Join the dynamic leadership and teaching of Dr. Creflo and Taffi Dollar.
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Creflo Dollar | Creflo Dollar - Life Sustaining Grace (Part 1) | January 1, 2025
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- 00:00:00.633 --> 00:00:01.403
- Male announcer: this program is brought to you in part by the
- 00:00:02.271 --> 00:00:04.406
- Partners and friends of creflo dollar ministries.
- 00:00:04.540 --> 00:00:07.876
- Male announcer: coming up next on "changing your world."
- 00:00:09.011 --> 00:00:10.012
- Creflo dollar: see, what you don't understand, you're looking
- 00:00:12.514 --> 00:00:13.849
- For something to do, and you're not supposed to be looking for
- 00:00:13.849 --> 00:00:15.717
- Something to do.
- 00:00:15.717 --> 00:00:17.086
- You're supposed to have a relationship with the holy
- 00:00:17.086 --> 00:00:18.654
- Spirit, and the holy spirit is not leading, and guiding you
- 00:00:18.654 --> 00:00:21.790
- Down the path of all the things you're supposed to do, where
- 00:00:21.790 --> 00:00:24.660
- You're supposed to go, what you're supposed to say, whether
- 00:00:24.660 --> 00:00:27.196
- You need to be quiet, who you're supposed to hook up with.
- 00:00:27.196 --> 00:00:29.498
- The holy spirit--you can't live a successful christian life
- 00:00:29.498 --> 00:00:32.468
- Without a relationship with the holy spirit.
- 00:00:32.468 --> 00:00:36.505
- Female announcer: download and stay connected with the
- 00:00:40.109 --> 00:00:42.144
- "changing your world" podcast with creflo dollar.
- 00:00:42.144 --> 00:00:44.646
- Keep the word of god at the forefront of your mind with
- 00:00:44.646 --> 00:00:47.349
- These powerful and uplifting messages.
- 00:00:47.349 --> 00:00:49.651
- With each message that you download and stream, you gain
- 00:00:49.651 --> 00:00:52.521
- Revelation of the fullness of god's grace.
- 00:00:52.521 --> 00:00:54.790
- The "changing your world" podcast brings you life-changing
- 00:00:54.790 --> 00:00:57.826
- Wisdom, right at your fingertips, no matter where
- 00:00:57.826 --> 00:01:01.363
- You are.
- 00:01:01.363 --> 00:01:02.731
- Subscribe today on apple podcast, spotify, or your
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- Preferred podcast platform.
- 00:01:06.034 --> 00:01:09.538
- ♪ this is your world ♪
- 00:01:10.672 --> 00:01:13.542
- ♪ so let's vow to make it a better place ♪
- 00:01:13.542 --> 00:01:18.514
- ♪ let every heart that needs to know ♪
- 00:01:18.514 --> 00:01:23.685
- ♪ your love is here to stay ♪
- 00:01:23.685 --> 00:01:26.288
- ♪ oh-oh, it's time we live a new life ♪
- 00:01:26.288 --> 00:01:30.125
- ♪ oh-oh, let his love shine bright in you ♪
- 00:01:30.125 --> 00:01:34.196
- ♪ oh-oh, we're saved by his grace ♪
- 00:01:34.196 --> 00:01:37.633
- ♪ so we embrace your love today ♪
- 00:01:37.633 --> 00:01:41.069
- ♪ we are changed ♪♪
- 00:01:41.069 --> 00:01:44.306
- Creflo: you think god needs you to be god?
- 00:01:46.375 --> 00:01:51.480
- So what do we do to do the works of god?
- 00:01:51.480 --> 00:01:53.348
- "believe in the one that i sent you."
- 00:01:53.348 --> 00:01:56.151
- And the highest, highest level of belief is resting.
- 00:01:56.151 --> 00:02:01.523
- You keep laboring to try to get rich.
- 00:02:01.523 --> 00:02:04.126
- You keep laboring to try to get healed.
- 00:02:04.126 --> 00:02:06.628
- You keep laboring to try to get what has already been given to
- 00:02:06.628 --> 00:02:10.666
- You, and he is saying, "i don't want you to labor for
- 00:02:10.666 --> 00:02:13.535
- What's finished."
- 00:02:13.535 --> 00:02:16.471
- Why are you laboring for what is done?
- 00:02:16.471 --> 00:02:18.707
- Why are you laboring for what is finished?
- 00:02:18.707 --> 00:02:21.009
- And we keep coming up with something to do because you just
- 00:02:21.009 --> 00:02:26.648
- Can't rest.
- 00:02:26.648 --> 00:02:30.686
- You gotta do something.
- 00:02:30.686 --> 00:02:32.321
- No, you're trying to accomplish stuff that comes from you.
- 00:02:32.321 --> 00:02:40.429
- So then when you receive the manifestation of it, you can go
- 00:02:40.429 --> 00:02:44.733
- Talk about what you did.
- 00:02:44.733 --> 00:02:49.037
- Yeah, y'all don't under--let me--go to romans chapter 11 and
- 00:02:49.037 --> 00:02:55.644
- Verse 6.
- 00:02:55.644 --> 00:02:58.247
- Romans chapter 11 and verse 6.
- 00:02:58.247 --> 00:03:03.385
- We take--we even take all of our spiritual stuff and turn it
- 00:03:03.385 --> 00:03:06.054
- Into a work.
- 00:03:06.054 --> 00:03:07.756
- We take our prayer and turn it into a work.
- 00:03:07.756 --> 00:03:10.459
- We take our confessions and turn it into a work.
- 00:03:10.459 --> 00:03:13.262
- You don't--your confession is not a work, your confession
- 00:03:13.262 --> 00:03:16.665
- Should be your rest.
- 00:03:16.665 --> 00:03:18.033
- I say it because i believe it and because i believe it, i
- 00:03:18.033 --> 00:03:24.106
- Say it.
- 00:03:24.106 --> 00:03:25.607
- But i'm not using that as a work to accomplish something is--we
- 00:03:25.607 --> 00:03:30.045
- Are so result-minded.
- 00:03:30.045 --> 00:03:31.413
- I don't know if that sounds real, but we're always looking
- 00:03:31.413 --> 00:03:33.949
- For, "what can i do to get this?"
- 00:03:33.949 --> 00:03:35.784
- Or, "what can i do to get that?"
- 00:03:35.784 --> 00:03:37.386
- And you forget about, let's just live.
- 00:03:37.386 --> 00:03:39.354
- Let's just live, take god off the time-clock, and let's
- 00:03:39.354 --> 00:03:42.758
- Just live.
- 00:03:42.758 --> 00:03:49.364
- The greatest two years of my life came when i resigned from
- 00:03:49.364 --> 00:03:54.102
- Trying to find a work to do, you know what i'm saying, a work in
- 00:03:54.102 --> 00:04:00.075
- The sense of accomplishing something for god.
- 00:04:00.075 --> 00:04:08.517
- Verse 6, alright, that's the first heavy but it's gonna get
- 00:04:08.517 --> 00:04:14.423
- Heavier than that heavy.
- 00:04:14.423 --> 00:04:17.059
- All right, because i am attacking your mixtures.
- 00:04:17.059 --> 00:04:23.532
- Said, you believe in grace, but you also still believe in all
- 00:04:23.532 --> 00:04:26.134
- Other stuff you believe in.
- 00:04:26.134 --> 00:04:28.370
- And you gotta let one of them go, you gotta choose grace, or
- 00:04:28.370 --> 00:04:31.473
- Choose working and trying to accomplish something and taking
- 00:04:31.473 --> 00:04:34.076
- Credit for yourself.
- 00:04:34.076 --> 00:04:35.444
- Where you gonna go with it?
- 00:04:35.444 --> 00:04:36.778
- I don't try mixtures.
- 00:04:36.778 --> 00:04:38.113
- Mixtures don't work.
- 00:04:38.113 --> 00:04:40.382
- It's when i was at rest that god was at his best.
- 00:04:40.382 --> 00:04:48.223
- See, god's trying to get you back to something he prophesied
- 00:04:48.223 --> 00:04:51.793
- Way back when he says, "i'm gonna give you houses you didn't
- 00:04:51.793 --> 00:04:54.930
- Build, i'm gonna give you vineyards you didn't plant.
- 00:04:54.930 --> 00:05:01.536
- Do you think i need what you can accomplish to be added to what i
- 00:05:01.536 --> 00:05:05.807
- Have already done?
- 00:05:05.807 --> 00:05:07.175
- I don't need you to add nothing to jesus.
- 00:05:07.175 --> 00:05:09.945
- I gave you jesus, believe in jesus, quit trying to add
- 00:05:09.945 --> 00:05:12.647
- Something to him."
- 00:05:12.647 --> 00:05:20.455
- Verse 6, "and if by grace--" if this thing is by grace, "then is
- 00:05:20.455 --> 00:05:27.129
- It no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace.
- 00:05:27.129 --> 00:05:32.134
- But if it be of works, then is it no more of grace."
- 00:05:32.134 --> 00:05:37.672
- So you gotta choose.
- 00:05:37.672 --> 00:05:39.307
- Otherwise, work is no more work.
- 00:05:39.307 --> 00:05:43.545
- Look at this in nlt, romans 11:6 in the nlt.
- 00:05:43.545 --> 00:05:49.284
- "and since it is through god's kindness, then it is not by
- 00:05:49.284 --> 00:05:52.521
- Their good works.
- 00:05:52.521 --> 00:05:53.922
- For in that case, god's grace would not be what it really
- 00:05:53.922 --> 00:05:58.693
- Is--free and undeserved."
- 00:05:58.693 --> 00:06:04.132
- "to believe is to depend upon god's work."
- 00:06:04.132 --> 00:06:10.472
- And god's working on you, right now.
- 00:06:10.472 --> 00:06:13.175
- To believe is to depend upon god's work, which means we have
- 00:06:13.175 --> 00:06:17.712
- To cease from work and rest in god's work.
- 00:06:17.712 --> 00:06:21.683
- Oh my goodness, we got to cease from work and rest in
- 00:06:21.683 --> 00:06:26.688
- God's work.
- 00:06:26.688 --> 00:06:28.356
- Oh my goodness, stop working to get god's work, and start
- 00:06:28.356 --> 00:06:35.063
- Resting in god's work.
- 00:06:35.063 --> 00:06:39.301
- Because god is working on us.
- 00:06:39.301 --> 00:06:43.772
- We are his workmanship.
- 00:06:43.772 --> 00:06:46.308
- We are his workmanship.
- 00:06:46.374 --> 00:06:47.742
- He's working on us, but you gotta know what's going on here
- 00:06:47.742 --> 00:06:50.979
- Or you'll keep mixing stuff and you'll keep inventing ways where
- 00:06:50.979 --> 00:06:56.251
- You can add something to jesus.
- 00:06:56.251 --> 00:06:58.420
- And i realize, "oh my goodness, i have allowed religion to
- 00:06:58.420 --> 00:07:02.958
- Belittle my belief.
- 00:07:02.958 --> 00:07:04.726
- To belittle my dependence upon god."
- 00:07:04.726 --> 00:07:08.563
- And i find myself doing all of these things, trying to get
- 00:07:08.563 --> 00:07:12.200
- Something from god.
- 00:07:12.200 --> 00:07:13.702
- That's old stuff, man.
- 00:07:13.702 --> 00:07:15.303
- I don't need to do good to get good.
- 00:07:15.303 --> 00:07:17.439
- I don't need to do bad and then back him, i realized that i'm
- 00:07:17.439 --> 00:07:21.076
- Gonna get good because of what jesus did.
- 00:07:21.076 --> 00:07:29.384
- Alright, now watch this.
- 00:07:29.384 --> 00:07:30.752
- Let's talk about the law, just a moment.
- 00:07:30.752 --> 00:07:33.321
- The law that came by moses.
- 00:07:33.321 --> 00:07:36.291
- "under the mosaic law man was made responsible to do that
- 00:07:36.291 --> 00:07:41.563
- Which god commanded."
- 00:07:41.563 --> 00:07:43.832
- Absolutely, but then you go before the law, genesis chapter
- 00:07:43.832 --> 00:07:50.372
- 1:1, god began to go to work and he started making stuff.
- 00:07:50.372 --> 00:07:58.280
- Genesis 1:1 started god's work, "in the beginning."
- 00:07:58.280 --> 00:08:02.784
- And then later, we see light, in genesis.
- 00:08:02.784 --> 00:08:06.054
- And then we see him separating the sea from the land, then
- 00:08:06.054 --> 00:08:09.791
- We're seeing him dress the earth with plant life.
- 00:08:09.791 --> 00:08:13.094
- Then he created the animal life.
- 00:08:13.094 --> 00:08:16.031
- And then, finally, he created man.
- 00:08:16.031 --> 00:08:19.434
- Watch this.
- 00:08:19.434 --> 00:08:21.670
- "then god ended his work and he rested," right?
- 00:08:21.670 --> 00:08:29.110
- Now because adam was a created being, his relationship to god
- 00:08:29.110 --> 00:08:36.585
- Should have been one of complete dependence upon god, since
- 00:08:36.585 --> 00:08:42.223
- Everything god created depended on god for care.
- 00:08:42.223 --> 00:08:49.164
- And man was created by god, but instead of man completely
- 00:08:49.164 --> 00:08:56.171
- Depending on god, like he was doing before that deal went down
- 00:08:56.171 --> 00:09:00.976
- In the garden of eden and satan showed up--
- 00:09:00.976 --> 00:09:03.979
- See, everything that god creates, depends on him.
- 00:09:03.979 --> 00:09:07.782
- The flowers depend on him.
- 00:09:07.782 --> 00:09:09.351
- They depend on the sun, they just depend on the rain.
- 00:09:09.351 --> 00:09:12.053
- The grass depends on him.
- 00:09:12.053 --> 00:09:13.955
- The animals depend on him.
- 00:09:13.955 --> 00:09:15.957
- And man was created by god, like all of the rest of the creation,
- 00:09:15.957 --> 00:09:20.762
- But all of a sudden, man, who should have been in complete
- 00:09:20.762 --> 00:09:25.000
- Dependence upon god, rebelled, thinking that he had that within
- 00:09:25.000 --> 00:09:32.841
- Him, in which he could trust himself.
- 00:09:32.841 --> 00:09:38.613
- And so when god, through moses, gave the law, he recognized in
- 00:09:38.613 --> 00:09:44.653
- Man this spirit of confidence and self that was independent
- 00:09:44.653 --> 00:09:50.725
- From god.
- 00:09:50.725 --> 00:09:52.827
- Because in the garden of eden, man declared his independence
- 00:09:52.827 --> 00:09:57.999
- From god.
- 00:09:57.999 --> 00:09:59.334
- "i don't need god, i can do it myself."
- 00:09:59.334 --> 00:10:04.305
- The fulfillment of the law was required of this fallen man,
- 00:10:04.305 --> 00:10:10.178
- Independence upon himself.
- 00:10:10.178 --> 00:10:13.014
- So, okay, you depend upon yourself, you're gonna have to
- 00:10:13.014 --> 00:10:16.184
- Depend upon yourself to keep this perfect law.
- 00:10:16.184 --> 00:10:20.588
- In other words, the law was given to man in his sinful state
- 00:10:20.588 --> 00:10:24.826
- And did nothing.
- 00:10:24.826 --> 00:10:26.194
- The law did nothing to change that state.
- 00:10:26.194 --> 00:10:31.633
- Oh my god.
- 00:10:31.633 --> 00:10:33.234
- So when israel, in accepting the mosaic law, when they said, "all
- 00:10:33.234 --> 00:10:38.273
- That the lord has spoken, we will do," they did so in full
- 00:10:38.273 --> 00:10:43.044
- Confidence in themselves and were true to their sinful nature
- 00:10:43.044 --> 00:10:49.084
- Of independence from god.
- 00:10:49.084 --> 00:10:52.387
- I don't think you heard what i said.
- 00:10:52.387 --> 00:10:53.755
- I called independence from god, "sinful nature."
- 00:10:53.755 --> 00:11:01.696
- Sinful nature to be created by god and declare independence
- 00:11:01.696 --> 00:11:07.969
- From god.
- 00:11:07.969 --> 00:11:10.205
- That's your sinful nature.
- 00:11:10.205 --> 00:11:12.574
- More than anything you ever heard about your sinful nature,
- 00:11:12.574 --> 00:11:15.710
- To try to do something independent of god, that's
- 00:11:15.710 --> 00:11:20.715
- Sinful nature.
- 00:11:20.715 --> 00:11:22.050
- And in their sinful nature, they try to keep something that
- 00:11:22.050 --> 00:11:26.488
- Was perfect.
- 00:11:26.488 --> 00:11:29.491
- Now, with the acceptance of the law by israel, god's work, in a
- 00:11:29.491 --> 00:11:37.065
- Special sense, simply became, "so you are confident in
- 00:11:37.065 --> 00:11:41.536
- Yourself that you can keep something so perfect, so i'm
- 00:11:41.536 --> 00:11:44.739
- Gonna play the role of judging your deeds in light of this
- 00:11:44.739 --> 00:11:48.510
- Holy law."
- 00:11:48.510 --> 00:11:51.012
- And a lot of people died because according to this law, the wages
- 00:11:51.012 --> 00:11:57.118
- Of sin is death.
- 00:11:57.118 --> 00:11:59.754
- And when you complained, you died.
- 00:11:59.754 --> 00:12:04.125
- And when you went outside on the sabbath and picked sticks up,
- 00:12:04.125 --> 00:12:08.930
- You had to be stoned to death.
- 00:12:08.930 --> 00:12:11.633
- And when your children rebelled against you, you had to take
- 00:12:11.633 --> 00:12:15.370
- Them out in the village and everybody would have to stone
- 00:12:15.370 --> 00:12:18.339
- Them to death.
- 00:12:18.339 --> 00:12:19.674
- And god says, "all right, here's what we're gonna do.
- 00:12:19.674 --> 00:12:22.644
- You're confident that you're gonna keep it, well, i'm gonna
- 00:12:22.644 --> 00:12:25.180
- Be the judge of it, alright?
- 00:12:25.180 --> 00:12:26.648
- And when you find you can't keep it, you gonna have to execute
- 00:12:26.648 --> 00:12:30.385
- Everything and this is gonna bring you to an end of yourself.
- 00:12:30.385 --> 00:12:34.255
- I know how to get you in a place where you will fall down on your
- 00:12:34.255 --> 00:12:38.660
- Bended knees and say, 'god, i can't do this by myself.'"
- 00:12:38.660 --> 00:12:46.768
- Is everybody with me, still on the bus?
- 00:12:46.768 --> 00:12:50.672
- Okay now, watch this.
- 00:12:50.672 --> 00:12:52.607
- The mosaic law did not draw man back into a state of dependence
- 00:12:52.607 --> 00:12:57.111
- Upon god.
- 00:12:57.111 --> 00:12:58.646
- The mosaic law did not restore man, it didn't draw him back to
- 00:12:58.646 --> 00:13:02.584
- The place where he needed to depend upon god.
- 00:13:02.584 --> 00:13:04.853
- It rather demonstrated man's sinful nature of depending
- 00:13:04.853 --> 00:13:08.923
- Upon self.
- 00:13:08.923 --> 00:13:12.026
- Let's talk about legalism because that's where this
- 00:13:12.026 --> 00:13:14.195
- Is going.
- 00:13:14.195 --> 00:13:15.997
- Legalism does not draw men towards god, but rather brings
- 00:13:15.997 --> 00:13:20.335
- Man to trust himself and not trust god.
- 00:13:20.335 --> 00:13:25.306
- Legalism focuses on god's law more than the relationship
- 00:13:25.306 --> 00:13:30.812
- With god.
- 00:13:30.812 --> 00:13:33.314
- You can know all the rules and try to keep all the rules,
- 00:13:33.314 --> 00:13:35.717
- That's not gonna get it.
- 00:13:35.717 --> 00:13:37.085
- This relationship--this christianity requires a
- 00:13:37.085 --> 00:13:40.121
- Relationship with god.
- 00:13:40.121 --> 00:13:41.489
- You have to have a relationship with god, because god can talk
- 00:13:41.489 --> 00:13:44.525
- To you right where you are.
- 00:13:44.525 --> 00:13:46.127
- You have to have a relationship with god, because god is the one
- 00:13:46.127 --> 00:13:48.963
- Gonna begin to lead and guide you and work with you, and god's
- 00:13:48.963 --> 00:13:51.532
- Gonna be the one to tell you what to do.
- 00:13:51.532 --> 00:13:54.836
- See, what you don't understand, you're looking for something to
- 00:13:54.836 --> 00:13:56.537
- Do and you're not supposed to be looking for something to do.
- 00:13:56.537 --> 00:13:58.773
- You're supposed to have a relationship with the holy
- 00:13:58.773 --> 00:14:01.042
- Spirit and the holy spirit is not leading and guiding you down
- 00:14:01.042 --> 00:14:04.545
- The path of all the things you're supposed to do, where
- 00:14:04.545 --> 00:14:07.015
- You're supposed to go, what you're supposed to say, whether
- 00:14:07.015 --> 00:14:09.517
- You need to be quiet, who you're supposed to hook up with.
- 00:14:09.517 --> 00:14:11.853
- The holy spirit--you can't live a successful christian life
- 00:14:11.853 --> 00:14:14.822
- Without a relationship with the holy spirit.
- 00:14:14.822 --> 00:14:20.728
- And we're not getting that.
- 00:14:20.728 --> 00:14:22.297
- We're not getting that.
- 00:14:22.297 --> 00:14:23.665
- We keep coming to church for more rules.
- 00:14:23.665 --> 00:14:27.435
- Now, listen, i'm not saying having rules are bad, but i'm
- 00:14:27.435 --> 00:14:32.073
- Talking about, you're having rules over a relationship
- 00:14:32.073 --> 00:14:35.109
- Because the relationship is gonna do better.
- 00:14:35.109 --> 00:14:36.911
- We've already tried life-- trying to live life by the
- 00:14:36.911 --> 00:14:40.782
- Rules, and they failed miserably.
- 00:14:40.782 --> 00:14:43.151
- You need a new administrator and the administrator of morality,
- 00:14:43.151 --> 00:14:47.689
- And the administrator of holy living is the holy spirit.
- 00:14:47.689 --> 00:14:54.562
- But you think the holy spirit is just jumping and
- 00:14:54.562 --> 00:14:56.531
- Doing cartwheels.
- 00:14:56.531 --> 00:14:57.899
- He said, "i wanna lead you.
- 00:14:57.899 --> 00:14:59.233
- I wanna guide you.
- 00:14:59.233 --> 00:15:00.601
- I wanna show you things to come before they come.
- 00:15:00.601 --> 00:15:03.004
- I wanna show you who your husband is.
- 00:15:03.004 --> 00:15:04.706
- I wanna show you who your wife is.
- 00:15:04.706 --> 00:15:06.474
- I wanna show you how to walk in prosperity.
- 00:15:06.474 --> 00:15:09.410
- I wanna show you how to have peace.
- 00:15:09.410 --> 00:15:11.112
- I wanna show you how not to be stressed out."
- 00:15:11.112 --> 00:15:13.147
- But you say, "that's all right, god, i can do this myself."
- 00:15:13.147 --> 00:15:16.985
- And look at you.
- 00:15:16.985 --> 00:15:18.319
- Heart attacks, high blood pressure, stroke, all kinds of
- 00:15:18.319 --> 00:15:21.022
- Stuff going on because you're trying to do it by yourself,
- 00:15:21.022 --> 00:15:25.059
- Independent of god, okay, okay, okay, okay.
- 00:15:25.059 --> 00:15:35.103
- It is the self-effort.
- 00:15:36.971 --> 00:15:38.639
- "legalism is the self-effort of trying to keep external laws
- 00:15:38.639 --> 00:15:44.345
- Without a submitted heart that depends on god, but rather it
- 00:15:44.345 --> 00:15:49.283
- Depends on self.
- 00:15:49.283 --> 00:15:53.321
- Acceptance of the law brings men farther and farther away
- 00:15:53.321 --> 00:15:57.658
- From god."
- 00:15:57.658 --> 00:16:00.328
- Farther and farther away from god.
- 00:16:00.328 --> 00:16:03.364
- "i'm accept the law and i'm accepting that i have the
- 00:16:03.364 --> 00:16:06.100
- Confidence in myself to keep it," and you get farther, and
- 00:16:06.100 --> 00:16:09.937
- Farther, and farther away from god.
- 00:16:09.937 --> 00:16:14.142
- It makes men even more sinful because it emphasizes man's
- 00:16:14.142 --> 00:16:19.414
- Dependence upon self.
- 00:16:19.414 --> 00:16:22.984
- We talked about that last night, man's dependence on self.
- 00:16:22.984 --> 00:16:27.622
- And look at romans chapter 5:20, real quick, in the king
- 00:16:27.622 --> 00:16:31.692
- James and nlt i just want you to know what i'm saying is in
- 00:16:31.692 --> 00:16:34.128
- The bible.
- 00:16:34.128 --> 00:16:35.696
- Okay?
- 00:16:35.696 --> 00:16:37.065
- Whoo, i love these classrooms when you're quiet.
- 00:16:37.065 --> 00:16:39.167
- I know you're listening because you're listening and you're
- 00:16:39.167 --> 00:16:42.670
- Having a battle with your relationship with the law and
- 00:16:42.670 --> 00:16:46.274
- The battle is, "i don't want to let it go, but that's all
- 00:16:46.274 --> 00:16:50.044
- I know.
- 00:16:50.044 --> 00:16:51.379
- That's all i've ever learned.
- 00:16:51.379 --> 00:16:52.747
- But what else am i gonna do?"
- 00:16:52.747 --> 00:16:54.082
- You got all this stuff going on in your head, and jesus's answer
- 00:16:54.082 --> 00:16:56.751
- Was very, very, very, very simple, "believe in the one i
- 00:16:56.751 --> 00:17:00.555
- Sent you," and you're trying to complicate it.
- 00:17:00.555 --> 00:17:05.560
- Look what he said.
- 00:17:05.560 --> 00:17:06.928
- He said, "moreover, the law entered--" when the law came in,
- 00:17:06.928 --> 00:17:08.729
- "that the offence might abound--" the word "abound"
- 00:17:08.729 --> 00:17:10.731
- Means "to increase."
- 00:17:10.731 --> 00:17:12.633
- "but where sin abounded--" or increased, "grace did much more
- 00:17:12.633 --> 00:17:15.770
- Abound" and increase.
- 00:17:15.770 --> 00:17:17.138
- Now, look at this in the nlt.
- 00:17:17.138 --> 00:17:20.608
- Look at what it says, this is what happens when the law
- 00:17:20.608 --> 00:17:22.376
- Came in.
- 00:17:22.376 --> 00:17:23.744
- It said, "god's law was given so that all people could see how
- 00:17:23.744 --> 00:17:25.813
- Sinful they were."
- 00:17:25.813 --> 00:17:27.148
- Whoa, this holy mosaic law was given
- 00:17:27.148 --> 00:17:33.721
- Not to change your heart,
- 00:17:33.721 --> 00:17:39.360
- The law can't change your heart, not so you can get saved, the
- 00:17:39.360 --> 00:17:42.697
- Law can't--the law has no life to give you, make you say, "you
- 00:17:42.697 --> 00:17:45.733
- Are too independent."
- 00:17:45.733 --> 00:17:52.273
- The law was given to you.
- 00:17:52.273 --> 00:17:54.242
- All the law, the law of moses, it was given to you to show you
- 00:17:54.242 --> 00:17:58.679
- How sinful you are.
- 00:17:58.679 --> 00:18:00.148
- You know, the number of preachers argue with me
- 00:18:00.148 --> 00:18:01.516
- About that?
- 00:18:01.516 --> 00:18:02.850
- "no, no, no," there it is right there!
- 00:18:02.850 --> 00:18:04.185
- The law was given to show you how sinful you are.
- 00:18:04.185 --> 00:18:06.754
- Here's another scripture.
- 00:18:06.754 --> 00:18:08.122
- 1 corinthians 15 says that "the law is the strength of sin."
- 00:18:08.122 --> 00:18:12.026
- The law has an association with sin and you can't figure out how
- 00:18:12.026 --> 00:18:15.830
- To let it go because you don't know no other rules, but
- 00:18:15.830 --> 00:18:18.833
- The law.
- 00:18:18.833 --> 00:18:21.502
- It's good, it's perfect, it's god, you ain't.
- 00:18:21.502 --> 00:18:26.040
- The law is not the issue, you are.
- 00:18:26.040 --> 00:18:31.946
- Go back to where we were.
- 00:18:31.946 --> 00:18:37.285
- "god's law was given so that all people could see how sinful
- 00:18:37.285 --> 00:18:41.455
- They were.
- 00:18:41.455 --> 00:18:42.924
- But as people sinned--" yeah, i remember that, lord.
- 00:18:42.924 --> 00:18:49.564
- The law was like medical dye.
- 00:18:49.564 --> 00:18:53.935
- It doesn't cure anything, it just shows you what you got.
- 00:18:53.935 --> 00:19:01.742
- That's what the law is.
- 00:19:01.742 --> 00:19:03.110
- It just shows you what you got.
- 00:19:03.110 --> 00:19:06.747
- But as people sinned more and more, god's wonderful grace
- 00:19:06.747 --> 00:19:13.788
- Became more abundant.
- 00:19:13.788 --> 00:19:18.125
- Oh, i love this right here.
- 00:19:18.125 --> 00:19:20.461
- "your sin will never outrace or outdo god's grace."
- 00:19:20.461 --> 00:19:27.735
- The crazier you get,
- 00:19:27.735 --> 00:19:31.038
- The stronger grace gets,
- 00:19:31.038 --> 00:19:32.540
- Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
- 00:19:32.540 --> 00:19:42.450
- Now it is with this legalistic background--i'm almost where i
- 00:19:44.585 --> 00:19:50.124
- Wanna be.
- 00:19:50.124 --> 00:19:51.459
- I only have one point to make, but it take a minute to get
- 00:19:51.459 --> 00:19:53.494
- There because if i just make the point and i go through all of
- 00:19:53.494 --> 00:19:57.765
- This, you'd be like, "i don't believe that."
- 00:19:57.765 --> 00:20:01.402
- But you're understanding some stuff.
- 00:20:01.402 --> 00:20:04.138
- Now it is with this legalistic background that the people ask
- 00:20:04.138 --> 00:20:08.376
- Jesus in john 6:28, "what shall we do?
- 00:20:08.376 --> 00:20:13.147
- What shall we do?
- 00:20:13.147 --> 00:20:15.316
- What shall we do that we might work the works of god?"
- 00:20:15.316 --> 00:20:21.188
- And then in verse 29, the answer was, "believe in the one
- 00:20:21.188 --> 00:20:26.360
- I sent."
- 00:20:26.360 --> 00:20:27.795
- And in this answer, jesus announced--oh, this is
- 00:20:27.795 --> 00:20:31.132
- So awesome.
- 00:20:31.132 --> 00:20:33.301
- "believe in the one that i sent," and in this jesus
- 00:20:33.301 --> 00:20:38.673
- Announces the work of god.
- 00:20:38.673 --> 00:20:41.776
- I've always wanted to know, specifically, and down to the
- 00:20:41.776 --> 00:20:46.981
- Tee, "what is your work?
- 00:20:46.981 --> 00:20:49.483
- What are you working on, god?"
- 00:20:49.483 --> 00:20:52.086
- Not in a religious way, "well, praise the lord, you know, the
- 00:20:52.086 --> 00:20:54.322
- Lord is working."
- 00:20:54.322 --> 00:20:55.690
- No, no, no.
- 00:20:55.690 --> 00:20:57.024
- What is his work?
- 00:20:57.024 --> 00:20:58.392
- Now, i know who his work is.
- 00:20:58.392 --> 00:20:59.894
- We are his workmanship.
- 00:20:59.894 --> 00:21:02.630
- But here he announces his work.
- 00:21:02.630 --> 00:21:06.767
- The work of god.
- 00:21:06.767 --> 00:21:08.135
- And that work is to bring man into a state of dependence
- 00:21:08.135 --> 00:21:13.708
- Upon god.
- 00:21:13.708 --> 00:21:16.344
- That's where the whole problem was: a declaration
- 00:21:16.344 --> 00:21:18.913
- Of independence.
- 00:21:18.913 --> 00:21:20.247
- God's work.
- 00:21:20.247 --> 00:21:21.615
- God's gonna work on you.
- 00:21:21.615 --> 00:21:23.050
- He's gonna work on me to bring us into a place of dependence
- 00:21:23.050 --> 00:21:28.522
- Upon god.
- 00:21:28.522 --> 00:21:29.857
- God's work, during the age of grace, is the creation of one
- 00:21:29.857 --> 00:21:36.030
- New man that lives in a state of perfect and constant dependence
- 00:21:36.030 --> 00:21:42.870
- Upon him who has brought him into being.
- 00:21:42.870 --> 00:21:46.707
- God is saying, "the same man that i created that's supposed
- 00:21:46.707 --> 00:21:50.478
- To depend on me like everything else i decre--i created.
- 00:21:50.478 --> 00:21:53.881
- My work is to work on you until you are absolutely and
- 00:21:53.948 --> 00:21:59.587
- Completely dependent upon me."
- 00:21:59.587 --> 00:22:03.724
- Now, watch this, philippians chapter 2 and verse 13, in the
- 00:22:03.724 --> 00:22:11.766
- Nlt, philippians 2:13, ooh boy, watch this.
- 00:22:11.766 --> 00:22:19.540
- For "god is working in you."
- 00:22:19.540 --> 00:22:28.015
- Say out loud, "god's working in me."
- 00:22:28.015 --> 00:22:31.585
- I don't care what nobody say about you, i don't care about
- 00:22:31.585 --> 00:22:34.054
- Your crazy crazy, god is working in you.
- 00:22:34.054 --> 00:22:38.426
- God is working in you, say it again, "god's working in me."
- 00:22:38.426 --> 00:22:43.564
- And every time you do something crazy, just remind yourself,
- 00:22:43.564 --> 00:22:45.833
- "god's working in me" and remind yourself of this: no matter what
- 00:22:45.833 --> 00:22:50.271
- You do, it is never gonna outdo god's work.
- 00:22:50.271 --> 00:22:55.342
- "yeah, but you got to do something."
- 00:22:55.342 --> 00:22:56.710
- No, god is bigger than anything you can do!
- 00:22:56.710 --> 00:23:00.848
- Male announcer: you can't do what you don't understand, this
- 00:23:05.019 --> 00:23:07.855
- Is common knowledge.
- 00:23:07.855 --> 00:23:09.190
- Yet, people continuously try to walk in the grace of god without
- 00:23:09.190 --> 00:23:12.993
- Understanding it.
- 00:23:12.993 --> 00:23:14.361
- Creflo dollar takes a deep-dive into the life-sustaining grace
- 00:23:14.361 --> 00:23:17.798
- Of god in his three-message series, "the transparency
- 00:23:17.798 --> 00:23:21.101
- Of grace."
- 00:23:21.101 --> 00:23:22.436
- Creflo: grace is the operation of god's love.
- 00:23:22.436 --> 00:23:25.306
- What god created, he is committed to taking care of.
- 00:23:25.306 --> 00:23:29.443
- Jesus is that provision for every need of mankind.
- 00:23:29.443 --> 00:23:34.515
- Jesus is my provision, he's my provider, he's my righteousness,
- 00:23:34.515 --> 00:23:39.186
- He's everything i'll ever need.
- 00:23:39.186 --> 00:23:41.722
- He started the work, he'll continue the work, he's gonna
- 00:23:41.722 --> 00:23:45.759
- Finish the work.
- 00:23:45.759 --> 00:23:47.094
- Announcer: with a love gift of $9 usd or more, you can download
- 00:23:47.094 --> 00:23:50.397
- Your own copy today.
- 00:23:50.397 --> 00:23:51.966
- Simply call the number on your screen, scan the qr code, or
- 00:23:51.966 --> 00:23:55.402
- Visit
- 00:23:55.402 --> 00:23:59.206
- And click "e-store."
- 00:23:59.206 --> 00:24:00.541
- Live free from sin and condemnation, today.
- 00:24:00.541 --> 00:24:04.478
- Taffi dollar: "you are crazy. you are crazy."
- 00:24:04.545 --> 00:24:08.449
- And so when people say, "you are crazy," you say, "i'm not
- 00:24:08.449 --> 00:24:11.886
- Crazy, i'm just first."
- 00:24:11.886 --> 00:24:14.955
- Female announcer: real women.
- 00:24:14.955 --> 00:24:16.323
- Andrea crayton: lord, however you wanna use me today,
- 00:24:16.323 --> 00:24:18.225
- I'm ready.
- 00:24:18.225 --> 00:24:19.593
- Announcer: real stories.
- 00:24:19.593 --> 00:24:20.928
- Nona jones: some of you have such powerful testimonies of
- 00:24:20.928 --> 00:24:23.797
- Things god has brought you out of, that you refuse to share
- 00:24:23.797 --> 00:24:27.201
- Because you're afraid of what people will think of you.
- 00:24:27.201 --> 00:24:29.703
- Announcer: real transformation.
- 00:24:29.703 --> 00:24:31.505
- The real women's conference is calling you.
- 00:24:31.505 --> 00:24:34.408
- Yes, you.
- 00:24:34.408 --> 00:24:36.477
- It's time to shake off the labels, the stereotypes, and the
- 00:24:36.477 --> 00:24:40.381
- Expectations society places on us.
- 00:24:40.381 --> 00:24:42.883
- Taffi: first for not being bonded to what you think
- 00:24:42.883 --> 00:24:45.486
- About me, because what you think about me, it don't stop nothing!
- 00:24:45.486 --> 00:24:49.056
- Announcer: this is your moment to embrace your authentic self
- 00:24:49.056 --> 00:24:51.892
- In a world of false standards.
- 00:24:51.892 --> 00:24:53.694
- Join us at the "real women's conference" where your journey
- 00:24:53.694 --> 00:24:56.997
- To self-discovery begins.
- 00:24:56.997 --> 00:24:58.966
- Get ready to live in your truth, unapologetically.
- 00:24:58.966 --> 00:25:04.505
- Creflo: i think you would be amazed at what creflo dollar
- 00:25:04.572 --> 00:25:07.007
- Ministry does every day around the world.
- 00:25:07.007 --> 00:25:09.743
- Testimonies come in from all over about the impact we have.
- 00:25:09.743 --> 00:25:14.481
- And i wish you could see the kids we feed.
- 00:25:14.481 --> 00:25:17.117
- Their lives are changed and impacted for the better, because
- 00:25:17.117 --> 00:25:21.455
- Of you, our givers.
- 00:25:21.455 --> 00:25:23.457
- The seeds you sow into this ministry, make a mark that can
- 00:25:23.457 --> 00:25:27.795
- Never be erased, and i wanna thank you so much for your
- 00:25:27.795 --> 00:25:31.165
- Financial contributions into the kingdom of god and into
- 00:25:31.165 --> 00:25:35.069
- This ministry.
- 00:25:35.069 --> 00:25:36.437
- Male announcer: if god has placed it on your heart to
- 00:25:36.437 --> 00:25:38.005
- Support the vision of this ministry to reach the world
- 00:25:38.005 --> 00:25:40.808
- With the gospel of grace, you may call in to make your
- 00:25:40.808 --> 00:25:43.377
- Financial donations, or log on to
- 00:25:43.377 --> 00:25:47.314
- God bless you.
- 00:25:47.314 --> 00:25:51.652
- Creflo: i don't ever wanna take for granted that you've received
- 00:25:51.719 --> 00:25:54.655
- Jesus christ as your personal lord and savior.
- 00:25:54.655 --> 00:25:57.291
- And there's no better way to embark upon a new stage in your
- 00:25:57.291 --> 00:26:00.561
- Life than to enter into a personal relationship
- 00:26:00.561 --> 00:26:03.030
- With jesus.
- 00:26:03.030 --> 00:26:04.365
- So if you wanna become born again and begin an exciting,
- 00:26:04.365 --> 00:26:07.868
- Intimate relationship with jesus, i want you to pray this
- 00:26:07.868 --> 00:26:10.971
- Prayer with me and i'll say it so you can repeat after me.
- 00:26:10.971 --> 00:26:14.408
- Repeat after me, "heavenly father, i believe that jesus is
- 00:26:14.408 --> 00:26:19.813
- The son of god and that he died, and was raised from the dead,
- 00:26:19.813 --> 00:26:25.419
- And has forgiven all of my sins.
- 00:26:25.419 --> 00:26:29.456
- And i receive him into my life, right now, as my lord and
- 00:26:29.456 --> 00:26:36.030
- Personal savior.
- 00:26:36.030 --> 00:26:37.798
- So by faith, i declare that i am saved.
- 00:26:37.798 --> 00:26:45.572
- Praise god."
- 00:26:45.572 --> 00:26:46.940
- Now that simple prayer changed your entire eternal destination,
- 00:26:46.940 --> 00:26:52.546
- And we wanna welcome you to the family of god.
- 00:26:52.546 --> 00:26:58.018
- Male announcer: because of you, creflo dollar ministries is
- 00:27:00.287 --> 00:27:02.990
- Providing a new understanding of grace and empowering change in
- 00:27:02.990 --> 00:27:06.960
- The lives of millions of people, every day.
- 00:27:06.960 --> 00:27:09.196
- Thank you, partners and friends.
- 00:27:09.196 --> 00:27:11.198
- Your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this
- 00:27:11.198 --> 00:27:14.835
- Message into millions of homes, all across the globe.
- 00:27:14.835 --> 00:27:19.173
- The preceding program was brought to you in part by the
- 00:27:19.173 --> 00:27:21.675
- Partners and friends of creflo dollar ministries.
- 00:27:21.675 --> 00:27:25.446
- Cc by aberdeen captioning 1-800-688-6621
- 00:27:25.446 --> 00:27:25.446