, you guys are all--you're just interested
- 00:15:58.060 --> 00:16:00.129
- In money.
- 00:16:00.129 --> 00:16:01.463
- You always count--are interested in the numbers.
- 00:16:01.463 --> 00:16:03.165
- You're always counting numbers.
- 00:16:03.165 --> 00:16:04.733
- Like, why are you so interested in numbers?
- 00:16:04.733 --> 00:16:06.468
- God's not interested in numbers."
- 00:16:06.468 --> 00:16:08.003
- He's not?
- 00:16:08.003 --> 00:16:09.371
- There's a whole book of the bible called numbers.
- 00:16:09.371 --> 00:16:11.073
- He's pretty interested in numbers, right?
- 00:16:11.073 --> 00:16:14.309
- Three thousand, they counted them.
- 00:16:14.309 --> 00:16:16.378
- Then we're gonna find out that that's 5000 a little later on.
- 00:16:16.378 --> 00:16:21.183
- And so it's important.
- 00:16:21.183 --> 00:16:22.518
- Why?
- 00:16:22.518 --> 00:16:23.886
- We count because people matter.
- 00:16:23.886 --> 00:16:26.722
- And so they counted those that followed the lord and those who
- 00:16:26.722 --> 00:16:30.292
- Were baptized, and they were added to the church.
- 00:16:30.292 --> 00:16:33.228
- They were added to their number.
- 00:16:33.228 --> 00:16:35.397
- Church membership is important.
- 00:16:38.700 --> 00:16:42.504
- Church participation and activity is important.
- 00:16:42.504 --> 00:16:47.109
- God saved us to live in spiritual community.
- 00:16:47.109 --> 00:16:52.381
- He didn't save us to live, just, floating around out
- 00:16:52.381 --> 00:16:56.285
- By ourselves.
- 00:16:56.285 --> 00:16:57.653
- No, when you put your faith and trust in jesus christ, you're a
- 00:16:57.653 --> 00:17:00.756
- Part of the family of god, and god wants you to be involved in
- 00:17:00.756 --> 00:17:04.760
- The family.
- 00:17:04.760 --> 00:17:06.095
- He wants you to be an active member of the family.
- 00:17:06.095 --> 00:17:08.664
- Jesus said, "upon this rock i will build my church, and the
- 00:17:08.664 --> 00:17:13.135
- Gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
- 00:17:13.135 --> 00:17:15.704
- And see, god uses the church to provide spiritual protection
- 00:17:15.704 --> 00:17:20.576
- And accountability.
- 00:17:20.576 --> 00:17:22.177
- Those things are important.
- 00:17:22.177 --> 00:17:23.979
- How does the church help you?
- 00:17:23.979 --> 00:17:25.914
- The gathering of the saints of god, the gathering of the people
- 00:17:25.914 --> 00:17:28.784
- Of god.
- 00:17:28.784 --> 00:17:30.152
- And church is a time where we worship the lord in spirit
- 00:17:30.152 --> 00:17:33.021
- And truth.
- 00:17:33.021 --> 00:17:34.356
- Unbelievers are definitely welcome.
- 00:17:34.356 --> 00:17:35.824
- They're always welcome here.
- 00:17:35.824 --> 00:17:37.392
- But the reason we gather is not to entertain unbelievers.
- 00:17:37.392 --> 00:17:42.097
- It's to worship the lord, and that's what we do, and we invite
- 00:17:42.097 --> 00:17:46.335
- People to come in.
- 00:17:46.335 --> 00:17:47.703
- We're going to worship our king.
- 00:17:47.703 --> 00:17:49.037
- We want you to see what that is all about.
- 00:17:49.037 --> 00:17:51.273
- But we're not here to entertain you.
- 00:17:51.273 --> 00:17:54.009
- We're here to worship him.
- 00:17:54.009 --> 00:17:56.044
- And so we come together as a church, and the church provides
- 00:17:56.044 --> 00:18:00.382
- Spiritual protection and accountability.
- 00:18:00.382 --> 00:18:04.353
- I've seen this over and over and over in my years as a pastor.
- 00:18:04.353 --> 00:18:07.723
- People, they're involved in church and they're doing great.
- 00:18:07.723 --> 00:18:11.126
- And then what happens?
- 00:18:11.126 --> 00:18:12.494
- Something happens.
- 00:18:12.494 --> 00:18:13.962
- They--maybe they start dating somebody that pulls them away
- 00:18:13.962 --> 00:18:16.732
- From the church, or maybe other things start coming in, kids's
- 00:18:16.732 --> 00:18:20.769
- Sports a lot of times.
- 00:18:20.769 --> 00:18:22.104
- "well, we can't come because we have this and that," and they
- 00:18:22.104 --> 00:18:24.473
- Pile their schedule with all these other things that
- 00:18:24.473 --> 00:18:26.341
- Don't matter.
- 00:18:26.341 --> 00:18:27.709
- And they start drifting away from the church and they say,
- 00:18:27.709 --> 00:18:29.344
- "well, it's no big deal."
- 00:18:29.344 --> 00:18:30.679
- It's a big deal.
- 00:18:30.679 --> 00:18:32.014
- And what happens to those people over time?
- 00:18:32.014 --> 00:18:33.882
- Their heart cools for the lord.
- 00:18:33.882 --> 00:18:36.084
- And then their lives start going down the tubes and their
- 00:18:36.084 --> 00:18:38.687
- Marriage starts having trouble and their family starts having
- 00:18:38.687 --> 00:18:41.123
- Trouble, and they teach their sons and their daughters that
- 00:18:41.123 --> 00:18:44.193
- Little league is more important than god.
- 00:18:44.193 --> 00:18:46.495
- It's a horrible thing to teach your kids.
- 00:18:46.495 --> 00:18:48.830
- You teach them that the lord, he is god, the lord, he is god, and
- 00:18:48.830 --> 00:18:52.201
- We worship him and serve him because he is worthy,
- 00:18:52.201 --> 00:18:55.704
- Worthy, worthy.
- 00:18:55.704 --> 00:18:57.139
- That is critical.
- 00:18:57.139 --> 00:18:59.374
- Hebrews 13:17 says, "obey your leaders, and submit to them; for
- 00:19:03.579 --> 00:19:08.650
- They keep watch over your souls, as those who will give
- 00:19:08.650 --> 00:19:11.820
- An account.
- 00:19:11.820 --> 00:19:13.155
- Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would
- 00:19:13.155 --> 00:19:15.157
- Be unprofitable for you."
- 00:19:15.157 --> 00:19:18.493
- Hey, spiritual protection, spiritual accountability, those
- 00:19:18.493 --> 00:19:22.130
- Things are good things.
- 00:19:22.130 --> 00:19:23.498
- They're not bad things.
- 00:19:23.498 --> 00:19:25.300
- Hey, first decision, you've repented and believed.
- 00:19:25.300 --> 00:19:30.205
- Have you done that?
- 00:19:30.205 --> 00:19:31.573
- Second decision, you followed the lord in believers baptism.
- 00:19:31.573 --> 00:19:33.642
- You said, "i'm not ashamed of jesus.
- 00:19:33.642 --> 00:19:37.012
- I want the world to know that i belong to jesus."
- 00:19:37.012 --> 00:19:39.281
- Third decision, that i'm an active member of the church and
- 00:19:39.281 --> 00:19:43.752
- I'm here.
- 00:19:43.752 --> 00:19:45.087
- And i'm not just coming once a month when the mood hits me.
- 00:19:45.087 --> 00:19:48.490
- I am participating and i am using the gifts and talents god
- 00:19:48.490 --> 00:19:52.060
- Has given me.
- 00:19:52.060 --> 00:19:53.428
- And the fourth decision, very quickly, the fourth decision
- 00:19:53.428 --> 00:19:55.597
- Deals with spiritual growth.
- 00:19:55.597 --> 00:19:57.899
- So you may be hearing, you say, "well, i've done the
- 00:19:57.899 --> 00:19:59.801
- First decision.
- 00:19:59.801 --> 00:20:01.169
- I've done the second decision.
- 00:20:01.169 --> 00:20:02.504
- I've done the third decision."
- 00:20:02.504 --> 00:20:03.872
- But what about the fourth decision?
- 00:20:03.872 --> 00:20:05.207
- What about spiritual growth?
- 00:20:05.207 --> 00:20:06.575
- Are you growing in your relationship with the lord?
- 00:20:06.575 --> 00:20:09.244
- 2 peter 3:18, "but grow in the grace and knowledge of our lord
- 00:20:09.244 --> 00:20:12.614
- And savior jesus christ."
- 00:20:12.614 --> 00:20:14.549
- And so this is what the scripture says, verse 42, "and
- 00:20:14.549 --> 00:20:17.319
- They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles'
- 00:20:17.319 --> 00:20:20.856
- Teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and
- 00:20:20.856 --> 00:20:23.959
- To prayer.
- 00:20:23.959 --> 00:20:25.294
- And everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders
- 00:20:25.294 --> 00:20:28.163
- And signs were taking place through the apostles.
- 00:20:28.163 --> 00:20:30.599
- And all those who had believed were together, and had all
- 00:20:30.599 --> 00:20:34.036
- Things in common; and they began selling their property and
- 00:20:34.036 --> 00:20:36.438
- Possessions, and were sharing them with all, as anyone might
- 00:20:36.438 --> 00:20:39.841
- Have need.
- 00:20:39.841 --> 00:20:41.209
- And day by day, continuing with one mind in the temple, and
- 00:20:41.209 --> 00:20:44.513
- Breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their
- 00:20:44.513 --> 00:20:47.049
- Meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising
- 00:20:47.049 --> 00:20:51.953
- God, and having favor with all the people."
- 00:20:51.953 --> 00:20:54.790
- Man, they were growing spiritually.
- 00:20:55.691 --> 00:20:58.093
- Are you growing spiritually?
- 00:20:58.093 --> 00:20:59.561
- Have you made that decision to grow spiritually?
- 00:20:59.561 --> 00:21:02.631
- There is no substitute for prayer and bible study
- 00:21:02.631 --> 00:21:05.934
- And fellowship.
- 00:21:05.934 --> 00:21:07.302
- Those things are critical.
- 00:21:07.302 --> 00:21:08.970
- There's no substitute for gathering with the people of
- 00:21:08.970 --> 00:21:11.373
- God, as they would hear the apostles's teaching.
- 00:21:11.373 --> 00:21:13.275
- That's big group.
- 00:21:13.275 --> 00:21:14.643
- And then they would be house to house.
- 00:21:14.643 --> 00:21:15.977
- That's small group.
- 00:21:15.977 --> 00:21:17.346
- We need big group time, we need small group time.
- 00:21:17.346 --> 00:21:18.680
- We need bible study time, we need prayer time.
- 00:21:18.680 --> 00:21:20.682
- We need fellowship time.
- 00:21:20.682 --> 00:21:22.551
- Hey, online church and tv church, all those things
- 00:21:22.551 --> 00:21:25.554
- Are great.
- 00:21:25.554 --> 00:21:26.888
- They're great supplements, they're not great substitutes,
- 00:21:26.888 --> 00:21:28.757
- Because you can't substitute fellowship for something on
- 00:21:28.757 --> 00:21:32.627
- A screen.
- 00:21:32.627 --> 00:21:34.029
- You need--it's just like facebook.
- 00:21:34.029 --> 00:21:36.898
- I've told you before, i have 5000 facebook friends.
- 00:21:36.898 --> 00:21:41.536
- I don't have 5000 friends.
- 00:21:41.536 --> 00:21:44.573
- Sometimes i wonder if i have 50.
- 00:21:44.573 --> 00:21:46.775
- But, just, all these facebook friends.
- 00:21:46.775 --> 00:21:48.577
- "i'm your friend on facebook."
- 00:21:48.577 --> 00:21:49.945
- I don't even know who you are.
- 00:21:49.945 --> 00:21:51.279
- I've never even met you.
- 00:21:51.279 --> 00:21:52.614
- We're not really, you know, great friends if i don't know
- 00:21:52.614 --> 00:21:54.816
- Who you are.
- 00:21:54.816 --> 00:21:56.184
- So you have to have the interaction time.
- 00:21:56.184 --> 00:21:57.586
- We need all that, the fellowship time, the one-on-one time
- 00:21:57.586 --> 00:22:00.655
- With people.
- 00:22:00.655 --> 00:22:02.023
- And there's no substitute for that.
- 00:22:02.023 --> 00:22:03.625
- You never get past that prayer and bible study and fellowship
- 00:22:03.625 --> 00:22:07.996
- And gathering and worship and praising god.
- 00:22:07.996 --> 00:22:10.632
- You never do.
- 00:22:10.632 --> 00:22:12.000
- And the bible is our food.
- 00:22:12.000 --> 00:22:13.335
- It's our milk, it's our meat, it's our bread.
- 00:22:13.335 --> 00:22:16.104
- And communing with god through prayer, that connects us to
- 00:22:16.104 --> 00:22:19.875
- The lord.
- 00:22:19.875 --> 00:22:21.243
- Those things are critical.
- 00:22:21.243 --> 00:22:22.577
- How are you doing with that?
- 00:22:22.577 --> 00:22:23.945
- Are you growing in your knowledge of the lord?
- 00:22:23.945 --> 00:22:26.515
- In your hunger for the lord?
- 00:22:26.515 --> 00:22:28.216
- In your fellowship with the lord?
- 00:22:28.216 --> 00:22:30.786
- And then, god wonderfully transforms the life of a
- 00:22:30.786 --> 00:22:34.022
- Growing believer.
- 00:22:34.022 --> 00:22:35.357
- What's the result?
- 00:22:35.357 --> 00:22:36.725
- Man, you're gonna have a heart that's totally changed.
- 00:22:36.725 --> 00:22:38.360
- You're gonna wanna give, and they're a giving church.
- 00:22:38.360 --> 00:22:40.729
- You're gonna wanna praise, and they're a praising church.
- 00:22:40.729 --> 00:22:42.731
- There's gonna be awe,
- 00:22:42.731 --> 00:22:44.065
- God's gonna be at work.
- 00:22:44.065 --> 00:22:45.500
- It is gonna be awesome.
- 00:22:45.500 --> 00:22:46.968
- You are changed from glory to glory,
- 00:22:46.968 --> 00:22:48.970
- As it says in 2 corinthians chapter 3.
- 00:22:48.970 --> 00:22:52.240
- And the lord does a work in you, "for it
- 00:22:52.240 --> 00:22:54.242
- Is god who is at work in you both to will and to work for his
- 00:22:54.242 --> 00:22:56.645
- Good pleasure."
- 00:22:56.645 --> 00:22:58.013
- And people begin to notice.
- 00:22:58.013 --> 00:23:00.315
- The sweet aroma of the knowledge of you--of him goes forth in
- 00:23:00.315 --> 00:23:03.885
- Every place you go.
- 00:23:03.885 --> 00:23:05.220
- People start noticing.
- 00:23:05.220 --> 00:23:06.588
- Hey, when you see a growing christian, you notice there's
- 00:23:06.588 --> 00:23:09.024
- Something different about them.
- 00:23:09.024 --> 00:23:10.926
- Man, they're excited about jesus.
- 00:23:10.926 --> 00:23:13.528
- There's praise on their lips, there's joy in their heart.
- 00:23:13.528 --> 00:23:16.865
- This isn't--they're not putting on a show.
- 00:23:16.865 --> 00:23:18.767
- They're different in the way they act.
- 00:23:18.767 --> 00:23:20.435
- They're different in the way they react.
- 00:23:20.435 --> 00:23:22.204
- You pull them--you know, you pull out in front of them on the
- 00:23:22.204 --> 00:23:25.106
- Road and all of a sudden you find out what's really--people
- 00:23:25.106 --> 00:23:28.043
- Are really like, right?
- 00:23:28.043 --> 00:23:30.045
- But for a christian that's growing, what--and when you're
- 00:23:30.045 --> 00:23:32.914
- Filled up with jesus, you put the squeeze on somebody, out
- 00:23:32.914 --> 00:23:35.517
- Comes jesus.
- 00:23:35.517 --> 00:23:36.885
- And they respond in grace and kindness, and not in selfishness
- 00:23:36.885 --> 00:23:43.391
- And ugliness.
- 00:23:43.391 --> 00:23:45.126
- God wonderfully transforms the life of a growing believer.
- 00:23:45.126 --> 00:23:48.330
- And it says in verse 47, "and the lord was adding to their
- 00:23:48.330 --> 00:23:51.166
- Number day by day those who were being saved."
- 00:23:51.166 --> 00:23:55.036
- Man, they had impact.
- 00:23:55.036 --> 00:23:57.305
- Does your life have impact?
- 00:23:57.305 --> 00:24:01.276
- People follow you around and they say, "man, whatever you
- 00:24:01.276 --> 00:24:04.045
- Have, i want it because there is--there's a--the power of god
- 00:24:04.045 --> 00:24:09.050
- Is on your life.
- 00:24:09.050 --> 00:24:10.418
- The sweet aroma, the knowledge of him is on your life.
- 00:24:10.418 --> 00:24:11.920
- Tell me what that means"?
- 00:24:11.920 --> 00:24:13.321
- "you have something i don't have."
- 00:24:13.321 --> 00:24:16.258
- That's what it means to be a witness.
- 00:24:16.258 --> 00:24:18.560
- Well, yeah, are you growing more like jesus, or are you
- 00:24:18.560 --> 00:24:22.197
- Crabby and mean and bitter?
- 00:24:22.197 --> 00:24:25.433
- And nobody wants to be around you?
- 00:24:25.433 --> 00:24:27.235
- And everything is negative?
- 00:24:27.235 --> 00:24:29.504
- Well, what has happened to you?
- 00:24:29.504 --> 00:24:31.740
- Obviously, you need to make decision number four, that you
- 00:24:31.740 --> 00:24:35.243
- Would continue to grow spiritually so you'd be more
- 00:24:35.243 --> 00:24:38.713
- Like jesus.
- 00:24:38.713 --> 00:24:42.284
- Decision time.
- 00:24:42.284 --> 00:24:44.953
- I don't know what decision you need to make, but i know that
- 00:24:44.953 --> 00:24:49.558
- There's not a person in this room that doesn't need to make a
- 00:24:49.558 --> 00:24:52.327
- Decision today.
- 00:24:52.327 --> 00:24:53.695
- Jeff: no matter where you are in life, god's love and care is
- 00:24:56.197 --> 00:24:59.634
- Always available.
- 00:24:59.634 --> 00:25:01.269
- And you can discover the depth of his love for you each day in
- 00:25:01.269 --> 00:25:04.472
- 2025 in a brand-new daily devotional book called, "god's
- 00:25:04.472 --> 00:25:08.610
- Mercy, grace, and compassion."
- 00:25:08.610 --> 00:25:10.946
- I had the honor of joining with 47 other pastors and christian
- 00:25:10.946 --> 00:25:14.282
- Leaders to produce this brand-new, high-quality book
- 00:25:14.282 --> 00:25:18.053
- That features daily scripture readings, inspiring devotional
- 00:25:18.053 --> 00:25:21.823
- Thoughts, and a daily prayer that i believe will help you
- 00:25:21.823 --> 00:25:25.293
- Walk more closely with the lord.
- 00:25:25.293 --> 00:25:27.395
- We hope you'll contact us today to get your copy of this new,
- 00:25:27.395 --> 00:25:30.932
- Year-long daily devotional that will help you grow in gratitude
- 00:25:30.932 --> 00:25:34.869
- For god's mercy, grace, and compassion.
- 00:25:34.869 --> 00:25:38.340
- Here's how you can get yours.
- 00:25:38.340 --> 00:25:40.575
- Male announcer: to get your copy of this beautiful and inspiring
- 00:25:40.575 --> 00:25:43.445
- Year-long daily devotional book, "god's mercy, grace, and
- 00:25:43.445 --> 00:25:46.781
- Compassion," either for yourself or as a present for a friend,
- 00:25:46.781 --> 00:25:50.619
- Make your timely and important calendar year-end gift to from
- 00:25:50.619 --> 00:25:53.922
- His heart today.
- 00:25:53.922 --> 00:25:55.290
- To help us sustain and expand our reach in 2025, call
- 00:25:55.290 --> 00:25:59.427
- 877-777-6171, or go to and make that
- 00:25:59.427 --> 00:26:06.901
- Year-end gift today.
- 00:26:06.901 --> 00:26:08.803
- Jeff: we've been talking about the three gifts of christmas, so
- 00:26:08.870 --> 00:26:11.673
- Here's the question: have you given jesus the greatest gift?
- 00:26:11.673 --> 00:26:15.777
- That's the gift of your heart.
- 00:26:15.777 --> 00:26:17.479
- Have you surrendered to him?
- 00:26:17.479 --> 00:26:19.781
- If not, you can do it right now.
- 00:26:19.781 --> 00:26:22.584
- Just pray this simple prayer with me.
- 00:26:22.584 --> 00:26:24.686
- "lord jesus, i'm a sinner and i'm lost and i can't
- 00:26:24.686 --> 00:26:30.025
- Save myself.
- 00:26:30.025 --> 00:26:31.459
- But i believe that you are god in the flesh, i believe you died
- 00:26:31.459 --> 00:26:35.597
- On the cross for my sins, and rose again from the dead.
- 00:26:35.597 --> 00:26:39.134
- And right now, jesus, i surrender my heart and my life
- 00:26:39.134 --> 00:26:43.505
- To you.
- 00:26:43.505 --> 00:26:44.839
- Come into my life, forgive me of all my sins, be my lord
- 00:26:44.839 --> 00:26:48.176
- And savior.
- 00:26:48.176 --> 00:26:49.511
- And i promise to follow you all the days of my life."
- 00:26:49.511 --> 00:26:53.114
- My friend, if you'll pray that kind of prayer and mean it, the
- 00:26:53.114 --> 00:26:56.284
- Lord will come in, and your life will never be the same.
- 00:26:56.284 --> 00:27:00.388
- We'd love to hear from you.
- 00:27:00.388 --> 00:27:01.823
- If you just prayed that prayer
- 00:27:01.823 --> 00:27:03.324
- To receive christ,
- 00:27:03.324 --> 00:27:04.826
- If this program is a blessing
- 00:27:04.826 --> 00:27:06.161
- To you, let us know.
- 00:27:06.161 --> 00:27:07.495
- You're important to god
- 00:27:07.495 --> 00:27:08.830
- And you're important to us,
- 00:27:08.830 --> 00:27:10.165
- And we're here for you.
- 00:27:10.165 --> 00:27:11.499
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:11.499 --> 00:27:17.005
- Cc by aberdeen captioning 1-800-688-6621
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