Pastor Allen Jackson's mission is to help people become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
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Allen Jackson Ministries | Allen Jackson - The Responsibility Of Friendship (Part 1) | January 16, 2025
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- Allen jackson: hey, it is so good to be with you today.
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- Our topic is a favorite of mine: my friend jesus.
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- You know, sometimes we make our faith so complicated.
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- Whether it's about the translation we read,
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- Or a style of worship, or the dress code for the people who
- 00:00:32.548 --> 00:00:36.051
- Attend the worship service, all of those things may have
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- A place, but at the end of the day,
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- Our faith is rooted in a person, and his name is jesus
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- Of nazareth, how you know him.
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- We want to be his friend, not just be friendly with him.
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- There's a great difference.
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- We're gonna look at that in a bit more detail,
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- But i believe that in this season ahead,
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- The greatest way to stabilize your life and your family and
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- Your circumstances is to get to know the person of jesus.
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- We're gonna explore that in a little detail and see if we can
- 00:01:01.877 --> 00:01:03.879
- Take some steps towards it.
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- Grab your bible and a notepad,
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- But most of all, open your heart.
- 00:01:07.015 --> 00:01:09.718
- Allen: sometimes i think those of us in church world,
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- Especially those of us who are professional christians,
- 00:01:11.620 --> 00:01:13.755
- Overcomplicate this.
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- And there's some time and place for technical things,
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- And i don't want to diminish that.
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- I'm grateful for that and enjoy it on many levels.
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- But the fundamentals of our faith are not complicated.
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- It is really not so much about the particular congregation
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- Where we gather or the denomination or that we would
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- Give a nod towards or even the translation we prefer to read.
- 00:01:33.575 --> 00:01:36.578
- Fundamentally, our faith is founded on a person,
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- And his name is jesus,
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- Jesus of nazareth, to be specific,
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- The incarnate son of god.
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- What you believe about jesus, how you interact with jesus,
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- How you relate to jesus, the position of authority you give
- 00:01:47.856 --> 00:01:50.859
- To jesus will determine your eternity.
- 00:01:50.859 --> 00:01:54.029
- It will be a tremendous determinant on how you make your
- 00:01:54.029 --> 00:01:56.198
- Journey through time, but i assure you it will determine
- 00:01:56.198 --> 00:01:58.600
- Your eternity far more than any of those previously stated
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- Things: churches or denominations
- 00:02:01.503 --> 00:02:03.405
- Or worship styles.
- 00:02:03.405 --> 00:02:05.974
- Jesus.
- 00:02:05.974 --> 00:02:07.776
- And the construct is so helpful for me is to think
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- Of jesus as a friend.
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- Jesus called us his friend. i'm always a little cautious.
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- I don't want to invite you towards that
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- In an overly casual way.
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- Jesus deserves respect and honor,
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- And you don't want to diminish his place as lord and king,
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- Even though he will welcome you as a friend.
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- He's not like us.
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- When you see him in all of his glory,
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- In his splendor, you will be filled with awe.
- 00:02:37.272 --> 00:02:43.545
- So, i have a little hesitation 'cause it's not like he's bubba.
- 00:02:43.545 --> 00:02:49.318
- It's like, hey, yo, dude, that doesn't feel right to me.
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- He is still the king of kings and the lord of lords.
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- In this session, i want to look with you at the responsibility
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- Of friendship, because true friendship
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- Comes with responsibility.
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- You know, we're in a very unique season.
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- It was introduced by covid, but it didn't end with--when the
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- Mask mandates finally began to dissipate.
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- I don't know that i've ever seen a more important time for us to
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- Truly live our faith.
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- The onset of that covid-19 pandemic,
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- We all did our best to live healthier lives.
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- Remember that?
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- We all got really focused on that for a season.
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- We limited our possible exposure to persons or circumstances
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- Which might have put us at high risk of contracting the virus.
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- We all understood it wasn't time for business as usual.
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- We closed schools and businesses,
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- And we stayed home, and we washed our groceries.
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- I don't mean the vegetables.
- 00:03:46.708 --> 00:03:48.610
- You washed the cans.
- 00:03:48.610 --> 00:03:50.812
- Now we're a little embarrassed, but we did.
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- Well, i would submit to you, if we can borrow the idea for a
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- Moment, we are continuing--in fact,
- 00:03:56.918 --> 00:03:59.321
- We are probably in a more heightened
- 00:03:59.321 --> 00:04:00.889
- Spiritual pandemic today.
- 00:04:00.889 --> 00:04:03.992
- And i would submit to you, you're not at greater risk of an
- 00:04:03.992 --> 00:04:06.194
- Infection from a virus, but you're at greater risk of
- 00:04:06.194 --> 00:04:08.430
- Deception than you've ever been in your spiritual journey.
- 00:04:08.430 --> 00:04:12.467
- Deception, manipulation of being overwhelmed by ungodliness,
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- Because it's being expressed in ways and with a frequency beyond
- 00:04:15.337 --> 00:04:20.742
- Anything i've seen.
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- We're in danger of compromising our faith.
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- The pressures to do that are intensifying.
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- They don't want you to deny your faith.
- 00:04:27.683 --> 00:04:29.151
- They're just trying to ask you to assimilate
- 00:04:29.151 --> 00:04:30.719
- Some other ideas into it.
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- Don't be so rigid.
- 00:04:32.054 --> 00:04:33.855
- Don't be so determined to assert that jesus of nazareth is the
- 00:04:33.855 --> 00:04:36.825
- Way, the truth, and the life.
- 00:04:36.825 --> 00:04:38.327
- Can't we just all get along?
- 00:04:38.327 --> 00:04:40.862
- Why do we have to imagine such narrow definitions?
- 00:04:40.862 --> 00:04:46.034
- All those pressures are growing, as are the pressures to deny the
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- Lord--not to walk away completely from your faith,
- 00:04:51.873 --> 00:04:54.109
- Just to deny the lord for a moment of opportunity.
- 00:04:54.109 --> 00:04:58.313
- Or for a moment, i could just turn down the volume.
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- There's a little window here.
- 00:05:00.048 --> 00:05:02.351
- I'm just gonna slip through the window,
- 00:05:02.351 --> 00:05:03.685
- And then i'll turn the volume back up on the other side.
- 00:05:03.685 --> 00:05:09.624
- And i want to encourage you it's a time to live our faith,
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- To give attention to the truth that you know,
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- To limit your exposure to temptation,
- 00:05:17.499 --> 00:05:20.068
- More so than you ever have before.
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- We know the places where you're tempted.
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- We're not tempted on every point,
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- But you know the places you're most vulnerable.
- 00:05:25.273 --> 00:05:27.342
- Limit your exposure to temptation.
- 00:05:27.342 --> 00:05:29.411
- Turn away from anything you know diminishes righteousness.
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- Just don't encourage it. don't cultivate it.
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- Don't give yourself willingly to those places.
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- Seek the lord.
- 00:05:39.454 --> 00:05:40.789
- Spend time thinking about godliness,
- 00:05:40.789 --> 00:05:42.357
- More time than you're accustomed to.
- 00:05:42.357 --> 00:05:44.926
- Don't spend time thinking about the wickedness,
- 00:05:44.926 --> 00:05:46.928
- Or the immorality, and the ungodliness,
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- And the economic chaos that is ahead of us.
- 00:05:48.730 --> 00:05:50.966
- It is ahead of us.
- 00:05:50.966 --> 00:05:54.636
- But you can't fix it, you're not gonna think your way through it.
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- Worrying won't help, or we would organize groups.
- 00:05:57.839 --> 00:06:02.344
- Spend more time thinking about godliness.
- 00:06:02.344 --> 00:06:04.246
- Take time to pray and to listen.
- 00:06:04.246 --> 00:06:07.082
- Give thanks to god--not because you feel like it,
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- Not because your circumstances seem to dictate it,
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- Because he is worthy.
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- He is your provider. he is your protection.
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- He's your sustainer.
- 00:06:17.159 --> 00:06:20.695
- We've been idolatrous for too long.
- 00:06:20.695 --> 00:06:23.799
- We've trusted in the strength of the dollar,
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- Or the constitution, or the bill of rights.
- 00:06:25.801 --> 00:06:28.403
- We've watched all those things
- 00:06:28.403 --> 00:06:29.738
- Be set aside rather quickly and glibly.
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- Take time to give thanks.
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- Look for evidence of god's activity.
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- Use your voices and your influence to encourage holiness
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- And purity.
- 00:06:39.848 --> 00:06:43.418
- We've been silent too long. we've winked at ungodliness.
- 00:06:43.418 --> 00:06:45.987
- We smiled at it, and laughed at it,
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- And grinned at it, and encouraged our kids towards it.
- 00:06:47.689 --> 00:06:53.094
- Act out the truth you know.
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- Do everything in your power to avoid a theoretical faith.
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- If you don't intend to lives it, have the courage to say,
- 00:06:57.699 --> 00:07:00.335
- "i don't believe it."
- 00:07:00.335 --> 00:07:02.537
- We've gotta stop pretending.
- 00:07:02.537 --> 00:07:05.907
- We're past that. that season has gone.
- 00:07:05.907 --> 00:07:08.376
- The consequences are too high.
- 00:07:08.376 --> 00:07:11.079
- Watch, listen, think, act as christ followers.
- 00:07:11.079 --> 00:07:18.119
- The responsibility of friendship is different than what social
- 00:07:18.119 --> 00:07:20.455
- Media calls friends.
- 00:07:20.455 --> 00:07:23.592
- It's not about how many likes you can gather.
- 00:07:23.592 --> 00:07:26.628
- Friendship isn't about being a voyeur digitally.
- 00:07:26.628 --> 00:07:30.532
- True friendships come with responsibilities.
- 00:07:30.532 --> 00:07:33.502
- You have a limited capacity for friends,
- 00:07:33.502 --> 00:07:36.838
- Because you have a limited amount of time
- 00:07:36.838 --> 00:07:38.507
- And space and energy.
- 00:07:38.507 --> 00:07:41.476
- You can't truly give attention to but a
- 00:07:41.476 --> 00:07:44.546
- Limited number of friends.
- 00:07:44.546 --> 00:07:46.915
- You can be friendly, but that's different.
- 00:07:46.915 --> 00:07:48.750
- We'll talk about that in a moment.
- 00:07:48.750 --> 00:07:50.252
- In john 15 and verse 16, jesus said,
- 00:07:50.252 --> 00:07:52.787
- "you didn't choose me, but i chose you and appointed you to
- 00:07:52.787 --> 00:07:57.325
- Go and bear fruit--fruit that will last."
- 00:07:57.325 --> 00:08:00.328
- Beginning point for this is to understand
- 00:08:00.328 --> 00:08:01.830
- That you've been chosen.
- 00:08:01.830 --> 00:08:04.599
- Now, we've all been left off or left out.
- 00:08:04.599 --> 00:08:08.403
- It's happened to all of us from programs you wanted to be
- 00:08:08.403 --> 00:08:11.640
- Included in or marriages that we wanted to remain a part of,
- 00:08:11.640 --> 00:08:14.743
- Or schools that we wanted an opportunity to participate,
- 00:08:14.743 --> 00:08:17.879
- Or something.
- 00:08:17.879 --> 00:08:19.748
- We all understand what that's like,
- 00:08:19.748 --> 00:08:22.284
- But it's important to know that the creator of heaven and
- 00:08:22.284 --> 00:08:24.219
- Earth has chosen you.
- 00:08:24.219 --> 00:08:25.554
- And i'm not gonna take the time to build it biblically,
- 00:08:25.554 --> 00:08:27.556
- But if you will trust me on it for the moment,
- 00:08:27.556 --> 00:08:29.958
- We'll look at it another time.
- 00:08:29.958 --> 00:08:31.593
- Before you ever chose god, he chose you.
- 00:08:31.593 --> 00:08:35.196
- Before you had an inclination towards him,
- 00:08:35.196 --> 00:08:37.198
- When you were still completely ensnared in ungodliness,
- 00:08:37.198 --> 00:08:40.802
- And you could've cared less about him,
- 00:08:40.802 --> 00:08:42.871
- God chose you, and he made provision that you and i might
- 00:08:42.871 --> 00:08:46.641
- Lead godly, upright, righteous lives,
- 00:08:46.641 --> 00:08:50.745
- Chosen by god.
- 00:08:50.745 --> 00:08:53.648
- And i suspect somewhere along the journey,
- 00:08:53.648 --> 00:08:54.983
- You probably weren't even too happy about it.
- 00:08:54.983 --> 00:08:58.053
- When you first started feeling guilty and uncomfortable,
- 00:08:58.053 --> 00:09:00.989
- That conviction started within you,
- 00:09:00.989 --> 00:09:02.557
- But you really weren't ready to stop whatever it was you were
- 00:09:02.557 --> 00:09:04.526
- Convicted of, yet--
- 00:09:04.526 --> 00:09:10.865
- Can't even throw a good fit and feel good about it anymore.
- 00:09:10.865 --> 00:09:15.437
- It's not always easy.
- 00:09:15.437 --> 00:09:16.771
- Well, there's two specific groups i would just highlight to
- 00:09:16.771 --> 00:09:19.674
- You, want to keep an awareness of, that god has chosen--same
- 00:09:19.674 --> 00:09:22.711
- Story, same objective, but they form different parts of that
- 00:09:22.711 --> 00:09:27.949
- Emerging story, but it's important
- 00:09:27.949 --> 00:09:29.818
- To understand them both.
- 00:09:29.818 --> 00:09:31.152
- The first is the jewish people.
- 00:09:31.152 --> 00:09:34.889
- God chose the jewish people. it's very clear in scripture.
- 00:09:34.889 --> 00:09:37.926
- We'll read a passage or two together in just a moment.
- 00:09:37.926 --> 00:09:40.962
- He hasn't set them aside.
- 00:09:40.962 --> 00:09:42.797
- That's the arrogance and the heresy of the christian church.
- 00:09:42.797 --> 00:09:47.836
- It's carnal nature, started very early,
- 00:09:47.836 --> 00:09:50.271
- Started in the books of the new testament.
- 00:09:50.271 --> 00:09:51.940
- Before they even got the canon of the new testament closed,
- 00:09:51.940 --> 00:09:54.509
- The non-jewish people were saying the jewish people missed
- 00:09:54.509 --> 00:09:56.811
- Their opportunity.
- 00:09:56.811 --> 00:09:59.481
- Well, god doesn't think so.
- 00:09:59.481 --> 00:10:01.883
- So, i would encourage you to align your thinking with god's.
- 00:10:01.883 --> 00:10:04.386
- It's his story.
- 00:10:04.386 --> 00:10:06.788
- But i'll tell you this.
- 00:10:06.788 --> 00:10:08.256
- What i've learned--i have many people,
- 00:10:08.256 --> 00:10:10.458
- Many friends who are jewish, and the story,
- 00:10:10.458 --> 00:10:15.363
- Both historically and even to an extent today i would submit,
- 00:10:15.363 --> 00:10:19.000
- Israel doesn't want to be different.
- 00:10:19.000 --> 00:10:23.238
- They would tell you there's a tremendous price to be paid for
- 00:10:23.238 --> 00:10:26.908
- Being chosen--
- 00:10:26.908 --> 00:10:30.612
- Our study at hebrew university in jerusalem,
- 00:10:30.612 --> 00:10:33.581
- And you sit in those history classes,
- 00:10:33.581 --> 00:10:34.916
- And you hear what the jewish people have endured,
- 00:10:34.916 --> 00:10:39.220
- Far too frequently at the hands of the people under the name of
- 00:10:39.220 --> 00:10:42.223
- Christianity, and they're very aware of the high price that was
- 00:10:42.223 --> 00:10:47.195
- Paid for them to be chosen by god.
- 00:10:47.195 --> 00:10:51.666
- It comes at a cost to be god's friend.
- 00:10:51.666 --> 00:10:57.439
- It does.
- 00:10:57.439 --> 00:10:59.140
- And they finally said, "look, we just don't want to do this.
- 00:10:59.140 --> 00:11:02.143
- We want to be like all the other nations."
- 00:11:02.143 --> 00:11:05.380
- And here's the awkward part: they're not.
- 00:11:05.380 --> 00:11:09.484
- They're not like all the other nations.
- 00:11:09.484 --> 00:11:13.788
- It's important to understand.
- 00:11:13.788 --> 00:11:17.225
- You see, god's choices in your life and mine carry a weight and
- 00:11:17.225 --> 00:11:21.830
- A significance.
- 00:11:21.830 --> 00:11:23.331
- Look with me at the scripture. it'll help.
- 00:11:23.331 --> 00:11:25.233
- Exodus 19, this was god speaking to them.
- 00:11:25.233 --> 00:11:27.402
- This is after--we just read exodus together.
- 00:11:27.402 --> 00:11:29.537
- We're in leviticus now. how's that going for you.
- 00:11:29.537 --> 00:11:32.574
- Good stuff, isn't it?
- 00:11:32.574 --> 00:11:33.908
- Leviticus should've come with pictures.
- 00:11:33.908 --> 00:11:36.945
- It would've helped, wouldn't it?
- 00:11:36.945 --> 00:11:39.447
- Exodus 19, "then out of all nations you'll
- 00:11:39.447 --> 00:11:42.417
- Be my treasured possession.
- 00:11:42.417 --> 00:11:44.853
- And although the whole earth is mine,
- 00:11:44.853 --> 00:11:47.422
- You will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
- 00:11:47.422 --> 00:11:52.827
- These are the words you're to speak to the israelites."
- 00:11:52.827 --> 00:11:55.730
- God said, "moses, you tell them, all of you are gonna be for me
- 00:11:55.730 --> 00:11:59.100
- A kingdom of priests, kings and priests."
- 00:11:59.100 --> 00:12:01.936
- Out of all the peoples in the world--they're all mine,
- 00:12:01.936 --> 00:12:04.539
- But you're a special possession to me.
- 00:12:04.539 --> 00:12:07.876
- They didn't have a vote.
- 00:12:07.876 --> 00:12:10.111
- All they really wanted was out of the egyptian brick pits.
- 00:12:10.111 --> 00:12:14.048
- They didn't want to be slaves to pharaoh any longer.
- 00:12:14.048 --> 00:12:16.251
- They wanted to be free.
- 00:12:16.251 --> 00:12:18.753
- And god said, "i've come to get you.
- 00:12:18.753 --> 00:12:21.289
- We're leaving."
- 00:12:21.289 --> 00:12:23.391
- And there was some pretty good drama around that,
- 00:12:23.391 --> 00:12:25.460
- Some pretty significant theatrics,
- 00:12:25.460 --> 00:12:26.961
- Complete with the parting of the red sea,
- 00:12:26.961 --> 00:12:30.565
- And water out of a rock, and manna every day,
- 00:12:30.565 --> 00:12:32.700
- And a tabernacle, and a priesthood,
- 00:12:32.700 --> 00:12:34.669
- And a sacrificial system, and god said,
- 00:12:34.669 --> 00:12:36.704
- "now, you tell them, you're a special people."
- 00:12:36.704 --> 00:12:42.143
- You see, to know god, to experience god,
- 00:12:42.143 --> 00:12:45.780
- To have god know you and give you a revelation of himself is
- 00:12:45.780 --> 00:12:50.952
- A point of distinction, a line of demarcation in your journey
- 00:12:50.952 --> 00:12:53.955
- Through time.
- 00:12:53.955 --> 00:12:56.357
- It's not about sitting in church.
- 00:12:56.357 --> 00:12:58.793
- You can sit in church and never know the lord.
- 00:12:58.793 --> 00:13:03.631
- 1 samuel chapter 8, verse 19, the people refused
- 00:13:03.631 --> 00:13:05.767
- To listen to samuel.
- 00:13:05.767 --> 00:13:07.101
- Samuel was the last of the judges.
- 00:13:07.101 --> 00:13:10.071
- The book of judges is coming.
- 00:13:10.071 --> 00:13:11.406
- It's a little more dramatic than leviticus.
- 00:13:11.406 --> 00:13:14.509
- For 400 years, the hebrews people lived in the land of
- 00:13:14.509 --> 00:13:17.512
- Israel without a centralized government: no king,
- 00:13:17.512 --> 00:13:20.915
- No monarchy, no standing army.
- 00:13:20.915 --> 00:13:23.451
- They had tribes, the tribal system;
- 00:13:23.451 --> 00:13:25.253
- And when there was a need for a unified response,
- 00:13:25.253 --> 00:13:28.189
- God would raise up a leader, and empower them to meet the needs
- 00:13:28.189 --> 00:13:32.827
- Of that specific season.
- 00:13:32.827 --> 00:13:34.729
- And the book of judges is this cycle between the people
- 00:13:34.729 --> 00:13:37.966
- Experiencing the blessings of god and drifting into apostasy
- 00:13:37.966 --> 00:13:41.970
- And suffering, and crying out to god,
- 00:13:41.970 --> 00:13:43.972
- And god raising up a leader that would lead them back to a place
- 00:13:43.972 --> 00:13:48.042
- Of independence at some significant cost.
- 00:13:48.042 --> 00:13:52.146
- And then the blessings of god would come again,
- 00:13:52.146 --> 00:13:53.715
- And then they would drift again into apostasy.
- 00:13:53.715 --> 00:13:55.950
- Sound familiar?
- 00:13:55.950 --> 00:13:58.119
- We're not the first generation
- 00:13:58.119 --> 00:13:59.454
- To have a bit of a problem with drift.
- 00:13:59.454 --> 00:14:03.958
- Well, the last of the judges is samuel.
- 00:14:03.958 --> 00:14:05.827
- Israel's never had a king,
- 00:14:05.827 --> 00:14:09.030
- And the tribal leaders come to samuel.
- 00:14:09.030 --> 00:14:12.567
- Chapter 8, "the people refused to listen to samuel.
- 00:14:12.567 --> 00:14:14.636
- 'no! we want a king over us.
- 00:14:14.636 --> 00:14:17.205
- Then we will be like all the other nations,
- 00:14:17.205 --> 00:14:20.775
- With a king to lead us and to go out before
- 00:14:20.775 --> 00:14:23.411
- Us and to fight our battles.
- 00:14:23.411 --> 00:14:24.746
- We don't want to fight our battles anymore.
- 00:14:24.746 --> 00:14:28.249
- We don't want to stand in this place of responsibility.
- 00:14:28.249 --> 00:14:32.120
- We don't want to have to worry about this relationship.
- 00:14:32.120 --> 00:14:35.990
- We want the benefits with no responsibilities.
- 00:14:35.990 --> 00:14:39.861
- Give us a king. let them be responsible.'"
- 00:14:39.861 --> 00:14:43.898
- Did it change the nature of the covenant they had with the lord?
- 00:14:43.898 --> 00:14:46.301
- No.
- 00:14:46.301 --> 00:14:48.169
- Did it change their future?
- 00:14:48.169 --> 00:14:49.504
- Absolutely, it did.
- 00:14:49.504 --> 00:14:54.876
- Female announcer: if you look, you'll find good
- 00:14:58.880 --> 00:15:00.515
- News everywhere.
- 00:15:00.515 --> 00:15:02.383
- Female: our baby was born healthy and strong.
- 00:15:02.383 --> 00:15:06.254
- Female: we have the groceries we need.
- 00:15:06.254 --> 00:15:08.823
- Male: another year cancer-free.
- 00:15:08.823 --> 00:15:12.193
- Female: we bought our first house this year.
- 00:15:12.193 --> 00:15:16.130
- Female: the raise came through when i needed it most.
- 00:15:16.130 --> 00:15:19.767
- Male: i have a working car.
- 00:15:19.767 --> 00:15:23.371
- Female: my husband came home safe.
- 00:15:23.371 --> 00:15:27.241
- Female announcer: philippians 4 tells us to, "think about
- 00:15:27.241 --> 00:15:29.077
- Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable,
- 00:15:29.077 --> 00:15:34.682
- Excellent and praiseworthy."
- 00:15:34.682 --> 00:15:36.951
- All of these things honor god and when we take time to notice
- 00:15:36.951 --> 00:15:40.254
- Them, we welcome god's presence and experience his peace.
- 00:15:40.254 --> 00:15:44.125
- Allen: you know, the two most critical junctures of any
- 00:15:45.893 --> 00:15:48.429
- Enterprise are how we begin and how we conclude.
- 00:15:48.429 --> 00:15:51.866
- So, the beginning of a new year is a tremendous opportunity.
- 00:15:51.866 --> 00:15:55.803
- We've prepared a tool we want to share with you.
- 00:15:55.803 --> 00:15:57.605
- It's a good news journal.
- 00:15:57.605 --> 00:15:59.474
- We wanna help you set a habit this year to do something with
- 00:15:59.474 --> 00:16:03.511
- A bit more intention than perhaps has been our pattern in
- 00:16:03.511 --> 00:16:06.481
- The past.
- 00:16:06.481 --> 00:16:07.815
- We wanna start our year with an attitude of appreciation and
- 00:16:07.815 --> 00:16:10.852
- Gratitude for the blessings of god in our lives.
- 00:16:10.852 --> 00:16:14.088
- So, we've designed this journal so that you can use it as a part
- 00:16:14.088 --> 00:16:17.091
- Of your devotional.
- 00:16:17.091 --> 00:16:18.426
- It's something you could include the children, the grandchildren.
- 00:16:18.426 --> 00:16:20.661
- You could take it to work and create a good news journal for
- 00:16:20.661 --> 00:16:23.097
- The people you work with.
- 00:16:23.097 --> 00:16:24.699
- Wherever that may be, let's start our year out purposefully,
- 00:16:24.699 --> 00:16:28.469
- Intentionally saying, "thank you," to the lord for his
- 00:16:28.469 --> 00:16:31.472
- Goodness to us.
- 00:16:31.472 --> 00:16:32.940
- I know there's challenges and we have places where we need god's
- 00:16:32.940 --> 00:16:35.676
- Help, but we're gonna begin with gratitude and walk into the
- 00:16:35.676 --> 00:16:39.580
- Blessings of god in this year.
- 00:16:39.580 --> 00:16:41.949
- I think you'll enjoy the journal.
- 00:16:41.949 --> 00:16:43.684
- God bless.
- 00:16:43.684 --> 00:16:45.019
- Female announcer: when you keep a good news list, you'll notice
- 00:16:45.019 --> 00:16:47.121
- How god is constantly at work all around you.
- 00:16:47.121 --> 00:16:50.391
- Our new 52-week, good news notebook gives you a place to
- 00:16:50.391 --> 00:16:54.328
- Record your good news, prayers you saw god answer, and your
- 00:16:54.328 --> 00:16:57.932
- Current prayer requests.
- 00:16:57.932 --> 00:16:59.700
- As you look back on your lists over the weeks and months to
- 00:16:59.700 --> 00:17:02.570
- Come, you'll find a personal record of god's faithfulness
- 00:17:02.570 --> 00:17:05.506
- To you.
- 00:17:05.506 --> 00:17:06.841
- Allen: we are trusting god for a year like no other for his
- 00:17:06.841 --> 00:17:09.243
- Breakthroughs this year.
- 00:17:09.243 --> 00:17:10.611
- I believe the good news journal can be a part of our journey in
- 00:17:10.611 --> 00:17:13.581
- Each of our lives.
- 00:17:13.581 --> 00:17:14.916
- Female announcer: request your good news notebook when you
- 00:17:14.916 --> 00:17:16.517
- Donate $20 or more today at
- 00:17:16.517 --> 00:17:19.921
- Or by calling...
- 00:17:19.921 --> 00:17:24.625
- Announcer: we are committed to helping you grow in your faith
- 00:17:27.628 --> 00:17:29.330
- And have tools for your journey no matter your schedule.
- 00:17:29.330 --> 00:17:32.233
- Get daily encouragement and insight with pastor allen's
- 00:17:32.233 --> 00:17:34.836
- Daily devotion right in your inbox.
- 00:17:34.836 --> 00:17:36.804
- Just sign up on the website.
- 00:17:36.804 --> 00:17:38.473
- Join us on one of our livestream services right from your tv
- 00:17:38.473 --> 00:17:41.709
- Using the allen jackson ministries app,
- 00:17:41.709 --> 00:17:43.644
- Listen to a powerful message
- 00:17:43.644 --> 00:17:45.379
- Through your favorite podcast app perfect for a commute,
- 00:17:45.379 --> 00:17:48.282
- And make sure to follow pastor allen
- 00:17:48.282 --> 00:17:50.051
- On social media to stay up to date with everything happening
- 00:17:50.051 --> 00:17:52.620
- Here with allen jackson ministries.
- 00:17:52.620 --> 00:17:55.223
- Allen: absolutely it did--i told you god had chosen
- 00:17:58.259 --> 00:18:00.595
- Two groups of people.
- 00:18:00.595 --> 00:18:01.929
- One was the jewish people; the other is the church.
- 00:18:01.929 --> 00:18:04.232
- That's not about a racial identity.
- 00:18:04.232 --> 00:18:05.933
- The church is comprised of every human being.
- 00:18:05.933 --> 00:18:08.035
- They'll be brought from every nation,
- 00:18:08.035 --> 00:18:09.904
- Race, language, and tribe.
- 00:18:09.904 --> 00:18:11.572
- What binds us together is the lordship of jesus of nazareth
- 00:18:11.572 --> 00:18:14.609
- In our lives.
- 00:18:14.609 --> 00:18:16.677
- It's not about a building, a congregation, or a denomination.
- 00:18:16.677 --> 00:18:19.780
- It's about your allegiance to jesus.
- 00:18:19.780 --> 00:18:22.250
- In 1 peter chapter 2, we're gonna read a verse that sounds
- 00:18:22.250 --> 00:18:24.819
- A great deal like what we read in exodus 19.
- 00:18:24.819 --> 00:18:26.554
- "you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood,
- 00:18:26.554 --> 00:18:30.958
- A holy nation, a people for god's own possession,
- 00:18:30.958 --> 00:18:34.829
- That you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called
- 00:18:34.829 --> 00:18:37.899
- You out of darkness into his marvelous light."
- 00:18:37.899 --> 00:18:40.067
- He didn't call us from the brick pits of egypt.
- 00:18:40.067 --> 00:18:42.403
- He called us from bondage to sin into his marvelous light.
- 00:18:42.403 --> 00:18:49.610
- And this is peter, the big fisherman that jesus recruited.
- 00:18:49.610 --> 00:18:52.180
- He's saying to us, "you're a chosen race,
- 00:18:52.180 --> 00:18:54.749
- A royal priesthood.
- 00:18:54.749 --> 00:18:56.117
- You're a kingdom of priests."
- 00:18:56.117 --> 00:19:00.955
- And we're a whole lot like those people we've been reading about
- 00:19:00.955 --> 00:19:02.990
- In exodus and leviticus, and you're going to read in numbers
- 00:19:02.990 --> 00:19:05.426
- And deuteronomy.
- 00:19:05.426 --> 00:19:07.628
- And we didn't really buy into all this.
- 00:19:07.628 --> 00:19:08.963
- We just didn't want to go to hell.
- 00:19:08.963 --> 00:19:12.633
- I mean, we didn't sign up for like extra credit.
- 00:19:12.633 --> 00:19:16.237
- We looked at discipleship plans, and we didn't want to be like
- 00:19:16.237 --> 00:19:18.673
- Super disciples, right?
- 00:19:18.673 --> 00:19:22.143
- We were looking for minimal daily requirements.
- 00:19:22.143 --> 00:19:26.080
- "i bought a bible.
- 00:19:26.080 --> 00:19:29.217
- What do you mean i have to read it?
- 00:19:29.217 --> 00:19:31.986
- Well, i read it once."
- 00:19:31.986 --> 00:19:34.689
- Oh, well, bless your heart.
- 00:19:34.689 --> 00:19:40.428
- There's a relationship implied.
- 00:19:40.428 --> 00:19:42.730
- In acts chapter 10 and verse 34, "peter began to speak,
- 00:19:42.730 --> 00:19:45.600
- 'i now realize how true it is that god does not show
- 00:19:45.600 --> 00:19:48.069
- Favoritism, but accepts men from every nation who fear him
- 00:19:48.069 --> 00:19:51.973
- And do what is right.'"
- 00:19:51.973 --> 00:19:55.243
- I would submit to you that just as much as the
- 00:19:55.243 --> 00:19:57.445
- Israelites, the jewish people struggled with that invitation
- 00:19:57.445 --> 00:20:01.115
- To be different, that oftentimes the church doesn't want to be
- 00:20:01.115 --> 00:20:03.818
- Different, that just as much as the tribal leaders came to
- 00:20:03.818 --> 00:20:07.755
- Samuel and said, "we want a king so we can be like everybody
- 00:20:07.755 --> 00:20:10.625
- Else," i would submit to you there's an abundance of evidence
- 00:20:10.625 --> 00:20:13.728
- That suggests we want to be like all the other people.
- 00:20:13.728 --> 00:20:19.467
- Can't we just fly under the radar and slip into the building
- 00:20:19.467 --> 00:20:21.402
- On sunday and go, "praise jesus"?
- 00:20:21.402 --> 00:20:24.305
- Can't we do business like a pagan?
- 00:20:24.305 --> 00:20:27.241
- Can't we party like the pagans?
- 00:20:27.241 --> 00:20:30.845
- Can we have an attitude towards human sexuality like the pagans?
- 00:20:30.845 --> 00:20:33.681
- Or can't we make the boundaries or the goals?
- 00:20:33.681 --> 00:20:35.616
- Can't we do that?
- 00:20:35.616 --> 00:20:37.885
- We don't want to be different. we just want to go to heaven.
- 00:20:37.885 --> 00:20:42.523
- We don't want to be different.
- 00:20:42.523 --> 00:20:43.858
- We just don't want to make bricks anymore in egypt.
- 00:20:43.858 --> 00:20:46.994
- Why are you bothering us with all these rules about
- 00:20:46.994 --> 00:20:48.729
- Righteousness and holiness and purity?
- 00:20:48.729 --> 00:20:51.232
- We were tired of the suffering.
- 00:20:51.232 --> 00:20:52.767
- We wanted to be free.
- 00:20:52.767 --> 00:20:57.438
- The chosen people, a holy nation.
- 00:20:57.438 --> 00:21:02.743
- See, i think you have a legitimate reason to question
- 00:21:02.743 --> 00:21:05.646
- The foundation of your faith
- 00:21:05.646 --> 00:21:07.114
- If you have no interest in being holy.
- 00:21:07.114 --> 00:21:11.485
- If righteousness and purity and godliness aren't really
- 00:21:11.485 --> 00:21:15.089
- Something that appeal to you,
- 00:21:15.089 --> 00:21:17.391
- I don't want to bring a sense of condemnation.
- 00:21:17.391 --> 00:21:19.226
- I want to bring a sense of questioning to you.
- 00:21:19.226 --> 00:21:24.198
- I don't think you're affiliation with the church or your
- 00:21:24.198 --> 00:21:27.535
- Engagement in a worship service is really the objective for you
- 00:21:27.535 --> 00:21:31.972
- Or for me.
- 00:21:31.972 --> 00:21:35.609
- God's gonna accept men from every nation who fear him
- 00:21:35.609 --> 00:21:38.112
- And do what is right.
- 00:21:38.112 --> 00:21:39.680
- We want to be like all the other people,
- 00:21:39.680 --> 00:21:41.015
- And we're not.
- 00:21:41.015 --> 00:21:43.884
- I've read the literature a lot, and up until covid,
- 00:21:43.884 --> 00:21:46.854
- The predominant theme in so much of current evangelicalism in
- 00:21:46.854 --> 00:21:51.092
- This nation was how do we relate to the world, to the ungodly?
- 00:21:51.092 --> 00:21:54.962
- How do we communicate with them?
- 00:21:54.962 --> 00:21:56.297
- How do we make them understand us?
- 00:21:56.297 --> 00:21:58.699
- We don't want for them to feel rejected nor confused,
- 00:21:58.699 --> 00:22:01.402
- Or condemned, or judged.
- 00:22:01.402 --> 00:22:08.509
- I mean, it's a degree that is necessary.
- 00:22:08.509 --> 00:22:10.044
- Jesus certainly spent time with the sinners.
- 00:22:10.044 --> 00:22:15.549
- We also have to tell the truth to the church.
- 00:22:15.549 --> 00:22:20.154
- We can't be more interested in speaking the language of the
- 00:22:20.154 --> 00:22:22.390
- Ungodly than we are the language of the righteous.
- 00:22:22.390 --> 00:22:27.094
- We can't be more at home in the midst of ungodliness and
- 00:22:27.094 --> 00:22:31.298
- Immorality and wickedness
- 00:22:31.298 --> 00:22:33.334
- Than we are in the presence of the holy.
- 00:22:33.334 --> 00:22:37.505
- We are serving a king.
- 00:22:37.505 --> 00:22:40.207
- That is the point of this journey through
- 00:22:40.207 --> 00:22:42.576
- Time that we have.
- 00:22:42.576 --> 00:22:43.911
- We are doing everything in our power to please
- 00:22:43.911 --> 00:22:46.547
- A very specific audience.
- 00:22:46.547 --> 00:22:52.753
- And if he sends you, as he did in our new book of acts,
- 00:22:52.753 --> 00:22:55.423
- To the desert to stand by the road,
- 00:22:55.423 --> 00:22:57.625
- To speak to someone from another nation,
- 00:22:57.625 --> 00:22:59.894
- You want to be moving.
- 00:22:59.894 --> 00:23:02.630
- You'll notice the book of acts is a story about god's purposes
- 00:23:02.630 --> 00:23:05.599
- For his people, not god's people's purposes for him.
- 00:23:05.599 --> 00:23:11.272
- And we've kind of flipped the script on that.
- 00:23:11.272 --> 00:23:13.307
- How do we get god to do what it is we want him to do?
- 00:23:13.307 --> 00:23:16.777
- And the point of this relationship,
- 00:23:16.777 --> 00:23:18.312
- This friendship is that we might serve the king.
- 00:23:18.312 --> 00:23:23.217
- Jesus said to the jewish leaders,
- 00:23:23.217 --> 00:23:25.319
- To the jewish leaders, the covenant keeping,
- 00:23:25.319 --> 00:23:27.855
- The law of moses keeping--they celebrated the right holidays.
- 00:23:27.855 --> 00:23:31.025
- They kept kosher, which means they imagine even what went on
- 00:23:31.025 --> 00:23:34.094
- Their fork--determined their holiness.
- 00:23:34.094 --> 00:23:40.901
- Do you understand the degree in which they
- 00:23:40.901 --> 00:23:42.236
- Were enmeshed in rules?
- 00:23:42.236 --> 00:23:44.872
- And jesus said to them, "you are of your father,
- 00:23:44.872 --> 00:23:48.075
- The devil."
- 00:23:48.075 --> 00:23:51.512
- Did you know you can have the right pedigree and still be
- 00:23:51.512 --> 00:23:54.815
- Under the wrong authority?
- 00:23:54.815 --> 00:23:59.887
- God has chosen you, but it comes with a responsibility.
- 00:23:59.887 --> 00:24:06.026
- And i understand if you're a christ follower,
- 00:24:06.026 --> 00:24:07.828
- You've made the decision for a new birth,
- 00:24:07.828 --> 00:24:09.530
- For salvation, conversion, whatever phrase you prefer to
- 00:24:09.530 --> 00:24:15.169
- Describe that initiation into the kingdom of god.
- 00:24:15.169 --> 00:24:17.505
- I believe in that.
- 00:24:17.505 --> 00:24:19.673
- I believe baptism is important.
- 00:24:19.673 --> 00:24:21.108
- We've got a couple dozen people being baptized tonight.
- 00:24:21.108 --> 00:24:24.979
- I met a--god.
- 00:24:24.979 --> 00:24:29.250
- You know that's not normal, right?
- 00:24:29.250 --> 00:24:31.886
- Week after week, we have dozens of people coming to be baptized.
- 00:24:31.886 --> 00:24:35.489
- Last week, i met a couple from carolina.
- 00:24:35.489 --> 00:24:37.157
- Tonight, i met a woman from florida.
- 00:24:37.157 --> 00:24:40.027
- I'm pretty sure there's water between here and florida.
- 00:24:40.027 --> 00:24:43.898
- But god is moving people's hearts in a unique way in our
- 00:24:43.898 --> 00:24:47.134
- Own community.
- 00:24:47.134 --> 00:24:48.769
- Young and old. don't miss that.
- 00:24:48.769 --> 00:24:51.405
- Don't spend your time focusing your attention on the
- 00:24:51.405 --> 00:24:54.675
- Goofy things that are happening.
- 00:24:54.675 --> 00:24:56.010
- You need to know they're happening;
- 00:24:56.010 --> 00:24:57.344
- But once you've kind of charted it--
- 00:24:57.344 --> 00:24:58.712
- Yeah, the border's open.
- 00:24:58.712 --> 00:25:00.047
- It's wicked.
- 00:25:00.047 --> 00:25:01.815
- That's why illegal is attached to that.
- 00:25:01.815 --> 00:25:04.485
- And when the government sanctions illegal,
- 00:25:04.485 --> 00:25:06.220
- We're in major trouble.
- 00:25:06.220 --> 00:25:09.123
- But don't spend your time focused on that.
- 00:25:09.123 --> 00:25:11.258
- Bend your knee. begin to talk to the lord.
- 00:25:11.258 --> 00:25:13.060
- Say, "lord, we need your help."
- 00:25:13.060 --> 00:25:16.263
- It's our own hearts. we've been rebels.
- 00:25:16.263 --> 00:25:18.132
- We haven't been willing to yield to authority.
- 00:25:18.132 --> 00:25:19.967
- We've led immoral lives and ungodly lives.
- 00:25:19.967 --> 00:25:22.870
- We've chaffed at the authority of scripture in our lives,
- 00:25:22.870 --> 00:25:25.773
- With the idea of seeking god.
- 00:25:25.773 --> 00:25:27.875
- So, why should we be surprised at the highest levels that
- 00:25:27.875 --> 00:25:30.611
- Our hearts are being reflected?
- 00:25:30.611 --> 00:25:33.080
- Allen: i want to pray with you before we go,
- 00:25:33.147 --> 00:25:35.215
- But i want to remind you of something.
- 00:25:35.215 --> 00:25:36.584
- We've said it already repeatedly,
- 00:25:36.584 --> 00:25:38.018
- But you've been chosen by god.
- 00:25:38.018 --> 00:25:40.321
- You're not just an accident. you're not just a statistic.
- 00:25:40.321 --> 00:25:43.624
- Jesus said that when a sparrow falls to the ground,
- 00:25:43.624 --> 00:25:46.226
- Our heavenly father attends the funeral.
- 00:25:46.226 --> 00:25:47.928
- He's aware of that.
- 00:25:47.928 --> 00:25:49.530
- Well, if he's keeping track of the birds,
- 00:25:49.530 --> 00:25:51.165
- I assure you he's paying attention to your life and mine.
- 00:25:51.165 --> 00:25:54.969
- That's not a threat; that's a wonderful promise of the
- 00:25:54.969 --> 00:25:58.072
- Watchfulness of god in our lives and how important and valuable
- 00:25:58.072 --> 00:26:02.676
- You are to his purposes.
- 00:26:02.676 --> 00:26:04.778
- I want to pray with you, that you don't miss that,
- 00:26:04.778 --> 00:26:06.580
- And that it will lead you
- 00:26:06.580 --> 00:26:07.915
- Through every challenge you face.
- 00:26:07.915 --> 00:26:09.717
- Father, i thank you for your great love for us,
- 00:26:09.717 --> 00:26:12.152
- That you know every circumstance and every detail,
- 00:26:12.152 --> 00:26:14.688
- And that you can bring us triumphantly through every
- 00:26:14.688 --> 00:26:17.124
- Challenge, over every hurdle, that you will give us the
- 00:26:17.124 --> 00:26:19.593
- Strength we need to be overcomers.
- 00:26:19.593 --> 00:26:22.696
- I thank you for it, in jesus's name, amen.
- 00:26:22.696 --> 00:26:26.100
- God bless you, and don't you give up.
- 00:26:26.100 --> 00:26:29.770
- Cc by aberdeen captioning 1-800-688-6621
- 00:26:29.837 --> 00:26:32.873
- Announcer: join us every week for another exciting message
- 00:26:35.776 --> 00:26:38.178
- From pastor allen jackson.
- 00:26:38.178 --> 00:26:40.114
- And until then, visit us online and discover remarkable
- 00:26:40.114 --> 00:26:43.617
- Information and resources to help take your christian life
- 00:26:43.617 --> 00:26:47.154
- To the next level.
- 00:26:47.154 --> 00:26:48.822
- And if you're visiting the nashville area,
- 00:26:48.822 --> 00:26:50.724
- We'd love to see you at world outreach church in murfreesboro.
- 00:26:50.724 --> 00:26:54.328
- We're easy to find, so look us up when you're traveling
- 00:26:54.328 --> 00:26:56.163
- Through, and don't forget to connect with pastor jackson
- 00:26:56.163 --> 00:26:59.299
- Every day through social media.
- 00:26:59.299 --> 00:27:01.869
- Thanks so much for joining us and being
- 00:27:01.869 --> 00:27:03.570
- A part of this ministry.
- 00:27:03.570 --> 00:27:05.039
- We'll see you again next time for another encounter with
- 00:27:05.039 --> 00:27:07.274
- Pastor allen jackson.
- 00:27:07.274 --> 00:27:13.480
- ♪♪♪
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