Drive Thru History Holiday Special: Memorial Day

Drive Thru History Holiday Special: Memorial Day

Join Dave Stotts from Drive Thru History, as we celebrate Memorial Day in America. Dave starts at the battlegrounds of the American Civil War and ends in our nation’s capital, Washington, DC, to honor our fallen heroes that gave everything – “the last full measure of devotion” – to secure our rights, freedoms, and American way of life.   He rolls from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to Doylestown – home of the first Decoration Day parade. From the World War I Peace Cross in Maryland to the World War II Memorial in Washington, DC. From Arlington Cemetery in Virginia to the solemn war memorials dotting our National Mall. Memorial Day on TBN -- It’s a special event that you don’t want to miss!

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May 28, 2021 Drive Thru History Holiday Special: Memorial Day