Pathway to Victory offers a practical application of God’s Word to everyday life through the clear, biblical teaching of Pastor Jeffress.
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Dr. Robert Jeffress | Robert Jeffress - How Can I Know God Is Good With All The Suffering In The World? | January 20, 2025
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- 00:00:00.633 --> 00:00:00.423
- ♪♪♪
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- Male announcer: from the pulpit of the first baptist church of
- 00:00:06.796 --> 00:00:09.065
- Dallas, texas, this is "pathway to victory" with
- 00:00:09.199 --> 00:00:10.066
- Dr. robert jeffress.
- 00:00:12.268 --> 00:00:14.537
- Dr. robert jeffress: hi, i'm robert jeffress and welcome
- 00:00:14.604 --> 00:00:16.606
- Again to "pathway to victory."
- 00:00:16.606 --> 00:00:18.708
- If you've ever watched a family member suffer through a serious
- 00:00:18.708 --> 00:00:21.878
- Illness or struggled through a season of financial hardship,
- 00:00:21.878 --> 00:00:26.082
- You've probably asked yourself the question, if god is good,
- 00:00:26.082 --> 00:00:29.986
- Why does he allow bad things to happen?
- 00:00:29.986 --> 00:00:33.022
- Today my goal is to help you reconcile the reality of evil
- 00:00:33.022 --> 00:00:37.227
- With the certainty of a loving god.
- 00:00:37.227 --> 00:00:39.629
- We're answering the question, "how can i know god is good with
- 00:00:39.629 --> 00:00:43.666
- All the suffering in the world?"
- 00:00:43.666 --> 00:00:45.735
- On today's edition of "pathway to victory."
- 00:00:45.735 --> 00:00:49.506
- ♪♪♪
- 00:00:49.506 --> 00:00:55.345
- Announcer: it's okay to have questions about your faith, but
- 00:00:55.345 --> 00:00:58.314
- You need answers you can trust.
- 00:00:58.314 --> 00:01:00.316
- In his book, "how can i know?"
- 00:01:00.316 --> 00:01:02.018
- Dr. robert jeffress addresses seven of life's most
- 00:01:02.018 --> 00:01:05.288
- Important questions.
- 00:01:05.288 --> 00:01:06.689
- If you've ever wondered how you can know the bible is true or
- 00:01:06.689 --> 00:01:10.226
- How you can know if you're going to heaven, this book makes a
- 00:01:10.226 --> 00:01:13.296
- Compelling case for answers you can embrace with confidence.
- 00:01:13.296 --> 00:01:17.133
- Request your copy of, "how can i know?"
- 00:01:17.133 --> 00:01:19.269
- When you give a generous gift to support the ministry of
- 00:01:19.269 --> 00:01:22.172
- "pathway to victory."
- 00:01:22.172 --> 00:01:28.344
- Jeffress: lee strobel, our friend and best-selling author,
- 00:01:28.411 --> 00:01:32.282
- Once commissioned a national survey that asked one question.
- 00:01:32.282 --> 00:01:37.687
- The survey said, "if you could only ask god one question and
- 00:01:37.687 --> 00:01:42.625
- Knew that he would answer, what would you ask him?"
- 00:01:42.625 --> 00:01:46.329
- The number one response, why does god allow suffering and
- 00:01:46.329 --> 00:01:51.367
- Evil in the world?
- 00:01:51.367 --> 00:01:53.937
- It's a question that baffles believers, unbelievers, and
- 00:01:53.937 --> 00:01:58.775
- Even doubters.
- 00:01:58.775 --> 00:02:00.810
- Perhaps you've wrestled with that question as well.
- 00:02:00.810 --> 00:02:04.781
- That's why today as we continue our series, "how can i know?"
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- We're going to talk about, for a few moments, how can i know god
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- Is good with all the suffering in the world?
- 00:02:12.155 --> 00:02:16.993
- John stott, the renowned theologian and pastor, said that
- 00:02:16.993 --> 00:02:21.297
- Suffering represents the greatest single threat to
- 00:02:21.297 --> 00:02:25.501
- Christianity in the world today.
- 00:02:25.501 --> 00:02:28.738
- Why would he make such a claim?
- 00:02:28.738 --> 00:02:30.340
- I mean, have you ever heard anybody ask the question, "how
- 00:02:30.340 --> 00:02:33.610
- Can i know god is good with all the porcupines in the world?"
- 00:02:33.610 --> 00:02:38.815
- I mean porcupines do not represent a threat to the
- 00:02:38.815 --> 00:02:42.885
- Goodness of god, but the existence of evil in the
- 00:02:42.885 --> 00:02:46.889
- World does.
- 00:02:46.889 --> 00:02:48.858
- Why is that?
- 00:02:48.858 --> 00:02:50.193
- It's because evil seems to contradict everything else we
- 00:02:50.193 --> 00:02:53.229
- Know about god.
- 00:02:53.229 --> 00:02:54.664
- I put down on your outline some of the things most of us believe
- 00:02:54.664 --> 00:02:58.101
- About god.
- 00:02:58.101 --> 00:02:59.435
- God exists.
- 00:02:59.435 --> 00:03:00.803
- How many of you believe that?
- 00:03:00.803 --> 00:03:02.138
- How many of you believe god is all powerful?
- 00:03:02.138 --> 00:03:04.974
- How many of you believe god is good?
- 00:03:04.974 --> 00:03:08.778
- How many of you believe evil is a reality in the world today?
- 00:03:08.778 --> 00:03:13.716
- How do you put all that together?
- 00:03:13.716 --> 00:03:16.419
- Some people say, "suffering is just an illusion."
- 00:03:16.419 --> 00:03:20.089
- That is, there's no such thing as real evil, it's just
- 00:03:20.089 --> 00:03:23.192
- Our perception.
- 00:03:23.192 --> 00:03:24.794
- By the way, that's a common belief of christian scientists.
- 00:03:24.794 --> 00:03:28.931
- They don't believe in the reality of suffering or the
- 00:03:28.931 --> 00:03:31.501
- Reality of sickness.
- 00:03:31.501 --> 00:03:33.169
- It's all an illusion.
- 00:03:33.169 --> 00:03:36.005
- A second possibility is that the god of the bible really
- 00:03:36.005 --> 00:03:40.943
- Doesn't exist.
- 00:03:40.943 --> 00:03:42.879
- Some people say, "you can't reconcile it.
- 00:03:42.879 --> 00:03:45.515
- Therefore, the god of the bible doesn't exist."
- 00:03:45.515 --> 00:03:48.117
- They don't wanna say, "god doesn't exist."
- 00:03:48.117 --> 00:03:50.820
- They don't wanna discount the idea that there could be some
- 00:03:50.820 --> 00:03:53.723
- Force out there, some intelligent being, but it's
- 00:03:53.723 --> 00:03:57.226
- Certainly not the god we read about in the bible.
- 00:03:57.226 --> 00:04:00.163
- There's no way to reconcile him with suffering.
- 00:04:00.163 --> 00:04:03.466
- A third option is to say, "god is limited."
- 00:04:03.466 --> 00:04:06.969
- That is, there is a god.
- 00:04:06.969 --> 00:04:09.305
- He's a loving, good god.
- 00:04:09.305 --> 00:04:11.240
- He hurts when you hurt, he weeps when you weep.
- 00:04:11.240 --> 00:04:14.243
- He would love to intervene, but he can't intervene because of
- 00:04:14.243 --> 00:04:19.515
- The laws of nature or the law of free will.
- 00:04:19.515 --> 00:04:23.119
- God cannot intervene.
- 00:04:23.119 --> 00:04:26.189
- That was the conclusion of rabbi harold kushner after losing his
- 00:04:26.189 --> 00:04:30.860
- Young son to a disease.
- 00:04:30.860 --> 00:04:34.263
- He said, "god would like to keep evil in check,
- 00:04:34.263 --> 00:04:38.000
- But he just can't do it," why?
- 00:04:38.000 --> 00:04:39.969
- He said, "i recognize god's limitations.
- 00:04:39.969 --> 00:04:43.172
- He's limited in what he can do by the laws of nature and by the
- 00:04:43.172 --> 00:04:47.343
- Evolution of human moral freedom."
- 00:04:47.343 --> 00:04:50.913
- One jewish writer responded, "if that's who god is, why doesn't
- 00:04:50.913 --> 00:04:54.884
- He resign and let somebody more competent take his place?"
- 00:04:54.884 --> 00:05:00.089
- Have the laws of nature kept god from intervening and preventing
- 00:05:00.089 --> 00:05:05.228
- The evil?
- 00:05:05.228 --> 00:05:07.029
- Can god be controlled by the laws of nature?
- 00:05:07.029 --> 00:05:10.500
- Remember when job was going through his period of suffering,
- 00:05:10.500 --> 00:05:13.403
- He cried out, "god, why don't you do something?"
- 00:05:13.403 --> 00:05:16.639
- What did god say?
- 00:05:16.639 --> 00:05:17.974
- In job 38, verses 4 to 8, he said, "you little pipsqueak--"
- 00:05:17.974 --> 00:05:23.746
- Well, that's in the original hebrew, it doesn't appear in
- 00:05:23.746 --> 00:05:26.516
- Your bible, but it's basically what he says.
- 00:05:26.516 --> 00:05:28.918
- He says, "where were you when i laid the foundation of
- 00:05:28.918 --> 00:05:32.688
- The earth?
- 00:05:32.688 --> 00:05:34.056
- Tell me, if you have understanding, who sets the
- 00:05:34.056 --> 00:05:36.826
- Earth's measurements, since you know?
- 00:05:36.826 --> 00:05:39.595
- Or who stretched the line on it?"
- 00:05:39.595 --> 00:05:42.131
- And for the next verses, god doesn't answer, he explodes, as
- 00:05:42.131 --> 00:05:46.269
- One writer says.
- 00:05:46.269 --> 00:05:48.137
- He doesn't answer the why question, but he answers the
- 00:05:48.137 --> 00:05:50.773
- Who question.
- 00:05:50.773 --> 00:05:52.108
- He says, "i am in control."
- 00:05:52.108 --> 00:05:54.677
- God does not serve nature, nature serves god.
- 00:05:54.677 --> 00:05:58.748
- Yes, god has set certain laws into effect, but he's free to
- 00:05:58.748 --> 00:06:02.218
- Break those laws anytime he wants to and intervene.
- 00:06:02.218 --> 00:06:05.688
- By the way, just think about how many laws of nature were broken
- 00:06:05.688 --> 00:06:10.693
- When god parted the red sea for moses.
- 00:06:10.693 --> 00:06:14.030
- How many laws of nature were broken by the feeding of
- 00:06:14.030 --> 00:06:17.200
- The 5000?
- 00:06:17.200 --> 00:06:19.168
- How many laws of god were broken at the resurrection of
- 00:06:19.168 --> 00:06:22.972
- Jesus christ?
- 00:06:22.972 --> 00:06:24.674
- God can intervene anytime he chooses.
- 00:06:24.674 --> 00:06:27.810
- No, he's not limited by the laws of nature, nor is he limited by
- 00:06:27.810 --> 00:06:33.816
- Human freedom.
- 00:06:33.816 --> 00:06:35.151
- Some people would say, "well, god just can't intervene and
- 00:06:35.151 --> 00:06:39.555
- Contradict man's free will."
- 00:06:39.555 --> 00:06:43.059
- God would really like to prevent that rapist from attacking that
- 00:06:43.059 --> 00:06:46.596
- Elderly woman, but he's incapable of doing so.
- 00:06:46.596 --> 00:06:50.199
- One reason is, he didn't know ahead of time that was going
- 00:06:50.199 --> 00:06:52.935
- To happen.
- 00:06:52.935 --> 00:06:54.303
- Did you know there's actually a new strain of so-called
- 00:06:54.303 --> 00:06:56.839
- Christianity called open theism that says, "god doesn't have a
- 00:06:56.839 --> 00:07:01.611
- Definite plan for things.
- 00:07:01.611 --> 00:07:03.880
- God is always changing his plans to conform with the choices of
- 00:07:03.880 --> 00:07:08.417
- His creatures.
- 00:07:08.417 --> 00:07:09.752
- He doesn't know what you're gonna do ahead of time and so
- 00:07:09.752 --> 00:07:12.955
- When you react, he reacts."
- 00:07:12.955 --> 00:07:15.858
- Can you imagine believing in a god like that,
- 00:07:15.858 --> 00:07:18.828
- A god who had no plan, who made his will subject to your will?
- 00:07:18.828 --> 00:07:23.966
- Psalm 139, verse 16 says, "god sees everything about us.
- 00:07:23.966 --> 00:07:28.804
- In his book were written all the days of our life before we lived
- 00:07:28.804 --> 00:07:33.342
- One of them."
- 00:07:33.342 --> 00:07:34.710
- God knows the details of everything believers and
- 00:07:34.710 --> 00:07:37.780
- Unbelievers are going to do.
- 00:07:37.780 --> 00:07:40.049
- Well, the person says, "god may have known that person was gonna
- 00:07:40.049 --> 00:07:44.186
- Assault the elderly woman, but he has no freedom to interfere
- 00:07:44.186 --> 00:07:48.257
- With that person's free will."
- 00:07:48.257 --> 00:07:50.927
- Is god really subjected to the authority of his creation?
- 00:07:50.927 --> 00:07:55.598
- Remember what pontius pilate said to jesus?
- 00:07:55.598 --> 00:07:58.601
- Pontius pilate said, "don't you realize i could have
- 00:07:58.601 --> 00:08:01.437
- You crucified?"
- 00:08:01.437 --> 00:08:02.939
- And jesus said in john 19:11, "you would have no authority
- 00:08:02.939 --> 00:08:07.543
- Over me unless it had been given to you from above."
- 00:08:07.543 --> 00:08:13.249
- John chapter 7, when jesus equated himself with god, it
- 00:08:13.249 --> 00:08:17.887
- Made the pharisees so angry they determined they were going to
- 00:08:17.887 --> 00:08:20.990
- Kill him.
- 00:08:20.990 --> 00:08:22.325
- But in verse 30 of john 7, it says, "so they were seeking to
- 00:08:22.325 --> 00:08:25.328
- Seize him; and no man laid his hands on him because his hour
- 00:08:25.328 --> 00:08:30.399
- Had not yet come."
- 00:08:30.399 --> 00:08:32.702
- They had a will to kill jesus, but they were prevented from
- 00:08:32.702 --> 00:08:36.973
- Doing so because jesus's time had not yet come.
- 00:08:36.973 --> 00:08:42.478
- Yes, god gives man and god gives women the ability to make
- 00:08:42.478 --> 00:08:47.049
- Certain choices, but sometimes god overrides those choices.
- 00:08:47.049 --> 00:08:51.921
- Human beings are free until they're not.
- 00:08:51.921 --> 00:08:55.758
- Many years ago, amy and i were driving in west texas back to
- 00:08:55.758 --> 00:09:00.630
- Our home in wichita falls.
- 00:09:00.630 --> 00:09:03.332
- It was nighttime, there was a blinding rainstorm.
- 00:09:03.332 --> 00:09:07.637
- You couldn't see 2 inches in front of you.
- 00:09:07.637 --> 00:09:11.007
- And then the headlights of our new car, brand-new car went out.
- 00:09:11.007 --> 00:09:15.811
- There was a malfunction in the electrical system.
- 00:09:15.811 --> 00:09:19.415
- So, there we were, traveling in darkness.
- 00:09:19.415 --> 00:09:23.586
- I could have pulled over to the side of the road, but i was
- 00:09:23.586 --> 00:09:26.455
- Afraid somebody would hit us in the blinding rainstorm.
- 00:09:26.455 --> 00:09:30.026
- I noticed in my rearview mirror there was an 18 wheeler
- 00:09:30.026 --> 00:09:33.729
- Following us.
- 00:09:33.729 --> 00:09:35.064
- So, i slowed down, allowed the 18 wheeler to pass us, and then
- 00:09:35.064 --> 00:09:39.201
- I focused on those red tail lights.
- 00:09:39.201 --> 00:09:42.605
- And as i focused on those tail lights, they gave me the
- 00:09:42.605 --> 00:09:46.175
- Direction to follow until we got home.
- 00:09:46.175 --> 00:09:49.178
- You know, psalm 119:105 says that, "god's word is a light
- 00:09:49.178 --> 00:09:55.017
- Unto our path."
- 00:09:55.017 --> 00:09:56.752
- And i would suggest to you that when you are going through a
- 00:09:56.752 --> 00:09:59.889
- Storm in your light.
- 00:09:59.889 --> 00:10:01.824
- And what you can't see in front of you, you don't know what's
- 00:10:01.824 --> 00:10:04.794
- Going to happen.
- 00:10:04.794 --> 00:10:06.162
- You're looking for answers.
- 00:10:06.162 --> 00:10:08.064
- There are some lights you can focus on that come from
- 00:10:08.064 --> 00:10:12.301
- God's word.
- 00:10:12.301 --> 00:10:13.636
- Four truths you can count on when going through the tunnel of
- 00:10:13.636 --> 00:10:17.840
- Suffering in your life.
- 00:10:17.840 --> 00:10:19.742
- Number one, god is good and god is all powerful.
- 00:10:19.742 --> 00:10:25.381
- God is both good and all powerful.
- 00:10:25.381 --> 00:10:28.050
- You know, we read horrendous stories of evil that people
- 00:10:28.050 --> 00:10:31.587
- Commit against one another and say, "how could a good god
- 00:10:31.587 --> 00:10:34.690
- Allow that?"
- 00:10:34.690 --> 00:10:36.025
- But scripture tells us in exodus 34, verse 6, "the lord, the lord
- 00:10:36.025 --> 00:10:41.464
- God, is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and
- 00:10:41.464 --> 00:10:45.735
- Abounding in lovingkindness and truth," exodus 34, verse 6.
- 00:10:45.735 --> 00:10:52.007
- Even outside of scripture, we can see the goodness
- 00:10:52.007 --> 00:10:55.010
- Of god all around us.
- 00:10:55.010 --> 00:10:57.379
- Yes, floods and earthquakes do come and kill thousands of
- 00:10:57.379 --> 00:11:00.916
- People sometimes, but most of the time rivers stay within
- 00:11:00.916 --> 00:11:04.887
- Their banks.
- 00:11:04.887 --> 00:11:06.255
- Most of the time the tectonic plates don't shift and cause
- 00:11:06.255 --> 00:11:09.358
- The earthquakes.
- 00:11:09.358 --> 00:11:10.826
- Yes, farmers have droughts occasionally that keep them from
- 00:11:10.826 --> 00:11:14.497
- Having crops, but most of the time the rains do come, the
- 00:11:14.497 --> 00:11:18.868
- Crops come, and the food is produced.
- 00:11:18.868 --> 00:11:22.004
- Yes, we read of horrible crimes that people commit.
- 00:11:22.004 --> 00:11:25.908
- But the reason they make news is because they're the exception,
- 00:11:25.908 --> 00:11:29.378
- Not the rule of the way things are.
- 00:11:29.378 --> 00:11:32.615
- "but robert, if god has the ability to stop it, why doesn't
- 00:11:32.615 --> 00:11:36.552
- He stop evil?"
- 00:11:36.552 --> 00:11:38.687
- Some people try to limit god's authority, god's power, and say,
- 00:11:38.687 --> 00:11:43.025
- "god would love to help, but he's powerless to do so."
- 00:11:43.025 --> 00:11:46.695
- But does that really bring any comfort to people?
- 00:11:46.695 --> 00:11:49.832
- Do you want to think of yourself as a victim in which
- 00:11:49.832 --> 00:11:52.735
- Circumstances or other people can do whatever they want to do?
- 00:11:52.735 --> 00:11:57.439
- Do you wanna live in a world in which any one of a trillion
- 00:11:57.439 --> 00:12:01.610
- Cells in your body could suddenly, on its own, start to
- 00:12:01.610 --> 00:12:04.947
- Multiply, and create cancer, and bring death?
- 00:12:04.947 --> 00:12:09.018
- Do you wanna live in a world in which any stranger could do
- 00:12:09.018 --> 00:12:12.321
- Whatever evil he wanted to just by his own choice?
- 00:12:12.321 --> 00:12:16.926
- No, the fact that god is sovereign and is in control,
- 00:12:16.926 --> 00:12:21.197
- Even though we don't understand, should bring great comfort
- 00:12:21.197 --> 00:12:25.100
- To us.
- 00:12:25.100 --> 00:12:26.435
- Job said it this way in job 42, verse 2, in the midst of a storm
- 00:12:26.435 --> 00:12:31.140
- Of his own suffering, job cried out, "i know that you can do all
- 00:12:31.140 --> 00:12:36.412
- Things, and that no purpose of yours, god, can be thwarted."
- 00:12:36.412 --> 00:12:42.551
- I think about chuck swindoll's quote.
- 00:12:42.551 --> 00:12:45.087
- He said, "the sovereignty of god does not answer all of my
- 00:12:45.087 --> 00:12:49.692
- Questions, but it does relieve me of all of my anxiety."
- 00:12:49.692 --> 00:12:55.197
- God is good and he's all powerful.
- 00:12:55.197 --> 00:12:59.168
- Secondly, a second light you can focus in on is this, and that is
- 00:12:59.168 --> 00:13:04.106
- That evil and suffering are not attributable to god.
- 00:13:04.106 --> 00:13:09.511
- Most of the things we blame god for are actually man's fault.
- 00:13:09.511 --> 00:13:14.884
- Let me explain what i mean.
- 00:13:14.884 --> 00:13:16.886
- Theologians categorize evil into two categories.
- 00:13:16.886 --> 00:13:20.689
- There's natural evil.
- 00:13:20.689 --> 00:13:22.524
- Think earthquakes, tsunamis, cancer.
- 00:13:22.524 --> 00:13:25.327
- And then there's moral evil.
- 00:13:25.327 --> 00:13:27.496
- Think murder, genocide, injustice.
- 00:13:27.496 --> 00:13:30.966
- Both natural and moral evil ultimately come from man.
- 00:13:30.966 --> 00:13:35.971
- For example, think about natural evil.
- 00:13:35.971 --> 00:13:38.240
- We read the scripture from romans 8, verse 20 that reminded
- 00:13:38.240 --> 00:13:42.044
- Us that because of the fall of man in the garden, it affected
- 00:13:42.044 --> 00:13:45.848
- All "creation, for the creation was subjected to futility, not
- 00:13:45.848 --> 00:13:51.353
- Willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that
- 00:13:51.353 --> 00:13:55.291
- The creation itself will one day be set free from slavery to
- 00:13:55.291 --> 00:13:59.662
- Corruption into freedom."
- 00:13:59.662 --> 00:14:01.997
- What's the futility he's talking about?
- 00:14:01.997 --> 00:14:04.400
- He's talking about the futility we call it the second law of
- 00:14:04.400 --> 00:14:07.736
- Thermodynamics, and, that is, everything in the world is
- 00:14:07.736 --> 00:14:11.540
- Moving from order to disorder.
- 00:14:11.540 --> 00:14:14.176
- Everything is running down.
- 00:14:14.176 --> 00:14:15.844
- Everything's in the process of becoming chaotic.
- 00:14:15.844 --> 00:14:19.481
- And it's that reality of the natural evil that explains
- 00:14:19.481 --> 00:14:25.888
- Everything in our world from earthquakes to the aches and
- 00:14:25.888 --> 00:14:28.824
- Pains of old age.
- 00:14:28.824 --> 00:14:30.726
- All of that is because we live in a world that is infected
- 00:14:30.726 --> 00:14:34.229
- With sin.
- 00:14:34.229 --> 00:14:35.564
- This is not the world the way god planned it to be.
- 00:14:35.564 --> 00:14:38.701
- Likewise, moral evil, for the most part, is the fault of man.
- 00:14:38.701 --> 00:14:43.872
- C.s. lewis said it this way,
- 00:14:43.872 --> 00:14:46.008
- "most of the evil in the world can be attributed
- 00:14:46.008 --> 00:14:48.777
- To men with guns, bayonets, and bombs."
- 00:14:48.777 --> 00:14:53.415
- That's true when you think about it.
- 00:14:53.415 --> 00:14:55.417
- It's not god's fault, it's man's fault.
- 00:14:55.417 --> 00:14:58.754
- And yet somebody would say, "well, even if god doesn't
- 00:14:58.754 --> 00:15:01.523
- Directly cause evil, if he has the power to stop it, isn't he
- 00:15:01.523 --> 00:15:06.595
- Somewhat responsible for it?"
- 00:15:06.595 --> 00:15:08.864
- I mean, think about a school shooter.
- 00:15:08.864 --> 00:15:11.633
- I mean, does god have the power to jam his gun?
- 00:15:11.633 --> 00:15:15.270
- Yes.
- 00:15:15.270 --> 00:15:16.839
- Does god have the power to change his heart
- 00:15:16.839 --> 00:15:18.841
- And keep him from doing that?
- 00:15:18.841 --> 00:15:20.576
- Yes.
- 00:15:20.576 --> 00:15:21.977
- Does god sometimes do that? occasionally, he does intervene.
- 00:15:21.977 --> 00:15:26.415
- But if--think about this, if god were constantly intervening,
- 00:15:26.415 --> 00:15:30.152
- Overriding natural laws or the natural free will of people,
- 00:15:30.152 --> 00:15:34.957
- There would be no such thing as human goodness.
- 00:15:34.957 --> 00:15:38.427
- What we call human goodness would be mere programming by the
- 00:15:38.427 --> 00:15:43.265
- Head programmer, god himself.
- 00:15:43.265 --> 00:15:45.934
- No, we do have free wills and most of the time, evil can be
- 00:15:45.934 --> 00:15:52.107
- Attributed to those free wills.
- 00:15:52.107 --> 00:15:54.510
- The late theologian norman geisler said it this way, "since
- 00:15:54.510 --> 00:15:58.347
- God is love, he cannot force himself on anyone against
- 00:15:58.347 --> 00:16:03.018
- His will.
- 00:16:03.018 --> 00:16:04.420
- Forced love is not love, it is rape.
- 00:16:04.420 --> 00:16:08.724
- And god is not a divine rapist."
- 00:16:08.724 --> 00:16:12.895
- Where freedom exists, there will always be the possibility
- 00:16:12.895 --> 00:16:16.698
- Of evil.
- 00:16:16.698 --> 00:16:18.200
- A third light we can focus on when going through suffering is
- 00:16:18.200 --> 00:16:22.204
- A reminder that god can use suffering and even evil
- 00:16:22.204 --> 00:16:26.775
- For good.
- 00:16:26.775 --> 00:16:28.977
- Sometimes we call such things evil because we don't have the
- 00:16:28.977 --> 00:16:34.016
- Full picture.
- 00:16:34.016 --> 00:16:35.851
- We don't understand everything.
- 00:16:35.851 --> 00:16:38.087
- Think of it this way, imagine you knew nothing about heart
- 00:16:38.087 --> 00:16:42.024
- Transplants, but one day you're at the hospital and you stumble
- 00:16:42.024 --> 00:16:45.794
- Into an operating room.
- 00:16:45.794 --> 00:16:47.863
- And you see a man with a mask on, and a robe on, and he's got
- 00:16:47.863 --> 00:16:52.034
- A drill, and he's drilling into somebody's chest.
- 00:16:52.034 --> 00:16:56.371
- And once he gets the chest cavity open he reaches in and
- 00:16:56.371 --> 00:16:59.808
- Takes out a beating heart.
- 00:16:59.808 --> 00:17:02.077
- What would you think?
- 00:17:02.077 --> 00:17:03.912
- You'd think you had witnessed the greatest sign of torture and
- 00:17:03.912 --> 00:17:07.249
- Evil possible, but you would have made your judgment
- 00:17:07.249 --> 00:17:10.686
- Too soon.
- 00:17:10.686 --> 00:17:12.054
- If you stay a little longer, you can watch that man with the mask
- 00:17:12.054 --> 00:17:15.624
- Pick up another beating heart, and place it in the patient's
- 00:17:15.624 --> 00:17:18.894
- Chest cavity, and stitch him back together, and the patient
- 00:17:18.894 --> 00:17:22.498
- Awakens and thanks the doctor for new life.
- 00:17:22.498 --> 00:17:26.568
- It's the same way with evil, sometimes evil suffering can be
- 00:17:26.568 --> 00:17:30.973
- A precursor to good.
- 00:17:30.973 --> 00:17:33.609
- The crucifixion of jesus was evil.
- 00:17:33.609 --> 00:17:35.844
- Jesus endured suffering.
- 00:17:35.844 --> 00:17:37.579
- It caused him to even question his heavenly father, crying out,
- 00:17:37.579 --> 00:17:41.450
- "my god, my god, why have you forsaken me?"
- 00:17:41.450 --> 00:17:45.387
- And yet, three days later from the perspective of an empty
- 00:17:45.387 --> 00:17:49.224
- Tomb, what appeared to be evil was in fact good.
- 00:17:49.224 --> 00:17:54.329
- In acts 2:23, just a few weeks after the resurrection, peter,
- 00:17:54.329 --> 00:17:58.700
- Preaching the sermon on pentecost, said, "this man,
- 00:17:58.700 --> 00:18:01.937
- Jesus, delivered over by the predetermined plan and
- 00:18:01.937 --> 00:18:05.541
- Foreknowledge of god, you nailed him to the cross by the hands of
- 00:18:05.541 --> 00:18:09.678
- Godless men and put him to death."
- 00:18:09.678 --> 00:18:12.314
- Peter was preaching to the very people who had crucified christ.
- 00:18:12.314 --> 00:18:16.485
- He said, "what you did was evil, but god is bigger than you are.
- 00:18:16.485 --> 00:18:21.123
- And he was able to take your evil deeds for which you're
- 00:18:21.123 --> 00:18:23.926
- Responsible and create good from it."
- 00:18:23.926 --> 00:18:27.596
- God can create good from evil.
- 00:18:27.596 --> 00:18:30.933
- And you know, whenever i think about that, i think of the story
- 00:18:30.933 --> 00:18:33.835
- Of joni eareckson tada, a friend of our church and our ministry.
- 00:18:33.835 --> 00:18:38.974
- She was 17 years old and she dove into the chesapeake bay and
- 00:18:38.974 --> 00:18:43.145
- Hit her head on a rock, became a quadriplegic, has been in a
- 00:18:43.145 --> 00:18:48.417
- Wheelchair for over five decades.
- 00:18:48.417 --> 00:18:52.621
- She's the one who famously said, "i would rather be in a
- 00:18:52.621 --> 00:18:55.824
- Wheelchair with god than able to walk without god."
- 00:18:55.824 --> 00:19:01.930
- Now, just think about it.
- 00:19:01.930 --> 00:19:03.565
- If god had asked joni when she was 17 years old, "how do you
- 00:19:03.565 --> 00:19:08.737
- Feel, joni, about this plan i have for you?
- 00:19:08.737 --> 00:19:11.907
- You're gonna hit your head on a rock.
- 00:19:11.907 --> 00:19:14.009
- You're gonna be paralyzed the rest of your life.
- 00:19:14.009 --> 00:19:17.012
- How does that sound?"
- 00:19:17.012 --> 00:19:18.547
- I doubt she would have chosen that plan for herself.
- 00:19:18.547 --> 00:19:21.850
- No 17-year-old would, no 67-year-old would.
- 00:19:21.850 --> 00:19:26.255
- But fortunately god doesn't solicit our approval for the
- 00:19:26.255 --> 00:19:30.092
- Plan he has for us.
- 00:19:30.092 --> 00:19:32.227
- He has a plan for our lives, and that plan includes evil
- 00:19:32.227 --> 00:19:36.665
- And suffering.
- 00:19:36.665 --> 00:19:38.267
- As joni says it, "god permits what he hates to achieve what
- 00:19:38.267 --> 00:19:44.473
- He loves."
- 00:19:44.473 --> 00:19:46.208
- God can use evil and suffering for his purpose.
- 00:19:46.208 --> 00:19:50.946
- And the fourth and most important truth to remember is,
- 00:19:50.946 --> 00:19:55.217
- God will ultimately defeat evil and end suffering.
- 00:19:55.217 --> 00:20:00.722
- You know, i've, over the years, been called in to give
- 00:20:00.722 --> 00:20:04.092
- Commentary when there's some great national tragedy or some
- 00:20:04.092 --> 00:20:08.463
- Horrific act that's taken place and ask that question, why would
- 00:20:08.463 --> 00:20:12.534
- God allow that?
- 00:20:12.534 --> 00:20:13.902
- I used to try to give detailed answers and so forth in three
- 00:20:13.902 --> 00:20:17.939
- Minutes or less.
- 00:20:17.939 --> 00:20:19.908
- I've come to understand, the best response when people ask
- 00:20:19.908 --> 00:20:24.012
- About the evil in the world is to say, "we do not live in the
- 00:20:24.012 --> 00:20:28.216
- World god originally created."
- 00:20:28.216 --> 00:20:31.086
- Suffering, murder, injustice were never part of god's plan
- 00:20:31.086 --> 00:20:35.490
- For the world.
- 00:20:35.490 --> 00:20:36.825
- We're not in the world god has planned, but thank god we will
- 00:20:36.825 --> 00:20:41.330
- Be one day.
- 00:20:41.330 --> 00:20:42.831
- There is a new world coming.
- 00:20:42.831 --> 00:20:46.802
- This is only temporary.
- 00:20:46.802 --> 00:20:49.004
- And the best way to defeat evil, as somebody said, is to create a
- 00:20:49.004 --> 00:20:54.009
- World in which evil no longer exists.
- 00:20:54.009 --> 00:20:57.446
- And ladies and gentlemen, that world is coming.
- 00:20:57.446 --> 00:20:59.781
- God promises a new heaven, a new earth, where there'll be no more
- 00:20:59.781 --> 00:21:04.753
- Crying, or pain, or death for the first things will have
- 00:21:04.753 --> 00:21:08.623
- Passed away.
- 00:21:08.623 --> 00:21:10.492
- Until that time, suffering, pain, and evil are a very real
- 00:21:10.492 --> 00:21:15.731
- Part of our lives.
- 00:21:15.731 --> 00:21:17.432
- Philip yancey's a gifted christian writer.
- 00:21:17.432 --> 00:21:20.602
- His father was a gifted bible teacher.
- 00:21:20.602 --> 00:21:24.473
- And yet toward the end of his life--isn't it funny sometimes
- 00:21:24.473 --> 00:21:27.242
- Toward the end you suffer the worst things in your life?
- 00:21:27.242 --> 00:21:31.480
- He was struck with a debilitating illness,
- 00:21:31.480 --> 00:21:34.249
- Confined to a bed.
- 00:21:34.249 --> 00:21:35.617
- He had to watch his adult daughters suffer some severe
- 00:21:35.617 --> 00:21:38.787
- Consequences of diabetes.
- 00:21:38.787 --> 00:21:41.456
- He experienced crushing financial pressure.
- 00:21:41.456 --> 00:21:45.394
- He began to question many of the things he once believed and
- 00:21:45.394 --> 00:21:49.531
- Taught from the bible to be true.
- 00:21:49.531 --> 00:21:51.767
- Toward the end of his life, he wrote his adult children
- 00:21:51.767 --> 00:21:54.403
- A letter.
- 00:21:54.403 --> 00:21:55.737
- He was very honest.
- 00:21:55.737 --> 00:21:57.205
- He said, "i am starting to question many of the things i
- 00:21:57.205 --> 00:22:00.075
- Taught you, many of the things i believe.
- 00:22:00.075 --> 00:22:03.879
- But there are three things i'm still absolutely sure of:
- 00:22:03.879 --> 00:22:10.619
- Life is difficult, god is merciful, heaven is for sure."
- 00:22:10.619 --> 00:22:19.494
- Good truths to remind yourself of when you find yourself in a
- 00:22:19.494 --> 00:22:24.666
- Storm of suffering.
- 00:22:24.666 --> 00:22:27.469
- Jeffress: it's possible you're watching "pathway to victory"
- 00:22:31.706 --> 00:22:34.342
- Right now and you've been contemplating the problem of
- 00:22:34.342 --> 00:22:37.179
- Pain and suffering.
- 00:22:37.179 --> 00:22:38.647
- Maybe it's your pain and suffering.
- 00:22:38.647 --> 00:22:41.483
- I'm praying that today's message has helped you understand that,
- 00:22:41.483 --> 00:22:44.619
- Yes, life is difficult, god is merciful, but heaven is
- 00:22:44.619 --> 00:22:49.724
- For sure.
- 00:22:49.724 --> 00:22:51.092
- I wanna close today's program by thanking all of our faithful
- 00:22:51.092 --> 00:22:54.930
- Supporters of "pathway to victory."
- 00:22:54.930 --> 00:22:57.299
- This ministry wouldn't be possible without you.
- 00:22:57.299 --> 00:23:00.869
- And if you haven't already, let me encourage you to take the
- 00:23:00.869 --> 00:23:03.772
- Next step in your support of "pathway to victory" by becoming
- 00:23:03.772 --> 00:23:07.542
- One of our valued pathway partners.
- 00:23:07.542 --> 00:23:10.579
- A pathway partner is someone who financially supports "pathway to
- 00:23:10.579 --> 00:23:14.616
- Victory" every month.
- 00:23:14.616 --> 00:23:16.485
- As a pathway partner you receive exclusive benefits as well, but
- 00:23:16.485 --> 00:23:21.089
- The best part is this: god will use your monthly giving to help
- 00:23:21.089 --> 00:23:25.694
- Us pierce the darkness with the light of god's word.
- 00:23:25.694 --> 00:23:29.698
- Thanks so much for trusting us with your generous gifts.
- 00:23:29.698 --> 00:23:33.502
- Now stay right there, i'll be back with more "pathway to
- 00:23:33.502 --> 00:23:36.171
- Victory" in just a moment.
- 00:23:36.171 --> 00:23:39.508
- Announcer: if a friend or one of your children came up to you and
- 00:23:39.508 --> 00:23:42.344
- Asked, "how do you know christianity is the
- 00:23:42.344 --> 00:23:44.746
- Right religion?"
- 00:23:44.746 --> 00:23:46.114
- Could you give a clear and credible answer?
- 00:23:46.114 --> 00:23:48.583
- We'd like to send you a book from dr. robert jeffress
- 00:23:48.583 --> 00:23:51.486
- Containing answers to life's seven most important questions.
- 00:23:51.486 --> 00:23:55.323
- It's titled, "how can i know?"
- 00:23:55.323 --> 00:23:57.526
- Jeffress: if we're honest, every one of us has questions about
- 00:23:57.526 --> 00:24:00.462
- Our faith, questions like, how can i know the bible is true?
- 00:24:00.462 --> 00:24:04.466
- Or how can i know god exists?
- 00:24:04.466 --> 00:24:07.168
- In my book, "how can i know?"
- 00:24:07.168 --> 00:24:09.170
- I tackle seven important questions and provide
- 00:24:09.170 --> 00:24:12.274
- Biblically-based answers you can embrace with confidence.
- 00:24:12.274 --> 00:24:16.311
- Announcer: seven straightforward answers to seven
- 00:24:16.311 --> 00:24:18.580
- Pressing questions.
- 00:24:18.580 --> 00:24:20.048
- The book, "how can i know?"
- 00:24:20.048 --> 00:24:21.483
- Is yours today when you give a generous gift to support the
- 00:24:21.483 --> 00:24:24.920
- Ministry of "pathway to victory" or when you sign up to become a
- 00:24:24.920 --> 00:24:28.790
- Pathway partner.
- 00:24:28.790 --> 00:24:30.158
- And when your gift is $75 or more, you'll also receive the
- 00:24:30.158 --> 00:24:34.896
- Complete series on dvd and audio disc with newly updated content
- 00:24:34.896 --> 00:24:39.467
- For 2025.
- 00:24:39.467 --> 00:24:40.936
- Jeffress: it's not a sin to have doubts.
- 00:24:40.936 --> 00:24:44.205
- Sometimes doubt is a prerequisite to genuine faith.
- 00:24:44.205 --> 00:24:48.510
- Announcer: thank you for investing financially in
- 00:24:48.510 --> 00:24:50.979
- "pathway to victory."
- 00:24:50.979 --> 00:24:52.314
- Your partnership will help our ministry broadcast god's truth
- 00:24:52.314 --> 00:24:55.817
- On television, on radio, and online, addressing doubts,
- 00:24:55.817 --> 00:25:00.121
- Clearing confusion, and transforming lives through the
- 00:25:00.121 --> 00:25:03.325
- Bold, biblical teaching of god's word.
- 00:25:03.325 --> 00:25:09.197
- Jeffress: the question of suffering and evil is one that
- 00:25:09.264 --> 00:25:11.967
- All of us have grappled with from time to time.
- 00:25:11.967 --> 00:25:15.203
- And while it's impossible for me to answer the question
- 00:25:15.203 --> 00:25:18.306
- Completely during this short program, i hope the answers i
- 00:25:18.306 --> 00:25:22.243
- Have provided have been a source of hope and encouragement
- 00:25:22.243 --> 00:25:25.714
- To you.
- 00:25:25.714 --> 00:25:27.115
- Well, it's one thing to reconcile the reality of evil
- 00:25:27.115 --> 00:25:30.218
- With the certainty of a loving god, but it's still difficult to
- 00:25:30.218 --> 00:25:34.089
- Forgive others when they mess up and it affects us.
- 00:25:34.089 --> 00:25:38.627
- And next time i wanna share with you how to let go when someone
- 00:25:38.627 --> 00:25:42.397
- Deeply hurts you.
- 00:25:42.397 --> 00:25:44.132
- Stay tuned for a preview of what's coming up next in our
- 00:25:44.132 --> 00:25:46.835
- Series, "how can i know?"
- 00:25:46.835 --> 00:25:50.472
- Jeffress: when you refuse to forgive somebody, you're
- 00:25:50.538 --> 00:25:53.008
- Emotionally bound to that other person.
- 00:25:53.008 --> 00:25:56.277
- You can go no farther or faster in life than he or she is
- 00:25:56.277 --> 00:26:00.415
- Willing to go when you make your forgiveness dependent on what
- 00:26:00.415 --> 00:26:04.185
- They do.
- 00:26:04.185 --> 00:26:05.553
- But forgiveness is the way we separate ourselves from
- 00:26:05.553 --> 00:26:08.256
- Our offender.
- 00:26:08.256 --> 00:26:09.591
- It's a way that we say, "god, what this person did to me
- 00:26:09.591 --> 00:26:12.861
- Was wrong.
- 00:26:12.861 --> 00:26:14.195
- They deserve to pay for it.
- 00:26:14.195 --> 00:26:16.331
- You deal with it."
- 00:26:16.331 --> 00:26:17.899
- Announcer: set your dvr and join us next time for the message,
- 00:26:17.966 --> 00:26:21.136
- "how can i know how to forgive someone who has hurt me?"
- 00:26:21.136 --> 00:26:24.606
- Here on "pathway to victory."
- 00:26:24.606 --> 00:26:27.876
- Jeffress: if you could go back in time and walk with the
- 00:26:29.844 --> 00:26:32.213
- Apostle paul on one of his journeys, would you do it?
- 00:26:32.213 --> 00:26:35.784
- This may, let's go together on the life-changing "pathway to
- 00:26:35.784 --> 00:26:39.054
- Victory" journeys of paul mediterranean cruise.
- 00:26:39.054 --> 00:26:43.258
- Announcer: embark on a voyage of elegance and refinement aboard
- 00:26:43.258 --> 00:26:46.394
- The luxurious celebrity ascent.
- 00:26:46.394 --> 00:26:48.930
- Enjoy lavish state rooms, spacious balconies, and
- 00:26:48.930 --> 00:26:52.000
- World-class dining.
- 00:26:52.000 --> 00:26:53.368
- You'll experience breathtaking views, famous beaches, and
- 00:26:53.368 --> 00:26:57.038
- Crystal clear water in beautiful island destinations like
- 00:26:57.038 --> 00:27:00.642
- Santorini, mykonos, and crete.
- 00:27:00.642 --> 00:27:03.545
- Jeffress: walk with me and other believers in the very places
- 00:27:03.545 --> 00:27:06.781
- Where god's word was written.
- 00:27:06.781 --> 00:27:08.783
- Join us as we study his word together.
- 00:27:08.783 --> 00:27:11.486
- Surrounded by natural beauty, we will seek our creator in
- 00:27:11.486 --> 00:27:15.457
- His creation.
- 00:27:15.457 --> 00:27:17.625
- Announcer: reserve your spot on the "pathway to victory"
- 00:27:17.625 --> 00:27:20.228
- Journeys of paul mediterranean cruise.
- 00:27:20.228 --> 00:27:22.764
- Call...
- 00:27:22.764 --> 00:27:22.764