Join Pastor Greg Laurie for a time of encouragement, worship, and Bible study.
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Harvest with Pastor Greg Laurie | Greg Laurie - The Future Is Written | February 10, 2025
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- 00:00:00.633 --> 00:00:00.343
- Greg laurie: it's worth noting that whenever you read what the
- 00:00:04.247 --> 00:00:07.250
- Bible says about our future, there is also an exhortation, or
- 00:00:07.350 --> 00:00:13.356
- Word of encouragement, to us to live a godly life.
- 00:00:13.456 --> 00:00:17.560
- Let me say that again.
- 00:00:17.694 --> 00:00:18.895
- Whenever you read in the bible about the imminent return of
- 00:00:19.029 --> 00:00:20.063
- Jesus, there is always a word to us about living a godly life.
- 00:00:22.599 --> 00:00:27.637
- For example, 2 peter 3:11, "since everything around us is
- 00:00:27.637 --> 00:00:31.441
- Gonna be destroyed, what holy and godly lives should we
- 00:00:31.441 --> 00:00:36.579
- Be living?"
- 00:00:36.579 --> 00:00:38.748
- ♪ this is the day, the day when life begins. ♪
- 00:00:42.118 --> 00:00:49.826
- ♪ this is the day, the day when life begins. ♪♪
- 00:00:49.826 --> 00:01:00.036
- Greg: okay, let's grab our bibles and turn to james chapter
- 00:01:04.174 --> 00:01:08.011
- 5, we're starting a brand new series on the end times, and the
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- Title of the message is "the future is written," "the future
- 00:01:13.616 --> 00:01:20.223
- Is written."
- 00:01:20.223 --> 00:01:21.558
- So i travel quite a bit.
- 00:01:21.558 --> 00:01:23.893
- And when you're standing in line getting ready to board the
- 00:01:23.893 --> 00:01:26.930
- Plane, you might say to the person in line next to you, so
- 00:01:26.930 --> 00:01:30.633
- Where are you headed?
- 00:01:30.633 --> 00:01:32.569
- They'll say, oh, i'm going to new york.
- 00:01:32.569 --> 00:01:34.070
- I'm going to detroit.
- 00:01:34.070 --> 00:01:35.672
- I'm going to chicago.
- 00:01:35.672 --> 00:01:37.540
- I'm going to kokomo, oh bermuda, bahama, come on, pretty mama,
- 00:01:37.540 --> 00:01:44.080
- You know.
- 00:01:44.080 --> 00:01:45.415
- So everybody's going somewhere--and that's an obscure
- 00:01:45.415 --> 00:01:48.318
- Reference to an old beach boys song.
- 00:01:48.318 --> 00:01:50.587
- By the way, not one of their best songs, i might add, but
- 00:01:50.587 --> 00:01:54.124
- They had many others i liked much more, but i digress.
- 00:01:54.124 --> 00:01:58.561
- But that's a very important question to answer.
- 00:01:58.561 --> 00:02:01.397
- Where are you going?
- 00:02:01.397 --> 00:02:04.400
- So this is a new series, as i said, called "the future is
- 00:02:04.400 --> 00:02:08.104
- Written," and in this series i want to answer the question, is
- 00:02:08.104 --> 00:02:11.875
- Jesus coming back again?
- 00:02:11.875 --> 00:02:14.844
- And the simple answer is, yes.
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- Why do i say that?
- 00:02:17.747 --> 00:02:19.115
- Because jesus said, "i will come again."
- 00:02:19.115 --> 00:02:23.052
- Listen, we are privileged to be closer to the return of jesus in
- 00:02:23.052 --> 00:02:27.924
- Any generation that has ever existed in human history.
- 00:02:27.924 --> 00:02:33.530
- That's absolutely true.
- 00:02:33.530 --> 00:02:35.498
- And you can sense the nearness of his return.
- 00:02:35.498 --> 00:02:41.137
- And often christians will focus on, when will jesus come back?
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- When will jesus come?
- 00:02:45.942 --> 00:02:47.810
- And the answer simply is i don't know nor does anyone else.
- 00:02:47.810 --> 00:02:52.348
- Jesus says, no one knows the day or the hour when the son of man
- 00:02:52.348 --> 00:02:57.253
- Will return.
- 00:02:57.253 --> 00:02:58.621
- But yet people come up with these ideas as to they think
- 00:02:58.621 --> 00:03:02.659
- They've cracked the code, and they know when christ will
- 00:03:02.659 --> 00:03:04.894
- Come back.
- 00:03:04.894 --> 00:03:06.262
- But, you know, so people will see signs of the times
- 00:03:06.262 --> 00:03:09.866
- Everywhere, but then at the same time, we can miss the
- 00:03:09.866 --> 00:03:13.636
- Big picture.
- 00:03:13.636 --> 00:03:15.004
- And there really are a lot of the signs of the times pointing
- 00:03:15.004 --> 00:03:19.175
- To the imminent return of jesus, which i'm going to talk about in
- 00:03:19.175 --> 00:03:22.312
- Just a few moments.
- 00:03:22.312 --> 00:03:23.680
- But instead of focusing on the when question, we should focus
- 00:03:23.680 --> 00:03:27.884
- On the what question.
- 00:03:27.884 --> 00:03:29.786
- Instead of saying, when will jesus come, we should be asking
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- What should we do as we await the return of the lord?
- 00:03:34.257 --> 00:03:39.696
- So bible prophecy, eschatology as it's sometimes called, what
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- Is it?
- 00:03:44.300 --> 00:03:45.635
- It's simply god revealing history in advance, and the
- 00:03:45.635 --> 00:03:49.372
- Scriptures ooze with the return of christ.
- 00:03:49.372 --> 00:03:53.376
- The new testament contains over 300 references to the return
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- Of jesus.
- 00:03:58.481 --> 00:03:59.816
- That's 1 out of every 13 verses.
- 00:03:59.816 --> 00:04:01.851
- Did you know that 27 to 33% of the bible is prophecy, and more
- 00:04:01.851 --> 00:04:07.357
- Than a--10,000 of the 31,000 verses in the bible
- 00:04:07.357 --> 00:04:11.127
- Contain bible prophecy?
- 00:04:11.127 --> 00:04:13.296
- That's no small down payment.
- 00:04:13.296 --> 00:04:15.898
- So when god tells us what's going to happen, it's not as
- 00:04:15.898 --> 00:04:19.502
- Though the lord is somehow going out on a limb and taking
- 00:04:19.502 --> 00:04:23.773
- A chance.
- 00:04:23.773 --> 00:04:25.141
- You see, god is eternal.
- 00:04:25.141 --> 00:04:27.310
- He sees all things.
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- He knows all things.
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- He sees the past.
- 00:04:30.280 --> 00:04:31.648
- He sees the future.
- 00:04:31.648 --> 00:04:33.016
- It's like a continuum to him.
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- So when he tells us something is gonna happen, you can take that
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- To the bank.
- 00:04:39.622 --> 00:04:40.957
- That's why this series is called, "the future is written."
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- I told you this before, but i figured between my wife cathy
- 00:04:45.161 --> 00:04:48.698
- And i, we have one complete brain.
- 00:04:48.698 --> 00:04:52.435
- Because i'll forget things, she'll remember them.
- 00:04:52.435 --> 00:04:54.971
- She'll forget things, i'll remember them.
- 00:04:54.971 --> 00:04:57.307
- There are times when i'll be telling the story of something
- 00:04:57.307 --> 00:05:00.176
- That just happened to me to a group of people and my wife will
- 00:05:00.176 --> 00:05:03.313
- Interrupt me and say, "that's not the way it happened."
- 00:05:03.313 --> 00:05:06.749
- And i'll say, "you weren't even there."
- 00:05:06.749 --> 00:05:10.353
- She says, "yes, but it's different than the way you told
- 00:05:10.353 --> 00:05:13.589
- Me the first time because the first time you told me this
- 00:05:13.589 --> 00:05:17.026
- Story, you said this, this and this."
- 00:05:17.026 --> 00:05:20.263
- And doggonit, she's right.
- 00:05:20.263 --> 00:05:21.964
- So between the two of us, we have one complete brain.
- 00:05:21.964 --> 00:05:25.935
- So i'm challenged sometimes in remembering all the details of
- 00:05:25.935 --> 00:05:30.373
- Something that happened in the past.
- 00:05:30.373 --> 00:05:32.909
- But god knows all things.
- 00:05:32.909 --> 00:05:35.378
- And when he reveals these things, you know they are
- 00:05:35.378 --> 00:05:38.614
- Something you can bank on.
- 00:05:38.614 --> 00:05:41.017
- Now there are many signs that the bible speaks of that we
- 00:05:41.017 --> 00:05:44.287
- Should be looking for that alert us to the return of christ, such
- 00:05:44.287 --> 00:05:48.624
- As the outbreak of war around the globe, the persecution of
- 00:05:48.624 --> 00:05:53.129
- Christians, the emergence of china as a superpower, the
- 00:05:53.129 --> 00:05:57.633
- Aggressiveness of iran and her repeated threats and attacks
- 00:05:57.633 --> 00:06:02.772
- Against israel.
- 00:06:02.772 --> 00:06:04.374
- I would also say nuclear weapons are more sophisticated today and
- 00:06:04.374 --> 00:06:08.478
- They're small enough to be carried by hand.
- 00:06:08.478 --> 00:06:11.714
- One is called an atomic demolition munition, an adm that
- 00:06:11.714 --> 00:06:16.285
- Fits into a suitcase, a portable nuclear weapon.
- 00:06:16.285 --> 00:06:20.923
- We have the spread of radical islam, terrorism, a resurgence
- 00:06:20.923 --> 00:06:25.428
- Of marxism and communism, and the dramatic rise of
- 00:06:25.428 --> 00:06:30.166
- Anti-semitism, a lot of isms, a lot of things happening before
- 00:06:30.166 --> 00:06:35.271
- Our eyes.
- 00:06:35.271 --> 00:06:36.639
- I would also add the falling away of spiritual leaders and
- 00:06:36.639 --> 00:06:40.610
- Seemingly strong christians from the faith, all signs of the
- 00:06:40.610 --> 00:06:45.515
- Times, the explosion of technology, specifically
- 00:06:45.515 --> 00:06:49.552
- Artificial intelligence, increasing government overreach
- 00:06:49.552 --> 00:06:54.123
- In our lives seeking more control, the dramatic increase
- 00:06:54.123 --> 00:06:58.761
- Of drug use decimating american cities, international financial
- 00:06:58.761 --> 00:07:05.268
- Instability, mass shootings, the disintegration of the family.
- 00:07:05.268 --> 00:07:10.940
- How about this, the blatant pushing of immorality on every
- 00:07:10.940 --> 00:07:15.278
- Platform from movies to tv to social media, the redefinition
- 00:07:15.278 --> 00:07:20.683
- Of a man and a woman, including child gender mutilation.
- 00:07:20.683 --> 00:07:25.588
- I would add the aggressive marketing of this evil agenda to
- 00:07:25.588 --> 00:07:30.393
- Young people, in particular, through entertainment,
- 00:07:30.393 --> 00:07:33.463
- Education, social media, et cetera.
- 00:07:33.463 --> 00:07:36.899
- These are signs of the times, and they're exploding around us
- 00:07:36.899 --> 00:07:43.005
- Right now.
- 00:07:43.005 --> 00:07:44.373
- The bible says in the last days, there would be satanically
- 00:07:44.373 --> 00:07:47.944
- Energized times.
- 00:07:47.944 --> 00:07:49.946
- So the devil is clearly in the details of all of this.
- 00:07:49.946 --> 00:07:54.684
- Jesus likened it to labor pains when a woman is about ready to
- 00:07:54.684 --> 00:07:59.922
- Give birth to her child, her labor pains get closer and
- 00:07:59.922 --> 00:08:04.427
- Closer together.
- 00:08:04.427 --> 00:08:06.162
- And as we see these things happening closer and closer
- 00:08:06.162 --> 00:08:10.066
- Together, it says that christ is coming back again.
- 00:08:10.066 --> 00:08:14.203
- So people are so concerned about this and they're so alarmed by
- 00:08:14.203 --> 00:08:17.773
- This and they're so depressed about this that they're stressed
- 00:08:17.773 --> 00:08:22.478
- Like never before.
- 00:08:22.478 --> 00:08:24.080
- Psychologists have even coined a phrase called doomsday anxiety.
- 00:08:24.080 --> 00:08:30.353
- This includes the fear, or worry, about the end of the
- 00:08:30.353 --> 00:08:33.055
- World or life as we know it.
- 00:08:33.055 --> 00:08:35.358
- Symptoms include chronic nightmares, an underlying
- 00:08:35.358 --> 00:08:38.594
- Feeling of fear, an obsession with the news or doom scrolling,
- 00:08:38.594 --> 00:08:43.566
- As they say through social media, even secular
- 00:08:43.566 --> 00:08:48.037
- Futurologists are sounding the alarms as they see conversing
- 00:08:48.037 --> 00:08:52.675
- Lines of danger and instability around the world.
- 00:08:52.675 --> 00:08:57.313
- So having said all this, how should we react?
- 00:08:57.313 --> 00:09:00.182
- Here's what jesus said, "let not your hearts be troubled, neither
- 00:09:00.182 --> 00:09:04.987
- Let them be afraid.
- 00:09:04.987 --> 00:09:06.789
- You believe in god, believe also in me.
- 00:09:06.789 --> 00:09:09.292
- And then he says, "i will come again."
- 00:09:09.292 --> 00:09:12.962
- Jesus said, "when you see these things begin to happen, look up
- 00:09:12.962 --> 00:09:16.933
- Because you know that your redemption is drawing near."
- 00:09:16.933 --> 00:09:21.137
- I think it's really important to study bible prophecy.
- 00:09:21.137 --> 00:09:26.142
- And this is a trend that we see in churches where it's not being
- 00:09:26.142 --> 00:09:30.446
- Talked about as much as we used to talk about it.
- 00:09:30.446 --> 00:09:34.517
- I would say one of the earmarks of the jesus movement was we
- 00:09:34.517 --> 00:09:38.688
- Believe jesus was coming and that fueled us and that
- 00:09:38.688 --> 00:09:42.925
- Motivated us and i think it's something we need to be thinking
- 00:09:42.925 --> 00:09:46.395
- About today.
- 00:09:46.395 --> 00:09:47.763
- Why should we study bible prophecy?
- 00:09:47.763 --> 00:09:50.666
- If you're taking notes, here's point number one, understanding
- 00:09:50.666 --> 00:09:54.870
- Bible prophecy brings hope in a hopeless world.
- 00:09:54.870 --> 00:09:59.141
- Let me say that again,
- 00:09:59.141 --> 00:10:00.476
- Understanding bible prophecy brings hope in a hopeless world.
- 00:10:00.476 --> 00:10:04.880
- Titus 2:13 says, "we're waiting for the blessed hope, the
- 00:10:04.880 --> 00:10:09.986
- Appearing of the glory of god and our great god and savior
- 00:10:09.986 --> 00:10:13.889
- Jesus christ."
- 00:10:13.889 --> 00:10:15.358
- By the way, the word that is used, therefore blessed can be
- 00:10:15.358 --> 00:10:17.660
- Translated happy.
- 00:10:17.660 --> 00:10:19.328
- It actually will bring happiness into your life knowing that
- 00:10:19.328 --> 00:10:23.232
- Christ could come back at any time, not dread, not depression,
- 00:10:23.232 --> 00:10:28.771
- Not sadness, but happiness because it keeps you looking up.
- 00:10:28.771 --> 00:10:34.343
- And you're aware of the fact that this could be the day.
- 00:10:34.343 --> 00:10:37.947
- Martin luther once said, quote, "there are two days on my
- 00:10:37.947 --> 00:10:41.217
- Calendar, this day and that day," end quote.
- 00:10:41.217 --> 00:10:45.788
- And that day that he was referring to was the day of the
- 00:10:45.788 --> 00:10:49.492
- Lord's return.
- 00:10:49.492 --> 00:10:50.860
- The christian does not need to fear the future because we know
- 00:10:50.860 --> 00:10:55.197
- Who holds it.
- 00:10:55.197 --> 00:10:56.532
- Number two, understanding bible prophecy unravels the mystery
- 00:10:56.532 --> 00:11:01.837
- Of history.
- 00:11:01.837 --> 00:11:03.472
- Because we wonder why is there so much evil in the world.
- 00:11:03.472 --> 00:11:07.777
- Even in the book of revelation chapter 6, verse 10, we have
- 00:11:07.777 --> 00:11:11.047
- Believers who were martyred, who are seen in heaven, "how long,
- 00:11:11.047 --> 00:11:16.318
- Lord, until you avenge our blood on those that dwell on
- 00:11:16.318 --> 00:11:21.657
- The earth?"
- 00:11:21.657 --> 00:11:22.992
- Even they are aware of an injustice.
- 00:11:22.992 --> 00:11:24.760
- The bible tells us these things will be dealt with.
- 00:11:24.760 --> 00:11:28.230
- Thirdly, studying bible prophecy brings sense to our suffering.
- 00:11:28.230 --> 00:11:33.736
- Studying bible prophecy and understanding it brings sense to
- 00:11:33.736 --> 00:11:37.440
- Our suffering.
- 00:11:37.440 --> 00:11:38.808
- What do you say to someone who has suffered great tragedy?
- 00:11:38.808 --> 00:11:42.278
- What do you say to someone who is suffering with a disability?
- 00:11:42.278 --> 00:11:45.915
- What do you say to someone who has lost a loved one?
- 00:11:45.915 --> 00:11:49.318
- What do you say to someone who is weeping from grief?
- 00:11:49.318 --> 00:11:52.488
- You say, this is not god's final plan.
- 00:11:52.488 --> 00:11:55.491
- Because revelation 21:4 says, "he'll wipe every tear from
- 00:11:55.491 --> 00:11:59.128
- Their eyes, and they'll be no more death, nor sorrow, nor
- 00:11:59.128 --> 00:12:02.131
- Crying, nor pain, for those things are gone forever."
- 00:12:02.131 --> 00:12:06.736
- We know that jesus christ is coming back, and he will make
- 00:12:06.736 --> 00:12:10.639
- Every wrong right.
- 00:12:10.639 --> 00:12:16.278
- I'm now gonna take a sip of water.
- 00:12:18.314 --> 00:12:22.785
- I heard about a guy who loved to study the book of
- 00:12:22.785 --> 00:12:25.020
- Revelation, and he had no theological training whatsoever.
- 00:12:25.020 --> 00:12:29.492
- And he was criticized and ridiculed by some friends who
- 00:12:29.492 --> 00:12:35.097
- Were, well, they consider themselves wiser theologians.
- 00:12:35.097 --> 00:12:39.769
- And they said, "you cannot understand the book
- 00:12:39.769 --> 00:12:42.171
- Of revelation."
- 00:12:42.171 --> 00:12:43.706
- They said, "it's an enigma.
- 00:12:43.706 --> 00:12:45.508
- No one can understand it."
- 00:12:45.508 --> 00:12:46.909
- The man says, "but i do understand the book
- 00:12:46.909 --> 00:12:50.045
- Of revelation."
- 00:12:50.045 --> 00:12:51.480
- They said, "okay, explain it."
- 00:12:51.480 --> 00:12:52.982
- He says, "all right.
- 00:12:52.982 --> 00:12:54.350
- The book of revelation, summed up, says this.
- 00:12:54.350 --> 00:12:57.686
- 'we win in the end.'"
- 00:12:57.686 --> 00:12:59.555
- And that's true, we win in the end.
- 00:12:59.555 --> 00:13:02.324
- And speaking of revelation, studying that book, in
- 00:13:05.461 --> 00:13:08.264
- Particular, and bible prophecy, in general, brings a blessing
- 00:13:08.264 --> 00:13:13.402
- To us.
- 00:13:13.402 --> 00:13:14.770
- In revelation 1:3, it says, "blessed is he who reads and
- 00:13:14.770 --> 00:13:19.842
- Those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep the things
- 00:13:19.842 --> 00:13:23.579
- That are written in them for the time is near."
- 00:13:23.579 --> 00:13:27.783
- There's a blessing promised uniquely to the person who
- 00:13:27.783 --> 00:13:31.787
- Studies the book of revelation.
- 00:13:31.787 --> 00:13:34.657
- So the reason we learn about the future is to motivate us to live
- 00:13:34.657 --> 00:13:38.828
- Right in the present.
- 00:13:38.828 --> 00:13:40.496
- What you believe about the end times will affect how you live
- 00:13:40.496 --> 00:13:44.733
- In these times.
- 00:13:44.733 --> 00:13:46.769
- But here's really my point in this message, summed up, is how
- 00:13:46.769 --> 00:13:53.108
- Should this affect us?
- 00:13:53.108 --> 00:13:54.476
- If i really believe that jesus could come back in any
- 00:13:54.476 --> 00:13:57.513
- Moment--let me take a quick poll, how many of you believe
- 00:13:57.513 --> 00:14:00.516
- Jesus could come back at any moment?
- 00:14:00.516 --> 00:14:02.718
- Raise your hand, okay, if you really--the guy in the hawaiian
- 00:14:02.718 --> 00:14:05.821
- Shirt didn't raise his hand.
- 00:14:05.821 --> 00:14:07.256
- Sir, i'm looking at you still.
- 00:14:07.256 --> 00:14:10.459
- He doesn't know i'm talking to him, okay.
- 00:14:10.459 --> 00:14:12.394
- He's looking somewhere else, what's happening?
- 00:14:12.394 --> 00:14:14.129
- All right, that's okay.
- 00:14:14.129 --> 00:14:15.965
- Maybe you don't believe it.
- 00:14:15.965 --> 00:14:17.299
- Maybe you will believe it by the time this message is over, but
- 00:14:17.299 --> 00:14:20.369
- Here's my point.
- 00:14:20.369 --> 00:14:21.704
- If you believe it, it should affect you in the way that
- 00:14:21.704 --> 00:14:25.541
- You live.
- 00:14:25.541 --> 00:14:26.909
- It's worth noting that whenever you read what the bible says
- 00:14:26.909 --> 00:14:30.179
- About our future, there is also an exhortation, or word of
- 00:14:30.179 --> 00:14:35.784
- Encouragement, to us to live a godly life.
- 00:14:35.784 --> 00:14:39.688
- Let me say that again.
- 00:14:39.688 --> 00:14:41.023
- Whenever you read in the bible about the imminent return of
- 00:14:41.023 --> 00:14:44.760
- Jesus, there is always a word to us about living a godly life.
- 00:14:44.760 --> 00:14:49.832
- Example, 2 peter 3:11, "since everything around us is gonna be
- 00:14:49.832 --> 00:14:54.003
- Destroyed, what holy and godly lives should we be living?"
- 00:14:54.003 --> 00:14:59.942
- So it's important that we apply these things.
- 00:14:59.942 --> 00:15:02.845
- So some people say, well, bible prophecy is so hard
- 00:15:02.845 --> 00:15:06.248
- To understand.
- 00:15:06.248 --> 00:15:07.616
- Well, i don't think that's necessarily true.
- 00:15:07.616 --> 00:15:10.219
- The very word "revelation" means the unveiling, the unveiling.
- 00:15:10.219 --> 00:15:14.957
- It is not god's desire to conceal, but to reveal.
- 00:15:14.957 --> 00:15:20.930
- And bible prophecy is not given to scare us, but to prepare us,
- 00:15:20.930 --> 00:15:27.036
- So we will be ready to meet the lord.
- 00:15:27.036 --> 00:15:29.672
- It's interesting that paul writing of the rapture said,
- 00:15:29.672 --> 00:15:33.075
- "brothers, i don't want you to be ignorant."
- 00:15:33.075 --> 00:15:36.278
- When jesus is talking about something called the abomination
- 00:15:36.278 --> 00:15:39.448
- Of desolation in matthew 24, this little detail is added, let
- 00:15:39.448 --> 00:15:44.620
- The reader understand.
- 00:15:44.620 --> 00:15:46.822
- So god wants us to understand these things.
- 00:15:46.822 --> 00:15:49.091
- It matters, it's important.
- 00:15:49.091 --> 00:15:51.360
- And, of course, john tells us if we have this hope, it will
- 00:15:51.360 --> 00:15:55.798
- Purify us even as he is pure.
- 00:15:55.798 --> 00:15:59.969
- Your life should be affected by what you believe, but i think a
- 00:15:59.969 --> 00:16:03.339
- Lot of us just miss it all together.
- 00:16:03.339 --> 00:16:06.342
- And if it isn't affecting you in the way that you live, then
- 00:16:06.342 --> 00:16:09.078
- You've missed the point.
- 00:16:09.078 --> 00:16:10.412
- Reminds me of an old farmer, and his name was jeb.
- 00:16:10.412 --> 00:16:14.750
- And he had an amazing dog.
- 00:16:14.750 --> 00:16:16.452
- His dog walked on water, true story.
- 00:16:16.452 --> 00:16:22.157
- And he wanted to impress his neighbor named clem, who wasn't
- 00:16:22.157 --> 00:16:26.095
- Impressed by anything.
- 00:16:26.095 --> 00:16:27.997
- So they went out duck hunting.
- 00:16:27.997 --> 00:16:30.199
- So here's jeb with this dog that walks on water and clem,
- 00:16:30.199 --> 00:16:33.369
- And they're firing off some shots.
- 00:16:33.369 --> 00:16:35.504
- And a bird falls into the middle of the lake, and the dog of
- 00:16:35.504 --> 00:16:39.508
- Clem goes running out--or jeb, jeb, let's keep the names
- 00:16:39.508 --> 00:16:42.811
- Right, jeb, jeb, jeb's dog goes running across the top of
- 00:16:42.811 --> 00:16:47.016
- The water, picks up the duck, runs back again across the top
- 00:16:47.016 --> 00:16:51.387
- Of the water, drops the duck at the feet of the two farmers.
- 00:16:51.387 --> 00:16:55.991
- And then jeb turns to clem and says, "what do you think
- 00:16:55.991 --> 00:16:58.193
- About that?"
- 00:16:58.193 --> 00:16:59.561
- Clem kind of kicks the dirt a little bit and says, "i don't
- 00:16:59.561 --> 00:17:02.498
- Think your dog knows how to swim."
- 00:17:02.498 --> 00:17:07.369
- Talk about missing the point.
- 00:17:07.369 --> 00:17:10.339
- So if i study bible prophecy, and it doesn't affect me in the
- 00:17:10.339 --> 00:17:14.109
- Way that i live, i have missed the point.
- 00:17:14.109 --> 00:17:18.247
- All right, so let's talk about how it should affect us here in
- 00:17:18.247 --> 00:17:21.950
- James chapter 5, verses 7 to 11, we read the words from scripture
- 00:17:21.950 --> 00:17:28.791
- On how we are to live as we await the lord's return.
- 00:17:28.791 --> 00:17:33.228
- "dear brothers and sisters," james writes, "be patient as you
- 00:17:33.228 --> 00:17:37.332
- Wait for the lord's return.
- 00:17:37.332 --> 00:17:39.268
- Consider the farmers who patiently wait for rains in the
- 00:17:39.268 --> 00:17:43.072
- Fall, and in the spring, they eagerly look for the viable
- 00:17:43.072 --> 00:17:46.341
- Harvest to reap.
- 00:17:46.341 --> 00:17:47.743
- You, too, must be patient.
- 00:17:47.743 --> 00:17:50.012
- Take courage, for the coming of the lord is near.
- 00:17:50.012 --> 00:17:53.449
- Don't crumble about each other, brothers and sisters, or you'll
- 00:17:53.449 --> 00:17:56.518
- Be judged.
- 00:17:56.518 --> 00:17:57.853
- For look, the judge is standing at the door.
- 00:17:57.853 --> 00:18:00.889
- For examples of patience and sufferings, dear brothers and
- 00:18:00.889 --> 00:18:04.793
- Sisters, look at the prophets who spoke in the name of
- 00:18:04.793 --> 00:18:08.630
- The lord.
- 00:18:08.630 --> 00:18:09.965
- We give great honor to those who endure such suffering.
- 00:18:09.965 --> 00:18:12.568
- For instance, you know all about job, a man of great endurance.
- 00:18:12.568 --> 00:18:16.071
- You can see how the lord was kind to him in the end, for the
- 00:18:16.071 --> 00:18:18.974
- Lord is full of tenderness and mercy."
- 00:18:18.974 --> 00:18:21.743
- We'll stop there.
- 00:18:21.743 --> 00:18:23.112
- So what are the takeaway truths from this text?
- 00:18:23.112 --> 00:18:26.248
- How should we live in the light of the fact that christ could
- 00:18:26.248 --> 00:18:29.084
- Come back at any moment?
- 00:18:29.084 --> 00:18:30.886
- First of all, we need to be patient.
- 00:18:30.886 --> 00:18:33.789
- Verse 7, "be patient, dear brothers and sisters, be patient
- 00:18:33.789 --> 00:18:39.394
- As you wait for the lord's return."
- 00:18:39.394 --> 00:18:42.464
- The word used here for patience is not speaking of a passive
- 00:18:42.464 --> 00:18:46.135
- Resignation, but rather a patient expectant waiting for
- 00:18:46.135 --> 00:18:51.673
- The lord.
- 00:18:51.673 --> 00:18:53.041
- In other words, an excitement, living in a state of readiness.
- 00:18:53.041 --> 00:18:57.613
- Maybe you're gonna take a trip to someplace wonderful.
- 00:18:57.613 --> 00:19:00.415
- It's your vacation.
- 00:19:00.415 --> 00:19:01.750
- You have your bags packed.
- 00:19:01.750 --> 00:19:03.252
- You can't wait to get up in the morning.
- 00:19:03.252 --> 00:19:05.420
- Or think about the way you used to feel when you were
- 00:19:05.420 --> 00:19:08.824
- A kid on christmas morning.
- 00:19:08.824 --> 00:19:11.293
- You wanted your parents to wake up so you can
- 00:19:11.293 --> 00:19:13.962
- Open up the presents under the tree.
- 00:19:13.962 --> 00:19:16.365
- This is how the christian should be acting and feeling
- 00:19:16.365 --> 00:19:20.002
- As they await the lord's return.
- 00:19:20.002 --> 00:19:22.437
- The word patient means be ready, be excited.
- 00:19:22.437 --> 00:19:26.208
- Some of us are just biding our time.
- 00:19:26.208 --> 00:19:29.178
- Others are even spiritually asleep.
- 00:19:29.178 --> 00:19:32.514
- Speaking to this mentality, paul writes in romans 13, "listen,
- 00:19:32.514 --> 00:19:37.786
- Understanding the present time, the hour has come.
- 00:19:37.786 --> 00:19:41.023
- It's time for you to wake up from your slumber because your
- 00:19:41.023 --> 00:19:44.193
- Salvation is nearer than when you first believed.
- 00:19:44.193 --> 00:19:47.329
- The night is nearly over.
- 00:19:47.329 --> 00:19:49.031
- The day is almost here."
- 00:19:49.031 --> 00:19:50.666
- But then he goes on, and he gets specific, and he says in romans
- 00:19:50.666 --> 00:19:54.336
- 13:12, "so in light of this, put aside the deeds of darkness.
- 00:19:54.336 --> 00:20:00.275
- Put on the armor of light.
- 00:20:00.275 --> 00:20:01.743
- Let's behave decently as in the daytime, not in orgies and
- 00:20:01.743 --> 00:20:05.547
- Drunkenness, not in sexual immorality or debauchery or in
- 00:20:05.547 --> 00:20:10.319
- Dissension and jealousy."
- 00:20:10.319 --> 00:20:12.254
- So we need to be waiting.
- 00:20:12.254 --> 00:20:14.656
- And he compares us to farmers.
- 00:20:14.656 --> 00:20:17.292
- Now, i'm not really much of a farmer or a gardener, but some
- 00:20:17.292 --> 00:20:20.963
- Of you may be, and you know what it's like to plant a crop
- 00:20:20.963 --> 00:20:24.099
- And wait.
- 00:20:24.099 --> 00:20:25.434
- You know what it's like to plant a seed and water it and wait for
- 00:20:25.434 --> 00:20:28.937
- It to grow into a healthy plant.
- 00:20:28.937 --> 00:20:31.440
- It takes patience to do that sort of thing.
- 00:20:31.440 --> 00:20:34.042
- And we're in a culture, we don't like to wait for anything.
- 00:20:34.042 --> 00:20:37.879
- You know, you get it so quickly--you know, microwave
- 00:20:37.879 --> 00:20:41.917
- Seems slow to me now, you know, just, like really?
- 00:20:41.917 --> 00:20:45.487
- Two minutes and 30 seconds i have to wait?
- 00:20:45.487 --> 00:20:49.491
- That's so much time.
- 00:20:49.491 --> 00:20:51.126
- And everything comes so fast.
- 00:20:51.126 --> 00:20:53.028
- You wanna buy something, you don't have to drive down to the
- 00:20:53.028 --> 00:20:56.131
- Mall, find a parking space, and see if they even have it
- 00:20:56.131 --> 00:20:59.334
- In stock.
- 00:20:59.334 --> 00:21:00.669
- You just go to amazon prime and you might even get
- 00:21:00.669 --> 00:21:03.038
- Same day delivery.
- 00:21:03.038 --> 00:21:04.539
- Hungry, call uber eats.
- 00:21:04.539 --> 00:21:07.009
- You wanna hear that song, you can download it immediately.
- 00:21:07.009 --> 00:21:10.712
- So we take the same mentality and we're saying, why is jesus
- 00:21:10.712 --> 00:21:14.216
- Not coming back right now?
- 00:21:14.216 --> 00:21:16.151
- He'll come back at the appointed moment.
- 00:21:16.151 --> 00:21:19.821
- The bible says in galatians, "when the time was just right,
- 00:21:19.821 --> 00:21:24.159
- God sent forth his son born of a woman, made under the law, to
- 00:21:24.159 --> 00:21:28.263
- Redeem those that are under the law that we might receive the
- 00:21:28.263 --> 00:21:31.767
- Adoption of sons whereby we cry abba father."
- 00:21:31.767 --> 00:21:35.771
- When the time is just right.
- 00:21:35.771 --> 00:21:37.806
- When the time was just right, jesus was born in the manger
- 00:21:37.806 --> 00:21:42.311
- Of bethlehem.
- 00:21:42.311 --> 00:21:43.679
- It was an appointed time.
- 00:21:43.679 --> 00:21:45.480
- And when the time is just right, christ will return again.
- 00:21:45.480 --> 00:21:50.919
- We don't make that time come sooner nor do we postpone it
- 00:21:50.919 --> 00:21:56.258
- Until later.
- 00:21:56.258 --> 00:21:57.592
- It's an appointed time that god has determined and god
- 00:21:57.592 --> 00:22:00.996
- Has established.
- 00:22:00.996 --> 00:22:02.331
- But i think there is a reason that jesus has not come back.
- 00:22:02.331 --> 00:22:05.967
- And that reason is simply this.
- 00:22:05.967 --> 00:22:07.969
- He's waiting for more people to believe.
- 00:22:07.969 --> 00:22:11.440
- It's as simple as that.
- 00:22:11.440 --> 00:22:12.774
- He's waiting for more people to believe.
- 00:22:12.774 --> 00:22:15.577
- Because 2 peter 3:9 says, "the lord is not slow in keeping his
- 00:22:15.577 --> 00:22:19.314
- Promise," as some men count slowness, it said, "he's patient
- 00:22:19.314 --> 00:22:22.784
- With you, not wanting any to perish, but he wants everyone to
- 00:22:22.784 --> 00:22:27.089
- Come to repentance."
- 00:22:27.089 --> 00:22:29.091
- Jesus is saying, "i want more souls to be saved."
- 00:22:29.091 --> 00:22:32.094
- We say, lord, come back.
- 00:22:32.094 --> 00:22:34.396
- Don't you see how evil this world is?
- 00:22:34.396 --> 00:22:36.932
- How corrupt things have become?
- 00:22:36.932 --> 00:22:38.567
- How dark things are?
- 00:22:38.567 --> 00:22:39.901
- Why don't you come back?
- 00:22:39.901 --> 00:22:41.269
- Jesus says, "i want a few more souls to be saved."
- 00:22:41.269 --> 00:22:45.440
- I rewatched a film that i'd seen some years ago called
- 00:22:45.440 --> 00:22:49.544
- "hacksaw ridge," directed by mel gibson.
- 00:22:49.544 --> 00:22:53.582
- And it's based on the true story of a man named desmond doss,
- 00:22:53.582 --> 00:22:58.120
- Who served our nation in world war ii.
- 00:22:58.120 --> 00:23:00.889
- Now, desmond was a strong believer.
- 00:23:00.889 --> 00:23:03.525
- He had faith in christ, and he did not feel it was right for
- 00:23:03.525 --> 00:23:07.462
- Him to carry or use a weapon.
- 00:23:07.462 --> 00:23:10.365
- He wanted to serve instead as a medic.
- 00:23:10.365 --> 00:23:13.235
- And so when they were going through basic training, a lot of
- 00:23:13.235 --> 00:23:16.271
- His fellow soldiers mocked him.
- 00:23:16.271 --> 00:23:18.240
- They called him a coward because he wouldn't pick up a gun.
- 00:23:18.240 --> 00:23:21.810
- But he got through the system and was made a medic.
- 00:23:21.810 --> 00:23:24.613
- And they went to battle, and they were at a place called
- 00:23:24.613 --> 00:23:27.482
- Hacksaw ridge where they were fighting the forces of japan.
- 00:23:27.482 --> 00:23:31.720
- And all of a sudden they realized that desmond doss was
- 00:23:31.720 --> 00:23:35.557
- The most courageous among them.
- 00:23:35.557 --> 00:23:37.859
- And after they had--his group had already left that ridge, he
- 00:23:37.859 --> 00:23:42.664
- Kept going back up and saving life after life.
- 00:23:42.664 --> 00:23:46.635
- All in all, he saved 75 men, and he was given the medal of honor
- 00:23:46.635 --> 00:23:51.006
- By president truman.
- 00:23:51.006 --> 00:23:52.908
- And one of the beautiful scenes in the film is it shows desmond
- 00:23:52.908 --> 00:23:56.711
- Doss crawling on the ground, fire going over his head, and
- 00:23:56.711 --> 00:24:01.416
- He's saying one more, lord.
- 00:24:01.416 --> 00:24:03.251
- I wanna save one more.
- 00:24:03.251 --> 00:24:04.986
- And he went back for another, and he went back for another.
- 00:24:04.986 --> 00:24:08.390
- And i thought, that's how we ought to be.
- 00:24:08.390 --> 00:24:10.625
- One more, lord, one more, lord.
- 00:24:10.625 --> 00:24:16.631
- I don't save people.
- 00:24:16.631 --> 00:24:18.700
- You don't save people.
- 00:24:18.700 --> 00:24:20.502
- God does the saving.
- 00:24:20.502 --> 00:24:22.204
- We do the sowing.
- 00:24:22.204 --> 00:24:23.772
- We do the watering.
- 00:24:23.772 --> 00:24:25.340
- And, occasionally, we do the reaping.
- 00:24:25.340 --> 00:24:28.410
- Now, maybe there's some of us who the lord has not called to
- 00:24:28.410 --> 00:24:31.980
- Bring a lot of people into the kingdom, but in that final day,
- 00:24:31.980 --> 00:24:36.218
- You're not gonna be judged on success, but on faithfulness.
- 00:24:36.218 --> 00:24:40.489
- Jesus does not say, well done, good, and successful servant.
- 00:24:40.489 --> 00:24:44.926
- You had more than anybody else, you win.
- 00:24:44.926 --> 00:24:47.863
- It's not about that, it's faithfulness.
- 00:24:47.863 --> 00:24:50.365
- Were you faithful to god and what he said before you?
- 00:24:50.365 --> 00:24:55.504
- That's really the issue.
- 00:24:55.504 --> 00:24:57.205
- That's what the judgment seat is all about.
- 00:24:57.205 --> 00:25:00.208
- But you never know, you know, because that one you have
- 00:25:00.208 --> 00:25:04.079
- Reached may then reach one more, who maybe in 30 years reaches
- 00:25:04.079 --> 00:25:09.951
- One more.
- 00:25:09.951 --> 00:25:11.319
- And down the road they reach this one person that goes and
- 00:25:11.319 --> 00:25:14.322
- Changes the world, and you can literally trace the salvation of
- 00:25:14.322 --> 00:25:19.461
- That person back a couple of generations to the initial seed
- 00:25:19.461 --> 00:25:24.199
- That you sowed.
- 00:25:24.199 --> 00:25:31.573
- Greg: there are so many things to be worried about right now,
- 00:25:35.810 --> 00:25:38.113
- Aren't there?
- 00:25:38.113 --> 00:25:39.447
- The worrying about terrorism, worry about your personal
- 00:25:39.447 --> 00:25:42.284
- Safety, violent crime, the economy, the list goes on.
- 00:25:42.284 --> 00:25:46.221
- Here's what the bible says, "don't worry about anything.
- 00:25:46.221 --> 00:25:49.958
- Pray about everything.
- 00:25:49.958 --> 00:25:52.260
- Turn your panic into prayer.
- 00:25:52.260 --> 00:25:55.330
- Jesus said, "come unto me, all of you that are laboring and are
- 00:25:55.330 --> 00:25:58.500
- Heavy laden, i will give you rest."
- 00:25:58.500 --> 00:26:01.069
- Give your burdens, give your problems over to god and let him
- 00:26:01.069 --> 00:26:05.574
- Give you his peace in your heart.
- 00:26:05.574 --> 00:26:09.844
- Let me send to you, at no charge, what i call a
- 00:26:09.844 --> 00:26:13.048
- "new believer's bible" to help you grow in a relationship with
- 00:26:13.048 --> 00:26:18.053
- God and learn how to turn your panic into prayer
- 00:26:18.053 --> 00:26:21.957
- And your worry into worship.
- 00:26:21.957 --> 00:26:26.394
- Greg: hey, greg laurie here.
- 00:26:30.031 --> 00:26:31.399
- As you probably know, we are being devastated in this state
- 00:26:31.399 --> 00:26:35.470
- By a series of fires that are causing incredible damage.
- 00:26:35.470 --> 00:26:40.041
- Power is out for thousands and thousands of people.
- 00:26:40.041 --> 00:26:43.678
- People have lost their home, thousands have been evacuated.
- 00:26:43.678 --> 00:26:47.248
- Well, this is happening right in our backyard.
- 00:26:47.248 --> 00:26:49.718
- Many of our people come from la.
- 00:26:49.718 --> 00:26:52.053
- We have churches we've helped to plant up in los angeles as well.
- 00:26:52.053 --> 00:26:55.790
- So we've established something called the harvest relief fund.
- 00:26:55.790 --> 00:26:59.761
- If you would like to support our outreach efforts for those that
- 00:26:59.761 --> 00:27:03.765
- Have been affected by these fires, just go
- 00:27:03.765 --> 00:27:05.934
- To
- 00:27:05.934 --> 00:27:09.771
- I'm reminded of the story of nehemiah where the walls of
- 00:27:09.771 --> 00:27:12.807
- Jerusalem were lying in charred rubble.
- 00:27:12.807 --> 00:27:15.810
- Nehemiah came up with a plan, and they started to build.
- 00:27:15.810 --> 00:27:19.848
- And that's what's gonna happen, homes are gonna be rebuilt, but
- 00:27:19.848 --> 00:27:23.184
- Most importantly, we want to see lives rebuilt.
- 00:27:23.184 --> 00:27:27.522
- Thank you for anything you can do.
- 00:27:27.522 --> 00:27:29.010