
Israel Bundle

Israel Bundle on Boo & DVD on TBN

Stand With Israel!

Israel is a nation and people rich in history, culture, faith — and the favor of God. It is through Israel that God poured His love on all of humanity through His one and only Son, Jesus. And it is His desire that we would commit to blessing and praying for Israel. To help you learn more about this people so deeply loved and treasured by God, we’re excited to offer you the following resources:

Jerusalem: A Biblical and Historical Case for the Jewish Capital. Author and attorney Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, lays out the evidence for the Jewish people’s claim on the land of Israel and their right to view Jerusalem as their eternal capital. You’ll want to share this book with anyone who needs a better understanding of why Christians should support Israel.

Sledgehammer: How Breaking With the Past Brought Peace to the Middle East. In this fascinating first-person account, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman tells the true and inspiring story of the intricate process that brought Israel and several Islamic nations together to sign the historic, unprecedented peace initiative known as the Abraham Accords.

Secrets in the Hebrew Letters. Pastor Joseph Prince reveals the hidden representations of Jesus throughout the ancient Hebrew alphabet and in specific Hebrew words — prophetic pictures that point to His perfect work on the cross! In this powerful 5-DVD teaching series, you’ll discover how understanding these words can lead to breakthrough and blessing for you and those you love.

Experience the Peace of Israel: A Journal. In these times of uncertainty and unrest, our only hope is in the love, peace, and joy available through Jesus. This beautiful daily personal journal is filled with reminders of His promises, the Hebrew names of God, and breathtaking photography of the Holy Land. Experience the Peace of Israel: A Journal will inspire you to delve deeper into love and fellowship with Jesus.

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