Pathway to Victory offers a practical application of God’s Word to everyday life through the clear, biblical teaching of Pastor Jeffress.
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Dr. Robert Jeffress | Robert Jeffress - This Man Jesus | December 3, 2024
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:00:00.156 --> 00:00:05.061
- [announcer] from the pulpit of the first baptist church
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- Of dallas, texas,
- 00:00:08.331 --> 00:00:09.933
- This is "pathway to victory" with dr. robert jeffress.
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- Hi, i am robert jeffress,
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- And welcome again to "pathway to victory."
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- Hope is a powerful force,
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- But not all hope is created equally.
- 00:00:20.276 --> 00:00:23.146
- There's a crucial distinction between genuine hope
- 00:00:23.146 --> 00:00:26.516
- And mere wishful thinking,
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- Especially when it comes to matters of faith and eternity.
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- Today, i'll share why placing our hope in jesus christ
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- Isn't just another form of wishful thinking,
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- But a decision with profound implications
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- For our lives and our eternal destiny.
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- My message is titled "this man jesus"
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- On today's edition of "pathway to victory."
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- [announcer] the celebration of jesus' birth
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- Each christmas marks the moment when god's radiant hope
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- Entered our world,
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- And jesus calls us to share this light with others.
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- You can help pierce the darkness with the light
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- Of god's word through the "pathway to victory"
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- Light the darkness matching challenge.
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- Since 1996, "pathway to victory" has been boldly
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- Sharing the gospel of jesus christ,
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- And your gift, doubled in impact,
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- Will be used to proclaim god's truth
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- Here in america and around the world.
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- ♪ music ♪
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- [announcer] faith can sometimes be harmful.
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- In fact, faith can actually destroy you.
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- If you don't believe that,
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- Ask the victims of the seven people
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- Who were killed in chicago in 1982.
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- You may remember the story,
- 00:01:52.168 --> 00:01:54.470
- A killer randomly laced tylenol caplets with cyanide,
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- And these seven unsuspecting victims purchased the tablets,
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- And believing that these caplets would actually
- 00:02:04.647 --> 00:02:07.050
- Help them feel better,
- 00:02:07.050 --> 00:02:08.585
- They took those caplets in good faith,
- 00:02:08.585 --> 00:02:11.387
- Not realizing that in fact they were ingesting poison.
- 00:02:11.387 --> 00:02:16.159
- They had faith in that tylenol pill,
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- But it was a misplaced faith,
- 00:02:19.729 --> 00:02:22.865
- And the results were catastrophic.
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- You see, our faith is only as good
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- And as trustworthy as the object of our faith
- 00:02:29.205 --> 00:02:32.842
- Is good and trustworthy.
- 00:02:32.842 --> 00:02:35.245
- Let me ask you this morning, what are you trusting in?
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- What do you have faith in to lead you
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- Through the dark tunnel of your death one day?
- 00:02:43.753 --> 00:02:47.690
- You know it's inevitable, the bible says, hebrews 9:27,
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- We are all going to die.
- 00:02:51.327 --> 00:02:55.365
- No one gets out of this world alive.
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- Have you come to grips with that fact
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- That you are going to die?
- 00:02:59.969 --> 00:03:01.871
- If you don't believe we're all going to die,
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- I encourage you just to think about people you know
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- Who were here this time last year
- 00:03:07.510 --> 00:03:10.179
- Who are no longer alive today.
- 00:03:10.179 --> 00:03:11.748
- How many of you know someone who has died in the past year
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- Who is no longer here?
- 00:03:15.151 --> 00:03:17.186
- The fact is we are all going to die.
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- But not only that, hebrews 9:27 says it's not only
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- Appointed every man wants to die,
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- But also to face god's judgment.
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- We are all going to have god evaluate our lives,
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- And the result of god's judgment
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- Is either going to end in eternal heaven
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- Or in eternal separation from god in hell.
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- Where is your faith?
- 00:03:41.044 --> 00:03:43.046
- What are you trusting in
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- To survive god's holy judgment of your life?
- 00:03:45.548 --> 00:03:50.219
- Some people are trusting in their relative goodness.
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- They say "i may not be perfect,
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- But i'm not a murderer or a rapist or a drug dealer.
- 00:03:56.259 --> 00:03:59.329
- I keep the 10 commandments as best as i can.
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- I'm a pretty good person."
- 00:04:01.664 --> 00:04:03.933
- That is a misplaced faith
- 00:04:03.933 --> 00:04:06.569
- Because romans 3:10 says
- 00:04:06.569 --> 00:04:08.237
- There's not one righteous among us.
- 00:04:08.237 --> 00:04:10.173
- No, not even one.
- 00:04:10.173 --> 00:04:12.675
- Some people are trusting in the fact
- 00:04:13.443 --> 00:04:14.744
- That they grew up in a christian home.
- 00:04:14.744 --> 00:04:16.179
- Well i had a christian mother, a christian father,
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- My granddaddy was a pastor.
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- I'm trusting in my christian heritage.
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- That is a misplaced faith.
- 00:04:22.285 --> 00:04:25.888
- John 3:3 says unless we are born again individually,
- 00:04:25.888 --> 00:04:30.393
- We cannot enter the kingdom of god.
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- I like what evangelist luis palau says.
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- He says, "god has no grandchildren."
- 00:04:34.464 --> 00:04:37.166
- There's only one way to be in god's family.
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- There's only one way to be rightly related to god.
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- It's not through another person.
- 00:04:43.573 --> 00:04:44.774
- It is by being a child of god yourself.
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- Some people are trusting that they're going to make it
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- Through god's judgment because of their church membership
- 00:04:51.314 --> 00:04:54.517
- Or because they were baptized one day,
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- But that is a misplaced faith.
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- Titus 3:5 says we are saved not by the washing of water,
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- But by the regeneration of the holy spirit.
- 00:05:02.358 --> 00:05:05.361
- What are you trusting in? where is your faith?
- 00:05:06.295 --> 00:05:09.132
- What is the object of your faith to survive death
- 00:05:09.132 --> 00:05:12.335
- And god's judgment?
- 00:05:12.335 --> 00:05:14.537
- In the passage we're going to look at today,
- 00:05:14.537 --> 00:05:16.472
- The apostle peter tells us that the life, the death,
- 00:05:16.472 --> 00:05:21.778
- The resurrection of jesus christ make jesus alone
- 00:05:22.779 --> 00:05:26.449
- The object worthy of our faith for life and for eternity.
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- If you have your bibles today,
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- I want you to turn to acts 2, acts 2,
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- As we look at this man, jesus.
- 00:05:36.526 --> 00:05:40.563
- Now acts 2 records the events at pentecost,
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- And let me set up the scene here
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- So you can understand exactly what is going on.
- 00:05:46.169 --> 00:05:49.071
- Pentecost was one of the three feasts
- 00:05:49.071 --> 00:05:51.741
- That the jews celebrated in jerusalem every year,
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- And hundreds of thousands of people,
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- Jews from all over the world would come
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- To pentecost, pente meaning 50.
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- It occurred 50 days after the first fruit's sacrifice,
- 00:06:03.286 --> 00:06:07.457
- And so you had these hundreds of thousands of people coming
- 00:06:07.457 --> 00:06:10.359
- To jerusalem as they had every year for hundreds of years,
- 00:06:10.359 --> 00:06:14.363
- But this was no ordinary pentecostal celebration
- 00:06:14.363 --> 00:06:18.601
- Because all of jerusalem was still abuzz
- 00:06:18.601 --> 00:06:21.704
- With what had happened in the city
- 00:06:21.704 --> 00:06:23.539
- Just a few weeks earlier.
- 00:06:23.539 --> 00:06:25.408
- Everyone was chattering about this man, jesus,
- 00:06:25.408 --> 00:06:29.078
- Jesus of nazareth.
- 00:06:29.078 --> 00:06:30.446
- They were talking about his death.
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- They were talking about his resurrection.
- 00:06:32.181 --> 00:06:34.116
- They were talking about his ascension into heaven
- 00:06:34.116 --> 00:06:36.486
- That had just happened a week and a half earlier
- 00:06:36.486 --> 00:06:38.721
- Before this, everybody was talking about jesus.
- 00:06:38.721 --> 00:06:42.758
- Meanwhile, the apostles were obeying
- 00:06:42.758 --> 00:06:46.062
- Christ's instruction
- 00:06:46.062 --> 00:06:47.363
- He had given them a week and a half earlier.
- 00:06:47.363 --> 00:06:49.031
- Remember before jesus ascended into heaven
- 00:06:49.031 --> 00:06:51.067
- On the mount of olives?
- 00:06:51.067 --> 00:06:52.101
- He told his disciples,
- 00:06:52.101 --> 00:06:53.202
- "now you go wait in the upper room,
- 00:06:53.202 --> 00:06:55.505
- And while you're waiting there,
- 00:06:55.505 --> 00:06:57.106
- Wait for the holy spirit to come,
- 00:06:57.106 --> 00:06:59.308
- And when the holy spirit comes,
- 00:06:59.308 --> 00:07:01.277
- You will be baptized with the holy spirit of god
- 00:07:01.277 --> 00:07:03.846
- And you will be empowered
- 00:07:03.846 --> 00:07:05.314
- To go take the gospel throughout the entire world."
- 00:07:05.314 --> 00:07:08.351
- And so when we come to acts 2,
- 00:07:08.351 --> 00:07:10.653
- We have the jews at the temple getting ready
- 00:07:10.653 --> 00:07:13.556
- To celebrate the festival of pentecost.
- 00:07:13.556 --> 00:07:16.225
- You have the disciples in the upper room awaiting the coming
- 00:07:16.225 --> 00:07:19.529
- Of the holy spirit,
- 00:07:19.529 --> 00:07:20.763
- And the first 11 verses of acts 2 tell us
- 00:07:20.763 --> 00:07:23.366
- That the holy spirit of god came just like he promised,
- 00:07:23.366 --> 00:07:27.336
- And he filled the apostles, he empowered them,
- 00:07:27.336 --> 00:07:29.739
- And when they received the gift of the holy spirit,
- 00:07:29.739 --> 00:07:32.575
- They left the upper room
- 00:07:32.575 --> 00:07:34.110
- And made that short journey to the steps of the temple.
- 00:07:34.110 --> 00:07:37.713
- Look at the heart of the message beginning in verse 22.
- 00:07:37.713 --> 00:07:40.516
- "men of israel, listen to these words, jesus the nazarene,
- 00:07:40.516 --> 00:07:45.321
- A man attested to you by god with miracles and wonders
- 00:07:45.321 --> 00:07:49.091
- And signs which god performed through him in your midst,
- 00:07:49.091 --> 00:07:52.995
- Just as you yourselves know,
- 00:07:52.995 --> 00:07:55.164
- This man delivered over by the predetermined plan
- 00:07:55.164 --> 00:07:58.768
- And foreknowledge of god,
- 00:07:58.768 --> 00:08:00.236
- You nailed to a cross by the hands
- 00:08:00.236 --> 00:08:02.238
- Of godless men and you put him to death.
- 00:08:02.238 --> 00:08:05.007
- But god raised him up again,
- 00:08:05.007 --> 00:08:07.310
- Putting an end to the agony of death
- 00:08:07.310 --> 00:08:09.645
- Since it is impossible for him to be held in its power."
- 00:08:09.645 --> 00:08:14.116
- The very first sermon in the history of the church
- 00:08:14.116 --> 00:08:16.452
- That was preached was not about the words of jesus,
- 00:08:16.452 --> 00:08:20.056
- But the works of jesus.
- 00:08:20.056 --> 00:08:21.557
- It was not a sermon about jesus, the great teacher.
- 00:08:21.557 --> 00:08:25.227
- Peter didn't stand before the people and said,
- 00:08:25.227 --> 00:08:27.229
- "now you all be nice to one another,
- 00:08:27.229 --> 00:08:29.699
- Be nice and kind and loving to one another."
- 00:08:29.699 --> 00:08:32.201
- Why didn't he talk about that?
- 00:08:32.201 --> 00:08:33.803
- Because he was talking to unbelievers.
- 00:08:33.803 --> 00:08:35.605
- He was talking to unregenerate people.
- 00:08:35.605 --> 00:08:37.440
- They didn't have the power to live by the words of jesus.
- 00:08:37.440 --> 00:08:40.409
- He didn't talk about jesus the great teacher.
- 00:08:40.409 --> 00:08:42.678
- He talked about jesus the savior of the world.
- 00:08:42.678 --> 00:08:46.182
- He said, "this man, jesus, the one you are talking about,
- 00:08:46.182 --> 00:08:49.785
- The one who just weeks ago died and rose again
- 00:08:49.785 --> 00:08:53.522
- And you all saw ascend into heaven,
- 00:08:53.522 --> 00:08:56.158
- You've got to make a decision about who this jesus is."
- 00:08:56.158 --> 00:08:59.362
- Was he just some self deluded teacher
- 00:08:59.362 --> 00:09:01.564
- Who thought he was the messiah?
- 00:09:01.564 --> 00:09:03.265
- Was he the greatest religious charlatan
- 00:09:03.265 --> 00:09:05.201
- In the history of mankind?
- 00:09:05.201 --> 00:09:07.269
- Or was he who he said he was,
- 00:09:07.269 --> 00:09:09.271
- The long-awaited messiah who came and died
- 00:09:09.271 --> 00:09:12.041
- And rose again that we might have eternal life?
- 00:09:12.041 --> 00:09:15.411
- It's time, peter said, for you to make a decision.
- 00:09:15.411 --> 00:09:20.049
- And he said, "before you make that decision,
- 00:09:20.049 --> 00:09:22.284
- I want you to consider three things about this man, jesus."
- 00:09:22.284 --> 00:09:26.656
- First of all, look at his miraculous life.
- 00:09:26.656 --> 00:09:29.959
- Look at verse 22.
- 00:09:29.959 --> 00:09:31.460
- "men of israel, listen to these words. jesus the nazarene,
- 00:09:31.460 --> 00:09:36.732
- A man attested to you by god with miracles and wonders
- 00:09:37.833 --> 00:09:40.169
- And signs which god performed through him in your midst,
- 00:09:40.169 --> 00:09:43.773
- Just as you yourselves know."
- 00:09:44.407 --> 00:09:46.475
- Think about his miraculous works, ladies and gentlemen,
- 00:09:47.576 --> 00:09:49.745
- You cannot ignore the miraculous life of jesus.
- 00:09:49.745 --> 00:09:54.684
- But peter says, "just don't recognize his miraculous life.
- 00:09:54.684 --> 00:09:58.487
- Remember his atoning death."
- 00:09:59.088 --> 00:10:00.389
- Look at verse 23, "this man, jesus,
- 00:10:00.389 --> 00:10:04.393
- Delivered over by the predetermined plan
- 00:10:04.393 --> 00:10:07.029
- And foreknowledge of god,
- 00:10:07.029 --> 00:10:08.698
- You nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men
- 00:10:08.698 --> 00:10:12.401
- And you put him to death."
- 00:10:12.401 --> 00:10:14.270
- Now you know that took guts for peter to say
- 00:10:14.270 --> 00:10:17.039
- Because peter was looking into the eyes of the very people
- 00:10:17.039 --> 00:10:20.142
- Who weeks earlier had cried out "crucify him, crucify him."
- 00:10:20.142 --> 00:10:25.481
- It was that group to whom peter was preaching,
- 00:10:26.449 --> 00:10:28.017
- And he said, "you are sinful, angry men.
- 00:10:28.017 --> 00:10:31.053
- You nailed him to the cross."
- 00:10:31.053 --> 00:10:33.556
- But he said this was no accident.
- 00:10:33.556 --> 00:10:35.558
- Jesus christ was no victim.
- 00:10:35.558 --> 00:10:37.827
- Jesus was delivered up.
- 00:10:37.827 --> 00:10:40.563
- That word delivered means surrendered.
- 00:10:40.563 --> 00:10:42.998
- That is god voluntarily surrendered jesus to be executed.
- 00:10:42.998 --> 00:10:47.970
- He not only surrendered him to be executed,
- 00:10:47.970 --> 00:10:50.639
- He planned for his own son's death.
- 00:10:50.639 --> 00:10:53.375
- The bible says in verse 23 here,
- 00:10:53.375 --> 00:10:55.311
- Christ's death was no accident.
- 00:10:55.311 --> 00:10:57.580
- Jesus was no victim.
- 00:10:57.580 --> 00:10:59.215
- All of this was according to the predetermined plan
- 00:10:59.215 --> 00:11:03.552
- And foreknowledge of god.
- 00:11:03.552 --> 00:11:05.254
- People say, "well foreknowledge means god just knew
- 00:11:05.254 --> 00:11:07.490
- Ahead of time what was going to happen."
- 00:11:07.490 --> 00:11:09.725
- No, it doesn't mean he knew what was going to happen.
- 00:11:09.725 --> 00:11:12.595
- It means he planned what was going to happen.
- 00:11:12.595 --> 00:11:15.331
- All of this was according to the predetermined plan of god.
- 00:11:15.331 --> 00:11:20.236
- In fact, the evidence of that is in the hundreds
- 00:11:20.236 --> 00:11:22.738
- Of prophecies about the life and death
- 00:11:22.738 --> 00:11:24.640
- And resurrection of christ that you find written
- 00:11:24.640 --> 00:11:26.909
- Hundreds of years earlier in the old testament.
- 00:11:26.909 --> 00:11:29.845
- Just consider,
- 00:11:29.845 --> 00:11:31.347
- Just consider some of the prophecies in the old testament
- 00:11:31.347 --> 00:11:35.484
- About the atoning death of jesus christ.
- 00:11:35.484 --> 00:11:38.854
- For example, zacharia 11:12,
- 00:11:38.854 --> 00:11:41.423
- Written 500 and some odd years before the birth of christ.
- 00:11:41.423 --> 00:11:44.727
- Zacharia 11:12 says messiah would be betrayed
- 00:11:44.727 --> 00:11:47.897
- For 30 pieces of silver.
- 00:11:47.897 --> 00:11:51.300
- Or psalm 22:16 says when he died,
- 00:11:51.300 --> 00:11:54.336
- Messiah would have his hands
- 00:11:54.336 --> 00:11:56.338
- And his feet pierced, describing crucifixion.
- 00:11:56.338 --> 00:11:59.375
- You say, "well, what's the big deal about that?"
- 00:11:59.375 --> 00:12:01.310
- Psalm 22 was written 1,000 years before jesus lived,
- 00:12:01.310 --> 00:12:05.681
- Before crucifixion had even been invented,
- 00:12:05.681 --> 00:12:09.718
- And yet the pslamists under inspiration
- 00:12:10.586 --> 00:12:11.854
- Predicted the manner in which christ would die.
- 00:12:11.854 --> 00:12:14.023
- In psalm 22:18,
- 00:12:14.023 --> 00:12:15.491
- It says that his clothes would be divided up
- 00:12:15.491 --> 00:12:18.260
- And the soldiers would cast lots for it.
- 00:12:18.260 --> 00:12:21.664
- All of that 1,000 before christ died.
- 00:12:21.664 --> 00:12:24.767
- Psalm 34:20 says no bone in his body would be broken.
- 00:12:24.767 --> 00:12:30.139
- Isaiah 53:12 says he would be crucified between two thieves.
- 00:12:31.340 --> 00:12:35.978
- Think about that.
- 00:12:35.978 --> 00:12:37.379
- Isaiah was written 740 years before christ was born,
- 00:12:37.379 --> 00:12:41.450
- And yet isaiah prophesied he would be crucified
- 00:12:41.450 --> 00:12:44.186
- Between two thieves.
- 00:12:44.186 --> 00:12:46.055
- Amos 8:9 says that when he died,
- 00:12:46.055 --> 00:12:48.891
- A great darkness would envelop the earth.
- 00:12:48.891 --> 00:12:51.227
- And of course, isaiah 53:9 says
- 00:12:51.227 --> 00:12:54.063
- That he would be buried in a rich man's tomb
- 00:12:54.964 --> 00:12:56.732
- 700 years before the fact.
- 00:12:56.732 --> 00:12:59.134
- This was no accident.
- 00:12:59.134 --> 00:13:00.836
- The death of jesus christ was god's plan,
- 00:13:00.836 --> 00:13:03.939
- Not just for the salvation of the world,
- 00:13:03.939 --> 00:13:06.175
- But for your salvation as well.
- 00:13:06.175 --> 00:13:08.510
- And that's the heart of the gospel, ladies and gentlemen.
- 00:13:08.510 --> 00:13:11.347
- The bible says all of us have sinned.
- 00:13:11.347 --> 00:13:14.416
- You don't need me to tell you that, do you?
- 00:13:14.416 --> 00:13:17.386
- We've all sinned. we've all fallen short god's plan.
- 00:13:17.386 --> 00:13:22.258
- We all deserve god's eternal judgment.
- 00:13:22.258 --> 00:13:24.760
- But romans 5:8 says
- 00:13:24.760 --> 00:13:26.528
- God demonstrated his love toward us,
- 00:13:26.528 --> 00:13:29.431
- And that while we were yet sinners,
- 00:13:29.431 --> 00:13:32.434
- He sent christ to die for us.
- 00:13:32.434 --> 00:13:34.803
- In some inexplicable way,
- 00:13:34.803 --> 00:13:36.438
- When jesus hung on the cross, he took the punishment,
- 00:13:36.438 --> 00:13:39.842
- The wrath of god that you and i deserve.
- 00:13:39.842 --> 00:13:43.145
- And that's why the scripture says in isaiah 53
- 00:13:43.145 --> 00:13:45.614
- For he was pierced through for our transgressions,
- 00:13:45.614 --> 00:13:49.151
- He was wounded for our iniquities.
- 00:13:49.151 --> 00:13:50.819
- The chastening of our wellbeing fell upon him,
- 00:13:50.819 --> 00:13:53.656
- By his stripes, we are healed.
- 00:13:53.656 --> 00:13:56.191
- All we like sheep have gone astray.
- 00:13:56.191 --> 00:13:58.494
- We have turned every one of us into his own way,
- 00:13:58.494 --> 00:14:01.697
- But the lord has laid upon him, jesus, the iniquity,
- 00:14:01.697 --> 00:14:06.468
- The sin of us all.
- 00:14:06.468 --> 00:14:08.671
- And when i believe,
- 00:14:08.671 --> 00:14:09.905
- Except the fact that jesus died for me
- 00:14:09.905 --> 00:14:12.908
- When i quit trusting in my own righteousness,
- 00:14:12.908 --> 00:14:15.177
- My church membership, my relative goodness,
- 00:14:15.177 --> 00:14:17.680
- But put my full faith and trust in him,
- 00:14:17.680 --> 00:14:20.082
- I no longer have to fear the judgment of god
- 00:14:20.082 --> 00:14:23.152
- For all the judgment of god
- 00:14:23.152 --> 00:14:24.787
- That i deserved, jesus christ endured for me.
- 00:14:24.787 --> 00:14:28.490
- And that's why jesus said in john 5:24,
- 00:14:28.490 --> 00:14:30.626
- "truly, truly i say unto you, everyone who hears my word
- 00:14:30.626 --> 00:14:34.229
- And believes him who sent me has eternal life
- 00:14:34.229 --> 00:14:37.299
- And shall not come into judgment,
- 00:14:37.299 --> 00:14:38.934
- But has passed from death unto life."
- 00:14:38.934 --> 00:14:41.337
- In john 3:16, for god so loved the world, jesus said,
- 00:14:41.337 --> 00:14:45.341
- That he sent his only begotten son
- 00:14:45.341 --> 00:14:47.509
- That whoever believes on, clings to,
- 00:14:47.509 --> 00:14:49.778
- Trusts in him shall not perish,
- 00:14:49.778 --> 00:14:52.815
- But shall have eternal life.
- 00:14:53.415 --> 00:14:55.651
- Jesus atoning death.
- 00:14:56.118 --> 00:14:58.620
- Ladies and gentlemen, it was no accident
- 00:14:58.620 --> 00:15:01.290
- That jesus' atoning work on the cross
- 00:15:01.290 --> 00:15:03.959
- Was performed on the day and the hour that it was.
- 00:15:03.959 --> 00:15:08.263
- Now stay with me on this.
- 00:15:08.263 --> 00:15:09.999
- We know that jesus died on friday afternoon.
- 00:15:09.999 --> 00:15:14.069
- John's gospel tells us that it was the friday
- 00:15:14.069 --> 00:15:17.239
- Of the preparation of the passover.
- 00:15:17.239 --> 00:15:19.708
- The passover would begin at sunset friday evening,
- 00:15:19.708 --> 00:15:23.178
- And so the jews were busy making
- 00:15:23.178 --> 00:15:26.648
- Preparation for the celebration of the passover,
- 00:15:26.648 --> 00:15:29.018
- What was the passover?
- 00:15:29.018 --> 00:15:30.686
- You remember the story?
- 00:15:30.686 --> 00:15:32.654
- More than 1,000 years earlier,
- 00:15:33.288 --> 00:15:35.224
- The israelites had been in egyptian *******, and remember,
- 00:15:35.224 --> 00:15:39.461
- God sent 10 plagues to try to convince pharaoh
- 00:15:39.461 --> 00:15:42.131
- To let the people go,
- 00:15:42.131 --> 00:15:43.732
- And the climactic plague god sent was the death angel.
- 00:15:43.732 --> 00:15:48.137
- And god said to the egyptians and the israelites,
- 00:15:48.137 --> 00:15:51.106
- "i'm going to send the angel of death
- 00:15:51.106 --> 00:15:53.008
- And he will strike the firstborn in every household dead."
- 00:15:53.008 --> 00:15:56.412
- But he said to the israelites,
- 00:15:56.412 --> 00:15:58.447
- "if you want to escape my judgment, you need to do this.
- 00:15:58.447 --> 00:16:01.650
- Take a lamb, an innocent lamb, a blameless lamb,
- 00:16:01.650 --> 00:16:06.922
- And take that lamb that is free from any blemish
- 00:16:07.856 --> 00:16:09.958
- And sacrifice it, kill it,
- 00:16:09.958 --> 00:16:11.960
- And then take the blood of that lamb
- 00:16:11.960 --> 00:16:13.996
- And put it on the doorpost of your house."
- 00:16:13.996 --> 00:16:16.865
- And he gave them the way to do it in such a way
- 00:16:16.865 --> 00:16:19.301
- That it would form a cross.
- 00:16:19.301 --> 00:16:20.636
- Now remember, this is more than 1,000 years
- 00:16:20.636 --> 00:16:22.504
- Before jesus.
- 00:16:22.504 --> 00:16:23.806
- And god said, "when the angel of death comes,
- 00:16:23.806 --> 00:16:26.608
- When i see the blood on your house,
- 00:16:26.608 --> 00:16:28.644
- I will pass over you in judgment."
- 00:16:28.644 --> 00:16:32.514
- For 1,000 years,
- 00:16:32.881 --> 00:16:34.283
- The jewish people have been celebrating that night.
- 00:16:34.283 --> 00:16:37.453
- Today, they celebrated it this weekend.
- 00:16:37.453 --> 00:16:39.721
- They no longer celebrate it with a lamb
- 00:16:39.721 --> 00:16:42.791
- Because there is no temple in which to sacrifice that lamb.
- 00:16:42.791 --> 00:16:46.095
- But in jesus' day, and for hundreds of years,
- 00:16:46.095 --> 00:16:49.264
- They would take that lamb on friday
- 00:16:49.264 --> 00:16:51.366
- And they would take it to the temple
- 00:16:51.366 --> 00:16:53.135
- To be killed by a priest,
- 00:16:53.135 --> 00:16:54.970
- And then they would take that lamb that had been slain home
- 00:16:54.970 --> 00:16:58.574
- And they would eat the passover meal on friday night.
- 00:16:58.574 --> 00:17:02.211
- Now stay with me on this.
- 00:17:02.211 --> 00:17:04.279
- The bible said there was only a certain period of time,
- 00:17:04.279 --> 00:17:07.483
- Jewish law said there was only a certain period
- 00:17:07.483 --> 00:17:09.551
- Of time in which that lamb could be slain
- 00:17:09.551 --> 00:17:11.687
- On the day of the preparation
- 00:17:11.687 --> 00:17:12.888
- Of the passover from 3:00 to 5:00,
- 00:17:12.888 --> 00:17:16.492
- Those are the two hours you had
- 00:17:16.492 --> 00:17:18.026
- To bring your lamb to the temple.
- 00:17:18.026 --> 00:17:21.063
- Think of the scene on that friday,
- 00:17:21.063 --> 00:17:22.998
- Hundreds of thousands of jews packed into jerusalem
- 00:17:22.998 --> 00:17:26.768
- Coming from all over
- 00:17:26.768 --> 00:17:27.970
- To bring their passover lamb,
- 00:17:27.970 --> 00:17:29.938
- Waiting for that appointed hour
- 00:17:29.938 --> 00:17:31.607
- When the priest would sacrifice the lamb.
- 00:17:31.607 --> 00:17:35.077
- And at the very moment,
- 00:17:35.077 --> 00:17:37.246
- The very time that hundreds of thousands of innocent lambs
- 00:17:37.246 --> 00:17:41.717
- Were being slain in the temple court,
- 00:17:41.717 --> 00:17:44.620
- Jesus christ, the perfect lamb of god
- 00:17:44.620 --> 00:17:48.790
- Who takes away the sins of the world, at 3:00,
- 00:17:48.790 --> 00:17:51.894
- When that sacrifice time began,
- 00:17:51.894 --> 00:17:54.029
- Jesus cried out with a loud voice, "tetelestai,"
- 00:17:54.029 --> 00:17:57.933
- Paid in full.
- 00:17:57.933 --> 00:18:01.436
- It is no accident
- 00:18:01.436 --> 00:18:03.005
- Jesus died at 3:00 pm on the friday afternoon at passover.
- 00:18:03.005 --> 00:18:07.109
- He is our passover lamb.
- 00:18:07.109 --> 00:18:09.144
- It is through faith in him
- 00:18:09.144 --> 00:18:11.046
- That we receive a reprieve from god's judgment.
- 00:18:11.046 --> 00:18:14.082
- God says to every one of us,
- 00:18:14.082 --> 00:18:15.717
- "when i see the blood of christ on your life,
- 00:18:15.717 --> 00:18:18.754
- I will pass over you in judgment."
- 00:18:18.754 --> 00:18:22.191
- There is no condemnation,
- 00:18:22.191 --> 00:18:23.825
- Paul says, awaiting those who belong to christ jesus.
- 00:18:23.825 --> 00:18:28.397
- That is christ's atoning work.
- 00:18:28.397 --> 00:18:31.567
- But fortunately the story doesn't stop there, does it?
- 00:18:32.668 --> 00:18:36.638
- Peter says don't only consider his miraculous life
- 00:18:36.638 --> 00:18:39.508
- And his atoning death,
- 00:18:39.508 --> 00:18:40.976
- But also don't forget his supernatural resurrection.
- 00:18:40.976 --> 00:18:45.647
- His supernatural resurrection.
- 00:18:45.647 --> 00:18:47.249
- Look at verse 24, "but god raised him up again,
- 00:18:47.249 --> 00:18:51.253
- Putting an end to the agony of death
- 00:18:51.253 --> 00:18:53.755
- Since it was impossible for him to be held in its power."
- 00:18:53.755 --> 00:18:58.727
- In our series in 1 corinthians on sunday nights,
- 00:18:58.727 --> 00:19:01.063
- We've looked in 1 corinthians 15,
- 00:19:01.063 --> 00:19:03.432
- The evidence for the resurrection of jesus christ.
- 00:19:03.432 --> 00:19:06.435
- How do we know this wasn't just some mythological appendage
- 00:19:06.435 --> 00:19:10.305
- Attached to the gospels?
- 00:19:10.305 --> 00:19:11.573
- How do we know it really happened?
- 00:19:11.573 --> 00:19:13.442
- Paul says in 1 corinthians 15, think about it.
- 00:19:13.442 --> 00:19:15.811
- He appeared to more than 500 eyewitnesses.
- 00:19:15.811 --> 00:19:19.748
- Or think about the change,
- 00:19:19.748 --> 00:19:21.483
- The overnight change in the apostles
- 00:19:21.483 --> 00:19:23.819
- And what is it that changed them
- 00:19:23.819 --> 00:19:25.654
- From spineless cowards into courageous offenders
- 00:19:25.654 --> 00:19:29.024
- Of the faith, overnight they were changed.
- 00:19:29.024 --> 00:19:31.193
- Of course, the greatest evidence
- 00:19:31.193 --> 00:19:32.728
- For the resurrection is the empty tomb.
- 00:19:32.728 --> 00:19:35.831
- And the bible says that is the proof
- 00:19:35.831 --> 00:19:38.367
- That he is the son of god.
- 00:19:38.367 --> 00:19:40.335
- It's interesting to me here,
- 00:19:40.335 --> 00:19:41.770
- When peter talks about this, in this great sermon,
- 00:19:41.770 --> 00:19:44.840
- He doesn't preach a sermon on the evidences
- 00:19:44.840 --> 00:19:47.142
- For the resurrection.
- 00:19:47.142 --> 00:19:48.310
- You know why? nobody doubted it.
- 00:19:48.310 --> 00:19:50.679
- Romans 4:25 says about jesus, he was delivered up.
- 00:19:50.679 --> 00:19:54.883
- That is he was delivered to the cross
- 00:19:54.883 --> 00:19:56.585
- For our transgressions,
- 00:19:56.585 --> 00:19:57.886
- But he was raised up for our justification.
- 00:19:57.886 --> 00:20:02.324
- The fact that jesus has been raised up from the dead
- 00:20:02.324 --> 00:20:05.694
- Is god's way of saying that
- 00:20:05.694 --> 00:20:08.330
- That payment has truly been paid in full.
- 00:20:08.330 --> 00:20:13.735
- That's what the resurrection means.
- 00:20:14.503 --> 00:20:15.637
- It is evidence of christ's deity,
- 00:20:15.637 --> 00:20:17.639
- But also his sufficiency for our sins.
- 00:20:17.639 --> 00:20:20.809
- And that means we no longer, ladies and gentlemen,
- 00:20:20.809 --> 00:20:23.645
- Have to be held down by the fear
- 00:20:23.645 --> 00:20:25.447
- Or the terror of death.
- 00:20:25.447 --> 00:20:27.482
- We know that we have life eternal
- 00:20:27.482 --> 00:20:29.751
- Because of what christ has done for us.
- 00:20:29.751 --> 00:20:32.621
- Remember martha, her sister mary, their brother lazarus,
- 00:20:32.621 --> 00:20:36.258
- Were jesus' closest friends here on earth.
- 00:20:36.258 --> 00:20:40.062
- Word came to jesus that lazarus had died,
- 00:20:40.062 --> 00:20:42.364
- And so jesus made his way to their home in bethany.
- 00:20:42.364 --> 00:20:45.133
- And as he was approaching the home,
- 00:20:45.133 --> 00:20:46.835
- Martha came out and she started to blame the lord.
- 00:20:46.835 --> 00:20:49.638
- And she said, "lord, if you had been here,
- 00:20:49.638 --> 00:20:52.174
- Our brother would not have died."
- 00:20:52.174 --> 00:20:54.376
- Remember what jesus said?
- 00:20:54.943 --> 00:20:56.211
- He said, "your brother will rise again."
- 00:20:56.211 --> 00:20:57.813
- And martha shot back,
- 00:20:57.813 --> 00:20:59.281
- "oh, i know about all that resurrection stuff, jesus,
- 00:20:59.281 --> 00:21:01.983
- But i'm hurting right now."
- 00:21:01.983 --> 00:21:04.519
- Jesus said, "martha, look at me. look at me.
- 00:21:04.519 --> 00:21:08.724
- I am the resurrection in the life.
- 00:21:08.724 --> 00:21:11.793
- He who believes in me, though he were dead,
- 00:21:11.793 --> 00:21:14.930
- Yet shall he live again."
- 00:21:14.930 --> 00:21:16.998
- And then he added the question,
- 00:21:17.632 --> 00:21:18.834
- "martha, do you believe?
- 00:21:18.834 --> 00:21:21.903
- Do you believe?
- 00:21:22.270 --> 00:21:23.538
- You've been around me for three years,
- 00:21:24.373 --> 00:21:25.707
- But do you believe?
- 00:21:25.707 --> 00:21:28.176
- You've heard me teach, but do you believe?
- 00:21:29.077 --> 00:21:33.081
- You've seen these miracles i perform, but do you believe?
- 00:21:34.216 --> 00:21:37.719
- Do you really believe?"
- 00:21:37.719 --> 00:21:40.822
- I believe the lord would say the same thing to you today.
- 00:21:41.957 --> 00:21:46.027
- You've heard the resurrection story over and over
- 00:21:47.062 --> 00:21:50.365
- And over again,
- 00:21:50.365 --> 00:21:52.567
- But do you really believe?
- 00:21:53.135 --> 00:21:56.271
- Do you believe enough to pin your hopes
- 00:21:57.139 --> 00:22:00.108
- Of the future on the death of jesus christ for your sins?
- 00:22:00.108 --> 00:22:05.080
- If you're trusting in your own goodness,
- 00:22:05.947 --> 00:22:08.917
- If you're trusting in your religious heritage,
- 00:22:08.917 --> 00:22:11.753
- If you're just trusting in your baptism
- 00:22:11.753 --> 00:22:13.255
- Or some other act of righteousness to save you,
- 00:22:13.255 --> 00:22:16.691
- Your faith is a misplaced faith.
- 00:22:16.691 --> 00:22:20.495
- Jesus and jesus alone is worthy of your trust.
- 00:22:21.430 --> 00:22:26.535
- My friend erwin lutzer writes these very convicting words.
- 00:22:27.702 --> 00:22:32.274
- "five minutes after you die,
- 00:22:32.874 --> 00:22:35.477
- You will either have had your first glimpse of heaven
- 00:22:36.511 --> 00:22:38.980
- With its euphoria and bliss,
- 00:22:38.980 --> 00:22:41.516
- Or your first genuine experience
- 00:22:41.516 --> 00:22:43.985
- Of unrelenting horror and regret.
- 00:22:43.985 --> 00:22:48.023
- Either way, your final destiny is unchangeable."
- 00:22:48.023 --> 00:22:53.328
- ♪ music ♪
- 00:22:53.662 --> 00:22:56.465
- When peter finished his message,
- 00:22:56.465 --> 00:22:58.467
- Luke says the people were pierced to their hearts
- 00:22:58.467 --> 00:23:01.870
- And they cried out, "peter, what shall we do?"
- 00:23:01.870 --> 00:23:04.573
- And peter said, "repent and be baptized
- 00:23:05.373 --> 00:23:08.710
- Each one of you in the name of jesus christ
- 00:23:08.710 --> 00:23:11.813
- For the remission of your sins."
- 00:23:11.813 --> 00:23:18.720
- May god use these words from scripture
- 00:23:19.554 --> 00:23:21.890
- To pierce the hearts of people
- 00:23:21.890 --> 00:23:23.959
- All across our nation and around the world.
- 00:23:23.959 --> 00:23:26.995
- Jesus alone is worthy of our affection and our trust.
- 00:23:26.995 --> 00:23:31.399
- Well as christmas approaches,
- 00:23:31.399 --> 00:23:32.968
- We remember that jesus' birth
- 00:23:32.968 --> 00:23:34.936
- Was more than a historical event.
- 00:23:34.936 --> 00:23:37.138
- It was the fulfillment of a divine plan
- 00:23:37.138 --> 00:23:39.674
- To bring light into a world shadowed by sin and despair.
- 00:23:39.674 --> 00:23:44.212
- That's the driving force behind the "pathway to victory"
- 00:23:44.212 --> 00:23:47.349
- Light the darkness matching challenge
- 00:23:47.349 --> 00:23:49.818
- Taking place right now.
- 00:23:49.818 --> 00:23:51.753
- And because of this arrangement,
- 00:23:51.753 --> 00:23:53.388
- Your generous gift between now and december 31st
- 00:23:53.388 --> 00:23:57.325
- Will be automatically matched
- 00:23:57.325 --> 00:23:59.594
- And therefore doubled in its impact
- 00:23:59.594 --> 00:24:02.030
- Until we reach the goal of $1.5 million.
- 00:24:02.030 --> 00:24:05.500
- That means $100 gift becomes $200.
- 00:24:06.234 --> 00:24:09.971
- A $500 gift becomes $1,000.
- 00:24:09.971 --> 00:24:13.241
- A $5,000 gift would be matched and become $10,000.
- 00:24:13.241 --> 00:24:18.580
- Whatever you give will empower "pathway to victory"
- 00:24:19.614 --> 00:24:21.516
- To shine the light of jesus
- 00:24:21.516 --> 00:24:22.851
- Into the darkest corners of our world.
- 00:24:22.851 --> 00:24:26.221
- Thank you so much for giving generously
- 00:24:26.221 --> 00:24:28.223
- For this effort to light the darkness
- 00:24:28.223 --> 00:24:30.959
- With the transformative power of god's word.
- 00:24:30.959 --> 00:24:34.596
- Now stay right there.
- 00:24:34.596 --> 00:24:35.897
- I'll be back with more "pathway to victory"
- 00:24:35.897 --> 00:24:38.099
- In just a moment.
- 00:24:38.099 --> 00:24:39.668
- [announcer] the one thing god wants
- 00:24:40.435 --> 00:24:41.937
- More than anything else in this world is time with you.
- 00:24:41.937 --> 00:24:45.674
- Make god your priority by spending quality time in his word
- 00:24:45.674 --> 00:24:49.210
- With the brand new 2025
- 00:24:49.210 --> 00:24:51.012
- "pathway to victory" daily devotional.
- 00:24:51.012 --> 00:24:53.214
- This year's devotional has a beautiful
- 00:24:53.214 --> 00:24:55.050
- Navy blue leather cover with inlaid brown and gold
- 00:24:55.050 --> 00:24:57.686
- Foil accents.
- 00:24:57.686 --> 00:24:58.687
- And now with larger print,
- 00:24:58.687 --> 00:25:00.055
- The 260 practical insights
- 00:25:00.055 --> 00:25:02.090
- From dr. robert jeffress are easier to read.
- 00:25:02.090 --> 00:25:04.793
- This stunning 532 page devotional
- 00:25:04.793 --> 00:25:07.462
- Makes an ideal christmas gift
- 00:25:07.462 --> 00:25:08.964
- For loved ones who want to grow in their faith too.
- 00:25:08.964 --> 00:25:11.666
- Of all the god could have revealed himself to us,
- 00:25:11.666 --> 00:25:15.103
- He chose to do it through the written word,
- 00:25:15.103 --> 00:25:18.139
- And that's why it's so important for you
- 00:25:18.139 --> 00:25:20.008
- And for me to set aside regular time
- 00:25:20.008 --> 00:25:22.510
- To read the word of god.
- 00:25:22.510 --> 00:25:25.113
- [announcer] every season carries an uplifting theme.
- 00:25:25.113 --> 00:25:27.482
- Begin the new year by exploring god's will for your life.
- 00:25:27.482 --> 00:25:31.553
- In spring and summer, grow stronger in christ
- 00:25:32.487 --> 00:25:34.589
- With insights from colossians.
- 00:25:34.589 --> 00:25:36.691
- And in the fall and winter,
- 00:25:36.691 --> 00:25:37.926
- Embrace the father who loves you
- 00:25:37.926 --> 00:25:39.828
- With inspirational readings based on the parable
- 00:25:39.828 --> 00:25:42.397
- Of the prodigal son.
- 00:25:42.397 --> 00:25:43.865
- When the day-to-day problems of life feel overwhelming,
- 00:25:44.966 --> 00:25:47.435
- Take a moment to anchor yourself in the calming truth
- 00:25:47.435 --> 00:25:50.105
- Of god's word with the brand new 2025
- 00:25:50.105 --> 00:25:52.774
- "pathway to victory" daily devotion.
- 00:25:52.774 --> 00:25:55.043
- Your gift of support not only provides you
- 00:25:55.043 --> 00:25:57.779
- With this life-giving resource,
- 00:25:57.779 --> 00:25:59.547
- It empowers us to spread the hope-filled message
- 00:25:59.547 --> 00:26:02.317
- Of jesus christ as well.
- 00:26:02.317 --> 00:26:04.252
- Thank you for supporting the ministry
- 00:26:04.252 --> 00:26:06.221
- Of "pathway to victory."
- 00:26:06.221 --> 00:26:10.458
- Paul didn't emphasize jesus the great teacher.
- 00:26:11.393 --> 00:26:14.429
- He emphasized jesus the savior of the world.
- 00:26:14.429 --> 00:26:18.233
- So now it's time for you to decide who this man jesus was.
- 00:26:18.233 --> 00:26:22.470
- Was he a narcissist who thought he was god?
- 00:26:22.470 --> 00:26:25.273
- Was he the greatest religious charlatan who ever lived?
- 00:26:25.273 --> 00:26:29.110
- Or was he who he claimed to be, the long awaited messiah?
- 00:26:29.110 --> 00:26:33.415
- Clearly, he's the latter,
- 00:26:33.415 --> 00:26:35.550
- And may plans to join me next time when we'll journey back
- 00:26:35.550 --> 00:26:38.720
- To biblical times to witness the birth of this messiah.
- 00:26:38.720 --> 00:26:42.924
- The story begins not in bethlehem,
- 00:26:42.924 --> 00:26:45.226
- But hundreds of miles away
- 00:26:45.226 --> 00:26:46.728
- In the seat of world power, ancient rome.
- 00:26:46.728 --> 00:26:50.131
- Stay tuned for a preview
- 00:26:50.131 --> 00:26:51.399
- Of what's coming up next in our series,
- 00:26:51.399 --> 00:26:53.668
- "the incomparable christ."
- 00:26:53.668 --> 00:26:56.137
- Now what i want you to think about for a moment is
- 00:26:57.138 --> 00:26:58.773
- How god used natural events
- 00:26:58.773 --> 00:27:02.444
- To bring about his supernatural plan.
- 00:27:02.444 --> 00:27:05.213
- Think about this.
- 00:27:05.213 --> 00:27:06.448
- With one stroke of the pen,
- 00:27:06.448 --> 00:27:08.950
- Caesar augustus hundreds of miles away,
- 00:27:08.950 --> 00:27:11.886
- The most powerful man in the world,
- 00:27:11.886 --> 00:27:13.655
- With one stroke of his pen,
- 00:27:13.655 --> 00:27:15.256
- He signed an edict that would have ramifications
- 00:27:15.256 --> 00:27:18.560
- He could have never imagined.
- 00:27:18.560 --> 00:27:20.095
- [announcer] set your dvr and join us next time
- 00:27:20.095 --> 00:27:22.397
- For the message "back to bethlehem"
- 00:27:22.397 --> 00:27:24.699
- Here on "pathway to victory."
- 00:27:24.699 --> 00:27:24.699