Pathway to Victory offers a practical application of God’s Word to everyday life through the clear, biblical teaching of Pastor Jeffress.
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Dr. Robert Jeffress | Robert Jeffress - A Gift Too Wonderful For Words | December 23, 2024
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- 00:00:01.491 --> 00:00:06.529
- Male announcer: from the pulpit
- 00:00:06.629 --> 00:00:08.198
- Of the first baptist church of dallas, texas,
- 00:00:08.331 --> 00:00:10.700
- This is "pathway to victory" with dr. robert jeffress.
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- Dr. robert jeffress: hi, i'm robert jeffress,
- 00:00:14.704 --> 00:00:16.039
- And welcome again to "pathway to victory".
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- Some christians argue that the tradition of giving gifts
- 00:00:18.608 --> 00:00:21.377
- At christmas is worldly and superficial.
- 00:00:21.377 --> 00:00:24.948
- They contend it's nothing more than a result
- 00:00:24.948 --> 00:00:27.083
- Of the commercialism that sweeps our nation every holiday season.
- 00:00:27.083 --> 00:00:31.788
- But according to scripture, christmas really is about gifts,
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- Specifically the indescribable gift
- 00:00:36.192 --> 00:00:38.995
- That god offers to each of us.
- 00:00:38.995 --> 00:00:41.231
- My message is titled, "a gift too wonderful for words,"
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- On today's special edition of "pathway to victory."
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- Announcer: the celebration of jesus's birth each christmas
- 00:00:55.879 --> 00:00:58.548
- Marks the moment when god's radiant hope entered our world,
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- And jesus calls us to share this light with others.
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- You can help pierce the darkness with the light of god's word
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- Through the pathway to victory light the darkness
- 00:01:08.124 --> 00:01:10.360
- Matching challenge.
- 00:01:10.360 --> 00:01:11.728
- Since 1996, "pathway to victory" has been boldly sharing
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- The gospel of jesus christ, and your gift, doubled in impact,
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- Will be used to proclaim god's truth here in america
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- And around the world.
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- ♪♪♪
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- Jeffress: what is the best christmas present
- 00:01:31.915 --> 00:01:34.083
- You ever received?
- 00:01:34.083 --> 00:01:37.353
- For some of you, it may be a gift that had
- 00:01:37.353 --> 00:01:39.989
- A lot of monetary value to it.
- 00:01:39.989 --> 00:01:43.126
- I understand some people, some families,
- 00:01:43.126 --> 00:01:46.829
- Give expensive gifts like jewelry or fine automobiles
- 00:01:46.829 --> 00:01:51.234
- Or a horde of cash.
- 00:01:51.234 --> 00:01:53.436
- I've never been a part of a family like that,
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- But i hear they're out there somewhere.
- 00:01:55.438 --> 00:01:57.473
- For the others of you, it might be a gift that didn't have
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- A lot of monetary value but sentimental value
- 00:02:01.144 --> 00:02:03.813
- Because of who gave it.
- 00:02:03.813 --> 00:02:06.716
- Every parent knows the joy of receiving a homemade
- 00:02:06.716 --> 00:02:10.353
- Christmas craft or a handmade christmas card with the words,
- 00:02:10.353 --> 00:02:15.358
- "i love you," scrawled in crayon.
- 00:02:15.358 --> 00:02:18.328
- Of course, those gifts tend to mean a lot more if they come
- 00:02:18.328 --> 00:02:21.197
- From your 5-year-old child rather than
- 00:02:21.197 --> 00:02:23.733
- Your 35-year old child, but it's the sentiment that counts.
- 00:02:23.733 --> 00:02:29.339
- Other people would say, "you know,
- 00:02:29.339 --> 00:02:30.840
- The best gift i got was one that was practical in nature,
- 00:02:30.840 --> 00:02:33.977
- It's something i really needed."
- 00:02:33.977 --> 00:02:37.013
- A few years ago, i did a funeral service for an 84-year-old
- 00:02:37.013 --> 00:02:40.216
- Friend, and his daughter-in-law had written a tribute
- 00:02:40.216 --> 00:02:45.021
- To her father-in-law about a special christmas present
- 00:02:45.021 --> 00:02:49.025
- He had purchased for his wife.
- 00:02:49.025 --> 00:02:51.928
- She wrote, "it was boxed and meticulously wrapped
- 00:02:51.928 --> 00:02:55.531
- By dad himself.
- 00:02:55.531 --> 00:02:57.533
- It was undoubtedly one of the most precious gifts
- 00:02:57.533 --> 00:03:00.103
- I've ever seen, not diamonds, pearls, or a fur coat.
- 00:03:00.103 --> 00:03:04.574
- It was a year's supply of all of mom's preferred toiletries,
- 00:03:04.574 --> 00:03:09.112
- Multiple cans of hairspray, talcum powder, lotions,
- 00:03:09.112 --> 00:03:12.949
- And so forth.
- 00:03:12.949 --> 00:03:14.550
- To me, it was a beautiful expression of a mature love
- 00:03:14.550 --> 00:03:18.655
- That said, 'i know you better and love you more than
- 00:03:18.655 --> 00:03:22.025
- Anyone else on the face of the earth and i know
- 00:03:22.025 --> 00:03:25.461
- What you need and use every single day of the year
- 00:03:25.461 --> 00:03:28.264
- And i'm gonna make sure you have it.'"
- 00:03:28.264 --> 00:03:32.068
- The daughter-in-law said, "i still get misty-eyed,
- 00:03:32.068 --> 00:03:35.071
- Thinking of dad going up and down the aisle at sam's,
- 00:03:35.071 --> 00:03:38.908
- Lovingly shopping for those precious gifts
- 00:03:38.908 --> 00:03:41.644
- For his beloved wife."
- 00:03:41.644 --> 00:03:44.714
- But i think most of you would agree that the very best gift
- 00:03:44.714 --> 00:03:47.383
- Of all was one that had all three characteristics.
- 00:03:47.383 --> 00:03:50.920
- It was a gift of great value, it was a gift given by somebody
- 00:03:50.920 --> 00:03:54.891
- Who's important to you, and it's a gift that meets
- 00:03:54.891 --> 00:03:58.294
- A very real need.
- 00:03:58.294 --> 00:04:00.930
- And of course, the best example of that gift
- 00:04:00.930 --> 00:04:04.000
- Is the gift of jesus christ.
- 00:04:04.000 --> 00:04:07.270
- You know, in 2 corinthians chapter 9,
- 00:04:07.270 --> 00:04:09.906
- Paul was writing to the corinthian church about
- 00:04:09.906 --> 00:04:12.709
- Their need to give to a special offering he was collecting and
- 00:04:12.709 --> 00:04:16.279
- He was trying to motivate them to give and he used the greatest
- 00:04:16.279 --> 00:04:19.816
- Example of giving he could think of: god giving his only son.
- 00:04:19.816 --> 00:04:26.222
- And he climaxed that chapter in verse 15 by writing these words:
- 00:04:26.222 --> 00:04:31.160
- "thanks be to god for his indescribable gift."
- 00:04:31.160 --> 00:04:37.633
- The living bible says: "a gift far too wonderful for words."
- 00:04:37.633 --> 00:04:43.639
- God's indescribable gift.
- 00:04:43.639 --> 00:04:46.109
- Do you know, that's quite a concession for somebody
- 00:04:46.109 --> 00:04:48.411
- Like paul to give, to say that he can't even describe
- 00:04:48.411 --> 00:04:51.781
- The gift of jesus christ.
- 00:04:51.781 --> 00:04:53.416
- I mean, after all, think about paul.
- 00:04:53.416 --> 00:04:55.051
- He had more degrees than you could shake a stick at.
- 00:04:55.051 --> 00:04:58.554
- He would end up writing over half of the new testament.
- 00:04:58.554 --> 00:05:01.758
- He studied under the greatest intellect of his day,
- 00:05:01.758 --> 00:05:04.293
- Gamaliel, and yet when it come-- came to trying to express
- 00:05:04.293 --> 00:05:08.064
- What christ meant, he said, "it's indescribable.
- 00:05:08.064 --> 00:05:11.234
- I can't come up with a word."
- 00:05:11.234 --> 00:05:13.169
- That words translated "indescribable"
- 00:05:13.169 --> 00:05:15.838
- Is a word paul made up.
- 00:05:15.838 --> 00:05:17.907
- Doesn't appear in the greek new testament anywhere.
- 00:05:17.907 --> 00:05:20.610
- He just said, "i'm gonna come up with a word," like
- 00:05:20.610 --> 00:05:23.045
- "supercalifragilistic- expialidocious,"
- 00:05:23.045 --> 00:05:25.782
- Trying to explain the wonderful, indescribable gift of our god.
- 00:05:25.782 --> 00:05:32.054
- What is it that made this gift so indescribable?
- 00:05:32.054 --> 00:05:36.659
- In the few minutes we have today,
- 00:05:36.659 --> 00:05:38.327
- I just want you to jot down three characteristics
- 00:05:38.327 --> 00:05:40.797
- Of god's indescribable gift.
- 00:05:40.797 --> 00:05:43.132
- First of all, god's indescribable gift was preceded
- 00:05:43.132 --> 00:05:47.336
- By elaborate preparation.
- 00:05:47.336 --> 00:05:50.373
- You know, the bigger the gift, the more important the gift,
- 00:05:50.373 --> 00:05:53.776
- The more preparation it requires.
- 00:05:53.776 --> 00:05:57.213
- Many of you know my sister jennifer and her husband,
- 00:05:57.213 --> 00:06:00.716
- Matthew, who teaches our sunburst class.
- 00:06:00.716 --> 00:06:04.086
- Matthew and jennifer lived in tyler for a number of years
- 00:06:04.086 --> 00:06:07.457
- Where matthew pastored, and their eldest daughter,
- 00:06:07.457 --> 00:06:11.527
- My niece, was a gifted concert pianist.
- 00:06:11.527 --> 00:06:16.466
- And when she was a little girl, more than anything
- 00:06:16.466 --> 00:06:18.901
- For christmas, she wanted a baby grand piano.
- 00:06:18.901 --> 00:06:22.939
- And so, they went around the different music stores
- 00:06:22.939 --> 00:06:25.308
- And she found the one she really wanted.
- 00:06:25.308 --> 00:06:28.444
- And about 2 weeks before christmas,
- 00:06:28.444 --> 00:06:31.714
- Jennifer and matthew had to break the news to her.
- 00:06:31.714 --> 00:06:34.417
- Jennifer said, "caroline, we'd love to give this to you
- 00:06:34.417 --> 00:06:37.286
- But we just can't afford it right now.
- 00:06:37.286 --> 00:06:39.789
- All we can afford is an upright piano.
- 00:06:39.789 --> 00:06:42.325
- Maybe someday we can give you this piano."
- 00:06:42.325 --> 00:06:45.461
- And caroline was disappointed
- 00:06:45.461 --> 00:06:47.230
- But she had a good attitude about it.
- 00:06:47.230 --> 00:06:50.233
- Now, what caroline didn't know about her mother
- 00:06:50.233 --> 00:06:52.869
- Is something i've known for a long time.
- 00:06:52.869 --> 00:06:55.204
- And that is jennifer is a great liar,
- 00:06:55.204 --> 00:06:59.475
- One of the most gifted i've ever met.
- 00:06:59.475 --> 00:07:03.913
- She and matthew actually had purchased that baby grand piano
- 00:07:03.913 --> 00:07:08.417
- And they made an elaborate preparation that
- 00:07:08.417 --> 00:07:10.953
- On christmas day, while they were out for breakfast,
- 00:07:10.953 --> 00:07:13.756
- The music store would deliver the grand piano.
- 00:07:13.756 --> 00:07:17.927
- And so, when they came back from breakfast and opened the door,
- 00:07:17.927 --> 00:07:21.464
- There was that beautiful baby grand piano with a ribbon on it.
- 00:07:21.464 --> 00:07:25.368
- It was a gift with elaborate preparation.
- 00:07:25.368 --> 00:07:29.372
- I tell you, even more elaborate preparation came
- 00:07:29.372 --> 00:07:32.575
- With god's indescribable gift.
- 00:07:32.575 --> 00:07:35.044
- In galatians 4:4, paul said that "when the set time
- 00:07:35.044 --> 00:07:38.748
- Had fully come, god sent his son, born of a woman,
- 00:07:38.748 --> 00:07:43.352
- Born under the law."
- 00:07:43.352 --> 00:07:45.354
- Again, the living bible says: "at just the right time,
- 00:07:45.354 --> 00:07:49.592
- God sent forth his son."
- 00:07:49.592 --> 00:07:52.962
- In what sense was it "just the right time"?
- 00:07:52.962 --> 00:07:56.899
- God had been preparing for this gift for thousands of years,
- 00:07:56.899 --> 00:08:00.303
- And now the time had come.
- 00:08:00.303 --> 00:08:02.238
- It was the right time, first of all, culturally,
- 00:08:02.238 --> 00:08:04.740
- When you think about it, for the coming of christ.
- 00:08:04.740 --> 00:08:07.076
- For the first time, since the tower of babel,
- 00:08:07.076 --> 00:08:09.745
- The majority of people in the world
- 00:08:09.745 --> 00:08:11.681
- Were speaking the same language.
- 00:08:11.681 --> 00:08:13.449
- Alexander the great had fashioned koine greek,
- 00:08:13.449 --> 00:08:17.219
- Greek for the common man, to be spoken.
- 00:08:17.219 --> 00:08:19.622
- And that facilitated the spreading of the gospel
- 00:08:19.622 --> 00:08:22.992
- When christ came.
- 00:08:22.992 --> 00:08:24.627
- It facilitated the writing of the scriptures
- 00:08:24.627 --> 00:08:26.862
- In a language everyone could understand.
- 00:08:26.862 --> 00:08:30.232
- Secondly, it was the right time politically
- 00:08:30.232 --> 00:08:32.802
- For the coming of christ.
- 00:08:32.802 --> 00:08:34.503
- The emperor was caesar augustus.
- 00:08:34.503 --> 00:08:36.572
- His real name was octavian, and he had achieved and presided
- 00:08:36.572 --> 00:08:39.942
- Over the pax romana, the roman peace.
- 00:08:39.942 --> 00:08:43.579
- The world, for the first time in a long time,
- 00:08:43.579 --> 00:08:46.248
- Was relatively at peace.
- 00:08:46.248 --> 00:08:49.051
- And there was a vast road system,
- 00:08:49.051 --> 00:08:51.921
- Like our interstate highways, the romans had created, again,
- 00:08:51.921 --> 00:08:55.291
- That would allow for the quick spread of the gospel
- 00:08:55.291 --> 00:08:57.860
- After the resurrection of jesus from the dead.
- 00:08:57.860 --> 00:09:01.364
- Thirdly, it was the right time, spiritually,
- 00:09:01.364 --> 00:09:04.567
- For the coming of christ.
- 00:09:04.567 --> 00:09:06.168
- The polytheism, the worship of many gods,
- 00:09:06.168 --> 00:09:08.671
- Of the romans and the greeks, had given way to the openness
- 00:09:08.671 --> 00:09:12.408
- To monotheism, the idea that there is one god,
- 00:09:12.408 --> 00:09:16.145
- Not multiple gods.
- 00:09:16.145 --> 00:09:17.880
- But most importantly, it was the right time prophetically.
- 00:09:17.880 --> 00:09:21.917
- The right time, prophetically, for the coming of christ.
- 00:09:21.917 --> 00:09:25.321
- As you know, there are over 150 specific prophecies
- 00:09:25.321 --> 00:09:29.458
- In the old testament about the coming of christ,
- 00:09:29.458 --> 00:09:32.728
- Some of them, hundreds, a few of them,
- 00:09:32.728 --> 00:09:35.665
- A thousand years old, that gave every detail about his birth.
- 00:09:35.665 --> 00:09:41.203
- Let me just give you one example.
- 00:09:41.203 --> 00:09:43.372
- This prophecy was made 700 years before christ was born.
- 00:09:43.372 --> 00:09:48.911
- It's found in micah 5:2.
- 00:09:48.911 --> 00:09:51.313
- Remember what micah said?
- 00:09:51.313 --> 00:09:53.182
- "but as for you, bethlehem ephrathah,
- 00:09:53.182 --> 00:09:56.352
- Too little to be among the clans of judah,
- 00:09:56.352 --> 00:09:59.321
- From you one will go forth for me to be the ruler in israel.
- 00:09:59.321 --> 00:10:03.926
- His goings forth are from long ago,
- 00:10:03.926 --> 00:10:06.595
- From the days of eternity."
- 00:10:06.595 --> 00:10:08.764
- Of all of the places christ could have been born,
- 00:10:08.764 --> 00:10:11.901
- Micah pinpointed this little village that was
- 00:10:11.901 --> 00:10:16.238
- So small it wasn't even listed on the registry of towns.
- 00:10:16.238 --> 00:10:20.042
- He said, "this is where christ is going to be born."
- 00:10:20.042 --> 00:10:23.813
- That's an amazing prophecy.
- 00:10:23.813 --> 00:10:26.048
- Now, fast forward 700 years from micah 5:2
- 00:10:26.048 --> 00:10:29.652
- To the time christ was born.
- 00:10:29.652 --> 00:10:32.154
- Mary and joseph, the couple, are expecting the birth
- 00:10:32.154 --> 00:10:37.793
- Of the miraculous child.
- 00:10:37.793 --> 00:10:40.429
- The only problem is they're not in bethlehem
- 00:10:40.429 --> 00:10:43.299
- Where micah predicted.
- 00:10:43.299 --> 00:10:44.800
- They're up north, 90 miles north in nazareth,
- 00:10:44.800 --> 00:10:48.337
- So how in the world does god get this couple from nazareth
- 00:10:48.337 --> 00:10:52.675
- Down to bethlehem?
- 00:10:52.675 --> 00:10:55.578
- Well, we find the answer in the first verse of luke chapter 2:
- 00:10:55.578 --> 00:10:59.615
- "now in those days a decree went out from caesar augustus,"
- 00:10:59.615 --> 00:11:05.855
- Octavian, "that a census be taken
- 00:11:05.855 --> 00:11:08.724
- Of all the inhabited earth."
- 00:11:08.724 --> 00:11:12.161
- While mary and joseph were in nazareth,
- 00:11:12.161 --> 00:11:14.764
- Contemplating the birth of this miraculous child,
- 00:11:14.764 --> 00:11:18.067
- A half a continent away in the center of power,
- 00:11:18.067 --> 00:11:22.304
- Rome, the emperor and his advisors are meeting together
- 00:11:22.304 --> 00:11:26.175
- And you know what they're talking about?
- 00:11:26.175 --> 00:11:29.278
- A government shutdown because of a lack of funding.
- 00:11:29.278 --> 00:11:33.415
- Some things never change, do they, harris?
- 00:11:33.415 --> 00:11:36.218
- Same news, just recycled.
- 00:11:36.218 --> 00:11:38.721
- We're facing that right now.
- 00:11:38.721 --> 00:11:40.656
- So they were saying, "how are we gonna make up for the shortfall
- 00:11:40.656 --> 00:11:43.425
- Of this lack of revenue?"
- 00:11:43.425 --> 00:11:45.628
- And somebody comes up with a brilliant idea:
- 00:11:45.628 --> 00:11:48.397
- "let's tax the people."
- 00:11:48.397 --> 00:11:51.133
- Again, some things never change, do they?
- 00:11:51.133 --> 00:11:54.170
- They never think about decreasing spending.
- 00:11:54.170 --> 00:11:56.238
- It's always, "let's raise the taxes on people."
- 00:11:56.238 --> 00:11:59.809
- The only problem was, unlike the irs today that has computers
- 00:11:59.809 --> 00:12:03.646
- That can track you down wherever you are and knows every amount
- 00:12:03.646 --> 00:12:06.916
- Of income you have, there was no way to track people down.
- 00:12:06.916 --> 00:12:10.953
- So what did octavian do?
- 00:12:10.953 --> 00:12:13.455
- He made an order that everyone had to go to his home town
- 00:12:13.455 --> 00:12:18.093
- To register for a census that would lead to the taxation.
- 00:12:18.093 --> 00:12:22.998
- Look at verse 3: "and everyone was on his way to register
- 00:12:22.998 --> 00:12:27.036
- For the census, each to his own city.
- 00:12:27.036 --> 00:12:29.705
- Joseph also went from galilee, the city of nazareth, to judea,
- 00:12:29.705 --> 00:12:35.211
- To the city of david which is called bethlehem,
- 00:12:35.211 --> 00:12:39.548
- Because he was of the house and family of david."
- 00:12:39.548 --> 00:12:43.686
- Think about it.
- 00:12:43.686 --> 00:12:45.221
- The most powerful man in the world, octavian,
- 00:12:45.221 --> 00:12:48.190
- Signed a decree, an order.
- 00:12:48.190 --> 00:12:50.826
- Little did he know when he signed that command
- 00:12:50.826 --> 00:12:53.596
- That it would cause a couple he had never met,
- 00:12:53.596 --> 00:12:57.099
- Named joseph and mary, to travel to a village
- 00:12:57.099 --> 00:12:59.935
- He had never heard of, named bethlehem,
- 00:12:59.935 --> 00:13:02.238
- To give birth to the savior of the world.
- 00:13:02.238 --> 00:13:05.875
- Now, that's just one example of the elaborate preparation
- 00:13:05.875 --> 00:13:09.578
- That preceded god's indescribable gift.
- 00:13:09.578 --> 00:13:14.083
- Secondly, god's indescribable gift was not only preceded
- 00:13:14.083 --> 00:13:17.853
- By elaborate preparation, it was actually missed
- 00:13:17.853 --> 00:13:21.123
- Because of its simple appearance.
- 00:13:21.123 --> 00:13:24.426
- Look at verses 6 and 7: "while they were there in bethlehem,
- 00:13:24.426 --> 00:13:28.364
- The days were accomplished for her to give birth.
- 00:13:28.364 --> 00:13:31.901
- And so, she gave birth to her firstborn son;
- 00:13:31.901 --> 00:13:35.537
- And she wrapped him in cloths, and laid him in a manger,
- 00:13:35.537 --> 00:13:38.807
- Because there was no room for them in the inn."
- 00:13:38.807 --> 00:13:42.711
- You know one reason, the main reason,
- 00:13:42.711 --> 00:13:44.914
- Most people miss god's indescribable gift?
- 00:13:44.914 --> 00:13:47.416
- It's because of the wrapping in which that gift came.
- 00:13:47.416 --> 00:13:51.086
- The jews believed that the greatest need they had was
- 00:13:51.086 --> 00:13:54.723
- For liberation from the romans.
- 00:13:54.723 --> 00:13:58.160
- They wanted to be free from being underneath the roman boot.
- 00:13:58.160 --> 00:14:01.630
- They wanted liberation from rome.
- 00:14:01.630 --> 00:14:05.100
- But what they really needed was liberation from their sins
- 00:14:05.100 --> 00:14:08.971
- And the consequences of their sin.
- 00:14:08.971 --> 00:14:11.740
- They were looking for a political deliverer
- 00:14:11.740 --> 00:14:14.610
- And that's why they missed the coming of the messiah.
- 00:14:14.610 --> 00:14:17.913
- They expected when the messiah came,
- 00:14:17.913 --> 00:14:19.882
- He would come dressed in regal robes like a king ought to be,
- 00:14:19.882 --> 00:14:24.420
- Instead of these simple cloths.
- 00:14:24.420 --> 00:14:27.289
- The same thing is true today.
- 00:14:27.289 --> 00:14:29.725
- You know, most people you talk to, if you ask,
- 00:14:29.725 --> 00:14:32.161
- "what's the greatest gift god could give you?"
- 00:14:32.161 --> 00:14:35.197
- Most people would answer, "boy, what i really need
- 00:14:35.197 --> 00:14:37.866
- Is an infusion of cash into my bank account."
- 00:14:37.866 --> 00:14:41.904
- Or, "i need healing in my body, or the body of somebody i love."
- 00:14:41.904 --> 00:14:46.976
- "i need reconciliation in a relationship that's gone south.
- 00:14:46.976 --> 00:14:51.046
- That's my greatest need."
- 00:14:51.046 --> 00:14:53.282
- Those are all legitimate needs,
- 00:14:53.282 --> 00:14:55.150
- But our greatest need is for god's forgiveness.
- 00:14:55.150 --> 00:14:58.787
- And i think that explains why this announcement
- 00:14:58.787 --> 00:15:01.290
- Of christ's birth came to the group it did.
- 00:15:01.290 --> 00:15:05.160
- It didn't come to the religious leaders.
- 00:15:05.160 --> 00:15:07.129
- It came to the most unlikely group.
- 00:15:07.129 --> 00:15:09.598
- Verse 8 of chapter 2: "and in the same region
- 00:15:09.598 --> 00:15:12.768
- There were some shepherds staying out in the fields
- 00:15:12.768 --> 00:15:15.637
- And keeping watch over their flock by night."
- 00:15:15.637 --> 00:15:19.375
- Now, you have to understand in the first century,
- 00:15:19.375 --> 00:15:21.910
- You didn't get any lower on the socio-economic ladder
- 00:15:21.910 --> 00:15:25.814
- Than shepherds.
- 00:15:25.814 --> 00:15:27.583
- They were the bottom rung.
- 00:15:27.583 --> 00:15:30.152
- Nobody wanted to be around shepherds.
- 00:15:30.152 --> 00:15:32.454
- They never got invited to the a-list parties,
- 00:15:32.454 --> 00:15:35.224
- Partly because of how they dressed,
- 00:15:35.224 --> 00:15:37.026
- And probably because of how they smelled
- 00:15:37.026 --> 00:15:39.461
- After being with the sheep.
- 00:15:39.461 --> 00:15:41.330
- They were outcast, which explains why they were
- 00:15:41.330 --> 00:15:44.900
- The first to hear the news of the gospel.
- 00:15:44.900 --> 00:15:47.069
- They understood their need.
- 00:15:47.069 --> 00:15:49.905
- And that's why the angel said in verse 9 through 11:
- 00:15:49.905 --> 00:15:53.308
- "the angel suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the lord
- 00:15:53.308 --> 00:15:56.512
- Shone around them; and they were terribly frightened.
- 00:15:56.512 --> 00:15:59.448
- But the angel said to them, 'do not be afraid; for behold,
- 00:15:59.448 --> 00:16:03.919
- I bring you good news of great joy which shall be
- 00:16:03.919 --> 00:16:07.723
- For all the people; for today in the city of david
- 00:16:07.723 --> 00:16:12.027
- There has been born for you," a what?
- 00:16:12.027 --> 00:16:15.464
- "a savior, who is christ the lord."
- 00:16:15.464 --> 00:16:20.536
- Somebody has said, "if man's greatest need had been
- 00:16:20.536 --> 00:16:23.172
- For an education, god would have sent us a teacher.
- 00:16:23.172 --> 00:16:28.010
- If our greatest need had been for money,
- 00:16:28.010 --> 00:16:30.813
- God would have sent us an economist.
- 00:16:30.813 --> 00:16:33.882
- But our greatest need was for forgiveness,
- 00:16:33.882 --> 00:16:37.453
- And that's why god sent us a savior."
- 00:16:37.453 --> 00:16:41.023
- "for unto you is born this day a savior who is christ the lord."
- 00:16:41.023 --> 00:16:46.395
- And by the way, will you notice,
- 00:16:46.395 --> 00:16:48.564
- That is "good news of great joy for all the people."
- 00:16:48.564 --> 00:16:53.235
- All the people, not just some of the people.
- 00:16:53.235 --> 00:16:55.838
- Christ coming is good news for all people.
- 00:16:55.838 --> 00:16:59.741
- I have an op-ed coming out tuesday at fox news
- 00:16:59.741 --> 00:17:02.811
- On why christmas isn't just for christians.
- 00:17:02.811 --> 00:17:06.782
- Did you know that?
- 00:17:06.782 --> 00:17:08.383
- The message, the good news of christians,
- 00:17:08.383 --> 00:17:10.586
- Is for baptists, it's for catholics,
- 00:17:10.586 --> 00:17:13.422
- It's for jews, it's for muslims, it's for atheists.
- 00:17:13.422 --> 00:17:16.859
- "whosoever will may come and take the water of life
- 00:17:16.859 --> 00:17:20.896
- Without cost."
- 00:17:20.896 --> 00:17:22.264
- God said jesus is for everyone, not just for some people.
- 00:17:22.264 --> 00:17:27.669
- That's the good news we have to share.
- 00:17:27.669 --> 00:17:30.539
- Christ's coming is good news for everyone.
- 00:17:30.539 --> 00:17:33.375
- How did the shepherds react to that news?
- 00:17:33.375 --> 00:17:35.811
- Look at verse 15: "when the angels had gone away from them
- 00:17:35.811 --> 00:17:39.281
- Into heaven, the shepherds began saying to one another,
- 00:17:39.281 --> 00:17:42.851
- 'let us go straight,'" immediately,
- 00:17:42.851 --> 00:17:46.288
- "'to bethlehem, then, and see this thing which has happened,
- 00:17:46.288 --> 00:17:49.591
- Which the lord has made known to us.'"
- 00:17:49.591 --> 00:17:52.628
- They couldn't get to bethlehem quickly enough.
- 00:17:52.628 --> 00:17:55.964
- God's indescribable gift was missed by many
- 00:17:55.964 --> 00:17:59.968
- Because of its simple appearance.
- 00:17:59.968 --> 00:18:03.005
- Thirdly, why is god's gift indescribable?
- 00:18:03.005 --> 00:18:05.774
- Because it was occasioned by unparalleled love.
- 00:18:05.774 --> 00:18:10.879
- Look at verses 13 and 14: "and suddenly there appeared
- 00:18:10.879 --> 00:18:15.384
- With the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising god
- 00:18:15.384 --> 00:18:20.155
- And saying, 'glory to god in the highest,
- 00:18:20.155 --> 00:18:23.358
- And on earth peace among men with whom god is pleased.'"
- 00:18:23.358 --> 00:18:29.064
- That verse gets mistranslated in some versions:
- 00:18:29.064 --> 00:18:32.234
- "and the angel said, 'glory to god in the highest,
- 00:18:32.234 --> 00:18:36.939
- And peace, goodwill toward men,'"
- 00:18:36.939 --> 00:18:39.274
- As if god was simply spreading and sharing goodwill, peace,
- 00:18:39.274 --> 00:18:44.446
- To everybody.
- 00:18:44.446 --> 00:18:46.081
- No, it's to a specific group:
- 00:18:46.081 --> 00:18:48.483
- "peace to those with whom god is pleased."
- 00:18:48.483 --> 00:18:53.989
- The fact is, god is not pleased with us, apart from christ.
- 00:18:53.989 --> 00:18:58.894
- We've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of god,
- 00:18:58.894 --> 00:19:02.297
- But romans 5:1 says: "therefore, having been justified
- 00:19:02.297 --> 00:19:06.101
- Through faith, we have peace with god."
- 00:19:06.101 --> 00:19:09.438
- Jesus is the mediator, the bridge-builder,
- 00:19:09.438 --> 00:19:12.374
- The one who came to restore our relationship with god.
- 00:19:12.374 --> 00:19:16.745
- And those who come to faith in christ can be at peace
- 00:19:16.745 --> 00:19:20.983
- With themselves, but most importantly,
- 00:19:20.983 --> 00:19:23.185
- They can be at peace with god.
- 00:19:23.185 --> 00:19:25.754
- You know, one of the most common images in the bible
- 00:19:25.754 --> 00:19:30.158
- Of god the father is of the wounded lover.
- 00:19:30.158 --> 00:19:34.997
- The bible says god loves you and me.
- 00:19:34.997 --> 00:19:38.100
- He created us to have a relationship with us.
- 00:19:38.100 --> 00:19:41.470
- But we're the ones who wandered away from god.
- 00:19:41.470 --> 00:19:45.040
- We've allowed other people and other things to replace
- 00:19:45.040 --> 00:19:48.644
- His rightful place in our heart.
- 00:19:48.644 --> 00:19:52.648
- How has god responded to that wound, that insult?
- 00:19:52.648 --> 00:19:57.185
- He could have left us where we are,
- 00:19:57.185 --> 00:19:59.688
- Separated from god in this life and in the next one.
- 00:19:59.688 --> 00:20:03.558
- But instead, god took the first step in reconciling
- 00:20:03.558 --> 00:20:07.863
- That relationship with us.
- 00:20:07.863 --> 00:20:09.631
- The bible says: "but god demonstrated his love
- 00:20:09.631 --> 00:20:12.668
- Toward us in that while we were yet sinners,
- 00:20:12.668 --> 00:20:15.837
- He sent christ to die for us.
- 00:20:15.837 --> 00:20:20.342
- It was god's love that occasioned
- 00:20:20.342 --> 00:20:22.644
- This indescribable gift.
- 00:20:22.644 --> 00:20:25.514
- J.b. phillips was a pastor, an anglican pastor, in london,
- 00:20:26.715 --> 00:20:31.453
- And the bible translator who wrote that phillips paraphrase
- 00:20:31.453 --> 00:20:35.490
- Of the new testament many of us enjoy.
- 00:20:35.490 --> 00:20:38.860
- In one of his writings, jb phillips describes
- 00:20:38.860 --> 00:20:42.698
- What the first christmas must've looked like
- 00:20:42.698 --> 00:20:45.801
- From the angels's point of view.
- 00:20:45.801 --> 00:20:48.670
- Listen to this.
- 00:20:48.670 --> 00:20:51.106
- "a senior angel was showing a very young angel
- 00:20:51.106 --> 00:20:54.109
- Around the splendors of the universe.
- 00:20:54.109 --> 00:20:57.145
- They viewed whirling galaxies and blazing suns.
- 00:20:57.145 --> 00:21:01.316
- And then flit across the ancient distances of space.
- 00:21:01.316 --> 00:21:05.587
- Until at least they entered on particular galaxy containing
- 00:21:05.587 --> 00:21:09.825
- 500,000,000,000 stars.
- 00:21:09.825 --> 00:21:13.261
- As the two angels drew nearer to the star
- 00:21:13.261 --> 00:21:16.198
- Which we call our sun, and to it's circling planets,
- 00:21:16.198 --> 00:21:20.535
- The senior angel pointed to a small
- 00:21:20.535 --> 00:21:22.838
- And rather insignificant sphere turning very slowly
- 00:21:22.838 --> 00:21:27.509
- On it's axis.
- 00:21:27.509 --> 00:21:29.311
- It looked as done as a dirty tennis ball to the little angel,
- 00:21:29.311 --> 00:21:33.615
- Whose mind was filled with the size and glory
- 00:21:33.615 --> 00:21:36.218
- Of what he had just seen.
- 00:21:36.218 --> 00:21:38.887
- 'i want you to watch that planet particularly,'
- 00:21:38.887 --> 00:21:42.023
- Said the senior angel, pointing with his finger.
- 00:21:42.023 --> 00:21:45.994
- 'well, it looks very small and rather dirty to me,'
- 00:21:45.994 --> 00:21:49.798
- Said the little angel, 'what's so special about that one?'
- 00:21:49.798 --> 00:21:54.803
- He listened in stunned disbelief as the senior angel told him
- 00:21:54.803 --> 00:22:00.809
- That this planet, small and insignificant,
- 00:22:00.809 --> 00:22:04.679
- And not overly clean, was the renowned visited planet
- 00:22:04.679 --> 00:22:11.820
- 'do you mean that our great and glorious prince
- 00:22:11.820 --> 00:22:15.056
- Went down in person to that fifth-rate little ball?
- 00:22:15.056 --> 00:22:19.127
- Why should he do a thing such as that?'
- 00:22:19.127 --> 00:22:21.630
- The little angel's face wrinkled in disgust.
- 00:22:21.630 --> 00:22:24.132
- He continued, 'do you mean to tell me he stooped so low
- 00:22:24.132 --> 00:22:29.037
- As to become one of those creeping, crawling creatures
- 00:22:29.037 --> 00:22:32.707
- On that floating ball?'
- 00:22:32.707 --> 00:22:35.343
- 'i do,' said the senior angel.
- 00:22:35.343 --> 00:22:37.779
- 'and i don't think he would like to call them creeping,
- 00:22:37.779 --> 00:22:40.582
- Crawling creatures in that tone of voice.
- 00:22:40.582 --> 00:22:44.219
- For strange as it may seem to us, he loves them.
- 00:22:44.219 --> 00:22:49.024
- He went down to visit them, to lift them up,
- 00:22:49.024 --> 00:22:51.326
- To become like him.'
- 00:22:51.326 --> 00:22:54.262
- The little angel looked blank.
- 00:22:54.262 --> 00:22:57.098
- Such a thought was almost beyond comprehension.
- 00:22:57.098 --> 00:23:02.904
- Such a thought was beyond paul's comprehension, too,
- 00:23:02.904 --> 00:23:07.776
- Which is why he said, "thanks be to god for
- 00:23:07.776 --> 00:23:12.614
- His indescribable gift, a gift far too wonderful for words."
- 00:23:12.614 --> 00:23:20.188
- ♪♪♪
- 00:23:20.188 --> 00:23:25.527
- Jeffress: in this season of giving and receiving gifts,
- 00:23:25.527 --> 00:23:28.096
- It's the perfect time to accept the greatest gift of all:
- 00:23:28.096 --> 00:23:32.234
- God's gift of your forgiveness.
- 00:23:32.234 --> 00:23:34.936
- Well, december is quickly coming to a close
- 00:23:34.936 --> 00:23:37.873
- And time's running out to participate in the
- 00:23:37.873 --> 00:23:40.442
- "pathway to victory" light the darkness matching challenge.
- 00:23:40.442 --> 00:23:44.379
- Your gift today will be matched
- 00:23:44.379 --> 00:23:46.381
- And therefore multiplied by two.
- 00:23:46.381 --> 00:23:48.884
- Having twice the impact in bringing light
- 00:23:48.884 --> 00:23:51.887
- To our darkening world.
- 00:23:51.887 --> 00:23:53.622
- That means your $50 gift would becoming $100,
- 00:23:53.622 --> 00:23:57.025
- Your $500 gift would become $1,000,
- 00:23:57.025 --> 00:24:01.162
- A $3,000 gift would become $6,000.
- 00:24:01.162 --> 00:24:05.567
- These proceeds will be channeled directly into sharing
- 00:24:05.567 --> 00:24:09.404
- The light of god's word through radio, television,
- 00:24:09.404 --> 00:24:12.941
- Digital streaming, and print media.
- 00:24:12.941 --> 00:24:15.810
- As we celebrate the birth of christ,
- 00:24:15.810 --> 00:24:18.280
- We remember that his light has overcome the darkness,
- 00:24:18.280 --> 00:24:22.217
- And it's our calling to continue sharing this good news
- 00:24:22.217 --> 00:24:25.854
- So that his light may shine even in the darkest corners
- 00:24:25.854 --> 00:24:29.758
- Of our world.
- 00:24:29.758 --> 00:24:31.393
- Please get in touch with "pathway to victory" today
- 00:24:31.393 --> 00:24:33.828
- To participate in the matching challenge.
- 00:24:33.828 --> 00:24:36.798
- And stay right there, i'll be back with more in just a moment.
- 00:24:36.798 --> 00:24:40.602
- Announcer: the one thing god wants more than
- 00:24:42.304 --> 00:24:44.272
- Anything else in this world is time with you.
- 00:24:44.272 --> 00:24:47.342
- Make god your priority by spending quality time
- 00:24:47.342 --> 00:24:50.579
- In his word with the brand-new 2025
- 00:24:50.579 --> 00:24:53.014
- "'pathway to victory' daily devotional."
- 00:24:53.014 --> 00:24:55.317
- This year's devotional has a beautiful navy blue leather
- 00:24:55.317 --> 00:24:57.986
- Cover with inlaid brown and gold foil accents.
- 00:24:57.986 --> 00:25:00.522
- And now with larger print, the 260 practical insights
- 00:25:00.522 --> 00:25:04.259
- From dr. robert jeffress are easier to read.
- 00:25:04.259 --> 00:25:06.528
- This stunning 532 page devotional makes an ideal
- 00:25:06.528 --> 00:25:10.098
- Christmas gift for loved ones
- 00:25:10.098 --> 00:25:11.566
- Who want to grow in their faith too.
- 00:25:11.566 --> 00:25:13.702
- Jeffress: of all the ways god could have revealed himself
- 00:25:13.768 --> 00:25:16.304
- To us, he chose to do it through the written word.
- 00:25:16.304 --> 00:25:19.908
- And that's why it's so important for you and for me to set aside
- 00:25:19.908 --> 00:25:23.244
- Regular time to read the word of god.
- 00:25:23.244 --> 00:25:26.848
- Announcer: every season carries an uplifting theme.
- 00:25:26.915 --> 00:25:29.551
- Begin the new year by exploring god's will for your life.
- 00:25:29.551 --> 00:25:34.122
- In spring and summer, grow stronger in christ
- 00:25:34.122 --> 00:25:36.758
- With insights from colossians.
- 00:25:36.758 --> 00:25:38.627
- And in the fall and winter, embrace the father who loves you
- 00:25:38.627 --> 00:25:41.763
- With inspirational readings based on the parable
- 00:25:41.763 --> 00:25:44.399
- Of the prodigal son.
- 00:25:44.399 --> 00:25:46.468
- When the day-to-day problems of life feel overwhelming, take
- 00:25:46.468 --> 00:25:49.638
- A moment to anchor yourself in the calming truth of god's word
- 00:25:49.638 --> 00:25:52.841
- With the brand new 2025 "pathway to victory" daily devotional.
- 00:25:52.841 --> 00:25:57.178
- Your gift of support not only provides you with this life
- 00:25:57.178 --> 00:26:00.782
- Giving resource, it empowers us to spread the hope filled
- 00:26:00.782 --> 00:26:03.752
- Message of jesus christ as well.
- 00:26:03.752 --> 00:26:05.954
- Thank you for supporting the ministry
- 00:26:05.954 --> 00:26:07.789
- Of "pathway to victory."
- 00:26:07.789 --> 00:26:10.458
- Jeffress: a gift as wonderful, as elaborate,
- 00:26:12.494 --> 00:26:14.996
- As it may be, isn't a gift unless it's received.
- 00:26:14.996 --> 00:26:18.800
- John wrote: "but as many as received christ,
- 00:26:18.800 --> 00:26:22.971
- To those he gave the right to become the children of god,
- 00:26:22.971 --> 00:26:26.541
- Even to those who believe on his name."
- 00:26:26.541 --> 00:26:29.477
- And today, i hope you've received
- 00:26:29.477 --> 00:26:31.913
- God's indescribable gift to you.
- 00:26:31.913 --> 00:26:35.016
- Well, on christmas day we'll celebrate the birth
- 00:26:35.016 --> 00:26:37.952
- Of the one who is known as the lord jesus christ.
- 00:26:37.952 --> 00:26:41.456
- And next time, we'll see why the name of jesus
- 00:26:41.456 --> 00:26:44.459
- Is the name above all names.
- 00:26:44.459 --> 00:26:47.262
- Stay tuned for a preview of what's coming up next
- 00:26:47.262 --> 00:26:49.698
- On "pathway to victory."
- 00:26:49.698 --> 00:26:53.368
- Jeffress: he shall be called "wonderful counselor."
- 00:26:53.368 --> 00:26:55.837
- He'll also be called "the mighty god."
- 00:26:55.837 --> 00:27:01.209
- Jesus didn't come into existence in bethlehem.
- 00:27:01.209 --> 00:27:05.780
- He is god, he has existed eternally.
- 00:27:05.780 --> 00:27:10.452
- Announcer: set your dvr and join us next time
- 00:27:10.518 --> 00:27:12.554
- For the message, "the name above all names,"
- 00:27:12.554 --> 00:27:16.157
- Here on "pathway to victory."
- 00:27:16.157 --> 00:27:27.368