
Shame Off You + Resilient Hope by Christine Caine

Shame Off You + Resilient Hope by Christine Caine

Embrace His Hope!

When God pours His grace in you, He does it for the long haul. Despite trials, setbacks, disappointments, and the circumstances of life, through Jesus you have a resounding hope that will never disappoint. In her new devotional book, Resilient Hope: 100 Devotions for Building Endurance in an Unpredictable World, author and speaker Christine Caine shows you the secret to developing a faith-filled endurance to move forward with joy and expectation — through the mountains, the valleys, and everything in between. Each day’s reading of Resilient Hope includes a relevant scripture, a reflection by Christine, and a timely prayer — all to help you grow in faith and build endurance to fulfill your God-given purpose.

And in her two-DVD set Shame Off You, Christine takes you to God’s Word to discover the keys to victoriously battle the lies the enemy uses to try to put shame in your path. In this powerful teaching series, Christine will help you understand the reality of God’s unconditional love and limitless grace for you in an encouraging and transformational way!

For your gift of $20 or more, we’ll send you Christine Caine’s hardcover devotional Resilient Hope, along with her two-DVD teaching series Shame Off You, in thanks for your partnership with TBN as we broadcast the love of Jesus around the world.

Please use the form to submit your donation. And thank you for standing with TBN as we spread God’s message of hope and grace to people everywhere.

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