Andrew Wommack shares how the Word of God transformed his life. He believes the same power will work for you. His teaching is profound, clear, and simple enough for a child. Find great teachings and healing testimonies of changed lives at:
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Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | Andrew Wommack - The Word Became Flesh | December 25, 2024
- Count down
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- Music
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- >> hello, this is andrew wommack
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- And i just wanted to wish all of
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- You a very merry christmas. you
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- Know, this is a special time of
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- The year, and sometimes it gets
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- Overwhelmed and obscured by all
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- Of the presents and the parties
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- And everything else, but really,
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- It is to celebrate the advent of
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- The most important thing that
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- Ever happened, and that's jesus
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- Becoming a man. praise god for
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- Jesus. praise god for jesus
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- Loving us enough that he came
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- And suffered for 33 years, being
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- Limited to a physical body, and
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- Then suffered on the cross for
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- Our salvation, bore our
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- Sicknesses. praise god for
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- Jesus. man, i just rejoice at
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- This time of the year. and i
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- Wanted to wish you a very merry
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- Christmas to you and all of your
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- Family. and praise god. remember
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- That jesus is the reason for the
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- Season. god bless you.
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- >> welcome to gospel truth with
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- Andrew wommack, celebrating the
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- Good news of jesus christ,
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- Emmanuel, god with us. we
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- Here at andrew wommack
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- Ministries wantto wish you
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- A very merry christmas
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- And a blessed new year.
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- >> welcome to our wednesday's
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- Broadcast of the gospel truth.
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- Today i'm continuing
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- A series talking about
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- The word became flesh.
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- I tell you, this is one of
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- My favorite things
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- To talk about,
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- And actually i'm taking truths
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- That i teach from
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- A lot of different series
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- And i'm bringing them all
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- To bear talking about
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- The virgin birth of jesus.
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- The virgin birth of jesus. this is something that i'm sure
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- This is something that i'm sure that every person watching this
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- That every person watching this program has heard about,
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- Program has heard about, probably the vast majority of
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- Probably the vast majority of you agree and accept it
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- You agree and accept it and believe that it happened,
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- And believe that it happened, but we don't give
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- But we don't give a lot of thought to it,
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- A lot of thought to it, and we just think,
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- And we just think, well, god's god
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- Well, god's god and he somehow or another
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- And he somehow or another came into a physical body.
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- Came into a physical body. i tell you, once you begin to
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- I tell you, once you begin to understand how the virgin birth
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- Understand how the virgin birth of jesus happens, then you get
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- Of jesus happens, then you get a better understanding
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- A better understanding of how we give birth
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- Of how we give birth to the miracles
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- To the miracles that god wants in our life.
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- That god wants in our life. this has literally been one of
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- This has literally been one of the most important things
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- The most important things that god has ever sh...
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- That god has ever sh... shown me, and it is
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- Shown me, and it is a little bit detailed.
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- A little bit detailed. i haven't actually got
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- I haven't actually got into talking about
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- Into talking about the virgin birth of jesus yet,
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- The virgin birth of jesus yet, but you have to understand
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- But you have to understand some things in order to
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- Some things in order to fully appreciate this.
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- Fully appreciate this. and so, this is my third day
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- And so, this is my third day this week, i'm going to be
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- This week, i'm going to be talking about this all this week
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- Talking about this all this week and all next week.
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- And all next week. we'll go into the christmas time
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- We'll go into the christmas time talking about this,
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- Talking about this, and if you can track with this
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- And if you can track with this and understand it,
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- And understand it, it will not only bless you
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- It will not only bless you to see the wisdom,
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- To see the wisdom, the perseverance of god,
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- The perseverance of god, his love, the things
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- His love, the things that he's gone through
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- That he's gone through to manifest what we have today,
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- To manifest what we have today, but it will also give you
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- But it will also give you a lot of revelation about how
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- A lot of revelation about how the kingdom of god works
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- The kingdom of god works and about how you can
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- And about how you can receive miracles for yourself.
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- Receive miracles for yourself. so we've got
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- Three different things
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- That you can get.
- 00:02:53.696 --> 00:02:54.430
- I've got two sets of dvds,
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- One taken from television
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- And one taken from
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- A live service,
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- And then we have the cds here,
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- The audio portion only
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- Taken from our tv,
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- And i promise you,
- 00:03:06.709 --> 00:03:07.710
- If you were to study this,
- 00:03:07.710 --> 00:03:08.811
- It would really,
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- Really help you.
- 00:03:09.545 --> 00:03:10.680
- So we've already talked
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- So we've already talked about a lot of things.
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- About a lot of things. two of the questions
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- Two of the questions that i was dealing with
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- That i was dealing with i haven't fully explained it,
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- I haven't fully explained it, but i've given some of
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- But i've given some of the background on it.
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- The background on it. one of those questions,
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- One of those questions, since i was a little kid,
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- Since i was a little kid, i wondered about why did
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- I wondered about why did the lord wait 4,000 years before
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- The lord wait 4,000 years before jesus came into this earth?
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- Jesus came into this earth? what about the old testament
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- What about the old testament people that suffered under
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- People that suffered under an inferior covenant?
- 00:03:30.967 --> 00:03:32.201
- An inferior covenant? they didn't have the benefits
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- They didn't have the benefits that we have today.
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- That we have today. why did god wait 4,000 years?
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- Why did god wait 4,000 years? and a second question was,
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- And a second question was, if god is god,
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- If god is god, why did he have
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- Why did he have to become a man?
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- To become a man? why did he have to
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- Why did he have to die on a cross?
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- Die on a cross? why did he have to be
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- Why did he have to be put to death
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- Put to death and raised from the dead?
- 00:03:48.284 --> 00:03:49.352
- And raised from the dead? why didn't god do things
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- Why didn't god do things some other way?
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- Some other way? and it really all comes back,
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- And it really all comes back, i've covered a lot of things
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- I've covered a lot of things already, but real quickly
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- Already, but real quickly let me just say, it comes back
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- Let me just say, it comes back to the integrity of god.
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- To the integrity of god. god cannot lie,
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- God cannot lie, and when god says something
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- And when god says something out of his mouth, it becomes
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- Out of his mouth, it becomes binding on him.
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- Binding on him. he will not break his word.
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- He will not break his word. the very fact that we still see
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- The very fact that we still see the world in existence
- 00:04:12.375 --> 00:04:15.011
- The world in existence and you and i still alive
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- And you and i still alive is a testimony to the fact
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- Is a testimony to the fact that god has never broken
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- That god has never broken a promise to anybody.
- 00:04:20.283 --> 00:04:21.918
- Hebrews, chapter 1, verse 3,
- 00:04:21.984 --> 00:04:23.386
- Hebrews, chapter 1, verse 3, says he upholds all things
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- Says he upholds all things by the word of his power,
- 00:04:25.688 --> 00:04:26.789
- By the word of his power, and i already explained that
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- And i already explained that in more detail,
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- In more detail, but it literally means
- 00:04:29.025 --> 00:04:29.992
- That every atom,
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- That every atom, everything in the universe
- 00:04:31.561 --> 00:04:33.529
- Everything in the universe is held together
- 00:04:33.596 --> 00:04:34.897
- Is held together by the integrity of god.
- 00:04:34.964 --> 00:04:37.200
- By the integrity of god. if god was to ever lie
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- If god was to ever lie or break his word,
- 00:04:38.468 --> 00:04:39.702
- Or break his word, the universe would
- 00:04:39.769 --> 00:04:40.436
- The universe would self-destruct.
- 00:04:40.503 --> 00:04:41.671
- Self-destruct. and so, i went through
- 00:04:41.738 --> 00:04:42.739
- And so, i went through genesis, chapter 1,
- 00:04:42.805 --> 00:04:44.173
- Genesis, chapter 1, and showed how that god spoke
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- And showed how that god spoke things into existence.
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- Things into existence. words are the creative force,
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- Words are the creative force, and everything that was created
- 00:04:50.079 --> 00:04:51.681
- And everything that was created by words will respond to words,
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- By words will respond to words, and when god said unto
- 00:04:55.151 --> 00:04:56.886
- Adam and eve in genesis 1:28,
- 00:04:56.953 --> 00:04:59.222
- Adam and eve in genesis 1:28, you have dominion and you rule
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- You have dominion and you rule and subdue this earth,
- 00:05:02.425 --> 00:05:04.894
- He bound himself by that.
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- He bound himself by that. and when they chose
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- And when they chose to use this power and authority
- 00:05:08.398 --> 00:05:10.800
- To use this power and authority that god gave them contrary
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- That god gave them contrary to what god intended,
- 00:05:13.002 --> 00:05:14.537
- To what god intended, he told them not to eat of
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- He told them not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of
- 00:05:15.905 --> 00:05:16.839
- The tree of the knowledge of good and evil and yet
- 00:05:16.906 --> 00:05:17.740
- Good and evil and yet they chose to do it,
- 00:05:17.807 --> 00:05:18.975
- They chose to do it, and when they did that
- 00:05:19.041 --> 00:05:20.243
- And when they did that god didn't like the results
- 00:05:20.309 --> 00:05:22.445
- God didn't like the results that came, but he would have
- 00:05:22.512 --> 00:05:23.513
- That came, but he would have been unjust to come down here
- 00:05:23.579 --> 00:05:25.314
- Been unjust to come down here and just wipe out the devil
- 00:05:25.381 --> 00:05:27.083
- And just wipe out the devil and say, stop, do-over,
- 00:05:27.150 --> 00:05:29.352
- And say, stop, do-over, i'm changing everything.
- 00:05:29.419 --> 00:05:30.753
- I'm changing everything. he would have violated
- 00:05:30.820 --> 00:05:31.721
- He would have violated his own word.
- 00:05:31.788 --> 00:05:32.488
- His own word. he told them, it's yours.
- 00:05:32.555 --> 00:05:34.056
- He told them, it's yours. the earth is yours.
- 00:05:34.123 --> 00:05:35.158
- Psalms 115, verse 16,
- 00:05:35.224 --> 00:05:37.093
- Psalms 115, verse 16, the heavens, even the heavens of
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- The heavens, even the heavens of the heavens, are the lord's:
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- The heavens, are the lord's: but the earth hath he given
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- But the earth hath he given to the sons of men.
- 00:05:40.530 --> 00:05:41.798
- So god would have broke his word
- 00:05:41.864 --> 00:05:44.534
- So god would have broke his word if he had have done that.
- 00:05:44.600 --> 00:05:45.334
- If he had have done that. so god was bound
- 00:05:45.401 --> 00:05:46.669
- So god was bound by his own integrity,
- 00:05:46.736 --> 00:05:48.137
- By his own integrity, and because of that it took
- 00:05:48.204 --> 00:05:49.906
- And because of that it took 4,000 years for god to create
- 00:05:49.972 --> 00:05:54.544
- 4,000 years for god to create the body that jesus would
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- The body that jesus would come and inhabit.
- 00:05:56.679 --> 00:05:58.080
- Come and inhabit. now some people think,
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- Now some people think, what are you saying there?
- 00:05:58.848 --> 00:05:59.916
- What are you saying there? well, how did he create
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- Well, how did he create the first body?
- 00:06:01.250 --> 00:06:02.652
- The first body? he spoke it into existence.
- 00:06:02.718 --> 00:06:05.354
- He said, let us make man
- 00:06:05.421 --> 00:06:07.290
- He said, let us make man in our own image,
- 00:06:07.356 --> 00:06:08.524
- We say that god reached down
- 00:06:08.591 --> 00:06:10.526
- We say that god reached down and scooped up some dirt
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- And scooped up some dirt and we do those things
- 00:06:11.861 --> 00:06:12.695
- And we do those things symbolically, and there's...
- 00:06:12.762 --> 00:06:13.963
- Symbolically, and there's... that's okay if you understand
- 00:06:14.030 --> 00:06:15.731
- That's okay if you understand it's only an analogy,
- 00:06:15.798 --> 00:06:17.200
- It's only an analogy, but literally speaking,
- 00:06:17.266 --> 00:06:18.634
- But literally speaking, god did not use his hands.
- 00:06:18.701 --> 00:06:20.670
- God did not use his hands. he didn't do something
- 00:06:20.736 --> 00:06:21.571
- He didn't do something like that.
- 00:06:21.637 --> 00:06:22.305
- Like that. he spoke the body of adam
- 00:06:22.371 --> 00:06:25.942
- He spoke the body of adam into existence,
- 00:06:26.008 --> 00:06:27.610
- And then he blew into that body
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- And then he blew into that body the breath of life
- 00:06:30.646 --> 00:06:31.814
- The breath of life and man became a living soul
- 00:06:31.881 --> 00:06:33.649
- And man became a living soul is what it says right here
- 00:06:33.716 --> 00:06:34.650
- Is what it says right here in genesis, chapter 2.
- 00:06:34.717 --> 00:06:35.985
- So god created the original adam
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- So god created the original adam by words, and when it came time
- 00:06:39.956 --> 00:06:43.159
- By words, and when it came time to create the second adam,
- 00:06:43.226 --> 00:06:44.527
- To create the second adam, that's the terminology
- 00:06:44.594 --> 00:06:45.661
- That's the terminology that's applied to jesus
- 00:06:45.728 --> 00:06:46.863
- That's applied to jesus in 1 corinthians, chapter 15,
- 00:06:46.929 --> 00:06:49.031
- In 1 corinthians, chapter 15, when it came time
- 00:06:49.098 --> 00:06:49.999
- When it came time to create the second adam,
- 00:06:50.066 --> 00:06:51.567
- To create the second adam, he had to create him
- 00:06:51.634 --> 00:06:52.602
- He had to create him by words again,
- 00:06:52.668 --> 00:06:53.970
- By words again, but this time it was different.
- 00:06:54.036 --> 00:06:55.972
- But this time it was different. when god created
- 00:06:56.038 --> 00:06:57.106
- When god created the heavens and the earth,
- 00:06:57.173 --> 00:06:58.574
- The heavens and the earth, there was no lucifer.
- 00:06:58.641 --> 00:07:01.177
- There was no lucifer. there was no devil
- 00:07:01.244 --> 00:07:02.545
- There was no devil that was resisting him.
- 00:07:02.612 --> 00:07:04.080
- That was resisting him. he was absolutely in control,
- 00:07:04.146 --> 00:07:06.215
- He was absolutely in control, there was zero resistance,
- 00:07:06.282 --> 00:07:08.618
- There was zero resistance, and i could probably spend
- 00:07:08.684 --> 00:07:10.453
- And i could probably spend a day or two talking about this.
- 00:07:10.520 --> 00:07:12.088
- A day or two talking about this. i'll just say it, but i believe
- 00:07:12.154 --> 00:07:13.422
- I'll just say it, but i believe that god thought
- 00:07:13.489 --> 00:07:15.091
- That god thought creation through for eons.
- 00:07:15.157 --> 00:07:18.394
- Creation through for eons. it could have been hundreds,
- 00:07:18.461 --> 00:07:19.929
- It could have been hundreds, thousands of years,
- 00:07:19.996 --> 00:07:20.997
- Thousands of years, or maybe because he's god
- 00:07:21.063 --> 00:07:22.331
- Or maybe because he's god it didn't take him very long
- 00:07:22.398 --> 00:07:23.633
- It didn't take him very long to think it through,
- 00:07:23.699 --> 00:07:24.467
- To think it through, but he thought through creation,
- 00:07:24.534 --> 00:07:26.836
- But he thought through creation, not only the original creation.
- 00:07:26.903 --> 00:07:29.071
- Not only the original creation. but knowing that man
- 00:07:29.138 --> 00:07:30.573
- But knowing that man would eventually sin,
- 00:07:30.640 --> 00:07:31.908
- Would eventually sin, he thought through
- 00:07:31.974 --> 00:07:33.175
- He thought through the fallen creation, and it is
- 00:07:33.242 --> 00:07:35.645
- The fallen creation, and it is just absolutely miraculous
- 00:07:35.711 --> 00:07:38.247
- Just absolutely miraculous how creation functions.
- 00:07:38.314 --> 00:07:40.249
- How creation functions. this is one of the things
- 00:07:40.316 --> 00:07:41.284
- This is one of the things that i have a problem with
- 00:07:41.350 --> 00:07:42.919
- That i have a problem with about all of the tree huggers
- 00:07:42.985 --> 00:07:44.520
- About all of the tree huggers that are thinking that the earth
- 00:07:44.587 --> 00:07:46.622
- That are thinking that the earth is so fragile and that we're
- 00:07:46.689 --> 00:07:47.823
- Is so fragile and that we're destroying everything.
- 00:07:47.890 --> 00:07:49.525
- Destroying everything. that's not true.
- 00:07:49.592 --> 00:07:50.393
- That's not true. god anticipated everything
- 00:07:50.459 --> 00:07:52.295
- God anticipated everything that we would ever do.
- 00:07:52.361 --> 00:07:53.296
- That we would ever do. he said clearly in his word
- 00:07:53.362 --> 00:07:54.864
- He said clearly in his word how this world
- 00:07:54.931 --> 00:07:55.731
- How this world is going to be destroyed.
- 00:07:55.798 --> 00:07:57.233
- Is going to be destroyed. it's not through pollution.
- 00:07:57.300 --> 00:07:58.734
- It's not through pollution. it's not through global warming,
- 00:07:58.801 --> 00:08:00.570
- It's not through global warming, climate change.
- 00:08:00.636 --> 00:08:01.671
- Climate change. it's going to be,
- 00:08:01.737 --> 00:08:02.338
- It's going to be, god is going to send a fire
- 00:08:02.405 --> 00:08:04.373
- God is going to send a fire and it will burn up everything
- 00:08:04.440 --> 00:08:05.975
- And it will burn up everything and he'll create
- 00:08:06.042 --> 00:08:06.642
- And he'll create a new heaven
- 00:08:06.709 --> 00:08:07.276
- A new heaven and a new earth.
- 00:08:07.343 --> 00:08:08.244
- And a new earth. so anyway,
- 00:08:08.311 --> 00:08:09.078
- So anyway, see i believe that god
- 00:08:09.145 --> 00:08:10.212
- See i believe that god thought through all of this,
- 00:08:10.279 --> 00:08:11.380
- Thought through all of this, and when he said,
- 00:08:11.447 --> 00:08:12.582
- And when he said, let there be dry land,
- 00:08:12.648 --> 00:08:14.483
- Let there be dry land, let there be animals,
- 00:08:14.550 --> 00:08:15.585
- Let there be animals, let there be trees and stuff,
- 00:08:15.651 --> 00:08:17.286
- Let there be trees and stuff, he had thought
- 00:08:17.353 --> 00:08:18.354
- He had thought all of this through,
- 00:08:18.421 --> 00:08:19.555
- All of this through, and when he said it,
- 00:08:19.622 --> 00:08:21.057
- And when he said it, it came to pass.
- 00:08:21.123 --> 00:08:22.792
- It came to pass. but after the fall
- 00:08:22.858 --> 00:08:24.493
- But after the fall of adam and eve,
- 00:08:24.560 --> 00:08:26.062
- Of adam and eve, they turned the control
- 00:08:26.128 --> 00:08:28.130
- They turned the control and the dominion of
- 00:08:28.197 --> 00:08:29.365
- And the dominion of this earth over to satan.
- 00:08:29.432 --> 00:08:32.368
- This earth over to satan. somebody says,
- 00:08:32.435 --> 00:08:32.835
- Somebody says, where do you get that from?
- 00:08:32.902 --> 00:08:34.070
- Where do you get that from? right here in genesis,
- 00:08:34.136 --> 00:08:35.137
- Right here in genesis, chapter 3,
- 00:08:35.204 --> 00:08:37.340
- Chapter 3, it recounts the sin
- 00:08:37.406 --> 00:08:39.008
- It recounts the sin of adam and eve,
- 00:08:39.075 --> 00:08:40.176
- And in genesis,
- 00:08:40.242 --> 00:08:40.910
- And in genesis, chapter 3, verse 1,
- 00:08:40.977 --> 00:08:42.044
- Chapter 3, verse 1, now the serpent was more subtil
- 00:08:42.111 --> 00:08:44.113
- Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field
- 00:08:44.180 --> 00:08:45.681
- Than any beast of the field which the lord god had made.
- 00:08:45.748 --> 00:08:46.983
- Which the lord god had made. and he said unto the woman,
- 00:08:47.049 --> 00:08:49.051
- And he said unto the woman, yea, hath god said,
- 00:08:49.118 --> 00:08:50.519
- Yea, hath god said, ye shall not eat of
- 00:08:50.586 --> 00:08:51.587
- Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
- 00:08:51.654 --> 00:08:54.223
- You know, there is so much
- 00:08:54.290 --> 00:08:55.124
- You know, there is so much in these scriptures.
- 00:08:55.191 --> 00:08:56.959
- In these scriptures. i have meditated on genesis 3,
- 00:08:57.026 --> 00:08:59.195
- I have meditated on genesis 3, thousands of hours,
- 00:08:59.261 --> 00:09:00.429
- Thousands of hours, and i could take nearly
- 00:09:00.496 --> 00:09:01.330
- And i could take nearly every word in this
- 00:09:01.397 --> 00:09:02.531
- Every word in this and just share things
- 00:09:02.598 --> 00:09:03.633
- And just share things that god has shown me
- 00:09:03.699 --> 00:09:04.967
- That god has shown me for a long period of time.
- 00:09:05.034 --> 00:09:06.702
- For a long period of time. but anyway,
- 00:09:06.769 --> 00:09:07.637
- But anyway, the point is that when
- 00:09:07.703 --> 00:09:10.072
- The point is that when adam and eve yielded
- 00:09:10.139 --> 00:09:12.141
- Adam and eve yielded to this temptation
- 00:09:12.208 --> 00:09:13.409
- To this temptation and disobeyed god, although
- 00:09:13.476 --> 00:09:15.578
- And disobeyed god, although romans, chapter 6, verse 16,
- 00:09:15.645 --> 00:09:17.580
- Romans, chapter 6, verse 16, wasn't written yet,
- 00:09:17.647 --> 00:09:19.448
- Wasn't written yet, it was still true.
- 00:09:19.515 --> 00:09:21.651
- It was still true. you know, all the bible is,
- 00:09:21.717 --> 00:09:23.019
- You know, all the bible is, is just who god is
- 00:09:23.085 --> 00:09:25.087
- Is just who god is and the way god is
- 00:09:25.154 --> 00:09:26.522
- And the way god is and the way he's dealt with
- 00:09:26.589 --> 00:09:27.757
- And the way he's dealt with mankind written down
- 00:09:27.823 --> 00:09:29.358
- Mankind written down for us to understand,
- 00:09:29.425 --> 00:09:31.027
- For us to understand, but these truths,
- 00:09:31.093 --> 00:09:32.828
- But these truths, they existed long before
- 00:09:32.895 --> 00:09:34.797
- They existed long before they were written.
- 00:09:34.864 --> 00:09:35.598
- They were written. so even though
- 00:09:35.665 --> 00:09:36.032
- So even though romans 6:16, wasn't written yet
- 00:09:36.098 --> 00:09:38.100
- Romans 6:16, wasn't written yet that truth was
- 00:09:38.167 --> 00:09:39.535
- That truth was it was established,
- 00:09:39.602 --> 00:09:43.105
- It was established, and i believe
- 00:09:43.172 --> 00:09:43.773
- And i believe that satan knew about it.
- 00:09:43.839 --> 00:09:45.841
- And it says in romans 6:16,
- 00:09:45.908 --> 00:09:47.877
- And it says in romans 6:16, know ye not,
- 00:09:47.943 --> 00:09:48.811
- Know ye not, that to whom ye yield
- 00:09:48.878 --> 00:09:49.679
- That to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey,
- 00:09:49.745 --> 00:09:51.580
- Yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are
- 00:09:51.647 --> 00:09:52.648
- His servants ye are to whom ye obey;
- 00:09:52.715 --> 00:09:53.816
- To whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death,
- 00:09:53.883 --> 00:09:55.418
- Whether of sin unto death, or of obedience
- 00:09:55.484 --> 00:09:56.218
- Or of obedience unto righteousness?
- 00:09:56.285 --> 00:09:57.787
- That is saying
- 00:09:57.853 --> 00:09:58.387
- That is saying that whoever you yield to,
- 00:09:58.454 --> 00:10:00.189
- That whoever you yield to, whoever you obey, you give them
- 00:10:00.256 --> 00:10:02.224
- Whoever you obey, you give them dominion over you.
- 00:10:02.291 --> 00:10:03.759
- Dominion over you. so when adam and eve
- 00:10:03.826 --> 00:10:05.194
- So when adam and eve quit obeying god
- 00:10:05.261 --> 00:10:08.330
- Quit obeying god and they obeyed satan
- 00:10:08.397 --> 00:10:10.399
- And they obeyed satan and they ate of
- 00:10:10.466 --> 00:10:11.100
- And they ate of the forbidden fruit,
- 00:10:11.167 --> 00:10:12.768
- The forbidden fruit, they took the power
- 00:10:12.835 --> 00:10:14.437
- They took the power and the authority
- 00:10:14.503 --> 00:10:15.805
- And the authority that had been given unto them
- 00:10:15.871 --> 00:10:17.606
- That had been given unto them and they gave it to satan.
- 00:10:17.673 --> 00:10:19.542
- And they gave it to satan. by yielding to him
- 00:10:19.608 --> 00:10:20.443
- By yielding to him they became his servant.
- 00:10:20.509 --> 00:10:22.178
- They became his servant. you know, the scripture calls
- 00:10:22.244 --> 00:10:22.912
- You know, the scripture calls satan the god of this world;
- 00:10:22.978 --> 00:10:25.781
- Satan the god of this world; not the god of the universe.
- 00:10:25.848 --> 00:10:27.483
- Not the god of the universe. he's just the god of this world,
- 00:10:27.550 --> 00:10:29.985
- He's just the god of this world, and in psalms, chapter 82,
- 00:10:30.052 --> 00:10:31.987
- And in psalms, chapter 82, i believe it is, verse 6,
- 00:10:32.054 --> 00:10:33.422
- Jesus quoted this
- 00:10:33.489 --> 00:10:34.356
- Jesus quoted this in the new testament
- 00:10:34.423 --> 00:10:35.424
- In the new testament when he was being criticized,
- 00:10:35.491 --> 00:10:36.592
- When he was being criticized, and he says, didn't it say
- 00:10:36.659 --> 00:10:37.760
- And he says, didn't it say in your law that know,
- 00:10:37.827 --> 00:10:39.829
- In your law that know, that i have called you gods,
- 00:10:39.895 --> 00:10:40.830
- That i have called you gods, and he was referring to mankind.
- 00:10:40.896 --> 00:10:42.798
- It says there that we are gods.
- 00:10:42.865 --> 00:10:44.433
- It says there that we are gods. not with a capital g,
- 00:10:44.500 --> 00:10:46.769
- Not with a capital g, not divine, but authority,
- 00:10:46.836 --> 00:10:49.605
- Not divine, but authority, ruling with a small g.
- 00:10:49.672 --> 00:10:51.841
- Ruling with a small g. we were gods over this earth,
- 00:10:51.907 --> 00:10:54.844
- We were gods over this earth, and when we took our
- 00:10:54.910 --> 00:10:56.345
- And when we took our authority and dominion
- 00:10:56.412 --> 00:10:57.646
- Authority and dominion and obeyed the devil,
- 00:10:57.713 --> 00:10:59.148
- And obeyed the devil, we made him the god of
- 00:10:59.215 --> 00:11:01.350
- We made him the god of this earth, we yielded to him.
- 00:11:01.417 --> 00:11:03.285
- This earth, we yielded to him. now the reason
- 00:11:03.352 --> 00:11:03.953
- Now the reason that this is so significant
- 00:11:04.019 --> 00:11:05.621
- That this is so significant and the reason i've introduced
- 00:11:05.688 --> 00:11:07.089
- And the reason i've introduced all of this is to say that satan
- 00:11:07.156 --> 00:11:10.426
- All of this is to say that satan can't do anything to you without
- 00:11:10.493 --> 00:11:13.262
- Can't do anything to you without your consent and cooperation
- 00:11:13.329 --> 00:11:15.965
- Your consent and cooperation because authority over
- 00:11:16.031 --> 00:11:17.900
- Because authority over this earth was given to people,
- 00:11:17.967 --> 00:11:20.636
- This earth was given to people, physical human beings.
- 00:11:20.703 --> 00:11:24.807
- Physical human beings. man, the bible says
- 00:11:24.874 --> 00:11:25.841
- Man, the bible says in hebrews, chapter 1, verse 14,
- 00:11:25.908 --> 00:11:27.843
- In hebrews, chapter 1, verse 14, talking about the angels,
- 00:11:27.910 --> 00:11:29.178
- Talking about the angels, there's a number of verses there
- 00:11:29.245 --> 00:11:30.479
- There's a number of verses there talking about how, you know,
- 00:11:30.546 --> 00:11:32.715
- Talking about how, you know, jesus is greater than an angel,
- 00:11:32.782 --> 00:11:34.884
- And then in verse 14, it says,
- 00:11:34.950 --> 00:11:36.685
- And then in verse 14, it says, aren't they all,
- 00:11:36.752 --> 00:11:37.686
- Aren't they all, all of the angels are,
- 00:11:37.753 --> 00:11:39.221
- All of the angels are, ministering spirits,
- 00:11:39.288 --> 00:11:40.823
- Ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for those
- 00:11:40.890 --> 00:11:43.425
- Sent forth to minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation?
- 00:11:43.492 --> 00:11:45.728
- That scripture says
- 00:11:45.795 --> 00:11:46.996
- That scripture says that the job of angels
- 00:11:47.062 --> 00:11:49.231
- That the job of angels is to minister for us.
- 00:11:49.298 --> 00:11:53.736
- Is to minister for us. now i...i can't say that
- 00:11:53.803 --> 00:11:55.171
- Now i...i can't say that that's the only job
- 00:11:55.237 --> 00:11:56.605
- That's the only job that they have,
- 00:11:56.672 --> 00:11:57.473
- That they have, but that's the only one
- 00:11:57.540 --> 00:11:58.674
- But that's the only one that's...that's completely
- 00:11:58.741 --> 00:12:00.142
- That's...that's completely explained
- 00:12:00.209 --> 00:12:01.010
- In scripture.
- 00:12:01.076 --> 00:12:01.644
- In scripture. they are ministering spirits
- 00:12:01.710 --> 00:12:02.945
- They are ministering spirits sent forth to minister
- 00:12:03.012 --> 00:12:04.079
- Sent forth to minister for those who shall be;
- 00:12:04.146 --> 00:12:05.581
- For those who shall be; not only those who are,
- 00:12:05.648 --> 00:12:07.049
- Not only those who are, but those who shall be
- 00:12:07.116 --> 00:12:08.517
- But those who shall be heirs of salvation.
- 00:12:08.584 --> 00:12:10.252
- See, this gives you
- 00:12:10.319 --> 00:12:10.986
- See, this gives you some understanding too
- 00:12:11.053 --> 00:12:12.188
- Some understanding too about how that maybe
- 00:12:12.254 --> 00:12:13.656
- About how that maybe before you made
- 00:12:13.722 --> 00:12:14.557
- Before you made a commitment to the lord
- 00:12:14.623 --> 00:12:15.691
- A commitment to the lord and before you turned your life
- 00:12:15.758 --> 00:12:16.759
- And before you turned your life over to the lord
- 00:12:16.826 --> 00:12:17.893
- Over to the lord god saved your life.
- 00:12:17.960 --> 00:12:19.962
- God saved your life. i was just talking to
- 00:12:20.029 --> 00:12:21.564
- I was just talking to a good friend of mine,
- 00:12:21.630 --> 00:12:22.498
- A good friend of mine, duane sheriff.
- 00:12:22.565 --> 00:12:23.899
- Duane sheriff. he's a pastor
- 00:12:23.966 --> 00:12:24.900
- He's a pastor and a board member,
- 00:12:24.967 --> 00:12:26.101
- And a board member, and his brother was killed
- 00:12:26.168 --> 00:12:27.603
- And his brother was killed in an automobile accident,
- 00:12:27.670 --> 00:12:29.839
- In an automobile accident, and it was a traumatic
- 00:12:29.905 --> 00:12:31.006
- And it was a traumatic experience for duane,
- 00:12:31.073 --> 00:12:32.041
- Experience for duane, and duane was supposed to be
- 00:12:32.107 --> 00:12:34.143
- And duane was supposed to be in that car, but he wasn't.
- 00:12:34.210 --> 00:12:37.046
- In that car, but he wasn't. he just for whatever reason
- 00:12:37.112 --> 00:12:38.814
- He just for whatever reason chose not to go,
- 00:12:38.881 --> 00:12:39.982
- Chose not to go, but typically he would have been
- 00:12:40.049 --> 00:12:41.350
- But typically he would have been with his brother.
- 00:12:41.417 --> 00:12:42.451
- With his brother. he would have been there.
- 00:12:42.518 --> 00:12:43.452
- He would have been there. they were doing
- 00:12:43.519 --> 00:12:44.153
- They were doing something special,
- 00:12:44.220 --> 00:12:45.654
- Something special, and yet for whatever reason,
- 00:12:45.721 --> 00:12:47.056
- And yet for whatever reason, he just decided not to go,
- 00:12:47.122 --> 00:12:49.558
- He just decided not to go, and god saved his life.
- 00:12:49.625 --> 00:12:50.726
- And god saved his life. i believe that god, ev...
- 00:12:50.793 --> 00:12:51.594
- I believe that god, ev... even before he was born again,
- 00:12:51.660 --> 00:12:53.662
- Even before he was born again, knew that duane was receptive.
- 00:12:53.729 --> 00:12:56.365
- Knew that duane was receptive. he was seeking the lord,
- 00:12:56.432 --> 00:12:57.499
- He was seeking the lord, but he hadn't really
- 00:12:57.566 --> 00:12:58.500
- But he hadn't really submitted himself
- 00:12:58.567 --> 00:12:59.435
- Submitted himself to the lord at that time,
- 00:12:59.501 --> 00:13:00.836
- To the lord at that time, and angels literally
- 00:13:00.903 --> 00:13:03.138
- And angels literally encouraged him not to go.
- 00:13:03.205 --> 00:13:05.541
- Encouraged him not to go. and i think that when we
- 00:13:05.608 --> 00:13:06.508
- And i think that when we get to heaven,
- 00:13:06.575 --> 00:13:06.876
- Get to heaven, this is going to be one of
- 00:13:06.942 --> 00:13:07.843
- This is going to be one of the things that's
- 00:13:07.910 --> 00:13:08.577
- The things that's going to be so awesome.
- 00:13:08.644 --> 00:13:09.445
- Going to be so awesome. we will sit there, and...
- 00:13:09.511 --> 00:13:10.246
- The scripture says
- 00:13:10.312 --> 00:13:11.113
- The scripture says in 1 corinthians 13,
- 00:13:11.180 --> 00:13:12.448
- In 1 corinthians 13, that we will know all things,
- 00:13:12.514 --> 00:13:14.216
- That we will know all things, even as also we are known,
- 00:13:14.283 --> 00:13:16.852
- And we're going to look back
- 00:13:16.919 --> 00:13:18.020
- And we're going to look back and see that god
- 00:13:18.087 --> 00:13:19.321
- And see that god saved our bacon.
- 00:13:19.388 --> 00:13:21.290
- Saved our bacon. as bad as things may be
- 00:13:21.357 --> 00:13:22.992
- As bad as things may be for some of us,
- 00:13:23.058 --> 00:13:24.260
- For some of us, it could have been much,
- 00:13:24.326 --> 00:13:25.361
- It could have been much, much worse.
- 00:13:25.427 --> 00:13:26.495
- The bible says in john 10:10,
- 00:13:26.562 --> 00:13:28.364
- The bible says in john 10:10, that satan, the...the thief
- 00:13:28.430 --> 00:13:30.099
- That satan, the...the thief comes not, but for to steal,
- 00:13:30.165 --> 00:13:31.734
- Comes not, but for to steal, to kill, and to destroy
- 00:13:31.800 --> 00:13:33.435
- If it was just up to the devil,
- 00:13:33.502 --> 00:13:35.905
- If it was just up to the devil, he would make every person;
- 00:13:35.971 --> 00:13:37.473
- He would make every person; we would be miserable.
- 00:13:37.539 --> 00:13:38.874
- We would be miserable. we would all be killing
- 00:13:38.941 --> 00:13:40.276
- We would all be killing each other.
- 00:13:40.342 --> 00:13:40.776
- Each other. there would be total adultery,
- 00:13:40.843 --> 00:13:42.344
- There would be total adultery, ther would be total mayhem
- 00:13:42.411 --> 00:13:43.879
- Ther would be total mayhem all the time.
- 00:13:43.946 --> 00:13:45.514
- All the time. as bad as things are
- 00:13:45.581 --> 00:13:47.283
- As bad as things are they aren't as bad
- 00:13:47.349 --> 00:13:48.150
- They aren't as bad as they could be
- 00:13:48.217 --> 00:13:50.119
- As they could be because of people that are
- 00:13:50.185 --> 00:13:51.654
- Because of people that are responding to the lord
- 00:13:51.720 --> 00:13:53.088
- Responding to the lord and the intervention of angels
- 00:13:53.155 --> 00:13:54.790
- And the intervention of angels and god saving our life,
- 00:13:54.857 --> 00:13:56.558
- And god saving our life, things like this.
- 00:13:56.625 --> 00:13:57.359
- Things like this. but this is really significant
- 00:13:57.426 --> 00:13:58.794
- But this is really significant that you understand,
- 00:13:58.861 --> 00:13:59.528
- That you understand, when satan came
- 00:13:59.595 --> 00:14:00.562
- When satan came to adam and eve,
- 00:14:00.629 --> 00:14:01.497
- It says, now the serpent
- 00:14:01.563 --> 00:14:02.765
- It says, now the serpent was more subtil
- 00:14:02.831 --> 00:14:04.166
- Was more subtil than any beast of the field,
- 00:14:04.233 --> 00:14:05.634
- Than any beast of the field, over in
- 00:14:05.701 --> 00:14:06.435
- 2 corinthians, chapter 11,
- 00:14:06.502 --> 00:14:08.470
- 2 corinthians, chapter 11, it specifically says
- 00:14:08.537 --> 00:14:09.838
- It specifically says that it was satan
- 00:14:09.905 --> 00:14:11.173
- That it was satan that was tempting eve
- 00:14:11.240 --> 00:14:12.741
- That was tempting eve through this serpent.
- 00:14:12.808 --> 00:14:14.076
- Through this serpent. also in john, chapter 8,
- 00:14:14.143 --> 00:14:16.211
- Also in john, chapter 8, verse 44, jesus said
- 00:14:16.278 --> 00:14:18.047
- Verse 44, jesus said that satan is the father
- 00:14:18.113 --> 00:14:19.448
- That satan is the father of all lies.
- 00:14:19.515 --> 00:14:20.916
- Of all lies. this is a total lie
- 00:14:20.983 --> 00:14:22.751
- This is a total lie spoken by this serpent,
- 00:14:22.818 --> 00:14:23.986
- Spoken by this serpent, and so we know
- 00:14:24.053 --> 00:14:24.620
- And so we know that satan was behind this.
- 00:14:24.687 --> 00:14:26.221
- That satan was behind this. why did satan choose a serpent?
- 00:14:26.288 --> 00:14:29.591
- Why did satan choose a serpent? why didn't he choose an elephant
- 00:14:29.658 --> 00:14:31.126
- Why didn't he choose an elephant or something or a...
- 00:14:31.193 --> 00:14:32.261
- Or something or a... a lion to come along
- 00:14:32.328 --> 00:14:33.362
- A lion to come along and intimidate adam and eve
- 00:14:33.429 --> 00:14:35.331
- And intimidate adam and eve and force them to obey?
- 00:14:35.397 --> 00:14:38.067
- And force them to obey? it's because he had no power.
- 00:14:38.133 --> 00:14:39.868
- It's because he had no power. he was a ministering spirit
- 00:14:39.935 --> 00:14:42.004
- He was a ministering spirit sent forth to minister
- 00:14:42.071 --> 00:14:43.238
- Sent forth to minister for those who shall be
- 00:14:43.305 --> 00:14:45.607
- For those who shall be heirs of salvation.
- 00:14:45.674 --> 00:14:47.076
- Heirs of salvation. he was there to serve
- 00:14:47.142 --> 00:14:48.610
- He was there to serve adam and eve.
- 00:14:48.677 --> 00:14:49.311
- Adam and eve. he had no power to force them
- 00:14:49.378 --> 00:14:51.347
- He had no power to force them to do anything.
- 00:14:51.413 --> 00:14:53.148
- To do anything. i tell you,
- 00:14:53.215 --> 00:14:53.482
- I tell you, this is another mistake.
- 00:14:53.549 --> 00:14:54.783
- This is another mistake. you know, we i've used
- 00:14:54.850 --> 00:14:55.651
- You know, we i've used that verse a number of times,
- 00:14:55.718 --> 00:14:57.086
- That verse a number of times, mark 7:13, the traditions
- 00:14:57.152 --> 00:14:59.321
- Mark 7:13, the traditions and doctrines of men
- 00:14:59.388 --> 00:15:00.489
- And doctrines of men make the word of god
- 00:15:00.556 --> 00:15:01.256
- Make the word of god of no effect.
- 00:15:01.323 --> 00:15:02.691
- Of no effect. we have a lot of
- 00:15:02.758 --> 00:15:03.258
- We have a lot of religious traditions,
- 00:15:03.325 --> 00:15:05.260
- Religious traditions, and a lot of christian people,
- 00:15:05.327 --> 00:15:08.497
- And a lot of christian people, or at least religious people,
- 00:15:08.564 --> 00:15:10.632
- Or at least religious people, will sit there and blame
- 00:15:10.699 --> 00:15:11.700
- Will sit there and blame the devil for everything.
- 00:15:11.767 --> 00:15:13.268
- The devil for everything. you know, flip wilson
- 00:15:13.335 --> 00:15:14.169
- You know, flip wilson made it popular, saying,
- 00:15:14.236 --> 00:15:15.671
- Made it popular, saying, the devil made me do it,
- 00:15:15.738 --> 00:15:17.373
- The devil made me do it, and people want to blame
- 00:15:17.439 --> 00:15:18.273
- And people want to blame the devil for everything.
- 00:15:18.340 --> 00:15:21.210
- The devil for everything. and i'm not here
- 00:15:21.276 --> 00:15:23.212
- And i'm not here to defend the devil.
- 00:15:23.278 --> 00:15:24.146
- To defend the devil. i hate him.
- 00:15:24.213 --> 00:15:25.114
- I hate him. i'm...i'm willing to slander him
- 00:15:25.180 --> 00:15:28.017
- I'm...i'm willing to slander him and to do anything i can
- 00:15:28.083 --> 00:15:30.085
- And to do anything i can to hurt him, but i believe
- 00:15:30.152 --> 00:15:32.888
- To hurt him, but i believe that sometimes the devil
- 00:15:32.955 --> 00:15:33.856
- That sometimes the devil looks at us and he's
- 00:15:33.922 --> 00:15:34.757
- Looks at us and he's actually taking notes.
- 00:15:34.823 --> 00:15:36.392
- Actually taking notes. we are doing a great job of
- 00:15:36.458 --> 00:15:38.293
- We are doing a great job of destroying our own lives.
- 00:15:38.360 --> 00:15:40.095
- Destroying our own lives. the truth is satan can't do
- 00:15:40.162 --> 00:15:41.764
- The truth is satan can't do anything without our consent
- 00:15:41.830 --> 00:15:43.399
- Anything without our consent and cooperation.
- 00:15:43.465 --> 00:15:44.299
- And cooperation. that's the reason
- 00:15:44.366 --> 00:15:45.067
- That's the reason that he had to come through
- 00:15:45.134 --> 00:15:46.301
- That he had to come through the most subtle, the most sly,
- 00:15:46.368 --> 00:15:48.404
- The most subtle, the most sly, cunning, deceptive animal
- 00:15:48.470 --> 00:15:51.040
- Cunning, deceptive animal that god had created.
- 00:15:51.106 --> 00:15:53.409
- That god had created. now that's important
- 00:15:53.475 --> 00:15:55.310
- Now that's important because if you think
- 00:15:55.377 --> 00:15:56.178
- Because if you think that satan can
- 00:15:56.245 --> 00:15:56.712
- That satan can somehow or another
- 00:15:56.779 --> 00:15:57.379
- Somehow or another just overpower you
- 00:15:57.446 --> 00:15:58.714
- Just overpower you and force you into doing things,
- 00:15:58.781 --> 00:16:00.883
- And force you into doing things, well then you're only going
- 00:16:00.949 --> 00:16:01.750
- Well then you're only going to resist to a degree,
- 00:16:01.817 --> 00:16:03.185
- To resist to a degree, and then after a while
- 00:16:03.252 --> 00:16:03.986
- And then after a while you'll give in because after all
- 00:16:04.053 --> 00:16:05.554
- You'll give in because after all he's the devil,
- 00:16:05.621 --> 00:16:06.455
- He's the devil, the devil made me do it.
- 00:16:06.522 --> 00:16:07.923
- The devil made me do it. but once you understand
- 00:16:07.990 --> 00:16:09.124
- But once you understand that the devil,
- 00:16:09.191 --> 00:16:10.492
- That the devil, he's not a physical human being.
- 00:16:10.559 --> 00:16:12.728
- He's not a physical human being. everything we know
- 00:16:12.795 --> 00:16:13.562
- Everything we know from scripture, he's a spirit.
- 00:16:13.629 --> 00:16:15.864
- From scripture, he's a spirit. jesus cast demons out of people.
- 00:16:15.931 --> 00:16:18.200
- Jesus cast demons out of people. they were spirits.
- 00:16:18.267 --> 00:16:20.169
- They were spirits. they don't have a physical body.
- 00:16:20.235 --> 00:16:21.637
- They don't have a physical body. satan didn't have
- 00:16:21.703 --> 00:16:22.805
- Satan didn't have a physical body.
- 00:16:22.871 --> 00:16:24.139
- A physical body. satan had no authority
- 00:16:24.206 --> 00:16:26.175
- Satan had no authority in this earth whatsoever.
- 00:16:26.241 --> 00:16:28.410
- In this earth whatsoever. that's the reason he had to come
- 00:16:28.477 --> 00:16:30.512
- That's the reason he had to come and get adam and eve to submit
- 00:16:30.579 --> 00:16:32.948
- And get adam and eve to submit to him through trickery,
- 00:16:33.015 --> 00:16:34.683
- To him through trickery, through deception.
- 00:16:34.750 --> 00:16:36.051
- Through deception. over in 1 timothy, chapter 2,
- 00:16:36.118 --> 00:16:37.853
- Over in 1 timothy, chapter 2, it says that the woman
- 00:16:37.920 --> 00:16:38.854
- It says that the woman was deceived.
- 00:16:38.921 --> 00:16:39.822
- Was deceived. adam wasn't deceived.
- 00:16:39.888 --> 00:16:41.256
- Adam wasn't deceived. he knew what was going on,
- 00:16:41.323 --> 00:16:42.391
- He knew what was going on, but he chose to be with
- 00:16:42.458 --> 00:16:43.459
- But he chose to be with the woman even though
- 00:16:43.525 --> 00:16:45.227
- The woman even though it meant disobeying god,
- 00:16:45.294 --> 00:16:46.328
- It meant disobeying god, but it says that the woman
- 00:16:46.395 --> 00:16:47.396
- But it says that the woman was deceived.
- 00:16:47.463 --> 00:16:49.064
- Was deceived. satan came a...
- 00:16:49.131 --> 00:16:50.666
- Satan came a... with deception, not with force,
- 00:16:50.732 --> 00:16:53.268
- With deception, not with force, not with power.
- 00:16:53.335 --> 00:16:54.403
- Not with power. you could even turn over
- 00:16:54.470 --> 00:16:55.437
- You could even turn over to the example of the man
- 00:16:55.504 --> 00:16:56.905
- To the example of the man in the bible called
- 00:16:56.972 --> 00:16:57.773
- In the bible called the gadarene demoniac.
- 00:16:57.840 --> 00:16:59.641
- The gadarene demoniac. jesus met him and he was
- 00:16:59.708 --> 00:17:01.176
- Jesus met him and he was living in the tombs,
- 00:17:01.243 --> 00:17:02.611
- Living in the tombs, and he wouldn't
- 00:17:02.678 --> 00:17:03.045
- And he wouldn't wear any clothes.
- 00:17:03.112 --> 00:17:04.480
- Wear any clothes. he had supernatural strength.
- 00:17:04.546 --> 00:17:06.115
- He had supernatural strength. he would cut himself.
- 00:17:06.181 --> 00:17:07.216
- He would cut himself. he was suicidal.
- 00:17:07.282 --> 00:17:10.252
- He was suicidal. i tell you,
- 00:17:10.319 --> 00:17:10.886
- I tell you, people who are
- 00:17:10.953 --> 00:17:11.920
- People who are doing those things
- 00:17:11.987 --> 00:17:12.754
- Doing those things are demon possessed.
- 00:17:12.821 --> 00:17:14.289
- Are demon possessed. there are people today
- 00:17:14.356 --> 00:17:15.190
- There are people today that don't wear
- 00:17:15.257 --> 00:17:15.958
- That don't wear hardly any clothes
- 00:17:16.024 --> 00:17:17.493
- Hardly any clothes because it's demonic.
- 00:17:17.559 --> 00:17:19.895
- Because it's demonic. man, they're exposing themself.
- 00:17:19.962 --> 00:17:21.330
- Man, they're exposing themself. that's what this
- 00:17:21.396 --> 00:17:21.864
- That's what this demon possessed man did.
- 00:17:21.930 --> 00:17:23.365
- Demon possessed man did. there's people that are
- 00:17:23.432 --> 00:17:23.932
- There's people that are cutting themself.
- 00:17:23.999 --> 00:17:24.800
- Cutting themself. it's demonic behind this.
- 00:17:24.867 --> 00:17:26.869
- It's demonic behind this. people are sitting here
- 00:17:26.935 --> 00:17:27.569
- People are sitting here talking about mental health,
- 00:17:27.636 --> 00:17:29.938
- Talking about mental health, and that's become the buzz word
- 00:17:30.005 --> 00:17:31.440
- And that's become the buzz word that we use today
- 00:17:31.507 --> 00:17:32.741
- That we use today to describe somebody
- 00:17:32.808 --> 00:17:33.942
- To describe somebody who's unstable and stuff,
- 00:17:34.009 --> 00:17:35.310
- Who's unstable and stuff, but i guarantee you,
- 00:17:35.377 --> 00:17:35.878
- But i guarantee you, satan is behind
- 00:17:35.944 --> 00:17:36.778
- Satan is behind a lot of this stuff.
- 00:17:36.845 --> 00:17:38.380
- A lot of this stuff. so anyway, satan came,
- 00:17:38.447 --> 00:17:39.948
- So anyway, satan came, and he couldn't force them.
- 00:17:40.015 --> 00:17:41.683
- And he couldn't force them. he had to get them to obey,
- 00:17:41.750 --> 00:17:43.185
- He had to get them to obey, even this gadarene demoniac.
- 00:17:43.252 --> 00:17:45.087
- Even this gadarene demoniac. see, i was using him
- 00:17:45.154 --> 00:17:46.088
- See, i was using him as an example, that he had
- 00:17:46.155 --> 00:17:47.990
- As an example, that he had a legion of demons.
- 00:17:48.056 --> 00:17:50.359
- Jesus asked this...
- 00:17:50.425 --> 00:17:51.493
- Jesus asked this... he was talking to the demons,
- 00:17:51.560 --> 00:17:52.895
- He was talking to the demons, not to the man,
- 00:17:52.961 --> 00:17:53.795
- Not to the man, but to the demons
- 00:17:53.862 --> 00:17:54.796
- But to the demons that were inside of this man,
- 00:17:54.863 --> 00:17:55.964
- That were inside of this man, and he says,
- 00:17:56.031 --> 00:17:56.265
- And he says, what's your name,
- 00:17:56.331 --> 00:17:57.065
- What's your name, and they said,
- 00:17:57.132 --> 00:17:57.533
- And they said, legion: for we are many.
- 00:17:57.599 --> 00:18:00.369
- Legion: for we are many. the word, legion,
- 00:18:00.435 --> 00:18:01.537
- Is referring to a roman legion.
- 00:18:01.603 --> 00:18:03.805
- Is referring to a roman legion. there were 6,000 people
- 00:18:03.872 --> 00:18:05.207
- There were 6,000 people in a roman legion.
- 00:18:05.274 --> 00:18:06.308
- In a roman legion. so apparently there were
- 00:18:06.375 --> 00:18:07.709
- So apparently there were 6,000 demons inside of this man,
- 00:18:07.776 --> 00:18:11.013
- 6,000 demons inside of this man, and yet my point is,
- 00:18:11.079 --> 00:18:12.347
- And yet my point is, that even though
- 00:18:12.414 --> 00:18:13.348
- That even though this man had 6,000 demons,
- 00:18:13.415 --> 00:18:17.286
- This man had 6,000 demons, he ran and fell at the feet of
- 00:18:17.352 --> 00:18:19.421
- He ran and fell at the feet of jesus and worshiped him,
- 00:18:19.488 --> 00:18:21.857
- Jesus and worshiped him, a demon possessed man.
- 00:18:21.924 --> 00:18:23.258
- A demon possessed man. he might not could have
- 00:18:23.325 --> 00:18:24.126
- He might not could have gotten free on his own,
- 00:18:24.193 --> 00:18:26.195
- Gotten free on his own, but he could at least run
- 00:18:26.261 --> 00:18:27.996
- But he could at least run and throw himself
- 00:18:28.063 --> 00:18:28.764
- And throw himself on the mercy of jesus.
- 00:18:28.830 --> 00:18:30.632
- On the mercy of jesus. so anybody watching this who is
- 00:18:30.699 --> 00:18:32.234
- So anybody watching this who is using satan as an excuse to,
- 00:18:32.301 --> 00:18:34.436
- Using satan as an excuse to, i can't help it,
- 00:18:34.503 --> 00:18:35.871
- I can't help it, i've just...i'm addicted,
- 00:18:35.938 --> 00:18:37.272
- I've just...i'm addicted, i've got these pro...
- 00:18:37.339 --> 00:18:38.040
- I've got these pro... i can't control this,
- 00:18:38.106 --> 00:18:40.509
- I can't control this, that's a lie.
- 00:18:40.576 --> 00:18:41.777
- That's a lie. and one of the reasons
- 00:18:41.843 --> 00:18:42.711
- And one of the reasons that you are bound
- 00:18:42.778 --> 00:18:44.146
- That you are bound is because you don't understand
- 00:18:44.213 --> 00:18:46.381
- Is because you don't understand that satan can't do anything
- 00:18:46.448 --> 00:18:48.016
- That satan can't do anything to you without your consent
- 00:18:48.083 --> 00:18:49.484
- To you without your consent and cooperation.
- 00:18:49.551 --> 00:18:51.420
- And cooperation. you know, again,
- 00:18:51.486 --> 00:18:52.187
- You know, again, religion has magnified
- 00:18:52.254 --> 00:18:54.790
- Religion has magnified the power of the devil.
- 00:18:54.856 --> 00:18:55.591
- The power of the devil. i believe one of the reasons
- 00:18:55.657 --> 00:18:56.491
- I believe one of the reasons they do it is because it's...
- 00:18:56.558 --> 00:18:57.926
- They do it is because it's... he's a scapegoat.
- 00:18:57.993 --> 00:18:59.428
- He's a scapegoat. they don't have to
- 00:18:59.494 --> 00:19:00.529
- They don't have to accept responsibility.
- 00:19:00.596 --> 00:19:01.730
- Accept responsibility. you don't understand,
- 00:19:01.797 --> 00:19:02.564
- You don't understand, i was abused when i was a child,
- 00:19:02.631 --> 00:19:04.266
- I was abused when i was a child, and so because i was
- 00:19:04.333 --> 00:19:05.100
- And so because i was sexually abused
- 00:19:05.167 --> 00:19:06.435
- Sexually abused or because this happened
- 00:19:06.501 --> 00:19:07.803
- Or because this happened or because that happened,
- 00:19:07.869 --> 00:19:08.503
- Or because that happened, i can't help it.
- 00:19:08.570 --> 00:19:09.438
- I can't help it. it's just who i am.
- 00:19:09.504 --> 00:19:10.839
- It's just who i am. that's not true.
- 00:19:10.906 --> 00:19:12.441
- That's not true. you may have had pressures
- 00:19:12.507 --> 00:19:13.809
- You may have had pressures on you that i didn't have,
- 00:19:13.875 --> 00:19:15.244
- On you that i didn't have, but the truth is
- 00:19:15.310 --> 00:19:15.944
- But the truth is satan can't do anything to you
- 00:19:16.011 --> 00:19:19.047
- Satan can't do anything to you without your consent
- 00:19:19.114 --> 00:19:20.182
- Without your consent and cooperation,
- 00:19:20.249 --> 00:19:20.983
- And cooperation, and you can see it right here.
- 00:19:21.049 --> 00:19:22.384
- And you can see it right here. he didn't come
- 00:19:22.451 --> 00:19:23.151
- He didn't come and force them.
- 00:19:23.218 --> 00:19:24.219
- And force them. he didn't overpower them.
- 00:19:24.286 --> 00:19:25.887
- He didn't overpower them. he came through the most subtle,
- 00:19:25.954 --> 00:19:27.256
- He came through the most subtle, sly animal, and tempted them
- 00:19:27.322 --> 00:19:30.525
- Sly animal, and tempted them and got them to yield.
- 00:19:30.592 --> 00:19:31.994
- And got them to yield. and when they yielded
- 00:19:32.060 --> 00:19:34.930
- And when they yielded to this demonic power,
- 00:19:34.997 --> 00:19:38.467
- To this demonic power, they...boy,
- 00:19:38.533 --> 00:19:40.669
- They...boy, i'm going to say something here
- 00:19:40.736 --> 00:19:41.670
- I'm going to say something here and i...i hope you don't
- 00:19:41.737 --> 00:19:42.904
- And i...i hope you don't turn the tv set off.
- 00:19:42.971 --> 00:19:45.307
- Turn the tv set off. this is going to just cause
- 00:19:45.374 --> 00:19:48.477
- This is going to just cause some people to freak out.
- 00:19:48.543 --> 00:19:51.513
- Some people to freak out. but you know what,
- 00:19:51.580 --> 00:19:52.114
- But you know what, when they yielded to satan,
- 00:19:52.180 --> 00:19:54.349
- When they yielded to satan, they created satan.
- 00:19:54.416 --> 00:19:56.518
- They created satan. god created lucifer.
- 00:19:56.585 --> 00:19:58.654
- God created lucifer. lucifer over in
- 00:19:58.720 --> 00:19:59.388
- Lucifer over in isaiah chapter 14,
- 00:19:59.454 --> 00:20:01.757
- Isaiah chapter 14, was the anointed cherub
- 00:20:01.823 --> 00:20:04.293
- Was the anointed cherub that covered over things.
- 00:20:04.359 --> 00:20:06.428
- That covered over things. he was a godly angel.
- 00:20:06.495 --> 00:20:07.829
- He was a godly angel. god did not create evil.
- 00:20:07.896 --> 00:20:10.465
- God did not create evil. god didn't create the devil.
- 00:20:10.532 --> 00:20:12.801
- God didn't create the devil. he created lucifer,
- 00:20:12.868 --> 00:20:14.836
- He created lucifer, who was a godly angel,
- 00:20:14.903 --> 00:20:16.772
- Who was a godly angel, and i could spend a lot of time
- 00:20:16.838 --> 00:20:18.173
- And i could spend a lot of time turning over to
- 00:20:18.240 --> 00:20:19.041
- Turning over to ezekiel, chapter 28,
- 00:20:19.107 --> 00:20:20.742
- Ezekiel, chapter 28, and isaiah, chapter 14,
- 00:20:20.809 --> 00:20:22.210
- And isaiah, chapter 14, that gives you some insight
- 00:20:22.277 --> 00:20:23.645
- That gives you some insight into what he was like
- 00:20:23.712 --> 00:20:25.147
- Into what he was like and why he rebelled at god,
- 00:20:25.213 --> 00:20:27.482
- And why he rebelled at god, but he was a godly angel.
- 00:20:27.549 --> 00:20:29.618
- But he was a godly angel. actually, it says over in
- 00:20:29.685 --> 00:20:30.719
- Actually, it says over in ezekiel, chapter 28,
- 00:20:30.786 --> 00:20:32.421
- Ezekiel, chapter 28, that he had tabrets
- 00:20:32.487 --> 00:20:34.089
- That he had tabrets and musical instruments in him.
- 00:20:34.156 --> 00:20:37.259
- And musical instruments in him. now, i don't know exactly
- 00:20:37.326 --> 00:20:38.026
- Now, i don't know exactly what that means, but it implies
- 00:20:38.093 --> 00:20:40.462
- What that means, but it implies that he not only could play
- 00:20:40.529 --> 00:20:42.030
- That he not only could play some musical instrument,
- 00:20:42.097 --> 00:20:43.165
- Some musical instrument, but he was musical.
- 00:20:43.231 --> 00:20:44.633
- But he was musical. his body somehow or another
- 00:20:44.700 --> 00:20:46.802
- His body somehow or another could make these sounds.
- 00:20:46.868 --> 00:20:48.003
- Could make these sounds. he was probably
- 00:20:48.070 --> 00:20:49.104
- He was probably the worship leader
- 00:20:49.171 --> 00:20:50.539
- The worship leader in heaven.
- 00:20:50.605 --> 00:20:51.506
- In heaven. god created him for godly,
- 00:20:51.573 --> 00:20:53.942
- God created him for godly, good purposes.
- 00:20:54.009 --> 00:20:56.144
- Good purposes. but his rebellion right here,
- 00:20:56.211 --> 00:20:59.281
- But his rebellion right here, it was when man yielded to him.
- 00:20:59.348 --> 00:21:02.084
- It was when man yielded to him. they took the authority
- 00:21:02.150 --> 00:21:03.952
- They took the authority that god had given us.
- 00:21:04.019 --> 00:21:05.120
- That god had given us. we were created to be
- 00:21:05.187 --> 00:21:06.588
- We were created to be gods over this earth.
- 00:21:06.655 --> 00:21:08.190
- Gods over this earth. not capital g, but authority,
- 00:21:08.256 --> 00:21:10.826
- Not capital g, but authority, power, and god gave
- 00:21:10.892 --> 00:21:12.794
- Power, and god gave this authority and power to us,
- 00:21:12.861 --> 00:21:14.363
- This authority and power to us, and when we yielded to
- 00:21:14.429 --> 00:21:16.264
- And when we yielded to satan's lies and deceptions,
- 00:21:16.331 --> 00:21:18.333
- Satan's lies and deceptions, we became obedient unto him.
- 00:21:18.400 --> 00:21:20.335
- We became obedient unto him. it says in romans 6:16,
- 00:21:20.402 --> 00:21:22.003
- It says in romans 6:16, that you became his servant.
- 00:21:22.070 --> 00:21:23.572
- That you became his servant. that made him the master.
- 00:21:23.638 --> 00:21:25.006
- That made him the master. we took the authority
- 00:21:25.073 --> 00:21:26.508
- We took the authority that god had given us,
- 00:21:26.575 --> 00:21:27.976
- That god had given us, and we empowered the devil.
- 00:21:28.043 --> 00:21:30.112
- And we empowered the devil. we are the ones
- 00:21:30.178 --> 00:21:30.912
- We are the ones that created satan.
- 00:21:30.979 --> 00:21:33.448
- That created satan. god created lucifer,
- 00:21:33.515 --> 00:21:34.983
- God created lucifer, a pure, godly crea...creation,
- 00:21:35.050 --> 00:21:38.720
- A pure, godly crea...creation, being, but when he came
- 00:21:38.787 --> 00:21:40.922
- Being, but when he came and tempted adam and eve
- 00:21:40.989 --> 00:21:42.190
- And tempted adam and eve and then they yielded to him,
- 00:21:42.257 --> 00:21:43.525
- And then they yielded to him, we are the ones
- 00:21:43.592 --> 00:21:44.960
- We are the ones that created the devil.
- 00:21:45.026 --> 00:21:46.395
- That created the devil. now, this has a lot of
- 00:21:46.461 --> 00:21:47.529
- Now, this has a lot of applications, but one of them is
- 00:21:47.596 --> 00:21:50.665
- Applications, but one of them is that satan can't do anything
- 00:21:50.732 --> 00:21:52.567
- That satan can't do anything because he's not
- 00:21:52.634 --> 00:21:53.135
- Because he's not a physical human being
- 00:21:53.201 --> 00:21:54.369
- A physical human being without our consent and control.
- 00:21:54.436 --> 00:21:56.171
- Without our consent and control. he has to have
- 00:21:56.238 --> 00:21:56.838
- He has to have some physical body
- 00:21:56.905 --> 00:21:59.441
- Some physical body to inhabit to exert
- 00:21:59.508 --> 00:22:00.876
- To inhabit to exert any influence whatsoever.
- 00:22:00.942 --> 00:22:02.978
- Any influence whatsoever. this is the reason that
- 00:22:03.044 --> 00:22:04.045
- This is the reason that that man, the gadarene demoniac,
- 00:22:04.112 --> 00:22:05.747
- That man, the gadarene demoniac, when jesus cast
- 00:22:05.814 --> 00:22:06.748
- When jesus cast those demons out,
- 00:22:06.815 --> 00:22:07.949
- Those demons out, those demons cried out and said,
- 00:22:08.016 --> 00:22:09.151
- Those demons cried out and said, don't let us go into the deep,
- 00:22:09.217 --> 00:22:11.286
- Don't let us go into the deep, cast us into these swine
- 00:22:11.353 --> 00:22:12.988
- Cast us into these swine over here, and jesus
- 00:22:13.054 --> 00:22:14.423
- Over here, and jesus cast them into the swine.
- 00:22:14.489 --> 00:22:16.291
- Cast them into the swine. and when the swine
- 00:22:16.358 --> 00:22:17.292
- And when the swine became demon possessed,
- 00:22:17.359 --> 00:22:18.860
- Became demon possessed, they ran down a steep pace...
- 00:22:18.927 --> 00:22:20.562
- They ran down a steep pace... place and choked themself
- 00:22:20.629 --> 00:22:22.130
- Place and choked themself in the sea and they all died.
- 00:22:22.197 --> 00:22:24.566
- In the sea and they all died. people brag
- 00:22:24.633 --> 00:22:25.734
- People brag when they get demons.
- 00:22:25.801 --> 00:22:26.835
- When they get demons. they...they become rock stars
- 00:22:26.902 --> 00:22:28.970
- They...they become rock stars and movie stars
- 00:22:29.037 --> 00:22:30.005
- And movie stars and they brag about
- 00:22:30.071 --> 00:22:31.072
- And they brag about their perversions and stuff.
- 00:22:31.139 --> 00:22:32.741
- Their perversions and stuff. man, pigs, when they get
- 00:22:32.808 --> 00:22:34.443
- Man, pigs, when they get demon possessed,
- 00:22:34.509 --> 00:22:35.243
- Demon possessed, they commit suicide.
- 00:22:35.310 --> 00:22:36.645
- They commit suicide. in that sense,
- 00:22:36.711 --> 00:22:37.479
- In that sense, pigs have a lot more integrity
- 00:22:37.546 --> 00:22:39.080
- Pigs have a lot more integrity than some people.
- 00:22:39.147 --> 00:22:41.082
- Than some people. but the point is
- 00:22:41.149 --> 00:22:42.284
- But the point is that those demons would have
- 00:22:42.350 --> 00:22:43.718
- That those demons would have had zero power if they hadn't
- 00:22:43.785 --> 00:22:45.854
- Had zero power if they hadn't have entered into the pig.
- 00:22:45.921 --> 00:22:47.155
- Have entered into the pig. so even a pig has more authority
- 00:22:47.222 --> 00:22:48.924
- So even a pig has more authority than the devil.
- 00:22:48.990 --> 00:22:49.891
- Than the devil. did you know a frog has
- 00:22:49.958 --> 00:22:51.159
- Did you know a frog has more authority than the devil.
- 00:22:51.226 --> 00:22:52.694
- More authority than the devil. slime has more authority
- 00:22:52.761 --> 00:22:54.196
- Slime has more authority than the devil
- 00:22:54.262 --> 00:22:55.096
- Than the devil because it's physical.
- 00:22:55.163 --> 00:22:56.832
- Because it's physical. this is the reason
- 00:22:56.898 --> 00:22:57.532
- This is the reason that satan wants to inhabit
- 00:22:57.599 --> 00:22:59.067
- That satan wants to inhabit something physical.
- 00:22:59.134 --> 00:23:00.302
- Something physical. it prefers a person,
- 00:23:00.368 --> 00:23:01.736
- It prefers a person, but it'll take a pig
- 00:23:01.803 --> 00:23:02.871
- But it'll take a pig if it can't get a person.
- 00:23:02.938 --> 00:23:04.906
- If it can't get a person. satan is powerless without
- 00:23:04.973 --> 00:23:06.675
- Satan is powerless without something with a physical body,
- 00:23:06.741 --> 00:23:09.578
- Something with a physical body, which is what gives us authority
- 00:23:09.644 --> 00:23:11.313
- Which is what gives us authority in this life, yielding to them.
- 00:23:11.379 --> 00:23:14.049
- In this life, yielding to them. therefore, if you refuse
- 00:23:14.115 --> 00:23:16.084
- Therefore, if you refuse to yield to the devil
- 00:23:16.151 --> 00:23:17.552
- To yield to the devil through his lies
- 00:23:17.619 --> 00:23:18.787
- Through his lies and through his deception,
- 00:23:18.854 --> 00:23:20.121
- And through his deception, if you don't cooperate with him
- 00:23:20.188 --> 00:23:22.057
- If you don't cooperate with him through your words
- 00:23:22.123 --> 00:23:23.058
- Through your words and through your actions,
- 00:23:23.124 --> 00:23:24.626
- And through your actions, satan is powerless against you.
- 00:23:24.693 --> 00:23:27.329
- Satan is powerless against you. you do not have to be afraid of
- 00:23:27.395 --> 00:23:29.698
- You do not have to be afraid of the devil if you understand
- 00:23:29.764 --> 00:23:31.199
- The devil if you understand the things that we're
- 00:23:31.266 --> 00:23:32.067
- The things that we're talking about.
- 00:23:32.133 --> 00:23:32.834
- >> god's promises will become
- 00:23:34.135 --> 00:23:35.737
- More real and alive when you get
- 00:23:35.737 --> 00:23:38.173
- Andrew's complete teaching
- 00:23:38.173 --> 00:23:39.407
- Titled the word became flesh.
- 00:23:39.407 --> 00:23:42.210
- >> this week i've been teaching
- 00:23:42.210 --> 00:23:43.612
- On a series i call the word
- 00:23:43.612 --> 00:23:45.013
- Became flesh, and i have this in
- 00:23:45.013 --> 00:23:47.382
- Cd, also in dvd that was taken
- 00:23:47.382 --> 00:23:49.885
- Either from television or a live
- 00:23:49.885 --> 00:23:51.253
- Teaching, and i tell you, this
- 00:23:51.253 --> 00:23:53.288
- Is awesome. i would encourage
- 00:23:53.288 --> 00:23:55.490
- You to get this and to study it.
- 00:23:55.490 --> 00:23:57.092
- This is the kind of thing that
- 00:23:57.092 --> 00:23:58.293
- You just don't get it by
- 00:23:58.293 --> 00:23:59.494
- Listening to it on television in
- 00:23:59.494 --> 00:24:00.962
- Little 30 minute segments, you
- 00:24:00.962 --> 00:24:02.597
- Need to get the entire teaching
- 00:24:02.597 --> 00:24:04.299
- And study it. i promise you it's
- 00:24:04.299 --> 00:24:06.434
- A life-changing truth. it would
- 00:24:06.434 --> 00:24:08.270
- Really, really bless you. so
- 00:24:08.270 --> 00:24:09.704
- Listen to our announcer as he
- 00:24:09.704 --> 00:24:11.006
- Gives you this information.
- 00:24:11.006 --> 00:24:12.007
- >> andrew's complete teaching,
- 00:24:12.007 --> 00:24:14.042
- The word became flesh, is
- 00:24:14.042 --> 00:24:15.777
- Available as a cd or dvd album
- 00:24:15.777 --> 00:24:19.014
- Made from our daily television
- 00:24:19.014 --> 00:24:20.415
- Broadcast or in a dvd album
- 00:24:20.415 --> 00:24:23.318
- Recorded live and a ministry
- 00:24:23.318 --> 00:24:24.819
- Event. each of these resources
- 00:24:24.819 --> 00:24:27.489
- Are available for a gift of any
- 00:24:27.489 --> 00:24:29.991
- Amount when you contact us. this
- 00:24:29.991 --> 00:24:32.127
- Entire series is also available
- 00:24:32.127 --> 00:24:34.429
- For audio download absolutely
- 00:24:34.429 --> 00:24:36.431
- Free from our website. we also
- 00:24:36.431 --> 00:24:39.501
- Want to remind you of andrew's
- 00:24:39.501 --> 00:24:41.102
- Living commentary software. the
- 00:24:41.102 --> 00:24:44.039
- Living commentary includes more
- 00:24:44.039 --> 00:24:46.341
- Than 50 years of andrew's bible
- 00:24:46.341 --> 00:24:48.777
- Study notes and personal
- 00:24:48.777 --> 00:24:50.545
- Encounters with god, and is
- 00:24:50.545 --> 00:24:52.981
- Available as a web-based
- 00:24:52.981 --> 00:24:54.516
- Software that you can access by
- 00:24:54.516 --> 00:24:56.217
- Computer or any mobile device.
- 00:24:56.217 --> 00:24:58.386
- Get andrew's living commentary
- 00:24:58.386 --> 00:25:00.622
- Today. we want to say a special
- 00:25:00.622 --> 00:25:03.858
- Thank you to the grace partners
- 00:25:03.858 --> 00:25:05.327
- Of andrew wommack ministries.
- 00:25:05.327 --> 00:25:07.028
- Your gifts make it possible to
- 00:25:07.028 --> 00:25:09.831
- Put free ministry materials into
- 00:25:09.831 --> 00:25:11.866
- The hands of many people in
- 00:25:11.866 --> 00:25:13.268
- Need. if you're not already a
- 00:25:13.268 --> 00:25:15.604
- Grace partner, we ask you to
- 00:25:15.604 --> 00:25:17.472
- Pray about becoming one today.
- 00:25:17.472 --> 00:25:19.507
- You can become a grace partner
- 00:25:19.507 --> 00:25:21.142
- Through our website at
- 00:25:21.142 --> 00:25:24.980
- Our helpline is closed today to
- 00:25:24.980 --> 00:25:26.781
- Allow our employees to celebrate
- 00:25:26.781 --> 00:25:28.516
- The holiday, but you can always
- 00:25:28.516 --> 00:25:30.518
- Visit our website where you can
- 00:25:30.518 --> 00:25:32.187
- Order ministry materials online
- 00:25:32.187 --> 00:25:33.922
- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at
- 00:25:33.922 --> 00:25:37.158
- on our website, you'll
- 00:25:37.158 --> 00:25:40.462
- Not only find materials from
- 00:25:40.462 --> 00:25:42.130
- Today's broadcast, you'll find a
- 00:25:42.130 --> 00:25:44.332
- Wealth of ministry resources
- 00:25:44.332 --> 00:25:46.001
- Available to you. if you prefer,
- 00:25:46.001 --> 00:25:48.169
- You can order materials
- 00:25:48.169 --> 00:25:49.604
- By writing us. use the
- 00:25:49.604 --> 00:25:51.106
- Address on your screen.
- 00:25:51.106 --> 00:25:53.074
- >> the neurologist came in and
- 00:25:53.141 --> 00:25:54.643
- Said, you know, as soon as we
- 00:25:54.643 --> 00:25:56.711
- Put the little hole in her head
- 00:25:56.711 --> 00:25:58.279
- To relieve the pressure with the
- 00:25:58.279 --> 00:26:00.382
- Blood, 10% chance she survives.
- 00:26:00.382 --> 00:26:03.618
- >> although doubt tried to rise
- 00:26:03.618 --> 00:26:05.887
- Up, bud continued to hold onto
- 00:26:05.887 --> 00:26:08.123
- The truth he learned on healing
- 00:26:08.123 --> 00:26:09.557
- From andrew's teachings. through
- 00:26:09.557 --> 00:26:11.426
- A mutual friend, bud was able to
- 00:26:11.426 --> 00:26:13.061
- Get in touch with andrew who
- 00:26:13.061 --> 00:26:14.529
- Agreed to pray for gina over the
- 00:26:14.529 --> 00:26:15.997
- Phone. bud recorded the
- 00:26:15.997 --> 00:26:17.732
- Prayer and played it over
- 00:26:17.732 --> 00:26:18.900
- And over again until
- 00:26:18.900 --> 00:26:20.201
- Gina's healing manifested.
- 00:26:20.201 --> 00:26:22.070
- >> bud and i agree and we just
- 00:26:22.070 --> 00:26:24.272
- Speak your healing into gina,
- 00:26:24.272 --> 00:26:26.941
- That she recovers 100%, that
- 00:26:26.941 --> 00:26:29.110
- There is no brain damage,
- 00:26:29.110 --> 00:26:30.311
- There's no loss of any mobility
- 00:26:30.311 --> 00:26:31.913
- Or anything. so do we
- 00:26:31.913 --> 00:26:34.683
- Think it's just as if this
- 00:26:34.683 --> 00:26:36.051
- Had never happened.
- 00:26:36.051 --> 00:26:37.385
- >> gina recovered at a
- 00:26:37.385 --> 00:26:38.553
- Supernatural pace and today she
- 00:26:38.553 --> 00:26:40.822
- Is healthy and completely whole.
- 00:26:40.822 --> 00:26:42.557
- She knows that it's only through
- 00:26:42.557 --> 00:26:44.559
- Andrew's teachings that she was
- 00:26:44.559 --> 00:26:46.094
- Able to receive the healing
- 00:26:46.094 --> 00:26:47.328
- Jesus had already provided.
- 00:26:47.328 --> 00:26:49.431
- >> i want to thank andrew and
- 00:26:49.431 --> 00:26:51.166
- Jamie for his teachings. you
- 00:26:51.166 --> 00:26:53.001
- Have no idea how strong we've
- 00:26:53.001 --> 00:26:54.436
- Been in our lives, our family's
- 00:26:54.436 --> 00:26:56.204
- Lives, our friends' lives.
- 00:26:56.204 --> 00:26:58.173
- >> hello, i'm andrew wommack,
- 00:27:01.810 --> 00:27:03.178
- And i want to let you know that
- 00:27:03.178 --> 00:27:04.512
- We are now broadcasting in
- 00:27:04.512 --> 00:27:06.081
- Spanish on tbn station enlace
- 00:27:06.081 --> 00:27:09.584
- And it is a broadcast that i've
- 00:27:09.584 --> 00:27:12.220
- Been giving in 22 years in
- 00:27:12.220 --> 00:27:14.823
- English, but this is our first
- 00:27:14.823 --> 00:27:16.391
- Foray into the spanish network
- 00:27:16.391 --> 00:27:18.259
- And i really believe it's going
- 00:27:18.259 --> 00:27:20.028
- To make a difference. we'll be
- 00:27:20.028 --> 00:27:21.529
- Broadcasting at 3:30 pm eastern
- 00:27:21.529 --> 00:27:24.432
- Time, monday through
- 00:27:24.432 --> 00:27:25.633
- Friday on tbn enlance.
- 00:27:25.633 --> 00:27:25.633