Pathway to Victory offers a practical application of God’s Word to everyday life through the clear, biblical teaching of Pastor Jeffress.
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Dr. Robert Jeffress | Robert Jeffress - When Darkness Overcomes The Light | December 25, 2024
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- 00:00:00.633 --> 00:00:00.356
- ♪♪♪
- 00:00:00.824 --> 00:00:06.496
- Male announcer: from the pulpit of the first baptist church of
- 00:00:06.596 --> 00:00:07.664
- Dallas, texas, this is "pathway to victory" with
- 00:00:08.998 --> 00:00:12.235
- Dr. robert jeffress.
- 00:00:12.235 --> 00:00:14.704
- Dr. robert jeffress: hi, i'm robert jeffress, and welcome to
- 00:00:14.704 --> 00:00:16.573
- This christmas day edition of "pathway to victory."
- 00:00:16.573 --> 00:00:20.009
- In our troubled world, many wonder if evil is triumphing
- 00:00:20.009 --> 00:00:23.480
- Over good.
- 00:00:23.480 --> 00:00:24.848
- From global conflicts to personal struggles, it can seem
- 00:00:24.848 --> 00:00:28.551
- As if the darkness has eclipsed the light of christ's arrival
- 00:00:28.551 --> 00:00:32.622
- 2000 years ago.
- 00:00:32.622 --> 00:00:34.757
- But today, we'll explore why jesus remains the true light of
- 00:00:34.757 --> 00:00:38.828
- The world and how his light ultimately overcomes all
- 00:00:38.828 --> 00:00:43.233
- The darkness.
- 00:00:43.233 --> 00:00:44.567
- My message is titled, "when darkness overcomes the light,"
- 00:00:44.567 --> 00:00:48.605
- On today's edition of "pathway to victory."
- 00:00:48.605 --> 00:00:52.442
- ♪♪♪
- 00:00:52.442 --> 00:01:06.656
- ♪ joy to the world, the lord is come ♪
- 00:01:02.452 --> 00:01:13.630
- ♪ let earth receive her king ♪
- 00:01:13.630 --> 00:01:21.171
- ♪ let every heart prepare him room ♪
- 00:01:21.237 --> 00:01:28.077
- ♪ and heaven and nature sing ♪
- 00:01:28.077 --> 00:01:31.781
- ♪ and heaven and nature sing ♪
- 00:01:31.848 --> 00:01:35.418
- ♪ and heaven, and heaven, and nature sing ♪
- 00:01:35.485 --> 00:01:45.295
- Male: we sing "joy to the world."
- 00:01:46.829 --> 00:01:49.966
- All the ladies, sing together.
- 00:01:49.966 --> 00:01:52.569
- ♪ joy to the world, the savior reigns ♪
- 00:01:52.635 --> 00:01:58.308
- Male: and the men.
- 00:01:58.308 --> 00:01:59.642
- ♪ let men their songs employ ♪
- 00:01:59.642 --> 00:02:06.316
- ♪ while fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains ♪
- 00:02:06.316 --> 00:02:13.623
- ♪ repeat the sounding joy ♪
- 00:02:13.623 --> 00:02:17.260
- ♪ repeat the sounding joy ♪
- 00:02:17.327 --> 00:02:20.863
- ♪ repeat, repeat, the sounding joy ♪
- 00:02:20.863 --> 00:02:30.740
- ♪ repeat the sounding joy ♪
- 00:02:32.275 --> 00:02:38.214
- Male: "he rules the world with truth and grace."
- 00:02:38.281 --> 00:02:42.151
- ♪ he rules the world with truth and grace ♪
- 00:02:43.486 --> 00:02:49.826
- ♪ and makes the nations prove ♪
- 00:02:49.826 --> 00:02:57.300
- ♪ the glories of his righteousness ♪
- 00:02:57.300 --> 00:03:04.540
- ♪ and wonders of his love ♪
- 00:03:04.540 --> 00:03:08.144
- ♪ and wonders of his love ♪
- 00:03:08.211 --> 00:03:12.248
- ♪ and wonders, and wonders, of his love ♪
- 00:03:12.315 --> 00:03:22.358
- ♪ heaven and nature sing ♪
- 00:03:25.561 --> 00:03:29.966
- Male: oh, lift your voice. "heaven and nature."
- 00:03:31.501 --> 00:03:34.203
- ♪ heaven and nature sing ♪
- 00:03:34.203 --> 00:03:37.707
- ♪ heaven and nature sing ♪
- 00:03:37.774 --> 00:03:41.277
- ♪ heaven and nature ♪
- 00:03:41.277 --> 00:03:43.479
- ♪ heaven and nature sing ♪
- 00:03:43.479 --> 00:03:47.483
- ♪ heaven and nature ♪
- 00:03:47.483 --> 00:03:49.752
- ♪ heaven and nature sing ♪
- 00:03:49.752 --> 00:03:51.954
- ♪ heaven and nature ♪
- 00:03:51.954 --> 00:03:53.456
- ♪ heaven and nature sing ♪
- 00:03:53.456 --> 00:03:54.791
- ♪ heaven and nature ♪
- 00:03:54.791 --> 00:03:56.125
- ♪ heaven and nature sing ♪
- 00:03:56.125 --> 00:03:58.227
- ♪ heaven and nature sing ♪♪
- 00:03:58.294 --> 00:04:06.336
- [congregation cheering]
- 00:04:06.402 --> 00:04:12.108
- Announcer: the celebration of jesus's birth each christmas
- 00:04:12.175 --> 00:04:14.844
- Marks the moment when god's radiant hope entered our world,
- 00:04:14.844 --> 00:04:18.614
- And jesus calls us to share this light with others.
- 00:04:18.614 --> 00:04:21.184
- You can help pierce the darkness with the light of god's word
- 00:04:21.184 --> 00:04:24.420
- Through the pathway to victory light the darkness
- 00:04:24.420 --> 00:04:26.656
- Matching challenge.
- 00:04:26.656 --> 00:04:28.024
- Since 1996, "pathway to victory" has been boldly sharing the
- 00:04:28.024 --> 00:04:31.828
- Gospel of jesus christ, and your gift, doubled in impact, will be
- 00:04:31.828 --> 00:04:35.531
- Used to proclaim god's truth here in america and around
- 00:04:35.531 --> 00:04:39.001
- The world.
- 00:04:39.001 --> 00:04:40.536
- ♪♪♪
- 00:04:43.005 --> 00:04:50.213
- Jeffress: you may have seen my christmas commentary this
- 00:04:50.213 --> 00:04:53.383
- Weekend at "fox news" about the fact that christmas has been
- 00:04:53.383 --> 00:04:58.821
- Canceled for the first time in a long time in that little village
- 00:04:58.821 --> 00:05:04.227
- Known as bethlehem.
- 00:05:04.227 --> 00:05:06.596
- There'll be traditional services in some of the churches, but the
- 00:05:06.596 --> 00:05:10.933
- Traditional christmas tree that is in manger square won't be
- 00:05:10.933 --> 00:05:15.204
- There this year.
- 00:05:15.204 --> 00:05:16.606
- There'll be no christmas lights illuminated.
- 00:05:16.606 --> 00:05:19.709
- The city officials said that such festivities seem out of
- 00:05:19.709 --> 00:05:23.679
- Step with the horrors of war that that area of the world
- 00:05:23.679 --> 00:05:28.017
- Is experiencing.
- 00:05:28.017 --> 00:05:30.286
- The darkness of death, the darkness of war, has overcome
- 00:05:30.286 --> 00:05:34.891
- The lights of christmas, or so it seems.
- 00:05:34.891 --> 00:05:39.495
- By the way, that's not the first time that's happened
- 00:05:39.495 --> 00:05:41.964
- In bethlehem.
- 00:05:41.964 --> 00:05:43.566
- You remember, 2000 years ago, on a pitch black night, the
- 00:05:43.566 --> 00:05:48.738
- Blackness suddenly gave way to light as the angel made his
- 00:05:48.738 --> 00:05:53.176
- Announcement to that group of shepherds on a judean hillside.
- 00:05:53.176 --> 00:05:57.780
- The angel gabriel said, "behold, i bring you good news of great
- 00:05:57.780 --> 00:06:01.818
- Joy which shall be to all people, for unto you is born
- 00:06:01.818 --> 00:06:05.488
- This day in the city of david, a savior who is christ the lord."
- 00:06:05.488 --> 00:06:11.127
- And that one angel's voice gave way to a multitude of angels who
- 00:06:11.127 --> 00:06:15.398
- Said loudly, "glory to god in the highest and on earth peace
- 00:06:15.398 --> 00:06:20.102
- Toward men with whom god is well pleased."
- 00:06:20.102 --> 00:06:24.807
- There is the light of christ's birth.
- 00:06:24.807 --> 00:06:27.743
- But that lightness was quickly eclipsed by darkness.
- 00:06:27.743 --> 00:06:32.081
- Remember, it wasn't too long after that, that herod, hearing
- 00:06:32.081 --> 00:06:35.117
- The news of christ's arrival, decided to launch a genocide
- 00:06:35.117 --> 00:06:39.155
- Against the jewish people.
- 00:06:39.155 --> 00:06:40.556
- Herod's order was to kill every hebrew, every jewish baby, male
- 00:06:40.556 --> 00:06:45.461
- Baby, 2 years age-- of age and younger.
- 00:06:45.461 --> 00:06:49.932
- And that little village that had heard the announcement of
- 00:06:49.932 --> 00:06:54.303
- Christ's birth suddenly found themselves burying their
- 00:06:54.303 --> 00:06:58.241
- Dead children.
- 00:06:58.241 --> 00:07:00.243
- The light turned to darkness and, in a sense, we've lived in
- 00:07:00.243 --> 00:07:05.581
- That darkness for more than 2000 years.
- 00:07:05.581 --> 00:07:09.085
- You see, there's a real tension in the christmas story.
- 00:07:09.085 --> 00:07:12.688
- The light of christ's coming, people thought, would erase
- 00:07:12.688 --> 00:07:15.691
- Forever the darkness.
- 00:07:15.691 --> 00:07:17.593
- But it hasn't done that.
- 00:07:17.593 --> 00:07:19.795
- Many of you right now are still experiencing the darkness of
- 00:07:19.795 --> 00:07:25.368
- This world.
- 00:07:25.368 --> 00:07:26.702
- Perhaps there's a place at your christmas table this year that
- 00:07:26.702 --> 00:07:29.772
- Will be empty, that was filled with somebody last year.
- 00:07:29.772 --> 00:07:34.277
- You've experienced the darkness of death or perhaps some other
- 00:07:34.277 --> 00:07:37.313
- Darkness has invaded your life.
- 00:07:37.313 --> 00:07:40.249
- And you're wondering, is christ's coming really what it
- 00:07:40.249 --> 00:07:43.719
- Was built up to be?
- 00:07:43.719 --> 00:07:45.755
- Is light the best representation of christ, considering the
- 00:07:45.755 --> 00:07:51.494
- Darkness we're experiencing now?
- 00:07:51.494 --> 00:07:55.231
- When you look at some of our most familiar christmas songs,
- 00:07:55.231 --> 00:07:59.001
- They use the motif of life.
- 00:07:59.001 --> 00:08:01.871
- I think of our service we're having this afternoon.
- 00:08:01.871 --> 00:08:06.676
- One of the most beautiful parts of that candlelight service is
- 00:08:06.676 --> 00:08:09.545
- When all the lights are turned out and we hold up our candles
- 00:08:09.545 --> 00:08:13.015
- And sing "silent night."
- 00:08:13.015 --> 00:08:14.684
- Remember the third verse of that hymn: "silent night, holy night.
- 00:08:14.684 --> 00:08:19.589
- Son of god, love's pure light.
- 00:08:19.589 --> 00:08:23.459
- Radiant beams from thy holy face.
- 00:08:23.459 --> 00:08:26.495
- With the dawn of redeeming grace.
- 00:08:26.495 --> 00:08:29.165
- Jesus lord at thy birth, jesus lord at thy birth."
- 00:08:29.165 --> 00:08:34.804
- You see light used to describe christ in some of the most
- 00:08:34.804 --> 00:08:38.808
- Well-known passages of scripture.
- 00:08:38.808 --> 00:08:40.543
- John uses that metaphor in john 1.
- 00:08:40.543 --> 00:08:44.280
- Remember how he introduced jesus?
- 00:08:44.280 --> 00:08:46.415
- He said in john 1:6 through 9: "there came a man sent from god,
- 00:08:46.415 --> 00:08:51.087
- Whose name was john.
- 00:08:51.087 --> 00:08:52.788
- He came as a witness, to testify about the light, that all might
- 00:08:52.788 --> 00:08:57.526
- Believe through him.
- 00:08:57.526 --> 00:08:59.362
- John was not the light, but he came to testify about the light.
- 00:08:59.362 --> 00:09:04.100
- There was the true light which, coming into the world,
- 00:09:04.100 --> 00:09:07.536
- Enlightens every man."
- 00:09:07.536 --> 00:09:09.639
- Jesus described himself this way in john 8:12: "i am the," what?
- 00:09:09.639 --> 00:09:14.877
- "the light of the world; he who follows me shall not walk in the
- 00:09:14.877 --> 00:09:18.948
- Darkness, but shall have the light of life."
- 00:09:18.948 --> 00:09:22.184
- And then in john 12:46, jesus said, "i have come as light into
- 00:09:22.184 --> 00:09:26.656
- The world, so that everyone who believes in me will not remain
- 00:09:26.656 --> 00:09:31.193
- In darkness."
- 00:09:31.193 --> 00:09:33.129
- A number of years ago, i read an article by dr. robert russell
- 00:09:33.129 --> 00:09:36.499
- And he discussed reasons that light was still an apt
- 00:09:36.499 --> 00:09:40.636
- Description for jesus christ.
- 00:09:40.636 --> 00:09:43.272
- I want to expand on those ideas for just a few moments
- 00:09:43.272 --> 00:09:46.308
- This morning.
- 00:09:46.308 --> 00:09:47.643
- Why is jesus the light of the world?
- 00:09:47.643 --> 00:09:49.979
- Well, think about it.
- 00:09:49.979 --> 00:09:51.347
- Light, first of all, commands our attention.
- 00:09:51.347 --> 00:09:54.850
- Especially light in the darkness has a way of commanding
- 00:09:54.850 --> 00:09:58.587
- Our attention.
- 00:09:58.587 --> 00:09:59.955
- And that's why when isaiah prophesied about the coming
- 00:09:59.955 --> 00:10:02.591
- Messiah 700 years before he came, listen to what he said in
- 00:10:02.591 --> 00:10:06.362
- Isaiah 9, verse 2: "the people walking in darkness have seen
- 00:10:06.362 --> 00:10:11.500
- A great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness,
- 00:10:11.500 --> 00:10:16.939
- A light has dawned."
- 00:10:16.939 --> 00:10:19.308
- He was predicting that jesus, his arrival, would command
- 00:10:19.308 --> 00:10:24.246
- Our attention.
- 00:10:24.246 --> 00:10:25.881
- Jesus was born of a virgin, he was the son of god, and he still
- 00:10:25.881 --> 00:10:31.554
- Defines history.
- 00:10:31.554 --> 00:10:33.589
- And you know, as our church enters into a new year of
- 00:10:33.589 --> 00:10:36.692
- Ministry, a ministry that impacts not only the city of
- 00:10:36.692 --> 00:10:41.063
- Dallas and not only our nation, but the entire world, let's
- 00:10:41.063 --> 00:10:44.700
- Remember, our mission is not to lift up a moral code.
- 00:10:44.700 --> 00:10:50.106
- Our mission is not to lift up a political philosophy for people
- 00:10:50.106 --> 00:10:54.143
- To embrace.
- 00:10:54.143 --> 00:10:55.511
- We are lifting up a person, jesus christ, who said, "if i be
- 00:10:55.511 --> 00:11:00.149
- Lifted up, i will draw all men unto myself."
- 00:11:00.149 --> 00:11:04.286
- Light commands our attention.
- 00:11:04.286 --> 00:11:06.989
- Secondly, light reveals our flaws.
- 00:11:06.989 --> 00:11:11.494
- Now, this is a part of light we don't like.
- 00:11:11.494 --> 00:11:14.530
- It reveals our deficiencies.
- 00:11:14.530 --> 00:11:17.233
- I mean, think about it.
- 00:11:17.233 --> 00:11:18.601
- If you're going to have a romantic dinner with somebody,
- 00:11:18.601 --> 00:11:20.703
- You have that dinner over candlelight, not over
- 00:11:20.703 --> 00:11:23.139
- A floodlight.
- 00:11:23.139 --> 00:11:24.507
- There are certain things you don't want accented, and it's
- 00:11:24.507 --> 00:11:28.177
- The same way, by the way, with criminals.
- 00:11:28.177 --> 00:11:30.679
- If you're trying to protect your house, what do the police tell
- 00:11:30.679 --> 00:11:33.816
- You to do?
- 00:11:33.816 --> 00:11:35.184
- Put lights everywhere because light repels the darkness.
- 00:11:35.184 --> 00:11:38.888
- Light reveals sinister motives and actions, and jesus is
- 00:11:38.888 --> 00:11:43.926
- A light.
- 00:11:43.926 --> 00:11:45.261
- That doesn't appeal to everybody.
- 00:11:45.261 --> 00:11:46.629
- Have you ever wondered why it is people are turned off, they are
- 00:11:46.629 --> 00:11:51.433
- Repelled, by the gospel message and they hate the name of jesus?
- 00:11:51.433 --> 00:11:56.405
- In fact, i mean, think about it.
- 00:11:56.405 --> 00:11:59.208
- Have you ever heard anybody accidentally hit their thumb
- 00:11:59.208 --> 00:12:01.544
- With a hammer and say, "oh, my benjamin franklin," or "mahatma
- 00:12:01.544 --> 00:12:07.349
- Gandhi," "buddha, buddha, buddha"?
- 00:12:07.349 --> 00:12:11.320
- No, there's one name they curse by: jesus christ.
- 00:12:11.320 --> 00:12:15.357
- Why is that?
- 00:12:15.357 --> 00:12:17.092
- There are people who are repelled by the light of jesus.
- 00:12:17.092 --> 00:12:20.696
- They don't like their flaws being revealed.
- 00:12:20.696 --> 00:12:23.499
- Jesus is like a perfect straight ruler that reveals how crooked
- 00:12:23.499 --> 00:12:29.171
- People's lives really are.
- 00:12:29.171 --> 00:12:31.740
- And jesus predicted that, by the way, that some people would
- 00:12:31.740 --> 00:12:34.910
- Choose to reject him.
- 00:12:34.910 --> 00:12:36.812
- In john 3, verses 19 and 20, jesus said, "this is the
- 00:12:36.812 --> 00:12:40.416
- Judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men
- 00:12:40.416 --> 00:12:43.853
- Loved the darkness rather than the light, for their deeds
- 00:12:43.853 --> 00:12:47.423
- Were evil.
- 00:12:47.423 --> 00:12:48.757
- For everyone who does evil hates the light, and does not come to
- 00:12:48.757 --> 00:12:52.761
- The light for fear that his deeds will be exposed."
- 00:12:52.761 --> 00:12:57.199
- Some people are drawn by the light, others are repelled
- 00:12:57.199 --> 00:13:00.469
- By it.
- 00:13:00.469 --> 00:13:01.804
- You see that in the christmas story itself.
- 00:13:01.804 --> 00:13:03.839
- Turn over to matthew 2 for just a moment.
- 00:13:03.839 --> 00:13:06.575
- Here, you see two very distinct reactions to the coming
- 00:13:06.575 --> 00:13:09.812
- Of christ.
- 00:13:09.812 --> 00:13:11.213
- Matthew 2, verse 1: "now after jesus was born in bethlehem of
- 00:13:11.213 --> 00:13:15.251
- Judea in the days of herod the king, magi from the east,"
- 00:13:15.251 --> 00:13:21.557
- Probably persia, which is today's iran.
- 00:13:21.557 --> 00:13:25.227
- "magi from the east arrived in jerusalem, saying, 'where is he
- 00:13:25.227 --> 00:13:29.565
- Who has been born king of the jews?
- 00:13:29.565 --> 00:13:31.767
- For we saw his star in the east and we have come to
- 00:13:31.767 --> 00:13:36.272
- Worship him.'
- 00:13:36.272 --> 00:13:37.606
- And when herod heard this, he was troubled," literally, the
- 00:13:37.606 --> 00:13:41.810
- Word is stirred up, he was agitated, "and all jerusalem
- 00:13:41.810 --> 00:13:47.116
- With him."
- 00:13:47.116 --> 00:13:49.051
- When herod heard the news that jesus had been born, it
- 00:13:49.051 --> 00:13:54.056
- Bothered him.
- 00:13:54.056 --> 00:13:55.524
- He was paranoid anyway about somebody taking over his
- 00:13:55.524 --> 00:13:58.961
- Kingdom, and the idea that another king was on the scene
- 00:13:58.961 --> 00:14:02.398
- Bothered him greatly.
- 00:14:02.398 --> 00:14:03.866
- And remember what he said to the magi?
- 00:14:03.866 --> 00:14:05.434
- He said, "you go and find him, and when you find him, let me
- 00:14:05.434 --> 00:14:09.338
- Know where he is so that i might worship him as well."
- 00:14:09.338 --> 00:14:14.476
- Right.
- 00:14:14.476 --> 00:14:16.445
- His purpose in finding the light was to extinguish the light.
- 00:14:16.445 --> 00:14:20.382
- He had no desire to know the real jesus.
- 00:14:20.382 --> 00:14:22.918
- And that's why herod stumbled around in darkness for several
- 00:14:22.918 --> 00:14:26.422
- Years and died without ever finding him.
- 00:14:26.422 --> 00:14:29.325
- But contrast that to these magi.
- 00:14:29.325 --> 00:14:31.760
- We call them the wise men from the east.
- 00:14:31.760 --> 00:14:35.864
- Something in them, god stirred up a desire in their heart to
- 00:14:35.864 --> 00:14:41.103
- Know the true god.
- 00:14:41.103 --> 00:14:43.238
- And their desire was so sincere that god sent a star to
- 00:14:43.238 --> 00:14:47.109
- Illuminate the way and to bring them to bethlehem to find jesus.
- 00:14:47.109 --> 00:14:52.815
- By the way, god does that for anybody.
- 00:14:52.815 --> 00:14:56.185
- When god senses a heart that truly wants to know him, god
- 00:14:56.185 --> 00:15:01.557
- Will move heaven and earth to make sure that person finds him.
- 00:15:01.557 --> 00:15:05.461
- Jeremiah 29:13, god says, "and you will seek me and find me
- 00:15:05.461 --> 00:15:10.132
- When you search for me with all of your heart."
- 00:15:10.132 --> 00:15:13.869
- If you really wanna know god, god will lead you to the same
- 00:15:13.869 --> 00:15:17.873
- Place that he led the wise men, to the feet of jesus christ.
- 00:15:17.873 --> 00:15:23.545
- He is our way to god.
- 00:15:23.545 --> 00:15:25.614
- And that's why light is so powerful.
- 00:15:25.614 --> 00:15:27.783
- Light reveals our flaws.
- 00:15:27.783 --> 00:15:30.686
- It repels those who don't want to know god, but it draws those
- 00:15:30.686 --> 00:15:34.957
- Who want to know god.
- 00:15:34.957 --> 00:15:36.892
- There's a third similarity between light and jesus christ.
- 00:15:36.892 --> 00:15:41.530
- Light overpowers our darkness.
- 00:15:41.530 --> 00:15:45.034
- Yes, there is a time that it seems like darkness overpowers
- 00:15:45.034 --> 00:15:48.370
- The light, but eventually light overpowers the darkness.
- 00:15:48.370 --> 00:15:52.741
- In ephesians 6, verse 12, which we're gonna look at next month
- 00:15:52.741 --> 00:15:56.145
- When we resume our ephesians series.
- 00:15:56.145 --> 00:15:58.881
- No, i haven't forgotten about ephesians.
- 00:15:58.881 --> 00:16:00.983
- We're coming back to it next month.
- 00:16:00.983 --> 00:16:03.452
- But listen to chapter 6, verse 12.
- 00:16:03.452 --> 00:16:05.654
- Paul gives us an analysis of every problem you're facing in
- 00:16:05.654 --> 00:16:10.559
- Your life right now.
- 00:16:10.559 --> 00:16:11.927
- Paul says, "for our struggle," life is a struggle, isn't it?
- 00:16:11.927 --> 00:16:16.732
- "our struggle is not against flesh and blood."
- 00:16:16.732 --> 00:16:19.601
- That is, it's not against other people, "but it's against the
- 00:16:19.601 --> 00:16:22.438
- Rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of
- 00:16:22.438 --> 00:16:26.875
- This," what?
- 00:16:26.875 --> 00:16:28.243
- "darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the
- 00:16:28.243 --> 00:16:32.381
- Heavenly places."
- 00:16:32.381 --> 00:16:34.850
- There's a battle going on right now between the forces of
- 00:16:34.850 --> 00:16:39.621
- Darkness and the forces of light, between the kingdom of
- 00:16:39.621 --> 00:16:42.691
- Satan and the kingdom of god.
- 00:16:42.691 --> 00:16:44.860
- And it seems like at times that darkness is winning out.
- 00:16:44.860 --> 00:16:50.399
- Maybe some of you here, some of you watching, are having a hard
- 00:16:50.399 --> 00:16:54.603
- Time entering into the festivities of christmas
- 00:16:54.603 --> 00:16:57.172
- This year.
- 00:16:57.172 --> 00:16:58.540
- You've experienced darkness.
- 00:16:58.540 --> 00:17:00.909
- The darkness of death of a loved one has touched your life
- 00:17:00.909 --> 00:17:04.746
- This year.
- 00:17:04.746 --> 00:17:06.315
- Maybe you have the uncertainty of a financial difficulty you're
- 00:17:06.315 --> 00:17:10.752
- Experiencing, or a health concern.
- 00:17:10.752 --> 00:17:13.722
- Maybe your darkness is due to a child or a grandchild who has
- 00:17:13.722 --> 00:17:19.328
- Wandered away from you and wandered away from god.
- 00:17:19.328 --> 00:17:23.232
- In the battle between light and darkness, it seems like darkness
- 00:17:23.232 --> 00:17:26.635
- Is winning because darkness is winning, for now.
- 00:17:26.635 --> 00:17:31.473
- But it won't always be that way.
- 00:17:31.473 --> 00:17:34.343
- A day comes when the light overcomes the darkness.
- 00:17:34.343 --> 00:17:37.813
- Just think about the disciples themselves.
- 00:17:37.813 --> 00:17:41.750
- That friday afternoon we call good friday was a dark,
- 00:17:41.750 --> 00:17:45.420
- Dark day.
- 00:17:45.420 --> 00:17:47.022
- Jesus had just been crucified, his body placed in the tomb.
- 00:17:47.022 --> 00:17:51.126
- The disciples' dreams of a kingdom had been dashed.
- 00:17:51.126 --> 00:17:55.030
- They had never been lower than they were friday evening.
- 00:17:55.030 --> 00:17:59.134
- But 3 days later, that easter sunday began to dawn and an
- 00:17:59.134 --> 00:18:04.973
- Angel appeared.
- 00:18:04.973 --> 00:18:06.341
- His appearance was like lightning, the bible says, and
- 00:18:06.341 --> 00:18:09.778
- The light of that angel's power illuminated the tomb and raised
- 00:18:09.778 --> 00:18:14.082
- Jesus christ from the dead.
- 00:18:14.082 --> 00:18:16.785
- And the darkness of death was eclipsed by the light of
- 00:18:16.785 --> 00:18:20.022
- God's power.
- 00:18:20.022 --> 00:18:21.356
- And that same power will rid your light of--life of
- 00:18:21.356 --> 00:18:24.793
- Darkness as well.
- 00:18:24.793 --> 00:18:26.128
- Light eventually overcomes the darkness.
- 00:18:26.128 --> 00:18:29.565
- That is the promise for every follower of jesus christ.
- 00:18:29.565 --> 00:18:35.170
- And finally, light offers us direction.
- 00:18:35.170 --> 00:18:39.675
- That's why it's such a good description of jesus: light
- 00:18:39.675 --> 00:18:42.411
- Offers us direction.
- 00:18:42.411 --> 00:18:44.012
- Now, think about this with me for a moment.
- 00:18:44.012 --> 00:18:45.948
- Imagine the captain of a giant jumbo jetliner weighing hundreds
- 00:18:45.948 --> 00:18:51.453
- Of thousands of pounds.
- 00:18:51.453 --> 00:18:53.322
- He's trying to land that airplane in the midst of a
- 00:18:53.322 --> 00:18:56.992
- Driving rainstorm at night.
- 00:18:56.992 --> 00:19:00.162
- There's only one place he can safely land the plane, that
- 00:19:00.162 --> 00:19:03.599
- Strip of concrete in the darkness.
- 00:19:03.599 --> 00:19:06.201
- How does he find that place of safety?
- 00:19:06.201 --> 00:19:09.605
- There are lights on that runway that shine, that blink,
- 00:19:09.605 --> 00:19:14.376
- Motioning for him to come to this place of safety.
- 00:19:14.376 --> 00:19:19.014
- It's the same for us.
- 00:19:19.014 --> 00:19:21.116
- How can we ever navigate successfully through the
- 00:19:21.116 --> 00:19:25.153
- Darkness, the uncertainty of this life, with all kind of
- 00:19:25.153 --> 00:19:29.491
- Surprises that come our way and disappointments, and how can we
- 00:19:29.491 --> 00:19:34.296
- Ever hope to navigate our way through the darkness
- 00:19:34.296 --> 00:19:37.766
- Of eternity?
- 00:19:37.766 --> 00:19:39.334
- Jesus said, "i am the way.
- 00:19:39.334 --> 00:19:42.371
- I'm the way.
- 00:19:42.371 --> 00:19:44.106
- I am the way, the truth, and the life.
- 00:19:44.106 --> 00:19:47.476
- No man comes to the father, but by me."
- 00:19:47.476 --> 00:19:50.445
- We need jesus to lead us safely through this life and safely
- 00:19:50.445 --> 00:19:56.218
- Into his presence in all of eternity.
- 00:19:56.218 --> 00:19:59.321
- You probably, some of you, recognize the name of
- 00:19:59.321 --> 00:20:03.292
- Paul harvey.
- 00:20:03.292 --> 00:20:05.227
- Paul harvey was the most successful radio commentator on
- 00:20:05.227 --> 00:20:10.032
- The radio on "abc news."
- 00:20:10.032 --> 00:20:12.000
- He was also a christian.
- 00:20:12.000 --> 00:20:14.603
- He once came and spoke at our church, and he said, when he
- 00:20:14.603 --> 00:20:20.509
- Talked to our church, that many times through the years, when
- 00:20:20.509 --> 00:20:23.979
- His travels brought him to dallas, he sat on the back row
- 00:20:23.979 --> 00:20:27.649
- Of the old sanctuary of our church and participated
- 00:20:27.649 --> 00:20:32.187
- In worship.
- 00:20:32.187 --> 00:20:33.555
- He was a very devoted christian, and every year, every year
- 00:20:33.555 --> 00:20:37.459
- Without fail, on the day closest to christmas, he would use the
- 00:20:37.459 --> 00:20:41.930
- Same story about the meaning of christmas.
- 00:20:41.930 --> 00:20:45.801
- The story was about an old farmer who had become jaded in
- 00:20:45.801 --> 00:20:49.705
- His christian faith.
- 00:20:49.705 --> 00:20:51.606
- He had isolated himself from his friends and family members.
- 00:20:51.606 --> 00:20:56.011
- He was all alone one evening, when one raw winter night, the
- 00:20:56.011 --> 00:21:01.249
- Farmer heard an irregular thumping sound against the
- 00:21:01.249 --> 00:21:04.319
- Kitchen storm door.
- 00:21:04.319 --> 00:21:06.421
- He went to a window and watched as tiny shivering sparrows,
- 00:21:06.421 --> 00:21:11.026
- Attracted to the evident warmth inside, beat in vain against
- 00:21:11.026 --> 00:21:15.731
- The glass.
- 00:21:15.731 --> 00:21:17.132
- Touched, the farmer bundled up and trudged through fresh snow
- 00:21:17.132 --> 00:21:21.136
- To open the barn for the struggling birds.
- 00:21:21.136 --> 00:21:24.573
- He turned on the lights, tossed some hay in the corner and
- 00:21:24.573 --> 00:21:28.043
- Sprinkled a trail of saltine crackers to direct them to
- 00:21:28.043 --> 00:21:31.580
- The barn.
- 00:21:31.580 --> 00:21:32.948
- But the sparrows which had scattered in all directions when
- 00:21:32.948 --> 00:21:36.284
- He emerged from the house, still hid in the darkness, afraid
- 00:21:36.284 --> 00:21:40.322
- Of him.
- 00:21:40.322 --> 00:21:41.690
- He tried various tactics, circling behind the birds to
- 00:21:41.690 --> 00:21:45.560
- Drive them toward the barn, tossing cracker crumbs in the
- 00:21:45.560 --> 00:21:49.064
- Air toward them, retreating to his house to see if they would
- 00:21:49.064 --> 00:21:52.901
- Flutter into the barn on their own, but nothing worked.
- 00:21:52.901 --> 00:21:57.272
- He, a huge alien creature, had terrified the birds.
- 00:21:57.272 --> 00:22:02.310
- They couldn't understand that he actually wanted to help them.
- 00:22:02.310 --> 00:22:06.515
- He withdrew to his house and watched the doomed sparrows
- 00:22:06.515 --> 00:22:10.118
- Through a window.
- 00:22:10.118 --> 00:22:11.853
- As he stared, a thought hit him like a lightning bolt
- 00:22:11.853 --> 00:22:14.756
- From heaven.
- 00:22:14.756 --> 00:22:16.158
- If only i could become a bird, one of them, just for a moment,
- 00:22:16.158 --> 00:22:21.229
- Then i wouldn't frighten them so i could show them the way to
- 00:22:21.229 --> 00:22:24.599
- Warmth and safety.
- 00:22:24.599 --> 00:22:27.369
- At the same moment, another thought dawned on him.
- 00:22:27.369 --> 00:22:31.606
- He had grasped the whole meaning of the incarnation.
- 00:22:31.606 --> 00:22:38.013
- "have this attitude in yourselves, which was in christ
- 00:22:38.013 --> 00:22:42.851
- Jesus who, although he existed in the form of god, he didn't
- 00:22:42.851 --> 00:22:48.423
- Regard his equality with god a thing to be grasped, held on to,
- 00:22:48.423 --> 00:22:53.829
- But he emptied himself and, taking on the appearance of a
- 00:22:53.829 --> 00:22:57.732
- Man, he became obedience to the point of death, even death on
- 00:22:57.732 --> 00:23:03.138
- A cross."
- 00:23:03.138 --> 00:23:05.240
- Ladies and gentlemen, jesus christ did not just point us to
- 00:23:05.240 --> 00:23:09.511
- The way to god.
- 00:23:09.511 --> 00:23:10.846
- He is the way to god.
- 00:23:10.846 --> 00:23:13.982
- "i am the way, the truth, and the life.
- 00:23:13.982 --> 00:23:17.886
- No man comes to the father except through me."
- 00:23:17.886 --> 00:23:21.490
- ♪♪♪
- 00:23:21.490 --> 00:23:26.528
- Jeffress: do you know for certain that when you die,
- 00:23:26.595 --> 00:23:29.064
- You'll be welcomed into heaven with open arms?
- 00:23:29.064 --> 00:23:32.000
- There's only one way and that's through jesus christ that we can
- 00:23:32.000 --> 00:23:35.670
- Be assured of heaven.
- 00:23:35.670 --> 00:23:37.205
- Today, as we talk about christmas gifts, receiving them
- 00:23:37.205 --> 00:23:41.142
- And giving them, i pray you receive the greatest gift of
- 00:23:41.142 --> 00:23:45.113
- All: the gift of god's forgiveness.
- 00:23:45.113 --> 00:23:48.383
- Well, it's christmas day and, as you make plans to support your
- 00:23:48.383 --> 00:23:51.953
- Local church and favorite christian ministries, i want you
- 00:23:51.953 --> 00:23:55.557
- To know that there's still time to participate in the "pathway
- 00:23:55.557 --> 00:23:59.094
- To victory" light the darkness matching challenge.
- 00:23:59.094 --> 00:24:02.230
- Every dollar given will be matched and therefore doubled in
- 00:24:02.230 --> 00:24:05.800
- Impact, until we reach the goal of $1.5 million.
- 00:24:05.800 --> 00:24:10.972
- So be sure to take down our contact information so that you
- 00:24:10.972 --> 00:24:14.309
- Can participate in this wonderful matching challenge.
- 00:24:14.309 --> 00:24:18.046
- Your generous year-end gift will empower "pathway to victory" to
- 00:24:18.046 --> 00:24:22.217
- Shine the light of god's word through radio, television,
- 00:24:22.217 --> 00:24:26.087
- Digital streaming, and print media, reaching our nation and
- 00:24:26.087 --> 00:24:30.425
- World with the life-changing gospel of jesus christ.
- 00:24:30.425 --> 00:24:34.596
- Now stay right there.
- 00:24:34.596 --> 00:24:35.964
- I'll be back with more "pathway to victory" in just a moment.
- 00:24:35.964 --> 00:24:41.236
- Announcer: the one thing god wants more than anything else in
- 00:24:41.236 --> 00:24:43.872
- This world is time with you.
- 00:24:43.872 --> 00:24:46.441
- Make god your priority by spending quality time in his
- 00:24:46.441 --> 00:24:49.578
- Word with the brand-new "2025 pathway to victory
- 00:24:49.578 --> 00:24:52.914
- Daily devotional."
- 00:24:52.914 --> 00:24:54.282
- This year's devotional has a beautiful navy blue leather
- 00:24:54.282 --> 00:24:56.818
- Cover with inlaid brown and gold foil accents.
- 00:24:56.818 --> 00:24:59.454
- And now with larger print, the 260 practical insights from dr.
- 00:24:59.454 --> 00:25:03.458
- Robert jeffress are easier to read.
- 00:25:03.458 --> 00:25:05.460
- This stunning 532-page devotional makes an ideal
- 00:25:05.460 --> 00:25:09.030
- Christmas gift for loved ones who want to grow
- 00:25:09.030 --> 00:25:10.999
- In their faith too.
- 00:25:10.999 --> 00:25:12.334
- Jeffress: of all the ways god could have revealed himself to
- 00:25:12.334 --> 00:25:15.370
- Us, he chose to do it through the written word.
- 00:25:15.370 --> 00:25:18.907
- And that's why it's so important for you and for me to set aside
- 00:25:18.907 --> 00:25:22.043
- Regular time to read the word of god.
- 00:25:22.043 --> 00:25:25.747
- Announcer: every season carries an uplifting theme.
- 00:25:25.747 --> 00:25:28.617
- Begin the new year by exploring god's will for your life.
- 00:25:28.617 --> 00:25:33.154
- In spring and summer, grow stronger in christ with insights
- 00:25:33.154 --> 00:25:36.091
- From colossians.
- 00:25:36.091 --> 00:25:37.459
- And in the fall and winter, embrace the father who loves you
- 00:25:37.459 --> 00:25:40.695
- With inspirational readings based on the parable of the
- 00:25:40.695 --> 00:25:43.431
- Prodigal son.
- 00:25:43.431 --> 00:25:45.200
- When the day-to-day problems of life feel overwhelming, take a
- 00:25:45.200 --> 00:25:48.603
- Moment to anchor yourself in the calming truth of god's word with
- 00:25:48.603 --> 00:25:52.073
- The brand-new "2025 pathway to victory daily devotional."
- 00:25:52.073 --> 00:25:56.277
- Your gift of support not only provides you with this
- 00:25:56.277 --> 00:25:59.314
- Life-giving resource, it empowers us to spread the
- 00:25:59.314 --> 00:26:02.350
- Hope-filled message of jesus christ as well.
- 00:26:02.350 --> 00:26:04.886
- Thank you for supporting the ministry of "pathway
- 00:26:04.886 --> 00:26:07.822
- To victory."
- 00:26:07.822 --> 00:26:09.357
- Jeffress: perhaps you feel like you're being smothered in
- 00:26:11.292 --> 00:26:13.795
- Darkness right now.
- 00:26:13.795 --> 00:26:15.330
- Friends, jesus never promised to illuminate everything that's
- 00:26:15.330 --> 00:26:19.668
- Going to happen in the future, but he has promised that he will
- 00:26:19.668 --> 00:26:23.605
- Never leave you, nor forsake you.
- 00:26:23.605 --> 00:26:26.474
- And like a lamp to your path, he will show you the next step
- 00:26:26.474 --> 00:26:30.311
- Forward you need to take.
- 00:26:30.311 --> 00:26:32.881
- Well, you would think that the perfect son of god wouldn't be
- 00:26:32.881 --> 00:26:35.950
- Caught wasting his time with sinners.
- 00:26:35.950 --> 00:26:38.653
- Yet jesus spent most of his time with lepers, adulterers,
- 00:26:38.653 --> 00:26:42.524
- Drunkards, and idolaters, and he reserved his harshest criticism
- 00:26:42.524 --> 00:26:47.562
- For the religious establishment of his day.
- 00:26:47.562 --> 00:26:50.732
- Stay tuned for a preview of what's coming up next on
- 00:26:50.732 --> 00:26:53.835
- "pathway to victory."
- 00:26:53.835 --> 00:26:56.337
- Jeffress: just because other christians may have the freedom
- 00:26:56.337 --> 00:26:58.373
- To do something, god may say, "you know what?
- 00:26:58.373 --> 00:27:01.042
- I know you, i made you.
- 00:27:01.042 --> 00:27:02.577
- This would be too much of a temptation to you that might
- 00:27:02.577 --> 00:27:04.813
- Lead to something else."
- 00:27:04.813 --> 00:27:06.181
- Somebody has said that conscience is that internal
- 00:27:06.181 --> 00:27:08.783
- Warning system that god puts in each one of us that keeps us out
- 00:27:08.783 --> 00:27:12.921
- Of places we should not be.
- 00:27:12.921 --> 00:27:14.622
- Announcer: set your dvr and join us next time for the message,
- 00:27:14.622 --> 00:27:17.659
- "jesus and the party poopers," here on "pathway to victory."
- 00:27:17.659 --> 00:27:27.335